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169 <h3><article_title>Catching up with Wietse Venema, creator of Postfix and TCP Wrapper</article_title></h3>
170 By <author_email><a href=""></a></author_email><author><a href="">Duane Dunston</a></author><br>
171 <date>7/9/2004</date> <time>16:40</time><br><br>
172 <b><summary>Wietse Venema is best known for the software <a href="">TCP Wrapper</a>, which is still widely used today and is included with almost all unix systems. Wietse is also the author of the <a href="">Postfix</a> mail system and the co-author of the very cool suite of utilities called <a href="">The Coroner's Toolkit</a>
173 or "TCT". He is currently working at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center
174 and he has gratiously agreed to allow us to catch up with him and and see
175 what he's been up to lately.</summary></b><br><br>
176 <description>Wietse Venema is best known for the software <a href="">TCP Wrapper</a>, which is still widely used today and is included with almost all unix systems. Wietse is also the author of the <a href="">Postfix</a> mail system and the co-author of the very cool suite of utilities called <a href="">The Coroner's Toolkit</a>
177 or "TCT". He is currently working at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center
178 and he has gratiously agreed to allow us to catch up with him and and see
179 what he's been up to lately. </description><p>
181 <b></b> Thanks for taking the time to interview with us.
182 How you doing these days? The most we hear from you is when Postfix
183 is updated, the mailing lists, or something like that. What are you up to?
185 </p><p>
187 <b>Wietse:</b> I have been finishing things, so that I can start work on new
188 projects. After a major documentation rewrite for the Postfix mail
189 system, I finished the manuscript for a book on computer forensic
190 analysis with Dan Farmer. When I finish something, I normally
191 start reading everything that I can lay my hands on and then
192 inspiration comes.
194 </p><p>
196 <b></b> On your website you mentioned you go bike riding, weather permitting,
197 how's the weather been where you are this year?
199 </p><p>
201 <b>Wietse:</b> It has been fairly typical here in southern New York state. We dig
202 ourselves out from the snow a few times in January and February.
203 Once the snow is gone in March, we spend quality time walking up
204 a hill or riding a bike. Many several former railroads are/were
205 converted into trails, and riding them is fun. Unlike Europe, where
206 I grew up, the roads in southern New York state are not really safe
207 for riding a bicycle.
209 </p><p>
211 <b></b> You have a suite of tools available on your website. Any new
212 ones coming out that address basic fundamental security practices that
213 still aren't followed or are you going to add any new functionality to
214 your existing programs?
216 </p><p>
218 <b>Wietse:</b> Some tools such as TCP WRAPPER are complete, and adding more features
219 does not make them more useful. I would update them only so that
220 they survive changes in operating systems, language compilers and/or
221 network protocols. Some tools such as SATAN have served their
222 purpose, and now have historical value only.
224 </p><p>
226 <b></b> Does the continued success of TCP Wrapper surprise you? If so,
227 why is that? What does TCP Wrapper have that makes it so valuable today.
229 </p><p>
231 Perhaps the biggest virtue is that tcp_wrappers works as expected.
232 This means that not only the software is relatively error free, it
233 is also possible for human beings to install, configure, and forget
234 tcp_wrappers without getting into trouble.
236 </p><p>
238 It does not matter how well software is written when people can't
239 figure out how to use it, or when it has sharp edges that make it
240 unsafe to use. Being safe and secure is hard enough with software
241 like tcp_wrappers that spans only a few thousand lines of code.
243 </p><p>
245 With a 10 times larger system such as Postfix, even relatively
246 error-free software contains a number of errors, and one has to
247 build additional safety features into the architecture to prevent
248 accidents from happening. Just like elevators have safety brakes
249 that prevent them from crashing into the basement, Postfix has
250 safety brakes that most people never notice until they are needed.
252 </p><p>
254 <b></b> Postfix is a really good Mail Transport Agent (MTA), I've been
255 using it for a long time and I set it up for someone any chance I get. Why
256 did you decide to write a new MTA instead of scaling down an existing MTA? :-)
258 </p><p>
260 <b>Wietse:</b> Indeed, why would anyone spend so much time writing yet another
261 UNIX-based mail system, when Sendmail and qmail already existed?
262 When I was looking for a programming project, neither mail system
263 was a desirable option for me, and enough people felt the same way.
265 </p><p>
267 Writing a new mail system from scratch was a change from previous
268 projects. Normally I would retrofit security features almost
269 invisibly, either by replacing an existing server such as portmap
270 by a hardened version that was 100% compatible, or by adding a very
271 thin layer such as tcp_wrappers. In the case of the Postfix mail
272 system, there was no way that the changes could be made in an
273 invisible manner.
275 </p><p>
277 <b></b> What is your take on spam and the role the MTA plays in helping to
278 prevent it?
280 </p><p>
282 <b>Wietse:</b> Stopping email that contains spam is not fundamentally different
283 from stopping email that contains viruses.
285 </p><p>
287 In both cases, complex content analysis is better done outside the
288 mail system. That allows people to choose the best mail system and
289 the best spam/virus software for their environment.
291 </p><p>
293 And in both cases, a lot of spam or viral email comes from systems
294 that have no business sending email directly across the Internet.
295 These are often PCs on residential networks that have been compromised
296 via some worm of virus, and that are under remote control by
297 criminals that use those systems to send spam and/or to infect more
298 systems. These rogue systems can often be recognized by the way
299 they implement the email protocols wrongly, if not by their
300 residential IP address.
302 </p><p>
304 Blocking direct mail from rogue systems is best done by the ISP
305 that hosts those systems, but that happens rarely. The next best
306 solution is to block direct mail from rogue systems at the receiving
307 end, and that is where Postfix can help.
309 </p><p>
311 <b></b> In one article, I wrote about how attackers are still breaking
312 into computer systems using well-known exploits. Any ideas on how to help
313 instill basic security practices in administrators and vendors?
315 </p><p>
317 <b>Wietse:</b> I think that learning by example is a good way to bring the point
318 across. This is what Dan Farmer and I attempted years ago with
319 our white paper on improving the security of your system by breaking
320 into it.
322 </p><p>
324 I have the same experience when explaining how to build more secure
325 software. People just don't see that there is a problem until you
326 can show good examples of software that does not do the things that
327 it obviously was meant to do. Security problems happen when there
328 is a mismatch between expected behavior and actual behavior.
330 </p><p>
332 <b></b> How did you get into the forensics side of computers?
334 </p><p>
336 <b>Wietse:</b> The initial motivation for getting involved with computer forensics
337 was to reconstruct computer break-ins, so that I could prevent them
338 from happening again. An amazing amount of information can be found
339 after an incident. As computers become more complex, humans have
340 less control over when and where information is stored, and how
341 that storage is recycled when information is discarded.
343 </p><p>
345 Because of this it is practically impossible to erase all information
346 about an incident from a disk, without physically destroying the
347 hardware. Erasing all memory is difficult too, if you don't want
348 to draw attention by crashing the system. How much reconstruction
349 is possible depends only on the amount of skill and effort you're
350 willing to put in.
352 </p><p>
354 <b></b> You and Dan Farmer still work on The Coroner's Toolkit (TCT).
355 What research, seminars, or open source programs you working on in
356 forensics?
358 </p><p>
360 <b>Wietse:</b> We just finished a manuscript for a book on computer forensic
361 analysis that we hope will come out this year. In this book we
362 write about things that we learned after we released the TCT. For
363 some experiments we used the TCT, and for other measurements we
364 wrote a few new tools. When this book is published I will be happy
365 to turn my attention to other projects.
367 </p><p>
369 <b></b> We just wanted to catch up with you and see how things were
370 going. Can you please give us a final statement about keeping our systems secure?
371 </p><p>
373 <b>Wietse:</b> You don't make a system secure by patching the holes - if the system
374 wasn't built to be secure then it never will be.
376 </p><p>
378 <i> Wietse provided this quote:</i>
380 </p><p>
382 "As long as there is support for ad hoc fixes and security
383 packages for these inadequate designs and as long as the illusory
384 results of penetration teams are accepted as demonstrations of
385 computer system security, proper security will not be a reality."
387 </p><p>
389 Roger Schell et al., Preliminary notes on the Design of Secure
390 Military Computer Systems, 1973. Archive of seminal security papers
391 at
393 </p><p>
395 <b></b> Okay one last thing, where were you and who drew that caricature
396 on your website?
398 </p><p>
400 <b>Wietse:</b> The caricature was drawn, by an artist whose name I do not know,
401 at a conference dinner in 1997 when the Forum of Incident Response
402 and Security Teams ( met for its annual conference
403 in Bristol, UK. I have supported this organization for many years,
404 and I even had the privilege of spending more than the maximal time
405 as its chair.
407 </p><p>
408 Duane Dunston is an Information Technology Specialist (Security) for the <a href="">National Climatic Data Center</a>. He was previously a contractor for <a href="">STG Inc.</a> for the same organization. He received his B.A. and M.S. degrees from <a href="">Pfeiffer University</a> and he has his GSEC certification from <a href="">SANS</a>. Hey, <a href="">Ann Curry</a>!
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