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1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html lang="en">
3 <head>
4 <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="all">
5 <title>PIPEGLADE</title>
6 <meta name="author" content="Bert Burgemeister">
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9 <div class="mandoc">
10 <div class="section">
11 <h1>PIPEGLADE<br />
12 Graphical User Interfaces, The UNIX Way</h1>
13 <p>
14 <div class="toc">
15 blha balh blah
16 <!-- replace_with_toc -->
17 </div>
18 <p>
19 Pipeglade is a helper program that displays graphical user
20 interfaces for other programs. It renders the GUI definition
21 found in a GtkBuilder file (created using
22 the
23 <a class="link-ext" href="">Glade</a> Interface
24 Designer), and communicates with the main program solely
25 via pipes or fifos.
26 <p>
27 To have its GUI rendered by pipeglade, a program must be able to
28 <ul class="list list-dash">
29 <li class="list list-dash">
30 send plain text commands to standard output or a named
31 pipe and/or
32 <li class="list list-dash">
33 receive and parse simple plain text messages from standard
34 input or a named pipe.
35 </ul>
36 Pipeglade strives for simplicity; it provides access to a
37 subset of the features available in GTK+ v3.2. Widgets able to
38 communicate via pipeglade include
39 <ul class="list list-dash">
40 <li class="list list-dash">
41 layout
42 <a class="link-ext" href="">containers</a>:
43 <a class="link-ext" href="">notebook</a>,
44 <a class="link-ext" href="">expander</a>,
45 <a class="link-ext" href="">frame</a>,
46 <a class="link-ext" href="">scrolled window</a>;
47 <li class="list list-dash">
48 <a class="link-ext" href="">buttons</a>:
49 <a class="link-ext" href="">check
50 button</a>,
51 <a class="link-ext" href="">toggle
52 button</a>,
53 <a class="link-ext" href="">radio
54 button</a>,
55 <a class="link-ext" href="">switch</a>;
56 <li class="list list-dash">
57 <a class="link-ext" href="">spin
58 buttons</a>
59 and <a class="link-ext" href="">scales/sliders</a>;
60 <li class="list list-dash">
61 text <a class="link-ext" href="">labels</a>
62 and <a class="link-ext" href="">images</a>;
63 <li class="list list-dash">
64 <a class="link-ext" href="">text</a>
65 and <a class="link-ext" href="">tabular</a>
66 <a class="link-ext" href="">inputs</a>;
67 <li class="list list-dash">
68 <a class="link-ext" href="">combo
69 boxes</a>
70 and <a class="link-ext" href="">menus</a>;
71 <li class="list list-dash">
72 various <a class="link-ext" href="">dialog</a>
73 windows: <a class="link-ext" href="">file</a>
74 <a class="link-ext" href="">choosers</a>,
75 <a class="link-ext" href="">print
76 dialog</a>, <a class="link-ext" href="">color
77 button</a>, <a class="link-ext" href="">font
78 button</a>;
79 <li class="list list-dash">
80 <a class="link-ext" href="">calendars</a>;
81 <li class="list list-dash">
82 <a class="link-ext" href="">drawing
83 areas</a> (see example below);
84 <li class="list list-dash">
85 <a class="link-ext" href="">statusbars</a>
86 and <a class="link-ext" href="">progress</a>
87 <a class="link-ext" href="">indicators</a>;
88 <li class="list list-dash">
89 <a class="link-ext" href="">event
90 boxes</a> that report keyboard and mouse activity,
91 <li class="list list-dash">
92 <a class="link-ext" href="">XEmbed
93 sockets</a> displaying other processes (Pipeglade can
94 also embed itself into an XEmbed socket of another process.)
95 </ul>
96 <a class="link-ext" href="">Widgets
97 of any kind</a> can grab focus and change visibility,
98 sensitivity, <a class="link-ext" href="">style</a>,
99 size, and tooltip.
101 <div class="subsection">
102 <h2>DOCUMENTATION</h2>
103 Pipeglade has a manual page:
104 <a class="link-ext" href="pipeglade.1.html">pipeglade(1)[HTML]</a>,
105 <a class="link-ext" href="pipeglade.1.pdf">pipeglade(1)[PDF]</a>
106 </div>
107 <div class="subsection">
108 <h2>WIDGET GALLERY</h2>
109 <!-- replace_with_widget_gallery -->
110 </div>
111 <div class="subsection">
112 <h2>EXAMPLE</h2>
113 The shell script <a class="link-ext" href=""></a> uses
114 pipeglade to display an analog clock on the interface
115 defined in the GtkBuilder
116 file <a class="link-ext" href="clock.ui.txt">clock.ui</a>. The script was
117 also used to generate the image below.
119 <img src="clock.jpg" width="200">
120 </div>
121 <div class="subsection">
122 <h2>SOURCE CODE</h2>
123 <ul class="list list-dash">
124 <li class="list list-dash">
125 Download pipeglade v_PUT_VERSION_HERE_:
126 <a class="link-ext" href="">
127 pipeglade-_PUT_VERSION_HERE_.tar.gz</a>
128 <li class="list list-dash">
129 <a class="link-ext" href="">GitHub</a>
130 </ul>
131 </div>
132 <div class="subsection">
133 <h2>LICENSE</h2>
134 <!-- replace_with_license_text -->
135 </div>
136 </div>
137 </div>
138 </body>
139 </html>