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5 <title> Postfix manual - cleanup(8) </title>
6 </head> <body> <pre>
9 <b>NAME</b>
10 cleanup - canonicalize and enqueue Postfix message
12 <b>SYNOPSIS</b>
13 <b>cleanup</b> [generic Postfix daemon options]
16 The <a href="cleanup.8.html"><b>cleanup</b>(8)</a> daemon processes inbound mail, inserts it
17 into the <b>incoming</b> mail queue, and informs the queue man-
18 ager of its arrival.
20 The <a href="cleanup.8.html"><b>cleanup</b>(8)</a> daemon always performs the following trans-
21 formations:
23 <b>o</b> Insert missing message headers: (<b>Resent-</b>) <b>From:</b>,
24 <b>To:</b>, <b>Message-Id:</b>, and <b>Date:</b>.
26 <b>o</b> Transform envelope and header addresses to the
27 standard <i>user@fully-qualified-domain</i> form that is
28 expected by other Postfix programs. This task is
29 delegated to the <a href="trivial-rewrite.8.html"><b>trivial-rewrite</b>(8)</a> daemon.
31 <b>o</b> Eliminate duplicate envelope recipient addresses.
33 The following address transformations are optional:
35 <b>o</b> Optionally, rewrite all envelope and header
36 addresses according to the mappings specified in
37 the <a href="canonical.5.html"><b>canonical</b>(5)</a> lookup tables.
39 <b>o</b> Optionally, masquerade envelope sender addresses
40 and message header addresses (i.e. strip host or
41 domain information below all domains listed in the
42 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#masquerade_domains">masquerade_domains</a></b> parameter, except for user names
43 listed in <b><a href="postconf.5.html#masquerade_exceptions">masquerade_exceptions</a></b>). By default,
44 address masquerading does not affect envelope
45 recipients.
47 <b>o</b> Optionally, expand envelope recipients according to
48 information found in the <a href="virtual.5.html"><b>virtual</b>(5)</a> lookup tables.
50 The <a href="cleanup.8.html"><b>cleanup</b>(8)</a> daemon performs sanity checks on the con-
51 tent of each message. When it finds a problem, by default
52 it returns a diagnostic status to the client, and leaves
53 it up to the client to deal with the problem. Alterna-
54 tively, the client can request the <a href="cleanup.8.html"><b>cleanup</b>(8)</a> daemon to
55 bounce the message back to the sender in case of trouble.
57 <b>STANDARDS</b>
58 <a href="">RFC 822</a> (ARPA Internet Text Messages)
59 <a href="">RFC 2045</a> (MIME: Format of Internet Message Bodies)
60 <a href="">RFC 2046</a> (MIME: Media Types)
61 <a href="">RFC 2822</a> (Internet Message Format)
62 <a href="">RFC 3463</a> (Enhanced Status Codes)
63 <a href="">RFC 3464</a> (Delivery status notifications)
64 <a href="">RFC 5322</a> (Internet Message Format)
67 Problems and transactions are logged to <b>syslogd</b>(8).
69 <b>BUGS</b>
70 Table-driven rewriting rules make it hard to express <b>if</b>
71 <b>then else</b> and other logical relationships.
74 Changes to <a href="postconf.5.html"><b></b></a> are picked up automatically, as
75 <a href="cleanup.8.html"><b>cleanup</b>(8)</a> processes run for only a limited amount of
76 time. Use the command "<b>postfix reload</b>" to speed up a
77 change.
79 The text below provides only a parameter summary. See
80 <a href="postconf.5.html"><b>postconf</b>(5)</a> for more details including examples.
83 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#undisclosed_recipients_header">undisclosed_recipients_header</a> (To: undisclosed-recipi-</b>
84 <b>ents:;)</b>
85 Message header that the Postfix <a href="cleanup.8.html"><b>cleanup</b>(8)</a> server
86 inserts when a message contains no To: or Cc: mes-
87 sage header.
89 Available in Postfix version 2.1 only:
91 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#enable_errors_to">enable_errors_to</a> (no)</b>
92 Report mail delivery errors to the address speci-
93 fied with the non-standard Errors-To: message
94 header, instead of the envelope sender address
95 (this feature is removed with Postfix version 2.2,
96 is turned off by default with Postfix version 2.1,
97 and is always turned on with older Postfix ver-
98 sions).
100 Available in Postfix version 2.6 and later:
102 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#always_add_missing_headers">always_add_missing_headers</a> (no)</b>
103 Always add (Resent-) From:, To:, Date: or Message-
104 ID: headers when not present.
107 Postfix built-in content filtering is meant to stop a
108 flood of worms or viruses. It is not a general content
109 filter.
111 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#body_checks">body_checks</a> (empty)</b>
112 Optional lookup tables for content inspection as
113 specified in the <a href="header_checks.5.html"><b>body_checks</b>(5)</a> manual page.
115 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#header_checks">header_checks</a> (empty)</b>
116 Optional lookup tables for content inspection of
117 primary non-MIME message headers, as specified in
118 the <a href="header_checks.5.html"><b>header_checks</b>(5)</a> manual page.
120 Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later:
122 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#body_checks_size_limit">body_checks_size_limit</a> (51200)</b>
123 How much text in a message body segment (or attach-
124 ment, if you prefer to use that term) is subjected
125 to <a href="postconf.5.html#body_checks">body_checks</a> inspection.
127 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mime_header_checks">mime_header_checks</a> ($<a href="postconf.5.html#header_checks">header_checks</a>)</b>
128 Optional lookup tables for content inspection of
129 MIME related message headers, as described in the
130 <a href="header_checks.5.html"><b>header_checks</b>(5)</a> manual page.
132 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#nested_header_checks">nested_header_checks</a> ($<a href="postconf.5.html#header_checks">header_checks</a>)</b>
133 Optional lookup tables for content inspection of
134 non-MIME message headers in attached messages, as
135 described in the <a href="header_checks.5.html"><b>header_checks</b>(5)</a> manual page.
137 Available in Postfix version 2.3 and later:
139 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#message_reject_characters">message_reject_characters</a> (empty)</b>
140 The set of characters that Postfix will reject in
141 message content.
143 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#message_strip_characters">message_strip_characters</a> (empty)</b>
144 The set of characters that Postfix will remove from
145 message content.
148 As of version 2.3, Postfix supports the Sendmail version 8
149 Milter (mail filter) protocol. When mail is not received
150 via the <a href="smtpd.8.html">smtpd(8)</a> server, the <a href="cleanup.8.html">cleanup(8)</a> server will simu-
151 late SMTP events to the extent that this is possible. For
152 details see the <a href="MILTER_README.html">MILTER_README</a> document.
154 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#non_smtpd_milters">non_smtpd_milters</a> (empty)</b>
155 A list of Milter (mail filter) applications for new
156 mail that does not arrive via the Postfix <a href="smtpd.8.html"><b>smtpd</b>(8)</a>
157 server.
159 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_protocol">milter_protocol</a> (6)</b>
160 The mail filter protocol version and optional pro-
161 tocol extensions for communication with a Milter
162 application; prior to Postfix 2.6 the default pro-
163 tocol is 2.
165 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_default_action">milter_default_action</a> (tempfail)</b>
166 The default action when a Milter (mail filter)
167 application is unavailable or mis-configured.
169 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_macro_daemon_name">milter_macro_daemon_name</a> ($<a href="postconf.5.html#myhostname">myhostname</a>)</b>
170 The {daemon_name} macro value for Milter (mail fil-
171 ter) applications.
173 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_macro_v">milter_macro_v</a> ($<a href="postconf.5.html#mail_name">mail_name</a> $<a href="postconf.5.html#mail_version">mail_version</a>)</b>
174 The {v} macro value for Milter (mail filter) appli-
175 cations.
177 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_connect_timeout">milter_connect_timeout</a> (30s)</b>
178 The time limit for connecting to a Milter (mail
179 filter) application, and for negotiating protocol
180 options.
182 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_command_timeout">milter_command_timeout</a> (30s)</b>
183 The time limit for sending an SMTP command to a
184 Milter (mail filter) application, and for receiving
185 the response.
187 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_content_timeout">milter_content_timeout</a> (300s)</b>
188 The time limit for sending message content to a
189 Milter (mail filter) application, and for receiving
190 the response.
192 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_connect_macros">milter_connect_macros</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
193 The macros that are sent to Milter (mail filter)
194 applications after completion of an SMTP connec-
195 tion.
197 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_helo_macros">milter_helo_macros</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
198 The macros that are sent to Milter (mail filter)
199 applications after the SMTP HELO or EHLO command.
201 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_mail_macros">milter_mail_macros</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
202 The macros that are sent to Milter (mail filter)
203 applications after the SMTP MAIL FROM command.
205 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_rcpt_macros">milter_rcpt_macros</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
206 The macros that are sent to Milter (mail filter)
207 applications after the SMTP RCPT TO command.
209 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_data_macros">milter_data_macros</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
210 The macros that are sent to version 4 or higher
211 Milter (mail filter) applications after the SMTP
212 DATA command.
214 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_unknown_command_macros">milter_unknown_command_macros</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
215 The macros that are sent to version 3 or higher
216 Milter (mail filter) applications after an unknown
217 SMTP command.
219 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_end_of_data_macros">milter_end_of_data_macros</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
220 The macros that are sent to Milter (mail filter)
221 applications after the message end-of-data.
223 Available in Postfix version 2.5 and later:
225 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_end_of_header_macros">milter_end_of_header_macros</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
226 The macros that are sent to Milter (mail filter)
227 applications after the end of the message header.
229 Available in Postfix version 2.7 and later:
231 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#milter_header_checks">milter_header_checks</a> (empty)</b>
232 Optional lookup tables for content inspection of
233 message headers that are produced by Milter appli-
234 cations.
237 Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later:
239 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#disable_mime_input_processing">disable_mime_input_processing</a> (no)</b>
240 Turn off MIME processing while receiving mail.
242 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mime_boundary_length_limit">mime_boundary_length_limit</a> (2048)</b>
243 The maximal length of MIME multipart boundary
244 strings.
246 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mime_nesting_limit">mime_nesting_limit</a> (100)</b>
247 The maximal recursion level that the MIME processor
248 will handle.
250 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#strict_8bitmime">strict_8bitmime</a> (no)</b>
251 Enable both <a href="postconf.5.html#strict_7bit_headers">strict_7bit_headers</a> and strict_8bit-
252 mime_body.
254 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#strict_7bit_headers">strict_7bit_headers</a> (no)</b>
255 Reject mail with 8-bit text in message headers.
257 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#strict_8bitmime_body">strict_8bitmime_body</a> (no)</b>
258 Reject 8-bit message body text without 8-bit MIME
259 content encoding information.
261 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#strict_mime_encoding_domain">strict_mime_encoding_domain</a> (no)</b>
262 Reject mail with invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding:
263 information for the message/* or multipart/* MIME
264 content types.
266 Available in Postfix version 2.5 and later:
268 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#detect_8bit_encoding_header">detect_8bit_encoding_header</a> (yes)</b>
269 Automatically detect 8BITMIME body content by look-
270 ing at Content-Transfer-Encoding: message headers;
271 historically, this behavior was hard-coded to be
272 "always on".
275 Postfix can automatically add BCC (blind carbon copy) when
276 mail enters the mail system:
278 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#always_bcc">always_bcc</a> (empty)</b>
279 Optional address that receives a "blind carbon
280 copy" of each message that is received by the Post-
281 fix mail system.
283 Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:
285 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#sender_bcc_maps">sender_bcc_maps</a> (empty)</b>
286 Optional BCC (blind carbon-copy) address lookup
287 tables, indexed by sender address.
289 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#recipient_bcc_maps">recipient_bcc_maps</a> (empty)</b>
290 Optional BCC (blind carbon-copy) address lookup
291 tables, indexed by recipient address.
294 Address rewriting is delegated to the <a href="trivial-rewrite.8.html"><b>trivial-rewrite</b>(8)</a>
295 daemon. The <a href="cleanup.8.html"><b>cleanup</b>(8)</a> server implements table driven
296 address mapping.
298 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#empty_address_recipient">empty_address_recipient</a> (MAILER-DAEMON)</b>
299 The recipient of mail addressed to the null
300 address.
302 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#canonical_maps">canonical_maps</a> (empty)</b>
303 Optional address mapping lookup tables for message
304 headers and envelopes.
306 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#recipient_canonical_maps">recipient_canonical_maps</a> (empty)</b>
307 Optional address mapping lookup tables for envelope
308 and header recipient addresses.
310 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#sender_canonical_maps">sender_canonical_maps</a> (empty)</b>
311 Optional address mapping lookup tables for envelope
312 and header sender addresses.
314 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#masquerade_classes">masquerade_classes</a> (envelope_sender, header_sender,</b>
315 <b>header_recipient)</b>
316 What addresses are subject to address masquerading.
318 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#masquerade_domains">masquerade_domains</a> (empty)</b>
319 Optional list of domains whose subdomain structure
320 will be stripped off in email addresses.
322 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#masquerade_exceptions">masquerade_exceptions</a> (empty)</b>
323 Optional list of user names that are not subjected
324 to address masquerading, even when their address
325 matches $<a href="postconf.5.html#masquerade_domains">masquerade_domains</a>.
327 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#propagate_unmatched_extensions">propagate_unmatched_extensions</a> (canonical, virtual)</b>
328 What address lookup tables copy an address exten-
329 sion from the lookup key to the lookup result.
331 Available before Postfix version 2.0:
333 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#virtual_maps">virtual_maps</a> (empty)</b>
334 Optional lookup tables with a) names of domains for
335 which all addresses are aliased to addresses in
336 other local or remote domains, and b) addresses
337 that are aliased to addresses in other local or
338 remote domains.
340 Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later:
342 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#virtual_alias_maps">virtual_alias_maps</a> ($<a href="postconf.5.html#virtual_maps">virtual_maps</a>)</b>
343 Optional lookup tables that alias specific mail
344 addresses or domains to other local or remote
345 address.
347 Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later:
349 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#canonical_classes">canonical_classes</a> (envelope_sender, envelope_recipient,</b>
350 <b>header_sender, header_recipient)</b>
351 What addresses are subject to <a href="postconf.5.html#canonical_maps">canonical_maps</a>
352 address mapping.
354 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#recipient_canonical_classes">recipient_canonical_classes</a> (envelope_recipient,</b>
355 <b>header_recipient)</b>
356 What addresses are subject to <a href="postconf.5.html#recipient_canonical_maps">recipient_canoni</a>-
357 <a href="postconf.5.html#recipient_canonical_maps">cal_maps</a> address mapping.
359 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#sender_canonical_classes">sender_canonical_classes</a> (envelope_sender, header_sender)</b>
360 What addresses are subject to <a href="postconf.5.html#sender_canonical_maps">sender_canonical_maps</a>
361 address mapping.
363 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#remote_header_rewrite_domain">remote_header_rewrite_domain</a> (empty)</b>
364 Don't rewrite message headers from remote clients
365 at all when this parameter is empty; otherwise, re-
366 write message headers and append the specified
367 domain name to incomplete addresses.
370 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#duplicate_filter_limit">duplicate_filter_limit</a> (1000)</b>
371 The maximal number of addresses remembered by the
372 address duplicate filter for <a href="aliases.5.html"><b>aliases</b>(5)</a> or <a href="virtual.5.html"><b>vir-</b></a>
373 <a href="virtual.5.html"><b>tual</b>(5)</a> alias expansion, or for <a href="showq.8.html"><b>showq</b>(8)</a> queue dis-
374 plays.
376 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#header_size_limit">header_size_limit</a> (102400)</b>
377 The maximal amount of memory in bytes for storing a
378 message header.
380 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#hopcount_limit">hopcount_limit</a> (50)</b>
381 The maximal number of Received: message headers
382 that is allowed in the primary message headers.
384 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#in_flow_delay">in_flow_delay</a> (1s)</b>
385 Time to pause before accepting a new message, when
386 the message arrival rate exceeds the message deliv-
387 ery rate.
389 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#message_size_limit">message_size_limit</a> (10240000)</b>
390 The maximal size in bytes of a message, including
391 envelope information.
393 Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later:
395 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#header_address_token_limit">header_address_token_limit</a> (10240)</b>
396 The maximal number of address tokens are allowed in
397 an address message header.
399 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mime_boundary_length_limit">mime_boundary_length_limit</a> (2048)</b>
400 The maximal length of MIME multipart boundary
401 strings.
403 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mime_nesting_limit">mime_nesting_limit</a> (100)</b>
404 The maximal recursion level that the MIME processor
405 will handle.
407 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#queue_file_attribute_count_limit">queue_file_attribute_count_limit</a> (100)</b>
408 The maximal number of (name=value) attributes that
409 may be stored in a Postfix queue file.
411 Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:
413 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#virtual_alias_expansion_limit">virtual_alias_expansion_limit</a> (1000)</b>
414 The maximal number of addresses that virtual alias
415 expansion produces from each original recipient.
417 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#virtual_alias_recursion_limit">virtual_alias_recursion_limit</a> (1000)</b>
418 The maximal nesting depth of virtual alias expan-
419 sion.
422 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#config_directory">config_directory</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
423 The default location of the Postfix <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> and
424 <a href="master.5.html"></a> configuration files.
426 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#daemon_timeout">daemon_timeout</a> (18000s)</b>
427 How much time a Postfix daemon process may take to
428 handle a request before it is terminated by a
429 built-in watchdog timer.
431 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#delay_logging_resolution_limit">delay_logging_resolution_limit</a> (2)</b>
432 The maximal number of digits after the decimal
433 point when logging sub-second delay values.
435 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#delay_warning_time">delay_warning_time</a> (0h)</b>
436 The time after which the sender receives the mes-
437 sage headers of mail that is still queued.
439 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#ipc_timeout">ipc_timeout</a> (3600s)</b>
440 The time limit for sending or receiving information
441 over an internal communication channel.
443 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#max_idle">max_idle</a> (100s)</b>
444 The maximum amount of time that an idle Postfix
445 daemon process waits for an incoming connection
446 before terminating voluntarily.
448 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#max_use">max_use</a> (100)</b>
449 The maximal number of incoming connections that a
450 Postfix daemon process will service before termi-
451 nating voluntarily.
453 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#myhostname">myhostname</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
454 The internet hostname of this mail system.
456 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#myorigin">myorigin</a> ($<a href="postconf.5.html#myhostname">myhostname</a>)</b>
457 The domain name that locally-posted mail appears to
458 come from, and that locally posted mail is deliv-
459 ered to.
461 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#process_id">process_id</a> (read-only)</b>
462 The process ID of a Postfix command or daemon
463 process.
465 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#process_name">process_name</a> (read-only)</b>
466 The process name of a Postfix command or daemon
467 process.
469 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#queue_directory">queue_directory</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
470 The location of the Postfix top-level queue direc-
471 tory.
473 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#soft_bounce">soft_bounce</a> (no)</b>
474 Safety net to keep mail queued that would otherwise
475 be returned to the sender.
477 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#syslog_facility">syslog_facility</a> (mail)</b>
478 The syslog facility of Postfix logging.
480 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#syslog_name">syslog_name</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
481 The mail system name that is prepended to the
482 process name in syslog records, so that "smtpd"
483 becomes, for example, "postfix/smtpd".
485 Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:
487 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#enable_original_recipient">enable_original_recipient</a> (yes)</b>
488 Enable support for the X-Original-To message
489 header.
491 <b>FILES</b>
492 /etc/postfix/canonical*, canonical mapping table
493 /etc/postfix/virtual*, virtual mapping table
495 <b>SEE ALSO</b>
496 <a href="trivial-rewrite.8.html">trivial-rewrite(8)</a>, address rewriting
497 <a href="qmgr.8.html">qmgr(8)</a>, queue manager
498 <a href="header_checks.5.html">header_checks(5)</a>, message header content inspection
499 <a href="header_checks.5.html">body_checks(5)</a>, body parts content inspection
500 <a href="canonical.5.html">canonical(5)</a>, canonical address lookup table format
501 <a href="virtual.5.html">virtual(5)</a>, virtual alias lookup table format
502 <a href="postconf.5.html">postconf(5)</a>, configuration parameters
503 <a href="master.5.html">master(5)</a>, generic daemon options
504 <a href="master.8.html">master(8)</a>, process manager
505 syslogd(8), system logging
507 <b>README FILES</b>
508 <a href="ADDRESS_REWRITING_README.html">ADDRESS_REWRITING_README</a> Postfix address manipulation
509 <a href="CONTENT_INSPECTION_README.html">CONTENT_INSPECTION_README</a> content inspection
511 <b>LICENSE</b>
512 The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this
513 software.
515 <b>AUTHOR(S)</b>
516 Wietse Venema
517 IBM T.J. Watson Research
518 P.O. Box 704
519 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
521 CLEANUP(8)
522 </pre> </body> </html>