1 c1 = readDom["{i,N,M|1<=M<=N }"]
3 d1 = readDom["{i,N,M|i=1;N=M}|{i,N,M|1<=i<=(N,M+1)}|{i,N,M|1<=i<=N}"]
6 d2 = DomConvex[DomIntersection[d1,c1]]
9 d1 = readDom["{i,N,M|i=1;N=M}|{i,N,M|1<=i<=(N,M+1)}"]
12 d2 = DomConvex[DomIntersection[d1,c1]]
15 d1 = readDom["{i,N,M|i=1;N=M}|{i,N,M|1<=i<=N}"]
18 d2 = DomConvex[DomIntersection[d1,c1]]
21 d1 = readDom["{i,N,M|1<=i<=(N,M+1)}|{i,N,M|1<=i<=N}"]
24 d2 = DomConvex[DomIntersection[d1,c1]]
28 d1 = readDom["{i,N|i=1}|{i,N|1<=i<=N}"]
31 (* with context included, its OK *)
32 d1 = readDom["{i,N|i=1;1<=N}|{i,N|1<=i<=N}"]
36 (* intersection and convex are not interchangeable *)
37 d1 = readDom["{i,N|i=1; 0<=N}|{i,N|1<=i<=N}"]
38 d1 = readDom["{i,N|i=1}|{i,N|1<=i<=N}"]
39 d2 = readDom["{i,N|N=4}"]
40 d3 = DomIntersection[d1,d2]
44 d6 = DomIntersection[d5,d2]