Test failing local processes
[polysh.git] / tests / tests / control_commands.py
1 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
2 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
3 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
4 # (at your option) any later version.
6 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
7 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
9 # GNU Library General Public License for more details.
11 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
12 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
13 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
15 # See the COPYING file for license information.
17 # Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Guillaume Chazarain <guichaz@gmail.com>
19 import os
20 import unittest
21 import pexpect
22 from gsh_tests import launch_gsh
24 class TestControlCommands(unittest.TestCase):
25 def testControl(self):
26 child = launch_gsh(['localhost'])
27 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
28 child.sendline(':')
29 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
30 child.sendline('echo a; echo; echo; echo; echo; echo; echo; echo b')
31 child.expect('a')
32 child.expect('b')
33 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
34 child.sendline(':unknown')
35 child.expect('Unknown control command: unknown')
36 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
37 child.sendline('cat')
38 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
39 child.sendline(':send_ctrl \tz\t\t')
40 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
41 child.sendline(':send_ctrl')
42 child.expect('Expected at least a letter')
43 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
44 child.sendline(':send_ctrl word')
45 child.expect('Expected a single letter, got: word')
46 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
47 child.sendline('fg')
48 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
49 child.sendcontrol('z')
50 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
51 child.sendline('fg')
52 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
53 child.sendline(':send_ctrl d')
54 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
55 child.sendline('sleep 1h')
56 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
57 child.sendcontrol('c')
58 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
59 child.sendline('cat')
60 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
61 child.sendcontrol('d')
62 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
63 child.sendline('cat')
64 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
65 child.sendline(':disabl\tlocal* not_found\t')
66 child.expect('not_found not found\r\n')
67 child.expect('ready \(0\)> ')
68 child.sendline(':help')
69 child.expect(':enable')
70 child.expect('ready \(0\)> ')
71 child.sendline(':help repl\t')
72 child.expect(':replicate')
73 child.expect('ready \(0\)> ')
74 child.sendline(':help :upl\t')
75 child.expect(':upload')
76 child.expect('ready \(0\)> ')
77 child.sendline(':help badcommandname\t')
78 child.expect('Unknown control command: badcommandname')
79 child.expect('ready \(0\)> ')
80 child.sendline(':enable local\t')
81 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
82 child.sendline(':list')
83 child.expect('localhost enabled running:')
84 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
85 child.sendline(':list local\t')
86 child.expect('localhost enabled running:')
87 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
88 child.sendline(':list unknown')
89 child.expect('unknown not found')
90 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
91 child.sendline(':send_ctrl c')
92 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
93 child.sendline(':quit')
94 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
96 def testReconnect(self):
97 child = launch_gsh(['localhost'] * 2)
98 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
99 child.sendline(':disable localhost')
100 child.sendline('exit')
101 child.expect('Error talking to localhost#1\r\n')
102 child.expect('ready \(0\)>')
103 child.sendline(':reconnect l\t')
104 child.sendline(':enable')
105 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
106 child.sendeof()
107 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
109 def testListManipulation(self):
110 child = launch_gsh(['localhost'])
111 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
112 child.sendline(':add localhost')
113 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
114 child.sendline(':rename $(echo newname)')
115 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
116 child.sendline('date')
117 child.expect('newname')
118 child.expect('newname')
119 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
120 child.sendline(':rename $EMPTY_VARIABLE')
121 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
122 child.sendline('date')
123 child.expect('localhost')
124 child.expect('localhost')
125 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
126 child.sendline(':rename $(echo newname)')
127 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
128 child.sendline('date')
129 child.expect('newname')
130 child.expect('newname')
131 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
132 child.sendline(':disable newname')
133 child.sendline(':purge')
134 child.sendline(':enable *')
135 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
136 child.sendline(':rename')
137 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
138 child.sendline('date')
139 child.expect('localhost:')
140 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
141 child.sendeof()
142 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
144 def testLocalCommand(self):
145 child = launch_gsh(['localhost'])
146 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
147 child.sendline('cat')
148 child.expect('waiting \(1/1\)> ')
149 child.sendline('!ech\t te""st')
150 child.expect('test')
151 child.sendline(':send_ctrl d')
152 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
153 child.sendline('!exit 42')
154 child.expect('Child returned 42')
155 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
156 child.sendline('!python -c "import os; os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)"')
157 child.expect('Child was terminated by signal 9')
158 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
159 child.sendline(':chdir /does/not/exist')
160 child.expect("\[Errno 2\] .*: '/does/not/exist'")
161 child.sendline(':chdir /usr/sbi\t/does/not/exist')
162 child.expect('/usr/sbin')
163 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
164 child.sendeof()
165 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
167 def testLocalAbsPathCompletion(self):
168 child = launch_gsh(['localhost'])
169 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
170 child.sendline('echo /dev/nul\t')
171 child.expect('localhost: /dev/null')
172 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
173 child.sendline('echo /sbi\t')
174 child.expect('localhost: /sbin/')
175 child.sendeof()
176 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
178 def testLogOutput(self):
179 child = launch_gsh(['--log-file=/', 'localhost'])
180 child.expect("\[Errno 21\].*'/'")
181 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
182 child = launch_gsh(['--log-file=/cannot_write', 'localhost'])
183 child.expect("\[Errno 13\].*'/cannot_write'")
184 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
185 child = launch_gsh(['--log-file=/dev/full', 'localhost'])
186 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
187 child.sendline('echo something')
188 child.expect('Exception while writing log: /dev/full')
189 child.expect('\[Errno 28\]')
190 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
192 child = launch_gsh(['localhost'])
193 def testEcho(msg):
194 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
195 child.sendline('echo %s' % msg)
196 child.expect('localhost: %s' % msg)
197 testEcho('not logging')
198 child.sendline(':set_log')
199 testEcho('still not logging')
200 child.sendline('!rm -f /tmp/gsh_test.log')
201 testEcho('still not logging')
202 child.sendline(':set_log /tmp/gsh_test.log')
203 testEcho('now logging')
204 testEcho('still logging')
205 child.sendline(':set_log')
206 testEcho('back to no logging')
207 child.sendline(':set_log /tmp/gsh_test.lo\t')
208 testEcho('appended to the log')
209 child.sendline(':set_log')
210 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
211 child.sendline(':set_log /no-permission')
212 child.expect("[Errno 13] .*: '/no-permission'")
213 child.expect('Logging disabled')
214 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
215 child.sendeof()
216 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
219 > echo now logging
220 localhost: now logging
221 > echo still logging
222 localhost: still logging
223 > :set_log
224 > echo appended to the log
225 localhost: appended to the log
226 > :set_log
227 """.strip()
228 log = file('/tmp/gsh_test.log')
229 log_lines = [l for l in log.readlines() if not l.startswith('[dbg] ')]
230 actual_log = ''.join(log_lines).strip()
231 self.assertEqual(actual_log, EXPECTED_LOG)
232 os.remove('/tmp/gsh_test.log')
234 def testSetDebug(self):
235 child = launch_gsh(['localhost'])
236 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
237 child.sendline(':set_debug')
238 child.expect('Expected at least a letter')
239 child.sendline(':set_debug word')
240 child.expect("Expected 'y' or 'n', got: word")
241 child.sendline(':set_debug \ty\t\t')
242 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
243 child.sendline('echo "te""st"')
244 child.expect('\[dbg\] localhost\[idle\]: state => running')
245 child.expect('\[dbg\] localhost\[running\]: <== echo "te""st"')
246 child.expect('\[dbg\] localhost\[running\]: ==> test')
247 child.expect('localhost: test')
248 child.expect('\[dbg\] localhost\[running\]: state => idle')
249 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
250 child.sendeof()
251 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
253 def testHidePassword(self):
254 child = launch_gsh(['localhost'])
255 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
256 child.sendline('# passwordnotprotected')
257 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
258 child.sendline(':set_debug y')
259 child.sendline(':set_log /dev/nul\t')
260 child.sendline(':hide_password')
261 child.expect('Debugging disabled')
262 child.expect('Logging disabled')
263 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
264 child.sendline('# passwordprotected')
265 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
266 child.sendline('echo password\t')
267 child.expect('passwordnotprotected')
268 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
269 child.sendeof()
270 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
272 def testResetPrompt(self):
273 child = launch_gsh(['localhost'])
274 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
275 child.sendline('bash')
276 child.sendline(':reset_prompt l\t')
277 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
278 child.sendline(':quit')
279 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
281 def testPurge(self):
282 child = launch_gsh(['localhost'] * 3)
283 child.expect('ready \(3\)> ')
284 child.sendline(':disable localhost#*')
285 child.expect('ready \(1\)> ')
286 child.sendline('kill -9 $$')
287 child.expect('ready \(0\)> ')
288 child.sendline(':enable')
289 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
290 child.sendline(':pur\t\t')
291 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
292 child.sendline(':list')
293 child.expect('localhost#1 enabled idle:')
294 child.expect('localhost#2 enabled idle:')
295 child.expect('ready \(2\)> ')
296 child.sendeof()
297 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)
299 def testPrintReadBuffer(self):
300 child = launch_gsh(['--ssh=echo message; sleep'] + ['1h'] * 3)
301 child.expect('waiting \(3/3\)> ')
302 child.sendline(':print_read_buffer \t*')
303 for i in xrange(3):
304 child.expect('1h[ #][ 12]: message')
305 child.expect('waiting \(3/3\)> ')
306 child.sendline(':quit')
307 child.expect(pexpect.EOF)