Update the list of implementable widgets
[pipeglade.git] / buildables.txt
1 ## Known implementations of GtkBuildable in GTK+ 3.20 according to
2 ## https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/3.1/GtkBuildable.html
4 # widget                   status
5 ######################################
6 # GtkAboutDialog           shun
7   GtkAccelLabel            
8 # GtkAction                deprecated
9   GtkActionBar             
10 # GtkActionGroup           deprecated
11 # GtkAlignment             deprecated
12   GtkAppChooserButton      todo
13 # GtkAppChooserDialog      shun
14   GtkAppChooserWidget      todo
15 # GtkApplicationWindow     >=3.4
16 # GtkArrow                 deprecated
17   GtkAspectFrame           todo
18   GtkAssistant             todo
19 # GtkBin                   not_useful
20   GtkBox                   done
21   GtkButton                done
22   GtkButtonBox             done
23   GtkCalendar              done
24 # GtkCellArea              not_useful
25 # GtkCellAreaBox           not_useful
26 # GtkCellView              not_useful
27   GtkCheckButton           done
28   GtkCheckMenuItem         todo
29   GtkColorButton           done
30 # GtkColorChooserDialog    shun
31   GtkColorChooserWidget    todo
32 # GtkColorSelection        deprecated
33 # GtkColorSelectionDialog  deprecated
34   GtkComboBox              
35   GtkComboBoxText          done
36 # GtkContainer             not_useful
37   GtkDialog                done
38   GtkDrawingArea           done
39   GtkEntry                 done
40   GtkEntryCompletion       
41   GtkEventBox              done
42   GtkExpander              done
43   GtkFileChooserButton     done
44   GtkFileChooserDialog     done
45   GtkFileChooserWidget     todo
46   GtkFileFilter            
47 # GtkFixed                 shun
48 # GtkFlowBox               >=3.12
49 # GtkFlowBoxChild          >=3.12
50   GtkFontButton            done
51   GtkFontChooserDialog     
52   GtkFontChooserWidget     todo
53 # GtkFontSelection         deprecated
54 # GtkFontSelectionDialog   deprecated
55   GtkFrame                 done
56 # GtkGLArea                >=3.16
57   GtkGrid                  done
58 # GtkHBox                  deprecated
59 # GtkHButtonBox            deprecated
60 # GtkHPaned                deprecated
61 # GtkHSV                   deprecated
62 # GtkHScale                deprecated
63 # GtkHScrollbar            deprecated
64 # GtkHSeparator            deprecated
65 # GtkHandleBox             deprecated
66 # GtkHeaderBar             >=3.10
67 # GtkIconFactory           deprecated
68   GtkIconView              todo
69   GtkImage                 done
70   GtkImageMenuItem         done
71   GtkInfoBar               done
72 # GtkInvisible             not_useful
73   GtkLabel                 done
74   GtkLayout                
75 # GtkLevelBar              >=3.6
76   GtkLinkButton            todo
77 # GtkListBox               >=3.10
78 # GtkListBoxRow            >=3.10
79 # GtkListStore             hidden
80   GtkLockButton            todo
81   GtkMenu                  todo
82   GtkMenuBar               todo
83   GtkMenuButton            todo
84   GtkMenuItem              done
85 # GtkMenuShell             not_useful
86   GtkMenuToolButton        todo
87 # GtkMessageDialog         shun
88 # GtkMisc                  deprecated
89 # GtkModelButton           >=3.16
90   GtkNotebook              done
91 # GtkOffscreenWindow       shun
92   GtkOverlay               done
93   GtkPageSetupUnixDialog   todo
94   GtkPaned                 todo
95 # GtkPlacesSidebar         >=3.16
96   GtkPlug                  done
97 # GtkPopover               >=3.12
98 # GtkPopoverMenu           >=3.16
99   GtkPrintUnixDialog       done
100   GtkProgressBar           done
101 # GtkRadioAction           deprecated
102   GtkRadioButton           done
103   GtkRadioMenuItem         
104   GtkRadioToolButton       
105 # GtkRange                 not_useful
106 # GtkRecentAction          deprecated
107 # GtkRecentChooserDialog   shun
108   GtkRecentChooserMenu     
109   GtkRecentChooserWidget   todo
110   GtkRecentFilter          
111 # GtkRevealer              >=3.10
112   GtkScale                 done
113   GtkScaleButton           todo
114 # GtkScrollbar             not_useful
115   GtkScrolledWindow        done
116 # GtkSearchBar             >=3.10
117 # GtkSearchEntry           >=3.6
118   GtkSeparator             done
119   GtkSeparatorMenuItem     done
120   GtkSeparatorToolItem     todo
121   GtkShortcutsGroup        
122   GtkShortcutsSection      
123   GtkShortcutsShortcut     
124   GtkShortcutsWindow       todo
125   GtkSizeGroup             
126   GtkSocket                done
127   GtkSpinButton            done
128   GtkSpinner               done
129 # GtkStack                 >=3.10
130 # GtkStackSidebar          >=3.16
131 # GtkStackSwitcher         >=3.10
132   GtkStatusbar             done
133   GtkSwitch                done
134 # GtkTable                 deprecated
135 # GtkTearoffMenuItem       deprecated
136 # GtkTextTagTable          not_useful
137   GtkTextView              done
138 # GtkToggleAction          deprecated
139   GtkToggleButton          done
140 # GtkToggleToolButton      deprecated
141   GtkToolButton            
142   GtkToolItem              
143   GtkToolItemGroup         
144   GtkToolPalette           
145   GtkToolbar               
146 # GtkTreeStore             hidden
147   GtkTreeView              done
148   GtkTreeViewColumn        done
149 # GtkUIManager             deprecated
150 # GtkVBox                  deprecated
151 # GtkVButtonBox            deprecated
152 # GtkVPaned                deprecated
153 # GtkVScale                deprecated
154 # GtkVScrollbar            deprecated
155 # GtkVSeparator            deprecated
156   GtkViewport              done
157   GtkVolumeButton          todo
158 # GtkWidget                hidden
159   GtkWindow                done