Handle correctly AUTO (bug #1497239).
[phpmyadmin/last10db.git] / Documentation.html
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18 <body id="top">
20 <!-- TOP MENU -->
21 <ul class="header">
22 <li><a href="#top">Top</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#require">Requirements</a></li>
24 <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
25 <li><a href="#setup">Installation</a></li>
26 <li><a href="#setup_script">Setup script</a></li>
27 <li><a href="#config">Configuration</a></li>
28 <li><a href="#transformations">Transformations</a></li>
29 <li><a href="#faq"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr></a></li>
30 <li><a href="#developers">Developers</a></li>
31 <li><a href="#credits">Credits</a></li>
32 <li><a href="translators.html">Translators</a></li>
33 <li><a href="#glossary">Glossary</a></li>
34 </ul>
36 <h1>phpMyAdmin 2.9.0-dev Documentation</h1>
38 <ul><li><a href="http://www.phpmyadmin.net/">
39 phpMyAdmin homepage</a></li>
40 <li><a href="https://sf.net/projects/phpmyadmin/">
41 SourceForge phpMyAdmin project page</a></li>
42 <li>Local documents:
43 <ul><li>Version history: <a href="changelog.php">ChangeLog</a></li>
44 <li>General notes: <a href="readme.php">README</a></li>
45 <li>License: <a href="license.php">LICENSE</a></li>
46 </ul>
47 </li>
48 <li>Documentation version:
49 <i>$Id$</i>
50 </li>
51 </ul>
53 <!-- REQUIREMENTS -->
54 <h2 id="require">Requirements</h2>
56 <ul><li><b>PHP</b>
57 <ul><li>You need PHP 4.1.0 or newer, with <tt>session</tt> support
58 (<a href="#faq1_31">see
59 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 1.31</a>)
60 </li>
61 <li>You need GD2 support in PHP to display inline
62 thumbnails of JPEGs (&quot;image/jpeg: inline&quot;) with their
63 original aspect ratio</li>
64 <li>You need PHP 4.3.0 or newer to use the
65 &quot;text/plain: external&quot; MIME-based transformation</li>
66 </ul>
67 </li>
68 <li><b>MySQL</b> 3.23.32 or newer (<a href="#faq1_17">details</a>);</li>
69 <li>Not really a requirement but a <b>strong suggestion</b>: if you are using
70 the &quot;cookie&quot; authentication method, having the <tt>mcrypt</tt>
71 PHP extension on your web server accelerates not only the login
72 phase but every other action that you do in phpMyAdmin.</li>
73 <li>a web-browser (doh!).</li>
74 </ul>
76 <!-- INTRODUCTION -->
77 <h2 id="intro">Introduction</h2>
79 <p> phpMyAdmin can manage a whole MySQL server (needs a super-user) as well as
80 a single database. To accomplish the latter you'll need a properly set up
81 MySQL user who can read/write only the desired database. It's up to you to
82 look up the appropriate part in the MySQL manual.
83 </p>
85 <h3>Currently phpMyAdmin can:</h3>
87 <ul><li>browse and drop databases, tables, views, fields and indexes</li>
88 <li>create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, fields and
89 indexes</li>
90 <li>maintenance server, databases and tables, with proposals on server
91 configuration</li>
92 <li>execute, edit and bookmark any
93 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr>-statement, even
94 batch-queries</li>
95 <li>load text files into tables</li>
96 <li>create<a href="#footnote_1"><sup>1</sup></a> and read dumps of tables
97 </li>
98 <li>export<a href="#footnote_1"><sup>1</sup></a> data to various formats:
99 <abbr title="comma separated values">CSV</abbr>,
100 <abbr title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</abbr>,
101 <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>,
102 <abbr title="International Standards Organisation">ISO</abbr>/<abbr
103 title="International Electrotechnical Commission">IEC</abbr> 26300 -
104 OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet,
105 <abbr title="Microsoft Word 2000">Word</abbr>,
106 <abbr title="Microsoft Excel 2000">Excel</abbr> and L<sub>A</sub>T<sub>E</sub>X formats
107 </li>
108 <li>administer multiple servers</li>
109 <li>manage MySQL users and privileges</li>
110 <li>check referential integrity in MyISAM tables</li>
111 <li>using Query-by-example (QBE), create complex queries automatically
112 connecting required tables</li>
113 <li>create <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr> graphics of
114 your Database layout</li>
115 <li>search globally in a database or a subset of it</li>
116 <li>transform stored data into any format using a set of predefined
117 functions, like displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link
118 </li>
119 <li>support InnoDB tables and foreign keys <a href="#faq3_6">(see
120 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 3.6)</a></li>
121 <li>support mysqli, the improved MySQL extension <a href="#faq1_17">
122 (see <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 1.17)</a></li>
123 <li>communicate in <a href="./translators.html">50 different languages</a>
124 </li>
125 </ul>
127 <p class="footnote" id="footnote_1">
128 <sup>1)</sup> phpMyAdmin can compress (Zip, GZip -RFC 1952- or Bzip2 formats)
129 dumps and <abbr title="comma seperated values">CSV</abbr> exports if you use
130 PHP with Zlib support (<tt>--with-zlib</tt>) and/or Bzip2 support
131 (<tt>--with-bz2</tt>).</p>
133 <!-- INSTALLATION -->
134 <h2 id="setup">Installation</h2>
136 <ol><li><a href="#quick_install">Quick Install</a></li>
137 <li><a href="#setup_script">Setup script usage</a></li>
138 <li><a href="#linked-tables">Linked-tables infrastructure</a></li>
139 <li><a href="#upgrading">Upgrading from an older version</a></li>
140 <li><a href="#authentication_modes">Using authentication modes</a></li>
141 </ol>
143 <p class="important">
144 phpMyAdmin does not apply any special security methods to the MySQL database
145 server. It is still the system administrator's job to grant permissions on
146 the MySQL databases properly. phpMyAdmin's &quot;Privileges&quot; page can
147 be used for this.
148 </p>
150 <p class="important">
151 Warning for <acronym title="Apple Macintosh">Mac</acronym> users:<br />
152 if you are on a <acronym title="Apple Macintosh">Mac</acronym>
153 <abbr title="operating system">OS</abbr> version before
154 <abbr title="operating system">OS</abbr> X, StuffIt unstuffs with
155 <acronym title="Apple Macintosh">Mac</acronym> formats.<br />
156 So you'll have to resave as in BBEdit to Unix style ALL phpMyAdmin scripts
157 before uploading them to your server, as PHP seems not to like
158 <acronym title="Apple Macintosh">Mac</acronym>-style end of lines character
159 (&quot;<tt>\r</tt>&quot;).</p>
161 <h3 id="quick_install">Quick Install</h3>
163 <ol><li>Untar or unzip the distribution (be sure to unzip the subdirectories):
164 <tt>tar -xzvf phpMyAdmin_x.x.x.tar.gz</tt> in your webserver's
165 document root. If you don't have direct access to your document root,
166 put the files in a directory on your local machine, and, after step 3,
167 transfer the directory on your web server using, for example, ftp.</li>
168 <li>Ensure that all the scripts have the appropriate owner (if PHP is
169 running in safe mode, having some scripts with an owner different
170 from the owner of other scripts will be a
171 problem). See <a href="#faq4_2">
172 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 4.2</a> and
173 <a href="#faq1_26"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr>
174 1.26</a> for suggestions.</li>
175 <li>Create the file <tt>config.inc.php</tt> in the main (top-level)
176 directory (the one that contains <tt>index.php</tt>).
177 You can use the setup script provided in <tt><a
178 href="scripts/setup.php">scripts/setup.php</a></tt> to create a basic
179 config file which should be sufficient for most users.
180 See <a href="#setup_script">Setup</a> chapter for
181 details. If you don&#8217;t like setup or want to fine tune your
182 configuration, open (or create in case of starting from scratch)
183 <tt>config.inc.php</tt> in your favorite editor and fill in there
184 values for host, user, password and authentication mode to fit your
185 environment. Look at <tt>libraries/config.default.php</tt> to see how these
186 fields should be defined. Here, &quot;host&quot; means the MySQL
187 server. Have a look at the <a href="#config">Configuration section</a>
188 for an explanation of all values. Please also read the remainder
189 this Installation section for information about authentication modes
190 and the linked-tables infrastructure.</li>
191 <li>If you are using the
192 <tt>auth_type</tt> &quot;config&quot;, it is suggested that you
193 protect the phpMyAdmin installation directory because using
194 config does not require a user to
195 enter a password to access the phpMyAdmin installation. Use of an alternate
196 authentication method is recommended, for example with
197 HTTP&#8211;AUTH in a <a href="#glossary"><i>.htaccess</i></a> file or switch to using
198 <tt>auth_type</tt> cookie or http. See the
199 <a href="#faqmultiuser"> multi&#8211;user sub&#8211;section</a> of this
200 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> for additional
201 information, especially <a href="#faq4_4">
202 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 4.4</a>.</li>
203 <li>Open the file
204 <i>&lt;www.your-host.com&gt;/&lt;your-install-dir&gt;/index.php</i>
205 in your browser. phpMyAdmin should now display a welcome screen
206 and your databases, or a login dialog if using
207 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or cookie
208 authentication mode.</li>
209 <li>You should deny access to the <tt>./libraries</tt> subfolder in your
210 webserver configuration. For Apache you can use supplied .htaccess file
211 in that folder, for other webservers, you should configure this yourself.
212 Such configuration prevents from possible path exposure and cross side
213 scripting vulnerabilities that might happen to be found in that code.</li>
214 </ol>
216 <h3 id="setup_script">Setup script usage</h3>
218 <p> Since 2.8.0 phpMyAdmin comes with a setup script that can help you with
219 creating configuration. This script is located in <tt>./scripts</tt> folder:
220 <a href="scripts/setup.php">./scripts/setup.php</a>. Its usage is quite
221 simple. You follow the dialogs and this script prepares in memory the
222 configuration directives. You then have two choices for saving the
223 configuration file:</p>
225 <ol><li>Download it to your local workstation, then upload (for example with ftp)
226 to your main phpMyAdmin directory. In this case, you don't have to
227 prepare a special <tt>./config</tt> directory, so no further actions are
228 necessary.</li>
229 <li>Save the file to your webserver into <tt>./config</tt> directory.</li>
230 </ol>
232 <p> For saving file on webserver, or loading
233 previous configuration you have to create <tt>./config</tt> directory in
234 phpMyAdmin's top level directory and make it writable to web server. For
235 loading previous configuration, place it there (and make sure it has write
236 permissions for webserver). On a Linux/UNIX server you can use the
237 following commands:</p>
239 <pre>
240 cd phpMyAdmin
241 mkdir config # create directory for saving
242 chmod o+rw config # give it world writable permissions
243 # if you want to edit existing configuration:
244 cp config.inc.php config/ # copy current configuration
245 chmod o+w config/config.inc.php # give it world writable permissions
246 </pre>
248 <p> On a Windows system, create a <tt>./config</tt> in the main phpMyAdmin
249 directory and ensure that your web server has read/write access to it.
250 <a href="#faq1_26"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr>
251 1.26</a> can help you about this. If you already have an existing
252 <tt>./config.inc.php</tt> in your main directory, copy it to the newly
253 created <tt>./config</tt> directory.</p>
255 <p> Then you can open <tt>./scripts/setup.php</tt> in your browser and perform
256 setup. After saving your configuration move the generated configuration to the top
257 level directory and delete the <tt>./config</tt> directory. Do not
258 forget to remove world write permissions on <tt>./config.inc.php</tt>!</p>
261 <pre>
262 chmod o-rw config.inc.php # remove world read and write permissions
263 </pre>
265 <p> Please note that it does not allow to configure everything, so for some
266 additional features you still need to manually edit the configuration file.
267 </p>
269 <h3 id="linked-tables">Linked-tables infrastructure</h3>
271 <p> For a whole set of new features (bookmarks, comments,
272 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr>-history,
273 <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>-generation, field contents
274 transformation, etc.) you need to create a set of special tables. Those
275 tables can be located in your own database, or in a central database for a
276 multi-user installation (this database would then be accessed by the
277 controluser, so no other user should have rights to it).</p>
279 <p> Please look at your <tt>./scripts/</tt> directory, where you should find a
280 file called <i>create_tables.sql</i>. (If you are using a Windows server, pay
281 special attention to <a href="#faq1_23">
282 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 1.23</a>).</p>
284 <p> If your MySQL server's version is 4.1.2 or later, please use
285 <i>./scripts/create_tables_mysql_4_1_2+.sql</i> instead, for a new
286 installation.</p>
288 <p> If you already had this infrastructure and upgraded to MySQL 4.1.2
289 or later, please use <i>./scripts/upgrade_tables_mysql_4_1_2+.sql</i>.</p>
291 <p> You can use your phpMyAdmin to create the tables for you. Please be aware
292 that you may need special (administrator) privileges to create the database
293 and tables, and that the script may need some tuning, depending on the
294 database name.</p>
296 <p> After having imported the <i>./scripts/create_tables.sql</i> file, you
297 should specify the table names in your <i>./config.inc.php</i> file. The
298 directives used for that can be found in the <a href="#config">Configuration
299 section</a>. You will also need to have a controluser with the proper rights
300 to those tables (see section <a href="#authentication_modes">Using
301 authentication modes</a> below).</p>
303 <h3 id="upgrading">Upgrading from an older version</h3>
305 <p> Just copy <i>./config.inc.php</i> from previous installation into a newly
306 unpacked one. If your previous phpMyAdmin version was 2.3.0 or older, some
307 tweaking may be required because, as of 2.7.0, using those old config files
308 is no longer supported.</p>
310 <p> You should <strong>not</strong> copy <tt>libraries/config.default.php</tt>
311 over <tt>config.inc.php</tt> because the default configuration file
312 is version-specific.</p>
314 <h3 id="authentication_modes">Using authentication modes</h3>
316 <ul><li><abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> and cookie
317 authentication modes are recommended in a <b>multi-user environment</b>
318 where you want to give users access to their own database and don't want
319 them to play around with others.<br />
320 Nevertheless be aware that MS Internet Explorer seems to be really buggy
321 about cookies, at least till version 6, and PHP 4.1.1 is also a bit buggy
322 in this area!<br />
323 Even in a <b>single-user environment</b>, you might prefer to use
324 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or cookie mode so
325 that your user/password pair are not in clear in the configuration file.
326 </li>
328 <li><abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> and cookie
329 authentication modes are more secure: the MySQL login information does
330 not need to be set in the phpMyAdmin configuration file (except possibly
331 for the <a href="#controluser">controluser</a>).<br />
332 However, keep in mind that the password travels in plain text, unless
333 you are using the HTTPS protocol.<br />
334 In cookie mode, the password is stored, encrypted with the blowfish
335 algorithm, in a temporary cookie.</li>
337 <li>Note: starting with phpMyAdmin 2.6.1, this section is only applicable if
338 your MySQL server is older than 4.1.2, or is running with
339 <tt>--skip-show-database</tt>.<br /><br />
341 For '<abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>' and 'cookie'
342 modes, phpMyAdmin needs a controluser that has <b>only</b> the
343 <tt>SELECT</tt> privilege on the <i>`mysql`.`user` (all columns except
344 `Password`)</i>, <i>`mysql`.`db` (all columns)</i>, <i>`mysql`.`host`
345 (all columns)</i> and <i>`mysql`.`tables_priv` (all columns except
346 `Grantor` and `Timestamp`)</i> tables.<br /> You must specify the details
347 for the <a href="#controluser">controluser</a> in the <tt>config.inc.php</tt>
348 file under the
349 <tt><a href="#cfg_Servers_controluser" class="configrule">
350 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser']</a></tt> and
351 <tt><a href="#cfg_Servers_controlpass" class="configrule">
352 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass']</a></tt> settings.<br />
353 The following example assumes you want to use <tt>pma</tt> as the
354 controluser and <tt>pmapass</tt> as the controlpass, but <b>this is
355 only an example: use something else in your file!</b> Input these
356 statements from the phpMyAdmin SQL Query window or mysql command&#8211;line
357 client.<br />
358 Of course you have to replace <tt>localhost</tt> with the webserver's host
359 if it's not the same as the MySQL server's one.
361 <pre>
362 GRANT USAGE ON mysql.* TO 'pma'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pmapass';
364 Host, User, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv,
365 Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv,
366 File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv,
367 Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv,
368 Execute_priv, Repl_slave_priv, Repl_client_priv
369 ) ON mysql.user TO 'pma'@'localhost';
370 GRANT SELECT ON mysql.db TO 'pma'@'localhost';
371 GRANT SELECT ON mysql.host TO 'pma'@'localhost';
372 GRANT SELECT (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Table_priv, Column_priv)
373 ON mysql.tables_priv TO 'pma'@'localhost';</pre>
375 If you are using an old MySQL version (below 4.0.2), please replace
376 the first GRANT SELECT query by this one:
378 <pre>
380 Host, User, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv,
381 Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv,
382 File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv
383 ) ON mysql.user TO 'pma'@'localhost';</pre>
385 ... and if you want to use the many new relation and bookmark features:
387 <pre>
388 GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON &lt;pma_db&gt;.* TO 'pma'@'localhost';
389 </pre>
391 (this of course requires that your <a href="#linked-tables">linked-tables
392 infrastructure</a> be set up).<br />
393 Of course, the above queries only work if your MySQL version supports
394 the GRANT command. This is the case since 3.22.11.</li>
396 <li>Then each of the <i>true</i> users should be granted a set of privileges
397 on a set of particular databases. Normally you shouldn't give global
398 privileges to an ordinary user, unless you understand the impact of those
399 privileges (for example, you are creating a superuser).<br />
400 For example, to grant the user <i>real_user</i> with all privileges on
401 the database <i>user_base</i>:<br />
403 <pre>
404 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON user_base.* TO 'real_user'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'real_password';
405 </pre>
407 What the user may now do is controlled entirely by the MySQL user
408 management system.<br />
409 With <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or cookie
410 authentication mode, you don't need to fill the user/password fields
411 inside the <a href="#cfg_Servers" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers']</a>
412 array.</li>
413 </ul>
415 <h4>'<abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>' authentication mode</h4>
417 <ul><li>Uses <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> Basic authentication
418 method and allows you to login as any valid MySQL user.</li>
419 <li>Is supported with most PHP configurations. For
420 <abbr title="Internet Information Services">IIS</abbr>
421 (<abbr title="Internet Server Application Programming Interface">ISAPI</abbr>)
422 support using <abbr title="Common Gateway Interface">CGI</abbr> PHP see
423 <a href="#faq1_32"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr>
424 1.32</a>, for using with Apache
425 <abbr title="Common Gateway Interface">CGI</abbr> see
426 <a href="#faq1_35"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr>
427 1.35</a>.</li>
428 <li>See also <a href="#faq4_4">
429 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 4.4</a> about not
430 using the <i>.htaccess</i> mechanism along with
431 '<abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>' authentication
432 mode.</li>
433 </ul>
435 <h4>'cookie' authentication mode</h4>
437 <ul><li>You can use this method as a replacement for the
438 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> authentication
439 (for example, if you're running
440 <abbr title="Internet Information Services">IIS</abbr>).</li>
441 <li>Obviously, the user must enable cookies in the browser.</li>
442 <li>With this mode, the user can truly logout of phpMyAdmin and login back
443 with the same username.</li>
444 <li>If you want to login to arbitrary server see
445 <a href="#AllowArbitraryServer" class="configrule">
446 $cfg['AllowArbitraryServer']</a> directive.</li>
447 <li>As mentioned in the <a href="#require">requirements</a> section, having
448 the <tt>mcrypt</tt> extension will speed up access considerably, but is
449 not required.</li>
450 </ul>
452 <h4>'config' authentication mode</h4>
454 <ul><li>This mode is the less secure one because it requires you to fill the
455 <a href="#servers_user" class="configrule">
456 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user']</a> and
457 <a href="#servers_user" class="configrule">
458 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']</a> fields (and as a result, anyone who
459 can read your config.inc.php can discover your username and password).
460 <br />
461 But you don't need to setup a &quot;controluser&quot; here: using the
462 <a href="#servers_only_db" class="configrule">
463 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db']</a> might be enough.</li>
464 <li>In the <a href="#faqmultiuser">
465 <abbr title="Internet service provider">ISP</abbr>
466 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr></a> section, there
467 is an entry explaining how to protect your configuration file.</li>
468 <li>For additional security in this mode, you may wish to consider the Host
469 authentication
470 <a href="#servers_allowdeny_order" class="configrule">
471 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order']</a> and
472 <a href="#servers_allowdeny_rules" class="configrule">
473 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules']</a> configuration
474 directives.</li>
475 <li>Unlike cookie and http, does not require a user to log in when first
476 loading the phpMyAdmin site. This is by design but could allow any
477 user to access your installation. Use of some restriction method is
478 suggested, perhaps a <a href="#glossary">.htaccess</a> file with the
479 HTTP-AUTH directive or disallowing incoming HTTP requests at
480 one&#8217;s router or firewall will suffice (both of which
481 are beyond the scope of this manual but easily searchable with Google).
482 </ul>
484 <!-- CONFIGURATION -->
485 <h2 id="config">Configuration</h2>
487 <p> <span class="important">Warning for <acronym title="Apple Macintosh">Mac</acronym>
488 users:</span> PHP does not seem to like
489 <acronym title="Apple Macintosh">Mac</acronym> end of lines character
490 (&quot;<tt>\r</tt>&quot;). So ensure you choose the option that allows to use
491 the *nix end of line character (&quot;<tt>\n</tt>&quot;) in your text editor
492 before saving a script you have modified.</p>
494 <p> <span class="important">Configuration note:</span>
495 Almost all configurable data is placed in <tt>config.inc.php</tt>. If this file
496 does not exist, please refer to the <a href="#setup">Quick install</a>
497 section to create one. This file only needs to contain the parameters you want to
498 change from their corresponding default value in
499 <tt>libraries/config.default.php</tt>.</p>
501 <p> The parameters which relate to design (like colors) are placed in
502 <tt>themes/themename/layout.inc.php</tt>. You might also want to create
503 <i>config.footer.inc.php</i> and <i>config.header.inc.php</i> files to add
504 your site specific code to be included on start and end of each page.</p>
506 <dl><dt id="cfg_PmaAbsoluteUri">$cfg[PmaAbsoluteUri] string</dt>
507 <dd>Sets here the complete <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr>
508 (with full path) to your phpMyAdmin installation's directory.
509 E.g. <tt>http://www.your_web.net/path_to_your_phpMyAdmin_directory/</tt>.
510 Note also that the <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr> on
511 some web servers are case&#8211;sensitive.
512 Don&#8217;t forget the trailing slash at the end.<br /><br />
514 Starting with version 2.3.0, it is advisable to try leaving this
515 blank. In most cases phpMyAdmin automatically detects the proper
516 setting. Users of port forwarding will need to set PmaAbsoluteUri (<a
517 href="https://sf.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1340187&amp;group_id=23067&amp;atid=377409">more info</a>).
518 A good test is to browse a table, edit a row and save it. There should
519 be an error message if phpMyAdmin is having trouble auto&#8211;detecting
520 the correct value. If you get an error that this must be set or if
521 the autodetect code fails to detect your path, please post a bug
522 report on our bug tracker so we can improve the code.</dd>
524 <dt id="cfg_PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning">$cfg[PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning] boolean</dt>
525 <dd>Starting with version 2.3.0 phpMyAdmin offers a lot of features to work
526 with master / foreign &#8211; tables (see
527 <a href="#pmadb" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb']</a>).
528 <br />
529 If you tried to set this up and it does not work for you, have a look on
530 the &quot;Structure&quot; page of one database where you would like to
531 use it. You will find a link that will analyze why those features have
532 been disabled.<br />
533 If you do not want to use those features set this variable to
534 <tt>TRUE</tt> to stop this message from appearing.</dd>
536 <dt id="cfg_blowfish_secret">$cfg[blowfish_secret] string</dt>
537 <dd>The &quot;cookie&quot; auth_type uses blowfish
538 algorithm to encrypt the password.<br />
539 If you are using the &quot;cookie&quot; auth_type, enter here a random
540 passphrase of your choice. It will be used internally by the blowfish
541 algorithm: you won&#8217;t be prompted for this passphrase. The maximum
542 number of characters for this parameter seems to be 46.</dd>
544 <dt id="cfg_Servers">$cfg[Servers] array</dt>
545 <dd>Since version 1.4.2, phpMyAdmin supports the administration of multiple
546 MySQL servers. Therefore, a
547 <a href="#cfg_Servers" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers']</a>-array has
548 been added which contains the login information for the different servers.
549 The first
550 <a href="#cfg_Servers_host" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host']</a>
551 contains the hostname of the first server, the second
552 <a href="#cfg_Servers_host" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host']</a>
553 the hostname of the second server, etc. In
554 <tt>./libraries/config.default.php</tt>, there is only one section for
555 server definition, however you can put as many as you need in
556 <tt>./config.inc.php</tt>, copy that block or needed parts (you don't
557 have to define all settings, just those you need to change).</dd>
559 <dt id="cfg_Servers_host">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] string</dt>
560 <dd>The hostname or <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> address of your
561 $i-th MySQL-server. E.g. localhost.</dd>
563 <dt id="cfg_Servers_port">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] string</dt>
564 <dd>The port-number of your $i-th MySQL-server. Default is 3306 (leave
565 blank). If you use &quot;localhost&quot; as the hostname, MySQL
566 ignores this port number and connects with the socket, so if you want
567 to connect to a port different from the default port, use
568 &quot;; or the real hostname in
569 <a href="#cfg_Servers_host" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host']</a>.
570 </dd>
572 <dt id="cfg_Servers_socket">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] string</dt>
573 <dd>The path to the socket to use. Leave blank for default.<br />
574 To determine the correct socket, check your MySQL configuration or, using the
575 <tt>mysql</tt> command&#8211;line client, issue the <tt>status</tt> command.
576 Among the resulting information displayed will be the socket used.</dd>
578 <dt id="cfg_Servers_connect_type">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] string</dt>
579 <dd>What type connection to use with the MySQL server. Your options are
580 <tt>'socket'</tt> and <tt>'tcp'</tt>. It defaults to 'tcp' as that
581 is nearly guaranteed to be available on all MySQL servers, while
582 sockets are not supported on some platforms.<br /><br />
584 To use the socket mode, your MySQL server must be on the same machine
585 as the Web server.</dd>
587 <dt id="cfg_Servers_extension">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] string</dt>
588 <dd>What php MySQL extension to use for the connection. Valid options are:
589 <br /><br />
591 <tt><i>mysql</i></tt> :
592 The classic MySQL extension. This is the recommended and default
593 method at this time.<br /><br />
595 <tt><i>mysqli</i></tt> :
596 The improved MySQL extension. This extension became available
597 with php 5.0.0 and is the recommended way to connect to a server
598 running MySQL 4.1.x.</dd>
600 <dt id="cfg_Servers_compress">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] boolean</dt>
601 <dd>Whether to use a compressed protocol for the MySQL server connection
602 or not (experimental).<br />
603 This feature requires PHP&nbsp;&gt;=&nbsp;4.3.0.</dd>
605 <dt id="controluser">
606 <span id="cfg_Servers_controluser">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser']</span> string<br />
607 <span id="cfg_Servers_controlpass">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass']</span> string
608 </dt>
609 <dd>This special account is used for 2 distinct purposes: to make possible
610 all relational features (see
611 <a href="#pmadb" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb']</a>)
612 and, for a MySQL server older than 4.1.2 or running with
613 <tt>--skip-show-database</tt>, to enable a multi-user installation
614 (<abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or cookie
615 authentication mode).<br /><br />
617 When using <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or
618 cookie authentication modes (or 'config'
619 authentication mode since phpMyAdmin 2.2.1), you need to supply the
620 details of a MySQL account that has <tt>SELECT</tt> privilege on the
621 <i>mysql.user (all columns except &quot;Password&quot;)</i>,
622 <i>mysql.db (all columns)</i> and <i>mysql.tables_priv (all columns
623 except &quot;Grantor&quot; and &quot;Timestamp&quot;) </i>tables.
624 This account is used to check what databases the user will see at
625 login.<br />
626 Please see the <a href="#setup">install section</a> on
627 &quot;Using authentication modes&quot; for more information.<br /><br />
629 In phpMyAdmin versions before 2.2.5, those were called
630 &quot;stduser/stdpass&quot;.</dd>
632 <dt id="cfg_Servers_auth_type">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] string
633 <tt>['<abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>'|'cookie'|'config']</tt></dt>
634 <dd>Whether config or cookie or
635 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> authentication
636 should be used for this server.
637 <ul><li>'config' authentication (<tt>$auth_type&nbsp;=&nbsp;'config'</tt>)
638 is the plain old way: username and password are stored in
639 <i>config.inc.php</i>.</li>
640 <li>'cookie' authentication mode
641 (<tt>$auth_type&nbsp;=&nbsp;'cookie'</tt>) as introduced in
642 2.2.3 allows you to log in as any valid MySQL user with the
643 help of cookies. Username and password are stored in
644 cookies during the session and password is deleted when it
645 ends. This can also allow you to login in arbitrary server if
646 <tt><a href="#AllowArbitraryServer" class="configrule">$cfg['AllowArbitraryServer']</a></tt> enabled.
647 </li>
648 <li>'<abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>' authentication (was called 'advanced' in older versions)
649 (<tt>$auth_type&nbsp;=&nbsp;'<abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>'</tt>) as introduced in 1.3.0
650 allows you to log in as any valid MySQL user via HTTP-Auth.</li>
651 </ul>
653 Please see the <a href="#setup">install section</a> on &quot;Using authentication modes&quot;
654 for more information.
655 </dd>
656 <dt id="servers_user">
657 <span id="cfg_Servers_user">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user']</span> string<br />
658 <span id="cfg_Servers_password">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']</span> string
659 </dt>
660 <dd>
661 When using auth_type = 'config', this is the user/password-pair
662 which phpMyAdmin will use to connect to the
663 MySQL server. This user/password pair is not needed when <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or
664 cookie authentication is used and should be empty.</dd>
665 <dt id="servers_nopassword">
666 <span
667 id="cfg_Servers_nopassword">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['nopassword']</span> boolean
668 </dt>
669 <dd>
670 Allow attempt to login without password when login with password
671 fails. This can be used together with http authentication, when
672 authentication is done some other way and phpMyAdmin gets user name
673 from auth and uses empty password for connecting to MySQL. Password
674 login is still tried first, but as fallback, no password method is
675 tried.</dd>
676 <dt id="servers_only_db">
677 <span id="cfg_Servers_only_db">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db']</span> string or array
678 </dt>
679 <dd>
680 If set to a (an array of) database name(s), only this (these) database(s)
681 will be shown to the user. Since phpMyAdmin 2.2.1, this/these
682 database(s) name(s) may contain MySQL wildcards characters
683 (&quot;_&quot; and &quot;%&quot;): if you want to use literal instances
684 of these characters, escape them (I.E. use <tt>'my\_db'</tt> and not
685 <tt>'my_db'</tt>).<br />
686 This setting is an efficient way to lower the server load since the
687 latter does not need to send MySQL requests to build the available
688 database list. But <span class="important">it does not replace the
689 privileges rules of the MySQL database server</span>. If set, it just
690 means only these databases will be displayed but
691 <span class="important">not that all other databases can't be used.</span>
692 <br /><br />
694 An example of using more that one database:
695 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = array('db1', 'db2');</tt>
696 <br /><br />
698 As of phpMyAdmin 2.5.5 the order inside the array is used for sorting the
699 databases in the left frame, so that you can individually arrange your databases.<br />
700 If you want to have certain databases at the top, but don't care about the others, you do not
701 need to specify all other databases. Use:
702 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = array('db3', 'db4', '*');</tt>
703 instead to tell phpMyAdmin that it should display db3 and db4 on top, and the rest in alphabetic
704 order.</dd>
706 <dt><span id="cfg_Servers_hide_db">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_db']</span> string
707 </dt>
708 <dd>Regular expression for hiding some databases. This only hides them
709 from listing, but a user is still able to access them (using, for example,
710 the SQL query area). To limit access, use the MySQL privilege system.
711 <br /><br />
712 For example, to hide all databases starting with the letter &#34;a&#34;, use<br />
713 <pre>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_db'] = '^a';</pre>
714 and to hide both &#34;db1&#34; and &#34;db2&#34; use <br />
715 <pre>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_db'] = '(db1|db2)';</pre>
716 More information on regular expressions can be found in the
717 <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.syntax.php">
718 PCRE pattern syntax</a> portion of the PHP reference manual.
719 </dd>
721 <dt id="cfg_Servers_verbose">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] string</dt>
722 <dd>Only useful when using phpMyAdmin with multiple server entries. If set,
723 this string will be displayed instead of the hostname in the pull-down
724 menu on the main page. This can be useful if you want to show only
725 certain databases on your system, for example.</dd>
727 <dt id="pmadb">
728 <span id="cfg_Servers_pmadb">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb']</span> string
729 </dt>
730 <dd>The name of the database containing the linked-tables infrastructure.
731 <br /><br />
733 See the <a href="#linked-tables">Linked-tables infrastructure</a>
734 section in this document to see the benefits of this infrastructure,
735 and for a quick way of creating this database and the needed tables.
736 <br /><br />
738 If you are the only user of this phpMyAdmin installation, you can
739 use your current database to store those special tables; in this
740 case, just put your current database name in
741 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb']</tt>. For a multi-user installation,
742 set this parameter to the name of your central database containing
743 the linked-tables infrastructure.</dd>
745 <dt id="bookmark">
746 <span id="cfg_Servers_bookmarktable">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable']</span> string
747 </dt>
748 <dd>Since release 2.2.0 phpMyAdmin allows users to bookmark queries. This can be
749 useful for queries you often run.<br /><br />
751 To allow the usage of this functionality:
752 <ul><li>set up <a href="#pmadb">pmadb</a> and the linked-tables infrastructure</li>
753 <li>enter the table name in
754 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable']</tt></li>
755 </ul>
756 </dd>
758 <dt id="relation">
759 <span id="cfg_Servers_relation">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation']</span> string
760 </dt>
761 <dd>Since release 2.2.4 you can describe, in a special 'relation' table,
762 which field is a key in another table (a foreign key). phpMyAdmin
763 currently uses this to
764 <ul><li>make clickable, when you browse the master table, the data values
765 that point to the foreign table;</li>
766 <li>display in an optional tool-tip the &quot;display field&quot;
767 when browsing the master table, if you move the mouse to a column
768 containing a foreign key (use also the 'table_info' table);<br />
769 (see <a href="#faqdisplay"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">
770 FAQ</abbr> 6.7</a>)</li>
771 <li>in edit/insert mode, display a drop-down list of possible foreign
772 keys (key value and &quot;display field&quot; are shown)<br />
773 (see <a href="#faq6_21"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">
774 FAQ</abbr> 6.21</a>)</li>
775 <li>display links on the table properties page, to check referential
776 integrity (display missing foreign keys) for each described key;
777 </li>
778 <li>in query-by-example, create automatic joins (see <a href="#faq6_6">
779 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 6.6</a>)</li>
780 <li>enable you to get a <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>
781 schema of your database (also uses the table_coords table).</li>
782 </ul>
784 The keys can be numeric or character.<br /><br />
786 To allow the usage of this functionality:
788 <ul><li>set up <a href="#pmadb">pmadb</a> and the linked-tables
789 infrastructure</li>
790 <li>put the relation table name in
791 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation']</tt></li>
792 <li>now as normal user open phpMyAdmin and for each one of your
793 tables where you want to use this feature, click
794 &quot;Structure/Relation view/&quot; and choose foreign fields.
795 </li>
796 </ul>
798 Please note that in the current version, <tt>master_db</tt>
799 must be the same as <tt>foreign_db</tt>. Those fields have been put in
800 future development of the cross-db relations.
801 </dd>
803 <dt id="table_info">
804 <span id="cfg_Servers_table_info">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info']</span> string
805 </dt>
806 <dd>
807 Since release 2.3.0 you can describe, in a special 'table_info'
808 table, which field is to be displayed as a tool-tip when moving the
809 cursor over the corresponding key.<br />
810 This configuration variable will hold the name of this special
811 table. To allow the usage of this functionality:
812 <ul><li>set up <a href="#pmadb">pmadb</a> and the linked-tables infrastructure</li>
813 <li>put the table name in
814 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info']</tt></li>
815 <li>then for each table where you want to use this feature,
816 click &quot;Structure/Relation view/Choose field to display&quot;
817 to choose the field.</li>
818 </ul>
819 Usage tip: <a href="#faqdisplay">Display field</a>.
820 </dd>
821 <dt id="table_coords">
822 <span id="cfg_Servers_table_coords">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords']</span> string<br />
823 <span id="cfg_Servers_pdf_pages">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages']</span> string
824 </dt>
825 <dd>Since release 2.3.0 you can have phpMyAdmin create
826 <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr> pages showing
827 the relations between your tables. To do this it needs two tables
828 &quot;pdf_pages&quot; (storing information about the available
829 <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>
830 pages) and &quot;table_coords&quot; (storing coordinates where each
831 table will be placed on a <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>
832 schema output).<br /><br />
834 You must be using the &quot;relation&quot; feature.<br /><br />
836 To allow the usage of this functionality:
838 <ul><li>set up <a href="#pmadb">pmadb</a> and the linked-tables
839 infrastructure</li>
840 <li>put the correct table names in
841 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords']</tt> and
842 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages']</tt></li>
843 </ul>
845 Usage tips: <a href="#faqpdf"><abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr> output</a>.
846 </dd>
848 <dt id="col_com">
849 <span id="cfg_Servers_column_info">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info']</span> string
850 </dt>
851 <dd><!-- This part requires a content update! -->
852 Since release 2.3.0 you can store comments to describe each column for
853 each table. These will then be shown on the &quot;printview&quot;.
854 <br /><br />
856 Starting with release 2.5.0, comments are consequently used on the table
857 property pages and table browse view, showing up as tool-tips above the
858 column name (properties page) or embedded within the header of table in
859 browse view. They can also be shown in a table dump. Please see the
860 relevant configuration directives later on.<br /><br />
862 Also new in release 2.5.0 is a MIME-transformation system which is also
863 based on the following table structure. See <a href="#transformations">
864 Transformations</a> for further information. To use the
865 MIME-transformation system, your column_info table has to have the three
866 new fields 'mimetype', 'transformation', 'transformation_options'.
867 <br /><br />
869 To allow the usage of this functionality:
870 <ul><li>set up <a href="#pmadb">pmadb</a> and the linked-tables
871 infrastructure</li>
872 <li>put the table name in
873 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info']</tt></li>
874 <li>to update your PRE-2.5.0 Column_comments Table use this:
876 <pre>
877 ALTER TABLE `pma_column_comments`
878 ADD `mimetype` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL,
879 ADD `transformation` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL,
880 ADD `transformation_options` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;
881 </pre>
883 and remember that the Variable in <i>config.inc.php</i> has been
884 renamed from<br />
885 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_comments']</tt> to
886 <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info']</tt></li>
887 </ul>
888 </dd>
890 <dt id="history">
891 <span id="cfg_Servers_history">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['history']</span> string
892 </dt>
893 <dd>Since release 2.5.0 you can store your
894 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> history, which means
895 all queries you entered manually into the phpMyAdmin interface. If you
896 don't want to use a table-based history, you can use the JavaScript-based
897 history. Using that, all your history items are deleted when closing the
898 window.<br /><br />
900 Using
901 <a href="#cfg_QueryHistoryMax" class="configrule">$cfg[QueryHistoryMax]</a>
902 you can specify an amount of history items you want to have on hold. On
903 every login, this list gets cut to the maximum amount.<br /><br />
905 The query history is only available if JavaScript is enabled in your
906 browser.<br /><br />
908 To allow the usage of this functionality:
910 <ul><li>set up <a href="#pmadb">pmadb</a> and the linked-tables
911 infrastructure</li>
912 <li>put the table name in <tt>$cfg['Servers'][$i]['history']</tt>
913 </li>
914 </ul>
915 </dd>
917 <dt><span id="cfg_Servers_verbose_check">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose_check']</span> boolean
918 </dt>
919 <dd>Because release 2.5.0 introduced the new MIME-transformation support, the
920 column_info table got enhanced with three new fields. If the above variable
921 is set to <tt>TRUE</tt> (default) phpMyAdmin will check if you have the
922 latest table structure available. If not, it will emit a warning to the
923 superuser.<br /><br />
925 You can disable this checking behavior by setting the variable to false,
926 which should offer a performance increase.<br /><br />
928 Recommended to set to FALSE, when you are sure, your table structure is
929 up to date.</dd>
930 <dt><span id="cfg_Servers_AllowRoot">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot']</span>
931 boolean</dt>
932 <dd>Whether to allow root access. This is just simplification of rules below.
933 </dd>
934 <dt id="servers_allowdeny_order">
935 <span id="cfg_Servers_AllowDeny_order">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order']</span> string
936 </dt>
937 <dd>If your rule order is empty, then <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr>
938 authentication is disabled.<br /><br />
940 If your rule order is set to <tt>'deny,allow'</tt> then the system applies
941 all deny rules followed by allow rules. Access is allowed by default. Any
942 client which does not match a Deny command or does match an Allow command
943 will be allowed access to the server. <br /><br />
945 If your rule order is set to <tt>'allow,deny'</tt> then the system
946 applies all allow rules followed by deny rules. Access is denied by
947 default. Any client which does not match an Allow directive or does
948 match a Deny directive will be denied access to the server.<br /><br />
950 If your rule order is set to 'explicit', the authentication is
951 performed in a similar fashion to rule order 'deny,allow', with the
952 added restriction that your host/username combination <b>must</b> be
953 listed in the <i>allow</i> rules, and not listed in the <i>deny</i>
954 rules. This is the <b>most</b> secure means of using Allow/Deny rules,
955 and was available in Apache by specifying allow and deny rules without
956 setting any order.
957 </dd>
958 <dt id="servers_allowdeny_rules">
959 <span id="cfg_Servers_AllowDeny_rules">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules']</span> array of strings
960 </dt>
961 <dd>The general format for the rules is as such:
963 <pre>
964 &lt;'allow' | 'deny'&gt; &lt;username&gt; [from] &lt;ipmask&gt;
965 </pre>
967 If you wish to match all users, it is possible to use a <tt>'%'</tt> as
968 a wildcard in the <i>username</i> field.<br />
969 There are a few shortcuts you can use in the <i>ipmask</i> field as
970 well (please note that those containing SERVER_ADDRESS might not be
971 available on all webservers):
972 <pre>
973 'all' -&gt;
974 'localhost' -&gt;
975 'localnetA' -&gt; SERVER_ADDRESS/8
976 'localnetB' -&gt; SERVER_ADDRESS/16
977 'localnetC' -&gt; SERVER_ADDRESS/24
978 </pre>
980 Having an empty rule list is equivalent to either using
981 <tt>'allow % from all'</tt> if your rule order is set to
982 <tt>'deny,allow'</tt> or <tt>'deny % from all'</tt> if your rule order
983 is set to <tt>'allow,deny'</tt> or <tt>'explicit'</tt>.<br /><br />
985 For the <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> matching system, the
986 following work:<br />
987 <tt>xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx</tt> (an exact <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> address)<br />
988 <tt>xxx.xxx.xxx.[yyy-zzz]</tt> (an <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> address range)<br />
989 <tt>xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/nn</tt> (CIDR, Classless Inter-Domain Routing type <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> addresses)<br />
990 But the following does not work:<br />
991 <tt>xxx.xxx.xxx.xx[yyy-zzz]</tt> (partial
992 <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> address range)
993 </dd>
995 <dt id="cfg_ServerDefault">$cfg[ServerDefault] integer</dt>
996 <dd>If you have more than one server configured, you can set
997 <tt>$cfg['ServerDefault']</tt> to any one of them to autoconnect to
998 that server when phpMyAdmin is started, or set it to 0 to be given a
999 list of servers without logging in.<br />
1000 If you have only one server configured, <tt>$cfg['ServerDefault']</tt>
1001 MUST be set to that server.</dd>
1003 <dt id="cfg_OBGzip">$cfg[OBGzip] string/boolean</dt>
1004 <dd>Defines whether to use GZip output buffering for increased
1005 speed in <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> transfers.<br />
1006 Set to true/false for enabling/disabling. When set to 'auto' (string),
1007 phpMyAdmin tries to enable output buffering and will automatically disable
1008 it if your browser has some problems with buffering. IE6 with a certain patch
1009 is known to cause data corruption when having enabled buffering.</dd>
1011 <dt id="cfg_PersistentConnections">$cfg[PersistentConnections] boolean</dt>
1012 <dd>Whether persistent connections should be used or not (mysql_connect or
1013 mysql_pconnect).</dd>
1015 <dt id="cfg_ForceSSL">$cfg[ForceSSL] boolean</dt>
1016 <dd>Whether to force using https while accessing phpMyAdmin.</dd>
1018 <dt id="cfg_ExecTimeLimit">$cfg[ExecTimeLimit] integer [number of seconds]</dt>
1019 <dd>Set the number of seconds a script is allowed to run. If seconds is set
1020 to zero, no time limit is imposed.<br />
1021 This setting is used while importing/exporting dump files but has no
1022 effect when PHP is running in safe mode.</dd>
1024 <dt id="cfg_MemoryLimit">$cfg[MemoryLimit] integer [number of bytes]</dt>
1025 <dd>Set the number of bytes a script is allowed to allocate. If number set
1026 to zero, no limit is imposed.<br />
1027 This setting is used while importing/exporting dump files but has no
1028 effect when PHP is running in safe mode.<br />
1029 You can also use any string as in php.ini, eg. '16M'.</dd>
1031 <dt id="cfg_SkipLockedTables">$cfg[SkipLockedTables] boolean</dt>
1032 <dd>Mark used tables and make it possible to show databases with locked
1033 tables (since MySQL 3.23.30).</dd>
1035 <dt id="cfg_ShowSQL">$cfg[ShowSQL] boolean</dt>
1036 <dd>Defines whether <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> queries
1037 generated by phpMyAdmin should be displayed or not.</dd>
1039 <dt id="cfg_AllowUserDropDatabase">$cfg[AllowUserDropDatabase] boolean</dt>
1040 <dd>Defines whether normal users (non-administrator) are allowed to
1041 delete their own database or not. If set as FALSE, the link &quot;Drop
1042 Database&quot; will not be shown, and even a &quot;DROP DATABASE
1043 mydatabase&quot; will be rejected. Quite practical for
1044 <abbr title="Internet service provider">ISP</abbr>'s with many
1045 customers.<br />
1046 Please note that this limitation of SQL queries is not as strict as
1047 when using MySQL privileges. This is due to nature of SQL queries
1048 which might be quite complicated. So this choice should be viewed as
1049 help to avoid accidental dropping rather than strict privilege
1050 limitation.</dd>
1052 <dt id="cfg_Confirm">$cfg[Confirm] boolean</dt>
1053 <dd>Whether a warning (&quot;Are your really sure...&quot;) should be
1054 displayed when you're about to lose data.</dd>
1056 <dt id="cfg_LoginCookieRecall">$cfg[LoginCookieRecall] boolean</dt>
1057 <dd>Define whether the previous login should be recalled or not in cookie
1058 authentication mode.</dd>
1060 <dt id="cfg_LoginCookieValidity">$cfg[LoginCookieValidity] integer [number of seconds]</dt>
1061 <dd>Define how long is login cookie valid.</dd>
1063 <dt id="cfg_LoginCookieStore">$cfg[LoginCookieStore] integer [number of seconds]</dt>
1064 <dd>Define how long is login cookie should be stored in browser. Default 0
1065 means that it will be kept for existing session. This is recommended
1066 for not trusted environments.</dd>
1068 <dt id="cfg_LoginCookieDeleteAll">$cfg[LoginCookieDeleteAll] boolean</dt>
1069 <dd>If enabled (default), logout deletes cookies for all servers,
1070 otherwise only for current one. Setting this to false makes it easy to
1071 forget to logout from other server, when you are using more of
1072 them.</dd>
1074 <dt id="cfg_UseDbSearch">$cfg[UseDbSearch] boolean</dt>
1075 <dd>Define whether the "search string inside database" is enabled or not.</dd>
1077 <dt id="cfg_IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors">$cfg[IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors] boolean</dt>
1078 <dd>Define whether phpMyAdmin will continue executing a multi-query
1079 statement if one of the queries fails. Default is to abort execution.</dd>
1081 <dt id="cfg_VerboseMultiSubmit">$cfg[VerboseMultiSubmit] boolean</dt>
1082 <dd>Define whether phpMyAdmin will output the results of each query of a
1083 multi-query statement embedded into the
1084 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> output as inline
1085 comments. Defaults to <tt>TRUE</tt>.</dd>
1086 <dt id="AllowArbitraryServer">
1087 <span id="cfg_AllowArbitraryServer">$cfg[AllowArbitraryServer]</span> boolean</dt>
1088 <dd>If enabled allows you to login to arbitrary servers using cookie auth.
1089 <br /><br />
1091 <b>NOTE:</b> Please use this carefully, as this may allow users access to
1092 MySQL servers behind the firewall where your
1093 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> server is placed.
1094 </dd>
1096 <dt id="cfg_LeftFrameLight">$cfg[LeftFrameLight] boolean</dt>
1097 <dd>Defines whether to use a select-based menu and display only the current
1098 tables in the left frame (smaller page). Only in Non-Lightmode you can
1099 use the feature to display nested folders using
1100 <a href="#cfg_LeftFrameTableSeparator" class="configrule">$cfg['LeftFrameTableSeparator']</a>
1101 </dd>
1103 <dt id="cfg_LeftFrameDBTree">$cfg[LeftFrameDBTree] boolean</dt>
1104 <dd>In light mode, defines whether to display the names of databases (in the
1105 selector) using a tree, see also
1106 <a href="#cfg_LeftFrameDBSeparator" class="configrule">$cfg['LeftFrameDBSeparator']</a>.
1107 </dd>
1109 <dt id="cfg_LeftFrameDBSeparator">$cfg[LeftFrameDBSeparator] string</dt>
1110 <dd>The string used to separate the parts of the database name when showing
1111 them in a tree.</dd>
1113 <dt id="cfg_LeftFrameTableSeparator">$cfg[LeftFrameTableSeparator] string</dt>
1114 <dd>Defines a string to be used to nest table spaces. Defaults to '__'.
1115 This means if you have tables like 'first__second__third' this will be
1116 shown as a three-level hierarchy like: first &gt; second &gt; third.
1117 If set to FALSE or empty, the feature is disabled. NOTE: You should
1118 not use this separator at the beginning or end of a
1119 table name or multiple times after another without any other
1120 characters in between.</dd>
1122 <dt id="cfg_LeftFrameTableLevel">$cfg[LeftFrameTableLevel] string</dt>
1123 <dd>Defines how many sublevels should be displayed when splitting
1124 up tables by the above separator.</dd>
1126 <dt id="cfg_ShowTooltip">$cfg[ShowTooltip] boolean</dt>
1127 <dd>Defines whether to display table comment as tool-tip in left frame or
1128 not.</dd>
1130 <dt id="cfg_ShowTooltipAliasDB">$cfg[ShowTooltipAliasDB] boolean</dt>
1131 <dd>If tool-tips are enabled and a DB comment is set, this will flip the
1132 comment and the real name. That means that if you have a table called
1133 'user0001' and add the comment 'MyName' on it, you will see the name
1134 'MyName' used consequently in the left frame and the tool-tip shows
1135 the real name of the DB.</dd>
1137 <dt id="cfg_ShowTooltipAliasTB">$cfg[ShowTooltipAliasTB] boolean/string</dt>
1138 <dd>Same as <a href="#cfg_ShowTooltipAliasDB" class="configrule">$cfg['ShowTooltipAliasDB']</a>, except this works for table names.
1140 When setting this to 'nested', the Alias of the Tablename is only used
1141 to split/nest the tables according to the
1142 <a href="#cfg_LeftFrameTableSeparator" class="configrule">$cfg['LeftFrameTableSeparator']</a>
1143 directive. So only the folder is called like the Alias, the tablename itself
1144 stays the real tablename.</dd>
1146 <dt id="cfg_LeftDisplayLogo">$cfg[LeftDisplayLogo] boolean</dt>
1147 <dd>Defines whether or not to display the phpMyAdmin logo at the top of the left frame.
1148 Defaults to <tt>TRUE</tt>.</dd>
1149 <dt id="cfg_LeftLogoLink">$cfg[LeftLogoLink] string</dt>
1150 <dd>Enter URL where logo in left frame will point to. For use especially
1151 with self made theme which changes this.</dd>
1152 <dt id="cfg_LeftDisplayServers">$cfg[LeftDisplayServers] boolean</dt>
1153 <dd>Defines whether or not to display a server choice at the top of the left frame.
1154 Defaults to FALSE.</dd>
1155 <dt id="cfg_DisplayServersList">$cfg[DisplayServersList] boolean</dt>
1156 <dd>Defines whether to display this server choice as links instead of in a drop-down.
1157 Defaults to FALSE (drop-down).</dd>
1158 <dt id="cfg_ShowStats">$cfg[ShowStats] boolean</dt>
1159 <dd>Defines whether or not to display space usage and statistics about databases
1160 and tables.<br />
1161 Note that statistics requires at least MySQL 3.23.3 and that, at this
1162 date, MySQL doesn't return such information for Berkeley DB tables.</dd>
1164 <dt><span id="cfg_ShowPhpInfo">$cfg[ShowPhpInfo] </span>boolean<br />
1165 <span id="cfg_ShowChgPassword">$cfg[ShowChgPassword] </span>boolean<br />
1166 <span id="cfg_ShowChgPassword">$cfg[ShowCreateDb] </span>boolean
1167 </dt>
1168 <dd>Defines whether to display the &quot;PHP information&quot; and
1169 &quot;Change password &quot; links and form for creating database or
1170 not for simple users at the starting main (right) frame. This setting
1171 does not check MySQL commands entered directly.<br /><br />
1173 Please note that to block the usage of phpinfo() in scripts, you
1174 have to put this in your <i>php.ini</i>:
1176 <pre>disable_functions = phpinfo()</pre>
1178 Also note that enabling the &quot;Change password &quot; link has no
1179 effect with &quot;config&quot; authentication mode: because of the
1180 hard coded password value in the configuration file, end users can't
1181 be allowed to change their passwords.</dd>
1183 <dt id="cfg_SuggestDBName">$cfg[SuggestDBName] boolean</dt>
1184 <dd>Defines whether to suggest a database name on the
1185 &quot;Create Database&quot; form or to keep the textfield empty.</dd>
1187 <dt id="cfg_ShowBlob">$cfg[ShowBlob] boolean</dt>
1188 <dd>Defines whether or not <tt>BLOB</tt> fields are shown when browsing a table's
1189 content.</dd>
1191 <dt id="cfg_NavigationBarIconic">$cfg[NavigationBarIconic] string</dt>
1192 <dd>Defines whether navigation bar buttons and the right panel top menu
1193 contain text or symbols only. A value of TRUE displays icons, FALSE
1194 displays text and 'both' displays both icons and text.</dd>
1196 <dt id="cfg_ShowAll">$cfg[ShowAll] boolean</dt>
1197 <dd>Defines whether a user should be displayed a
1198 &quot;show all (records)&quot; button in browse mode or not.</dd>
1200 <dt id="cfg_MaxRows">$cfg[MaxRows] integer</dt>
1201 <dd>Number of rows displayed when browsing a result set. If the result set
1202 contains more rows, &quot;Previous&quot; and &quot;Next&quot; links will be shown.</dd>
1204 <dt id="cfg_Order">$cfg[Order] string [<tt>DESC</tt>|<tt>ASC</tt>|<tt>SMART</tt>]</dt>
1205 <dd>Defines whether fields are displayed in ascending (<tt>ASC</tt>) order,
1206 in descending (<tt>DESC</tt>) order or in a &quot;smart&quot;
1207 (<tt>SMART</tt>) order - I.E. descending order for fields of type TIME,
1208 DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP, ascending order else- by default.</dd>
1210 <dt id="cfg_ProtectBinary">$cfg[ProtectBinary] boolean or string</dt>
1211 <dd>Defines whether <tt>BLOB</tt> or <tt>BINARY</tt> fields are protected
1212 from editing when browsing a table's content. Valid values are:
1213 <ul><li><tt>FALSE</tt> to allow editing of all fields;</li>
1214 <li><tt>'blob'</tt> to allow editing of all fields except <tt>BLOBS</tt>;</li>
1215 <li><tt>'all'</tt> to disallow editing of all <tt>BINARY</tt> or
1216 <tt>BLOB</tt> fields.</li>
1217 </ul>
1218 </dd>
1220 <dt id="cfg_ShowFunctionFields">$cfg[ShowFunctionFields] boolean</dt>
1221 <dd>Defines whether or not MySQL functions fields should be displayed in
1222 edit/insert mode.</dd>
1224 <dt id="cfg_CharEditing">$cfg[CharEditing] string</dt>
1225 <dd>Defines which type of editing controls should be used for CHAR and
1226 VARCHAR fields. Possible values are:
1227 <ul><li>input - this allows to limit size of text to size of field in
1228 MySQL, but has problems with newlines in fields</li>
1229 <li>textarea - no problems with newlines in fields, but also no
1230 length limitations</li>
1231 </ul>
1232 Default is old behavior so input.</dd>
1234 <dt id="cfg_InsertRows">$cfg[InsertRows] integer</dt>
1235 <dd>Defines the maximum number of concurrent entries for the Insert page.</dd>
1237 <dt id="cfg_ForeignKeyMaxLimit">$cfg[ForeignKeyMaxLimit] integer</dt>
1238 <dd>If there are fewer items than this in the set of foreign keys, then a
1239 drop-down box of foreign keys is presented, in the style described by the
1240 <a href="#cfg_ForeignKeyDropdownOrder" class="configrule">$cfg[ForeignKeyDropdownOrder]</a>
1241 setting.</dd>
1243 <dt id="cfg_ForeignKeyDropdownOrder">$cfg[ForeignKeyDropdownOrder] array</dt>
1244 <dd>For the foreign key drop-down fields, there are several methods of
1245 display, offering both the key and value data. The contents of the
1246 array should be one or both of the following strings:
1247 <i>'content-id'</i>, <i>'id-content'</i>.</dd>
1249 <dt><span id="cfg_ZipDump">$cfg[ZipDump] </span>boolean<br />
1250 <span id="cfg_GZipDump">$cfg[GZipDump] </span>boolean<br />
1251 <span id="cfg_BZipDump">$cfg[BZipDump] </span>boolean
1252 </dt>
1253 <dd>Defines whether to allow the use of zip/GZip/BZip2 compression when
1254 creating a dump file</dd>
1256 <dt><span id="cfg_CompressOnFly">$cfg[CompressOnFly] </span>boolean<br />
1257 </dt>
1258 <dd>Defines whether to allow on the fly compression for GZip/BZip2
1259 compressed exports. This doesn't affect smaller dumps and allows users to
1260 create larger dumps that won't otherwise fit in memory due to php
1261 memory limit. Produced files contain more GZip/BZip2 headers, but all
1262 normal programs handle this correctly.</dd>
1264 <dt id="cfg_LightTabs">$cfg[LightTabs] string</dt>
1265 <dd>If set to <tt>TRUE</tt>, use less graphically intense tabs on the top of the
1266 mainframe.</dd>
1268 <dt id="cfg_PropertiesIconic">$cfg[PropertiesIconic] string</dt>
1269 <dd>If set to <tt>TRUE</tt>, will display icons instead of text for db and table
1270 properties links (like 'Browse', 'Select', 'Insert', ...).<br /> Can be
1271 set to <tt>'both'</tt> if you want icons AND text.<br />
1272 When set to <tt>FALSE</tt>, will only show text.</dd>
1274 <dt id="cfg_PropertiesNumColumns">$cfg[PropertiesNumColumns] integer</dt>
1275 <dd>How many columns will be utilized to display the tables on the
1276 database property view? Default is 1 column. When setting this to a
1277 value larger than 1, the type of the database will be omitted for more
1278 display space.</dd>
1281 <dt id="cfg_DefaultTabServer">$cfg[DefaultTabServer] string</dt>
1282 <dd>Defines the tab displayed by default on server view. Possible
1283 values: &quot;main.php&quot; (recommended for multi-user setups),
1284 &quot;server_databases.php&quot;, &quot;server_status.php&quot;,
1285 &quot;server_variables.php&quot;, &quot;server_privileges.php&quot;
1286 or &quot;server_processlist.php&quot;.</dd>
1288 <dt id="cfg_DefaultTabDatabase">$cfg[DefaultTabDatabase] string</dt>
1289 <dd>Defines the tab displayed by default on database view. Possible
1290 values: &quot;db_details_structure.php&quot;,
1291 &quot;db_details.php&quot; or &quot;db_search.php&quot;.</dd>
1293 <dt id="cfg_DefaultTabTable">$cfg[DefaultTabTable] string</dt>
1294 <dd>Defines the tab displayed by default on table view. Possible
1295 values: &quot;tbl_properties_structure.php&quot;,
1296 &quot;tbl_properties.php&quot;, &quot;tbl_select.php&quot;,
1297 &quot;tbl_change.php&quot; or &quot;sql.php&quot;.</dd>
1299 <dt id="cfg_MySQLManualBase">$cfg[MySQLManualBase] string</dt>
1300 <dd>If set to an <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr> which
1301 points to the MySQL documentation (type depends
1302 on <a href="#cfg_MySQLManualType" class="configrule">$cfg['MySQLManualType']</a>), appropriate help links are
1303 generated.<br />
1304 See <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/">MySQL Documentation page</a>
1305 for more information about MySQL manuals and their types.</dd>
1307 <dt id="cfg_MySQLManualType">$cfg[MySQLManualType] string</dt>
1308 <dd>Type of MySQL documentation:
1309 <ul><li>viewable - &quot;viewable online&quot;, current one used on MySQL website</li>
1310 <li>searchable - &quot;Searchable, with user comments&quot;</li>
1311 <li>chapters - &quot;HTML, one page per chapter&quot;</li>
1312 <li>big - &quot;HTML, all on one page&quot;</li>
1313 <li>none - do not show documentation links</li>
1314 </ul>
1315 </dd>
1317 <dt id="cfg_DefaultLang">$cfg[DefaultLang] string</dt>
1318 <dd>Defines the default language to use, if not browser-defined or
1319 user-defined.<br />
1320 See the <i>select_lang.lib.php</i> script to know the valid values for
1321 this setting.</dd>
1323 <dt id="cfg_DefaultConnectionCollation">$cfg[DefaultConnectionCollation] string</dt>
1324 <dd>Defines the default connection collation to use, if not
1325 user-defined.<br />
1326 See the <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/charset-charsets.html">MySQL
1327 documentation</a> for list of possible values.</dd>
1329 <dt id="cfg_Lang">$cfg[Lang] string</dt>
1330 <dd>Force: always use this language (must be defined in the
1331 <i>select_lang.lib.php</i> script).</dd>
1333 <dt id="cfg_FilterLanguages">$cfg[FilterLanguages] string</dt>
1334 <dd>Limit list of available languages to those matching the given regular
1335 expression. For example if you want only Czech and English, you should
1336 set filter to <code>'^(cs|en)'</code>.</dd>
1338 <dt id="cfg_DefaultCharset">$cfg[DefaultCharset] string</dt>
1339 <dd>Default character set to use for recoding of MySQL queries. This must be
1340 enabled and it's described by
1341 <a href="#cfg_AllowAnywhereRecoding" class="configrule">$cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding']</a>
1342 option.<br />
1343 You can give here any character set which is in
1344 <a href="#cfg_AvailableCharsets" class="configrule">$cfg['AvailableCharsets']</a>
1345 array and this is just default choice, user can select any of them.</dd>
1347 <dt id="cfg_AllowAnywhereRecoding">$cfg[AllowAnywhereRecoding] boolean</dt>
1348 <dd>Allow character set recoding of MySQL queries. You need recode or iconv
1349 support (compiled in or module) in PHP to allow MySQL queries recoding
1350 and used language file must have it enabled (by default only these
1351 which are in Unicode, just to avoid losing some characters).<br /><br />
1353 Setting this to <tt>TRUE</tt> also activates a pull-down menu
1354 in the Export page, to choose the character set when exporting a file.
1355 </dd>
1357 <dt id="cfg_RecodingEngine">$cfg[RecodingEngine] string</dt>
1358 <dd>You can select here which functions will be used for character set
1359 conversion. Possible values are:
1360 <ul><li>auto - automatically use available one (first is tested
1361 iconv, then recode)</li>
1362 <li>iconv - use iconv or libiconv functions</li>
1363 <li>recode - use recode_string function</li>
1364 </ul>
1365 Default is auto.</dd>
1367 <dt id="cfg_IconvExtraParams">$cfg[IconvExtraParams] string</dt>
1368 <dd>Specify some parameters for iconv used in charset conversion. See
1369 <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/documentation/libiconv/iconv_open.3.html">iconv
1370 documentation</a> for details. By default <code>//TRANSLIT</code> is
1371 used, so that invalid characters will be transliterated.</dd>
1373 <dt id="cfg_AvailableCharsets">$cfg[AvailableCharsets] array</dt>
1374 <dd>Available character sets for MySQL conversion. You can add your own (any of
1375 supported by recode/iconv) or remove these which you don't use.
1376 Character sets will be shown in same order as here listed, so if you
1377 frequently use some of these move them to the top.</dd>
1379 <dt id="cfg_GD2Available">$cfg[GD2Available] string</dt>
1380 <dd>Specifies whether GD &gt;= 2 is available. If yes it can be used for
1381 MIME transformations.<br />
1382 Possible values are:
1383 <ul><li>auto - automatically detect, this is a bit expensive
1384 operation for php &lt; 4.3.0 so it is preferred to change this
1385 according to your server real possibilities</li>
1386 <li>yes - GD 2 functions can be used</li>
1387 <li>no - GD 2 function cannot be used</li>
1388 </ul>
1389 Default is auto.
1390 </dd>
1392 <dt id="cfg_LeftWidth">$cfg[LeftWidth] integer</dt>
1393 <dd>Left frame width in pixels. See <tt>themes/themename/layout.inc.php</tt>.
1394 </dd>
1396 <dt><span id="cfg_LeftBgColor">$cfg[LeftBgColor]</span> string [HTML color]<br />
1397 <span id="cfg_RightBgColor">$cfg[RightBgColor]</span> string [HTML color]
1398 </dt>
1399 <dd>The background colors (HTML) used for both the frames.
1400 See <tt>themes/themename/layout.inc.php</tt>.</dd>
1402 <dt><span id="cfg_RightBgImage">$cfg[RightBgImage]</span> string</dt>
1403 <dd>The URI of the background image used for the right frame. It must be
1404 an absolute URI. See <tt>themes/themename/layout.inc.php</tt>.</dd>
1406 <dt id="cfg_LeftPointerColor">$cfg[LeftPointerColor] string [HTML color]</dt>
1407 <dd>The color (HTML) used for the pointer in the left frame (does not work
1408 with Netscape 4). See <tt>themes/themename/layout.inc.php</tt>.</dd>
1410 <dt id="cfg_LeftPointerEnable">$cfg[LeftPointerEnable] boolean</dt>
1411 <dd>A value of <tt>TRUE</tt> activates the left pointer (when LeftFrameLight
1412 is <tt>FALSE</tt>).</dd>
1414 <dt id="cfg_Border">$cfg[Border] integer</dt>
1415 <dd>The size of a table's border. See <tt>themes/themename/layout.inc.php</tt>.
1416 </dd>
1418 <dt id="cfg_ThBgcolor">$cfg[ThBgcolor] string [HTML color]</dt>
1419 <dd>The color (HTML) used for table headers. See
1420 <tt>themes/themename/layout.inc.php</tt>.</dd>
1422 <dt id="cfg_BgcolorOne">$cfg[BgcolorOne] string [HTML color]</dt>
1423 <dd>The color (HTML) #1 for table rows. See <tt>themes/themename/layout.inc.php</tt>.
1424 </dd>
1426 <dt id="cfg_BgcolorTwo">$cfg[BgcolorTwo] string [HTML color]</dt>
1427 <dd>The color (HTML) #2 for table rows. See <tt>themes/themename/layout.inc.php</tt>.
1428 </dd>
1430 <dt><span id="cfg_BrowsePointerColor">$cfg[BrowsePointerColor] </span>string [HTML color]<br />
1431 <span id="cfg_BrowseMarkerColor">$cfg[BrowseMarkerColor] </span>string [HTML color]
1432 </dt>
1433 <dd>The colors (HTML) uses for the pointer and the marker in browse mode
1434 (does not work with Netscape 4).<br />
1435 The former feature highlights the row over which your mouse is passing
1436 and the latter lets you visually mark/unmark rows by clicking on
1437 them.<br />
1438 See <tt>themes/themename/layout.inc.php</tt>.</dd>
1440 <dt id="cfg_BrowsePointerEnable">$cfg[BrowsePointerEnable] boolean</dt>
1441 <dd>Whether to activate the browse pointer or not.</dd>
1443 <dt id="cfg_BrowseMarkerEnable">$cfg[BrowseMarkerEnable] boolean</dt>
1444 <dd>Whether to activate the browse marker or not.</dd>
1446 <dt><span id="cfg_TextareaCols">$cfg[TextareaCols] </span>integer<br />
1447 <span id="cfg_TextareaRows">$cfg[TextareaRows] </span>integer<br />
1448 <span id="cfg_CharTextareaCols">$cfg[CharTextareaCols] </span>integer<br />
1449 <span id="cfg_CharTextareaRows">$cfg[CharTextareaRows] </span>integer
1450 </dt>
1451 <dd>Number of columns and rows for the textareas.<br />
1452 This value will be emphasized (*2) for <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> query textareas and (*1.25) for
1453 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> textareas inside the query window.<br />
1454 The Char* values are used for CHAR and VARCHAR editing (if configured
1455 via <a href="#cfg_CharEditing">$cfg['CharEditing']</a>).</dd>
1457 <dt><span id="cfg_LongtextDoubleTextarea">$cfg[LongtextDoubleTextarea] </span>boolean
1458 </dt>
1459 <dd>Defines whether textarea for LONGTEXT fields should have double size.</dd>
1461 <dt><span id="cfg_TextareaAutoSelect">$cfg[TextareaAutoSelect] </span>boolean
1462 </dt>
1463 <dd>Defines if the whole textarea of the query box will be selected on
1464 click.</dd>
1465 <dt id="CtrlArrowsMoving">
1466 <span id="cfg_CtrlArrowsMoving">$cfg[CtrlArrowsMoving] </span>boolean
1467 </dt>
1468 <dd>Enable Ctrl+Arrows (Option+Arrows in Safari) moving between fields when
1469 editing.</dd>
1471 <dt id="cfg_LimitChars">$cfg[LimitChars] integer</dt>
1472 <dd>Maximum number of characters showen in any non-numeric field on browse view.
1473 Can be turned off by a toggle button on the browse page.</dd>
1475 <dt><span id="cfg_ModifyDeleteAtLeft">$cfg[ModifyDeleteAtLeft] </span>boolean
1476 <span id="cfg_ModifyDeleteAtRight">$cfg[ModifyDeleteAtRight] </span>boolean
1477 </dt>
1478 <dd>Defines the place where modify and delete links would be put when
1479 tables contents are displayed (you may have them displayed both at the
1480 left and at the right).
1481 &quot;Left&quot; and &quot;right&quot; are parsed as &quot;top&quot;
1482 and &quot;bottom&quot; with vertical display mode.</dd>
1484 <dt id="cfg_DefaultDisplay">$cfg[DefaultDisplay] string
1485 <span id="cfg_HeaderFlipType">$cfg[HeaderFlipType] </span>string
1486 </dt>
1487 <dd>There are 3 display modes: horizontal, horizontalflipped and vertical.
1488 Define which one is displayed by default. The first mode displays each
1489 row on a horizontal line, the second rotates the headers by 90
1490 degrees, so you can use descriptive headers even though fields only
1491 contain small values and still print them out. The vertical mode sorts
1492 each row on a vertical lineup.<br /><br />
1494 The HeaderFlipType can be set to 'css' or 'faked'. When using 'css'
1495 the rotation of the header for horizontalflipped is done via CSS. If
1496 set to 'faked' PHP does the transformation for you, but of course this
1497 does not look as good as CSS.</dd>
1499 <dt id="DefaultPropDisplay">
1500 <span id="cfg_DefaultPropDisplay">$cfg[DefaultPropDisplay]</span> string</dt>
1501 <dd>When editing/creating new columns in a table all fields normally get
1502 lined up one field a line. (default: 'horizontal'). If you set this to
1503 'vertical' you can have each field lined up vertically beneath each
1504 other. You can save up a lot of place on the horizontal direction and
1505 no longer have to scroll.</dd>
1507 <dt id="cfg_ShowBrowseComments">$cfg[ShowBrowseComments] boolean<br />
1508 <span id="cfg_ShowPropertyComments">$cfg[ShowPropertyComments] </span>boolean
1509 </dt>
1510 <dd>By setting the corresponding variable to <tt>TRUE</tt> you can enable the
1511 display of column comments in Browse or Property display. In browse
1512 mode, the comments are show inside the header. In property mode,
1513 comments are displayed using a CSS-formatted dashed-line below the
1514 name of the field. The comment is shown as a tool-tip for that field.
1515 </dd>
1517 <dt id="cfg_UploadDir">$cfg[UploadDir] string</dt>
1518 <dd>
1519 The name of the directory where
1520 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> files have been
1521 uploaded by other means than phpMyAdmin (for example, ftp). Those files
1522 are available under a drop-down box when you click the database name,
1523 then the <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> tab.
1524 <br /><br />
1526 If you want different directory for each user, %u will be replaced
1527 with username.<br /><br />
1529 Please note that the file names must have the suffix &quot;.sql&quot;
1530 (or &quot;.sql.bz2&quot; or &quot;.sql.gz&quot; if support for
1531 compressed formats is enabled).<br /><br />
1533 This feature is useful when your file is too big to be uploaded via
1534 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>, or when file
1535 uploads are disabled in PHP.<br /><br />
1537 Please note that if PHP is running in safe mode, this directory must
1538 be owned by the same user as the owner of the phpMyAdmin scripts.
1539 <br /><br />
1541 See also <a href="#faq1_16">
1542 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 1.16</a> for
1543 alternatives.
1544 </dd>
1546 <dt id="cfg_docSQLDir">$cfg[docSQLDir] string</dt>
1547 <dd>
1548 The name of the directory where docSQL files can be uploaded for
1549 import into phpMyAdmin.
1550 <br /><br />
1551 Please note that if PHP is running in safe mode, this directory must
1552 be owned by the same user as the owner of the phpMyAdmin scripts.
1553 </dd>
1555 <dt id="cfg_SaveDir">$cfg[SaveDir] string</dt>
1556 <dd>
1557 The name of the directory where dumps can be saved.<br /><br />
1559 If you want different directory for each user, %u will be replaced
1560 with username.<br /><br />
1562 Please note that the directory has to be writable for user running
1563 webserver.<br /><br />
1565 Please note that if PHP is running in safe mode, this directory must
1566 be owned by the same user as the owner of the phpMyAdmin scripts.
1567 </dd>
1569 <dt id="cfg_TempDir">$cfg[TempDir] string</dt>
1570 <dd>
1571 The name of the directory where temporary files can be stored.
1572 <br /><br />
1573 This is needed for native MS Excel export, see
1574 <a href="#faq6_23"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr>
1575 6.23</a>
1576 </dd>
1578 <dt id="cfg_Export">$cfg[Export] array</dt>
1579 <dd>
1580 In this array are defined default parameters for export, names of
1581 items are similar to texts seen on export page, so you can easily
1582 identify what they mean.
1583 </dd>
1585 <dt id="cfg_Import">$cfg[Import] array</dt>
1586 <dd>
1587 In this array are defined default parameters for import, names of
1588 items are similar to texts seen on import page, so you can easily
1589 identify what they mean.
1590 </dd>
1592 <dt id="cfg_RepeatCells">$cfg[RepeatCells] integer</dt>
1593 <dd>
1594 Repeat the headers every X cells, or 0 to deactivate.
1595 </dd>
1597 <dt id="cfg_EditInWindow">$cfg[EditInWindow] boolean<br />
1598 <span id="cfg_QueryWindowWidth">$cfg[QueryWindowWidth] </span>integer<br />
1599 <span id="cfg_QueryWindowHeight">$cfg[QueryWindowHeight] </span>integer<br />
1600 <span id="cfg_QueryHistoryDB">$cfg[QueryHistoryDB] </span>boolean<br />
1601 <span id="cfg_QueryWindowDefTab">$cfg[QueryWindowDefTab] </span>string<br />
1602 <span id="cfg_QueryHistoryMax">$cfg[QueryHistoryMax] </span>integer
1603 </dt>
1604 <dd>
1605 All those variables affect the query window feature. A <tt><abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr></tt> link
1606 or icon is always displayed on the left panel. If JavaScript is enabled in
1607 your browser, a click on this opens a distinct query window, which is
1608 a direct interface to enter <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> queries. Otherwise, the right panel
1609 changes to display a query box.<br /><br />
1611 The size of this query window can be customized with
1612 <tt>$cfg['QueryWindowWidth']</tt> and <tt>$cfg['QueryWindowWidth']</tt>
1613 - both integers for the size in pixels. Note that normally, those
1614 parameters will be modified in <tt>layout.inc.php</tt> for the
1615 theme you are using.<br /><br />
1617 If <tt>$cfg['EditInWindow']</tt> is set to true, a click on [Edit]
1618 from the results page (in the &quot;Showing Rows&quot; section)
1619 opens the query window and puts the current query
1620 inside it. If set to false, clicking on the link puts the <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr>
1621 query in the right panel's query box.
1622 <br /><br />
1623 The usage of the JavaScript query window is recommended if you have a
1624 JavaScript enabled browser. Basic functions are used to exchange quite
1625 a few variables, so most 4th generation browsers should be capable to
1626 use that feature. It currently is only tested with Internet Explorer 6
1627 and Mozilla 1.x.
1628 <br /><br />
1629 If <tt>$cfg['QueryHistoryDB']</tt> is set to <tt>TRUE</tt>, all your Queries are logged
1630 to a table, which has to be created by you (see <a
1631 href="#history" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['history']</a>). If set to FALSE,
1632 all your queries will be appended to the form, but only as long as
1633 your window is opened they remain saved.
1634 <br /><br />
1635 When using the JavaScript based query window, it will always get
1636 updated when you click on a new table/db to browse and will focus if
1637 you click on "Edit <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr>" after using a query. You can suppress updating
1638 the query window by checking the box "Do not overwrite this query from
1639 outside the window" below the query textarea. Then you can browse
1640 tables/databases in the background without losing the contents of the
1641 textarea, so this is especially useful when composing a query with
1642 tables you first have to look in. The checkbox will get automatically
1643 checked whenever you change the contents of the textarea. Please
1644 uncheck the button whenever you definitely want the query window to
1645 get updated even though you have made alterations.
1646 <br /><br />
1647 If <tt>$cfg['QueryHistoryDB']</tt> is set to <tt>TRUE</tt> you can specify the amount of
1648 saved history items using <tt>$cfg['QueryHistoryMax']</tt>.
1649 <br /><br />
1650 The query window also has a custom tabbed look to group the features.
1651 Using the variable <tt>$cfg['QueryWindowDefTab']</tt> you can specify the
1652 default tab to be used when opening the query window. It can be set to
1653 either 'sql', 'files', 'history' or 'full'.</dd>
1655 <dt id="cfg_BrowseMIME">$cfg[BrowseMIME] boolean</dt>
1656 <dd>Enable <a href="#transformations">MIME-transformations</a>.</dd>
1658 <dt id="cfg_MaxExactCount">$cfg[MaxExactCount] integer</dt>
1659 <dd><ul><li>For InnoDB tables, determines for how large tables phpMyAdmin
1660 should get the exact row count using <code>SELECT COUNT</code>.
1661 If the approximate row count as returned by
1662 <code>SHOW TABLE STATUS</code> is smaller than this value,
1663 <code>SELECT COUNT</code> will be used, otherwise the approximate
1664 count will be used.</li>
1665 <li>For VIEWs, since obtaining the exact count could have an
1666 impact on performance, this value is the maximum to be displayed.
1667 </li>
1668 </ul>
1669 </dd>
1671 <dt id="wysiwyg">
1672 <span id="cfg_WYSIWYG-PDF">$cfg[WYSIWYG-PDF] </span>boolean</dt>
1673 <dd>Utilizes a WYSIWYG editing control to easily place elements of a
1674 <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>
1675 page. By clicking on the button 'toggle scratchboard' on the page
1676 where you edit x/y coordinates of those elements you can activate a
1677 scratchboard where all your elements are placed. By clicking on an
1678 element, you can move them around in the pre-defined area and the x/y
1679 coordinates will get updated dynamically. Likewise, when entering a
1680 new position directly into the input field, the new position in the
1681 scratchboard changes after your cursor leaves the input field.<br />
1682 You have to click on the 'OK'-button below the tables to save the new
1683 positions. If you want to place a new element, first add it to the
1684 table of elements and then you can drag the new element around.<br />
1685 By changing the paper size and the orientation you can change the size
1686 of the scratchboard as well. You can do so by just changing the
1687 dropdown field below, and the scratchboard will resize automatically,
1688 without interfering with the current placement of the elements.<br />
1689 If ever an element gets out of range you can either enlarge the paper
1690 size or click on the 'reset' button to place all elements below each
1691 other.<br />
1692 <b>NOTE:</b> You have to use a recent browser like IE6 or Mozilla to
1693 get this control to work. The basic Drag&amp;Drop script functionality
1694 was kindly borrowed from www.youngpup.net and is underlying so
1695 specific license.</dd>
1697 <dt id="cfg_NaturalOrder">$cfg[NaturalOrder] boolean</dt>
1698 <dd>Sorts database and table names according to natural order (for example,
1699 t1, t2, t10). Currently implemented in the left panel (Light mode)
1700 and in Database view, for the table list.</dd>
1702 <dt id="cfg_TitleTable">$cfg[TitleTable] string</dt>
1703 <dt id="cfg_TitleDatabase">$cfg[TitleDatabase] string</dt>
1704 <dt id="cfg_TitleServer">$cfg[TitleServer] string</dt>
1705 <dt id="cfg_TitleDefault">$cfg[TitleDefault] string</dt>
1706 <dd>Allows you to specify window's title bar. Following magic string can
1707 be used to get special values:
1708 <dl>
1709 <dt><code>@HTTP_HOST@</code></dt>
1710 <dd>HTTP host that runs phpMyAdmin</dd>
1711 <dt><code>@SERVER@</code></dt>
1712 <dd>MySQL server name</dd>
1713 <dt><code>@VERBOSE@</code></dt>
1714 <dd>Verbose MySQL server name as defined in <a href="#cfg_Servers_verbose">server configuration</a></dd>
1715 <dt><code>@VSERVER@</code></dt>
1716 <dd>Verbose MySQL server name if set, otherwise normal</dd>
1717 <dt><code>@DATABASE@</code></dt>
1718 <dd>Currently opened database</dd>
1719 <dt><code>@TABLE@</code></dt>
1720 <dd>Currently opened table</dd>
1721 <dt><code>@PHPMYADMIN@</code></dt>
1722 <dd>phpMyAdmin with version</dd>
1723 </dl>
1724 </dd>
1726 <dt id="cfg_ErrorIconic">$cfg[ErrorIconic] boolean</dt>
1727 <dd>Uses icons for warnings, errors and informations.</dd>
1729 <dt id="cfg_MainPageIconic">$cfg[MainPageIconic] boolean</dt>
1730 <dd>Uses icons on main page in lists and menu tabs.</dd>
1732 <dt id="cfg_ReplaceHelpImg">$cfg[ReplaceHelpImg] boolean</dt>
1733 <dd>Shows a help button instead of the &quot;Documentation&quot; message.
1734 </dd>
1736 <dt id="cfg_ThemePath">$cfg[ThemePath] string</dt>
1737 <dd>If theme manager is active, use this as the path of the subdirectory
1738 containing all the themes.</dd>
1740 <dt id="cfg_ThemeManager">$cfg[ThemeManager] boolean</dt>
1741 <dd>Enables user-selectable themes. See <a href="#faqthemes">
1742 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 2.7</a>.</dd>
1744 <dt id="cfg_ThemeDefault">$cfg[ThemeDefault] string</dt>
1745 <dd>The default theme (a subdirectory under <tt>cfg['ThemePath']</tt>).</dd>
1747 <dt id="cfg_ThemePerServer">$cfg[ThemePerServer] boolean</dt>
1748 <dd>Whether to allow different theme for each server.</dd>
1750 <dt id="cfg_DefaultQueryTable">$cfg[DefaultQueryTable] string<br />
1751 <span id="cfg_DefaultQueryDatabase">$cfg[DefaultQueryDatabase]</span> string
1752 </dt>
1753 <dd>Default queries that will be displayed in query boxes when user didn't
1754 specify any. Use %d for database name, %t for table name and %f for a
1755 comma separated list of field names. Note that %t and %f are only
1756 applicable to <tt>$cfg['DefaultQueryTable']</tt>.</dd>
1758 <dt id="cfg_SQP_fmtType">$cfg[SQP]['fmtType'] string [<tt>html</tt>|<tt>none</tt>]</dt>
1759 <dd>
1760 The main use of the new <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> Parser is to pretty-print <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> queries. By
1761 default we use HTML to format the query, but you can disable this by
1762 setting this variable to <tt>'none'</tt>.
1763 </dd>
1765 <dt id="cfg_SQP_fmtInd">$cfg[SQP]['fmtInd'] float<br />
1766 <span id="cfg_SQP">$cfg[SQP]['fmtIndUnit']</span> string [<tt>em</tt>|<tt>px</tt>|<tt>pt</tt>|<tt>ex</tt>]</dt>
1767 <dd>For the pretty-printing of <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> queries, under some cases the part of a
1768 query inside a bracket is indented. By changing
1769 <tt>$cfg['SQP']['fmtInd']</tt> you can change the amount of this indent.
1770 <br />Related in purpose is <tt>$cfg['SQP']['fmtIndUnit']</tt> which
1771 specifies the units of the indent amount that you specified. This is
1772 used via stylesheets.</dd>
1774 <dt id="cfg_SQP_fmtColor">$cfg[SQP]['fmtColor'] array of string tuples</dt>
1775 <dd>This array is used to define the colours for each type of element of
1776 the pretty-printed <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> queries. The tuple format is<br />
1777 <i>class</i> =&gt; [<i>HTML colour code</i> | <i>empty string</i>]<br />
1778 If you specify an empty string for the color of a class, it is ignored
1779 in creating the stylesheet.
1780 You should not alter the class names, only the colour strings.<br />
1781 <b>Class name key:</b>
1782 <ul><li><b>comment</b> Applies to all comment sub-classes</li>
1783 <li><b>comment_mysql</b> Comments as <tt>"#...\n"</tt></li>
1784 <li><b>comment_ansi</b> Comments as <tt>"-- ...\n"</tt></li>
1785 <li><b>comment_c</b> Comments as <tt>"/*...*/"</tt></li>
1786 <li><b>digit</b> Applies to all digit sub-classes</li>
1787 <li><b>digit_hex</b> Hexadecimal numbers</li>
1788 <li><b>digit_integer</b> Integer numbers</li>
1789 <li><b>digit_float</b> Floating point numbers</li>
1790 <li><b>punct</b> Applies to all punctuation sub-classes</li>
1791 <li><b>punct_bracket_open_round</b> Opening brackets<tt>"("</tt></li>
1792 <li><b>punct_bracket_close_round</b> Closing brackets <tt>")"</tt></li>
1793 <li><b>punct_listsep</b> List item Separator <tt>","</tt></li>
1794 <li><b>punct_qualifier</b> Table/Column Qualifier <tt>"."</tt> </li>
1795 <li><b>punct_queryend</b> End of query marker <tt>";"</tt></li>
1796 <li><b>alpha</b> Applies to all alphabetic classes</li>
1797 <li><b>alpha_columnType</b> Identifiers matching a column type</li>
1798 <li><b>alpha_columnAttrib</b> Identifiers matching a database/table/column attribute</li>
1799 <li><b>alpha_functionName</b> Identifiers matching a MySQL function name</li>
1800 <li><b>alpha_reservedWord</b> Identifiers matching any other reserved word</li>
1801 <li><b>alpha_variable</b> Identifiers matching a <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> variable <tt>"@foo"</tt></li>
1802 <li><b>alpha_identifier</b> All other identifiers</li>
1803 <li><b>quote</b> Applies to all quotation mark classes</li>
1804 <li><b>quote_double</b> Double quotes <tt>"</tt></li>
1805 <li><b>quote_single</b> Single quotes <tt>'</tt></li>
1806 <li><b>quote_backtick</b> Backtick quotes <tt>`</tt></li>
1807 </ul>
1808 </dd>
1810 <dt id="cfg_SQLValidator">$cfg[SQLValidator] boolean</dt>
1811 <dd><dl><dt id="cfg_SQLValidator_use">$cfg[SQLValidator]['use'] boolean</dt>
1812 <dd>phpMyAdmin now supports use of the <a href="http://developer.mimer.com/validator/index.htm">Mimer <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> Validator</a> service,
1813 as originally published on
1814 <a href="http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/02/19/1720246">Slashdot</a>.
1815 <br />
1816 For help in setting up your system to use the service, see the
1817 <a href="#faqsqlvalidator"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 6.14</a>.
1818 </dd>
1820 <dt id="cfg_SQLValidator_username">$cfg[SQLValidator]['username'] string<br />
1821 <span id="cfg_SQLValidator_password">$cfg[SQLValidator]['password']</span> string</dt>
1822 <dd>The SOAP service allows you to login with <tt>anonymous</tt>
1823 and any password, so we use those by default. Instead, if
1824 you have an account with them, you can put your login details
1825 here, and it will be used in place of the anonymous login.</dd>
1826 </dl>
1827 </dd>
1829 <dt id="cfg_DBG">$cfg[DBG]</dt>
1830 <dd><b>DEVELOPERS ONLY!</b></dd>
1832 <dt id="cfg_DBG_enable">$cfg[DBG]['enable'] boolean</dt>
1833 <dd><b>DEVELOPERS ONLY!</b><br />
1834 Enable the DBG extension for debugging phpMyAdmin. Required for profiling
1835 the code.<br />
1836 For help in setting up your system to this, see the
1837 <a href="#developersdbg">Developers</a> section.</dd>
1839 <dt id="cfg_DBG_profile_enable">$cfg[DBG]['profile']['enable'] boolean</dt>
1840 <dd><b>DEVELOPERS ONLY!</b><br />
1841 Enable profiling support for phpMyAdmin. This will append a chunk of data
1842 to the end of every page displayed in the main window with profiling
1843 statistics for that page.<br />
1844 You may need to increase the maximum execution time for this to
1845 complete successfully.</dd>
1847 <dt id="cfg_DBG_profile_threshold">$cfg[DBG]['profile']['threshold'] float (units in milliseconds)</dt>
1848 <dd><b>DEVELOPERS ONLY!</b><br />
1849 When profiling data is displayed, this variable controls the threshold of
1850 display for any profiling data, based on the average time each time has
1851 taken. If it is over the threshold it is displayed, otherwise it is not
1852 displayed. This takes a value in milliseconds. In most cases you don't need
1853 to edit this.</dd>
1855 <dt id="cfg_ColumnTypes">$cfg[ColumnTypes] array</dt>
1856 <dd>All possible types of a MySQL column. In most cases you don't need to
1857 edit this.</dd>
1859 <dt id="cfg_AttributeTypes">$cfg[AttributeTypes] array</dt>
1860 <dd>Possible attributes for fields. In most cases you don't need to edit
1861 this.</dd>
1863 <dt id="cfg_Functions">$cfg[Functions] array</dt>
1864 <dd>A list of functions MySQL supports. In most cases you don't need to
1865 edit this.</dd>
1867 <dt id="cfg_RestrictColumnTypes">$cfg[RestrictColumnTypes] array</dt>
1868 <dd>Mapping of column types to meta types used for preferring displayed
1869 functions. In most cases you don't need to edit this.</dd>
1871 <dt id="cfg_RestrictFunctions">$cfg[RestrictFunctions] array</dt>
1872 <dd>Functions preferred for column meta types as defined in
1873 <a href="#cfg_RestrictColumnTypes" class="configrule">$cfg['RestrictColumnTypes']</a>. In most cases you don't need
1874 to edit this.</dd>
1876 <dt id="cfg_DefaultFunctions">$cfg[DefaultFunctions] array</dt>
1877 <dd>Functions selected by default when inserting/changing row, Functions
1878 are defined for meta types from
1879 <a href="#cfg_RestrictColumnTypes" class="configrule">$cfg['RestrictColumnTypes']</a> and for
1880 <code>first_timestamp</code>, which is used for first timestamp column
1881 in table.</dd>
1883 <dt id="cfg_NumOperators">$cfg[NumOperators] array</dt>
1884 <dd>Operators available for search operations on numeric and date fields.
1885 </dd>
1887 <dt id="cfg_TextOperators">$cfg[TextOperators] array</dt>
1888 <dd>Operators available for search operations on character fields.
1889 Note that we put <code>LIKE</code> by default instead of
1890 <code>LIKE %...%</code>, to avoid unintended performance problems
1891 in case of huge tables.</dd>
1893 <dt id="cfg_EnumOperators">$cfg[EnumOperators] array</dt>
1894 <dd>Operators available for search operations on enum fields.</dd>
1896 <dt id="cfg_NullOperators">$cfg[NullOperators] array</dt>
1897 <dd>Additional operators available for search operations when the
1898 field can be null.</dd>
1900 </dl>
1903 <h2 id="transformations">Transformations</h2>
1905 <ol><li><a href="#transformationsintro">Introduction</a></li>
1906 <li><a href="#transformationshowto">Usage</a></li>
1907 <li><a href="#transformationsfiles">File structure</a></li>
1908 </ol>
1910 <h3 id="transformationsintro">1. Introduction</h3>
1912 <p> To enable transformations, you have to setup the <tt>column_info</tt> table
1913 and the proper directives. Please see the <a href="#config">Configuration
1914 section</a> on how to do so.</p>
1916 <p> You can apply different transformations to the contents of each field. The
1917 transformation will take the content of each field and transform it with
1918 certain rules defined in the selected transformation.</p>
1920 <p> Say you have a field 'filename' which contains a filename. Normally you would
1921 see in phpMyAdmin only this filename. Using transformations you can transform
1922 that filename into a HTML link, so you can click inside of the phpMyAdmin
1923 structure on the field's link and will see the file displayed in a new browser
1924 window. Using transformation options you can also specify strings to
1925 append/prepend to a string or the format you want the output stored in.</p>
1927 <p> For a general overview of all available transformations and their options,
1928 you can consult your
1929 <i>&lt;www.your-host.com&gt;/&lt;your-install-dir&gt;/transformation_overview.php</i>
1930 installation.</p>
1932 <p> For a tutorial on how to effectively use transformations, see our
1933 <a href="http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/docs.php">Link section</a> on
1934 the official phpMyAdmin homepage.</p>
1936 <h3 id="transformationshowto">2. Usage</h3>
1938 <p> Go to your <i>tbl_properties_structure.php</i> page (i.e. reached through
1939 clicking on the 'Structure' link for a table). There click on
1940 &quot;Change&quot; (or change icon) and there you will see three new fields at
1941 the end of the line. They are called 'MIME-type', 'Browser transformation' and
1942 'Transformation options'.</p>
1944 <ul><li>The field 'MIME-type' is a dropdown field. You have the options to leave that field
1945 empty or to use 'auto' [this feature is not yet available]. Please note that
1946 transformations are inactive as long as no MIME-type is selected.</li>
1948 <li>The field 'Browser transformation' is a drop-down field. You can choose from a
1949 hopefully growing amount of pre-defined transformations. See below for information on
1950 how to build your own transformation.<br />
1952 There are global transformations and mimetype-bound transformations. Global transformations
1953 can be used for any mimetype. They will take the mimetype, if necessary, into regard.
1954 Mimetype-bound transformations usually only operate on a certain mimetype. There are
1955 transformations which operate on the main mimetype (like 'image'), which will most likely
1956 take the subtype into regard, and those who only operate on a
1957 specific subtype (like 'image/jpeg').<br />
1959 You can use transformations on mimetypes for which the function was not defined for. There
1960 is no security check for you selected the right transformation, so take care of what the
1961 output will be like.</li>
1963 <li>The field 'Transformation options' is a free-type textfield. You have to enter
1964 transform-function specific options here. Usually the transforms can operate with default
1965 options, but it is generally a good idea to look up the overview to see which options are
1966 necessary.<br />
1968 Much like the ENUM/SET-Fields, you have to split up several options using the format
1969 'a','b','c',...(NOTE THE MISSING BLANKS). This is because internally the options will be
1970 parsed as an array, leaving the first value the first element in the array, and so
1971 forth.<br />
1973 If you want to specify a MIME character set you can define it in the transformation_options.
1974 You have to put that outside of the pre-defined options of the specific mime-transform,
1975 as the last value of the set. Use the format "'; charset=XXX'". If you use a transform,
1976 for which you can specify 2 options and you want to append a character set, enter "'first
1977 parameter','second parameter','charset=us-ascii'". You can, however use the defaults for
1978 the parameters: "'','','charset=us-ascii'".</li>
1979 </ul>
1981 <h3 id="transformationsfiles">3. File structure</h3>
1983 <p> All mimetypes and their transformations are defined through single files in
1984 the directory 'libraries/transformations/'.</p>
1986 <p> They are stored in files to ease up customization and easy adding of new
1987 transformations.</p>
1989 <p> Because the user cannot enter own mimetypes, it is kept sure that transformations
1990 always work. It makes no sense to apply a transformation to a mimetype, the
1991 transform-function doesn't know to handle.</p>
1993 <p> One can, however, use empty mime-types and global transformations which should work
1994 for many mimetypes. You can also use transforms on a different mimetype they where built
1995 for, but pay attention to option usage as well as what the transformation does to your
1996 field.</p>
1998 <p> There is a basic file called '<i>global.inc.php</i>'. This function can be included by
1999 any other transform function and provides some basic functions.</p>
2001 <p> There are 5 possible file names:</p>
2003 <ol><li>A mimetype+subtype transform:<br /><br />
2005 <tt>[mimetype]_[subtype]__[transform].inc.php</tt><br /><br />
2007 Please not that mimetype and subtype are separated via '_', which shall
2008 not be contained in their names. The transform function/filename may
2009 contain only characters which cause no problems in the file system as
2010 well as the PHP function naming convention.<br /><br />
2012 The transform function will the be called
2013 '<tt>PMA_transform_[mimetype]_[subtype]__[transform]()</tt>'.<br /><br />
2015 <b>Example:</b><br /><br />
2017 <tt>text_html__formatted.inc.php</tt><br />
2018 <tt>PMA_transform_text_html__formatted()</tt></li>
2020 <li>A mimetype (w/o subtype) transform:<br /><br />
2022 <tt>[mimetype]__[transform].inc.php</tt><br /><br />
2024 Please note that there are no single '_' characters.
2025 The transform function/filename may contain only characters which cause
2026 no problems in the file system as well as the PHP function naming
2027 convention.<br /><br />
2029 The transform function will the be called
2030 '<tt>PMA_transform_[mimetype]__[transform]()</tt>'.<br /><br />
2032 <b>Example:</b><br /><br />
2034 <tt>text__formatted.inc.php</tt><br />
2035 <tt>PMA_transform_text__formatted()</tt></li>
2037 <li>A mimetype+subtype without specific transform function<br /><br />
2039 <tt>[mimetype]_[subtype].inc.php</tt><br /><br />
2041 Please note that there are no '__' characters in the filename. Do not
2042 use special characters in the filename causing problems with the file
2043 system.<br /><br />
2045 No transformation function is defined in the file itself.<br /><br />
2047 <b>Example:</b><br /><br />
2049 <tt>text_plain.inc.php</tt><br />
2050 (No function)</li>
2052 <li>A mimetype (w/o subtype) without specific transform function<br /><br />
2054 <tt>[mimetype].inc.php</tt><br /><br />
2056 Please note that there are no '_' characters in the filename. Do not use
2057 special characters in the filename causing problems with the file system.
2058 <br /><br />
2060 No transformation function is defined in the file itself.<br /><br />
2062 <b>Example:</b><br /><br />
2064 <tt>text.inc.php</tt><br />
2065 (No function)</li>
2067 <li>A global transform function with no specific mimetype<br /><br />
2069 <tt>global__[transform].inc.php</tt><br /><br />
2071 The transform function will the be called
2072 '<tt>PMA_transform_global__[transform]()</tt>'.<br /><br />
2074 <b>Example:</b><br /><br />
2076 <tt>global__formatted</tt><br />
2077 <tt>PMA_transform_global__formatted()</tt></li>
2078 </ol>
2080 <p> So generally use '_' to split up mimetype and subtype, and '__' to provide a
2081 transform function.</p>
2083 <p> All filenames containing no '__' in themselves are not shown as valid transform
2084 functions in the dropdown.</p>
2086 <p> Please see the libraries/transformations/TEMPLATE file for adding your own transform
2087 function. See the libraries/transformations/TEMPLATE_MIMETYPE for adding a mimetype
2088 without a transform function. Also note the introduction of a function description in
2089 the language files. For each function a $strTransformation_[filename without .inc.php]
2090 has to exist.</p>
2092 <p> You can use the template generator to generate new functions and entries in the
2093 language file.</p>
2095 <p> To create a new transform function please see
2096 <tt>libraries/transformations/template_generator.sh</tt>.
2097 To create a new, empty mimetype please see
2098 <tt>libraries/transformations/template_generator_mimetype.sh</tt>.</p>
2100 <p> A transform function always gets passed three variables:</p>
2102 <ol><li><b>$buffer</b> - Contains the text inside of the column. This is the text,
2103 you want to transform.</li>
2104 <li><b>$options</b> - Contains any user-passed options to a transform function
2105 as an array.</li>
2106 <li><b>$meta</b> - Contains an object with field information to your column.
2107 The data is drawn from the output of the
2108 <a href="http://www.php.net/mysql_fetch_field">mysql_fetch_field()</a>
2109 function. This means, all object properties described on the
2110 <a href="http://www.php.net/mysql_fetch_field">manual page</a> are
2111 available in this variable and can be used to transform a field accordingly
2112 to unsigned/zerofill/not_null/... properties.<br />
2113 The $meta-&gt;mimetype variable contains the original MIME-type of the
2114 field (i.e. 'text/plain', 'image/jpeg' etc.)</li>
2115 </ol>
2117 <!-- FAQ -->
2118 <h2 id="faq">FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
2120 <ol><li><a href="#faqserver">Server</a></li>
2121 <li><a href="#faqconfig">Configuration</a></li>
2122 <li><a href="#faqlimitations">Known limitations</a></li>
2123 <li><a href="#faqmultiuser">ISPs, multi-user installations</a></li>
2124 <li><a href="#faqbrowsers">Browsers or client <abbr title="operating system">OS</abbr></a></li>
2125 <li><a href="#faqusing">Using phpMyAdmin</a></li>
2126 <li><a href="#faqproject">phpMyAdmin project</a></li>
2127 <li><a href="#faqsecurity">Security</a></li>
2128 </ol>
2130 <p> Please have a look at our
2131 <a href="http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/docs.php">Link section</a> on
2132 the official phpMyAdmin homepage for in-depth coverage of phpMyAdmin's
2133 features and or interface.</p>
2135 <h3 id="faqserver">Server</h3>
2137 <h4 id="faq1_1">
2138 <a href="#faq1_1">I'm running PHP 4+ and my server is crashing each time a specific
2139 action is required or phpMyAdmin sends a blank page or a page full of
2140 cryptic characters to my browser, what can I do?</a></h4>
2142 <p> There are some known PHP bugs with output buffering and compression.<br />
2143 Try to set the <a href="#cfg_OBGzip" class="configrule">$cfg['OBGzip']</a>
2144 directive to <tt>FALSE</tt> in your <i>config.inc.php</i> file and the
2145 <tt>zlib.output_compression</tt> directive to <tt>Off</tt> in your php
2146 configuration file.<br />
2147 Furthermore, we know about such problems connected to the release
2148 candidates of PHP 4.2.0 (tested with PHP 4.2.0 RC1 to RC4) together with
2149 MS Internet Explorer. Please upgrade to the release version PHP 4.2.0.</p>
2151 <h4 id="faq1_2">
2152 <a href="#faq1_2">My Apache server crashes when using phpMyAdmin.</a></h4>
2154 <p> You should first try the latest versions of Apache (and possibly MySQL).<br />
2155 See also the
2156 <a href="#faq1_1"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 1.1</a>
2157 entry about PHP bugs with output buffering.<br />
2158 If your server keeps crashing, please ask for help in the various Apache
2159 support groups.</p>
2161 <h4 id="faq1_3">
2162 <a href="#faq1_3">I'm running phpMyAdmin with "cookie" authentication
2163 mode under PHP 4.2.0 or 4.2.1 loaded as an Apache 2 module but can't enter the
2164 script: I'm always displayed the login screen.</a></h4>
2166 <p> This is a known PHP bug (see this
2167 <a href="http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=16626">bug report</a>) from the
2168 official PHP bug database. It means there is and won't be any phpMyAdmin
2169 fix against it because there is no way to code a fix.</p>
2171 <h4 id="faq1_4">
2172 <a href="#faq1_4">Using phpMyAdmin on
2173 <abbr title="Internet Information Services">IIS</abbr>, I'm displayed the
2174 error message: &quot;The specified <abbr title="Common Gateway Interface">CGI</abbr>
2175 application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
2176 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> headers ...&quot;.</a>
2177 </h4>
2179 <p> You just forgot to read the <i>install.txt</i> file from the php distribution.
2180 Have a look at the last message in this
2181 <a href="http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=12061">bug report</a> from the
2182 official PHP bug database.</p>
2184 <h4 id="faq1_5">
2185 <a href="#faq1_5">Using phpMyAdmin on
2186 <abbr title="Internet Information Services">IIS</abbr>, I'm facing crashes
2187 and/or many error messages with the
2188 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or advanced authentication
2189 mode.</a></h4>
2191 <p> This is a known problem with the PHP
2192 <abbr title="Internet Server Application Programming Interface">ISAPI</abbr>
2193 filter: it's not so stable. Please use instead the cookie authentication mode.
2194 </p>
2196 <h4 id="faq1_6">
2197 <a href="#faq1_6">I can't use phpMyAdmin on PWS: nothing is displayed!</a></h4>
2199 <p> This seems to be a PWS bug. Filippo Simoncini found a workaround (at this
2200 time there is no better fix): remove or comment the <tt>DOCTYPE</tt>
2201 declarations (2 lines) from the scripts <i>libraries/header.inc.php</i>,
2202 <i>libraries/header_printview.inc.php</i>, <i>index.php</i>,
2203 <i>left.php</i> and <i>libraries/common.lib.php</i>.</p>
2205 <h4 id="faq1_7">
2206 <a href="#faq1_7">How can I GZip or Bzip a dump or a
2207 <abbr title="comma seperated values">CSV</abbr> export? It does not seem to
2208 work.</a></h4>
2210 <p> These features are based on the <tt>gzencode()</tt> and <tt>bzcompress()</tt>
2211 PHP functions to be more independent of the platform (Unix/Windows, Safe Mode
2212 or not, and so on). So, you must have PHP4&nbsp;>=&nbsp;4.0.4 and Zlib/Bzip2
2213 support (<tt>--with-zlib</tt> and <tt>--with-bz2</tt>).<br />
2214 We faced PHP crashes when trying to download a dump with MS Internet
2215 Explorer when phpMyAdmin is run with a release candidate of PHP 4.2.0. In
2216 this case you should switch to the release version of PHP 4.2.0.</p>
2218 <h4 id="faq1_8">
2219 <a href="#faq1_8">I cannot insert a text file in a table, and I get
2220 an error about safe mode being in effect.</a></h4>
2222 <p> Your uploaded file is saved by PHP in the &quot;upload dir&quot;, as
2223 defined in <i>php.ini</i> by the variable <tt>upload_tmp_dir</tt> (usually
2224 the system default is <i>/tmp</i>).<br />
2225 We recommend the following setup for Apache servers running in safe mode,
2226 to enable uploads of files while being reasonably secure:</p>
2228 <ul><li>create a separate directory for uploads: <tt>mkdir /tmp/php</tt></li>
2229 <li>give ownership to the Apache server's user.group:
2230 <tt>chown apache.apache /tmp/php</tt></li>
2231 <li>give proper permission: <tt>chmod 600 /tmp/php</tt></li>
2232 <li>put <tt>upload_tmp_dir = /tmp/php</tt> in <i>php.ini</i></li>
2233 <li>restart Apache</li>
2234 </ul>
2236 <h4 id="faq1_9">
2237 <a href="#faq1_9">I'm having troubles when uploading files. In
2238 general file uploads don't work on my system and uploaded files have a
2239 <tt>Content-Type:</tt> header in the first line.</a></h4>
2241 <p> It's not really phpMyAdmin related but RedHat 7.0. You have a RedHat 7.0
2242 and you updated your PHP RPM to php-4.0.4pl1-3.i386.rpm, didn't you?<br />
2243 So the problem is that this package has a serious bug that was corrected
2244 ages ago in PHP (2001-01-28: see
2245 <a href="http://www.php.net/bugs.php?id=8966">PHP's bug tracking system</a>
2246 for more details). The problem is that the bugged package is still
2247 available though it was corrected (see
2248 <a href="http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24933">RedHat's BugZilla</a>
2249 for more details).<br />
2250 So please download
2251 <a href="http://www.redhat.com/swr/i386/php-4.0.4pl1-9.i386.html">the fixed package (4.0.4pl1-9)</a>
2252 and the problem should go away.<br />
2253 And that fixes the \r\n problem with file uploads!</p>
2255 <h4 id="faq1_10">
2256 <a href="#faq1_10">I'm having troubles when uploading files with
2257 phpMyAdmin running on a secure server. My browser is Internet Explorer and
2258 I'm using the Apache server.</a></h4>
2260 <p> As suggested by &quot;Rob M&quot; in the phpWizard forum, add this line to
2261 your <i>httpd.conf</i>:</p>
2263 <pre>SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown</pre>
2265 <p> It seems to clear up many problems between Internet Explorer and SSL.</p>
2267 <h4 id="faq1_11">
2268 <a href="#faq1_11">I get an 'open_basedir restriction' while
2269 uploading a file from the query box.</a></h4>
2271 <p> Since version 2.2.4, phpMyAdmin supports servers with open_basedir
2272 restrictions. Assuming that the restriction allows you to open files in the
2273 current directory ('.'), all you have to do is create a 'tmp' directory
2274 under the phpMyAdmin install directory, with permissions 777 and the same
2275 owner as the owner of your phpMyAdmin directory. The uploaded files will
2276 be moved there, and after execution of your
2277 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> commands, removed.</p>
2279 <h4 id="faq1_12">
2280 <a href="#faq1_12">I have lost my MySQL root password, what can I do?</a></h4>
2282 <p> The MySQL manual explains how to
2283 <a href="http://www.mysql.com/doc/R/e/Resetting_permissions.html">
2284 reset the permissions</a>.</p>
2286 <h4 id="faq1_13">
2287 <a href="#faq1_13">I get an error 'No
2288 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> query' when trying to
2289 execute a bookmark.</a></h4>
2291 <p> If PHP does not have read/write access to its <tt>upload_tmp_dir</tt>, it
2292 cannot access the uploaded query.</p>
2294 <h4 id="faq1_14">
2295 <a href="#faq1_14">I get an error 'No
2296 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> query' when trying to
2297 submit a query from the convenient text area.</a></h4>
2299 <p> Check the <tt>post_max_size</tt> directive from your PHP configuration file
2300 and try to increase it.</p>
2302 <h4 id="faq1_15">
2303 <a href="#faq1_15">I have problems with <i>mysql.user</i> field names.</a>
2304 </h4>
2306 <p> In older MySQL versions, the <tt>User</tt> and <tt>Password</tt> fields
2307 were named <tt>user</tt> and <tt>password</tt>. Please modify your field
2308 names to align with current standards.</p>
2310 <h4 id="faq1_16">
2311 <a href="#faq1_16">I cannot upload big dump files (memory,
2312 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or timeout problems).</a>
2313 </h4>
2315 <p> Starting with version 2.7.0, the import engine has been re&#8211;written and these
2316 problems should not occur. If possible, upgrade your phpMyAdmin to the latest version
2317 to take advantage of the new import features.</p>
2319 <p> The first things to check (or ask your host provider to check) are the
2320 values of <tt>upload_max_filesize</tt>, <tt>memory_limit</tt> and
2321 <tt>post_max_size</tt> in the <i>php.ini</i> configuration file.
2322 All of these three settings limit the maximum size of data that can be
2323 submitted and handled by PHP. One user also said that post_max_size
2324 and memory_limit need to be larger than upload_max_filesize.<br /> <br />
2326 There exist several workarounds if your upload is too big or your
2327 hosting provider is unwilling to change the settings:</p>
2329 <ul><li>Look at the <a href="#cfg_UploadDir" class="configrule">$cfg['UploadDir']</a>
2330 feature. This allows one to
2331 upload a file to the server via scp, ftp, or your favorite file transfer
2332 method. PhpMyAdmin is then able to import the files from the temporary
2333 directory. More information is available in the <a href="#config">Configuration
2334 section</a> of this document.</li>
2335 <li>Using a utility (such as <a href="http://www.ozerov.de/bigdump.php">
2336 BigDump</a>) to split the files before uploading. We cannot support this
2337 or any third party applications, but are aware of users having success
2338 with it.</li>
2339 <li>If you have shell (command line) access, use MySQL to import the files
2340 directly. You can do this by issuing the &quot;source&quot; command from
2341 within MySQL: <tt>source <i>filename.sql</i></tt>.</li>
2342 </ul>
2344 <h4 id="faq1_17">
2345 <a id="faqmysqlversions" href="#faq1_17">Which MySQL versions does phpMyAdmin
2346 support?</a></h4>
2348 <p> All MySQL versions from 3.23.32 till 5.0 (except for 4.1.0 and 4.1.1) are
2349 fully supported. Please note that the older your MySQL version is, the more
2350 limitations you will have to face.<br />
2351 phpMyAdmin may connect to your MySQL server using php's classic
2352 <a href="http://php.net/mysql">MySQL extension</a> as well as the
2353 <a href="http://php.net/mysqli">improved MySQL extension (MySQLi)</a> that
2354 is available in php 5.0.<br />
2355 Either way, the developers of both extensions recommend to use the classic
2356 extension for MySQL 4.0 and below and MySQLi for MySQL 4.1 and newer.<br />
2357 When compiling php, we strongly recommend that you manually link the MySQL
2358 extension of your choice to a MySQL client library of at least the same
2359 minor version since the one that is bundled with some php distributions is
2360 rather old and might cause problems <a href="#faq1_17a">
2361 (see <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 1.17a)</a>.
2362 If your webserver is running on a windows system, you might want to try
2363 MySQL's
2364 <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/php/">Connector/PHP</a>
2365 instead of the MySQL / MySQLi extensions that are bundled with the official
2366 php Win32 builds.
2367 <br />
2368 MySQL&nbsp;5.1 is not yet supported.</p>
2370 <h5 id="faq1_17a">
2371 <a href="#faq1_17a">I cannot connect to the MySQL server. It always returns the error
2372 message, &quot;Client does not support authentication protocol requested
2373 by server; consider upgrading MySQL client&quot;</a></h5>
2375 <p> You tried to access MySQL with an old MySQL client library. The version of
2376 your MySQL client library can be checked in your phpinfo() output.
2377 In general, it should have at least the same minor version as your server
2378 - as mentioned in <a href="#faq1_17">
2379 <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 1.17</a>.<br /><br />
2381 This problem is generally caused by using MySQL version 4.1 or newer. MySQL
2382 changed the authentication hash and your PHP is trying to use the old method.
2383 The proper solution is to use the <a href="http://www.php.net/mysqli">mysqli extension</a>
2384 with the proper client library to match your MySQL installation. Your
2385 chosen extension is specified in <a href="#cfg_Servers_extension" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension']</a>.
2386 More information (and several workarounds) are located in the
2387 <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html">MySQL Documentation</a>.
2388 </p>
2390 <h4 id="faq1_18">
2391 <a href="#faq1_18">I'm running MySQL&nbsp;&lt;=&nbsp;4.0.1 having
2392 <tt>lower_case_table_names</tt> set to 1. If I create a new table with a
2393 capital letter in its name it is changed to lowercase as it should. But
2394 if I try to DROP this table MySQL is unable to find the corresponding
2395 file.</a></h4>
2397 <p> This is a bug of MySQL&nbsp;&lt;=&nbsp;4.0.1. Please upgrade to at least
2398 MySQL&nbsp;4.0.2 or turn off your <tt>lower_case_table_names</tt>
2399 directive.</p>
2401 <h4 id="faq1_19">
2402 <a href="#faq1_19">I can't run the &quot;display relations&quot; feature because the
2403 script seems not to know the font face I'm using!</a></h4>
2405 <p> The &quot;FPDF&quot; library we're using for this feature requires some
2406 special files to use font faces.<br />
2407 Please refers to the <a href="http://www.fpdf.org/">FPDF manual</a> to build
2408 these files.</p>
2410 <h4 id="faq1_20">
2411 <a href="#faq1_20">I run phpMyAdmin on cluster of different machines and
2412 password encryption in cookie auth doesn't work.</a></h4>
2414 <p> If your cluster consist of different architectures, PHP code used for
2415 encryption/decryption won't work correct. This is caused by use of
2416 pack/unpack functions in code. Only solution is to use mcrypt extension
2417 which works fine in this case.</p>
2419 <h4 id="faqmysql">
2420 <a href="#faqmysql">I receive the error &quot;cannot load MySQL extension, please
2421 check PHP Configuration&quot;.</a></h4>
2423 <p> To connect to a MySQL server, PHP needs a set of MySQL functions called
2424 &quot;MySQL extension&quot;. This extension may be part of the PHP
2425 distribution (compiled-in), otherwise it needs to be loaded dynamically. Its
2426 name is probably <i>mysql.so</i> or <i>php_mysql.dll</i>. phpMyAdmin tried
2427 to load the extension but failed.<br /><br />
2429 Usually, the problem is solved by installing a software package called
2430 &quot;PHP-MySQL&quot; or something similar.</p>
2432 <h4 id="faq1_21">
2433 <a href="#faq1_21">I am running the
2434 <abbr title="Common Gateway Interface">CGI</abbr> version of PHP under Unix,
2435 and I cannot login using cookie auth.</a></h4>
2437 <p> In <i>php.ini</i>, set <tt>mysql.max_links</tt> higher than 1.</p>
2439 <h4 id="faq1_22">
2440 <a href="#faq1_22">I don't see the &quot;Location of text file&quot; field,
2441 so I cannot upload.</a></h4>
2443 <p> This is most likely because in <i>php.ini</i>, your <tt>file_uploads</tt>
2444 parameter is not set to &quot;on&quot;.</p>
2446 <h4 id="faq1_23">
2447 <a href="#faq1_23">I'm running MySQL on a Win32 machine. Each time I create
2448 a new table the table and field names are changed to lowercase!</a></h4>
2450 <p> This happens because the MySQL directive <tt>lower_case_table_names</tt>
2451 defaults to 1 (<tt>ON</tt>) in the Win32 version of MySQL. You can change
2452 this behavior by simply changing the directive to 0 (<tt>OFF</tt>):<br />
2453 Just edit your <tt>my.ini</tt> file that should be located in your Windows
2454 directory and add the following line to the group [mysqld]:</p>
2456 <pre>set-variable = lower_case_table_names=0</pre>
2458 <p> Next, save the file and restart the MySQL service. You can always check the
2459 value of this directive using the query</p>
2461 <pre>SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names';</pre>
2463 <h4 id="faq1_24">
2464 <a href="#faq1_24">Some characters are being truncated in my queries, or I
2465 get characters randomly added. I am running PHP 4.2.3.</a></h4>
2467 <p> This is a <a href="http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=19404">PHP 4.2.3 bug</a>.
2468 </p>
2470 <h4 id="faq1_25">
2471 <a href="#faq1_25">I am running Apache with mod_gzip- on Windows XP,
2472 and I get problems, such as undefined variables when I run a
2473 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> query.</a></h4>
2475 <p> A tip from Jose Fandos: put a comment on the following two lines
2476 in httpd.conf, like this:</p>
2478 <pre>
2479 # mod_gzip_item_include file \.php$
2480 # mod_gzip_item_include mime "application/x-httpd-php.*"
2481 </pre>
2483 <p> as this version of mod_gzip on Apache (Windows) has problems handling
2484 PHP scripts. Of course you have to restart Apache.</p>
2486 <h4 id="faq1_26">
2487 <a href="#faq1_26">I just installed phpMyAdmin in my document root of
2488 <abbr title="Internet Information Services">IIS</abbr> but
2489 I get the error &quot;No input file specified&quot; when trying to
2490 run phpMyAdmin.</a></h4>
2492 <p> This is a permission problem. Right-click on the phpmyadmin folder
2493 and choose properties. Under the tab Security, click on &quot;Add&quot;
2494 and select the user &quot;IUSR_machine&quot; from the list. Now set his
2495 permissions and it should work.</p>
2497 <h4 id="faq1_27">
2498 <a href="#faq1_27">I get empty page when I want to view huge page (eg.
2499 db_details_structure.php with plenty of tables).</a></h4>
2501 <p> This is a <a href="http://bugs.php.net/21079">PHP bug</a> that occur when
2502 GZIP output buffering is enabled. If you turn off it (by
2503 <a href="#cfg_OBGzip" class="configrule">$cfg['OBGzip'] = false</a>
2504 in <i>config.inc.php</i>), it should work. This bug will be fixed in
2505 PHP&nbsp;5.0.0.</p>
2507 <h4 id="faq1_28">
2508 <a href="#faq1_28">My MySQL server sometimes refuses queries and returns the
2509 message 'Errorcode: 13'. What does this mean?</a></h4>
2511 <p> This can happen due to a MySQL bug when having database / table names with
2512 upper case characters although <tt>lower_case_table_names</tt> is set to 1.
2513 To fix this, turn off this directive, convert all database and table names
2514 to lower case and turn it on again. Alternatively, there's a bug-fix
2515 available starting with MySQL&nbsp;3.23.56 / 4.0.11-gamma.</p>
2517 <h4 id="faq1_29">
2518 <a href="#faq1_29">When I create a table or modify a field, I get an error
2519 and the fields are duplicated.</a></h4>
2521 <p> It is possible to configure Apache in such a way that PHP has problems
2522 interpreting .php files.</p>
2524 <p> The problems occur when two different (and conflicting) set of directives
2525 are used:</p>
2527 <pre>
2528 SetOutputFilter PHP
2529 SetInputFilter PHP
2530 </pre>
2532 <p> and</p>
2534 <pre>AddType application/x-httpd-php .php</pre>
2536 <p> In the case we saw, one set of directives was in
2537 <tt>/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf</tt>, while
2538 the other set was in <tt>/etc/httpd/conf/addon-modules/php.conf</tt>.<br />
2539 The recommended way is with <tt>AddType</tt>, so just comment out
2540 the first set of lines and restart Apache:</p>
2542 <pre>
2543 #SetOutputFilter PHP
2544 #SetInputFilter PHP
2545 </pre>
2547 <h4 id="faq1_30">
2548 <a href="#faq1_30">I get the error &quot;left.php: Missing hash&quot;.</a></h4>
2550 <p> This problem is known to happen when the server is running Turck MMCache
2551 but upgrading MMCache to version 2.3.21 solves the problem.</p>
2553 <h4 id="faq1_31">
2554 <a href="#faq1_31">Does phpMyAdmin support php5?</a></h4>
2556 <p> Yes.<br />
2557 However, phpMyAdmin needs to be backwards compatible to php4. This is why
2558 phpMyAdmin disables the <tt>E_STRICT</tt> error_level in
2559 <tt>error_reporting</tt> settings.
2560 </p>
2562 <h4 id="faq1_32">
2563 <a href="#faq1_32">Can I use <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> authentication with <abbr title="Internet Information Services">IIS</abbr>?</a></h4>
2565 <p> Yes. This procedure was tested with phpMyAdmin 2.6.1, PHP 4.3.9 in <abbr title="Internet Server Application Programming Interface">ISAPI</abbr>
2566 mode under <abbr title="Internet Information Services">IIS</abbr> 5.1.</p>
2568 <ol><li>In your <tt>php.ini</tt> file, set <tt>cgi.rfc2616_headers = 0</tt></li>
2569 <li>In <tt>Web Site Properties -> File/Directory Security -> Anonymous
2570 Access</tt> dialog box, check the <tt>Anonymous access</tt> checkbox and
2571 uncheck any other checkboxes (i.e. uncheck <tt>Basic authentication</tt>,
2572 <tt>Integrated Windows authentication</tt>, and <tt>Digest</tt> if it's
2573 enabled.) Click <tt>OK</tt>.</li>
2574 <li>In <tt>Custom Errors</tt>, select the range of <tt>401;1</tt> through
2575 <tt>401;5</tt> and click the <tt>Set to Default</tt> button.</li>
2576 </ol>
2578 <h4 id="faq1_33">
2579 <a href="#faq1_33">Is there a problem with the mysqli extension when running
2580 PHP 5.0.4 on 64-bit systems?</a></h4>
2582 <p> Yes. This problem affects phpMyAdmin (&quot;Call to undefined function
2583 pma_reloadnavigation&quot;), so upgrade your PHP to the next version.</p>
2585 <h4 id="faq1_34">
2586 <a href="#faq1_34">Can I access directly to database or table pages?</a></h4>
2588 <p> Yes. Out of the box, you can use <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr>s like
2589 http://server/phpMyAdmin/index.php?db=database&amp;table=table&amp;target=script.
2590 Table and script parts are optional. If you want
2591 http://server/phpMyAdmin/database[/table][/script] <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr>s, you need to do
2592 some configuration. Following lines apply only for <a
2593 href="http://httpd.apache.org">Apache</a> web server. First make sure,
2594 that you have enabled some features within global configuration. You need
2595 <code>Options FollowSymLinks</code> and <code>AllowOverride
2596 FileInfo</code> enabled for directory where phpMyAdmin is installed and
2597 you need mod_rewrite to be enabled. Then you just need to create following
2598 <code>.htaccess</code> file in root folder of phpMyAdmin installation
2599 (don't forget to change directory name inside of it):</p>
2601 <pre>
2602 RewriteEngine On
2603 RewriteBase /path_to_phpMyAdmin
2604 RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([a-z_]+\.php)$ index.php?db=$1&amp;table=$2&amp;target=$3 [R]
2605 RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([a-z_]+\.php)$ index.php?db=$1&amp;target=$2 [R]
2606 RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$ index.php?db=$1&amp;table=$2 [R]
2607 RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$ index.php?db=$1 [R]
2608 </pre>
2610 <h4 id="faq1_35">
2611 <a href="#faq1_35">Can I use <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> authentication with Apache <abbr title="Common Gateway Interface">CGI</abbr>?</a></h4>
2613 <p> Yes. However you need to pass authentication variable to <abbr title="Common Gateway Interface">CGI</abbr> using
2614 following rewrite rule:</p>
2616 <pre>
2617 RewriteEngine On
2618 RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
2619 </pre>
2621 <h4 id="faq1_36">
2622 <a href="#faq1_36"> I get an error &quot;500 Internal Server Error&quot;.</a>
2623 </h4>
2625 There can be many explanations to this and a look at your server's
2626 error log file might give a clue.
2627 </p>
2630 <h3 id="faqconfig">Configuration</h3>
2632 <h4 id="faq2_1">
2633 <a href="#faq2_1">The error message &quot;Warning: Cannot add header information -
2634 headers already sent by ...&quot; is displayed, what's the problem?</a></h4>
2636 <p> Edit your <i>config.inc.php</i> file and ensure there is nothing
2637 (I.E. no blank lines, no spaces, no characters...) neither before the
2638 <tt>&lt;?php</tt> tag at the beginning, neither after the <tt>?&gt;</tt>
2639 tag at the end.</p>
2641 <h4 id="faq2_2">
2642 <a href="#faq2_2">phpMyAdmin can't connect to MySQL. What's wrong?</a></h4>
2644 <p> Either there is an error with your PHP setup or your username/password is
2645 wrong. Try to make a small script which uses mysql_connect and see if it
2646 works. If it doesn't, it may be you haven't even compiled MySQL support
2647 into PHP.</p>
2649 <h4 id="faq2_3">
2650 <a href="#faq2_3">The error message &quot;Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't
2651 connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'
2652 (111) ...&quot; is displayed. What can I do?</a></h4>
2654 <p> For RedHat users, Harald Legner suggests this on the mailing list:</p>
2656 <p> On my RedHat-Box the socket of MySQL is <i>/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock</i>.
2657 In your <i>php.ini</i> you will find a line</p>
2659 <pre>mysql.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock</pre>
2661 <p> change it to</p>
2663 <pre>mysql.default_socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock</pre>
2665 <p> Then restart apache and it will work.</p>
2667 <p> Here is a fix suggested by Brad Ummer:</p>
2669 <ul><li>First, you need to determine what socket is being used by MySQL.<br />
2670 To do this, telnet to your server and go to the MySQL bin directory. In
2671 this directory there should be a file named <i>mysqladmin</i>. Type
2672 <tt>./mysqladmin variables</tt>, and this should give you a bunch of
2673 info about your MySQL server, including the socket
2674 (<i>/tmp/mysql.sock</i>, for example).</li>
2675 <li>Then, you need to tell PHP to use this socket.<br /> To do this in
2676 phpMyAdmin, you need to complete the socket information in the
2677 <i>config.inc.php</i>.<br />
2678 For example:
2679 <a href="#cfg_Servers_socket" class="configrule">
2680 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket']&nbsp;=&nbsp;'/tmp/mysql.sock';</a>
2681 <br /><br />
2683 Please also make sure that the permissions of this file allow to be readable
2684 by your webserver (i.e. '0755').</li>
2685 </ul>
2687 <p> Have also a look at the
2688 <a href="http://www.mysql.com/doc/C/a/Can_not_connect_to_server.html">
2689 corresponding section of the MySQL documentation</a>.</p>
2691 <h4 id="faq2_4">
2692 <a href="#faq2_4">Nothing is displayed by my browser when I try to run phpMyAdmin,
2693 what can I do?</a></h4>
2695 <p> Try to set the <a href="#cfg_OBGzip" class="configrule">$cfg['OBGZip']</a>
2696 directive to <tt>FALSE</tt> in the phpMyAdmin configuration file. It helps
2697 sometime.<br />
2698 Also have a look at your PHP version number: if it contains &quot;4.0b...&quot;
2699 it means you're running a beta version of PHP. That's not a so good idea,
2700 please upgrade to a plain revision.</p>
2702 <h4 id="faq2_5">
2703 <a href="#faq2_5">Each time I want to insert or change a record or drop a database
2704 or a table, an error 404 (page not found) is displayed or, with <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or
2705 cookie authentication, I'm asked to login again. What's wrong?</a></h4>
2707 <p> Check the value you set for the
2708 <a href="#cfg_PmaAbsoluteUri" class="configrule">$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri']</a>
2709 directive in the phpMyAdmin configuration file.</p>
2711 <h4 id="faq2_6">
2712 <a href="#faq2_6">I get an &quot;Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using
2713 password: YES)&quot;-error when trying to access a MySQL-Server on a
2714 host which is port-forwarded for my localhost.</a></h4>
2716 <p> When you are using a port on your localhost, which you redirect via
2717 port-forwarding to another host, MySQL is not resolving the localhost
2718 as expected.<br />
2719 Erik Wasser explains: The solution is: if your host is &quot;localhost&quot;
2720 MySQL (the commandline tool 'mysql' as well) always tries to use the socket
2721 connection for speeding up things. And that doesn't work in this configuration
2722 with port forwarding.<br />
2723 If you enter "" as hostname, everything is right and MySQL uses the
2724 <abbr title="Transmission Control Protocol">TCP</abbr> connection.</p>
2726 <h4 id="faqthemes"><a href="#faqthemes">Using and creating themes</a></h4>
2728 <p> Themes are configured with
2729 <a href="#cfg_ThemePath" class="configrule">$cfg['ThemePath']</a>,
2730 <a href="#cfg_ThemeManager" class="configrule">$cfg['ThemeManager']</a> and
2731 <a href="#cfg_ThemeDefault" class="configrule">$cfg['ThemeDefault']</a>.<br />
2732 <br />
2733 Under <a href="#cfg_ThemePath" class="configrule">$cfg['ThemePath']</a>, you
2734 should not delete the directory &quot;original&quot; or its underlying
2735 structure, because this is the system theme used by phpMyAdmin.
2736 &quot;original&quot; contains all images and styles, for backwards
2737 compatibility and for all themes that would not include images or css-files.
2738 <br /><br />
2740 If <a href="#cfg_ThemeManager" class="configrule">$cfg['ThemeManager']</a>
2741 is enabled, you can select your favorite theme on the main page. Your
2742 selected theme will be stored in a cookie.<br /><br /></p>
2744 <p> To create a theme:</p>
2746 <ul><li>make a new subdirectory (for example &quot;your_theme_name&quot;) under
2747 <a href="#cfg_ThemePath" class="configrule">$cfg['ThemePath']</a>
2748 (by default <tt>themes</tt>)</li>
2749 <li>copy the files and directories from &quot;original&quot; to
2750 &quot;your_theme_name&quot;</li>
2751 <li>edit the css-files in &quot;your_theme_name/css&quot;</li>
2752 <li>put your new images in &quot;your_theme_name/img&quot;</li>
2753 <li>edit <tt>layout.inc.php</tt> in &quot;your_theme_name&quot;</li>
2754 <li>edit <tt>info.inc.php</tt> in &quot;your_theme_name&quot; to
2755 contain your chosen theme name, that will be visible in user interface</li>
2756 <li>make a new screenshot of your theme and save it under
2757 &quot;your_theme_name/screen.png&quot;</li>
2758 </ul>
2760 <p> In theme directory there is file <tt>info.inc.php</tt> which contains
2761 theme verbose name, theme generation and theme version. These versions and
2762 generations are enumerated from 1 and do not have any direct dependence on
2763 phpMyAdmin version. Themes within same generation should be backwards
2764 compatible - theme with version 2 should work in phpMyAdmin requiring
2765 version 1. Themes with different generation are incompatible.</p>
2767 <p> If you do not want to use your own symbols and buttons, remove the
2768 directory &quot;img&quot; in &quot;your_theme_name&quot;. phpMyAdmin will
2769 use the default icons and buttons (from the system-theme &quot;original&quot;).
2770 </p>
2772 <h4 id="faqmissingparameters">
2773 <a href="#faqmissingparameters">I get &quot;Missing parameters&quot; errors,
2774 what can I do?</a></h4>
2776 <p> Here are a few points to check:</p>
2778 <ul><li>In <tt>config.inc.php</tt>, try to leave the
2779 <a href="#cfg_PmaAbsoluteUri" class="configrule">$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri']</a>
2780 directive empty. See also
2781 <a href="#faq4_7"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 4.7</a>.
2782 </li>
2783 <li>Maybe you have a broken PHP installation or you need to upgrade
2784 your Zend Optimizer. See
2785 <a href="http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31134">
2786 http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31134</a>.
2787 </li>
2788 <li>If you are using Hardened PHP with the ini directive <tt>varfilter.max_request_variables</tt>
2789 set to the default (200) or another low value, you could get this
2790 error if your table has a high number of columns. Adjust this setting
2791 accordingly. (Thanks to Klaus Dorninger for the hint).
2792 </li>
2793 <li>In the <tt>php.ini</tt> directive <tt>arg_separator.input</tt>, a value
2794 of &quot;;&quot; will cause this error. Replace it with &quot;&amp;;&quot;.
2795 </li>
2796 </ul>
2798 <h3 id="faqlimitations">Known limitations</h3>
2800 <h4 id="login_bug">
2801 <a href="#login_bug">When using
2802 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> authentication, an user
2803 who logged out can not relogin in with the same nick.</a></h4>
2805 <p> This is related to the authentication mechanism (protocol) used by
2806 phpMyAdmin. To bypass this problem: just close all the opened
2807 browser windows and then go back to phpMyAdmin. You should be able to
2808 log in again.</p>
2810 <h4 id="faq3_2">
2811 <a href="#faq3_2">When dumping a large table in compressed mode, I get a memory
2812 limit error or a time limit error.</a></h4>
2814 <p> Compressed dumps are built in memory and because of this are limited to
2815 php's memory limit. For GZip/BZip2 exports this can be overcome since 2.5.4
2816 using
2817 <a href="#cfg_CompressOnFly" class="configrule">$cfg['CompressOnFly']</a>
2818 (enabled by default). Zip exports can not be handled this way, so if you need
2819 Zip files for larger dump, you have to use another way.</p>
2821 <h4 id="faq3_3">
2822 <a href="#faq3_3">With InnoDB tables, I lose foreign key relationships when I rename
2823 or alter a table.</a></h4>
2825 <p> This seems to be a InnoDB bug (fixed in MySQL 3.23.50?).</p>
2827 <h4 id="faq3_4">
2828 <a href="#faq3_4">I am unable to import dumps I created with the mysqldump tool
2829 bundled with the MySQL server distribution.</a></h4>
2831 <p> The problem is that mysqldump creates invalid comments like this:</p>
2833 <pre>
2834 -- MySQL dump 8.22
2836 -- Host: localhost Database: database
2837 ---------------------------------------------------------
2838 -- Server version 3.23.54
2839 </pre>
2841 <p> The invalid part of the code is the horizontal line made of dashes that
2842 appears once in every dump created with mysqldump. If you want to run your
2843 dump you have to turn it into valid MySQL. This means, you have to add a
2844 whitespace after the first two dashes of the line or add a # before it:
2845 <br />
2846 <code>
2847 -- -------------------------------------------------------<br />
2848 </code>
2849 or<br />
2850 <code>
2851 #---------------------------------------------------------
2852 </code>
2853 </p>
2855 <h4 id="faq3_5">
2856 <a href="#faq3_5">When using nested folders there are some multiple hierarchies
2857 displayed in a wrong manner?!</a> (<a href="#cfg_LeftFrameTableSeparator"
2858 class="configrule">$cfg['LeftFrameTableSeparator']</a>)</h4>
2860 <p> Please note that you should not use the separating string multiple times
2861 without any characters between them, or at the beginning/end of your table
2862 name. If you have to, think about using another TableSeparator or disabling
2863 that feature</p>
2865 <h4 id="faq3_6">
2866 <a href="#faq3_6">What is currently not supported in phpMyAdmin about InnoDB?</a></h4>
2868 <p> In Relation view, being able to choose a table in another database,
2869 or having more than one index field in the foreign key.<br /><br/>
2870 In Query-by-example (Query), automatic generation of the query
2871 LEFT JOIN from the foreign table.<br /><br/>
2872 In <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr> schema editing, automatic layout.
2873 </p>
2875 <h4 id="faq3_7">
2876 <a href="#faq3_7">I have table with many (100+) fields and when I try to browse table
2877 I get series of errors like &quot;Warning: unable to parse url&quot;. How
2878 can this be fixed?</a></h4>
2880 Your table neither have a primary key nor an unique one, so we must use a
2881 long expression to identify this row. This causes problems to parse_url
2882 function. The workaround is to create a primary or unique key.
2883 <br />
2884 </p>
2886 <h4 id="faq3_8">
2887 <a href="#faq3_8">I cannot use (clickable) HTML-forms in fields where I put
2888 a MIME-Transformation onto!</a></h4>
2890 <p> Due to a surrounding form-container (for multi-row delete checkboxes), no
2891 nested forms can be put inside the table where phpMyAdmin displays the results.
2892 You can, however, use any form inside of a table if keep the parent
2893 form-container with the target to tbl_row_delete.php and just put your own
2894 input-elements inside. If you use a custom submit input field, the form will
2895 submit itself to the displaying page again, where you can validate the
2896 $HTTP_POST_VARS in a transformation.
2898 For a tutorial on how to effectively use transformations, see our
2899 <a href="http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/docs.php">Link section</a>
2900 on the official phpMyAdmin-homepage.</p>
2902 <h4 id="faq3_9">
2903 <a href="#faq3_9">I get error messages when using "--sql_mode=ANSI" for the
2904 MySQL server</a></h4>
2906 <p> When MySQL is running in ANSI-compatibility mode, there are some major
2907 differences in how <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> is
2908 structured (see <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/ANSI_mode.html">
2909 http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/ANSI_mode.html</a>). Most important of all,
2910 the quote-character (") is interpreted as an identifier quote character and
2911 not as a string quote character, which makes many internal phpMyAdmin
2912 operations into invalid <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr>
2913 statements. There is no workaround to this behaviour. News to this item will
2914 be posted in Bug report
2915 <a href="https://sf.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=816858&amp;group_id=23067&amp;atid=377408">#816858</a>
2916 </p>
2918 <h4 id="faq3_10">
2919 <a href="#faq3_10"> Homonyms and no primary key: When the results of a SELECT display
2920 more that one column with the same value
2921 (for example <tt>SELECT lastname from employees where firstname like 'A%'</tt> and two &quot;Smith&quot; values are displayed),
2922 if I click Edit I cannot be sure that I am editing the intended row.</a></h4>
2924 <p> Please make sure that your table has a primary key, so that phpMyAdmin
2925 can use it for the Edit and Delete links.</p>
2927 <h4 id="faq3_11">
2928 <a href="#faq3_11">The number of records for InnoDB tables is not correct.</a></h4>
2930 <p> phpMyAdmin uses a quick method to get the row count, and this method
2931 only returns an approximate count in the case of InnoDB tables. See
2932 <a href="#cfg_MaxExactCount" class="configrule">$cfg['MaxExactCount']</a> for
2933 a way to modify those results, but
2934 this could have a serious impact on performance.</p>
2936 <h4 id="faq3_12">
2937 <a href="#faq3_12">What are the phpMyAdmin limitations for MySQL 3?</a></h4>
2939 <p> The number of records in queries containing COUNT and GROUP BY is
2940 not correctly calculated. Also, sorting results of a query like
2941 &quot;SELECT * from table GROUP BY&quot; ... is problematic.</p>
2943 <h4 id="faq3_13">
2944 <a href="#faq3_13">I get an error when entering <tt>USE</tt> followed by a db name
2945 containing an hyphen.
2946 </a></h4>
2948 The tests I have made with current MySQL 4.1.11 API shows that the
2949 API does not accept this syntax for the USE command. Enclosing the
2950 db name with backquotes works. For further confusion, no backquotes
2951 are needed with command-line mysql.
2952 </p>
2954 <h3 id="faqmultiuser"><abbr title="Internet service provider">ISP</abbr>s, multi-user installations</h3>
2956 <h4 id="faq4_1">
2957 <a href="#faq4_1">I'm an <abbr title="Internet service provider">ISP</abbr>. Can I setup one central copy of phpMyAdmin or do I
2958 need to install it for each customer.
2959 </a></h4>
2961 Since version 2.0.3, you can setup a central copy of phpMyAdmin for all
2962 your users. The development of this feature was kindly sponsored by
2963 NetCologne GmbH.
2964 This requires a properly setup MySQL user management and phpMyAdmin
2965 <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or cookie authentication. See the install section on
2966 &quot;Using <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> authentication&quot;.
2967 </p>
2969 <h4 id="faq4_2">
2970 <a href="#faq4_2">What's the preferred way of making phpMyAdmin secure against evil
2971 access.
2972 </a></h4>
2974 This depends on your system.<br />
2975 If you're running a server which cannot be accessed by other people, it's
2976 sufficient to use the directory protection bundled with your webserver
2977 (with Apache you can use <i>.htaccess</i> files, for example).<br />
2978 If other people have telnet access to your server, you should use
2979 phpMyAdmin's <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> or cookie authentication features.
2980 <br /><br />
2981 Suggestions:
2982 </p>
2983 <ul>
2984 <li>
2985 Your <i>config.inc.php</i> file should be <tt>chmod 660</tt>.
2986 </li>
2987 <li>
2988 All your phpMyAdmin files should be chown -R phpmy.apache, where phpmy
2989 is a user whose password is only known to you, and apache is the
2990 group under which Apache runs.
2991 </li>
2992 <li>
2993 You should use PHP safe mode, to protect from other users that try
2994 to include your <i>config.inc.php</i> in their scripts.
2995 </li>
2996 </ul>
2998 <h4 id="faq4_3">
2999 <a href="#faq4_3">I get errors about not being able to include a file in
3000 <i>/lang</i> or in <i>/libraries</i>.
3001 </a></h4>
3003 Check <i>php.ini</i>, or ask your sysadmin to check it. The
3004 <tt>include_path</tt> must contain &quot;.&quot; somewhere in it, and
3005 <tt>open_basedir</tt>, if used, must contain &quot;.&quot; and
3006 &quot;./lang&quot; to allow normal operation of phpMyAdmin.
3007 </p>
3009 <h4 id="faq4_4">
3010 <a href="#faq4_4">phpMyAdmin always gives &quot;Access denied&quot; when using <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>
3011 authentication.
3012 </a></h4>
3014 <p> This could happen for several reasons:</p>
3016 <ul><li><a href="#cfg_Servers_controluser" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser']</a>
3017 and/or
3018 <a href="#cfg_Servers_controlpass" class="configrule">$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass']</a>
3019 are wrong.</li>
3020 <li>The username/password you specify in the login-dialog are invalid.</li>
3021 <li>You have already setup a security mechanism for the
3022 phpMyAdmin-directory, eg. a .htaccess file. This would interfere with
3023 phpMyAdmin's authentication, so remove it.</li>
3024 </ul>
3026 <h4 id="faq4_5">
3027 <a href="#faq4_5">Is it possible to let users create their own databases?</a></h4>
3029 <p> Starting with 2.2.5, in the user management page, you can enter a wildcard
3030 database name for a user (for example &quot;joe%&quot;),
3031 and put the privileges you want. For example,
3033 would let a user create/manage his/her database(s).</p>
3035 <h4 id="faq4_6">
3036 <a href="#faq4_6">How can I use the Host-based authentication additions?</a></h4>
3038 <p> If you have existing rules from an old .htaccess file, you can take them
3039 and add a username between the <tt>'deny'</tt>/<tt>'allow'</tt> and
3040 <tt>'from'</tt> strings. Using the username wildcard of <tt>'%'</tt> would
3041 be a major benefit here if your installation is suited to using it. Then
3042 you can just add those updated lines into the
3043 <a href="#cfg_Servers_AllowDeny_rules" class="configrule">
3044 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules']</a> array.</p>
3046 <p> If you want a pre-made sample, you can try this fragment. It stops the
3047 'root' user from logging in from any networks other than the private
3048 network <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> blocks.</p>
3050 <pre>
3051 //block root from logging in except from the private networks
3052 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = 'deny,allow';
3053 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] = array(
3054 'deny root from all',
3055 'allow root from localhost',
3056 'allow root from',
3057 'allow root from',
3058 'allow root from',
3060 </pre>
3062 <h4 id="faq4_7">
3063 <a href="#faq4_7">Authentication window is displayed more than once, why?</a></h4>
3065 <p> This happens if you are using a <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr> to start phpMyAdmin which is
3066 different than the one set in your
3067 <a href="#cfg_PmaAbsoluteUri" class="configrule">$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri']</a>.
3068 For example, a missing &quot;www&quot;, or entering with an <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> address
3069 while a domain name is defined in the config file.</p>
3071 <h3 id="faqbrowsers">Browsers or client <abbr title="operating system">OS</abbr></h3>
3073 <h4 id="faq5_1">
3074 <a href="#faq5_1">I get an out of memory error, and my controls are non-functional,
3075 when trying to create a table with more than 14 fields.
3076 </a></h4>
3078 We could reproduce this problem only under Win98/98SE. Testing under
3079 WinNT4 or Win2K, we could easily create more than 60 fields.
3080 <br />
3081 A workaround is to create a smaller number of fields, then come back to
3082 your table properties and add the other fields.
3083 </p>
3085 <h4 id="faq5_2">
3086 <a href="#faq5_2">With Xitami 2.5b4, phpMyAdmin won't process form fields.</a></h4>
3088 This is not a phpMyAdmin problem but a Xitami known bug: you'll face it
3089 with each script/website that use forms.<br />
3090 Upgrade or downgrade your Xitami server.
3091 </p>
3093 <h4 id="faq5_3">
3094 <a href="#faq5_3">I have problems dumping tables with Konqueror (phpMyAdmin 2.2.2).</a></h4>
3096 With Konqueror 2.1.1: plain dumps, zip and GZip dumps work ok, except that
3097 the proposed file name for the dump is always 'tbl_dump.php'. Bzip2 dumps
3098 don't seem to work.<br />
3100 With Konqueror 2.2.1: plain dumps work; zip dumps are placed into
3101 the user's temporary directory, so they must be moved before closing
3102 Konqueror, or else they disappear. GZip dumps give an error message.<br />
3104 Testing needs to be done for Konqueror 2.2.2.<br />
3105 </p>
3107 <h4 id="faq5_4">
3108 <a href="#faq5_4">I can't use the cookie authentication mode because Internet
3109 Explorer never stores the cookies.
3110 </a></h4>
3112 MS Internet Explorer seems to be really buggy about cookies, at least till
3113 version 6. And thanks to Andrew Zivolup we've traced also a PHP 4.1.1 bug
3114 in this area!
3115 <br />
3116 Then, if you're running PHP 4.1.1, try to upgrade or downgrade... it may
3117 work!
3118 </p>
3120 <h4 id="faq5_5">
3121 <a href="#faq5_5">In Internet Explorer 5.0, I get JavaScript errors when browsing my
3122 rows.
3123 </a></h4>
3125 Upgrade to at least Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2.<br />
3126 </p>
3128 <h4 id="faq5_6">
3129 <a href="#faq5_6">In Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5 or 6.0, I get an error (like "Page not found")
3130 when trying to modify a row in a table with many fields, or with a text field
3131 </a></h4>
3133 Your table neither have a primary key nor an unique one, so we must use a
3134 long <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr> to identify this row. There is a limit on the length of the <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr> in
3135 those browsers, and this not happen in Netscape, for example. The
3136 workaround is to create a primary or unique key, or use another browser.
3137 <br />
3138 </p>
3140 <h4 id="faq5_7">
3141 <a href="#faq5_7">I refresh (reload) my browser, and come back to the welcome
3142 page.
3143 </a></h4>
3145 Some browsers support right-clicking into the frame you want to refresh,
3146 just do this in the right frame.<br />
3147 </p>
3149 <h4 id="faq5_8">
3150 <a href="#faq5_8">With Mozilla 0.9.7 I have problems sending a query modified in the
3151 query box.
3152 </a></h4>
3154 Looks like a Mozilla bug: 0.9.6 was OK. We will keep an eye on future
3155 Mozilla versions.<br />
3156 </p>
3158 <h4 id="faq5_9">
3159 <a href="#faq5_9">With Mozilla 0.9.? to 1.0 and Netscape 7.0-PR1 I can't type a
3160 whitespace in the <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr>-Query edit area: the page scrolls down.
3161 </a></h4>
3163 This is a Mozilla bug (see bug #26882 at
3164 <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/">BugZilla</a>).<br />
3165 </p>
3167 <h4 id="faq5_10">
3168 <a href="#faq5_10">With Netscape 4.75 I get empty rows between each row of data in a
3169 <abbr title="comma seperated values">CSV</abbr> exported file.
3170 </a></h4>
3172 This is a known Netscape 4.75 bug: it adds some line feeds when exporting
3173 data in octet-stream mode. Since we can't detect the specific Netscape
3174 version, we cannot workaround this bug.
3175 </p>
3177 <h4 id="faq5_11">
3178 <a href="#faq5_11">Extended-ASCII characters like German umlauts are displayed
3179 wrong.</a></h4>
3181 <p> Please ensure that you have set your browser's character set to the one of the
3182 language file you have selected on phpMyAdmin's start page.
3183 Alternatively, you can try the auto detection mode that is supported by the
3184 recent versions of the most browsers.</p>
3186 <h4 id="faq5_12">
3187 <a href="#faq5_12"><acronym title="Apple Macintosh">Mac</acronym> <abbr title="operating system">OS</abbr> X: Safari browser changes special characters to
3188 &quot;?&quot;.</a></h4>
3190 <p> This issue has been reported by a <abbr title="operating system">OS</abbr> X user, who adds that Chimera,
3191 Netscape and Mozilla do not have this problem.</p>
3193 <h4 id="faq5_13">
3194 <a href="#faq5_13">With Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6, and <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> authentication type,
3195 I cannot manage two servers: I login to the first one, then the other one,
3196 but if I switch back to the first, I have to login on each operation.</a></h4>
3198 <p> This is a bug in Internet Explorer, other browsers do not behave this way.</p>
3200 <h4 id="faq5_14">
3201 <a href="#faq5_14">Using Opera6, I can manage to get to the authentication,
3202 but nothing happens after that, only a blank screen.</a></h4>
3204 <p> Having <tt>$cfg['QueryFrameJS']</tt> set o <tt>TRUE</tt>, this leads to a
3205 bug in Opera6, because it is not able to interpret frameset definitions
3206 written by JavaScript. Please upgrade your phpMyAdmin installtion or to
3207 Opera7 at least.</p>
3209 <h4 id="faq5_15">
3210 <a href="#faq5_15">I have display problems with Safari.</a></h4>
3212 <p> Please upgrade to at least version 1.2.3.</p>
3214 <h4 id="faq5_16">
3215 <a href="#faq5_16">With Internet Explorer, I get &quot;Access is denied&quot;
3216 Javascript errors. Or I cannot make phpMyAdmin work under Windows.</a></h4>
3218 <p> Please check the following points:</p>
3219 <ul><li>Maybe you have defined your <tt>PmaAbsoluteUri</tt> setting
3220 in <tt>config.inc.php</tt> to an <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr>
3221 address and you are starting
3222 phpMyAdmin with a <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr>
3223 containing a domain name, or the reverse situation.</li>
3224 <li>Security settings in IE and/or Microsoft Security Center are
3225 too high, thus blocking scripts execution.</li>
3226 <li>The Windows Firewall is blocking Apache and MySQL. You must
3227 allow <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> ports
3228 (80 or 443) and MySQL port (usually 3306)
3229 in the &quot;in&quot; and &quot;out&quot; directions.</li>
3230 </ul>
3232 <h4 id="faq5_17">
3233 <a href="#faq5_17">With Firefox, I cannot delete rows of data or drop a database.</a></h4>
3234 <p> Many users have confirmed that the Tabbrowser Extensions plugin they
3235 installed in their Firefox is causing the problem.</p>
3237 <h3 id="faqusing">Using phpMyAdmin</h3>
3239 <h4 id="faq6_1">
3240 <a href="#faq6_1">I can't insert new rows into a table / I can't create a table
3241 - MySQL brings up a <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr>-error.
3242 </a></h4>
3244 Examine the <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> error with care. Often the problem is caused by
3245 specifying a wrong field-type.<br />
3246 Common errors include:
3247 </p>
3248 <ul>
3249 <li>Using <tt>VARCHAR</tt> without a size argument</li>
3250 <li>Using <tt>TEXT</tt> or <tt>BLOB</tt> with a size argument</li>
3251 </ul>
3253 Also, look at the syntax chapter in the MySQL manual to confirm that your
3254 syntax is correct.
3255 </p>
3257 <h4 id="faq6_2">
3258 <a href="#faq6_2">When I create a table, I click the Index checkbox for 2 fields and
3259 phpMyAdmin generates only one index with those 2 fields.
3260 </a></h4>
3262 In phpMyAdmin 2.2.0 and 2.2.1, this is the way to create a multi-fields
3263 index. If you want two indexes, create the first one when creating the
3264 table, save, then display the table properties and click the Index link to
3265 create the other index.
3266 </p>
3268 <h4 id="faq6_3">
3269 <a href="#faq6_3">How can I insert a null value into my table?</a></h4>
3271 Since version 2.2.3, you have a checkbox for each field that can be null.
3272 Before 2.2.3, you had to enter &quot;null&quot;, without the quotes, as the
3273 field's value. Since version 2.5.5, you have to use the checkbox to get
3274 a real NULL value, so if you enter &quot;NULL&quot; this means you want
3275 a literal NULL in the field, and not a NULL value (this works in PHP4).
3276 </p>
3278 <h4 id="faq6_4">
3279 <a href="#faq6_4">How can I backup my database or table?</a></h4>
3281 <p> Click on a database or table name in the left frame, the properties will be
3282 displayed. Then on the menu, click &quot;Export&quot;, you can dump
3283 the structure, the data, or both. This will generate standard <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr>
3284 statements that can be used to recreate your database/table.
3285 <br /><br />
3286 You will need to choose &quot;Save as file&quot;, so that phpMyAdmin can
3287 transmit the resulting dump to your station. Depending on your PHP
3288 configuration, you will see options to compress the dump. See also the
3289 <a href="#cfg_ExecTimeLimit" class="configrule">$cfg['ExecTimeLimit']</a>
3290 configuration variable.<br /><br />
3292 For additional help on this subject, look for the word &quot;dump&quot; in
3293 this document.</p>
3295 <h4 id="faq6_5">
3296 <a href="#faq6_5">How can I restore (upload) my database or table using a dump?
3297 How can I run a &quot;.sql&quot; file?
3298 </a></h4>
3300 <p> Click on a database name in the left frame, the properties will be
3301 displayed. Select &quot;Import&quot; from the list
3302 of tabs in the right&#8211;hand frame (or &quot;<abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr>&quot; if your phpMyAdmin
3303 version is older than 2.7.0). In the &quot;Location of the text file&quot; section, type in
3304 the path to your dump filename, or use the Browse button. Then click Go.
3305 <br /><br />
3306 With version 2.7.0, the import engine has been re&#8211;written, if possible it is suggested
3307 that you upgrade to take advantage of the new features.
3308 <br /><br />
3309 For additional help on this subject, look for the word &quot;upload&quot;
3310 in this document.
3311 </p>
3313 <h4 id="faq6_6">
3314 <a href="#faq6_6">How can I use the relation table in Query-by-example?</a></h4>
3316 <p> Here is an example with the tables persons, towns and countries, all
3317 located in the database mydb. If you don't have a <tt>pma_relation</tt>
3318 table, create it as explained in the configuration section. Then create the
3319 example tables:</p>
3321 <pre>
3322 CREATE TABLE REL_countries (
3323 country_code char(1) NOT NULL default '',
3324 description varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
3325 PRIMARY KEY (country_code)
3326 ) TYPE=MyISAM;
3328 INSERT INTO REL_countries VALUES ('C', 'Canada');
3330 CREATE TABLE REL_persons (
3331 id tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
3332 person_name varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
3333 town_code varchar(5) default '0',
3334 country_code char(1) NOT NULL default '',
3335 PRIMARY KEY (id)
3336 ) TYPE=MyISAM;
3338 INSERT INTO REL_persons VALUES (11, 'Marc', 'S', '');
3339 INSERT INTO REL_persons VALUES (15, 'Paul', 'S', 'C');
3341 CREATE TABLE REL_towns (
3342 town_code varchar(5) NOT NULL default '0',
3343 description varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
3344 PRIMARY KEY (town_code)
3345 ) TYPE=MyISAM;
3347 INSERT INTO REL_towns VALUES ('S', 'Sherbrooke');
3348 INSERT INTO REL_towns VALUES ('M', 'Montr&eacute;al');
3349 </pre>
3351 <p> To setup appropriate links and display information:</p>
3353 <ul><li>on table &quot;REL_persons&quot; click Structure, then Relation view</li>
3354 <li>in Links, for &quot;town_code&quot; choose &quot;REL_towns-&gt;code&quot;</li>
3355 <li>in Links, for &quot;country_code&quot; choose &quot;REL_countries-&gt;country_code&quot;</li>
3356 <li>on table &quot;REL_towns&quot; click Structure, then Relation view</li>
3357 <li>in &quot;Choose field to display&quot;, choose &quot;description&quot;</li>
3358 <li>repeat the two previous steps for table &quot;REL_countries&quot;</li>
3359 </ul>
3361 <p> Then test like this:</p>
3363 <ul><li>Click on your db name in the left frame</li>
3364 <li>Choose &quot;Query&quot;</li>
3365 <li>Use tables: persons, towns, countries</li>
3366 <li>Click &quot;Update query&quot;</li>
3367 <li>In the fields row, choose persons.person_name and click the
3368 &quot;Show&quot; tickbox </li>
3369 <li>Do the same for towns.description and countries.descriptions in the
3370 other 2 columns</li>
3371 <li>Click &quot;Update query&quot; and you will see in the query box that
3372 the correct joins have been generated</li>
3373 <li>Click &quot;Submit query&quot;</li>
3374 </ul>
3376 <h4 id="faqdisplay">
3377 <a href="#faqdisplay">How can I use the &quot;display field&quot; feature?</a></h4>
3379 Starting from the previous example, create the pma_table_info as explained
3380 in the configuration section, then browse your persons table,
3381 and move the mouse over a town code or country code.
3382 <br /><br />
3383 See also <a href="#faq6_21"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> 6.21</a> for an additional feature that &quot;display field&quot;
3384 enables: drop-down list of possible values.
3385 </p>
3387 <h4 id="faqpdf">
3388 <a href="#faqpdf">How can I produce a <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr> schema of my database?</a></h4>
3390 First the configuration variables &quot;relation&quot;,
3391 &quot;table_coords&quot; and &quot;pdf_pages&quot; have to be filled in.
3392 <br /><br />
3393 Then you need to think about your schema layout. Which tables will go on
3394 which pages?
3395 </p>
3396 <ul>
3397 <li>Select your database in the left frame.</li>
3398 <li>Choose &quot;Operations&quot; in the navigation bar at the top.</li>
3399 <li>Choose &quot;Edit <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>
3400 Pages&quot; near the bottom of the page.</li>
3401 <li>Enter a name for the first <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>
3402 page and click Go. If you like, you
3403 can use the &quot;automatic layout,&quot; which will put all your
3404 linked tables onto the new page.</li>
3405 <li>Select the name of the new page (making sure the Edit radio button
3406 is selected) and click Go.</li>
3407 <li>Select a table from the list, enter its coordinates and click Save.<br />
3408 Coordinates are relative; your diagram will
3409 be automatically scaled to fit the page. When initially placing tables
3410 on the page, just pick any coordinates -- say, 50x50. After clicking
3411 Save, you can then use the <a href="#wysiwyg">graphical editor</a> to
3412 position the element correctly.</li>
3413 <li>When you'd like to look at your <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>,
3414 first be sure to click the Save
3415 button beneath the list of tables and coordinates, to save any changes
3416 you made there. Then scroll all the way down, select the
3417 <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr> options
3418 you want, and click Go.</li>
3419 <li>Internet Explorer for Windows may suggest an incorrect filename when
3420 you try to save a generated <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>.
3421 When saving a generated <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>, be
3422 sure that the filename ends in &quot;.pdf&quot;, for example
3423 &quot;schema.pdf&quot;. Browsers on other operating systems, and other
3424 browsers on Windows, do not have this problem.</li>
3425 </ul>
3427 <h4 id="faq6_9">
3428 <a href="#faq6_9">phpMyAdmin is changing the type of one of my
3429 columns!</a></h4>
3431 <p> No, it's MySQL that is doing
3432 <a href="http://www.mysql.com/doc/S/i/Silent_column_changes.html">silent
3433 column type changing</a>.</p>
3435 <h4 id="underscore">
3436 <a href="#underscore">When creating a privilege, what happens with
3437 underscores in the database name?</a></h4>
3439 <p> If you do not put a backslash before the underscore, this is a wildcard
3440 grant, and the underscore means &quot;any character&quot;. So, if the
3441 database name is &quot;john_db&quot;, the user would get rights to john1db,
3442 john2db ...<br /><br />
3444 If you put a backslash before the underscore, it means that the database
3445 name will have a real underscore.</p>
3447 <h4 id="faq6_11">
3448 <a href="#faq6_11">What is the curious symbol &oslash; in the
3449 statistics pages?</a></h4>
3451 <p> It means &quot;average&quot;.</p>
3453 <h4 id="faqexport">
3454 <a href="#faqexport">I want to understand some Export options.</a></h4>
3456 <p><b>Structure:</b></p>
3458 <ul><li>&quot;Add DROP TABLE&quot; will add a line telling MySQL to
3459 <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/drop-table.html">drop the table</a>,
3460 if it already exists during the import. It does NOT drop the table after
3461 your export, it only affects the import file.</li>
3462 <li>&quot;If Not Exists&quot; will only create the table if it doesn't exist.
3463 Otherwise, you may get an error if the table name exists but has a
3464 different structure.</li>
3465 <li>&quot;Add AUTO_INCREMENT value&quot; ensures that AUTO_INCREMENT value
3466 (if any) will be included in backup.</li>
3467 <li>&quot;Enclose table and field names with backquotes&quot; ensures that
3468 field and table names formed with special characters are protected.</li>
3469 <li>&quot;Add into comments&quot; includes column comments, relations, and MIME
3470 types set in the pmadb in the dump as
3471 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> comments (<i>/* xxx */</i>).
3472 </li>
3473 </ul>
3475 <p><b>Data:</b></p>
3477 <ul><li>&quot;Complete inserts&quot; adds the column names on every INSERT
3478 command, for better documentation (but resulting file is bigger).</li>
3479 <li>&quot;Extended inserts&quot; provides a shorter dump file by using only
3480 once the INSERT verb and the table name.</li>
3481 <li>&quot;Delayed inserts&quot; are best explained in the
3482 <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/insert-delayed.html">MySQL manual</a>.
3483 </li>
3484 <li>&quot;Ignore inserts&quot; treats errors as a warning instead. Again,
3485 more info is provided in the
3486 <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/insert.html">MySQL manual</a>,
3487 but basically with this selected, invalid values are adjusted and
3488 inserted rather than causing the entire statement to fail.</li>
3489 </ul>
3491 <h4 id="faq6_13">
3492 <a href="#faq6_13">I would like to create a database with a dot
3493 in its name.</a></h4>
3495 <p> This is a bad idea, because in MySQL the syntax &quot;database.table&quot;
3496 is the normal way to reference a database and table name. Worse, MySQL
3497 will usually let you create a database with a dot, but then you cannot
3498 work with it, nor delete it.</p>
3500 <h4 id="faqsqlvalidator">
3501 <a href="#faqsqlvalidator">How do I set up the
3502 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> Validator?</a></h4>
3504 <p> To use it, you need a very recent version of PHP, 4.3.0 recommended, with
3505 <abbr title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</abbr>,
3506 <abbr title="Perl Compatible Regular Expressions">PCRE</abbr> and
3507 <abbr title="PHP Extension and Application Repository">PEAR</abbr> support.
3508 On your system command line, run <tt>"pear install Net_Socket Net_URL
3509 HTTP_Request Mail_Mime Net_DIME SOAP"</tt> to get the necessary
3510 <abbr title="PHP Extension and Application Repository">PEAR</abbr> modules
3511 for usage.<br />
3512 On a more recent pear version, I had problems with the state of Net_DIME
3513 being beta, so this single command
3514 <tt>"pear -d preferred_state=beta install -a SOAP"</tt> installed all the
3515 needed modules.<br />
3516 If you use the Validator, you should be aware that any
3517 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> statement you
3518 submit will be stored anonymously (database/table/column names,
3519 strings, numbers replaced with generic values). The Mimer
3520 <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr>
3521 Validator itself, is &copy; 2001 Upright Database Technology.
3522 We utilize it as free SOAP service.</p>
3524 <h4 id="faq6_15">
3525 <a href="#faq6_15">I want to add a BLOB field and put an index on
3526 it, but MySQL says &quot;BLOB column '...' used in key specification without
3527 a key length&quot;.</a></h4>
3529 <p> The right way to do this, is to create the field without any indexes,
3530 then display the table structure and use the &quot;Create an index&quot;
3531 dialog. On this page, you will be able to choose your BLOB field, and
3532 set a size to the index, which is the condition to create an index on
3533 a BLOB field.</p>
3535 <h4 id="faq6_16">
3536 <a href="#faq6_16">How can I simply move in page with plenty
3537 editing fields?</a></h4>
3539 <p> You can use Ctrl+arrows (Option+Arrows in Safari) for moving on most pages
3540 with many editing fields (table structure changes, row editing, etc.)
3541 (must be enabled in configuration - see.
3542 <a href="#CtrlArrowsMoving" class="configrule">$cfg['CtrlArrowsMoving']</a>).
3543 You can also have a look at the directive
3544 <a href="#DefaultPropDisplay" class="configrule">$cfg['DefaultPropDisplay']</a>
3545 ('vertical') and see if this eases up editing for you.</p>
3547 <h4 id="faq6_17">
3548 <a href="#faq6_17">Transformations: I can't enter my own mimetype!
3549 WTF is this feature then useful for?</a></h4>
3551 <p> Slow down :). Defining mimetypes is of no use, if you can't put transformations
3552 on them. Otherwise you could just put a comment on the field. Because entering
3553 your own mimetype will cause serious syntax checking issues and validation,
3554 this introduces a high-risk false-user-input situation. Instead you have to
3555 initialize mimetypes using functions or empty mimetype definitions.<br />
3556 Plus, you have a whole overview of available mimetypes. Who knows all those
3557 mimetypes by heart so he/she can enter it at will?</p>
3559 <h4 id="faqbookmark">
3560 <a href="#faqbookmark">Bookmarks: Where can I store bookmarks? Why
3561 can't I see any bookmarks below the query box? What is this variable for?
3562 </a></h4>
3564 <p> Any query you have executed can be stored as a bookmark on the page where the
3565 results are displayed. You will find a button labeled 'Bookmark this query'
3566 just at the end of the page.<br />
3567 As soon as you have stored a bookmark, it is related to the database you run
3568 the query on. You can now access a bookmark dropdown on each page, the query
3569 box appears on for that database.<br /><br />
3571 Since phpMyAdmin 2.5.0 you are also able to store variables for the bookmarks.
3572 Just use the string <b>/*[VARIABLE]*/</b> anywhere in your query. Everything
3573 which is put into the <i>value</i> input box on the query box page will
3574 replace the string &quot;/*[VARIABLE]*/&quot; in your stored query. Just be
3575 aware of that you HAVE to create a valid query, otherwise your query won't be
3576 even able to be stored in the database.<br />
3577 Also remember, that everything else inside the <b>/*[VARIABLE]*/</b> string
3578 for your query will remain the way it is, but will be stripped of the /**/
3579 chars. So you can use:<br /><br />
3581 <code>/*, [VARIABLE] AS myname */</code><br /><br />
3583 which will be expanded to<br /><br />
3585 <code>, VARIABLE as myname</code><br /><br />
3587 in your query, where VARIABLE is the string you entered in the input box. If
3588 an empty string is provided, no replacements are made.<br /><br />
3590 A more complex example. Say you have stored this query:<br /><br />
3591 <code>SELECT Name, Address FROM addresses WHERE 1 /* AND Name LIKE '%[VARIABLE]%' */</code>
3592 <br /><br />
3594 Say, you now enter &quot;phpMyAdmin&quot; as the variable for the stored query,
3595 the full query will be:<br /><br />
3597 <code>SELECT Name, Address FROM addresses WHERE 1 AND Name LIKE '%phpMyAdmin%'</code>
3598 <br /><br />
3600 You can use multiple occurrences of <b>/*[VARIABLE]*/</b> in a single query.<br />
3601 <b>NOTE THE ABSENCE OF SPACES</b> inside the &quot;/**/&quot; construct. Any
3602 spaces inserted there
3603 will be later also inserted as spaces in your query and may lead to unexpected
3604 results especially when
3605 using the variable expansion inside of a &quot;LIKE ''&quot; expression.<br />
3606 Your initial query which is going to be stored as a bookmark has to yield at
3607 least one result row so
3608 you can store the bookmark. You may have that to work around using well
3609 positioned &quot;/**/&quot; comments.</p>
3611 <h4 id="faq6_19">
3612 <a href="#faq6_19">How can I create simple L<sub>A</sub>T<sub>E</sub>X document to
3613 include exported table?</a></h4>
3615 <p> You can simply include table in your L<sub>A</sub>T<sub>E</sub>X documents, minimal sample
3616 document should look like following one (assuming you have table
3617 exported in file <code>table.tex</code>):</p>
3619 <pre>
3620 \documentclass{article} % or any class you want
3621 \usepackage{longtable} % for displaying table
3622 \begin{document} % start of document
3623 \include{table} % including exported table
3624 \end{document} % end of document
3625 </pre>
3627 <h4 id="faq6_20">
3628 <a href="#faq6_20">In MySQL 4, I see a lot of databases which are not mine, and cannot
3629 access them.
3630 </a></h4>
3632 <p> Upgrading to MySQL 4 usually gives users those global privileges: CREATE
3634 enable users to see all the database names.
3635 See this <a href="http://bugs.mysql.com/179">bug report</a>.<br /><br />
3637 So if your users do not need those privileges, you can remove them and their
3638 databases list will shorten.</p>
3640 <h4 id="faq6_21">
3641 <a href="#faq6_21">In edit/insert mode, how can I see a list of
3642 possible values for a field, based on some foreign table?</a></h4>
3644 <p> You have to setup appropriate links between the tables, and also
3645 setup the &quot;display field&quot; in the foreign table. See
3646 <a href="#faq6_6"><abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr>
3647 6.6</a> for an example. Then, if there are 200 values or less in the
3648 foreign table, a drop-down list of values will be available.
3649 You will see two lists of values, the first list containing the key
3650 and the display field, the second list containing the display field
3651 and the key. The reason for this is to be able to type the first
3652 letter of either the key or the display field.<br /><br />
3654 For 200 values or more, a distinct window will appear, to browse foreign
3655 key values and choose one.</p>
3657 <h4 id="faq6_22">
3658 <a href="#faq6_22">Bookmarks: Can I execute a default bookmark
3659 automatically when entering Browse mode for a table?</a></h4>
3661 <p> Yes. If a bookmark has the same label as a table name, it will be executed.
3662 </p>
3664 <h4 id="faq6_23">
3665 <a href="#faq6_23">Export: I heard phpMyAdmin can export Microsoft
3666 Excel files, how can I enable that?</a></h4>
3668 <p> Current version does support direct export to Microsoft Excel and Word
3669 versions 2000 and newer. If you need export older versions, you can use
3670 <abbr title="comma seperated values">CSV</abbr> suitable for Microsoft Excel,
3671 which works out of the box or you can
3672 try native <b>experimental</b> MS Excel exporter. <b>This export has
3673 several problems, most important are limitation of cell content to 255
3674 chars and no support for charsets, so think carefully whether you want to
3675 enable this.</b>. For enabling this you need to set
3676 <a href="#cfg_TempDir" class="configrule">$cfg['TempDir']</a> to
3677 place where web server user can write (for example <tt>'./tmp'</tt>) and
3678 install <abbr title="PHP Extension and Application Repository">PEAR</abbr>
3679 module Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer into php include path. The
3680 installation can be done by following command:</p>
3682 <pre>
3683 pear -d preferred_state=beta install -a Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
3684 </pre>
3686 <p> First part of switches set we want to install beta version of that module
3687 (no stable version available yet) and then we tell pear we want to satisfy
3688 dependencies.</p>
3690 <p> If you are running in PHP safe mode, you will have to set
3691 in <tt>php.ini</tt> the <tt>safe_mode_include_dir</tt> to the directory
3692 where your <abbr title="PHP Extension and Application Repository">PEAR</abbr>
3693 modules are located, for example:</p>
3695 <pre>
3696 safe_mode_include_dir = /usr/local/lib/php
3697 </pre>
3699 <p> To create the temporary directory on a UNIX-based system, you can do:</p>
3701 <pre>
3702 cd phpMyAdmin
3703 mkdir tmp
3704 chmod o+rwx tmp
3705 </pre>
3707 <h4 id="faq6_24">
3708 <a href="#faq6_24">Now that phpMyAdmin supports native MySQL 4.1.x column comments,
3709 what happens to my column comments stored in pmadb?</a></h4>
3711 <p> Automatic migration of a table's pmadb-style column comments to the native
3712 ones is done whenever you enter Structure page for this table.</p>
3714 <h3 id="faqproject">phpMyAdmin project</h3>
3716 <h4 id="faq7_1">
3717 <a href="#faq7_1">I have found a bug. How do I inform developers?</a></h4>
3719 <p> Our Bug Tracker is located at
3720 <a href="http://sf.net/projects/phpmyadmin/">http://sf.net/projects/phpmyadmin/</a>
3721 under the Bugs section.<br /><br />
3723 But please first discuss your bug with other users:<br />
3724 <a href="http://sf.net/projects/phpmyadmin/">
3725 http://sf.net/projects/phpmyadmin/</a> (and choose Forums)</p>
3727 <h4 id="faq7_2">
3728 <a href="#faq7_2">I want to translate the messages to a new language or upgrade an
3729 existing language, where do I start?</a></h4>
3731 <p> Always use the current CVS version of your language file.
3732 For a new language, start from <i>english-iso-8859-1.inc.php</i>. If you
3733 don't know how to get the CVS version, please ask one of the developers.
3734 <br />
3735 Please note that we try not to use HTML entities like &amp;eacute; in
3736 the translations, since we define the right character set in the file.
3737 With HTML entities, the text on JavaScript messages would not
3738 display correctly.
3739 However there are some entities that need to be there, for quotes
3740 ,non-breakable spaces, ampersands, less than, greater than.<br />
3741 You can then put your translations, as a zip file to avoid losing special
3742 characters, on the sourceforge.net translation tracker.<br />
3743 It would be a good idea to subscribe to the phpmyadmin-translators mailing
3744 list, because this is where we ask for translations of new messages.</p>
3746 <h4 id="faq7_3">
3747 <a href="#faq7_3">I would like to help out with the development of
3748 phpMyAdmin. How should I proceed?</a></h4>
3750 <p> The following method is preferred for new developers:</p>
3752 <ol><li>fetch the current CVS tree over anonymous CVS:<br />
3753 <tt>cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@phpmyadmin.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/phpmyadmin login</tt><br />
3754 [Password: simply press the Enter key]<br />
3755 <tt>cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@phpmyadmin.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/phpmyadmin checkout phpMyAdmin</tt><br />
3756 [This will create a new sub-directory named phpMyAdmin]</li>
3757 <li>add your stuff</li>
3758 <li>put the modified files (tar'ed and gzip'ed) inside the patch tracker of
3760 <a href="http://sf.net/projects/phpmyadmin/">phpMyAdmin SourceForge account</a>.
3761 </li>
3762 </ol>
3764 <p> Write access to the CVS tree is granted only to experienced developers who
3765 have already contributed something useful to phpMyAdmin.<br />
3766 Also, have a look at the <a href="#developers">Developers section</a>.</p>
3768 <h3 id="faqsecurity">Security</h3>
3770 <h4 id="faq8_1">
3771 <a href="#faq8_1">Security alert, dated 2003-06-18.</a></h4>
3773 <p> Last update of this <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr>:
3774 2003-07-22.<br /><br />
3776 The phpMyAdmin development team received notice of this security alert:
3777 <a href="http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/325641">http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/325641.</a>
3778 <br /><br />
3780 The team regrets that the author did not communicate with us before
3781 sending this alert. However, here is our current reply to the points mentioned:
3782 </p>
3784 <ul><li>&quot;Directory transversal attack&quot;<br /><br />
3786 This problem had been fixed in version 2.5.0, even if the author reports
3787 the 2.5.2 development version as vulnerable, which we could not reproduce.
3788 </li>
3790 <li>&quot;Remote local file retrieving&quot;<br /><br />
3792 This is a misleading title, as the author tells in his text:
3793 &quot;Note that you can't request files ( only dirs )&quot;.</li>
3795 <li>&quot;Remote internal directory listing&quot;<br /><br />
3797 It was possible to retrieve the list of phpMyAdmin's directory (which we
3798 doubt can cause any damage), but we fixed this in the 2.5.2 version.</li>
3800 <li>&quot;XSS and Path disclosures&quot;<br /><br />
3802 Most of the XSS problems have been fixed in version 2.5.0. The rest
3803 have been fixed in the 2.5.2 version.<br /><br />
3805 We believe that the Path disclosures problems have also been fixed
3806 in version 2.5.2.</li>
3808 <li>&quot;Information encoding weakness&quot;<br /><br />
3810 We believe that an exploit for this weakness would be difficult
3811 to achieve. However version 2.5.2 now encrypts the password
3812 with the well-known blowfish algorithm.</li>
3813 </ul>
3815 <h4 id="faq8_2">
3816 <a href="#faq8_2">Security alert, dated 2004-06-29.</a></h4>
3818 <p> Last update of this <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr>: 2004-06-30.
3819 <br /><br />
3820 The phpMyAdmin development team received notice of this security alert:
3821 <a href="http://securityfocus.com/archive/1/367486/2004-06-26/2004-07-02/0">
3822 http://securityfocus.com/archive/1/367486/2004-06-26/2004-07-02/0</a>
3823 <br /><br />
3824 We would like to put emphasis on the disappointment we feel when a
3825 bugreporter does not contact the authors of a software first, before
3826 posting any exploits. The common way to report this, is to give the
3827 developers a reasonable amount of time to respond to an exploit before
3828 it is made public.<br /><br />
3830 We acknowledge that phpMyAdmin versions 2.5.1 to 2.5.7 are vulnerable
3831 to this problem, if each of the following conditions are met:</p>
3833 <ul><li>The Web server hosting phpMyAdmin is not running in safe mode.</li>
3834 <li>In config.inc.php,
3835 <a href="#cfg_LeftFrameLight" class="configrule">$cfg['LeftFrameLight']</a>
3836 is set to FALSE
3837 (the default value of this parameter is <tt>TRUE</tt>).</li>
3838 <li>There is no firewall blocking requests from the Web server to the
3839 attacking host.</li>
3840 </ul>
3842 <p> Version 2.5.7-pl1 was released with a fix for this vulnerability.</p>
3844 <h4 id="faq8_3">
3845 <a href="#faq8_3">About new security alerts
3846 </a></h4>
3848 <p> Please refer to
3849 <a href="http://www.phpmyadmin.net">http://www.phpmyadmin.net</a>
3850 for the complete list of security alerts.</p>
3852 <!-- DEVELOPERS -->
3853 <h2 id="developers">Developers Information</h2>
3855 <p> phpMyAdmin is Open Source, so you're invited to contribute to it. Many
3856 great features have been written by other people and you too can help to
3857 make phpMyAdmin a useful tool.</p>
3859 <p> If you're planning to contribute source, please read the following
3860 information:</p>
3862 <ul><li>All files include <i>libraries/header.inc.php</i> (layout),.
3863 <i>libraries/common.lib.php</i> (common functions) and
3864 <i>config.inc.php</i>.<br />
3865 Only configuration data should go in <i>config.inc.php</i>. Please keep
3866 it free from other code.<br />
3867 Commonly used functions should be added to
3868 <i>libraries/common.lib.php</i> and more specific ones may be added
3869 within a library stored into the <i>libraries</i> sub-directory.</li>
3870 <li>Obviously, you're free to use whatever coding style you want. But
3871 please try to keep your code as simple as possible: beginners are
3872 using phpMyAdmin as an example application.<br />
3873 As far as possible, we want the scripts to be XHTML1.0 and CSS2
3874 compliant on one hand, they fit the
3875 <a href="http://pear.php.net/">
3876 <abbr title="PHP Extension and Application Repository">PEAR</abbr>
3877 coding standards</a>
3878 on the other hand. Please pay attention to this.</li>
3879 <li>Please try to keep up the file-naming conventions. Table-related stuff
3880 goes to <i>tbl_*.php</i>, db-related code to <i>db_*.php</i>,
3881 server-related tools to <i>server_*.php</i> and so on.</li>
3882 <li>Please don't use verbose strings in your code, instead add the string
3883 (at least) to <i>english-iso-8859-1.inc.php</i> and print() it out.</li>
3884 <li>If you want to be really helpful, write an entry for the ChangeLog.</li>
3885 <li id="developersdbg">
3886 The DBG extension (<a href="http://dd.cron.ru/dbg/">PHP
3887 Debugger DBG</a>) is now supported by phpMyAdmin for developers to
3888 better debug and profile their code.<br />
3889 Please see the
3890 <a href="#cfg_DBG" class="configrule">$cfg['DBG']*</a> configuration
3891 options for more information.<br />
3892 This is in memoriam of the Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) which was
3893 lost during its re-entry into Earth's atmosphere and in memory of the
3894 brave men and women who gave their lives for the people of Earth.</li>
3895 </ul>
3897 <!-- CREDITS -->
3898 <h2 id="credits">Credits</h2>
3900 <pre>
3901 phpMyAdmin - Credits
3902 ====================
3904 CREDITS, in chronological order
3905 -------------------------------
3907 - Tobias Ratschiller &lt;tobias_at_ratschiller.com&gt;
3908 * creator of the phpmyadmin project
3909 * maintainer from 1998 to summer 2000
3911 - Marc Delisle &lt;Marc.Delisle_at_cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca&gt;
3912 * multi-language version
3913 * various fixes and improvements
3914 * <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> analyser (most of it)
3915 * current project maintainer
3917 - Olivier M&uuml;ller &lt;om_at_omnis.ch&gt;
3918 * started SourceForge phpMyAdmin project in March 2001
3919 * sync'ed different existing CVS trees with new features and bugfixes
3920 * multi-language improvements, dynamic language selection
3921 * current project maintainer
3922 * many bugfixes and improvements
3924 - Lo&iuml;c Chapeaux &lt;lolo_at_phpheaven.net&gt;
3925 * rewrote and optimized javascript, DHTML and DOM stuff
3926 * rewrote the scripts so they fit the <abbr title="PHP Extension and Application Repository">PEAR</abbr> coding standards and
3927 generate XHTML1.0 and CSS2 compliant codes
3928 * improved the language detection system
3929 * many bugfixes and improvements
3931 - Robin Johnson &lt;robbat2_at_users.sourceforge.net&gt;
3932 * database maintenance controls
3933 * table type code
3934 * Host authentication <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> Allow/Deny
3935 * DB-based configuration (Not completed)
3936 * <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> parser and pretty-printer
3937 * <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> validator
3938 * many bugfixes and improvements
3940 - Armel Fauveau &lt;armel.fauveau_at_globalis-ms.com&gt;
3941 * bookmarks feature
3942 * multiple dump feature
3943 * gzip dump feature
3944 * zip dump feature
3946 - Geert Lund &lt;glund_at_silversoft.dk&gt;
3947 * various fixes
3948 * moderator of the phpMyAdmin former users forum at phpwizard.net
3950 - Korakot Chaovavanich &lt;korakot_at_iname.com&gt;
3951 * &quot;insert as new row&quot; feature
3953 - Pete Kelly &lt;webmaster_at_trafficg.com&gt;
3954 * rewrote and fix dump code
3955 * bugfixes
3957 - Steve Alberty &lt;alberty_at_neptunlabs.de&gt;
3958 * rewrote dump code for PHP4
3959 * mySQL table statistics
3960 * bugfixes
3962 - Benjamin Gandon &lt;gandon_at_isia.cma.fr&gt;
3963 * main author of the version
3964 * bugfixes
3966 - Alexander M. Turek &lt;me_at_derrabus.de&gt;
3967 * MySQL 4.0 / 4.1 / 5.0 compatibility
3968 * abstract database interface (PMA_DBI) with MySQLi support
3969 * privileges administration
3970 * <abbr title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</abbr> exports
3971 * various features and fixes
3972 * German language file updates
3974 - Mike Beck &lt;mike.beck_at_web.de&gt;
3975 * automatic joins in QBE
3976 * links column in printview
3977 * Relation view
3979 - Michal &#268;iha&#345; &lt;michal_at_cihar.com&gt;
3980 * enhanced index creation/display feature
3981 * feature to use a different charset for HTML than for MySQL
3982 * improvements of export feature
3983 * various features and fixes
3984 * Czech language file updates
3986 - Christophe Gesch&eacute; from the &quot;MySQL Form Generator for PHPMyAdmin&quot;
3987 (http://sf.net/projects/phpmysqlformgen/)
3988 * suggested the patch for multiple table printviews
3990 - Garvin Hicking &lt;me_at_supergarv.de&gt;
3991 * built the patch for vertical display of table rows
3992 * built the Javascript based Query window + <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> history
3993 * Improvement of column/db comments
3994 * (MIME)-Transformations for columns
3995 * Use custom alias names for Databases in left frame
3996 * hierarchical/nested table display
3997 * <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>-scratchboard for WYSIWYG-distribution of <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr> relations
3998 * new icon sets
3999 * vertical display of column properties page
4000 * some bugfixes, features, support, German language additions
4002 - Yukihiro Kawada &lt;kawada_at_den.fujifilm.co.jp&gt;
4003 * japanese kanji encoding conversion feature
4005 - Piotr Roszatycki &lt;d3xter_at_users.sourceforge.net&gt; and Dan Wilson
4006 * the Cookie authentication mode
4008 - Axel Sander &lt;n8falke_at_users.sourceforge.net&gt;
4009 * table relation-links feature
4011 - Maxime Delorme &lt;delorme.maxime_at_free.fr&gt;
4012 * <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr> schema output, thanks also to Olivier Plathey for the
4013 &quot;FPDF&quot; library (see <a href="http://www.fpdf.org/">http://www.fpdf.org/</a>) and Steven Wittens
4014 for the &quot;UFPDF&quot; library (see <a href="http://www.acko.net/node/56">http://www.acko.net/node/56</a>).
4016 - Olof Edlund &lt;olof.edlund_at_upright.se&gt;
4017 * <abbr title="structured query language">SQL</abbr> validator server
4019 - Ivan R. Lanin &lt;ivanlanin_at_users.sourceforge.net&gt;
4020 * phpMyAdmin logo (until June 2004)
4022 - Mike Cochrane &lt;mike_at_graftonhall.co.nz&gt;
4023 * blowfish library from the Horde project
4025 - Marcel Tschopp &lt;ne0x_at_users.sourceforge.net&gt;
4026 * mysqli support
4027 * many bugfixes and improvements
4029 - Michael Keck &lt;mkkeck_at_users.sourceforge.net&gt;
4030 * redesign for 2.6.0
4031 * phpMyAdmin sailboat logo (June 2004)
4033 - Mathias Landh&auml;u&szlig;er
4034 * Representation at conferences
4036 - Sebastian Mendel &lt;cybot_tm_at_users.sourceforge.net&gt;
4037 * interface improvements
4038 * various bugfixes
4040 And also to the following people who have contributed minor changes,
4041 enhancements, bugfixes or support for a new language since version 2.1.0:
4043 Bora Alioglu, Ricardo ?, Sven-Erik Andersen, Alessandro Astarita,
4044 P&eacute;ter Bakondy, Borges Botelho, Olivier Bussier, Neil Darlow,
4045 Mats Engstrom, Ian Davidson, Laurent Dhima, Kristof Hamann, Thomas Kl&auml;ger,
4046 Lubos Klokner, Martin Marconcini, Girish Nair, David Nordenberg, Andreas Pauley,
4047 Bernard M. Piller, Laurent Haas, &quot;Sakamoto&quot;, Yuval Sarna,
4048 www.securereality.com.au, Alexis Soulard, Alvar Soome, Siu Sun, Peter Svec,
4049 Michael Tacelosky, Rachim Tamsjadi, Kositer Uros,
4050 Lu&iacute;s V., Martijn W. van der Lee,
4051 Algis Vainauskas, Daniel Villanueva, Vinay, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams, Chee Wai,
4052 Jakub Wilk, Thomas Michael Winningham, Vilius Zigmantas, &quot;Manuzhai&quot;.
4055 Original Credits of Version 2.1.0
4056 ---------------------------------
4058 This work is based on Peter Kuppelwieser's MySQL-Webadmin. It was his idea
4059 to create a web-based interface to MySQL using PHP3. Although I have not
4060 used any of his source-code, there are some concepts I've borrowed from
4061 him. phpMyAdmin was created because Peter told me he wasn't going to
4062 further develop his (great) tool.
4063 Thanks go to
4064 - Amalesh Kempf &lt;ak-lsml_at_living-source.com&gt; who contributed the
4065 code for the check when dropping a table or database. He also suggested
4066 that you should be able to specify the primary key on tbl_create.php3. To
4067 version 1.1.1 he contributed the ldi_*.php3-set (Import text-files) as
4068 well as a bug-report. Plus many smaller improvements.
4069 - Jan Legenhausen &lt;jan_at_nrw.net&gt;: He made many of the changes that
4070 were introduced in 1.3.0 (including quite significant ones like the
4071 authentication). For 1.4.1 he enhanced the table-dump feature. Plus
4072 bug-fixes and help.
4073 - Marc Delisle &lt;DelislMa_at_CollegeSherbrooke.qc.ca&gt; made phpMyAdmin
4074 language-independent by outsourcing the strings to a separate file. He
4075 also contributed the French translation.
4076 - Alexandr Bravo &lt;abravo_at_hq.admiral.ru&gt; who contributed
4077 tbl_select.php3, a feature to display only some fields from a table.
4078 - Chris Jackson &lt;chrisj_at_ctel.net&gt; added support for MySQL
4079 functions in tbl_change.php3. He also added the
4080 &quot;Query by Example&quot; feature in 2.0.
4081 - Dave Walton &lt;walton_at_nordicdms.com&gt; added support for multiple
4082 servers and is a regular contributor for bug-fixes.
4083 - Gabriel Ash &lt;ga244_at_is8.nyu.edu&gt; contributed the random access
4084 features for 2.0.6.
4085 The following people have contributed minor changes, enhancements, bugfixes
4086 or support for a new language:
4087 Jim Kraai, Jordi Bruguera, Miquel Obrador, Geert Lund, Thomas Kleemann,
4088 Alexander Leidinger, Kiko Albiol, Daniel C. Chao, Pavel Piankov,
4089 Sascha Kettler, Joe Pruett, Renato Lins, Mark Kronsbein, Jannis Hermanns,
4090 G. Wieggers.
4092 And thanks to everyone else who sent me email with suggestions, bug-reports
4093 and or just some feedback.
4094 </pre>
4096 <h2 id="glossary">Glossary</h2>
4098 <p> From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>
4100 <ul>
4101 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/.htaccess">.htaccess</a>
4102 - the default name of Apache's directory-level configuration file.</li>
4103 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blowfish_%28cipher%29">Blowfish</a>
4104 - a keyed, symmetric block cipher, designed in 1993 by Bruce Schneier.</li>
4105 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browser">Browser (Web Browser)</a>
4106 - a software application that enables a user to display and interact with
4107 text, images, and other information typically located on a web page at a
4108 website on the World Wide Web.</li>
4109 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bzip2">bzip2</a>
4110 - a free software/open source data compression algorithm and program
4111 developed by Julian Seward.</li>
4112 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/CGI">CGI (Common Gateway Interface)</a>
4113 - an important World Wide Web technology that enables a client web browser
4114 to request data from a program executed on the Web server.</li>
4115 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changelog">Changelog</a>
4116 - a log or record of changes made to a project.</li>
4117 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_%28computing%29">Client</a>
4118 - a computer system that accesses a (remote) service on another computer
4119 by some kind of network.</li>
4120 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Column (database)">column</a>
4121 - a set of data values of a particular simple type, one for each row of
4122 the table.</li>
4123 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP cookie">Cookie</a>
4124 - a packet of information sent by a server to a World Wide Web browser
4125 and then sent back by the browser each time it accesses that server.</li>
4126 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">CSV</a>
4127 - Comma-seperated values</li>
4128 <li>DB - look at <a href="#database">Database</a>.</li>
4129 <li><a id="database" href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database">database</a>
4130 - an organized collection of data.</li>
4131 <li>Engine - look at <a href="#glossar_storage_engine">Storage Engines</a>.</li>
4132 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/extension">extension</a>
4133 - a PHP module that extends PHP with additional functionality.</li>
4134 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAQ">FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)</a>
4135 - a list of commonly asked question and there answers.</li>
4136 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field (computer science)">Field</a>
4137 - one part of divided data/columns.</li>
4138 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign key">foreign key</a>
4139 - a field or group of fields in a database record that point to a key
4140 field or group of fields forming a key of another database record in some
4141 (usually different) table.</li>
4142 <li><a href="http://www.fpdf.org/">FPDF (FreePDF)</a>
4143 - the free PDF library</li>
4144 <li><a id="gd" href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/GD_Graphics_Library">
4145 GD Graphics Library</a> - a library by Thomas Boutell and others for
4146 dynamically manipulating images.</li>
4147 <li>GD2 - look at <a href="#gd">GD Graphics Library</a>.</li>
4148 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gzip">gzip</a>
4149 - gzip is short for GNU zip, a GNU free software file compression
4150 program.</li>
4151 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Host">host</a>
4152 - any machine connected to a computer network, a node that has a hostname.</li>
4153 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname">hostname</a>
4154 - the unique name by which a network attached device is known on a network.</li>
4155 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP
4156 (HyperText Transfer Protocol)</a>
4157 - the primary method used to transfer or convey information on the World
4158 Wide Web.</li>
4159 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Https: URI scheme">https</a>
4160 - a <abbr title="HyperText Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>-connection with
4161 additional security measures.</li>
4162 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet Information Services">IIS (Internet Information Services)</a>
4163 - a set of Internet-based services for servers using Microsoft Windows.</li>
4164 <li><a id="glossar_index" href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index (database)">Index</a>
4165 - a feature that allows quick access to the rows in a table.</li>
4166 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet Protocol">IP (Internet Protocol)</a>
4167 - a data-oriented protocol used by source and destination hosts for
4168 communicating data across a packet-switched internetwork.</li>
4169 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP Address">IP Address</a>
4170 - a unique number that devices use in order to identify and communicate
4171 with each other on a network utilizing the Internet Protocol standard.</li>
4172 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISAPI">ISAPI
4173 (Internet Server Application Programming Interface)</a>
4174 - the API of Internet Information Services (IIS).</li>
4175 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISP">ISP (Internet service provider)</a>
4176 - a business or organization that offers users access to the Internet and related services.</li>
4177 <li><a id="jpeg" href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG">JPEG</a>
4178 - a most commonly used standard method of lossy compression for
4179 photographic images.</li>
4180 <li>JPG - look at <a href="#jpeg">JPEG</a>.</li>
4181 <li>Key - look at <a href="#glossar_index">index</a>.</li>
4182 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/L<sub>A</sub>T<sub>E</sub>X">L<sub>A</sub>T<sub>E</sub>X</a>
4183 - a document preparation system for the T<sub>E</sub>X typesetting program.</li>
4184 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac">Mac (Apple Macintosh)</a>
4185 - line of personal computers is designed, developed, manufactured, and
4186 marketed by Apple Computer.</li>
4187 <li><a id="glossar_mac_os_x" href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac OS X"><acronym title="Apple Macintosh">Mac</acronym> <abbr title="operating system">OS</abbr> X</a>
4188 - the operating system which is included with all currently shipping Apple
4189 Macintosh computers in the consumer and professional markets.</li>
4190 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/MCrypt">MCrypt</a>
4191 - a cryptographic library.</li>
4192 <li><a href="http://php.net/mcrypt">mcrypt</a>
4193 - the MCrypt PHP extension.</li>
4194 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIME">MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)</a>
4195 - an Internet Standard for the format of e-mail.</li>
4196 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/module">module</a>
4197 - some sort of extension for the Apache Webserver.</li>
4198 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/MySQL">MySQL</a>
4199 - a multithreaded, multi-user, SQL (Structured Query Language) Database
4200 Management System (DBMS).</li>
4201 <li><a href="http://php.net/mysqli">mysqli</a>
4202 - the improved MySQL client PHP extension.</li>
4203 <li><a href="http://php.net/mysql">mysql</a>
4204 - the MySQL client PHP extension.</li>
4205 <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument">OpenDocument</a>
4206 - open standard for office documents.</li>
4207 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS X"><abbr title="operating system">OS</abbr> X</a>
4208 - look at <a href="#glossar_mac_os_x"><acronym title="Apple Macintosh">Mac</acronym> <abbr title="operating system">OS</abbr> X</a>.</li>
4209 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable Document Format">PDF
4210 (Portable Document Format)</a>
4211 - a file format developed by Adobe Systems for representing two
4212 dimensional documents in a device independent and resolution independent
4213 format.</li>
4214 <li><a href="http://pear.php.net/">PEAR</a>
4215 - the PHP Extension and Application Repository.</li>
4216 <li><a href="http://php.net/pcre">PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions)</a>
4217 - the perl-compatible regular expression functions for PHP</li>
4218 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP">PHP</a>
4219 - short for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor", is an open-source, reflective
4220 programming language used mainly for developing server-side applications
4221 and dynamic web content, and more recently, a broader range of software
4222 applications.</li>
4223 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port (computing)">port</a>
4224 - a connection through which data is sent and received.</li>
4225 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gzip">RFC</a>
4226 - Request for Comments (RFC) documents are a series of memoranda
4227 encompassing new research, innovations, and methodologies applicable to
4228 Internet technologies.</li>
4229 <li><a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1952.txt">RFC 1952</a>
4230 - GZIP file format specification version 4.3</li>
4231 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row (database)">Row (record, tulpel)</a>
4232 - represents a single, implicitly structured data item in a table.</li>
4233 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_%28computing%29">Server</a>
4234 - a computer system that provides services to other computing
4235 systems over a network.</li>
4236 <li><a id="glossar_storage_engine" href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/storage-engines.html">Storage Engines</a>
4237 - handlers for different table types</li>
4238 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socket#Computer_sockets">socket</a>
4239 - a form of inter-process communication.</li>
4240 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Sockets_Layer">SSL (Secure
4241 Sockets Layer)</a>
4242 - a cryptographic protocol which provides secure communication on the Internet.</li>
4243 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL">SQL</a>
4244 - Structured Query Language</li>
4245 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table (database)">table</a>
4246 - a set of data elements (cells) that is organized, defined and stored as
4247 horizontal rows and vertical columns where each item can be uniquely
4248 identified by a label or key or by it?s position in relation to other items.</li>
4249 <li>Table type</li>
4250 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_%28file_format%29">tar</a>
4251 - a type of archive file format: the Tape ARchive format.</li>
4252 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/TCP">TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)</a>
4253 - one of the core protocols of the Internet protocol suite.</li>
4254 <li><a href="http://www.acko.net/node/56">UFPDF</a>
4255 - Unicode/UTF-8 extension for FPDF</li>
4256 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL">URL (Uniform Resource Locator)</a>
4257 - a sequence of characters, conforming to a standardized format, that is
4258 used for referring to resources, such as documents and images on the
4259 Internet, by their location.</li>
4260 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webserver">Webserver</a>
4261 - A computer (program) that is responsible for accepting HTTP requests
4262 from clients and serving them Web pages.</li>
4263 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML">XML (Extensible Markup Language)</a>
4264 - a W3C-recommended general-purpose markup language for creating
4265 special-purpose markup languages, capable of describing many different
4266 kinds of data.</li>
4267 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_%28file_format%29">ZIP</a>
4268 - a popular data compression and archival format.</li>
4269 <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zlib">zlib</a>
4270 - an open-source, cross-platform data compression library by Jean-loup
4271 Gailly and Mark Adler.</li>
4272 </ul>
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