[postfix-master.git] / postfix-master / nqmgr.8.html
1 <html> <head> </head> <body> <pre>
4 <b>NAME</b>
5 nqmgr - Postfix queue manager
7 <b>SYNOPSIS</b>
8 <b>nqmgr</b> [generic Postfix daemon options]
11 The <b>nqmgr</b> daemon awaits the arrival of incoming mail and
12 arranges for its delivery via Postfix delivery processes.
13 The actual mail routing strategy is delegated to the <a href="trivial-rewrite.8.html"><b>triv-</b></a>
14 <a href="trivial-rewrite.8.html"><b>ial-rewrite</b>(8)</a> daemon. This program expects to be run
15 from the <a href="master.8.html"><b>master</b>(8)</a> process manager.
17 Mail addressed to the local <b>double-bounce</b> address is
18 silently discarded. This stops potential loops caused by
19 undeliverable bounce notifications.
21 <b>MAIL</b> <b>QUEUES</b>
22 The <b>nqmgr</b> daemon maintains the following queues:
24 <b>incoming</b>
25 Inbound mail from the network, or mail picked up by
26 the local <b>pickup</b> agent from the <b>maildrop</b> directory.
28 <b>active</b> Messages that the queue manager has opened for
29 delivery. Only a limited number of messages is
30 allowed to enter the <b>active</b> queue (leaky bucket
31 strategy, for a fixed delivery rate).
33 <b>deferred</b>
34 Mail that could not be delivered upon the first
35 attempt. The queue manager implements exponential
36 backoff by doubling the time between delivery
37 attempts.
39 <b>corrupt</b>
40 Unreadable or damaged queue files are moved here
41 for inspection.
43 <b>hold</b> Messages that are kept "on hold" are kept here
44 until someone sets them free.
46 <b>DELIVERY</b> <b>STATUS</b> <b>REPORTS</b>
47 The <b>nqmgr</b> daemon keeps an eye on per-message delivery sta-
48 tus reports in the following directories. Each status
49 report file has the same name as the corresponding message
50 file:
52 <b>bounce</b> Per-recipient status information about why mail is
53 bounced. These files are maintained by the
54 <a href="bounce.8.html"><b>bounce</b>(8)</a> daemon.
56 <b>defer</b> Per-recipient status information about why mail is
57 delayed. These files are maintained by the
58 <a href="defer.8.html"><b>defer</b>(8)</a> daemon.
60 The <b>nqmgr</b> daemon is responsible for asking the <a href="bounce.8.html"><b>bounce</b>(8)</a>
61 or <a href="defer.8.html"><b>defer</b>(8)</a> daemons to send non-delivery reports.
63 <b>STRATEGIES</b>
64 The queue manager implements a variety of strategies for
65 either opening queue files (input) or for message delivery
66 (output).
68 <b>leaky</b> <b>bucket</b>
69 This strategy limits the number of messages in the
70 <b>active</b> queue and prevents the queue manager from
71 running out of memory under heavy load.
73 <b>fairness</b>
74 When the <b>active</b> queue has room, the queue manager
75 takes one message from the <b>incoming</b> queue and one
76 from the <b>deferred</b> queue. This prevents a large mail
77 backlog from blocking the delivery of new mail.
79 <b>slow</b> <b>start</b>
80 This strategy eliminates "thundering herd" problems
81 by slowly adjusting the number of parallel deliver-
82 ies to the same destination.
84 <b>round</b> <b>robin</b>
85 The queue manager sorts delivery requests by desti-
86 nation. Round-robin selection prevents one desti-
87 nation from dominating deliveries to other destina-
88 tions.
90 <b>exponential</b> <b>backoff</b>
91 Mail that cannot be delivered upon the first
92 attempt is deferred. The time interval between
93 delivery attempts is doubled after each attempt.
95 <b>destination</b> <b>status</b> <b>cache</b>
96 The queue manager avoids unnecessary delivery
97 attempts by maintaining a short-term, in-memory
98 list of unreachable destinations.
100 <b>preemptive</b> <b>message</b> <b>scheduling</b>
101 The queue manager attempts to minimize the average
102 per-recipient delay while still preserving the cor-
103 rect per-message delays, using a sophisticated pre-
104 emptive message scheduling.
106 <b>TRIGGERS</b>
107 On an idle system, the queue manager waits for the arrival
108 of trigger events, or it waits for a timer to go off. A
109 trigger is a one-byte message. Depending on the message
110 received, the queue manager performs one of the following
111 actions (the message is followed by the symbolic constant
112 used internally by the software):
114 <b>D</b> <b>(QMGR</b><i>_</i><b>REQ</b><i>_</i><b>SCAN</b><i>_</i><b>DEFERRED)</b>
115 Start a deferred queue scan. If a deferred queue
116 scan is already in progress, that scan will be
117 restarted as soon as it finishes.
119 <b>I</b> <b>(QMGR</b><i>_</i><b>REQ</b><i>_</i><b>SCAN</b><i>_</i><b>INCOMING)</b>
120 Start an incoming queue scan. If an incoming queue
121 scan is already in progress, that scan will be
122 restarted as soon as it finishes.
124 <b>A</b> <b>(QMGR</b><i>_</i><b>REQ</b><i>_</i><b>SCAN</b><i>_</i><b>ALL)</b>
125 Ignore deferred queue file time stamps. The request
126 affects the next deferred queue scan.
128 <b>F</b> <b>(QMGR</b><i>_</i><b>REQ</b><i>_</i><b>FLUSH</b><i>_</i><b>DEAD)</b>
129 Purge all information about dead transports and
130 destinations.
132 <b>W</b> <b>(TRIGGER</b><i>_</i><b>REQ</b><i>_</i><b>WAKEUP)</b>
133 Wakeup call, This is used by the master server to
134 instantiate servers that should not go away for-
135 ever. The action is to start an incoming queue
136 scan.
138 The <b>nqmgr</b> daemon reads an entire buffer worth of triggers.
139 Multiple identical trigger requests are collapsed into
140 one, and trigger requests are sorted so that <b>A</b> and <b>F</b> pre-
141 cede <b>D</b> and <b>I</b>. Thus, in order to force a deferred queue
142 run, one would request <b>A</b> <b>F</b> <b>D</b>; in order to notify the queue
143 manager of the arrival of new mail one would request <b>I</b>.
145 <b>STANDARDS</b>
146 None. The <b>nqmgr</b> daemon does not interact with the outside
147 world.
149 <b>SECURITY</b>
150 The <b>nqmgr</b> daemon is not security sensitive. It reads sin-
151 gle-character messages from untrusted local users, and
152 thus may be susceptible to denial of service attacks. The
153 <b>nqmgr</b> daemon does not talk to the outside world, and it
154 can be run at fixed low privilege in a chrooted environ-
155 ment.
157 <b>DIAGNOSTICS</b>
158 Problems and transactions are logged to the syslog daemon.
159 Corrupted message files are saved to the <b>corrupt</b> queue for
160 further inspection.
162 Depending on the setting of the <b>notify</b><i>_</i><b>classes</b> parameter,
163 the postmaster is notified of bounces and of other trou-
164 ble.
166 <b>BUGS</b>
167 A single queue manager process has to compete for disk
168 access with multiple front-end processes such as <b>smtpd</b>. A
169 sudden burst of inbound mail can negatively impact out-
170 bound delivery rates.
173 The following <b></b> parameters are especially relevant
174 to this program. See the Postfix <b></b> file for syntax
175 details and for default values. Use the <b>postfix</b> <b>reload</b>
176 command after a configuration change.
178 <b>Miscellaneous</b>
179 <b>allow</b><i>_</i><b>min</b><i>_</i><b>user</b>
180 Do not bounce recipient addresses that begin with
181 '-'.
183 <b>queue</b><i>_</i><b>directory</b>
184 Top-level directory of the Postfix queue.
186 <b>Active</b> <b>queue</b> <b>controls</b>
187 In the text below, <i>transport</i> is the first field in a <b>mas-</b>
188 <b></b> entry.
190 <b>qmgr</b><i>_</i><b>clog</b><i>_</i><b>warn</b><i>_</i><b>time</b>
191 Minimal delay between warnings that a specific des-
192 tination is clogging up the active queue. Specify 0
193 to disable.
195 <b>qmgr</b><i>_</i><b>message</b><i>_</i><b>active</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b>
196 Limit the number of messages in the active queue.
198 <b>qmgr</b><i>_</i><b>message</b><i>_</i><b>recipient</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b>
199 Limit the number of in-memory recipients.
201 This parameter also limits the size of the short-
202 term, in-memory destination cache.
204 <b>qmgr</b><i>_</i><b>message</b><i>_</i><b>recipient</b><i>_</i><b>minimum</b>
205 Per message minimum of in-memory recipients.
207 <b>default</b><i>_</i><b>recipient</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b>
208 Default limit on the number of in-memory recipients
209 per transport.
211 <i>transport_</i><b>recipient</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b>
212 Limit on the number of in-memory recipients, for
213 the named message <i>transport</i>.
215 <b>default</b><i>_</i><b>extra</b><i>_</i><b>recipient</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b>
216 Default limit on the total number of per transport
217 in-memory recipients that the preempting messages
218 can have.
220 <i>transport_</i><b>extra</b><i>_</i><b>recipient</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b>
221 Limit on the number of in-memory recipients which
222 all preempting messages delivered by the transport
223 <i>transport</i> can have.
225 <b>Timing</b> <b>controls</b>
226 <b>minimal</b><i>_</i><b>backoff</b><i>_</i><b>time</b>
227 Minimal time in seconds between delivery attempts
228 of a deferred message.
230 This parameter also limits the time an unreachable
231 destination is kept in the short-term, in-memory
232 destination status cache.
234 <b>maximal</b><i>_</i><b>backoff</b><i>_</i><b>time</b>
235 Maximal time in seconds between delivery attempts
236 of a deferred message.
238 <b>maximal</b><i>_</i><b>queue</b><i>_</i><b>lifetime</b>
239 Maximal time in days a message is queued before it
240 is sent back as undeliverable.
242 <b>queue</b><i>_</i><b>run</b><i>_</i><b>delay</b>
243 Time in seconds between deferred queue scans. Queue
244 scans do not overlap.
246 <b>transport</b><i>_</i><b>retry</b><i>_</i><b>time</b>
247 Time in seconds between attempts to contact a bro-
248 ken delivery transport.
250 <b>Concurrency</b> <b>controls</b>
251 <b>initial</b><i>_</i><b>destination</b><i>_</i><b>concurrency</b>
252 Initial per-destination concurrency level for par-
253 allel delivery to the same destination.
255 <b>default</b><i>_</i><b>destination</b><i>_</i><b>concurrency</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b>
256 Default limit on the number of parallel deliveries
257 to the same destination.
259 <i>transport_</i><b>destination</b><i>_</i><b>concurrency</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b>
260 Limit on the number of parallel deliveries to the
261 same destination, for delivery via the named mes-
262 sage <i>transport</i>.
264 <b>Recipient</b> <b>controls</b>
265 <b>default</b><i>_</i><b>destination</b><i>_</i><b>recipient</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b>
266 Default limit on the number of recipients per mes-
267 sage transfer.
269 <i>transport_</i><b>destination</b><i>_</i><b>recipient</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b>
270 Limit on the number of recipients per message
271 transfer, for the named message <i>transport</i>.
273 <b>Message</b> <b>scheduling</b>
274 <i>transport_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slot</b><i>_</i><b>cost</b> (valid range: 0,2,3...)
275 This parameter basically controls how often a mes-
276 sage delivered by <i>transport</i> can be preempted by
277 another message. An internal per-message/transport
278 counter is incremented by one for each <i>trans-</i>
279 <i>port_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slot</b><i>_</i><b>cost</b> deliveries handled by
280 <i>transport</i>. This counter represents the number of
281 "available delivery slots" for use by other mes-
282 sages. Current message can be preempted by another
283 message when that other message can be delivered
284 using less <i>transport</i> agents than the value of the
285 "available delivery slots" counter.
287 Value equal to 0 disables the message preemption
288 for <i>transport</i>.
290 <i>transport_</i><b>minimum</b><i>_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slots</b>
291 Message preemption is not attempted at all whenever
292 a message that can't ever accumulate at least
293 <i>transport_</i><b>minimum</b><i>_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slots</b> available delivery
294 slots is being delivered by <i>transport</i>.
296 <i>transport_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slot</b><i>_</i><b>discount</b> (valid range: 0..100)
298 <i>transport_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slot</b><i>_</i><b>loan</b>
299 These parameters speed up the moment when a message
300 preemption can happen. Instead of waiting until
301 the full amount of delivery slots required is
302 available, the preemption can happen when <i>trans-</i>
303 <i>port_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slot</b><i>_</i><b>discount</b> percent of the required
304 amount plus <i>transport_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slot</b><i>_</i><b>loan</b> still
305 remains to be accumulated. Note that the full
306 amount will still have to be accumulated before
307 another preemption can take place later.
309 <b>default</b><i>_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slot</b><i>_</i><b>cost</b>
311 <b>default</b><i>_</i><b>minimum</b><i>_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slots</b>
313 <b>default</b><i>_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slot</b><i>_</i><b>discount</b>
315 <b>default</b><i>_</i><b>delivery</b><i>_</i><b>slot</b><i>_</i><b>loan</b>
316 Default values for the transport specific parame-
317 ters described above.
319 <b>SEE</b> <b>ALSO</b>
320 <a href="master.8.html">master(8)</a>, process manager
321 syslogd(8) system logging
322 <a href="trivial-rewrite.8.html">trivial-rewrite(8)</a>, address routing
324 <b>LICENSE</b>
325 The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this
326 software.
328 <b>AUTHOR(S)</b>
329 Wietse Venema
330 IBM T.J. Watson Research
331 P.O. Box 704
332 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
334 Scheduler enhancements:
335 Patrik Rak
336 Modra 6
337 155 00, Prague, Czech Republic
339 NQMGR(8)
340 </pre> </body> </html>