Use xdotool to automate window positioning tests
[pipeglade.git] /
1 #! /usr/bin/env bash
3 # Pipeglade tests; they should be invoked in the build directory.
5 # Usage: ./
6 # Usage: ./ interactive
7 # Usage: ./ automatic
9 # Failure of a test can cause failure of one or more subsequent tests.
13 if test ${1-X} == interactive; then unset -v AUTOMATIC ; fi
14 if test ${1-X} == automatic; then unset -v INTERACTIVE ; fi
16 export LC_ALL=C
17 export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1
18 FIN=to-g.fifo
19 FOUT=from-g.fifo
20 FERR=err.fifo
21 LOG=test.log
22 ERR_FILE=err.txt
23 BAD_FIFO=bad_fifo
24 PID_FILE=pid
25 OUT_FILE=out.txt
26 DIR=test_dir
27 EPS_FILE=test.eps
28 EPSF_FILE=test.epsf
29 PDF_FILE=test.pdf
31 SVG_FILE=test.svg
32 FILE1=saved1.txt
33 FILE2=saved2.txt
34 FILE3=saved3.txt
35 FILE4=saved4.txt
36 FILE5=saved5.txt
37 FILE6=saved6.txt
38 BIG_INPUT=big.txt
39 BIG_INPUT2=big2.txt
40 BIG_INPUT_ERR=err.txt
41 WEIRD_PATHS=$(awk 'BEGIN{ for (i=0x01; i<= 0xff; i++) if (i != 0x2a && i != 0x2f && i != 0x3f && i != 0x5c) printf "'$DIR'/(%c) ", i }')
42 BIG_STRING=$(for i in {1..100}; do echo -n "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz($i)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0{${RANDOM}}123456789"; done)
43 BIG_NUM=$(for i in {1..100}; do echo -n "$RANDOM"; done)
48 if stat -f "%0p" 2>/dev/null; then
49 STAT_CMD='stat -f "%0p"'
50 else
51 # probably GNU stat
52 STAT_CMD='stat -c "%a"'
55 # colored messages: bright green
56 OK=$'\E[32;1mOK\E[0m'
57 # bright red
58 FAIL=$'\E[31;1mFAIL\E[0m'
59 EXPECTED=$'\E[31;1mEXPECTED\E[0m'
60 # yellow
61 CALL=$'\E[33mCALL\E[0m'
62 SEND=$'\E[33mSEND\E[0m'
64 TESTS=0
65 FAILS=0
66 OKS=0
68 count_fail() {
69 (( TESTS+=1 ))
70 (( FAILS+=1 ))
73 count_ok() {
74 (( TESTS+=1 ))
75 (( OKS+=1 ))
78 check_rm() {
79 i=0
80 while test -e $1 && (( i<50 )); do
81 sleep .1
82 (( i+=1 ))
83 done
84 if test -e $1; then
85 count_fail
86 echo " $FAIL $1 should be deleted"
87 rm -f $1
88 else
89 count_ok
90 echo " $OK $1 deleted"
94 check_cmd() {
95 i=0
96 while ! eval "$1" && (( i<50 )); do
97 sleep .1
98 (( i+=1 ))
99 done
100 if eval "$1"; then
101 count_ok
102 echo " $OK $1"
103 else
104 count_fail
105 echo " $FAIL $1"
110 echo "
113 # Situations where pipeglade should exit immediately. These tests
114 # should run automatically
115 ######################################################################
118 # check_call command expected_status expected_stderr expected_stdout
119 check_call() {
120 r=$2
121 e=$3
122 o=$4
123 output=$($1 2>tmperr.txt)
124 retval=$?
125 error=$(<tmperr.txt)
126 rm tmperr.txt
127 echo "$CALL $1"
128 if test "$output" = "" -a "$o" = "" || (echo "$output" | grep -Fqe "$o"); then
129 count_ok
130 echo " $OK STDOUT $output"
131 else
132 count_fail
133 echo " $FAIL STDOUT $output"
134 echo " $EXPECTED $o"
136 if test "$error" = "" -a "$e" = "" || test "$retval" -eq "$r" && (echo "$error" | grep -Fqe "$e"); then
137 count_ok
138 echo " $OK EXIT/STDERR $retval $error"
139 else
140 count_fail
141 echo " $FAIL EXIT/STDERR $retval $error"
142 echo " $EXPECTED $r $e"
147 if test $AUTOMATIC; then
149 check_call "./pipeglade -u nonexistent.ui" 1 \
150 "nonexistent.ui" ""
151 check_call "./pipeglade -u bad_window.ui" 1 \
152 "no toplevel window named 'main'" ""
153 check_call "./pipeglade -u www-template/404.html" 1 \
154 "html" ""
155 check_call "./pipeglade -u README" 1 \
156 "Document must begin with an element" ""
157 check_call "./pipeglade -e x" 1 \
158 "x is not a valid XEmbed socket id" ""
159 check_call "./pipeglade -ex" 1 \
160 "x is not a valid XEmbed socket id" ""
161 check_call "./pipeglade -e -77" 1 \
162 "-77 is not a valid XEmbed socket id" ""
163 check_call "./pipeglade -e 77x" 1 \
164 "77x is not a valid XEmbed socket id" ""
165 check_call "./pipeglade -e +77" 1 \
166 "+77 is not a valid XEmbed socket id" ""
167 check_call "./pipeglade -e 999999999999999999999999999999" 1 \
168 "999999999999999999999999999999 is not a valid XEmbed socket id" ""
169 check_call "./pipeglade -e 99999999999999999" 1 \
170 "unable to embed into XEmbed socket 99999999999999999" ""
171 touch $BAD_FIFO
172 check_call "./pipeglade -i $BAD_FIFO" 1 \
173 "using pre-existing fifo" ""
174 check_call "./pipeglade -o $BAD_FIFO" 1 \
175 "using pre-existing fifo" ""
176 rm $BAD_FIFO
177 check_call "./pipeglade -b" 1 \
178 "parameter -b requires both -i and -o"
179 check_call "./pipeglade -b -i $FIN" 1 \
180 "parameter -b requires both -i and -o"
181 check_call "./pipeglade -b -i $FOUT" 1 \
182 "parameter -b requires both -i and -o"
183 rm $FIN $FOUT
184 check_call "./pipeglade -h" 0 \
185 "" "usage: pipeglade [[-i in-fifo] [-o out-fifo] [-b] [-u glade-file.ui] [-e xid]
186 [-l log-file] [-O err-file] [--display X-server]] | [-h|-G|-V]"
187 check_call "./pipeglade -G" 0 \
188 "" "GTK+ v"
189 check_call "./pipeglade -G" 0 \
190 "" "cairo v"
191 check_call "./pipeglade -V" 0 \
192 "" "."
193 check_call "./pipeglade -X" 1 \
194 "option" ""
195 check_call "./pipeglade -e" 1 \
196 "argument" ""
197 check_call "./pipeglade -u" 1 \
198 "argument" ""
199 check_call "./pipeglade -i" 1 \
200 "argument" ""
201 check_call "./pipeglade -o" 1 \
202 "argument" ""
203 mkdir -p $DIR
204 check_call "./pipeglade -O" 1 \
205 "argument" ""
206 check_call "./pipeglade -O $DIR" 1 \
207 "" "redirecting stderr to"
208 check_call "./pipeglade -l $DIR" 1 \
209 "opening log file" ""
210 check_call "./pipeglade -l" 1 \
211 "argument" ""
212 # assuming we can't adjust permissions of /dev/null:
213 check_call "./pipeglade -O /dev/null" 1 \
214 "" "setting permissions of /dev/null:"
215 check_call "./pipeglade -l /dev/null" 1 \
216 "setting permissions of /dev/null:" ""
217 check_call "./pipeglade yyy" 1 \
218 "illegal parameter 'yyy'" ""
219 check_call "./pipeglade --display nnn" 1 \
220 "nnn"
221 check_rm $FIN
222 check_rm $FOUT
227 #exit
229 echo "
232 # Error handling tests---bogus actions leading to appropriate error
233 # messages. Most of these tests should run automatically.
234 ######################################################################
237 mkfifo $FERR
239 # check_error command expected_stderr
240 check_error() {
241 echo "$SEND ${1:0:300}"
242 echo -e "$1" >$FIN
243 while read r <$FERR; do
244 # ignore irrelevant GTK warnings
245 if test "$r" != "" && ! grep -qe "WARNING"<<< "$r"; then
246 break;
248 done
249 if grep -qFe "${2:0:300}" <<< "${r:0:300}"; then
250 count_ok
251 echo " $OK ${r:0:300}"
252 else
253 count_fail
254 echo " $FAIL ${r:0:300}"
255 echo " $EXPECTED ${2:0:300}"
259 read r 2< $FERR &
260 ./pipeglade -i $FIN 2> $FERR &
261 # wait for $FIN to appear
262 while test ! \( -e $FIN \); do :; done
264 if test $AUTOMATIC; then
265 # Non-existent name
266 check_error "nnn" \
267 "ignoring command \"nnn\""
268 check_error "BIG_STRING" \
269 "ignoring command \"BIG_STRING\""
270 check_error "nnn:set_text FFFF" \
271 "ignoring command \"nnn:set_text FFFF\""
272 check_error "nnn:set_text $BIG_STRING" \
273 "ignoring command \"nnn:set_text $BIG_STRING\""
274 check_error "nnn:set_tooltip_text FFFF" \
275 "ignoring command \"nnn:set_tooltip_text FFFF\""
276 check_error "nnn:set_tooltip_text $BIG_STRING" \
277 "ignoring command \"nnn:set_tooltip_text $BIG_STRING\""
278 check_error "nnn:set_sensitive 0" \
279 "ignoring command \"nnn:set_sensitive 0\""
280 check_error "nnn:set_sensitive 1" \
281 "ignoring command \"nnn:set_sensitive 1\""
282 check_error "nnn:set_visible 0" \
283 "ignoring command \"nnn:set_visible 0\""
284 check_error "nnn:set_visible 1" \
285 "ignoring command \"nnn:set_visible 1\""
286 check_error "nnn:grab_focus" \
287 "ignoring command \"nnn:grab_focus\""
288 check_error "nnn:set_size_request 100 100" \
289 "ignoring command \"nnn:set_size_request 100 100\""
290 check_error "nnn:set_size_request $BIG_NUM $BIG_NUM" \
291 "ignoring command \"nnn:set_size_request $BIG_NUM $BIG_NUM\""
292 check_error "nnn:style font:Bold 11" \
293 "ignoring command \"nnn:style font:Bold 11\""
294 check_error "nnn:force" \
295 "ignoring command \"nnn:force\""
296 # Wrong number or kind of arguments for generic actions
297 check_error "button1:set_sensitive" \
298 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_sensitive\""
299 check_error "button1:set_sensitive 2" \
300 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_sensitive 2\""
301 check_error "button1:set_sensitive $BIG_NUM" \
302 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_sensitive $BIG_NUM\""
303 check_error "button1:set_sensitive nnn" \
304 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_sensitive nnn\""
305 check_error "button1:set_sensitive 0 1" \
306 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_sensitive 0 1\""
307 check_error "button1:set_visible" \
308 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_visible\""
309 check_error "button1:set_visible 2" \
310 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_visible 2\""
311 check_error "button1:set_visible $BIG_NUM" \
312 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_visible $BIG_NUM\""
313 check_error "button1:set_visible nnn" \
314 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_visible nnn\""
315 check_error "button1:set_visible 0 1" \
316 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_visible 0 1\""
317 check_error "button1:grab_focus 2" \
318 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:grab_focus 2\""
319 check_error "button1:set_size_request 100" \
320 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_size_request 100\""
321 check_error "button1:set_size_request 100 100 100" \
322 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:set_size_request 100 100 100\""
323 check_error "button1:force 2" \
324 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:force 2\""
325 check_error "_:main_quit 2" \
326 "ignoring command \"_:main_quit 2\""
327 # Widget that shouldn't fire callbacks
328 check_error "label1:force" \
329 "ignoring GtkLabel command \"label1:force\""
330 # Widget that can't grab focus
331 check_error "label1:grab_focus" \
332 "ignoring GtkLabel command \"label1:grab_focus\""
333 # load file
334 check_error "_:load" \
335 "ignoring command \"_:load\""
336 check_error "_:load " \
337 "ignoring command \"_:load \""
338 check_error "_:load nonexistent.txt" \
339 "ignoring command \"_:load nonexistent.txt\""
340 for i in $WEIRD_PATHS; do
341 check_error "_:load nonexistent/${i}QqQ" \
342 "ignoring command \"_:load nonexistent/${i}QqQ\""
343 done
344 # _:load junk
345 mkdir -p $DIR
346 cat >$DIR/$FILE1 <<< "blah"
347 check_error "_:load $DIR/$FILE1" \
348 "ignoring command \"blah\""
349 for i in $WEIRD_PATHS; do
350 cat >$i <<< "blah"
351 check_error "_:load $i" \
352 "ignoring command \"blah\""
353 done
354 # recursive :load
355 cat >$DIR/$FILE1 <<< "_:load $DIR/$FILE1"
356 check_error "_:load $DIR/$FILE1" \
357 "ignoring command \"_:load $DIR/$FILE1\""
358 for i in $WEIRD_PATHS; do
359 cat >$i <<< "_:load $i"
360 check_error "_:load $i" \
361 "ignoring command \"_:load $i\""
362 done
363 cat >$DIR/$FILE1 <<< "_:load $DIR/$FILE2"
364 cat >$DIR/$FILE2 <<< "_:load $DIR/$FILE1"
365 check_error "_:load $DIR/$FILE1" \
366 "ignoring command \"_:load $DIR/$FILE1\""
367 cat >$DIR/$FILE1 <<< "_:load $DIR/$FILE2"
368 cat >$DIR/$FILE2 <<< "_:blah"
369 check_error "_:load $DIR/$FILE1" \
370 "ignoring command \"_:blah\""
371 rm -rf $DIR
372 # GtkWindow
373 check_error "main:nnn" \
374 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:nnn\""
375 check_error "main:move" \
376 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:move\""
377 check_error "main:move " \
378 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:move \""
379 check_error "main:move 700" \
380 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:move 700\""
381 check_error "main:move 700 nnn" \
382 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:move 700 nnn\""
383 check_error "main:move $BIG_NUM $BIG_STRING" \
384 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:move $BIG_NUM $BIG_STRING\""
385 check_error "main:move 700 700 700" \
386 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:move 700 700 700\""
387 check_error "main:resize 700" \
388 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:resize 700\""
389 check_error "main:resize 700 nnn" \
390 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:resize 700 nnn\""
391 check_error "main:resize 700 700 700" \
392 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:resize 700 700 700\""
393 check_error "main:fullscreen 1" \
394 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:fullscreen 1\""
395 check_error "main:unfullscreen 1" \
396 "ignoring GtkWindow command \"main:unfullscreen 1\""
397 # GtkLabel
398 check_error "label1:nnn" \
399 "ignoring GtkLabel command \"label1:nnn\""
400 # GtkImage
401 check_error "image1:nnn" \
402 "ignoring GtkImage command \"image1:nnn\""
403 # GtkNotebook
404 check_error "notebook1:nnn" \
405 "ignoring GtkNotebook command \"notebook1:nnn\""
406 check_error "notebook1:set_current_page" \
407 "ignoring GtkNotebook command \"notebook1:set_current_page\""
408 check_error "notebook1:set_current_page " \
409 "ignoring GtkNotebook command \"notebook1:set_current_page \""
410 check_error "notebook1:set_current_page nnn" \
411 "ignoring GtkNotebook command \"notebook1:set_current_page nnn\""
412 check_error "notebook1:set_current_page -1" \
413 "ignoring GtkNotebook command \"notebook1:set_current_page -1\""
414 check_error "notebook1:set_current_page $BIG_NUM" \
415 "ignoring GtkNotebook command \"notebook1:set_current_page $BIG_NUM\""
416 check_error "notebook1:set_current_page 1 1" \
417 "ignoring GtkNotebook command \"notebook1:set_current_page 1 1\""
418 # GtkExpander
419 check_error "expander1:nnn" \
420 "ignoring GtkExpander command \"expander1:nnn\""
421 check_error "expander1:set_expanded" \
422 "ignoring GtkExpander command \"expander1:set_expanded\""
423 check_error "expander1:set_expanded 3" \
424 "ignoring GtkExpander command \"expander1:set_expanded 3\""
425 check_error "expander1:set_expanded $BIG_NUM" \
426 "ignoring GtkExpander command \"expander1:set_expanded $BIG_NUM\""
427 check_error "expander1:set_expanded 0 1" \
428 "ignoring GtkExpander command \"expander1:set_expanded 0 1\""
429 # GtkTextView
430 check_error "textview1:nnn" \
431 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:nnn\""
432 check_error "textview1:save" \
433 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:save\""
434 check_error "textview1:delete nnn" \
435 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:delete nnn\""
436 check_error "textview1:place_cursor" \
437 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:place_cursor\""
438 check_error "textview1:place_cursor " \
439 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:place_cursor \""
440 check_error "textview1:place_cursor nnn" \
441 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:place_cursor nnn\""
442 check_error "textview1:place_cursor 1 1" \
443 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:place_cursor 1 1\""
444 check_error "textview1:place_cursor end 1" \
445 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:place_cursor end 1\""
446 check_error "textview1:place_cursor_at_line" \
447 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:place_cursor_at_line\""
448 check_error "textview1:place_cursor_at_line " \
449 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:place_cursor_at_line \""
450 check_error "textview1:place_cursor_at_line nnn" \
451 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:place_cursor_at_line nnn\""
452 check_error "textview1:place_cursor_at_line 1 1" \
453 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:place_cursor_at_line 1 1\""
454 check_error "textview1:scroll_to_cursor nnn" \
455 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:scroll_to_cursor nnn\""
456 mkdir $DIR; chmod a-w $DIR
457 check_error "textview1:save $DIR/$FILE1" \
458 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:save $DIR/$FILE1\""
459 check_error "textview1:save nonexistent/$FILE1" \
460 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:save nonexistent/$FILE1\""
461 for i in $WEIRD_PATHS; do
462 check_error "textview1:save nonexistent/$i" \
463 "ignoring GtkTextView command \"textview1:save nonexistent/$i\""
464 done
466 rm -rf $DIR
467 # GtkButton
468 check_error "button1:nnn" \
469 "ignoring GtkButton command \"button1:nnn\""
470 # GtkSwitch
471 check_error "switch1:nnn" \
472 "ignoring GtkSwitch command \"switch1:nnn\""
473 check_error "switch1:set_active" \
474 "ignoring GtkSwitch command \"switch1:set_active\""
475 check_error "switch1:set_active " \
476 "ignoring GtkSwitch command \"switch1:set_active \""
477 check_error "switch1:set_active 2" \
478 "ignoring GtkSwitch command \"switch1:set_active 2\""
479 check_error "switch1:set_active $BIG_NUM" \
480 "ignoring GtkSwitch command \"switch1:set_active $BIG_NUM\""
481 check_error "switch1:set_active 0 1" \
482 "ignoring GtkSwitch command \"switch1:set_active 0 1\""
483 # GtkToggleButton
484 check_error "togglebutton1:nnn" \
485 "ignoring GtkToggleButton command \"togglebutton1:nnn\""
486 check_error "togglebutton1:set_active" \
487 "ignoring GtkToggleButton command \"togglebutton1:set_active\""
488 check_error "togglebutton1:set_active " \
489 "ignoring GtkToggleButton command \"togglebutton1:set_active \""
490 check_error "togglebutton1:set_active 2" \
491 "ignoring GtkToggleButton command \"togglebutton1:set_active 2\""
492 check_error "togglebutton1:set_active $BIG_NUM" \
493 "ignoring GtkToggleButton command \"togglebutton1:set_active $BIG_NUM\""
494 check_error "togglebutton1:set_active 1 0" \
495 "ignoring GtkToggleButton command \"togglebutton1:set_active 1 0\""
496 # GtkCheckButton
497 check_error "checkbutton1:nnn" \
498 "ignoring GtkCheckButton command \"checkbutton1:nnn\""
499 check_error "checkbutton1:set_active" \
500 "ignoring GtkCheckButton command \"checkbutton1:set_active\""
501 check_error "checkbutton1:set_active " \
502 "ignoring GtkCheckButton command \"checkbutton1:set_active \""
503 check_error "checkbutton1:set_active 2" \
504 "ignoring GtkCheckButton command \"checkbutton1:set_active 2\""
505 check_error "checkbutton1:set_active $BIG_NUM" \
506 "ignoring GtkCheckButton command \"checkbutton1:set_active $BIG_NUM\""
507 check_error "checkbutton1:set_active 1 1" \
508 "ignoring GtkCheckButton command \"checkbutton1:set_active 1 1\""
509 # GtkRadioButton
510 check_error "radiobutton1:nnn" \
511 "ignoring GtkRadioButton command \"radiobutton1:nnn\""
512 check_error "radiobutton1:set_active" \
513 "ignoring GtkRadioButton command \"radiobutton1:set_active\""
514 check_error "radiobutton1:set_active " \
515 "ignoring GtkRadioButton command \"radiobutton1:set_active \""
516 check_error "radiobutton1:set_active 2" \
517 "ignoring GtkRadioButton command \"radiobutton1:set_active 2\""
518 check_error "radiobutton1:set_active $BIG_NUM" \
519 "ignoring GtkRadioButton command \"radiobutton1:set_active $BIG_NUM\""
520 check_error "radiobutton1:set_active nnn" \
521 "ignoring GtkRadioButton command \"radiobutton1:set_active nnn\""
522 check_error "radiobutton1:set_active 0 1" \
523 "ignoring GtkRadioButton command \"radiobutton1:set_active 0 1\""
524 # GtkSpinButton
525 check_error "spinbutton1:nnn" \
526 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:nnn\""
527 check_error "spinbutton1:set_text" \
528 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_text\""
529 check_error "spinbutton1:set_text " \
530 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_text \""
531 check_error "spinbutton1:set_text nnn" \
532 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_text nnn\""
533 check_error "spinbutton1:set_text $BIG_STRING" \
534 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_text $BIG_STRING\""
535 check_error "spinbutton1:set_text 10 10" \
536 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_text 10 10\""
537 check_error "spinbutton1:set_range" \
538 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_range\""
539 check_error "spinbutton1:set_range " \
540 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_range \""
541 check_error "spinbutton1:set_range 10 nnn" \
542 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_range 10 nnn\""
543 check_error "spinbutton1:set_range 10 20 10" \
544 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_range 10 20 10\""
545 check_error "spinbutton1:set_increments" \
546 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_increments\""
547 check_error "spinbutton1:set_increments " \
548 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_increments \""
549 check_error "spinbutton1:set_increments 10 nnn" \
550 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_increments 10 nnn\""
551 check_error "spinbutton1:set_increments 10 20 10" \
552 "ignoring GtkSpinButton command \"spinbutton1:set_increments 10 20 10\""
553 # GtkDialog
554 check_error "dialog1:resize 100" \
555 "ignoring GtkDialog command \"dialog1:resize 100\""
556 check_error "dialog1:resize 100 100 100" \
557 "ignoring GtkDialog command \"dialog1:resize 100 100 100\""
558 check_error "dialog1:move" \
559 "ignoring GtkDialog command \"dialog1:move\""
560 check_error "dialog1:move " \
561 "ignoring GtkDialog command \"dialog1:move \""
562 check_error "dialog1:move 100" \
563 "ignoring GtkDialog command \"dialog1:move 100\""
564 check_error "dialog1:move 100 100 100" \
565 "ignoring GtkDialog command \"dialog1:move 100 100 100\""
566 check_error "dialog1:fullscreen 1" \
567 "ignoring GtkDialog command \"dialog1:fullscreen 1\""
568 check_error "dialog1:unfullscreen 1" \
569 "ignoring GtkDialog command \"dialog1:unfullscreen 1\""
570 # GtkFileChooserButton
571 check_error "filechooserbutton1:nnn" \
572 "ignoring GtkFileChooserButton command \"filechooserbutton1:nnn\""
573 # GtkFilechooserDialog
574 check_error "open_dialog:nnn" \
575 "ignoring GtkFileChooserDialog command \"open_dialog:nnn\""
576 check_error "open_dialog:resize 100" \
577 "ignoring GtkFileChooserDialog command \"open_dialog:resize 100\""
578 check_error "open_dialog:resize 100 100 100" \
579 "ignoring GtkFileChooserDialog command \"open_dialog:resize 100 100 100\""
580 check_error "open_dialog:move" \
581 "ignoring GtkFileChooserDialog command \"open_dialog:move\""
582 check_error "open_dialog:move " \
583 "ignoring GtkFileChooserDialog command \"open_dialog:move \""
584 check_error "open_dialog:move 100" \
585 "ignoring GtkFileChooserDialog command \"open_dialog:move 100\""
586 check_error "open_dialog:move 100 100 100" \
587 "ignoring GtkFileChooserDialog command \"open_dialog:move 100 100 100\""
588 check_error "open_dialog:fullscreen 1" \
589 "ignoring GtkFileChooserDialog command \"open_dialog:fullscreen 1\""
590 check_error "open_dialog:unfullscreen 1" \
591 "ignoring GtkFileChooserDialog command \"open_dialog:unfullscreen 1\""
592 # GtkFontButton
593 check_error "fontbutton1:nnn" \
594 "ignoring GtkFontButton command \"fontbutton1:nnn\""
595 # GtkColorButton
596 check_error "colorbutton1:nnn" \
597 "ignoring GtkColorButton command \"colorbutton1:nnn\""
598 # GtkPrintUnixDialog
599 check_error "printdialog:nnn" \
600 "ignoring GtkPrintUnixDialog command \"printdialog:nnn\""
602 if test $INTERACTIVE; then
603 check_error "statusbar1:push Click \"Print\"\n printdialog:print" \
604 "ignoring GtkPrintUnixDialog command \" printdialog:print\""
606 if test $AUTOMATIC; then
607 # GtkScale
608 check_error "scale1:nnn" \
609 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:nnn\""
610 check_error "scale1:set_value" \
611 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_value\""
612 check_error "scale1:set_value " \
613 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_value \""
614 check_error "scale1:set_value nnn" \
615 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_value nnn\""
616 check_error "scale1:set_value $BIG_STRING" \
617 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_value $BIG_STRING\""
618 check_error "scale1:set_value 10 10" \
619 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_value 10 10\""
620 check_error "scale1:set_fill_level nnn" \
621 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_fill_level nnn\""
622 check_error "scale1:set_fill_level $BIG_STRING" \
623 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_fill_level $BIG_STRING\""
624 check_error "scale1:set_fill_level 10 10" \
625 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_fill_level 10 10\""
626 check_error "scale1:set_range" \
627 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_range\""
628 check_error "scale1:set_range " \
629 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_range \""
630 check_error "scale1:set_range 10" \
631 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_range 10\""
632 check_error "scale1:set_range $BIG_NUM" \
633 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_range $BIG_NUM\""
634 check_error "scale1:set_range x 10" \
635 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_range x 10\""
636 check_error "scale1:set_range 10 10 10" \
637 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_range 10 10 10\""
638 check_error "scale1:set_increments" \
639 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_increments\""
640 check_error "scale1:set_increments " \
641 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_increments \""
642 check_error "scale1:set_increments 10" \
643 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_increments 10\""
644 check_error "scale1:set_increments $BIG_NUM" \
645 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_increments $BIG_NUM\""
646 check_error "scale1:set_increments x 10" \
647 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_increments x 10\""
648 check_error "scale1:set_increments 10 10 10" \
649 "ignoring GtkScale command \"scale1:set_increments 10 10 10\""
650 # GtkProgressBar
651 check_error "progressbar1:nnn" \
652 "ignoring GtkProgressBar command \"progressbar1:nnn\""
653 check_error "progressbar1:set_fraction" \
654 "ignoring GtkProgressBar command \"progressbar1:set_fraction\""
655 check_error "progressbar1:set_fraction " \
656 "ignoring GtkProgressBar command \"progressbar1:set_fraction \""
657 check_error "progressbar1:set_fraction nnn" \
658 "ignoring GtkProgressBar command \"progressbar1:set_fraction nnn\""
659 check_error "progressbar1:set_fraction $BIG_STRING" \
660 "ignoring GtkProgressBar command \"progressbar1:set_fraction $BIG_STRING\""
661 check_error "progressbar1:set_fraction .5 1" \
662 "ignoring GtkProgressBar command \"progressbar1:set_fraction .5 1\""
663 # GtkSpinner
664 check_error "spinner1:nnn" \
665 "ignoring GtkSpinner command \"spinner1:nnn\""
666 check_error "spinner1:start 1" \
667 "ignoring GtkSpinner command \"spinner1:start 1\""
668 check_error "spinner1:start $BIG_STRING" \
669 "ignoring GtkSpinner command \"spinner1:start $BIG_STRING\""
670 check_error "spinner1:stop 1" \
671 "ignoring GtkSpinner command \"spinner1:stop 1\""
672 check_error "spinner1:stop $BIG_STRING" \
673 "ignoring GtkSpinner command \"spinner1:stop $BIG_STRING\""
674 # GtkStatusbar
675 check_error "statusbar1:nnn" \
676 "ignoring GtkStatusbar command \"statusbar1:nnn\""
677 check_error "statusbar1:push_id" \
678 "ignoring GtkStatusbar command \"statusbar1:push_id\""
679 check_error "statusbar1:pop_id" \
680 "ignoring GtkStatusbar command \"statusbar1:pop_id\""
681 check_error "statusbar1:remove_all_id" \
682 "ignoring GtkStatusbar command \"statusbar1:remove_all_id\""
683 check_error "statusbar1:remove_all_id " \
684 "ignoring GtkStatusbar command \"statusbar1:remove_all_id \""
685 check_error "statusbar1:remove_all_id a b" \
686 "ignoring GtkStatusbar command \"statusbar1:remove_all_id a b\""
687 check_error "statusbar1:remove_all a" \
688 "ignoring GtkStatusbar command \"statusbar1:remove_all a\""
689 check_error "statusbar1:remove_all $BIG_STRING" \
690 "ignoring GtkStatusbar command \"statusbar1:remove_all $BIG_STRING\""
691 # GtkComboBoxText
692 check_error "comboboxtext1:nnn" \
693 "ignoring GtkComboBoxText command \"comboboxtext1:nnn\""
694 check_error "comboboxtext1:force" \
695 "ignoring GtkComboBoxText command \"comboboxtext1:force\""
697 # GtkTreeView #
698 check_error "treeview1:nnn" \
699 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:nnn\""
700 check_error "treeview2:nnn" \
701 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:nnn\""
702 check_error "treeview1:force" \
703 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:force\""
704 # GtkTreeView save
705 check_error "treeview1:save" \
706 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:save\""
707 mkdir $DIR; chmod a-w $DIR
708 check_error "treeview1:save $DIR/$FILE1" \
709 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:save $DIR/$FILE1\""
710 check_error "treeview1:save nonexistent/$FILE1" \
711 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:save nonexistent/$FILE1\""
712 rm -rf $DIR
713 for i in $WEIRD_PATHS; do
714 check_error "treeview1:save nonexistent/$i" \
715 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:save nonexistent/$i\""
716 done
717 # GtkTreeView insert_row
718 check_error "treeview1:insert_row 10000" \
719 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:insert_row 10000\""
720 check_error "treeview1:insert_row $BIG_STRING" \
721 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:insert_row $BIG_STRING\""
722 check_error "treeview1:insert_row -1" \
723 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:insert_row -1\""
724 check_error "treeview1:insert_row nnn" \
725 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:insert_row nnn\""
726 check_error "treeview1:insert_row" \
727 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:insert_row\""
728 check_error "treeview1:insert_row " \
729 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:insert_row \""
730 check_error "treeview1:insert_row -1" \
731 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:insert_row -1\""
732 check_error "treeview1:insert_row 1000" \
733 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:insert_row 1000\""
734 check_error "treeview2:insert_row 0" \
735 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:insert_row 0\""
736 check_error "treeview3:insert_row end" \
737 "missing model/ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview3:insert_row end\""
738 check_error "treeview2:insert_row end\n treeview2:insert_row 0 as_child\n treeview2:insert_row 0:0 as_child\n treeview2:expand abc" \
739 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \" treeview2:expand abc\""
740 check_error "treeview2:expand" \
741 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:expand\""
742 check_error "treeview2:expand 0:abc" \
743 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:expand 0:abc\""
744 check_error "treeview2:expand 0 0" \
745 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:expand 0 0\""
746 check_error "treeview2:expand_all abc" \
747 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:expand_all abc\""
748 check_error "treeview2:expand_all $BIG_STRING" \
749 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:expand_all $BIG_STRING\""
750 check_error "treeview2:expand_all 0:abc" \
751 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:expand_all 0:abc\""
752 check_error "treeview2:expand_all 0 0" \
753 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:expand_all 0 0\""
754 check_error "treeview2:collapse abc" \
755 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:collapse abc\""
756 check_error "treeview2:collapse $BIG_STRING" \
757 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:collapse $BIG_STRING\""
758 check_error "treeview2:collapse 0:abc" \
759 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:collapse 0:abc\""
760 check_error "treeview2:collapse 0 0" \
761 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:collapse 0 0\""
762 check_error "treeview2:insert_row" \
763 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:insert_row\""
764 check_error "treeview2:insert_row abc" \
765 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:insert_row abc\""
766 check_error "treeview2:insert_row 0:abc" \
767 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:insert_row 0:abc\""
768 check_error "treeview2:insert_row end 0" \
769 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:insert_row end 0\""
770 # GtkTreeView move_row
771 check_error "treeview1:move_row" \
772 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row\""
773 check_error "treeview1:move_row " \
774 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row \""
775 check_error "treeview1:move_row nnn" \
776 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row nnn\""
777 check_error "treeview1:move_row $BIG_STRING" \
778 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row $BIG_STRING\""
779 check_error "treeview1:move_row 10000 end" \
780 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row 10000 end\""
781 check_error "treeview1:move_row $BIG_STRING end" \
782 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row $BIG_STRING end\""
783 check_error "treeview1:move_row -1 end" \
784 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row -1 end\""
785 check_error "treeview1:move_row nnn end" \
786 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row nnn end\""
787 check_error "treeview1:move_row 0 10000" \
788 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row 0 10000\""
789 check_error "treeview1:move_row 0 -1" \
790 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row 0 -1\""
791 check_error "treeview1:move_row 0 nnn" \
792 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:move_row 0 nnn\""
793 check_error "treeview2:move_row" \
794 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:move_row\""
795 check_error "treeview2:move_row 0:0 abc" \
796 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:move_row 0:0 abc\""
797 check_error "treeview2:move_row 0:0 0:abc" \
798 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:move_row 0:0 0:abc\""
799 check_error "treeview2:move_row abc end" \
800 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:move_row abc end\""
801 check_error "treeview2:move_row 0:abc end" \
802 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:move_row 0:abc end\""
803 check_error "treeview2:move_row 0 end 0" \
804 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:move_row 0 end 0\""
805 # GtkTreeView remove_row
806 check_error "treeview1:remove_row 10000" \
807 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:remove_row 10000\""
808 check_error "treeview1:remove_row -1" \
809 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:remove_row -1\""
810 check_error "treeview1:remove_row nnn" \
811 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:remove_row nnn\""
812 check_error "treeview1:remove_row $BIG_STRING" \
813 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:remove_row $BIG_STRING\""
814 check_error "treeview1:remove_row" \
815 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:remove_row\""
816 check_error "treeview1:remove_row " \
817 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:remove_row \""
818 check_error "treeview2:remove_row" \
819 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:remove_row\""
820 check_error "treeview2:remove_row abc" \
821 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:remove_row abc\""
822 check_error "treeview2:remove_row 0:abc" \
823 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:remove_row 0:abc\""
824 check_error "treeview2:remove_row 0 0" \
825 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:remove_row 0 0\""
826 # GtkTreeView scroll
827 check_error "treeview1:scroll" \
828 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:scroll\""
829 check_error "treeview1:scroll " \
830 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:scroll \""
831 check_error "treeview1:scroll nnn" \
832 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:scroll nnn\""
833 check_error "treeview1:scroll $BIG_STRING" \
834 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:scroll $BIG_STRING\""
835 check_error "treeview1:scroll -1 1" \
836 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:scroll -1 1\""
837 check_error "treeview1:scroll 1 -1" \
838 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:scroll 1 -1\""
839 check_error "treeview1:scroll nnn 1" \
840 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:scroll nnn 1\""
841 check_error "treeview1:scroll 1 nnn" \
842 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:scroll 1 nnn\""
843 check_error "treeview1:scroll 0 0 0" \
844 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:scroll 0 0 0\""
845 check_error "treeview2:scroll" \
846 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:scroll\""
847 check_error "treeview2:scroll abc" \
848 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:scroll abc\""
849 check_error "treeview2:scroll 0:abc" \
850 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:scroll 0:abc\""
851 check_error "treeview2:scroll abc 0" \
852 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:scroll abc 0\""
853 check_error "treeview2:scroll 0:abc 0" \
854 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:scroll 0:abc 0\""
855 check_error "treeview2:scroll 0:0" \
856 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:scroll 0:0\""
857 check_error "treeview2:scroll 0:0 abc" \
858 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:scroll 0:0 abc\""
859 check_error "treeview2:set_cursor abc" \
860 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:set_cursor abc\""
861 check_error "treeview2:set_cursor 0:abc" \
862 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:set_cursor 0:abc\""
863 check_error "treeview2:set_cursor 0 0" \
864 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:set_cursor 0 0\""
865 check_error "treeview2:set_cursor 0 $BIG_STRING" \
866 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:set_cursor 0 $BIG_STRING\""
867 check_error "treeview2:clear 0" \
868 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview2:clear 0\""
869 check_error "treeview2:clear\n treeview2:insert_row 0" \
870 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \" treeview2:insert_row 0\""
871 # GtkTreeView set
872 check_error "treeview1:set" \
873 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set\""
874 check_error "treeview1:set " \
875 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set \""
876 check_error "treeview1:set nnn" \
877 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set nnn\""
878 check_error "treeview1:set $BIG_STRING" \
879 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set $BIG_STRING\""
880 check_error "treeview1:set 0 nnn" \
881 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 0 nnn\""
882 check_error "treeview1:set nnn 0" \
883 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set nnn 0\""
884 check_error "treeview1:set 1 10000 77" \
885 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 10000 77\""
886 check_error "treeview1:set 1 11 77" \
887 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 11 77\""
888 check_error "treeview1:set nnn 1 77" \
889 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set nnn 1 77\""
890 check_error "treeview1:set 1 nnn 77" \
891 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 nnn 77\""
892 check_error "treeview1:set -1 1 77" \
893 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set -1 1 77\""
894 check_error "treeview1:set 1 -1 77" \
895 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 -1 77\""
896 # GtkTreeView set junk into numeric columns
897 check_error "treeview1:set 1 1 abc" \
898 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 1 abc\""
899 check_error "treeview1:set 1 1 $BIG_STRING" \
900 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 1 $BIG_STRING\""
901 check_error "treeview1:set 1 1" \
902 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 1\""
903 check_error "treeview1:set 1 1 555.5" \
904 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 1 555.5\""
905 check_error "treeview1:set 1 1 555 5" \
906 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 1 555 5\""
907 check_error "treeview1:set 1 7 abc" \
908 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 7 abc\""
909 check_error "treeview1:set 1 7 $BIG_STRING" \
910 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 7 $BIG_STRING\""
911 check_error "treeview1:set 1 7" \
912 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 7\""
913 check_error "treeview1:set 1 7 555 5" \
914 "ignoring GtkTreeView command \"treeview1:set 1 7 555 5\""
916 # GtkTreeViewColumn
917 check_error "treeviewcolumn3:nnn" \
918 "ignoring GtkTreeViewColumn command \"treeviewcolumn3:nnn\""
919 check_error "treeviewcolumn3:force" \
920 "ignoring GtkTreeViewColumn command \"treeviewcolumn3:force\""
921 # GtkEntry
922 check_error "entry1:nnn" \
923 "ignoring GtkEntry command \"entry1:nnn\""
924 # GtkCalendar
925 check_error "calendar1:nnn" \
926 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:nnn\""
927 check_error "calendar1:select_date" \
928 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:select_date\""
929 check_error "calendar1:select_date " \
930 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:select_date \""
931 check_error "calendar1:select_date nnn" \
932 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:select_date nnn\""
933 check_error "calendar1:select_date $BIG_STRING" \
934 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:select_date $BIG_STRING\""
935 check_error "calendar1:select_date 2000-12-33" \
936 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:select_date 2000-12-33\""
937 check_error "calendar1:select_date 2000-13-20" \
938 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:select_date 2000-13-20\""
939 check_error "calendar1:select_date 2000-10-10 1" \
940 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:select_date 2000-10-10 1\""
941 check_error "calendar1:mark_day" \
942 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:mark_day\""
943 check_error "calendar1:mark_day " \
944 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:mark_day \""
945 check_error "calendar1:mark_day nnn" \
946 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:mark_day nnn\""
947 check_error "calendar1:mark_day $BIG_STRING" \
948 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:mark_day $BIG_STRING\""
949 check_error "calendar1:mark_day 10 1" \
950 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:mark_day 10 1\""
951 check_error "calendar1:clear_marks 1" \
952 "ignoring GtkCalendar command \"calendar1:clear_marks 1\""
953 # GtkSocket
954 check_error "socket1:nnn" \
955 "ignoring GtkSocket command \"socket1:nnn\""
956 check_error "socket1:id 1" \
957 "ignoring GtkSocket command \"socket1:id 1\""
958 # GtkScrolledWindow
959 check_error "scrolledwindow3:nnn" \
960 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:nnn\""
961 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll" \
962 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll\""
963 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll " \
964 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll \""
965 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll nnn" \
966 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll nnn\""
967 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll $BIG_STRING" \
968 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll $BIG_STRING\""
969 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll 100 100" \
970 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll 100 100\""
971 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll" \
972 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll\""
973 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll " \
974 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll \""
975 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll nnn" \
976 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll nnn\""
977 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll $BIG_STRING" \
978 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll $BIG_STRING\""
979 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll 100 100" \
980 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll 100 100\""
981 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range" \
982 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range\""
983 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range " \
984 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range \""
985 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range nnn" \
986 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range nnn\""
987 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range $BIG_STRING" \
988 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range $BIG_STRING\""
989 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range 10" \
990 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range 10\""
991 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range 10 nnn" \
992 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range 10 nnn\""
993 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range nnn 10" \
994 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range nnn 10\""
995 check_error "scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range 5 10 10" \
996 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:hscroll_to_range 5 10 10\""
997 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range" \
998 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range\""
999 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range " \
1000 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range \""
1001 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range nnn" \
1002 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range nnn\""
1003 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range $BIG_STRING" \
1004 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range $BIG_STRING\""
1005 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range 10" \
1006 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range 10\""
1007 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range 10 nnn" \
1008 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range 10 nnn\""
1009 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range nnn 10" \
1010 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range nnn 10\""
1011 check_error "scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range 5 10 10" \
1012 "ignoring GtkScrolledWindow command \"scrolledwindow3:vscroll_to_range 5 10 10\""
1013 # GtkEventBox
1014 check_error "eventbox1:nnn" \
1015 "ignoring GtkEventBox command \"eventbox1:nnn\""
1016 # GtkDrawingArea
1017 check_error "drawingarea1:nnn" \
1018 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:nnn\""
1019 check_error "drawingarea1:rectangle" \
1020 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rectangle\""
1021 check_error "drawingarea1:rectangle " \
1022 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rectangle \""
1023 check_error "drawingarea1:rectangle nnn" \
1024 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rectangle nnn\""
1025 check_error "drawingarea1:rectangle $BIG_STRING" \
1026 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rectangle $BIG_STRING\""
1027 check_error "drawingarea1:rectangle 1" \
1028 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rectangle 1\""
1029 check_error "drawingarea1:rectangle 1 10" \
1030 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rectangle 1 10\""
1031 check_error "drawingarea1:rectangle 1 10 10" \
1032 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rectangle 1 10 10\""
1033 check_error "drawingarea1:rectangle 1 10 10 20" \
1034 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rectangle 1 10 10 20\""
1035 check_error "drawingarea1:rectangle 1 10 10 20 nnn" \
1036 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rectangle 1 10 10 20 nnn\""
1037 check_error "drawingarea1:rectangle 1 10 10 20 20 20" \
1038 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rectangle 1 10 10 20 20 20\""
1039 check_error "drawingarea1:arc" \
1040 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc\""
1041 check_error "drawingarea1:arc " \
1042 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc \""
1043 check_error "drawingarea1:arc nnn" \
1044 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc nnn\""
1045 check_error "drawingarea1:arc $BIG_STRING" \
1046 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc $BIG_STRING\""
1047 check_error "drawingarea1:arc 1" \
1048 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc 1\""
1049 check_error "drawingarea1:arc 1 10" \
1050 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc 1 10\""
1051 check_error "drawingarea1:arc 1 10 10" \
1052 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc 1 10 10\""
1053 check_error "drawingarea1:arc 1 10 10 20" \
1054 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc 1 10 10 20\""
1055 check_error "drawingarea1:arc 1 10 10 20 45" \
1056 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc 1 10 10 20 45\""
1057 check_error "drawingarea1:arc 1 10 10 20 45 nnn" \
1058 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc 1 10 10 20 45 nnn\""
1059 check_error "drawingarea1:arc 1 10 10 20 45 90 7" \
1060 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc 1 10 10 20 45 90 7\""
1061 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative" \
1062 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative\""
1063 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative " \
1064 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative \""
1065 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative nnn" \
1066 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative nnn\""
1067 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative $BIG_STRING" \
1068 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative $BIG_STRING\""
1069 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative 1" \
1070 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative 1\""
1071 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10" \
1072 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10\""
1073 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10 10" \
1074 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10 10\""
1075 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10 10 20" \
1076 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10 10 20\""
1077 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10 10 20 45" \
1078 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10 10 20 45\""
1079 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10 10 20 45 nnn" \
1080 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10 10 20 45 nnn\""
1081 check_error "drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10 10 20 45 90 7" \
1082 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 10 10 20 45 90 7\""
1083 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to" \
1084 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to\""
1085 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to " \
1086 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to \""
1087 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to nnn" \
1088 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to nnn\""
1089 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to $BIG_STRING" \
1090 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to $BIG_STRING\""
1091 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to 1" \
1092 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to 1\""
1093 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10" \
1094 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10\""
1095 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10" \
1096 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10\""
1097 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10 20" \
1098 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10 20\""
1099 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10 20 20" \
1100 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10 20 20\""
1101 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25" \
1102 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25\""
1103 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25 nnn" \
1104 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25 nnn\""
1105 check_error "drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25 25 77" \
1106 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25 25 77\""
1107 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to" \
1108 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to\""
1109 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to " \
1110 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to \""
1111 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to nnn" \
1112 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to nnn\""
1113 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to $BIG_STRING" \
1114 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to $BIG_STRING\""
1115 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1" \
1116 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1\""
1117 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10" \
1118 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10\""
1119 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10" \
1120 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10\""
1121 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10 20" \
1122 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10 20\""
1123 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10 20 20" \
1124 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10 20 20\""
1125 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25" \
1126 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25\""
1127 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25 nnn" \
1128 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25 nnn\""
1129 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25 25 77" \
1130 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 10 10 20 20 25 25 77\""
1131 check_error "drawingarea1:line_to" \
1132 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:line_to\""
1133 check_error "drawingarea1:line_to " \
1134 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:line_to \""
1135 check_error "drawingarea1:line_to nnn" \
1136 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:line_to nnn\""
1137 check_error "drawingarea1:line_to $BIG_STRING" \
1138 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:line_to $BIG_STRING\""
1139 check_error "drawingarea1:line_to 1" \
1140 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:line_to 1\""
1141 check_error "drawingarea1:line_to 1 20" \
1142 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:line_to 1 20\""
1143 check_error "drawingarea1:line_to 1 20 nnn" \
1144 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:line_to 1 20 nnn\""
1145 check_error "drawingarea1:line_to 1 20 20 20" \
1146 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:line_to 1 20 20 20\""
1147 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_line_to" \
1148 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_line_to\""
1149 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_line_to " \
1150 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_line_to \""
1151 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_line_to nnn" \
1152 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_line_to nnn\""
1153 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_line_to $BIG_STRING" \
1154 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_line_to $BIG_STRING\""
1155 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1" \
1156 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1\""
1157 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20" \
1158 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20\""
1159 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20 nnn" \
1160 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20 nnn\""
1161 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20 nnn" \
1162 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20 nnn\""
1163 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20 20 20" \
1164 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20 20 20\""
1165 check_error "drawingarea1:move_to" \
1166 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:move_to\""
1167 check_error "drawingarea1:move_to " \
1168 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:move_to \""
1169 check_error "drawingarea1:move_to nnn" \
1170 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:move_to nnn\""
1171 check_error "drawingarea1:move_to $BIG_STRING" \
1172 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:move_to $BIG_STRING\""
1173 check_error "drawingarea1:move_to 1" \
1174 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:move_to 1\""
1175 check_error "drawingarea1:move_to 1 20" \
1176 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:move_to 1 20\""
1177 check_error "drawingarea1:move_to 1 20 nnn" \
1178 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:move_to 1 20 nnn\""
1179 check_error "drawingarea1:move_to 1 20 20 20" \
1180 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:move_to 1 20 20 20\""
1181 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_to" \
1182 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_to\""
1183 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_to " \
1184 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_to \""
1185 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_to nnn" \
1186 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_to nnn\""
1187 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_to $BIG_STRING" \
1188 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_to $BIG_STRING\""
1189 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_to 1" \
1190 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_to 1\""
1191 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_to 1 20" \
1192 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_to 1 20\""
1193 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_to 1 20 nnn" \
1194 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_to 1 20 nnn\""
1195 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_to 1 20 20 20" \
1196 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_to 1 20 20 20\""
1197 check_error "drawingarea1:close_path" \
1198 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:close_path\""
1199 check_error "drawingarea1:close_path " \
1200 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:close_path \""
1201 check_error "drawingarea1:close_path nnn" \
1202 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:close_path nnn\""
1203 check_error "drawingarea1:close_path $BIG_STRING" \
1204 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:close_path $BIG_STRING\""
1205 check_error "drawingarea1:close_path 1 1" \
1206 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:close_path 1 1\""
1207 check_error "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba" \
1208 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_source_rgba\""
1209 check_error "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba " \
1210 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_source_rgba \""
1211 check_error "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba nnn" \
1212 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_source_rgba nnn\""
1213 check_error "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba $BIG_STRING" \
1214 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_source_rgba $BIG_STRING\""
1215 check_error "drawingarea1:set_dash" \
1216 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_dash\""
1217 check_error "drawingarea1:set_dash " \
1218 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_dash \""
1219 check_error "drawingarea1:set_dash nnn" \
1220 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_dash nnn\""
1221 check_error "drawingarea1:set_dash $BIG_STRING" \
1222 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_dash $BIG_STRING\""
1223 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_cap" \
1224 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_cap\""
1225 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_cap " \
1226 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_cap \""
1227 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_cap nnn" \
1228 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_cap nnn\""
1229 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_cap $BIG_STRING" \
1230 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_cap $BIG_STRING\""
1231 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_cap 1" \
1232 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_cap 1\""
1233 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_cap 1 nnn" \
1234 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_cap 1 nnn\""
1235 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_cap 1 butt butt" \
1236 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_cap 1 butt butt\""
1237 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_join" \
1238 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_join\""
1239 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_join " \
1240 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_join \""
1241 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_join nnn" \
1242 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_join nnn\""
1243 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_join $BIG_STRING" \
1244 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_join $BIG_STRING\""
1245 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_join 1" \
1246 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_join 1\""
1247 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_join 1 nnn" \
1248 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_join 1 nnn\""
1249 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_join 1 miter miter" \
1250 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_join 1 miter miter\""
1251 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_width" \
1252 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_width\""
1253 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_width " \
1254 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_width \""
1255 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_width nnn" \
1256 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_width nnn\""
1257 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_width $BIG_STRING" \
1258 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_width $BIG_STRING\""
1259 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_width 1" \
1260 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_width 1\""
1261 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_width 1 nnn" \
1262 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_width 1 nnn\""
1263 check_error "drawingarea1:set_line_width 1 3 3" \
1264 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_line_width 1 3 3\""
1265 check_error "drawingarea1:fill" \
1266 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:fill\""
1267 check_error "drawingarea1:fill " \
1268 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:fill \""
1269 check_error "drawingarea1:fill nnn" \
1270 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:fill nnn\""
1271 check_error "drawingarea1:fill $BIG_STRING" \
1272 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:fill $BIG_STRING\""
1273 check_error "drawingarea1:fill 1 1" \
1274 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:fill 1 1\""
1275 check_error "drawingarea1:fill_preserve" \
1276 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:fill_preserve\""
1277 check_error "drawingarea1:fill_preserve " \
1278 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:fill_preserve \""
1279 check_error "drawingarea1:fill_preserve nnn" \
1280 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:fill_preserve nnn\""
1281 check_error "drawingarea1:fill_preserve $BIG_STRING" \
1282 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:fill_preserve $BIG_STRING\""
1283 check_error "drawingarea1:fill_preserve 1 1" \
1284 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:fill_preserve 1 1\""
1285 check_error "drawingarea1:stroke" \
1286 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:stroke\""
1287 check_error "drawingarea1:stroke " \
1288 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:stroke \""
1289 check_error "drawingarea1:stroke nnn" \
1290 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:stroke nnn\""
1291 check_error "drawingarea1:stroke $BIG_STRING" \
1292 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:stroke $BIG_STRING\""
1293 check_error "drawingarea1:stroke 3 3" \
1294 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:stroke 3 3\""
1295 check_error "drawingarea1:stroke_preserve" \
1296 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:stroke_preserve\""
1297 check_error "drawingarea1:stroke_preserve " \
1298 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:stroke_preserve \""
1299 check_error "drawingarea1:stroke_preserve nnn" \
1300 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:stroke_preserve nnn\""
1301 check_error "drawingarea1:stroke_preserve $BIG_STRING" \
1302 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:stroke_preserve $BIG_STRING\""
1303 check_error "drawingarea1:stroke_preserve 3 3" \
1304 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:stroke_preserve 3 3\""
1305 check_error "drawingarea1:remove" \
1306 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:remove\""
1307 check_error "drawingarea1:remove " \
1308 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:remove \""
1309 check_error "drawingarea1:remove nnn" \
1310 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:remove nnn\""
1311 check_error "drawingarea1:remove $BIG_STRING" \
1312 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:remove $BIG_STRING\""
1313 check_error "drawingarea1:remove 1 1" \
1314 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:remove 1 1\""
1315 check_error "drawingarea1:set_show_text" \
1316 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_show_text\""
1317 check_error "drawingarea1:set_show_text " \
1318 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_show_text \""
1319 check_error "drawingarea1:set_show_text nnn" \
1320 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_show_text nnn\""
1321 check_error "drawingarea1:set_show_text $BIG_STRING" \
1322 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_show_text $BIG_STRING\""
1323 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face" \
1324 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face\""
1325 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face " \
1326 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face \""
1327 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face nnn" \
1328 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face nnn\""
1329 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face $BIG_STRING" \
1330 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face $BIG_STRING\""
1331 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face 1" \
1332 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face 1\""
1333 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 normal" \
1334 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 normal\""
1335 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_size" \
1336 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_size\""
1337 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_size " \
1338 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_size \""
1339 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_size nnn" \
1340 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_size nnn\""
1341 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_size $BIG_STRING" \
1342 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_size $BIG_STRING\""
1343 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_size 1" \
1344 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_size 1\""
1345 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_size 1 nnn" \
1346 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_size 1 nnn\""
1347 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_size 1 10 10" \
1348 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_size 1 10 10\""
1349 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face" \
1350 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face\""
1351 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face 1" \
1352 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face 1\""
1353 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 normal" \
1354 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 normal\""
1355 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 normal nnn" \
1356 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 normal nnn\""
1357 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 nnn normal" \
1358 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 nnn normal\""
1359 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 normal $BIG_STRING" \
1360 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 normal $BIG_STRING\""
1361 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 $BIG_STRING normal" \
1362 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face 1 $BIG_STRING normal\""
1363 check_error "drawingarea1:set_font_face x normal normal" \
1364 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:set_font_face x normal normal\""
1365 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_for" \
1366 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_for\""
1367 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_for " \
1368 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_for \""
1369 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_for 1" \
1370 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_for 1\""
1371 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_for 1 nnn Text" \
1372 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_for 1 nnn Text\""
1373 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_for 1 $BIG_STRING Text" \
1374 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_for 1 $BIG_STRING Text\""
1375 check_error "drawingarea1:rel_move_for nnn c Text" \
1376 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rel_move_for nnn c Text\""
1377 check_error "drawingarea1:transform" \
1378 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform\""
1379 check_error "drawingarea1:transform " \
1380 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform \""
1381 check_error "drawingarea1:transform nnn" \
1382 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform nnn\""
1383 check_error "drawingarea1:transform $BIG_STRING" \
1384 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform $BIG_STRING\""
1385 check_error "drawingarea1:transform 1 2" \
1386 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform 1 2\""
1387 check_error "drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3" \
1388 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3\""
1389 check_error "drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3 4" \
1390 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3 4\""
1391 check_error "drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3 4 5" \
1392 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3 4 5\""
1393 check_error "drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3 4 5 6" \
1394 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3 4 5 6\""
1395 check_error "drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3 x 5 6 7" \
1396 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3 x 5 6 7\""
1397 check_error "drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" \
1398 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:transform 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\""
1399 check_error "drawingarea1:translate" \
1400 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:translate\""
1401 check_error "drawingarea1:translate " \
1402 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:translate \""
1403 check_error "drawingarea1:translate nnn" \
1404 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:translate nnn\""
1405 check_error "drawingarea1:translate $BIG_STRING" \
1406 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:translate $BIG_STRING\""
1407 check_error "drawingarea1:translate 1" \
1408 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:translate 1\""
1409 check_error "drawingarea1:translate 1 2" \
1410 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:translate 1 2\""
1411 check_error "drawingarea1:translate nnn 2 3" \
1412 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:translate nnn 2 3\""
1413 check_error "drawingarea1:translate 1 x 3" \
1414 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:translate 1 x 3\""
1415 check_error "drawingarea1:translate 1 2 3 4" \
1416 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:translate 1 2 3 4\""
1417 check_error "drawingarea1:scale" \
1418 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:scale\""
1419 check_error "drawingarea1:scale " \
1420 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:scale \""
1421 check_error "drawingarea1:scale nnn" \
1422 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:scale nnn\""
1423 check_error "drawingarea1:scale $BIG_STRING" \
1424 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:scale $BIG_STRING\""
1425 check_error "drawingarea1:scale 1" \
1426 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:scale 1\""
1427 check_error "drawingarea1:scale 1 2" \
1428 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:scale 1 2\""
1429 check_error "drawingarea1:scale nnn 2 3" \
1430 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:scale nnn 2 3\""
1431 check_error "drawingarea1:scale 1 x 3" \
1432 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:scale 1 x 3\""
1433 check_error "drawingarea1:scale 1 2 3 4" \
1434 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:scale 1 2 3 4\""
1435 check_error "drawingarea1:rotate" \
1436 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rotate\""
1437 check_error "drawingarea1:rotate " \
1438 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rotate \""
1439 check_error "drawingarea1:rotate 1" \
1440 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rotate 1\""
1441 check_error "drawingarea1:rotate nnn 2" \
1442 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rotate nnn 2\""
1443 check_error "drawingarea1:rotate $BIG_STRING 2" \
1444 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rotate $BIG_STRING 2\""
1445 check_error "drawingarea1:rotate 1 x" \
1446 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rotate 1 x\""
1447 check_error "drawingarea1:rotate 1 10 10" \
1448 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:rotate 1 10 10\""
1449 check_error "drawingarea1:save" \
1450 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:save\""
1451 check_error "drawingarea1:save " \
1452 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:save \""
1453 check_error "drawingarea1:save x" \
1454 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:save x\""
1455 check_error "drawingarea1:save $BIG_STRING" \
1456 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:save $BIG_STRING\""
1457 check_error "drawingarea1:save x.yz" \
1458 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:save x.yz\""
1459 check_error "drawingarea1:save x.pdf 2" \
1460 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:save x.pdf 2\""
1461 check_error "drawingarea1:save xsvg" \
1462 "ignoring GtkDrawingArea command \"drawingarea1:save xsvg\""
1465 echo "_:main_quit" >$FIN
1466 check_rm $FIN
1469 if test $AUTOMATIC; then
1471 ## Logging to stderr
1472 read r 2< $FERR &
1473 ./pipeglade -i $FIN 2> $FERR -l - &
1474 # wait for $FIN to appear
1475 while test ! \( -e $FIN -a -e $FERR \); do :; done
1477 check_error "# Comment" \
1478 "########## ##### (New Pipeglade session) #####"
1479 check_error "" \
1480 "### (Idle) ###"
1481 check_error "_:main_quit" \
1482 " # Comment"
1483 check_rm $FIN
1484 rm $FERR
1488 #exit
1489 # \f
1490 echo "
1493 # Tests for the principal functionality---valid actions leading to
1494 # correct results. Manual intervention is required. Instructions
1495 # will be given on the statusbar of the test GUI.
1496 ######################################################################
1499 mkfifo $FOUT
1501 # check nr_of_feedback_msgs user_instruction command expected_feedback1 expected_feedback2 ...
1502 check() {
1503 while test ! \( -e $FOUT \); do :; done
1504 # Flush stale pipeglade output
1505 while read -t .1 <$FOUT; do : ; done
1506 N=$1
1508 echo "$SEND ${3:0:300}"
1509 if test "$INSTRUCTION"; then
1510 echo -e "statusbar1:push_id =check= $INSTRUCTION" >$FIN
1512 while test ! \( -e $FIN \); do :; done
1513 echo -e "$3" >$FIN
1515 while (( i<$N )); do
1516 read r <$FOUT
1517 if test "$r" != ""; then
1518 if grep -qFe "${4:0:300}" <<< ${r:0:300}; then
1519 count_ok
1520 echo " $OK ($i) ${r:0:300}"
1521 else
1522 count_fail
1523 echo " $FAIL($i) ${r:0:300}"
1524 echo " $EXPECTED ${4:0:300}"
1526 shift
1527 (( i+=1 ))
1529 done
1530 if test "$INSTRUCTION"; then
1531 echo -e "statusbar1:pop_id =check=" >$FIN
1536 if test $AUTOMATIC; then
1538 # Being impervious to locale
1539 LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 ./pipeglade -i $FIN -o $FOUT -O $ERR_FILE -b >/dev/null
1540 check 0 "" \
1541 "drawingarea1:transform 1 1.5 1 1 1 1 1"
1542 check 0 "" \
1543 "progressbar1:set_fraction .5"
1544 check 1 "" \
1545 "scale1:set_value .5" \
1546 "scale1:value 0.50"
1547 sleep .5
1548 check 0 "" \
1549 "_:main_quit"
1550 sleep .5
1551 check_cmd "(! grep -qe \"ignoring GtkDrawingArea command\" $ERR_FILE)"
1552 check_cmd "(! grep -qe \"ignoring GtkProgressBar command\" $ERR_FILE)"
1553 check_cmd "(! grep -qe \"ignoring GtkScale command\" $ERR_FILE)"
1554 check_rm $FIN
1555 check_rm $FOUT
1556 rm $ERR_FILE
1558 # Logging to stderr while redirecting stderr
1559 ./pipeglade -i $FIN -o $FOUT -O $ERR_FILE -l - -b >/dev/null
1560 check 0 "" \
1561 "# Comment"
1562 check 0 "" \
1563 "BlahBlah"
1564 check 0 "" \
1565 "_:main_quit"
1567 check_cmd "grep -qe \"# Comment\" $ERR_FILE"
1568 check_cmd "grep -qe \"ignoring command\" $ERR_FILE"
1569 check_rm $FIN
1572 # check if stdout remains line buffered even if directed to file
1573 ./pipeglade -i $FIN >$OUT_FILE &
1574 # wait for $FIN and $OUT_FILE to appear
1575 while test ! \( -e $FIN -a -e $OUT_FILE \); do :; done
1576 echo "button1:force" >$FIN
1577 check_cmd "grep -qe 'button1:clicked' $OUT_FILE"
1578 echo "_:main_quit" >$FIN
1579 rm -f $OUT_FILE
1582 ./pipeglade -i $FIN -o $FOUT -b >$PID_FILE
1583 check_cmd "kill `cat $PID_FILE /dev/null` 2&>/dev/null"
1584 rm $FIN $FOUT
1587 ./pipeglade --display ${DISPLAY-:0} -i $FIN -o $FOUT -b >/dev/null
1588 check 0 "" \
1589 "# checking --display $DISPLAY\n _:main_quit"
1590 check_rm $FIN
1591 check_rm $FOUT
1594 ./pipeglade -u simple_dialog.ui -i $FIN -o $FOUT -b >$PID_FILE
1595 check_cmd "ps -p `cat $PID_FILE` >/dev/null"
1596 check 1 "" \
1597 "main_apply:force" \
1598 "main_apply:clicked"
1599 check 0 "" \
1600 "main_cancel:force"
1601 check_rm $FIN
1602 check_rm $FOUT
1603 check_cmd "! ps -p `cat $PID_FILE` >/dev/null"
1604 rm $PID_FILE
1607 ./pipeglade -u simple_dialog.ui -i $FIN -o $FOUT -b >/dev/null
1608 check 1 "" \
1609 "button1:force" \
1610 "button1:clicked"
1611 check 1 "" \
1612 "main_ok:force" \
1613 "main_ok:clicked"
1614 check_rm $FIN
1615 check_rm $FOUT
1618 ./pipeglade -u simple_open.ui -i $FIN -o $FOUT >/dev/null &
1619 # wait for $FIN and $OUT_FILE to appear
1620 while test ! \( -e $FIN -a -e $FOUT \); do :; done
1621 check 3 "" \
1622 "main_apply:force" \
1623 "main_apply:clicked" \
1624 "main:file" \
1625 "main:folder"
1626 check 0 "" \
1627 "main_cancel:force"
1628 check_rm $FIN
1629 check_rm $FOUT
1632 ./pipeglade -u simple_open.ui -i $FIN -o $FOUT -b >/dev/null
1633 check 3 "" \
1634 "main_ok:force" \
1635 "main_ok:clicked" \
1636 "main:file" \
1637 "main:folder"
1638 check_rm $FIN
1639 check_rm $FOUT
1642 mkfifo -m 777 $FIN
1643 mkfifo -m 777 $FOUT
1644 touch $ERR_FILE $LOG
1645 chmod 777 $ERR_FILE $LOG
1646 ./pipeglade -i $FIN -o $FOUT -O $ERR_FILE -l $LOG -b >/dev/null
1647 check_cmd "$STAT_CMD $FIN | grep -q '600$' 2>/dev/null"
1648 check_cmd "$STAT_CMD $FOUT | grep -q '600$' 2>/dev/null"
1649 check_cmd "$STAT_CMD $ERR_FILE | grep -q '600$' 2>/dev/null"
1650 check_cmd "$STAT_CMD $LOG | grep -q '600$' 2>/dev/null"
1651 echo -e "_:main_quit" > $FIN
1652 check_rm $FIN
1653 check_rm $FOUT
1654 rm -f $ERR_FILE $LOG
1657 ./pipeglade -i $FIN -o $FOUT -O $ERR_FILE -l $LOG -b >/dev/null
1658 check_cmd "$STAT_CMD $FIN | grep -q '600$' 2>/dev/null"
1659 check_cmd "$STAT_CMD $FOUT | grep -q '600$' 2>/dev/null"
1660 check_cmd "$STAT_CMD $ERR_FILE | grep -q '600$' 2>/dev/null"
1661 check_cmd "$STAT_CMD $LOG | grep -q '600$' 2>/dev/null"
1662 echo -e "_:main_quit" > $FIN
1663 check_rm $FIN
1664 check_rm $FOUT
1665 rm -f $ERR_FILE $LOG
1667 ./pipeglade -u clock.ui -i $FIN -o $FOUT -b
1668 check 0 "" \
1669 "main:resize 500 600\n main:move 100 100"
1670 check_cmd 'test $(xdotool search --name pipeglade-clock getwindowgeometry --shell | grep -c -e "X=...$" -e "Y=...$" -e "WIDTH=500" -e "HEIGHT=600") -eq 4'
1671 check 0 "" \
1672 "main:resize\n main:move 0 0"
1673 check_cmd 'test $(xdotool search --name pipeglade-clock getwindowgeometry --shell | grep -c -e "X=.$" -e "Y=.$" -e "WIDTH=440" -e "HEIGHT=440") -eq 4'
1674 check 0 "" \
1675 "main:fullscreen"
1676 check_cmd 'test $(xdotool search --name pipeglade-clock getwindowgeometry --shell | grep -c -e "WIDTH=..." -e "HEIGHT=...") -eq 2'
1677 check 0 "" \
1678 "main:unfullscreen"
1679 check_cmd 'test $(xdotool search --name pipeglade-clock getwindowgeometry --shell | grep -c -e "WIDTH=440" -e "HEIGHT=440") -eq 2'
1680 check 0 "" \
1681 "main:set_title Another Title!"
1682 check_cmd 'xdotool search --name "Another Title!" getwindowname | grep -qe "Another Title!"'
1683 check 0 "" \
1684 "_:main_quit"
1688 echo "#### # Initial line to check if -l option appends" >$LOG
1689 LC_NUMERIC=de_DE.UTF-8 ./pipeglade -i $FIN -o $FOUT -l $LOG -b >/dev/null
1692 if test $AUTOMATIC; then
1694 check 0 "" \
1695 "socket1:id"
1696 read XID <$FOUT
1697 XID=${XID/socket1:id }
1698 (sleep .5; ./pipeglade -u simple_dialog.ui -e $XID <<< "main_cancel:force") >/dev/null &
1699 check 2 "" \
1700 "" \
1701 "socket1:plug-added" \
1702 "socket1:plug-removed"
1703 (sleep .5; ./pipeglade -u simple_dialog.ui -e $XID <<< "main_cancel:force") >/dev/null &
1704 check 2 "" \
1705 "" \
1706 "socket1:plug-added" \
1707 "socket1:plug-removed"
1709 check 1 "" \
1710 "entry1:set_text FFFF" \
1711 "entry1:text FFFF"
1712 check 1 "" \
1713 "entry1:set_text $BIG_STRING" \
1714 "entry1:text $BIG_STRING"
1715 check 1 "" \
1716 "entry1:set_text" \
1717 "entry1:text"
1718 check 1 "" \
1719 "entry1:set_text FFFF" \
1720 "entry1:text FFFF"
1721 check 1 "" \
1722 "entry1:set_text " \
1723 "entry1:text"
1724 check 0 "" \
1725 "entry1:set_placeholder_text hint hint" # not much of a test
1726 check 1 "" \
1727 "entry1:set_text FFFF" \
1728 "entry1:text FFFF"
1729 check 1 "" \
1730 "entry1:set_text GGGG" \
1731 "entry1:text GGGG"
1732 check 1 "" \
1733 "entry1:force" \
1734 "entry1:text GGGG"
1735 check 2 "" \
1736 "spinbutton1:set_text 33.0\n spinbutton1:set_range 50 60\n" \
1737 "spinbutton1:text 33.0" \
1738 "spinbutton1:text 50.0"
1739 check 2 "" \
1740 "radiobutton2:set_active 1" \
1741 "radiobutton1:0" \
1742 "radiobutton2:1"
1743 check 2 "" \
1744 "radiobutton1:set_active 1" \
1745 "radiobutton2:0" \
1746 "radiobutton1:1"
1747 check 1 "" \
1748 "switch1:set_active 1" \
1749 "switch1:1"
1750 check 1 "" \
1751 "switch1:set_active 0" \
1752 "switch1:0"
1753 check 0 "" \
1754 "progressbar1:set_text $BIG_STRING"
1755 check 0 "" \
1756 "progressbar1:set_text This Is A Progressbar."
1760 check 1 "" \
1761 "togglebutton1:set_active 1" \
1762 "togglebutton1:1"
1763 check 1 "" \
1764 "calendar1:select_date 1752-03-29" \
1765 "calendar1:clicked 1752-03-29"
1767 if test $INTERACTIVE; then
1768 check 1 "Open what should now be named \"EXPANDER\" and click the \"button inside expander\"" \
1769 "expander1:set_expanded 0\n expander1:set_label EXPANDER" \
1770 "button6:clicked"
1771 check 0 "" \
1772 "expander1:set_expanded 0"
1775 check 12 "" \
1776 "treeview2:set_visible 0\n treeview1:set 2 0 1\n treeview1:set 2 1 -30000\n treeview1:set 2 2 66\n treeview1:set 2 3 -2000000000\n treeview1:set 2 4 4000000000\n treeview1:set 2 5 -2000000000\n treeview1:set 2 6 4000000000\n treeview1:set 2 7 3.141\n treeview1:set 2 8 3.141\n treeview1:set 2 9 TEXT\n treeview1:set_cursor 2" \
1777 "treeview1:clicked" \
1778 "treeview1:gboolean 2 0 1" \
1779 "treeview1:gint 2 1 -30000" \
1780 "treeview1:guint 2 2 66" \
1781 "treeview1:glong 2 3 -2000000000" \
1782 "treeview1:glong 2 4 4000000000" \
1783 "treeview1:glong 2 5 -2000000000" \
1784 "treeview1:gulong 2 6 4000000000" \
1785 "treeview1:gfloat 2 7 3.141000" \
1786 "treeview1:gdouble 2 8 3.141000" \
1787 "treeview1:gchararray 2 9 TEXT" \
1788 "treeview1:gchararray 2 10 cyan"
1789 mkdir -p $DIR
1790 check 0 "" \
1791 "treeview1:save $DIR/$FILE1"
1792 check 0 "" \
1793 "treeview1:save $DIR/$FILE1.bak"
1794 check 1 "" \
1795 "treeview1:set_cursor" \
1796 "treeview1:clicked"
1797 check 12 "" \
1798 "treeview1:insert_row 0\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:set_cursor 4" \
1799 "treeview1:clicked" \
1800 "treeview1:gboolean 4 0 1" \
1801 "treeview1:gint 4 1 -30000" \
1802 "treeview1:guint 4 2 66" \
1803 "treeview1:glong 4 3 -2000000000" \
1804 "treeview1:glong 4 4 4000000000" \
1805 "treeview1:glong 4 5 -2000000000" \
1806 "treeview1:gulong 4 6 4000000000" \
1807 "treeview1:gfloat 4 7 3.141000" \
1808 "treeview1:gdouble 4 8 3.141000" \
1809 "treeview1:gchararray 4 9 TEXT" \
1810 "treeview1:gchararray 4 10 cyan"
1811 check 1 "" \
1812 "treeview1:set_cursor" \
1813 "treeview1:clicked"
1814 check 12 "" \
1815 "treeview1:move_row 4 0\n treeview1:set_cursor 0" \
1816 "treeview1:clicked" \
1817 "treeview1:gboolean 0 0 1" \
1818 "treeview1:gint 0 1 -30000" \
1819 "treeview1:guint 0 2 66" \
1820 "treeview1:glong 0 3 -2000000000" \
1821 "treeview1:glong 0 4 4000000000" \
1822 "treeview1:glong 0 5 -2000000000" \
1823 "treeview1:gulong 0 6 4000000000" \
1824 "treeview1:gfloat 0 7 3.141000" \
1825 "treeview1:gdouble 0 8 3.141000" \
1826 "treeview1:gchararray 0 9 TEXT" \
1827 "treeview1:gchararray 0 10 cyan"
1828 check 1 "" \
1829 "treeview1:set_cursor" \
1830 "treeview1:clicked"
1831 check 12 "" \
1832 "treeview1:move_row 0 2\n treeview1:set_cursor 1" \
1833 "treeview1:clicked" \
1834 "treeview1:gboolean 1 0 1" \
1835 "treeview1:gint 1 1 -30000" \
1836 "treeview1:guint 1 2 66" \
1837 "treeview1:glong 1 3 -2000000000" \
1838 "treeview1:glong 1 4 4000000000" \
1839 "treeview1:glong 1 5 -2000000000" \
1840 "treeview1:gulong 1 6 4000000000" \
1841 "treeview1:gfloat 1 7 3.141000" \
1842 "treeview1:gdouble 1 8 3.141000" \
1843 "treeview1:gchararray 1 9 TEXT" \
1844 "treeview1:gchararray 1 10 cyan"
1845 check 1 "" \
1846 "treeview1:set_cursor" \
1847 "treeview1:clicked"
1848 check 12 "" \
1849 "treeview1:insert_row end\n treeview1:move_row 1 end\n treeview1:set_cursor 6" \
1850 "treeview1:clicked" \
1851 "treeview1:gboolean 6 0 1" \
1852 "treeview1:gint 6 1 -30000" \
1853 "treeview1:guint 6 2 66" \
1854 "treeview1:glong 6 3 -2000000000" \
1855 "treeview1:glong 6 4 4000000000" \
1856 "treeview1:glong 6 5 -2000000000" \
1857 "treeview1:gulong 6 6 4000000000" \
1858 "treeview1:gfloat 6 7 3.141000" \
1859 "treeview1:gdouble 6 8 3.141000" \
1860 "treeview1:gchararray 6 9 TEXT" \
1861 "treeview1:gchararray 6 10 cyan"
1862 check 1 "" \
1863 "treeview1:set_cursor" \
1864 "treeview1:clicked"
1865 check 12 "" \
1866 "treeview1:remove_row 0\n treeview1:remove_row 2\n treeview1:set_cursor 4" \
1867 "treeview1:clicked" \
1868 "treeview1:gboolean 4 0 1" \
1869 "treeview1:gint 4 1 -30000" \
1870 "treeview1:guint 4 2 66" \
1871 "treeview1:glong 4 3 -2000000000" \
1872 "treeview1:glong 4 4 4000000000" \
1873 "treeview1:glong 4 5 -2000000000" \
1874 "treeview1:gulong 4 6 4000000000" \
1875 "treeview1:gfloat 4 7 3.141000" \
1876 "treeview1:gdouble 4 8 3.141000" \
1877 "treeview1:gchararray 4 9 TEXT" \
1878 "treeview1:gchararray 4 10 cyan"
1879 check 1 "" \
1880 "treeview1:set_cursor" \
1881 "treeview1:clicked"
1882 check 12 "" \
1883 "treeview1:move_row 0 end\n treeview1:set_cursor 3" \
1884 "treeview1:clicked" \
1885 "treeview1:gboolean 3 0 1" \
1886 "treeview1:gint 3 1 -30000" \
1887 "treeview1:guint 3 2 66" \
1888 "treeview1:glong 3 3 -2000000000" \
1889 "treeview1:glong 3 4 4000000000" \
1890 "treeview1:glong 3 5 -2000000000" \
1891 "treeview1:gulong 3 6 4000000000" \
1892 "treeview1:gfloat 3 7 3.141000" \
1893 "treeview1:gdouble 3 8 3.141000" \
1894 "treeview1:gchararray 3 9 TEXT" \
1895 "treeview1:gchararray 3 10 cyan"
1896 check 24 "" \
1897 "treeview1:remove_row 3" \
1898 "treeview1:clicked" \
1899 "treeview1:gboolean 3 0 0" \
1900 "treeview1:gint 3 1 0" \
1901 "treeview1:guint 3 2 0" \
1902 "treeview1:glong 3 3 0" \
1903 "treeview1:glong 3 4 0" \
1904 "treeview1:glong 3 5 0" \
1905 "treeview1:gulong 3 6 0" \
1906 "treeview1:gfloat 3 7 0.000000" \
1907 "treeview1:gdouble 3 8 0.000000" \
1908 "treeview1:gchararray 3 9 abc" \
1909 "treeview1:gchararray 3 10 magenta" \
1910 "treeview1:clicked" \
1911 "treeview1:gboolean 3 0 0" \
1912 "treeview1:gint 3 1 0" \
1913 "treeview1:guint 3 2 0" \
1914 "treeview1:glong 3 3 0" \
1915 "treeview1:glong 3 4 0" \
1916 "treeview1:glong 3 5 0" \
1917 "treeview1:gulong 3 6 0" \
1918 "treeview1:gfloat 3 7 0.000000" \
1919 "treeview1:gdouble 3 8 0.000000" \
1920 "treeview1:gchararray 3 9 abc" \
1921 "treeview1:gchararray 3 10 magenta"
1923 if test $INTERACTIVE; then
1924 check 1 "Click column col4 in the lowest line visible in the scrolled area and type 444 <Enter> (scroll)" \
1925 "treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:insert_row 2\n treeview1:scroll 24 0" \
1926 "treeview1:gint 24 1 444"
1927 check 12 "Click column col3 in the highest line visible in the scrolled area (scroll)" \
1928 "treeview1:scroll 1 0" \
1929 "treeview1:clicked" \
1930 "treeview1:gboolean 1 0 1" \
1931 "treeview1:gint 1 1 3" \
1932 "treeview1:guint 1 2 0" \
1933 "treeview1:glong 1 3 0" \
1934 "treeview1:glong 1 4 0" \
1935 "treeview1:glong 1 5 0" \
1936 "treeview1:gulong 1 6 0" \
1937 "treeview1:gfloat 1 7 0.000000" \
1938 "treeview1:gdouble 1 8 0.000000" \
1939 "treeview1:gchararray 1 9 jkl" \
1940 "treeview1:gchararray 1 10 green"
1942 check 1 "Click the header of column \"col3\"" \
1943 "" \
1944 "treeviewcolumn3:clicked"
1947 check 2 "" \
1948 "treeview1:clear\n button1:force" \
1949 "treeview1:clicked" \
1950 "button1:clicked"
1952 check 12 "" \
1953 "treeview2:set_visible 1\n treeview2:insert_row end\n treeview2:insert_row 0 as_child\n treeview2:insert_row 0:0 as_child\n treeview2:insert_row 0:0\n treeview2:set 100:1:0 0 1\n treeview2:set 100:1:0 1 -30000\n treeview2:set 100:1:0 2 33\n treeview2:set 100:1:0 3 -2000000000\n treeview2:set 100:1:0 4 4000000000\n treeview2:set 100:1:0 5 -2000000000\n treeview2:set 100:1:0 6 4000000000\n treeview2:set 100:1:0 7 3.141\n treeview2:set 100:1:0 8 3.141\n treeview2:set 100:1:0 9 TEXT\n treeview2:expand_all\n treeview2:set_cursor 100:1:0" \
1954 "treeview2:clicked" \
1955 "treeview2:gboolean 100:1:0 0 1" \
1956 "treeview2:gint 100:1:0 1 -30000" \
1957 "treeview2:guint 100:1:0 2 33" \
1958 "treeview2:glong 100:1:0 3 -2000000000" \
1959 "treeview2:glong 100:1:0 4 4000000000" \
1960 "treeview2:glong 100:1:0 5 -2000000000" \
1961 "treeview2:gulong 100:1:0 6 4000000000" \
1962 "treeview2:gfloat 100:1:0 7 3.141000" \
1963 "treeview2:gdouble 100:1:0 8 3.141000" \
1964 "treeview2:gchararray 100:1:0 9 TEXT" \
1965 "treeview2:gchararray 100:1:0 10"
1966 check 1 "" \
1967 "treeview2:set_cursor" \
1968 "treeview2:clicked"
1969 check 12 "" \
1970 "treeview2:insert_row 0\n treeview2:insert_row 0\n treeview2:set 102:1 3 876543210\n treeview2:set 102 3 448822\n treeview2:collapse\n treeview2:set_cursor 102" \
1971 "treeview2:clicked" \
1972 "treeview2:gboolean 102 0 0" \
1973 "treeview2:gint 102 1 0" \
1974 "treeview2:guint 102 2 0" \
1975 "treeview2:glong 102 3 448822" \
1976 "treeview2:glong 102 4 0" \
1977 "treeview2:glong 102 5 0" \
1978 "treeview2:gulong 102 6 0" \
1979 "treeview2:gfloat 102 7 0.000000" \
1980 "treeview2:gdouble 102 8 0.000000" \
1981 "treeview2:gchararray 102 9" \
1982 "treeview2:gchararray 102 10"
1983 check 1 "" \
1984 "treeview2:set_cursor" \
1985 "treeview2:clicked"
1986 check 0 "" \
1987 "treeview2:save $DIR/$FILE2"
1988 check 0 "" \
1989 "treeview2:save $DIR/$FILE2.bak"
1990 check 12 "" \
1991 "treeview2:insert_row 0\n treeview2:collapse\n treeview2:set_cursor 103" \
1992 "treeview2:clicked" \
1993 "treeview2:gboolean 103 0 0" \
1994 "treeview2:gint 103 1 0" \
1995 "treeview2:guint 103 2 0" \
1996 "treeview2:glong 103 3 448822" \
1997 "treeview2:glong 103 4 0" \
1998 "treeview2:glong 103 5 0" \
1999 "treeview2:gulong 103 6 0" \
2000 "treeview2:gfloat 103 7 0.000000" \
2001 "treeview2:gdouble 103 8 0.000000" \
2002 "treeview2:gchararray 103 9" \
2003 "treeview2:gchararray 103 10"
2004 check 1 "" \
2005 "treeview2:set_cursor" \
2006 "treeview2:clicked"
2008 if test $INTERACTIVE; then
2009 check 12 "Click the lowest line visible in the scrolled area (1)" \
2010 "treeview2:expand_all 103\n treeview2:scroll 103:1:0 0" \
2011 "treeview2:clicked" \
2012 "treeview2:gboolean 103:1:0 0 1" \
2013 "treeview2:gint 103:1:0 1 -30000" \
2014 "treeview2:guint 103:1:0 2 33" \
2015 "treeview2:glong 103:1:0 3 -2000000000" \
2016 "treeview2:glong 103:1:0 4 4000000000" \
2017 "treeview2:glong 103:1:0 5 -2000000000" \
2018 "treeview2:gulong 103:1:0 6 4000000000" \
2019 "treeview2:gfloat 103:1:0 7 3.141000" \
2020 "treeview2:gdouble 103:1:0 8 3.141000" \
2021 "treeview2:gchararray 103:1:0 9 TEXT" \
2022 "treeview2:gchararray 103:1:0 10"
2023 check 1 "" \
2024 "treeview2:set_cursor" \
2025 "treeview2:clicked"
2026 check 12 "Click the lowest visible line (2)" \
2027 "treeview2:collapse\n treeview2:expand 103\n treeview2:scroll 103:1 0" \
2028 "treeview2:clicked" \
2029 "treeview2:gboolean 103:1 0 0" \
2030 "treeview2:gint 103:1 1 0" \
2031 "treeview2:guint 103:1 2 0" \
2032 "treeview2:glong 103:1 3 876543210" \
2033 "treeview2:glong 103:1 4 0" \
2034 "treeview2:glong 103:1 5 0" \
2035 "treeview2:gulong 103:1 6 0" \
2036 "treeview2:gfloat 103:1 7 0.000000" \
2037 "treeview2:gdouble 103:1 8 0.000000" \
2038 "treeview2:gchararray 103:1 9" \
2039 "treeview2:gchararray 103:1 10"
2040 check 1 "" \
2041 "treeview2:set_cursor" \
2042 "treeview2:clicked"
2043 check 12 "Click the lowest visible line (3)" \
2044 "treeview2:collapse\n treeview2:expand_all\n treeview2:scroll 103:1:0 0" \
2045 "treeview2:clicked" \
2046 "treeview2:gboolean 103:1:0 0 1" \
2047 "treeview2:gint 103:1:0 1 -30000" \
2048 "treeview2:guint 103:1:0 2 33" \
2049 "treeview2:glong 103:1:0 3 -2000000000" \
2050 "treeview2:glong 103:1:0 4 4000000000" \
2051 "treeview2:glong 103:1:0 5 -2000000000" \
2052 "treeview2:gulong 103:1:0 6 4000000000" \
2053 "treeview2:gfloat 103:1:0 7 3.141000" \
2054 "treeview2:gdouble 103:1:0 8 3.141000" \
2055 "treeview2:gchararray 103:1:0 9 TEXT" \
2056 "treeview2:gchararray 103:1:0 10"
2057 check 1 "" \
2058 "treeview2:set_cursor" \
2059 "treeview2:clicked"
2060 check 12 "Click the lowest visible line (4)" \
2061 "treeview2:expand_all\n treeview2:collapse 103:1\n treeview2:scroll 103:1 0" \
2062 "treeview2:clicked" \
2063 "treeview2:gboolean 103:1 0 0" \
2064 "treeview2:gint 103:1 1 0" \
2065 "treeview2:guint 103:1 2 0" \
2066 "treeview2:glong 103:1 3 876543210" \
2067 "treeview2:glong 103:1 4 0" \
2068 "treeview2:glong 103:1 5 0" \
2069 "treeview2:gulong 103:1 6 0" \
2070 "treeview2:gfloat 103:1 7 0.000000" \
2071 "treeview2:gdouble 103:1 8 0.000000" \
2072 "treeview2:gchararray 103:1 9" \
2073 "treeview2:gchararray 103:1 10"
2074 check 1 "" \
2075 "treeview2:set_cursor" \
2076 "treeview2:clicked"
2078 check 1 "Click the header of column \"col23\"" \
2079 "" \
2080 "treeviewcolumn23:clicked"
2084 if test $AUTOMATIC; then
2086 check 12 "" \
2087 "treeview1:clear\n treeview1:set 1 9 $BIG_STRING\n treeview1:set_cursor 1" \
2088 "treeview1:clicked" \
2089 "treeview1:gboolean 1 0 0" \
2090 "treeview1:gint 1 1 0" \
2091 "treeview1:guint 1 2 0" \
2092 "treeview1:glong 1 3 0" \
2093 "treeview1:glong 1 4 0" \
2094 "treeview1:glong 1 5 0" \
2095 "treeview1:gulong 1 6 0" \
2096 "treeview1:gfloat 1 7 0.000000" \
2097 "treeview1:gdouble 1 8 0.000000" \
2098 "treeview1:gchararray 1 9 $BIG_STRING" \
2099 "treeview1:gchararray 1 10"
2100 check 12 "" \
2101 "treeview1:clear\n treeview1:set 1 9 ABC\\\\nDEF\\\\nGHI\n treeview1:set_cursor 1" \
2102 "treeview1:clicked" \
2103 "treeview1:clicked" \
2104 "treeview1:gboolean 1 0 0" \
2105 "treeview1:gint 1 1 0" \
2106 "treeview1:guint 1 2 0" \
2107 "treeview1:glong 1 3 0" \
2108 "treeview1:glong 1 4 0" \
2109 "treeview1:glong 1 5 0" \
2110 "treeview1:gulong 1 6 0" \
2111 "treeview1:gfloat 1 7 0.000000" \
2112 "treeview1:gdouble 1 8 0.000000" \
2113 "treeview1:gchararray 1 9 ABCnDEFnGHI" \
2114 "treeview1:gchararray 1 10"
2115 check 0 "" \
2116 "treeview1:clear\n treeview2:clear"
2117 check 0 "" \
2118 "_:load $DIR/$FILE1"
2119 rm -f $DIR/$FILE1
2120 sleep .5
2121 check 1 "" \
2122 "treeview1:save $DIR/$FILE1\n button1:force" \
2123 "button1:clicked"
2124 check_cmd "cmp $DIR/$FILE1 $DIR/$FILE1.bak"
2125 check 0 "" \
2126 "treeview1:clear\n treeview2:clear"
2127 check 0 "" \
2128 "_:load $DIR/$FILE2"
2129 sleep .5
2130 rm -f $DIR/$FILE2
2131 sleep .5
2132 check 1 "" \
2133 "treeview2:save $DIR/$FILE2\n button1:force" \
2134 "button1:clicked"
2135 check_cmd "cmp $DIR/$FILE2 $DIR/$FILE2.bak"
2136 cat >$DIR/$FILE3 <<< "_:load $DIR/$FILE1.bak"
2137 cat >>$DIR/$FILE3 <<< "_:load $DIR/$FILE2.bak"
2138 cat >$DIR/$FILE4 <<< "_:load $DIR/$FILE3"
2139 cat >$DIR/$FILE5 <<< "_:load $DIR/$FILE4"
2140 cat >$DIR/$FILE6 <<< "_:load $DIR/$FILE5"
2141 rm -f $DIR/$FILE1 $DIR/$FILE2
2142 sleep .5
2143 check 0 "" \
2144 "treeview1:clear\n treeview2:clear"
2145 check 0 "" \
2146 "_:load $DIR/$FILE6"
2147 rm -f $DIR/$FILE1 $DIR/$FILE2
2148 sleep .5
2149 check 1 "" \
2150 "treeview1:save $DIR/$FILE1\n treeview2:save $DIR/$FILE2\n button1:force" \
2151 "button1:clicked"
2152 check_cmd "cmp $DIR/$FILE1 $DIR/$FILE1.bak"
2153 check_cmd "cmp $DIR/$FILE2 $DIR/$FILE2.bak"
2154 rm -rf $DIR
2155 check 0 "" \
2156 "treeview1:set 100 9 XXXYYY"
2157 check 0 "" \
2158 "treeview2:clear\n treeview2:set 2 0 1"
2160 check 0 "" \
2161 "notebook1:set_current_page 2"
2162 check 1 "" \
2163 "nonexistent_send_text:force" \
2164 "nonexistent_send_text:clicked"
2165 check 1 "" \
2166 "nonexistent_send_selection:force" \
2167 "nonexistent_send_selection:clicked"
2168 check 1 "" \
2169 "nonexistent_ok:force" \
2170 "nonexistent_ok:clicked"
2171 check 1 "" \
2172 "nonexistent_apply:force" \
2173 "nonexistent_apply:clicked"
2174 check 1 "" \
2175 "nonexistent_cancel:force" \
2176 "nonexistent_cancel:clicked"
2177 check 0 "" \
2178 "notebook1:set_current_page 1"
2179 check 1 "" \
2180 "textview1_send_text:force" \
2181 "textview1_send_text:text some textnetcn"
2182 check 1 "" \
2183 "textview1:place_cursor 5\n textview1:insert_at_cursor MORE \n textview1_send_text:force" \
2184 "textview1_send_text:text some MORE textnetcn"
2185 check 1 "" \
2186 "textview1:place_cursor_at_line 1\n textview1:insert_at_cursor ETC \n textview1_send_text:force" \
2187 "textview1_send_text:text some MORE textnETC etcn"
2188 mkdir -p $DIR
2189 check 1 "" \
2190 "textview1:save $DIR/$FILE1\n button1:force" \
2191 "button1:clicked"
2193 while (( i<2000 )); do
2194 (( i+=1 ))
2195 cat $DIR/$FILE1 >> $DIR/$FILE2
2196 done
2198 while (( i<2000 )); do
2199 (( i+=1 ))
2200 echo "textview2:insert_at_cursor ##### THIS IS LINE $i.\\n" >> $DIR/$FILE3
2201 done
2202 check 0 "" \
2203 "_:load $DIR/$FILE2"
2204 check 0 "" \
2205 "textview1:save $DIR/$FILE1"
2206 check 0 "" \
2207 "textview1:save $DIR/$FILE1"
2208 check 0 "" \
2209 "textview1:delete"
2210 check 0 "" \
2211 "textview2:delete"
2212 check 0 "" \
2213 "_:load $DIR/$FILE3"
2214 check 0 "" \
2215 "_:load $DIR/$FILE1"
2216 check 0 "" \
2217 "textview2:save $DIR/$FILE3"
2218 check 1 "" \
2219 "textview1:save $DIR/$FILE2\n button1:force" \
2220 "button1:clicked"
2221 check_cmd "cmp $DIR/$FILE1 $DIR/$FILE2"
2222 echo "textview1:insert_at_cursor I'm a text containing backslashes:\\nONE\\\\\nTWO\\\\\\\\\\nTHREE\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nEnd" > $DIR/$FILE1
2223 check 0 "" \
2224 "textview1:delete\n _:load $DIR/$FILE1"
2225 check 1 "" \
2226 "textview1:save $DIR/$FILE1\n textview1:save $DIR/$FILE2\n textview1:delete\n _:load $DIR/$FILE1\n button1:force" \
2227 "button1:clicked"
2228 rm $DIR/$FILE1
2229 sleep .5
2230 check 1 "" \
2231 "textview1:save $DIR/$FILE1\n button1:force" \
2232 "button1:clicked"
2233 check_cmd "test 96 = `wc -c $DIR/$FILE1 | awk '{print $1}'`"
2234 check_cmd "cmp $DIR/$FILE1 $DIR/$FILE2"
2238 check 1 "" \
2239 "textview1:delete\n textview1_send_text:force" \
2240 "textview1_send_text:text"
2242 if test $INTERACTIVE; then
2244 check 1 "Highlight the lowest visible character and press \"send_selection\"" \
2245 "textview1:place_cursor_at_line 1 \ntextview1:insert_at_cursor A\\\\nB\\\\nC\\\\nD\\\\nE\\\\nF\\\\nG\\\\nH\\\\nI\\\\nJ\\\\nK\\\\nL\\\\nM\\\\nN\\\\nO\\\\nP\\\\nQ\\\\nR\\\\nS\\\\nT\\\\nU\\\\nV\\\\nW\\\\nX\\\\nY\\\\nZ\\\\na\\\\nb\\\\nc\\\\nd\\\\ne\\\\nf\\\\ng\\\\nh\\\\ni\\\\nj\\\\nk\\\\nl\\\\nm\\\\nn\\\\no\\\\np\\\\nq\\\\nr\\\\ns\\\\nt\\\\nu\\\\nv\\\\nw\\\\nx\\\\ny\\\\nz \n textview1:place_cursor_at_line 46 \n textview1:scroll_to_cursor\n notebook1:set_current_page 1" \
2246 "textview1_send_selection:text u"
2247 check 1 "Again, highlight the lowest visible character and press \"send_selection\"" \
2248 "textview1:place_cursor end\n textview1:scroll_to_cursor" \
2249 "textview1_send_selection:text z"
2250 check 1 "Highlight the highest visible character and press \"send_selection\"" \
2251 "textview1:place_cursor 0 \n textview1:scroll_to_cursor" \
2252 "textview1_send_selection:text A"
2256 if test $AUTOMATIC; then
2257 check 1 "" \
2258 "treeview2:set 100:10:5 2 8888888\n treeview2:save $DIR/$FILE1\n textview2:save $DIR/$FILE2\n button1:force" \
2259 "button1:clicked"
2260 cp $DIR/$FILE1 $DIR/$FILE4
2261 check_cmd "cmp $DIR/$FILE2 $DIR/$FILE3"
2262 check 1 "" \
2263 "treeview2:clear\n textview2:delete\n _:load $DIR/$FILE1\n _:load $DIR/$FILE2\n button1:force" \
2264 "button1:clicked"
2265 rm $DIR/$FILE1 $DIR/$FILE2
2266 sleep .5
2267 check 1 "" \
2268 "treeview2:save $DIR/$FILE1\n textview2:save $DIR/$FILE2\n button1:force" \
2269 "button1:clicked"
2270 check_cmd "cmp $DIR/$FILE1 $DIR/$FILE4"
2271 check_cmd "cmp $DIR/$FILE2 $DIR/$FILE3"
2272 # rm -rf $DIR
2273 sleep .5
2274 check 2 "" \
2275 "scale1:set_value 10\n scale1:set_increments 5 20\n scale1:force" \
2276 "scale1:value 10.000000" \
2277 "scale1:value 10.000000"
2278 check 2 "" \
2279 "scale1:set_range 20 22\n scale1:set_value 10\n scale1:set_value 100" \
2280 "scale1:value 20.000000" \
2281 "scale1:value 22.000000"
2282 check 1 "" \
2283 "scale1:set_fill_level\n scale1:set_fill_level 20.5\n scale1:set_value 21.3" \
2284 "scale1:value 21.300000"
2285 check 6 "" \
2286 "open_dialog:set_filename q.png\n file:force\n open_dialog_invoke:force\n open_dialog_apply:force\n open_dialog_ok:force" \
2287 "file:active _File" \
2288 "open_dialog_apply:clicked" \
2289 "open_dialog:file $PWD/q.png" \
2290 "open_dialog:folder $PWD" \
2291 "open_dialog_ok:clicked" \
2292 "open_dialog:file $PWD/q.png" \
2293 "open_dialog:folder $PWD"
2294 check 2 "" \
2295 "file:force\n open_dialog_invoke:force\n open_dialog_cancel:force" \
2296 "file:active _File" \
2297 "open_dialog_cancel:clicked"
2298 check 3 "" \
2299 "save_as_dialog:set_current_name /somewhere/crazy_idea\n file:force\n save_as_dialog_invoke:force\n save_as_dialog_ok:force" \
2300 "file:active _File" \
2301 "save_as_dialog_ok:clicked" \
2302 "save_as_dialog:file /somewhere/crazy_idea" \
2303 "save_as_dialog:folder"
2304 check 1 "" \
2305 "nonexistent_invoke:force" \
2306 "nonexistent_invoke:active nonexistent"
2308 # _:load
2309 mkdir -p $DIR
2310 for i in $WEIRD_PATHS; do
2311 cat >$i <<< "entry1:set_text RsT${i}UVwX"
2312 done
2313 for i in $WEIRD_PATHS; do
2314 check 1 "" \
2315 "_:load $i" \
2316 "entry1:text RsT${i}UVwX"
2317 rm -f $i
2318 done
2322 if test $INTERACTIVE; then
2324 check 1 "Press the \"button\" which should now be renamed \"OK\"" \
2325 "button1:set_label OK" \
2326 "button1:clicked"
2327 check 1 "Press the \"togglebutton\" which should now be renamed \"on/off\"" \
2328 "togglebutton1:set_label on/off" \
2329 "togglebutton1:0"
2330 check 1 "" \
2331 "togglebutton1:force" \
2332 "togglebutton1:1"
2333 check 1 "Press the \"checkbutton\" which should now be renamed \"REGISTER\"" \
2334 "checkbutton1:set_label REGISTER" \
2335 "checkbutton1:1"
2336 check 1 "" \
2337 "checkbutton1:force" \
2338 "checkbutton1:0"
2339 check 2 "Press the \"radiobutton\" which should now be renamed \"RADIO\"" \
2340 "radiobutton2:set_label RADIO" \
2341 "radiobutton1:0" \
2342 "radiobutton2:1"
2343 check 2 "" \
2344 "radiobutton1:force" \
2345 "radiobutton2:0" \
2346 "radiobutton1:1"
2347 check 1 "Click the widget whose label font is now Bold Italic 20" \
2348 "switch1:style font:Bold Italic 20" \
2349 "switch1:1"
2350 check 1 "Click the widget whose label has turned red" \
2351 "switch1:style color:red" \
2352 "switch1:0"
2353 check 1 "Click the widget whose background has turned yellow" \
2354 "checkbutton1:style background-color:yellow" \
2355 "checkbutton1:1"
2356 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if font and colors changed in previous steps are back to normal\n switch1:style" \
2357 "checkbutton1:style" \
2358 "button1:clicked"
2359 check 1 "" \
2360 "switch1:force" \
2361 "switch1:1"
2362 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the \"lorem ipsum dolor ...\" text inside \"frame1\" now reads \"LABEL\"" \
2363 "label1:set_text LABEL" \
2364 "button1:clicked"
2365 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the label of the frame around \"LABEL\" now reads \"LOREM IPSUM\"" \
2366 "frame1:set_label LOREM IPSUM" \
2367 "button1:clicked"
2368 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the green dot has turned red" \
2369 "image1:set_from_icon_name gtk-no" \
2370 "button1:clicked"
2371 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the red dot has turned into a green \"Q\"" \
2372 "image1:set_from_file q.png" \
2373 "button1:clicked"
2374 check 1 "Select \"FIRST\" from the combobox" \
2375 "comboboxtext1:prepend_text FIRST" \
2376 "comboboxtext1_entry:text FIRST"
2377 check 1 "Select \"LAST\" from the combobox" \
2378 "comboboxtext1:append_text LAST" \
2379 "comboboxtext1_entry:text LAST"
2380 check 1 "Select \"AVERAGE\" from the combobox" \
2381 "comboboxtext1:insert_text 3 AVERAGE" \
2382 "comboboxtext1_entry:text AVERAGE"
2383 check 1 "Select the second entry from the combobox" \
2384 "comboboxtext1:remove 0" \
2385 "comboboxtext1_entry:text def"
2386 check 2 "Left-click the \"+\" of the spinbutton" \
2387 "spinbutton1:set_range 0 100\n spinbutton1:set_text 33" \
2388 "spinbutton1:text 33.00" \
2389 "spinbutton1:text 34.00"
2390 check 1 "Left-click the \"+\" of the spinbutton again" \
2391 "spinbutton1:set_increments 2 4" \
2392 "spinbutton1:text 36.00"
2393 check 1 "Middle-click the \"+\" of the spinbutton" \
2394 "" \
2395 "spinbutton1:text 40.00"
2396 check 1 "" \
2397 "spinbutton1:force" \
2398 "spinbutton1:text 40.00"
2399 check 1 "Using the file chooser button (now labelled \"etc\"), select \"File System\" (= \"/\")" \
2400 "filechooserbutton1:set_filename /etc/" \
2401 "filechooserbutton1:file /"
2402 check 1 "" \
2403 "filechooserbutton1:force" \
2404 "filechooserbutton1:file /"
2405 check 1 "Click \"Select\"\n fontbutton1:set_font_name Sans Bold 40" \
2406 "fontbutton1:force" \
2407 "fontbutton1:font Sans Bold 40"
2408 check 1 "Click \"Select\" (1)\n colorbutton1:set_color yellow" \
2409 "colorbutton1:force" \
2410 "colorbutton1:color rgb(255,255,0)"
2411 check 1 "Click \"Select\" (2)\n colorbutton1:set_color rgb(0,255,0)" \
2412 "colorbutton1:force" \
2413 "colorbutton1:color rgb(0,255,0)"
2414 check 1 "Click \"Select\" (3)\n colorbutton1:set_color #00f" \
2415 "colorbutton1:force" \
2416 "colorbutton1:color rgb(0,0,255)"
2417 check 1 "Click \"Select\" (4)\n colorbutton1:set_color #ffff00000000" \
2418 "colorbutton1:force" \
2419 "colorbutton1:color rgb(255,0,0)"
2420 check 1 "Click \"Select\" (5)\n colorbutton1:set_color rgba(0,255,0,.5)" \
2421 "colorbutton1:force" \
2422 "colorbutton1:color rgba(0,255,0,0.5)"
2423 check 1 "Close the dialog by hitting Escape" \
2424 "printdialog:print" \
2425 "printdialog:closed"
2426 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if both 1752-03-13 and 1752-03-14 are marked on the calendar" \
2427 "calendar1:mark_day 13\n calendar1:mark_day 14" \
2428 "button1:clicked"
2429 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if 1752-03-13 and 1752-03-14 are no longer marked on the calendar" \
2430 "calendar1:clear_marks" \
2431 "button1:clicked"
2432 check 3 "Hover over the calendar and do what the tooltip says" \
2433 "calendar1:set_tooltip_text Double-click on 1752-03-13" \
2434 "calendar1:clicked 1752-03-13" \
2435 "calendar1:clicked 1752-03-13" \
2436 "calendar1:doubleclicked 1752-03-13"
2437 check 0 "" \
2438 "calendar1:set_tooltip_text"
2439 check 1 "" \
2440 "calendar1:force" \
2441 "calendar1:clicked 1752-03-13"
2445 check 0 "" \
2446 "drawingarea1:transform =100 1 0 0 1 0 0"
2447 check 0 "" \
2448 "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba =101 green"
2449 check 0 "" \
2450 "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba =102 red"
2451 check 0 "" \
2452 "drawingarea1:rectangle =1 0 0 150 150\n drawingarea1:fill 1"
2453 check 0 "" \
2454 "drawingarea1:remove 1\n drawingarea1:remove 2\n drawingarea1:remove 3\n drawingarea1:remove 4"
2455 check 0 "" \
2456 "drawingarea1:rectangle 1 0 0 150 150\n drawingarea1:fill 1"
2457 check 0 "" \
2458 "drawingarea1:arc 1 80 80 60 30 60\n drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 1 red\n drawingarea1:stroke_preserve 1\n drawingarea1:line_to 1 80 80\n drawingarea1:fill 1"
2459 check 0 "" \
2460 "drawingarea1:arc_negative 1 80 80 70 30 60\n drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 1 green\n drawingarea1:stroke_preserve 1\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 -50 -50\n drawingarea1:stroke 1"
2461 check 0 "" \
2462 "drawingarea1:curve_to 1 30 30 90 120 120 30\n drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 1 blue\n drawingarea1:stroke 1"
2463 check 0 "" \
2464 "drawingarea1:move_to 1 160 160\n drawingarea1:rel_curve_to 1 30 30 90 120 120 30\n drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 1 orange\n drawingarea1:stroke_preserve 1"
2465 check 0 "" \
2466 "drawingarea1:move_to 1 0 0\n drawingarea1:rel_move_to 1 0 155\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 300 0\n drawingarea1:set_dash 1 10\n drawingarea1:stroke 1"
2467 check 0 "" \
2468 "drawingarea1:move_to 1 0 160\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 300 0\n drawingarea1:set_dash 1 20 5\n drawingarea1:stroke 1"
2469 check 0 "" \
2470 "drawingarea1:move_to 1 0 165\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 300 0\n drawingarea1:set_dash 1 5 20\n drawingarea1:stroke 1"
2471 check 0 "" \
2472 "drawingarea1:move_to 1 0 170\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 300 0\n drawingarea1:set_dash 1 3 3 3 3 3 15\n drawingarea1:stroke 1"
2473 check 0 "" \
2474 "drawingarea1:set_dash 1"
2475 check 0 "" \
2476 "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 103 brown\n drawingarea1:set_line_width 1 15"
2478 if test $INTERACTIVE; then
2479 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the brown shape is rounded" \
2480 "drawingarea1:set_line_join 2 round\n drawingarea1:set_line_cap 2 round\n drawingarea1:move_to 1 160 20\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20 0\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 0 20\n drawingarea1:stroke 1" \
2481 "button1:clicked"
2482 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the second brown shape is shorter and bevelled and the square is mostly blue" \
2483 "drawingarea1:set_line_join 3 bevel\n drawingarea1:set_line_cap 3 butt\n drawingarea1:move_to 1 160 70\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20 0\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 0 20\n drawingarea1:stroke 1\n drawingarea1:set_source_rgba =102 blue" \
2484 "button1:clicked"
2485 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the third brown shape is square everything is a bit smaller" \
2486 "drawingarea1:set_line_join 3 miter\n drawingarea1:set_line_cap 3 square\n drawingarea1:move_to 1 160 120\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 20 0\n drawingarea1:rel_line_to 1 0 20\n drawingarea1:stroke 1\n drawingarea1:set_source_rgba =101 magenta\n drawingarea1:scale =100 .7 .7" \
2487 "button1:clicked"
2488 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the first brown shape is no longer rounded and everything rotated a bit" \
2489 "drawingarea1:remove 2\n drawingarea1:rotate 105<100 10" \
2490 "button1:clicked"
2491 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if all three brown shapes look the same" \
2492 "drawingarea1:remove 3" \
2493 "button1:clicked"
2497 check 0 "" \
2498 "drawingarea1:move_to 5 50 50\n drawingarea1:line_to 5 200 10\n drawingarea1:line_to 5 150 200\n drawingarea1:close_path 1\n drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 5 rgba(0,255,0,.2)\n drawingarea1:fill_preserve 1"
2499 check 0 "" \
2500 "drawingarea1:move_to 5 10 50\n drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 5 cyan\n drawingarea1:set_font_size 5 30\n drawingarea1:show_text 5 Xyz 789\n drawingarea1:set_font_size 5 10\n drawingarea1:show_text 5 Abc 123"
2501 check 0 "" \
2502 "drawingarea1:move_to 5 10 75\n drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 5 red\n drawingarea1:set_font_face 5 italic bold Courier\n drawingarea1:set_font_size 5 30\n drawingarea1:show_text 5 Xyz 789\n drawingarea1:set_font_size 5 10\n drawingarea1:show_text 5 Abc 123"
2503 check 0 "" \
2504 "drawingarea1:remove 1\n drawingarea1:remove 2\n drawingarea1:remove 3\n drawingarea1:remove 4"
2506 check 0 "" \
2507 "drawingarea2:rotate 55<500 5\n drawingarea2:scale 33 .7 .7\n drawingarea2:translate 77 30 30\n drawingarea2:transform 44"
2508 check 0 "" \
2509 "drawingarea2:rectangle 1<500 0 0 150 150\n drawingarea2:fill 1"
2510 check 0 "" \
2511 "drawingarea2:arc 1 80 80 60 30 60\n drawingarea2:set_source_rgba 1 red\n drawingarea2:stroke_preserve 1\n drawingarea2:line_to 1 80 80\n drawingarea2:fill 1"
2512 check 0 "" \
2513 "drawingarea2:arc_negative 1 80 80 70 30 60\n drawingarea2:set_source_rgba 1 green\n drawingarea2:stroke_preserve 1\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 -50 -50\n drawingarea2:stroke 1"
2514 check 0 "" \
2515 "drawingarea2:curve_to 1 30 30 90 120 120 30\n drawingarea2:set_source_rgba 1 blue\n drawingarea2:stroke 1"
2516 check 0 "" \
2517 "drawingarea2:move_to 1 160 160\n drawingarea2:rel_curve_to 1 30 30 90 120 120 30\n drawingarea2:set_source_rgba 1 orange\n drawingarea2:stroke_preserve 1"
2518 check 0 "" \
2519 "drawingarea2:move_to 1 0 0\n drawingarea2:rel_move_to 1 0 155\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 300 0\n drawingarea2:set_dash 1 10\n drawingarea2:stroke 1"
2520 check 0 "" \
2521 "drawingarea2:move_to 1 0 160\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 300 0\n drawingarea2:set_dash 1 20 5\n drawingarea2:stroke 1"
2522 check 0 "" \
2523 "drawingarea2:move_to 1 0 165\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 300 0\n drawingarea2:set_dash 1 5 20\n drawingarea2:stroke 1"
2524 check 0 "" \
2525 "drawingarea2:move_to 1 0 170\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 300 0\n drawingarea2:set_dash 1 3 3 3 3 3 15\n drawingarea2:stroke 1"
2526 check 0 "" \
2527 "drawingarea2:set_dash 1"
2528 check 0 "" \
2529 "drawingarea2:set_source_rgba 1 brown\n drawingarea2:set_line_width 1 15"
2530 check 0 "" \
2531 "drawingarea2:set_line_cap 2 round\n drawingarea2:move_to 1 160 20\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 20 0\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 0 20\n drawingarea2:stroke 1"
2532 check 0 "" \
2533 "drawingarea2:set_line_join 3 bevel\n drawingarea2:set_line_cap 3 butt\n drawingarea2:move_to 1 160 70\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 20 0\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 0 20\n drawingarea2:stroke 1"
2534 check 0 "" \
2535 "drawingarea2:set_line_join 3 miter\n drawingarea2:set_line_cap 3 square\n drawingarea2:move_to 1 160 120\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 20 0\n drawingarea2:rel_line_to 1 0 20\n drawingarea2:stroke 1"
2536 check 0 "" \
2537 "drawingarea2:remove 2"
2538 check 0 "" \
2539 "drawingarea2:remove 3"
2541 if test $INTERACTIVE; then
2543 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the drawing looks tilted and displaced" \
2544 "drawingarea2:remove 44" \
2545 "button1:clicked"
2546 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the drawing doesn't look tilted anymore" \
2547 "drawingarea2:remove 55" \
2548 "button1:clicked"
2549 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the drawing has grown a bit" \
2550 "drawingarea2:remove 33" \
2551 "button1:clicked"
2552 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the drawing has moved into the NE corner" \
2553 "drawingarea2:remove 77" \
2554 "button1:clicked"
2558 check 0 "" \
2559 "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 6 red\n drawingarea1:set_font_size 6 20\n drawingarea1:transform 99 .985 -.174 .174 .985 0 0"
2560 check 0 "" \
2561 "drawingarea1:move_to 6 100 100\n drawingarea1:rel_move_for 6 c CENTER\n drawingarea1:show_text 6 CENTER"
2562 check 0 "" \
2563 "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 6 blue\n drawingarea1:set_font_size 6 20"
2564 check 0 "" \
2565 "drawingarea1:move_to 6 100 100\n drawingarea1:rel_move_for 6 nw NORTHWEST\n drawingarea1:show_text 6 NORTHWEST"
2566 check 0 "" \
2567 "drawingarea1:move_to 6 100 100\n drawingarea1:rel_move_for 6 ne NORTHEAST\n drawingarea1:show_text 6 NORTHEAST"
2568 check 0 "" \
2569 "drawingarea1:move_to 6 100 100\n drawingarea1:rel_move_for 6 se SOUTHEAST\n drawingarea1:show_text 6 SOUTHEAST"
2570 check 0 "" \
2571 "drawingarea1:move_to 6 100 100\n drawingarea1:rel_move_for 6 sw SOUTHWEST\n drawingarea1:show_text 6 SOUTHWEST"
2572 check 0 "" \
2573 "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 6 magenta\n drawingarea1:set_font_size 6 20"
2574 check 0 "" \
2575 "drawingarea1:move_to 6 100 140\n drawingarea1:rel_move_for 6 s SOUTH\n drawingarea1:show_text 6 SOUTH"
2576 check 0 "" \
2577 "drawingarea1:move_to 6 100 140\n drawingarea1:rel_move_for 6 n NORTH\n drawingarea1:show_text 6 NORTH"
2578 check 0 "" \
2579 "drawingarea1:set_source_rgba 6 green\n drawingarea1:set_font_size 6 20"
2580 check 0 "" \
2581 "drawingarea1:move_to 6 100 140\n drawingarea1:rel_move_for 6 e EAST\n drawingarea1:show_text 6 EAST"
2582 check 0 "" \
2583 "drawingarea1:move_to 600 100 140\n drawingarea1:rel_move_for 6 w WEST\n drawingarea1:show_text 6 WEST\n drawingarea1:set_font_size 800<600 30"
2584 check 0 "" \
2585 "drawingarea1:save $EPS_FILE\n drawingarea1:save $EPSF_FILE\n drawingarea1:save $PDF_FILE\n drawingarea1:save $PS_FILE\n drawingarea1:save $SVG_FILE"
2587 check_cmd "file -b $EPS_FILE | grep -qe EPS"
2588 check_cmd "file -b $EPSF_FILE | grep -qe EPS"
2589 check_cmd "file -b $PS_FILE | grep -qe PostScript"
2590 check_cmd "file -b $SVG_FILE | grep -qe SVG"
2591 check 0 "" \
2592 "notebook1:set_current_page 0\n image2:set_from_file $SVG_FILE"
2594 if test $INTERACTIVE; then
2596 check 2 "Hit Backspace, Enter" \
2597 "eventbox1:grab_focus" \
2598 "eventbox1:key_press BackSpace" \
2599 "eventbox1:key_press Return"
2600 check 6 "Inside the DrawingArea, left-click, middle-click, right-click (Don't move the mouse while clicking)" \
2601 "" \
2602 "eventbox1:button_press 1" \
2603 "eventbox1:button_release 1" \
2604 "eventbox1:button_press 2" \
2605 "eventbox1:button_release 2" \
2606 "eventbox1:button_press 3" \
2607 "eventbox1:button_release 3"
2608 check 3 "Inside the DrawingArea and all within one second, hold the left button down, move around a bit, and release it again" \
2609 "" \
2610 "eventbox1:button_press 1" \
2611 "eventbox1:motion" \
2612 "eventbox1:motion"
2613 sleep 1.5
2614 check 1 "Hit Space" \
2615 "button1:grab_focus" \
2616 "button1:clicked"
2618 check 1 "Press the biggest button if there is a spinning spinner" \
2619 "spinner1:start\n no_button:set_size_request 400 200" \
2620 "no_button:clicked"
2621 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the spinner has stopped" \
2622 "spinner1:stop" \
2623 "button1:clicked"
2624 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the \"No\" button is back to normal size" \
2625 "no_button:set_size_request" \
2626 "button1:clicked"
2628 check 0 "" \
2629 "notebook1:set_current_page 3"
2630 check 1 "Click into page 4 (vscroll)" \
2631 "scrolledwindow8:vscroll 4500" \
2632 "button_sw:clicked"
2633 check 1 "Click into page 4 (hscroll)" \
2634 "scrolledwindow8:hscroll 4500" \
2635 "button_se:clicked"
2636 check 1 "Click into page 4 (hscroll_to_range, vscroll_to_range)" \
2637 "scrolledwindow8:hscroll_to_range 1600 2900\n scrolledwindow8:vscroll_to_range 1600 2900" \
2638 "button_c:clicked"
2640 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if there is now a \"Disconnect\" button" \
2641 "button2:set_visible 1\n button2:set_sensitive 0" \
2642 "button1:clicked"
2643 check 1 "Press \"Disconnect\"" \
2644 "button2:set_sensitive 1" \
2645 "button2:clicked"
2647 check 1 "Press \"BIG BUTTON\" inside the window titled \"PRESS ME\"" \
2648 "dialog1:set_title PRESS ME\n dialog1:set_visible 1\n dialog1:resize 800 800\n dialog1:move 50 50" \
2649 "button3:clicked"
2650 check 1 "" \
2651 "button3:set_label PRESS THIS GIANT BUTTON NOW\n dialog1:fullscreen" \
2652 "button3:clicked"
2653 check 1 "" \
2654 "button3:set_label Hit Escape to close this window\n button3:set_sensitive 0" \
2655 "dialog1:closed"
2656 check 0 "" \
2657 "dialog1:set_visible 0"
2659 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the progress bar shows 90%" \
2660 "progressbar1:set_fraction .9\n progressbar1:set_text" \
2661 "button1:clicked"
2662 check 1 "Press \"OK\" if the progress bar text reads \"The End\"" \
2663 "progressbar1:set_text The End" \
2664 "button1:clicked"
2665 check 1 "" \
2666 "statusbar1:push_id Id100 Press \"No\"\n statusbar1:push_id ABC nonsense #1\n statusbar1:push_id DEF nonsense #2.1\n statusbar1:push_id DEF nonsense 2.2\n statusbar1:pop\n statusbar1:pop\n statusbar1:pop_id 1\n statusbar1:pop_id ABC\n statusbar1:pop_id DEF\n statusbar1:pop_id DEF\n statusbar1:push_id GHI nonsense 3.1\n statusbar1:push_id GHI nonsense 3.2\n statusbar1:remove_all_id GHI" \
2667 "no_button:clicked"
2671 check 0 "" \
2672 "statusbar1:remove_all_id ZZZ"
2675 echo "_:main_quit" >$FIN
2676 check_rm $FIN
2677 check_rm $FOUT
2680 check_cmd "head -n 2 $LOG | tail -n 1 | grep -q '##### (New Pipeglade session) #####'"
2681 check_cmd "tail -n 4 $LOG | head -n 1 | grep -q '### (Idle) ###'"
2682 check_cmd "tail -n 3 $LOG | head -n 1 | grep -q 'statusbar1:remove_all_id ZZZ'"
2683 check_cmd "tail -n 2 $LOG | head -n 1 | grep -q '### (Idle) ###'"
2684 # check_cmd "tail -n 1 $LOG | grep '_:main_quit'"
2686 if test $AUTOMATIC; then
2687 unset -v BIG_STRING
2688 unset -v BIG_NUM
2689 unset -v WEIRD_PATH
2690 for i in {1..10}; do
2691 echo "treeview1:set $i 3 $RANDOM"
2692 echo "treeview1:set $i 8 $RANDOM"
2693 echo "treeview1:set $i 9 row $i"
2694 done > $DIR/$FILE4
2695 for i in {1..10}; do
2696 echo "treeview2:set $i 3 $RANDOM"
2697 echo "treeview2:set $i 8 $RANDOM"
2698 echo "treeview2:set $i 9 row $i"
2699 done > $DIR/$FILE5
2700 cut -f2- $LOG > $DIR/$FILE6
2701 echo -e "g/_:main_quit/d\ng|$FILE6|d\ng/:load/s|$FILE1|$FILE4|\ng/:load/s|$FILE2|$FILE5|\nwq" | ed -s $DIR/$FILE6
2702 for i in {1..5}; do
2703 cat $DIR/$FILE6
2704 done >$BIG_INPUT
2705 cp "$BIG_INPUT" "$BIG_INPUT2"
2706 echo "_:load $BIG_INPUT2" >>$BIG_INPUT
2707 echo "_:main_quit" >>$BIG_INPUT
2708 echo -e "g/_:load/d\ng/^#/d\nwq" | ed -s $BIG_INPUT2
2709 ./pipeglade -i $FIN -o $FOUT -O $BIG_INPUT_ERR -b >/dev/null
2710 cat "$FOUT" >/dev/null &
2711 cat "$BIG_INPUT" > "$FIN"
2712 while test \( -e $FOUT -a -e $FIN \); do sleep .5; done
2713 check_cmd "test $(grep -v -e WARNING -e '^$' $BIG_INPUT_ERR | wc -l) -eq 0"
2714 cat $BIG_INPUT_ERR
2715 rm $BIG_INPUT_ERR
2716 ./pipeglade -O $BIG_INPUT_ERR <$BIG_INPUT >/dev/null
2717 check_cmd "test $(grep -v -e WARNING -e '^$' $BIG_INPUT_ERR | wc -l) -eq 0"