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5 <title> Postfix manual - postmulti(1) </title>
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9 <b>NAME</b>
10 postmulti - Postfix multi-instance manager
12 <b>SYNOPSIS</b>
15 <b>postmulti -e init</b> [<b>-v</b>]
17 <b>ITERATOR MODE:</b>
19 <b>postmulti -l</b> [<b>-aRv</b>] [<b>-g</b> <i>group</i>] [<b>-i</b> <i>name</i>]
21 <b>postmulti -p</b> [<b>-av</b>] [<b>-g</b> <i>group</i>] [<b>-i</b> <i>name</i>] <i>command...</i>
23 <b>postmulti -x</b> [<b>-aRv</b>] [<b>-g</b> <i>group</i>] [<b>-i</b> <i>name</i>] <i>command...</i>
27 <b>postmulti -e create</b> [<b>-av</b>] [<b>-g</b> <i>group</i>] [<b>-i</b> <i>name</i>] [<b>-G</b> <i>group</i>]
28 [<b>-I</b> <i>name</i>] [<i>param=value</i> ...]
30 <b>postmulti -e import</b> [<b>-av</b>] [<b>-g</b> <i>group</i>] [<b>-i</b> <i>name</i>] [<b>-G</b> <i>group</i>]
31 [<b>-I</b> <i>name</i>] [<b><a href="postconf.5.html#config_directory">config_directory</a>=</b><i>/path</i>]
33 <b>postmulti -e destroy</b> [<b>-v</b>] <b>-i</b> <i>name</i>
35 <b>postmulti -e deport</b> [<b>-v</b>] <b>-i</b> <i>name</i>
37 <b>postmulti -e enable</b> [<b>-v</b>] <b>-i</b> <i>name</i>
39 <b>postmulti -e disable</b> [<b>-v</b>] <b>-i</b> <i>name</i>
41 <b>postmulti -e assign</b> [<b>-v</b>] <b>-i</b> <i>name</i> [<b>-I</b> <i>name</i>] [-G <i>group</i>]
44 The <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a> command allows a Postfix administrator to
45 manage multiple Postfix instances on a single host.
47 <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a> implements two fundamental modes of opera-
48 tion. In <b>iterator</b> mode, it executes the same command for
49 multiple Postfix instances. In <b>life-cycle management</b>
50 mode, it adds or deletes one instance, or changes the
51 multi-instance status of one instance.
53 Each mode of operation has its own command syntax. For
54 this reason, each mode is documented in separate sections
55 below.
57 <b>BACKGROUND</b>
58 A multi-instance configuration consists of one primary
59 Postfix instance, and one or more secondary instances
60 whose configuration directory pathnames are recorded in
61 the primary instance's <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> file. Postfix instances
62 share program files and documentation, but have their own
63 configuration, queue and data directories.
65 Currently, only the default Postfix instance can be used
66 as primary instance in a multi-instance configuration. The
67 <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a> command does not currently support a <b>-c</b>
68 option to select an alternative primary instance, and
69 exits with a fatal error if the <b>MAIL_CONFIG</b> environment
70 variable is set to a non-default configuration directory.
72 See the <a href="MULTI_INSTANCE_README.html">MULTI_INSTANCE_README</a> tutorial for a more detailed
73 discussion of multi-instance management with <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a>.
76 In iterator mode, <b>postmulti</b> performs the same operation on
77 all Postfix instances in turn.
79 If multi-instance support is not enabled, the requested
80 command is performed just for the primary instance.
82 Iterator mode implements the following command options:
84 <b>Instance selection</b>
85 <b>-a</b> Perform the operation on all instances. This is the
86 default.
88 <b>-g</b> <i>group</i>
89 Perform the operation only for members of the named
90 <i>group</i>.
92 <b>-i</b> <i>name</i>
93 Perform the operation only for the instance with
94 the specified <i>name</i>. You can specify either the
95 instance name or the absolute pathname of the
96 instance's configuration directory. Specify "-" to
97 select the primary Postfix instance.
99 <b>-R</b> Reverse the iteration order. This may be appropri-
100 ate when updating a multi-instance system, where
101 "sink" instances are started before "source"
102 instances.
104 This option cannot be used with <b>-p</b>.
106 <b>List mode</b>
107 <b>-l</b> List Postfix instances with their instance name,
108 instance group name, enable/disable status and con-
109 figuration directory.
111 <b>Postfix-wrapper mode</b>
112 <b>-p</b> Invoke <a href="postfix.1.html"><b>postfix(1)</a></b> to execute the specified <i>command</i>.
113 This option implements the <a href="postfix-wrapper.5.html"><b>postfix-wrapper</b>(5)</a>
114 interface.
116 <b>o</b> With "start"-like commands, "postfix check"
117 is executed for instances that are not
118 enabled. The full list of commands is speci-
119 fied with the <a href="postconf.5.html#postmulti_start_commands">postmulti_start_commands</a>
120 parameter.
122 <b>o</b> With "stop"-like commands, the iteration
123 order is reversed, and disabled instances
124 are skipped. The full list of commands is
125 specified with the <a href="postconf.5.html#postmulti_stop_commands">postmulti_stop_commands</a>
126 parameter.
128 <b>o</b> With "reload" and other commands that
129 require a started instance, disabled
130 instances are skipped. The full list of com-
131 mands is specified with the <a href="postconf.5.html#postmulti_control_commands">postmulti_con</a>-
132 <a href="postconf.5.html#postmulti_control_commands">trol_commands</a> parameter.
134 <b>o</b> With "status" and other commands that don't
135 require a started instance, the command is
136 executed for all instances.
138 The <b>-p</b> option can also be used interactively to
139 start/stop/etc. a named instance or instance
140 group. For example, to start just the instances in
141 the group "msa", invoke <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a> as follows:
143 # postmulti -g msa -p start
145 <b>Command mode</b>
146 <b>-x</b> Execute the specified <i>command</i> for all Postfix
147 instances. The command runs with appropriate envi-
148 ronment settings for MAIL_CONFIG, <a href="postconf.5.html#command_directory">command_direc</a>-
149 <a href="postconf.5.html#command_directory">tory</a>, <a href="postconf.5.html#daemon_directory">daemon_directory</a>, <a href="postconf.5.html#config_directory">config_directory</a>,
150 <a href="postconf.5.html#queue_directory">queue_directory</a>, <a href="postconf.5.html#data_directory">data_directory</a>,
151 <a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_name">multi_instance_name</a>, <a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_group">multi_instance_group</a> and
152 <a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_enable">multi_instance_enable</a>.
154 <b>Other options</b>
155 <b>-v</b> Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes. Mul-
156 tiple <b>-v</b> options make the software increasingly
157 verbose.
160 With the <b>-e</b> option <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a> can be used to add or
161 delete a Postfix instance, and to manage the multi-
162 instance status of an existing instance.
164 The following options are implemented:
166 <b>Existing instance selection</b>
167 <b>-a</b> When creating or importing an instance, place the
168 new instance at the front of the secondary instance
169 list.
171 <b>-g</b> <i>group</i>
172 When creating or importing an instance, place the
173 new instance before the first secondary instance
174 that is a member of the specified group.
176 <b>-i</b> <i>name</i>
177 When creating or importing an instance, place the
178 new instance before the matching secondary
179 instance.
181 With other life-cycle operations, apply the opera-
182 tion to the named existing instance. Specify "-"
183 to select the primary Postfix instance.
185 <b>New or existing instance name assignment</b>
186 <b>-I</b> <i>name</i>
187 Assign the specified instance <i>name</i> to an existing
188 instance, newly-created instance, or imported
189 instance. Instance names other than "-" (which
190 makes the instance "nameless") must start with
191 "postfix-". This restriction reduces the likeli-
192 hood of name collisions with system files.
194 <b>-G</b> <i>group</i>
195 Assign the specified <i>group</i> name to an existing
196 instance or to a newly created or imported
197 instance.
199 <b>Instance creation/deletion/status change</b>
200 <b>-e</b> <i>action</i>
201 "Edit" managed instances. The following actions are
202 supported:
204 <b>init</b> This command is required before <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a>
205 can be used to manage Postfix instances.
206 The "postmulti -e init" command updates the
207 primary instance's <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> file by setting:
209 <a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_wrapper">multi_instance_wrapper</a> =
210 ${<a href="postconf.5.html#command_directory">command_directory</a>}/postmulti -p --
211 <a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_enable">multi_instance_enable</a> = yes
213 You can set these by other means if you pre-
214 fer.
216 <b>create</b> Create a new Postfix instance and add it to
217 the <a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_directories">multi_instance_directories</a> parameter of
218 the primary instance. The "<b>-I</b> <i>name</i>" option
219 is recommended to give the instance a short
220 name that is used to construct default val-
221 ues for the private directories of the new
222 instance. The "<b>-G</b> <i>group</i>" option may be spec-
223 ified to assign the instance to a group,
224 otherwise, the new instance is not a member
225 of any groups.
227 The new instance <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> is the stock
228 <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> with the parameters that specify the
229 locations of shared files cloned from the
230 primary instance. For "nameless" instances,
231 you should manually adjust "<a href="postconf.5.html#syslog_name">syslog_name</a>" to
232 yield a unique "logtag" starting with "post-
233 fix-" that will uniquely identify the
234 instance in the mail logs. It is simpler to
235 assign the instance a short name with the
236 "<b>-I</b> <i>name</i>" option.
238 Optional "name=value" arguments specify the
239 instance <a href="postconf.5.html#config_directory">config_directory</a>, <a href="postconf.5.html#queue_directory">queue_directory</a>
240 and <a href="postconf.5.html#data_directory">data_directory</a>. For example:
242 # postmulti -I postfix-mumble \
243 -G mygroup -e create \
244 <a href="postconf.5.html#config_directory">config_directory</a>=/my/config/dir \
245 <a href="postconf.5.html#queue_directory">queue_directory</a>=/my/queue/dir \
246 <a href="postconf.5.html#data_directory">data_directory</a>=/my/data/dir
248 If any of these pathnames is not supplied,
249 the program attempts to generate the path-
250 name by taking the corresponding primary
251 instance pathname, and by replacing the last
252 pathname component by the value of the <b>-I</b>
253 option.
255 If the instance configuration directory
256 already exists, and contains both a <a href="postconf.5.html"></a>
257 and <a href="master.5.html"></a> file, <b>create</b> will "import" the
258 instance as-is. For existing instances, <b>cre-</b>
259 <b>ate</b> and <b>import</b> are identical.
261 <b>import</b> Import an existing instance into the list of
262 instances managed by the <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a> multi-
263 instance manager. This adds the instance to
264 the <a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_directories">multi_instance_directories</a> list of the
265 primary instance. If the "<b>-I</b> <i>name</i>" option
266 is provided it specifies the new name for
267 the instance and is used to define a default
268 location for the instance configuration
269 directory (as with <b>create</b> above). The "<b>-G</b>
270 <i>group</i>" option may be used to assign the
271 instance to a group. Add a "<b><a href="postconf.5.html#config_directory">config_direc</a>-</b>
272 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#config_directory">tory</a>=</b><i>/path</i>" argument to override a default
273 pathname based on "<b>-I</b> <i>name</i>".
275 <b>destroy</b>
276 Destroy a secondary Postfix instance. To be
277 a candidate for destruction an instance must
278 be disabled, stopped and its queue must not
279 contain any messages. Attempts to destroy
280 the primary Postfix instance trigger a fatal
281 error, without destroying the instance.
283 The instance is removed from the primary
284 instance <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> file's <a href="postconf.5.html#alternate_config_directories">alternate_con</a>-
285 <a href="postconf.5.html#alternate_config_directories">fig_directories</a> parameter and its data,
286 queue and configuration directories are
287 cleaned of files and directories created by
288 the Postfix system. The <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> and mas-
289 files are removed from the configura-
290 tion directory even if they have been modi-
291 fied since initial creation. Finally, the
292 instance is "deported" from the list of man-
293 aged instances.
295 If other files are present in instance pri-
296 vate directories, the directories may not be
297 fully removed, a warning is logged to alert
298 the administrator. It is expected that an
299 instance built using "fresh" directories via
300 the <b>create</b> action will be fully removed by
301 the <b>destroy</b> action (if first disabled). If
302 the instance configuration and queue direc-
303 tories are populated with additional files
304 (access and rewriting tables, chroot jail
305 content, etc.) the instance directories will
306 not be fully removed.
308 The <b>destroy</b> action triggers potentially dan-
309 gerous file removal operations. Make sure
310 the instance's data, queue and configuration
311 directories are set correctly and do not
312 contain any valuable files.
314 <b>deport</b> Deport a secondary instance from the list of
315 managed instances. This deletes the instance
316 configuration directory from the primary
317 instance's <a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_directories">multi_instance_directories</a> list,
318 but does not remove any files or directo-
319 ries.
321 <b>assign</b> Assign a new instance name or a new group
322 name to the selected instance. Use "<b>-G -</b>"
323 to specify "no group" and "<b>-I -</b>" to specify
324 "no name". If you choose to make an
325 instance "nameless", set a suitable sys-
326 log_name in the corresponding <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> file.
328 <b>enable</b> Mark the selected instance as enabled. This
329 just sets the <a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_enable">multi_instance_enable</a> parame-
330 ter to "yes" in the instance's <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> file.
332 <b>disable</b>
333 Mark the selected instance as disabled. This
334 means that the instance will not be started
335 etc. with "postfix start", "postmulti -p
336 start" and so on. The instance can still be
337 started etc. with "postfix -c config-direc-
338 tory start".
340 <b>Other options</b>
341 <b>-v</b> Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes. Mul-
342 tiple <b>-v</b> options make the software increasingly
343 verbose.
345 <b>ENVIRONMENT</b>
346 The <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a> command exports the following environment
347 variables before executing the requested <i>command</i> for a
348 given instance:
350 <b>MAIL_VERBOSE</b>
351 This is set when the -v command-line option is
352 present.
354 <b>MAIL_CONFIG</b>
355 The location of the configuration directory of the
356 instance.
359 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#config_directory">config_directory</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
360 The default location of the Postfix <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> and
361 <a href="master.5.html"></a> configuration files.
363 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#daemon_directory">daemon_directory</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
364 The directory with Postfix support programs and
365 daemon programs.
367 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#import_environment">import_environment</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
368 The list of environment parameters that a Postfix
369 process will import from a non-Postfix parent
370 process.
372 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_directories">multi_instance_directories</a> (empty)</b>
373 An optional list of non-default Postfix configura-
374 tion directories; these directories belong to addi-
375 tional Postfix instances that share the Postfix
376 executable files and documentation with the default
377 Postfix instance, and that are started, stopped,
378 etc., together with the default Postfix instance.
380 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_group">multi_instance_group</a> (empty)</b>
381 The optional instance group name of this Postfix
382 instance.
384 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_name">multi_instance_name</a> (empty)</b>
385 The optional instance name of this Postfix
386 instance.
388 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#multi_instance_enable">multi_instance_enable</a> (no)</b>
389 Allow this Postfix instance to be started, stopped,
390 etc., by a multi-instance manager.
392 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#postmulti_start_commands">postmulti_start_commands</a> (start)</b>
393 The <a href="postfix.1.html"><b>postfix</b>(1)</a> commands that the <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a>
394 instance manager treats as "start" commands.
396 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#postmulti_stop_commands">postmulti_stop_commands</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
397 The <a href="postfix.1.html"><b>postfix</b>(1)</a> commands that the <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a>
398 instance manager treats as "stop" commands.
400 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#postmulti_control_commands">postmulti_control_commands</a> (reload flush)</b>
401 The <a href="postfix.1.html"><b>postfix</b>(1)</a> commands that the <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a>
402 instance manager treats as "control" commands, that
403 operate on running instances.
405 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#syslog_facility">syslog_facility</a> (mail)</b>
406 The syslog facility of Postfix logging.
408 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#syslog_name">syslog_name</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
409 The mail system name that is prepended to the
410 process name in syslog records, so that "smtpd"
411 becomes, for example, "postfix/smtpd".
413 <b>FILES</b>
414 $<a href="postconf.5.html#daemon_directory">daemon_directory</a>/<a href="postconf.5.html"></a>, stock configuration file
415 $<a href="postconf.5.html#daemon_directory">daemon_directory</a>/<a href="master.5.html"></a>, stock configuration file
416 $<a href="postconf.5.html#daemon_directory">daemon_directory</a>/postmulti-script, life-cycle helper program
418 <b>SEE ALSO</b>
419 <a href="postfix.1.html">postfix(1)</a>, Postfix control program
420 <a href="postfix-wrapper.5.html">postfix-wrapper(5)</a>, Postfix multi-instance API
422 <b>README FILES</b>
423 <a href="MULTI_INSTANCE_README.html">MULTI_INSTANCE_README</a>, Postfix multi-instance management
425 <b>HISTORY</b>
426 The <a href="postmulti.1.html"><b>postmulti</b>(1)</a> command was introduced with Postfix ver-
427 sion 2.6.
429 <b>LICENSE</b>
430 The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this
431 software.
433 <b>AUTHOR(S)</b>
434 Victor Duchovni
435 Morgan Stanley
437 Wietse Venema
438 IBM T.J. Watson Research
439 P.O. Box 704
440 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
443 </pre> </body> </html>