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5 <title> Postfix manual - local(8) </title>
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9 <b>NAME</b>
10 local - Postfix local mail delivery
12 <b>SYNOPSIS</b>
13 <b>local</b> [generic Postfix daemon options]
16 The <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> daemon processes delivery requests from the
17 Postfix queue manager to deliver mail to local recipients.
18 Each delivery request specifies a queue file, a sender
19 address, a domain or host to deliver to, and one or more
20 recipients. This program expects to be run from the <a href="master.8.html"><b>mas-</b></a>
21 <a href="master.8.html"><b>ter</b>(8)</a> process manager.
23 The <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> daemon updates queue files and marks recipi-
24 ents as finished, or it informs the queue manager that
25 delivery should be tried again at a later time. Delivery
26 status reports are sent to the <a href="bounce.8.html"><b>bounce</b>(8)</a>, <a href="defer.8.html"><b>defer</b>(8)</a> or
27 <a href="trace.8.html"><b>trace</b>(8)</a> daemon as appropriate.
29 <b>CASE FOLDING</b>
30 All delivery decisions are made using the bare recipient
31 name (i.e. the address localpart), folded to lower case.
32 See also under ADDRESS EXTENSION below for a few excep-
33 tions.
36 The system administrator can set up one or more system-
37 wide <b>sendmail</b>-style alias databases. Users can have <b>send-</b>
38 <b>mail</b>-style ~/.<b>forward</b> files. Mail for <i>name</i> is delivered
39 to the alias <i>name</i>, to destinations in ~<i>name</i>/.<b>forward</b>, to
40 the mailbox owned by the user <i>name</i>, or it is sent back as
41 undeliverable.
43 The system administrator can specify a comma/space sepa-
44 rated list of ~/.<b>forward</b> like files through the <b><a href="postconf.5.html#forward_path">for</a>-</b>
45 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#forward_path">ward_path</a></b> configuration parameter. Upon delivery, the
46 local delivery agent tries each pathname in the list until
47 a file is found.
49 Delivery via ~/.<b>forward</b> files is done with the privileges
50 of the recipient. Thus, ~/.<b>forward</b> like files must be
51 readable by the recipient, and their parent directory
52 needs to have "execute" permission for the recipient.
54 The <b><a href="postconf.5.html#forward_path">forward_path</a></b> parameter is subject to interpolation of
55 <b>$user</b> (recipient username), <b>$home</b> (recipient home direc-
56 tory), <b>$shell</b> (recipient shell), <b>$recipient</b> (complete
57 recipient address), <b>$extension</b> (recipient address exten-
58 sion), <b>$domain</b> (recipient domain), <b>$local</b> (entire recipi-
59 ent address localpart) and <b>$<a href="postconf.5.html#recipient_delimiter">recipient_delimiter</a>.</b> The forms
60 <i>${name?value}</i> and <i>${name:value}</i> expand conditionally to
61 <i>value</i> when <i>$name</i> is (is not) defined. Characters that may
62 have special meaning to the shell or file system are
63 replaced by underscores. The list of acceptable charac-
64 ters is specified with the <b><a href="postconf.5.html#forward_expansion_filter">forward_expansion_filter</a></b> con-
65 figuration parameter.
67 An alias or ~/.<b>forward</b> file may list any combination of
68 external commands, destination file names, <b>:include:</b>
69 directives, or mail addresses. See <a href="aliases.5.html"><b>aliases</b>(5)</a> for a pre-
70 cise description. Each line in a user's .<b>forward</b> file has
71 the same syntax as the right-hand part of an alias.
73 When an address is found in its own alias expansion,
74 delivery is made to the user instead. When a user is
75 listed in the user's own ~/.<b>forward</b> file, delivery is made
76 to the user's mailbox instead. An empty ~/.<b>forward</b> file
77 means do not forward mail.
79 In order to prevent the mail system from using up unrea-
80 sonable amounts of memory, input records read from
81 <b>:include:</b> or from ~/.<b>forward</b> files are broken up into
82 chunks of length <b><a href="postconf.5.html#line_length_limit">line_length_limit</a></b>.
84 While expanding aliases, ~/.<b>forward</b> files, and so on, the
85 program attempts to avoid duplicate deliveries. The <b><a href="postconf.5.html#duplicate_filter_limit">dupli</a>-</b>
86 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#duplicate_filter_limit">cate_filter_limit</a></b> configuration parameter limits the num-
87 ber of remembered recipients.
90 For the sake of reliability, forwarded mail is re-submit-
91 ted as a new message, so that each recipient has a sepa-
92 rate on-file delivery status record.
94 In order to stop mail forwarding loops early, the software
95 adds an optional <b>Delivered-To:</b> header with the final enve-
96 lope recipient address. If mail arrives for a recipient
97 that is already listed in a <b>Delivered-To:</b> header, the mes-
98 sage is bounced.
101 The default per-user mailbox is a file in the UNIX mail
102 spool directory (<b>/var/mail/</b><i>user</i> or <b>/var/spool/mail/</b><i>user</i>);
103 the location can be specified with the <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mail_spool_directory">mail_spool_direc</a>-</b>
104 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mail_spool_directory">tory</a></b> configuration parameter. Specify a name ending in <b>/</b>
105 for <b>qmail</b>-compatible <b>maildir</b> delivery.
107 Alternatively, the per-user mailbox can be a file in the
108 user's home directory with a name specified via the
109 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#home_mailbox">home_mailbox</a></b> configuration parameter. Specify a relative
110 path name. Specify a name ending in <b>/</b> for <b>qmail</b>-compatible
111 <b>maildir</b> delivery.
113 Mailbox delivery can be delegated to an external command
114 specified with the <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_command_maps">mailbox_command_maps</a></b> and <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_command">mailbox_com</a>-</b>
115 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_command">mand</a></b> configuration parameters. The command executes with
116 the privileges of the recipient user (exceptions: sec-
117 ondary groups are not enabled; in case of delivery as
118 root, the command executes with the privileges of
119 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#default_privs">default_privs</a></b>).
121 Mailbox delivery can be delegated to alternative message
122 transports specified in the <a href="master.5.html"><b></b></a> file. The <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_transport_maps">mail</a>-</b>
123 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_transport_maps">box_transport_maps</a></b> and <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_transport">mailbox_transport</a></b> configuration
124 parameters specify an optional message transport that is
125 to be used for all local recipients, regardless of whether
126 they are found in the UNIX passwd database. The <b><a href="postconf.5.html#fallback_transport_maps">fall</a>-</b>
127 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#fallback_transport_maps">back_transport_maps</a></b> and <b><a href="postconf.5.html#fallback_transport">fallback_transport</a></b> parameters
128 specify an optional message transport for recipients that
129 are not found in the <a href="aliases.5.html">aliases(5)</a> or UNIX passwd database.
131 In the case of UNIX-style mailbox delivery, the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a>
132 daemon prepends a "<b>From</b> <i>sender time</i><b>_</b><i>stamp</i>" envelope header
133 to each message, prepends an <b>X-Original-To:</b> header with
134 the recipient address as given to Postfix, prepends an
135 optional <b>Delivered-To:</b> header with the final envelope
136 recipient address, prepends a <b>Return-Path:</b> header with the
137 envelope sender address, prepends a &gt; character to lines
138 beginning with "<b>From</b> ", and appends an empty line. The
139 mailbox is locked for exclusive access while delivery is
140 in progress. In case of problems, an attempt is made to
141 truncate the mailbox to its original length.
143 In the case of <b>maildir</b> delivery, the local daemon prepends
144 an optional <b>Delivered-To:</b> header with the final envelope
145 recipient address, prepends an <b>X-Original-To:</b> header with
146 the recipient address as given to Postfix, and prepends a
147 <b>Return-Path:</b> header with the envelope sender address.
150 The <b><a href="postconf.5.html#allow_mail_to_commands">allow_mail_to_commands</a></b> configuration parameter
151 restricts delivery to external commands. The default set-
152 ting (<b>alias, forward</b>) forbids command destinations in
153 <b>:include:</b> files.
155 Optionally, the process working directory is changed to
156 the path specified with <b><a href="postconf.5.html#command_execution_directory">command_execution_directory</a></b> (Post-
157 fix 2.2 and later). Failure to change directory causes
158 mail to be deferred.
160 The <b><a href="postconf.5.html#command_execution_directory">command_execution_directory</a></b> parameter value is subject
161 to interpolation of <b>$user</b> (recipient username), <b>$home</b>
162 (recipient home directory), <b>$shell</b> (recipient shell),
163 <b>$recipient</b> (complete recipient address), <b>$extension</b>
164 (recipient address extension), <b>$domain</b> (recipient domain),
165 <b>$local</b> (entire recipient address localpart) and <b>$recipi-</b>
166 <b>ent_delimiter.</b> The forms <i>${name?value}</i> and <i>${name:value}</i>
167 expand conditionally to <i>value</i> when <i>$name</i> is (is not)
168 defined. Characters that may have special meaning to the
169 shell or file system are replaced by underscores. The
170 list of acceptable characters is specified with the <b><a href="postconf.5.html#execution_directory_expansion_filter">execu</a>-</b>
171 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#execution_directory_expansion_filter">tion_directory_expansion_filter</a></b> configuration parameter.
173 The command is executed directly where possible. Assis-
174 tance by the shell (<b>/bin/sh</b> on UNIX systems) is used only
175 when the command contains shell magic characters, or when
176 the command invokes a shell built-in command.
178 A limited amount of command output (standard output and
179 standard error) is captured for inclusion with non-deliv-
180 ery status reports. A command is forcibly terminated if
181 it does not complete within <b><a href="postconf.5.html#command_time_limit">command_time_limit</a></b> seconds.
182 Command exit status codes are expected to follow the con-
183 ventions defined in &lt;<b>sysexits.h</b>&gt;. Exit status 0 means
184 normal successful completion.
186 Postfix version 2.3 and later support <a href="">RFC 3463</a>-style
187 enhanced status codes. If a command terminates with a
188 non-zero exit status, and the command output begins with
189 an enhanced status code, this status code takes precedence
190 over the non-zero exit status.
192 A limited amount of message context is exported via envi-
193 ronment variables. Characters that may have special mean-
194 ing to the shell are replaced by underscores. The list of
195 acceptable characters is specified with the <b><a href="postconf.5.html#command_expansion_filter">command_expan</a>-</b>
196 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#command_expansion_filter">sion_filter</a></b> configuration parameter.
198 <b>SHELL</b> The recipient user's login shell.
200 <b>HOME</b> The recipient user's home directory.
202 <b>USER</b> The bare recipient name.
204 <b>EXTENSION</b>
205 The optional recipient address extension.
207 <b>DOMAIN</b> The recipient address domain part.
209 <b>LOGNAME</b>
210 The bare recipient name.
212 <b>LOCAL</b> The entire recipient address localpart (text to the
213 left of the rightmost @ character).
216 The entire recipient address, before any address
217 rewriting or aliasing (Postfix 2.5 and later).
219 <b>RECIPIENT</b>
220 The entire recipient address.
222 <b>SENDER</b> The entire sender address.
224 Additional remote client information is made available via
225 the following environment variables:
228 Remote client network address. Available as of
229 Postfix 2.2.
231 <b>CLIENT_HELO</b>
232 Remote client EHLO command parameter. Available as
233 of Postfix 2.2.
236 Remote client hostname. Available as of Postfix
237 2.2.
240 Remote client protocol. Available as of Postfix
241 2.2.
243 <b>SASL_METHOD</b>
244 SASL authentication method specified in the remote
245 client AUTH command. Available as of Postfix 2.2.
247 <b>SASL_SENDER</b>
248 SASL sender address specified in the remote client
249 MAIL FROM command. Available as of Postfix 2.2.
251 <b>SASL_USERNAME</b>
252 SASL username specified in the remote client AUTH
253 command. Available as of Postfix 2.2.
255 The <b>PATH</b> environment variable is always reset to a system-
256 dependent default path, and environment variables whose
257 names are blessed by the <b><a href="postconf.5.html#export_environment">export_environment</a></b> configuration
258 parameter are exported unchanged.
260 The current working directory is the mail queue directory.
262 The <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> daemon prepends a "<b>From</b> <i>sender time</i><b>_</b><i>stamp</i>"
263 envelope header to each message, prepends an <b>X-Original-</b>
264 <b>To:</b> header with the recipient address as given to Postfix,
265 prepends an optional <b>Delivered-To:</b> header with the final
266 recipient envelope address, prepends a <b>Return-Path:</b> header
267 with the sender envelope address, and appends no empty
268 line.
271 The delivery format depends on the destination filename
272 syntax. The default is to use UNIX-style mailbox format.
273 Specify a name ending in <b>/</b> for <b>qmail</b>-compatible <b>maildir</b>
274 delivery.
276 The <b><a href="postconf.5.html#allow_mail_to_files">allow_mail_to_files</a></b> configuration parameter restricts
277 delivery to external files. The default setting (<b>alias,</b>
278 <b>forward</b>) forbids file destinations in <b>:include:</b> files.
280 In the case of UNIX-style mailbox delivery, the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a>
281 daemon prepends a "<b>From</b> <i>sender time</i><b>_</b><i>stamp</i>" envelope header
282 to each message, prepends an <b>X-Original-To:</b> header with
283 the recipient address as given to Postfix, prepends an
284 optional <b>Delivered-To:</b> header with the final recipient
285 envelope address, prepends a &gt; character to lines begin-
286 ning with "<b>From</b> ", and appends an empty line. The enve-
287 lope sender address is available in the <b>Return-Path:</b>
288 header. When the destination is a regular file, it is
289 locked for exclusive access while delivery is in progress.
290 In case of problems, an attempt is made to truncate a reg-
291 ular file to its original length.
293 In the case of <b>maildir</b> delivery, the local daemon prepends
294 an optional <b>Delivered-To:</b> header with the final envelope
295 recipient address, and prepends an <b>X-Original-To:</b> header
296 with the recipient address as given to Postfix. The enve-
297 lope sender address is available in the <b>Return-Path:</b>
298 header.
301 The optional <b><a href="postconf.5.html#recipient_delimiter">recipient_delimiter</a></b> configuration parameter
302 specifies how to separate address extensions from local
303 recipient names.
305 For example, with "<b><a href="postconf.5.html#recipient_delimiter">recipient_delimiter</a> = +</b>", mail for
306 <i>name</i>+<i>foo</i> is delivered to the alias <i>name</i>+<i>foo</i> or to the
307 alias <i>name</i>, to the destinations listed in ~<i>name</i>/.<b>for-</b>
308 <b>ward</b>+<i>foo</i> or in ~<i>name</i>/.<b>forward</b>, to the mailbox owned by the
309 user <i>name</i>, or it is sent back as undeliverable.
312 Deliveries to external files and external commands are
313 made with the rights of the receiving user on whose behalf
314 the delivery is made. In the absence of a user context,
315 the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> daemon uses the owner rights of the <b>:include:</b>
316 file or alias database. When those files are owned by the
317 superuser, delivery is made with the rights specified with
318 the <b><a href="postconf.5.html#default_privs">default_privs</a></b> configuration parameter.
320 <b>STANDARDS</b>
321 <a href="">RFC 822</a> (ARPA Internet Text Messages)
322 <a href="">RFC 3463</a> (Enhanced status codes)
324 <b>DIAGNOSTICS</b>
325 Problems and transactions are logged to <b>syslogd</b>(8). Cor-
326 rupted message files are marked so that the queue manager
327 can move them to the <b>corrupt</b> queue afterwards.
329 Depending on the setting of the <b><a href="postconf.5.html#notify_classes">notify_classes</a></b> parameter,
330 the postmaster is notified of bounces and of other trou-
331 ble.
333 <b>SECURITY</b>
334 The <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent needs a dual personality 1) to
335 access the private Postfix queue and IPC mechanisms, 2) to
336 impersonate the recipient and deliver to recipient-speci-
337 fied files or commands. It is therefore security sensi-
338 tive.
340 The <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent disallows regular expression
341 substitution of $1 etc. in <b><a href="postconf.5.html#alias_maps">alias_maps</a></b>, because that would
342 open a security hole.
344 The <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent will silently ignore requests
345 to use the <a href="proxymap.8.html"><b>proxymap</b>(8)</a> server within <b><a href="postconf.5.html#alias_maps">alias_maps</a></b>. Instead
346 it will open the table directly. Before Postfix version
347 2.2, the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent will terminate with a
348 fatal error.
350 <b>BUGS</b>
351 For security reasons, the message delivery status of
352 external commands or of external files is never check-
353 pointed to file. As a result, the program may occasionally
354 deliver more than once to a command or external file. Bet-
355 ter safe than sorry.
357 Mutually-recursive aliases or ~/.<b>forward</b> files are not
358 detected early. The resulting mail forwarding loop is
359 broken by the use of the <b>Delivered-To:</b> message header.
362 Changes to <a href="postconf.5.html"><b></b></a> are picked up automatically, as
363 <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> processes run for only a limited amount of time.
364 Use the command "<b>postfix reload</b>" to speed up a change.
366 The text below provides only a parameter summary. See
367 <a href="postconf.5.html"><b>postconf</b>(5)</a> for more details including examples.
370 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#biff">biff</a> (yes)</b>
371 Whether or not to use the local <a href="postconf.5.html#biff">biff</a> service.
373 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#expand_owner_alias">expand_owner_alias</a> (no)</b>
374 When delivering to an alias "aliasname" that has an
375 "owner-aliasname" companion alias, set the envelope
376 sender address to the expansion of the "owner-
377 aliasname" alias.
379 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#owner_request_special">owner_request_special</a> (yes)</b>
380 Give special treatment to owner-listname and list-
381 name-request address localparts: don't split such
382 addresses when the <a href="postconf.5.html#recipient_delimiter">recipient_delimiter</a> is set to
383 "-".
385 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#sun_mailtool_compatibility">sun_mailtool_compatibility</a> (no)</b>
386 Obsolete SUN mailtool compatibility feature.
388 Available in Postfix version 2.3 and later:
390 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#frozen_delivered_to">frozen_delivered_to</a> (yes)</b>
391 Update the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent's idea of the
392 Delivered-To: address (see prepend_deliv-
393 ered_header) only once, at the start of a delivery
394 attempt; do not update the Delivered-To: address
395 while expanding aliases or .forward files.
397 Available in Postfix version 2.5.3 and later:
399 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#strict_mailbox_ownership">strict_mailbox_ownership</a> (yes)</b>
400 Defer delivery when a mailbox file is not owned by
401 its recipient.
403 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#reset_owner_alias">reset_owner_alias</a> (no)</b>
404 Reset the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent's idea of the
405 owner-alias attribute, when delivering mail to a
406 child alias that does not have its own owner alias.
409 The precedence of <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery methods from high to
410 low is: aliases, .forward files, <a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_transport_maps">mailbox_transport_maps</a>,
411 <a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_transport">mailbox_transport</a>, <a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_command_maps">mailbox_command_maps</a>, <a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_command">mailbox_command</a>,
412 <a href="postconf.5.html#home_mailbox">home_mailbox</a>, <a href="postconf.5.html#mail_spool_directory">mail_spool_directory</a>, fallback_trans-
413 port_maps, <a href="postconf.5.html#fallback_transport">fallback_transport</a>, and <a href="postconf.5.html#luser_relay">luser_relay</a>.
415 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#alias_maps">alias_maps</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
416 The alias databases that are used for <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a>
417 delivery.
419 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#forward_path">forward_path</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
420 The <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent search list for finding
421 a .forward file with user-specified delivery meth-
422 ods.
424 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_transport_maps">mailbox_transport_maps</a> (empty)</b>
425 Optional lookup tables with per-recipient message
426 delivery transports to use for <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> mailbox
427 delivery, whether or not the recipients are found
428 in the UNIX passwd database.
430 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_transport">mailbox_transport</a> (empty)</b>
431 Optional message delivery transport that the
432 <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent should use for mailbox
433 delivery to all local recipients, whether or not
434 they are found in the UNIX passwd database.
436 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_command_maps">mailbox_command_maps</a> (empty)</b>
437 Optional lookup tables with per-recipient external
438 commands to use for <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> mailbox delivery.
440 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_command">mailbox_command</a> (empty)</b>
441 Optional external command that the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> deliv-
442 ery agent should use for mailbox delivery.
444 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#home_mailbox">home_mailbox</a> (empty)</b>
445 Optional pathname of a mailbox file relative to a
446 <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> user's home directory.
448 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mail_spool_directory">mail_spool_directory</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
449 The directory where <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> UNIX-style mailboxes
450 are kept.
452 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#fallback_transport_maps">fallback_transport_maps</a> (empty)</b>
453 Optional lookup tables with per-recipient message
454 delivery transports for recipients that the
455 <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent could not find in the
456 <a href="aliases.5.html"><b>aliases</b>(5)</a> or UNIX password database.
458 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#fallback_transport">fallback_transport</a> (empty)</b>
459 Optional message delivery transport that the
460 <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent should use for names that
461 are not found in the <a href="aliases.5.html"><b>aliases</b>(5)</a> or UNIX password
462 database.
464 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#luser_relay">luser_relay</a> (empty)</b>
465 Optional catch-all destination for unknown <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a>
466 recipients.
468 Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later:
470 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#command_execution_directory">command_execution_directory</a> (empty)</b>
471 The <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent working directory for
472 delivery to external command.
475 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#deliver_lock_attempts">deliver_lock_attempts</a> (20)</b>
476 The maximal number of attempts to acquire an exclu-
477 sive lock on a mailbox file or <a href="bounce.8.html"><b>bounce</b>(8)</a> logfile.
479 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#deliver_lock_delay">deliver_lock_delay</a> (1s)</b>
480 The time between attempts to acquire an exclusive
481 lock on a mailbox file or <a href="bounce.8.html"><b>bounce</b>(8)</a> logfile.
483 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#stale_lock_time">stale_lock_time</a> (500s)</b>
484 The time after which a stale exclusive mailbox
485 lockfile is removed.
487 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_delivery_lock">mailbox_delivery_lock</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
488 How to lock a UNIX-style <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> mailbox before
489 attempting delivery.
492 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#command_time_limit">command_time_limit</a> (1000s)</b>
493 Time limit for delivery to external commands.
495 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#duplicate_filter_limit">duplicate_filter_limit</a> (1000)</b>
496 The maximal number of addresses remembered by the
497 address duplicate filter for <a href="aliases.5.html"><b>aliases</b>(5)</a> or <a href="virtual.5.html"><b>vir-</b></a>
498 <a href="virtual.5.html"><b>tual</b>(5)</a> alias expansion, or for <a href="showq.8.html"><b>showq</b>(8)</a> queue dis-
499 plays.
501 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#local_destination_concurrency_limit">local_destination_concurrency_limit</a> (2)</b>
502 The maximal number of parallel deliveries via the
503 local mail delivery transport to the same recipient
504 (when "<a href="postconf.5.html#local_destination_recipient_limit">local_destination_recipient_limit</a> = 1") or
505 the maximal number of parallel deliveries to the
506 same <a href="ADDRESS_CLASS_README.html#local_domain_class">local domain</a> (when "local_destination_recipi-
507 ent_limit &gt; 1").
509 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#local_destination_recipient_limit">local_destination_recipient_limit</a> (1)</b>
510 The maximal number of recipients per message deliv-
511 ery via the local mail delivery transport.
513 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_size_limit">mailbox_size_limit</a> (51200000)</b>
514 The maximal size of any <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> individual mailbox
515 or maildir file, or zero (no limit).
518 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#allow_mail_to_commands">allow_mail_to_commands</a> (alias, forward)</b>
519 Restrict <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> mail delivery to external com-
520 mands.
522 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#allow_mail_to_files">allow_mail_to_files</a> (alias, forward)</b>
523 Restrict <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> mail delivery to external files.
525 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#command_expansion_filter">command_expansion_filter</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
526 Restrict the characters that the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery
527 agent allows in $name expansions of $<a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_command">mailbox_com</a>-
528 <a href="postconf.5.html#mailbox_command">mand</a> and $<a href="postconf.5.html#command_execution_directory">command_execution_directory</a>.
530 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#default_privs">default_privs</a> (nobody)</b>
531 The default rights used by the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery
532 agent for delivery to external file or command.
534 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#forward_expansion_filter">forward_expansion_filter</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
535 Restrict the characters that the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery
536 agent allows in $name expansions of $<a href="postconf.5.html#forward_path">forward_path</a>.
538 Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later:
540 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#execution_directory_expansion_filter">execution_directory_expansion_filter</a> (see 'postconf -d'</b>
541 <b>output)</b>
542 Restrict the characters that the <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery
543 agent allows in $name expansions of $<a href="postconf.5.html#command_execution_directory">command_execu</a>-
544 <a href="postconf.5.html#command_execution_directory">tion_directory</a>.
546 Available in Postfix version 2.5.3 and later:
548 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#strict_mailbox_ownership">strict_mailbox_ownership</a> (yes)</b>
549 Defer delivery when a mailbox file is not owned by
550 its recipient.
553 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#config_directory">config_directory</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
554 The default location of the Postfix <a href="postconf.5.html"></a> and
555 <a href="master.5.html"></a> configuration files.
557 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#daemon_timeout">daemon_timeout</a> (18000s)</b>
558 How much time a Postfix daemon process may take to
559 handle a request before it is terminated by a
560 built-in watchdog timer.
562 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#delay_logging_resolution_limit">delay_logging_resolution_limit</a> (2)</b>
563 The maximal number of digits after the decimal
564 point when logging sub-second delay values.
566 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#export_environment">export_environment</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
567 The list of environment variables that a Postfix
568 process will export to non-Postfix processes.
570 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#ipc_timeout">ipc_timeout</a> (3600s)</b>
571 The time limit for sending or receiving information
572 over an internal communication channel.
574 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#local_command_shell">local_command_shell</a> (empty)</b>
575 Optional shell program for <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery to
576 non-Postfix command.
578 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#max_idle">max_idle</a> (100s)</b>
579 The maximum amount of time that an idle Postfix
580 daemon process waits for an incoming connection
581 before terminating voluntarily.
583 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#max_use">max_use</a> (100)</b>
584 The maximal number of incoming connections that a
585 Postfix daemon process will service before termi-
586 nating voluntarily.
588 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#prepend_delivered_header">prepend_delivered_header</a> (command, file, forward)</b>
589 The message delivery contexts where the Postfix
590 <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> delivery agent prepends a Delivered-To:
591 message header with the address that the mail was
592 delivered to.
594 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#process_id">process_id</a> (read-only)</b>
595 The process ID of a Postfix command or daemon
596 process.
598 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#process_name">process_name</a> (read-only)</b>
599 The process name of a Postfix command or daemon
600 process.
602 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#propagate_unmatched_extensions">propagate_unmatched_extensions</a> (canonical, virtual)</b>
603 What address lookup tables copy an address exten-
604 sion from the lookup key to the lookup result.
606 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#queue_directory">queue_directory</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
607 The location of the Postfix top-level queue direc-
608 tory.
610 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#recipient_delimiter">recipient_delimiter</a> (empty)</b>
611 The separator between user names and address exten-
612 sions (user+foo).
614 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#require_home_directory">require_home_directory</a> (no)</b>
615 Require that a <a href="local.8.html"><b>local</b>(8)</a> recipient's home directory
616 exists before mail delivery is attempted.
618 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#syslog_facility">syslog_facility</a> (mail)</b>
619 The syslog facility of Postfix logging.
621 <b><a href="postconf.5.html#syslog_name">syslog_name</a> (see 'postconf -d' output)</b>
622 The mail system name that is prepended to the
623 process name in syslog records, so that "smtpd"
624 becomes, for example, "postfix/smtpd".
626 <b>FILES</b>
627 The following are examples; details differ between systems.
628 $HOME/.forward, per-user aliasing
629 /etc/aliases, system-wide alias database
630 /var/spool/mail, system mailboxes
632 <b>SEE ALSO</b>
633 <a href="qmgr.8.html">qmgr(8)</a>, queue manager
634 <a href="bounce.8.html">bounce(8)</a>, delivery status reports
635 <a href="newaliases.1.html">newaliases(1)</a>, create/update alias database
636 <a href="postalias.1.html">postalias(1)</a>, create/update alias database
637 <a href="aliases.5.html">aliases(5)</a>, format of alias database
638 <a href="postconf.5.html">postconf(5)</a>, configuration parameters
639 <a href="master.5.html">master(5)</a>, generic daemon options
640 syslogd(8), system logging
642 <b>LICENSE</b>
643 The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this
644 software.
646 <b>HISTORY</b>
647 The <b>Delivered-To:</b> message header appears in the <b>qmail</b> sys-
648 tem by Daniel Bernstein.
650 The <i>maildir</i> structure appears in the <b>qmail</b> system by
651 Daniel Bernstein.
653 <b>AUTHOR(S)</b>
654 Wietse Venema
655 IBM T.J. Watson Research
656 P.O. Box 704
657 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
659 LOCAL(8)
660 </pre> </body> </html>