patch #1250935, interface improvements
[phpmyadmin/crack.git] / lang /
1 <?php
2 /* $Id$ */
4 // tercümedeki eksiklerimi ve ya sehv olduðunu düþündüyünüz yerleri adresine göndere bilersiniz...
5 // Þehriyar Ýmanov 30 Avqust 2003... Shehi
7 $charset = 'iso-8859-9';
8 $text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
9 $left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
10 $right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif';
11 $number_thousands_separator = ',';
12 $number_decimal_separator = '.';
13 // shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
14 $byteUnits = array('Bayt', 'KB', 'MB', 'QB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
16 $day_of_week = array('Baz', 'Baz Ert', 'Çerþ Axþ', 'Çerþ', 'Cüme Axþ', 'Cüme', 'Þen');
17 $month = array('Yan', 'Fev', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Ýyun', 'Ýyul', 'Avq', 'Sent', 'Okt', 'Noy', 'Dek');
18 // See to define the
19 // variable below
20 $datefmt = '%B %d, %Y saat %I:%M %p';
21 $timespanfmt = '%s gün, %s saat, %s deqiqe ve %s saniye';
23 $strAPrimaryKey = '%s üzerine Birinci Dereceli Açar elave edildi.';
24 $strAbortedClients = 'Dayandýrýldý';
25 $strAbsolutePathToDocSqlDir = 'Xahiþ edirik, docSQL direktoriyasýna webserver-deki mütleq yolu (absolute path) gösterin.';
26 $strAccessDenied = 'Giriþ Tesdiq Edilmedi';
27 $strAction = 'Fealiyyetler';
28 $strAddDeleteColumn = 'Sahe Sütunlarýný Elave Et/Sil';
29 $strAddDeleteRow = 'Kriteria Setirlerini Elave Et/Sil';
30 $strAddNewField = 'Yeni sahe elave et';
31 $strAddPrivilegesOnDb = 'Aþaðýdaký me\'lumat bazasý üçün selahiyyet müeyyen et';
32 $strAddPrivilegesOnTbl = 'Aþaðýdaký cedvel üçün selahiyyetler müeyyen et';
33 $strAddSearchConditions = 'Axtarýþ þertlerini gir ("where" ifadesinin esas metni):';
34 $strAddToIndex = 'Ýndekse &nbsp;%s&nbsp;sütun elave et';
35 $strAddUser = 'Yeni Ýstifadeçi Elave Et';
36 $strAddUserMessage = 'Yeni istifadeçi elave etdiniz.';
37 $strAddedColumnComment = 'Bu sütun üçün qýsa izahat elave edildi';
38 $strAddedColumnRelation = 'Sütun üçün elaqe elave edildi';
39 $strAdministration = 'Administrasiya';
40 $strAffectedRows = 'Deyiþen setir sayý:';
41 $strAfter = 'Sonra: %s';
42 $strAfterInsertBack = 'Evvelki sehifeye qayýt';
43 $strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Teze bir setir daha gir';
44 $strAll = 'All';
45 $strAllTableSameWidth = 'eyni enli bütün Cedveller gösterilsinmi?';
46 $strAlterOrderBy = 'Cedvel sýrasýna buna göre yeniden qur';
47 $strAnIndex = '%s üzerine indeks elave edildi';
48 $strAnalyzeTable = 'Cedveli analiz et';
49 $strAnd = 'Ve';
50 $strAny = 'Her hansý';
51 $strAnyHost = 'Her hansý host';
52 $strAnyUser = 'Her hansý istifadeçi';
53 $strAscending = 'Artan sýrada';
54 $strAtBeginningOfTable = 'Cedvelin baþýna';
55 $strAtEndOfTable = 'Cedvelin sonuna';
56 $strAttr = 'Xüsusiyyetler';
57 $strAutodetect = 'Avtomatik';
58 $strAutomaticLayout = 'Automatik þablon';
60 $strBack = 'Geri';
61 $strBeginCut = 'BEGIN CUT';
62 $strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN RAW';
63 $strBinary = 'Binary';
64 $strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Binary - deyiþiklik etme';
65 $strBookmarkDeleted = 'Bookmark silindi.';
66 $strBookmarkLabel = 'Etiket';
67 $strBookmarkQuery = 'Bookmark-lanmýþ SQL sorðusu';
68 $strBookmarkThis = 'Bu SQL sorðusunu bookmark-la';
69 $strBookmarkView = 'Sadece göster';
70 $strBrowse = 'Ýçindekiler';
71 $strBzError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to compress the dump because of a broken Bz2 extension in this php version. It is strongly recommended to set the <code>$cfg[\'BZipDump\']</code> directive in your phpMyAdmin configuration file to <code>FALSE</code>. If you want to use the Bz2 compression features, you should upgrade to a later php version. See php bug report %s for details.';
72 $strBzip = '"bzip"lenmiþ';
74 $strCSVOptions = 'CSV variantlarý';
75 $strCannotLogin = 'MySQL server-e gire bilmirem';
76 $strCantLoad = '%s uzantýsýný (extension) yükleye bilmirem,<br />xahiþ edirem PHP Konfiqurasiyaný gözden keçir.';
77 $strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Charset çevirmeleri üçün lazým olan iconv ve ya recode uzantýlarýný yükleye bilmirem; ya php-ni bu uzantýlarý istifade ede bilmesi üçün yeniden quraþdýrýn ya da phpMyAdmin-de charset çevirme xüsusiyyetini söndürün.';
78 $strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Ýndeksi Birinci Dereceli (PRIMARY) olaraq yeniden adlandýra bilmirem!';
79 $strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.';
80 $strCardinality = 'Cardinality';
81 $strCarriage = 'Carriage return: \\r';
82 $strChange = 'Deyiþdir';
83 $strChangeCopyMode = 'Eyni selahiyyetlere sahib yeni istifadeçi qur ve ...';
84 $strChangeCopyModeCopy = '... köhnesini saxla.';
85 $strChangeCopyModeDeleteAndReload = ' ... istifadeçi cedvellerinden köhnesini sil ve ardýndan selahiyyetleri yeniden yükle.';
86 $strChangeCopyModeJustDelete = ' ... istifadeçi cedvellerinden köhnesini sil.';
87 $strChangeCopyModeRevoke = ' ... köhne istifadeçinin selahiyyetlerini elinden alaraq onu sil.';
88 $strChangeCopyUser = 'Sistem Giriþ Me\'lumatýný Deyiþdir / Ýstifadeçini Kopyala';
89 $strChangeDisplay = 'Gösterilecek Saheni Seç';
90 $strChangePassword = 'Parolu Deyiþdir';
91 $strCharset = 'Charset';
92 $strCharsetOfFile = 'Faylýn Charset-i:';
93 $strCheckAll = 'Hamýsýný Seç';
94 $strCheckPrivs = 'Selahiyyetleri Gözden Keçir';
95 $strCheckPrivsLong = '&quot;%s&quot; bazasý üçün selahiyyetleri gözden keçir.';
96 $strCheckTable = 'Cedveli yoxla';
97 $strChoosePage = 'Xahiþ edirem, deyiþdirilecek Sehifeni seç';
98 $strColComFeat = 'Sütun Qýsa Ýzahatýný Deyiþdir';
99 $strColumnNames = 'Sütun adlarý';
100 $strColumnPrivileges = 'Sütunaxas Selahiyyetler';
101 $strCommand = 'Komanda';
102 $strComments = 'Qýsa Ýzahatlar';
103 $strCompleteInserts = 'Tam giriþli (complete inserts)';
104 $strCompression = 'Sýxýþdýrma';
105 $strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin konfiqurasiya faylýnýzý oxuya bilmedi!<br />Bunun sebebi fayldaký parse error ya da faylýn mövcud olmamasý ola biler.<br />Xahiþ edirem aþaðýdaký link-i istifade ederek konfiqurasiya faylýný çaðýrýn ve aldýðýnýz php xeta mesaj(lar)ýný oxuyun. Bir çox halda ya tek dýrnaq ya da nöqteli vergül eksikliyi vardýr.<br />Eger boþ sehife ile qarþýlaþsanýz, demek ki, her þey qaydasýndadýr.';
106 $strConfigureTableCoord = 'Xahiþ edirem, %s cedveli üçün koordinatlarý yeniden müeyyen et.';
107 $strConnections = 'Rabiteler (Connections)';
108 $strCookiesRequired = 'Sisteme girebilmeniz üçün çerez fayllarý (cookie-ler) aktiv olmalýdýr.';
109 $strCopyTable = 'Cedveli kopyala (me\'lumat bazasý<b>.</b>cedvel):';
110 $strCopyTableOK = '%s cedveli %s - e kopyalandý.';
111 $strCopyTableSameNames = 'Cedveli eynisinin üzerine kopyalaya bilmerem!';
112 $strCouldNotKill = 'phpMyAdmin %s emeliyyat thread-ini öldüre (kill) bilmedi. Böyük ehtimal artýq söndürülmüþdür.';
113 $strCreate = 'Qur';
114 $strCreateIndex = '&nbsp;%s&nbsp;sütunda indeks yarat';
115 $strCreateIndexTopic = 'Yeni indeks qur';
116 $strCreateNewDatabase = 'Yeni me\'lumat bazasý yarat';
117 $strCreateNewTable = '%s bazasýnda yeni cedvel qur';
118 $strCreatePage = 'Yeni Sehife qur';
119 $strCreatePdfFeat = 'PDF-lerin qurulmasý';
120 $strCriteria = 'Kriteriyalar';
122 $strDBComment = 'Baza qýsa izahatý: ';
123 $strDBGContext = 'Metn (kontekst)';
124 $strDBGContextID = 'Kontekst Nömresi';
125 $strDBGHits = 'Hit-ler';
126 $strDBGLine = 'Setir';
127 $strDBGMaxTimeMs = 'Min müddet, ms';
128 $strDBGMinTimeMs = 'Max müddet, ms';
129 $strDBGModule = 'Modul';
130 $strDBGTimePerHitMs = 'Vaxt/Hit, ms';
131 $strDBGTotalTimeMs = 'Toplam müddet, ms';
132 $strData = 'Me\'lumat';
133 $strDataDict = 'Me\'lumat Lüðeti (Data Dictionary)';
134 $strDataOnly = 'Sadece me\'lumat';
135 $strDatabase = 'Me\'lumat Bazasý';
136 $strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = '%s bazasý leðv edildi.';
137 $strDatabases = 'Me\'lumat bazalarý';
138 $strDatabasesDropped = '%s baza müveffeqiyyetle leðv edildi.';
139 $strDatabasesStats = 'Me\'lumat Bazasý Statistikalarý';
140 $strDatabasesStatsDisable = 'Statistikalarý Passivleþdir';
141 $strDatabasesStatsEnable = 'Statistikalarý Aktivleþdir';
142 $strDatabasesStatsHeavyTraffic = 'Qeyd: Me\'lumat Bazasý statistikalarýný burada iþe salmaqla webserver-le MySQL server arasýnda aðýr neqliyyat (traffic) meydana getire bilersiniz.';
143 $strDbPrivileges = 'Me\'lumat Bazasýna Mexsus Selahiyyetler';
144 $strDbSpecific = 'bazayaxas';
145 $strDefault = 'Baþlanðýc deyer';
146 $strDefaultValueHelp = 'Baþlanðýc deyer girerken, sadece deyeri girin, ters kesr escape-leme ya da dýrnaqdan istifade etmeyin, bu formatý te\'qib edin: a';
147 $strDelOld = 'Hal-hazýrki sehifen artýq mövcud olmayan Cedvellere baðlýdýr. Bu elaqelerin silinmesini istermisiniz?';
148 $strDelete = 'Sil';
149 $strDeleteAndFlush = 'Bütün istifadeçileri sil ve ardýndan selahiyyetleri yeniden yükle.';
150 $strDeleteAndFlushDescr = 'Bu en temiz yoldur, amma selahiyyetlerin yeniden yüklenmesi zaman teleb ede biler.';
151 $strDeleted = 'Setir silindi';
152 $strDeletedRows = 'Silinen setir sayý:';
153 $strDeleting = '%s silinir';
154 $strDescending = 'Azalan sýrada';
155 $strDisabled = 'Söndürülüb';
156 $strDisplayFeat = 'Xüsusiyyetleri Göster';
157 $strDisplayOrder = 'Sýralama þekli:';
158 $strDisplayPDF = 'PDF sxemini göster';
159 $strDoAQuery = '"nümuneye göre sorðu" gönderin (xüsusi iþare: "%")';
160 $strDoYouReally = 'Aþaðýdaký sorðunu icra etdirmekten eminsiniz ';
161 $strDocu = 'Dokumentasiya';
162 $strDrop = 'Leðv et';
163 $strDropSelectedDatabases = 'Seçilmiþ Me\'lumat Bazalarýný Leðv Et';
164 $strDropUsersDb = 'Ýstifadeçilerle eyni adlý me\'lumat bazalarýný leðv et.';
165 $strDumpSaved = 'Sxem %s faylýna qeyd edildi.';
166 $strDumpXRows = '%s setri %s nömreli qeydden baþlayaraq göster.';
167 $strDumpingData = 'Sxemi çýxarýlan cedvel';
168 $strDynamic = 'dinamik';
170 $strEdit = 'Deyiþdir';
171 $strEditPDFPages = 'PDF Sehifelerini Deyiþdir';
172 $strEditPrivileges = 'Selahiyyetleri Deyiþdir';
173 $strEffective = 'Effektiv';
174 $strEmpty = 'Boþalt';
175 $strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL boþ netice çoxluðu gönderdi (ye\'ni sýfýr setir).';
176 $strEnabled = 'Enabled';
177 $strEnd = 'Son';
178 $strEndCut = 'END CUT';
179 $strEndRaw = 'END RAW';
180 $strEnglishPrivileges = ' Qeyd: MySQL selahiyyet adlarý ingilis dilinde ifade edilmiþdir ';
181 $strError = 'Xeta';
182 $strExplain = 'SQL-i Ýzah Et';
183 $strExport = 'Eksport';
184 $strExtendedInserts = 'Geniþletilmiþ giriþli (extended inserts)';
185 $strExtra = 'Elave Xüs.';
187 $strFailedAttempts = 'Uðursuz Cehdler';
188 $strField = 'Sahe';
189 $strFieldHasBeenDropped = '%s sahesi leðv edildi';
190 $strFields = 'Sahe sayý';
191 $strFieldsEmpty = ' Sahe sayðacý boþdur! ';
192 $strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Saheler ehate edildiyi iþare';
193 $strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Sahelerin escape edildiyi iþare';
194 $strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Sahelerin yox edildiyi (terminate) iþare';
195 $strFileAlreadyExists = '%s faylý serverda onsuz da mövcuddur, ya faylýn adýný deyiþdir ya da üzerine yazma variantlarýný.';
196 $strFileCouldNotBeRead = 'Fayl oxuna bilmir';
197 $strFileNameTemplate = 'Fayl adý nomenklaturasý';
198 $strFileNameTemplateHelp = '__DB__ ifadesini me\'lumat bazasý adý, __TABLE__ ifadesini de cedvel adý ve %sher hansý strftime%s seçeneklerini de vaxt ifadeleri üçün istifade edin; fayl uzantýsý avtomatik olaraq elave edilecekdir. Diger metnler olduðu kimi saxlanacaqdýr.';
199 $strFileNameTemplateRemember = 'nomenklaturaný unutma';
200 $strFixed = 'fixed';
201 $strFlushPrivilegesNote = 'Qeyd: phpMyAdmin istifadeçi selahiyyetlerini birbaþa MySQL-in selahiyyetler cedvellerinden almaqdadýr. Eger elle nizamlamalar edilmiþse, bu cedvellerin içerisindekiler webserver-in istifade etdiklerinden ferqli ola biler. Bu halda, davam etmeden evvel, selahiyyetleri yeniden yüklemelisiniz.';
202 $strFlushTable = 'Cedveli flush-la ("FLUSH")';
203 $strFormEmpty = 'Formda eksik girilmiþ deyer var!';
204 $strFormat = 'Format';
205 $strFullText = 'Tam Metnler (Full Text)';
206 $strFunction = 'Funksiya';
208 $strGenBy = 'Qurucu';
209 $strGenTime = 'Hazýrlanma Vaxtý';
210 $strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Ümumi elaqe variantlarý';
211 $strGlobal = 'qlobal';
212 $strGlobalPrivileges = 'Qlobal selahiyyetler';
213 $strGlobalValue = 'Qlobal deyer';
214 $strGo = 'Davam';
215 $strGrantOption = 'Ýcaze ver';
216 $strGzip = '"gzip"lenmiþ';
218 $strHasBeenAltered = 'deyiþdirildi.';
219 $strHasBeenCreated = 'quruldu.';
220 $strHaveToShow = 'Gösterilmesi üçün en az bir sütun seçmelisiniz';
221 $strHome = 'Baþlanðýc';
222 $strHomepageOfficial = 'phpMyAdmin Resmi Ýnternet Sehifesi';
223 $strHost = 'Host';
224 $strHostEmpty = 'Host adý boþdur!';
226 $strId = 'Nömre';
227 $strIdxFulltext = 'Tam metn (Fulltext)';
228 $strIfYouWish = 'Cedvelin sadece be\'zi sütunlarýný yüklemek isteyirsinizse, saheleri aralarýna vergül qoyaraq göster.';
229 $strIgnore = 'Diqqete Alma';
230 $strIgnoringFile = '%s Diqqete Almama (Ignore) faylý';
231 $strImportDocSQL = 'docSQL Fayllarýný Ýmport Et';
232 $strImportFiles = 'Fayllarý import et';
233 $strImportFinished = 'Ýmport baþa çatdý';
234 $strInUse = 'istifadede';
235 $strIndex = 'Ýndeks';
236 $strIndexHasBeenDropped = '%s indeksi leðv edildi';
237 $strIndexName = 'Ýndex adý&nbsp;:';
238 $strIndexType = 'Ýndex tipi&nbsp;:';
239 $strIndexes = 'Indeksler';
240 $strInnodbStat = 'InnoDB Status';
241 $strInsecureMySQL = 'Konfiqurasiya faylýnýzda MySQL baþlanðýc deyerleri (parolsuz root istifadeçisi) mövcuddur ki, bu da tehlükesizlik nöqteyi nezerinden e\'tibarlý deyildir.';
242 $strInsert = 'Elave et';
243 $strInsertAsNewRow = 'Yeni setir olaraq elave et';
244 $strInsertNewRow = 'Yeni setir elave et';
245 $strInsertTextfiles = 'Metn faylýndan cedvele me\'lumat gir';
246 $strInsertedRowId = 'Elave edilen setir nömresi (id):';
247 $strInsertedRows = 'Elave edilen setir sayý:';
248 $strInstructions = 'Ýnstruksiyalar';
250 $strJumpToDB = '&quot;%s&quot; me\'lumat bazasýna keç.';
251 $strJustDelete = 'Sadece olaraq selahiyyet cedvellerindeki istifadeçileri sil.';
252 $strJustDeleteDescr = '&quot;Silinmiþ&quot; istifadeçiler selahiyyetler yeniden yüklenene qeder server-e gire bilecekler.';
254 $strKeepPass = 'Parolu deyiþdirme';
255 $strKeyname = 'Açar söz';
256 $strKill = 'Öldür (Kill)';
258 $strLaTeX = 'LaTeX';
259 $strLaTeXOptions = 'LaTeX variantlarý';
260 $strLandscape = 'Landþaft';
261 $strLengthSet = 'Uzunluq/Deyerler*';
262 $strLimitNumRows = 'Sehife baþýna düþen setir sayý';
263 $strLineFeed = 'Linefeed: \\n';
264 $strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Setir leðvedicisi (Lines terminated by)';
265 $strLinkNotFound = 'Link tapýlmadý';
266 $strLinksTo = 'Links to';
267 $strLoadExplanation = 'En yaxþý metod baþlanðýc deyer olaraq iþaretlenmiþdir; amma iþlemezse onu deyiþdire bilersiniz.';
268 $strLoadMethod = 'LOAD metodu';
269 $strLocalhost = 'Yerli';
270 $strLocationTextfile = 'metn faylýnýzýn yolunu göster';
271 $strLogPassword = 'Parol:';
272 $strLogUsername = 'Ýstifadeçi Adý:';
273 $strLogin = 'Sisteme Giriþ';
274 $strLoginInformation = 'Sisteme Giriþ Me\'lumatý';
275 $strLogout = 'Sistemden Çýxýþ';
277 $strMIME_MIMEtype = 'MIME-tipi';
278 $strMIME_available_mime = 'Mövcud olan MIME-tipleri';
279 $strMIME_available_transform = 'Mövcud transformasiyalar';
280 $strMIME_description = 'Haqqýnda';
281 $strMIME_nodescription = 'No Description is available for this transformation.<br />Please ask the author, what %s does.';
282 $strMIME_transformation = 'Browser transformation';
283 $strMIME_transformation_note = 'For a list of available transformation options and their MIME-type transformations, click on %stransformation descriptions%s';
284 $strMIME_transformation_options = 'Transformasiya variantlarý';
285 $strMIME_transformation_options_note = 'Please enter the values for transformation options using this format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those values, backslashes it (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
286 $strMIME_without = 'MIME-types printed in italics do not have a seperate transformation function';
287 $strModifications = 'Modifications have been saved';
288 $strModify = 'Modify';
289 $strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modify an index';
290 $strMoreStatusVars = 'More status variables';
291 $strMoveTable = 'Cedveli daþý (me\'lumat bazasý<b>.</b>cedvel):';
292 $strMoveTableOK = '%s cedveli %s - e daþýnmýþdýr.';
293 $strMoveTableSameNames = 'Can\'t move table to same one!';
294 $strMustSelectFile = 'You should select file which you want to insert.';
295 $strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL charset';
296 $strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL yeniden yüklendi.';
297 $strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL deyir: ';
298 $strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1%, %pma_s2% üzerinde %pma_s3% istifadeçisi olaraq iþlemektedir';
299 $strMySQLShowProcess = 'Prosesleri göster';
300 $strMySQLShowStatus = 'MySQL runtime me\'lumatýný göster';
301 $strMySQLShowVars = 'MySQL sistem deyiþenlerini göster';
303 $strName = 'Adý';
304 $strNext = 'Sonraký';
305 $strNo = 'Xeyir';
306 $strNoDatabases = 'Baza yoxdur';
307 $strNoDatabasesSelected = 'Heç bir baza seçilmemiþdir.';
308 $strNoDescription = 'Haqqýnda me\'lumat (description) mövcud deyildir';
309 $strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" ifadeleri söndürülmüþdür (disabled).';
310 $strNoExplain = 'SQL Ýzah Et-i Keç';
311 $strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin <b>frame-destekli</b> görüntüleyicilerle (browser) daha yaxþý iþleyir.';
312 $strNoIndex = 'Ýndeks te\'yin edilmedi!';
313 $strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Ýndeks qisimleri te\'yin edilmedi!';
314 $strNoModification = 'Deyiþiklik Yoxdur';
315 $strNoOptions = 'Bu formatýn variantlarý yoxdur';
316 $strNoPassword = 'Parol Yoxdur';
317 $strNoPermission = 'Webserver-in %s faylýný saxlama izni yoxdur.';
318 $strNoPhp = 'PHP Kodunu Gösterme';
319 $strNoPrivileges = 'Selahiyyet çatýþmazlýðý';
320 $strNoQuery = 'Sorðu te\'yin edilmedi!';
321 $strNoRights = 'Burada olma haqqýnýz yoxdur!';
322 $strNoSpace = '%s faylýný saxlamaq üçün lazým olan yer çatýþmýr.';
323 $strNoTablesFound = 'Me\'lumat bazasýnda cedvel yoxdur.';
324 $strNoUsersFound = 'Ýstifadeçi(ler) tapýlmadý.';
325 $strNoValidateSQL = 'SQL Tesdiqlemeni (Validation) Keç';
326 $strNone = 'Heç biri';
327 $strNotNumber = 'Bu reqem deyildir!';
328 $strNotOK = 'Müveffeqiyyetsiz';
329 $strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> cedveli %s içerisinde ya <b>tapýlmadý</b> ya da qurulmamýþdýr';
330 $strNull = 'Null';
331 $strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s uyðunluq tapýldý (<i>%s</i> cedvelinde)';
332 $strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Cemi:</b> <i>%s</i> uyðunluq';
333 $strNumTables = 'Cedveller';
335 $strOK = 'Müveffeqiyyetle';
336 $strOftenQuotation = 'Often quotation marks. OPTIONALLY means that only char and varchar fields are enclosed by the "enclosed by"-character.';
337 $strOperations = 'Emeliyyatlar';
338 $strOptimizeTable = 'Cedveli optimallaþdýr';
339 $strOptionalControls = 'Optional. Controls how to write or read special characters.';
340 $strOptionally = 'OPTIONALLY';
341 $strOr = 'ya da';
342 $strOverhead = 'Aþma deyeri';
343 $strOverwriteExisting = 'Overwrite existing file(s)';
345 $strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.';
346 $strPHPVersion = 'PHP Versiyasý';
347 $strPageNumber = 'Sehife Nömresi:';
348 $strPartialText = 'Qismi Metnler';
349 $strPassword = 'Parol';
350 $strPasswordChanged = '%s üçün parol müveffeqiyyetle deyiþdirilmiþdir.';
351 $strPasswordEmpty = 'Parol boþdur!';
352 $strPasswordNotSame = 'Giridiyiniz parollar eyni deyil!';
353 $strPdfDbSchema = '"%s" bazanýn sxemi - Sehife %s';
354 $strPdfInvalidTblName = '"%s" cedveli mövcud deyil!';
355 $strPdfNoTables = 'Cedvel yoxdur';
356 $strPerHour = 'saatda';
357 $strPerMinute = 'deqiqede';
358 $strPerSecond = 'saniyede';
359 $strPhp = 'PHP Kodunu Hazýrla';
360 $strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin dokumentasiyasý (etraflý me\'lumat üçün)';
361 $strPmaUriError = 'The <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> directive MUST be set in your configuration file!';
362 $strPortrait = 'Portret';
363 $strPos1 = 'Baþla';
364 $strPrevious = 'Evvelki';
365 $strPrimary = 'Birinci Dereceli';
366 $strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Birinci dereceli açar leðv edildi';
367 $strPrimaryKeyName = 'Birinci dereceli açarýn adý... (BÝRÝNCÝ DERECELÝ) PRIMARY olmalýdýr!';
368 $strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" sadece birinci dereceli açarýn adý <b>olmalýdýr</b>!)';
369 $strPrint = 'Çap et';
370 $strPrintView = 'Çap görüntüsü';
371 $strPrivDescAllPrivileges = 'GRANT-dan baþqa bütün selahiyyetler daxildir.';
372 $strPrivDescAlter = 'Mövcud olan cedvellerin strukturunu deyiþdirmeye icaze verir.';
373 $strPrivDescCreateDb = 'Yeni bazalar ve cedveller qurmaða icaze verir.';
374 $strPrivDescCreateTbl = 'Yeni cedveller qurmaða icaze verir.';
375 $strPrivDescCreateTmpTable = 'Keçici cedveller qurmaða icaze verir.';
376 $strPrivDescDelete = 'Me\'lumat silmeye icaze verir.';
377 $strPrivDescDropDb = 'Baza ve cedvel leðv etmeye icaze verir.';
378 $strPrivDescDropTbl = 'Cedvelleri leðv etmeye icaze verir.';
379 $strPrivDescExecute = 'Allows running stored procedures; Has no effect in this MySQL version.';
380 $strPrivDescFile = 'Allows importing data from and exporting data into files.';
381 $strPrivDescGrant = 'Allows adding users and privileges without reloading the privilege tables.';
382 $strPrivDescIndex = 'Allows creating and dropping indexes.';
383 $strPrivDescInsert = 'Allows inserting and replacing data.';
384 $strPrivDescLockTables = 'Allows locking tables for the current thread.';
385 $strPrivDescMaxConnections = 'Limits the number of new connections the user may open per hour.';
386 $strPrivDescMaxQuestions = 'Limits the number of queries the user may send to the server per hour.';
387 $strPrivDescMaxUpdates = 'Limits the number of commands that change any table or database the user may execute per hour.';
388 $strPrivDescProcess3 = 'Allows killing processes of other users.';
389 $strPrivDescProcess4 = 'Allows viewing the complete queries in the process list.';
390 $strPrivDescReferences = 'Has no effect in this MySQL version.';
391 $strPrivDescReload = 'Allows reloading server settings and flushing the server\'s caches.';
392 $strPrivDescReplClient = 'Gives the right to the user to ask where the slaves / masters are.';
393 $strPrivDescReplSlave = 'Needed for the replication slaves.';
394 $strPrivDescSelect = 'Allows reading data.';
395 $strPrivDescShowDb = 'Gives access to the complete list of databases.';
396 $strPrivDescShutdown = 'Allows shutting down the server.';
397 $strPrivDescSuper = 'Allows connecting, even if maximum number of connections is reached; Required for most administrative operations like setting global variables or killing threads of other users.';
398 $strPrivDescUpdate = 'Allows changing data.';
399 $strPrivDescUsage = 'Selahiyyet te\'yin edilmedi.';
400 $strPrivileges = 'Selahiyyetler';
401 $strPrivilegesReloaded = 'The privileges were reloaded successfully.';
402 $strProcesslist = 'Proses siyahýsý';
403 $strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row';
405 $strQBE = 'Sorðu';
406 $strQBEDel = 'Del';
407 $strQBEIns = 'Ins';
408 $strQueryFrame = 'Sorðu penceresi';
409 $strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-query on database <b>%s</b>:';
410 $strQuerySQLHistory = 'SQL-tarixçesi';
411 $strQueryStatistics = '<b>Sorðu statistikasý</b>: Açýldýqdan bu yana, bu servere %s sorðu gönderilmiþdir.';
412 $strQueryTime = 'sorðu %01.4f saniyede icra edildi';
413 $strQueryType = 'Sorðu tipi';
415 $strReType = 'Re-type';
416 $strReceived = 'Received';
417 $strRecords = 'Qeydiyyat';
418 $strReferentialIntegrity = 'Check referential integrity:';
419 $strRelationNotWorking = 'Elaqelendirilmiþ cedveller üçün nezerde tutulmuþ be\'zi xüsusiyyetler passivleþdirilmiþdir. Sebebini aydýnlaþdýrmaq üçün %sbax%s.';
420 $strRelationView = 'Relation view';
421 $strRelationalSchema = 'Relational schema';
422 $strRelations = 'Relations';
423 $strReloadFailed = 'MySQL reload failed.';
424 $strReloadMySQL = 'Reload MySQL';
425 $strReloadingThePrivileges = 'Reloading the privileges';
426 $strRemoveSelectedUsers = 'Remove selected users';
427 $strRenameTable = 'Cedveli yeniden adlandýr';
428 $strRenameTableOK = '%s cedveli %s olaraq yeniden adlandýrýlmýþdýr';
429 $strRepairTable = 'Cedveli te\'mir et';
430 $strReplace = 'Replace';
431 $strReplaceTable = 'Replace table data with file';
432 $strReset = 'Sýfýrla';
433 $strResourceLimits = 'Resource limits';
434 $strRevoke = 'Revoke';
435 $strRevokeAndDelete = 'Revoke all active privileges from the users and delete them afterwards.';
436 $strRevokeAndDeleteDescr = 'The users will still have the USAGE privilege until the privileges are reloaded.';
437 $strRevokeMessage = 'You have revoked the privileges for %s';
438 $strRowLength = 'Sýra uzunluðu';
439 $strRowSize = ' Sýra boyu ';
440 $strRows = 'Sýra sayý';
441 $strRowsFrom = 'setri göster; baþlangýç qeydiyyat nömresi';
442 $strRowsModeFlippedHorizontal = 'üfüqi (tekrarlanan baþlýqlar)';
443 $strRowsModeHorizontal = 'üfüqi';
444 $strRowsModeOptions = '%s rejimde, baþlýqlar %s blokdan bir tekrar ederek';
445 $strRowsModeVertical = 'þaquli';
446 $strRowsStatistic = 'Sýra Statistikasý';
447 $strRunQuery = 'Emri Ýcra Et';
448 $strRunSQLQuery = '%s Me\'lumat bazasýna SQL sorðusu(-larý) gönder';
449 $strRunning = '%s üzerinde iþlemektedir';
451 $strSQL = 'SQL';
452 $strSQLOptions = 'SQL variantlarý';
453 $strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:';
454 $strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem';
455 $strSQLQuery = 'SQL sorðusu';
456 $strSQLResult = 'SQL result';
457 $strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Invalid Identifer';
458 $strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Unclosed quote';
459 $strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Unknown Punctuation String';
460 $strSave = 'Qeyd Et';
461 $strSaveOnServer = 'Save on server in %s directory';
462 $strScaleFactorSmall = 'The scale factor is too small to fit the schema on one page';
463 $strSearch = 'Axtarýþ';
464 $strSearchFormTitle = 'Search in database';
465 $strSearchInTables = 'Inside table(s):';
466 $strSearchNeedle = 'Axtarmaq üçün söz(ler) ve ya deyer(ler) (wildcard: "%"):';
467 $strSearchOption1 = 'sözlerin en azýndan birini';
468 $strSearchOption2 = 'bütün sözleri';
469 $strSearchOption3 = 'tamamile eyni sözü';
470 $strSearchOption4 = 'requlyar ifade (regular expression) olaraq';
471 $strSearchResultsFor = '"<i>%s</i>" üçün axtarýþ neticeleri %s:';
472 $strSearchType = 'Tap:';
473 $strSelectADb = 'Me\'lumat bazasý seç';
474 $strSelectAll = 'Hamýsýný Seç';
475 $strSelectFields = 'Sahe seçin (en az birini):';
476 $strSelectNumRows = 'in query';
477 $strSelectTables = 'Select Tables';
478 $strSend = 'Fayl olaraq qeyd et';
479 $strSent = 'Gönderildi';
480 $strServer = 'Server';
481 $strServerChoice = 'Server Seçimi';
482 $strServerStatus = 'Runtime Me\'lumatý';
483 $strServerStatusUptime = 'This MySQL server has been running for %s. It started up on %s.';
484 $strServerTabProcesslist = 'Prosesler';
485 $strServerTabVariables = 'Deyiþenler';
486 $strServerTrafficNotes = '<b>Server neqliyyatý</b>: Bu cedveller bu serverin açýlýþýndan beri elde edilen neqliyyatý göstermektedir.';
487 $strServerVars = 'Server deyiþenleri ve variantlarý';
488 $strServerVersion = 'Server versiyasý';
489 $strSessionValue = 'Sessiya deyeri';
490 $strSetEnumVal = 'Sahe tipi "enum" ve ya "set" ise, deyerleri bu formatda girin: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Eger bu deyerlerde ters-kesr ("\") ve ya tek dýrnaq ("\'") istifade etmek isteyirsinizse, onlarý ters-kesrle escape-leyin (meselen \'\\\\xyz\' ve ya \'a\\\'b\').';
491 $strShow = 'Göster';
492 $strShowAll = 'Hamýsýný göster';
493 $strShowColor = 'Rengini göster';
494 $strShowDatadictAs = 'Data Dictionary Format';
495 $strShowFullQueries = 'Emrleri Tam Olaraq Göster';
496 $strShowGrid = 'Show grid';
497 $strShowPHPInfo = 'PHP me\'lumatýný göster';
498 $strShowTableDimension = 'Cedvellerin ölçülerini göster';
499 $strShowTables = 'Cedvelleri göster';
500 $strShowThisQuery = ' Bu sorðunu burada yene göster ';
501 $strShowingRecords = 'Gösterilen setirler';
502 $strSingly = '(tek-tek)';
503 $strSize = 'Boy';
504 $strSort = 'Sýrala';
505 $strSpaceUsage = 'Yer istifadesi';
506 $strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Sözler boþluq ifadesi (" ") ile ayrýlmýþdýr.';
507 $strStatCheckTime = 'En son yoxlama';
508 $strStatCreateTime = 'Quruluþ';
509 $strStatUpdateTime = 'En son yenilenme';
510 $strStatement = 'Variantlar';
511 $strStatus = 'Status';
512 $strStrucCSV = 'CSV verilenleri';
513 $strStrucData = 'Quruluþ ve me\'lumat';
514 $strStrucDrop = '\'Cedveli leðv et\' elaveli';
515 $strStrucExcelCSV = 'MS Excel verilenleri üçün CSV';
516 $strStrucOnly = 'Sadece quruluþ';
517 $strStructPropose = 'Alternativ cedvel strukturu';
518 $strStructure = 'Quruluþ';
519 $strSubmit = 'Submit';
520 $strSuccess = 'SQL sorðunuz müveffeqiyyetle icra edilmiþdir';
521 $strSum = 'Cemi';
522 $strSwitchToTable = 'Kopyalanmýþ cedvele keç';
524 $strTable = 'Cedvel';
525 $strTableComments = 'Cedvel haqqýnda qýsa izahat';
526 $strTableEmpty = 'Cedveli adý boþdur!';
527 $strTableHasBeenDropped = '%s cedveli leðv edildi';
528 $strTableHasBeenEmptied = '%s cedveli boþaldýldý';
529 $strTableHasBeenFlushed = '%s cedveli flush-landý';
530 $strTableMaintenance = 'Cedvel temizliyi';
531 $strTableOfContents = 'Ýçindekiler Cedveli';
532 $strTableStructure = 'Table structure for table';
533 $strTableType = 'Cedvel tipi';
534 $strTables = '%s cedvel';
535 $strTblPrivileges = 'Cedvelexas selahiyyetler';
536 $strTextAreaLength = ' Uzun olduðuna göre,<br /> bu sahedeki me\'lumatlar deyiþdirilmeye biler ';
537 $strTheContent = 'The content of your file has been inserted.';
538 $strTheContents = 'The contents of the file replaces the contents of the selected table for rows with identical primary or unique key.';
539 $strTheTerminator = 'The terminator of the fields.';
540 $strThisHost = 'Bu Host';
541 $strThisNotDirectory = 'Bu direktoriya deyildi';
542 $strThreadSuccessfullyKilled = 'Thread %s uðurla söndürüldü (killed).';
543 $strTime = 'Müddet';
544 $strTotal = 'cemi';
545 $strTotalUC = 'Cemi';
546 $strTraffic = 'Neqliyyat';
547 $strTransformation_image_jpeg__inline = 'Displays a clickable thumbnail; options: width,height in pixels (keeps the original ratio)';
548 $strTransformation_image_jpeg__link = 'Displays a link to this image (direct blob download, i.e.).';
549 $strTransformation_image_png__inline = 'See image/jpeg: inline';
550 $strTransformation_text_plain__dateformat = 'Takes a TIME, TIMESTAMP or DATETIME field and formats it using your local dateformat. First option is the offset (in hours) which will be added to the timestamp (Default: 0). Second option is a different dateformat according to the parameters available for PHPs strftime().';
551 $strTransformation_text_plain__external = 'LINUX ONLY: Launches an external application and feeds the fielddata via standard input. Returns standard output of the application. Default is Tidy, to pretty print HTML code. For security reasons, you have to manually edit the file libraries/transformations/ and insert the tools you allow to be run. The first option is then the number of the program you want to use and the second option are the parameters for the program. The third parameter, if set to 1 will convert the output using htmlspecialchars() (Default is 1). A fourth parameter, if set to 1 will put a NOWRAP to the content cell so that the whole output will be shown without reformatting (Default 1)';
552 $strTransformation_text_plain__formatted = 'Preserves original formatting of the field. No Escaping is done.';
553 $strTransformation_text_plain__imagelink = 'Displays an image and a link, the field contains the filename; first option is a prefix like "", second option is the width in pixels, third is the height.';
554 $strTransformation_text_plain__link = 'Displays a link, the field contains the filename; first option is a prefix like "", second option is a title for the link.';
555 $strTransformation_text_plain__substr = 'Only shows part of a string. First option is an offset to define where the output of your text starts (Default 0). Second option is an offset how much text is returned. If empty, returns all the remaining text. The third option defines which chars will be appended to the output when a substring is returned (Default: ...) .';
556 $strTruncateQueries = 'Truncate Shown Queries';
557 $strType = 'Tip';
559 $strUncheckAll = 'Heç Birini Seçme';
560 $strUnique = 'Unikal';
561 $strUnselectAll = 'Heç birini seçme';
562 $strUpdComTab = 'Please see Documentation on how to update your Column_comments Table';
563 $strUpdatePrivMessage = 'You have updated the privileges for %s.';
564 $strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profil yenilendi.';
565 $strUpdateQuery = 'Sorðunu Yenile';
566 $strUsage = 'Miqdar';
567 $strUseBackquotes = 'Cedvel ve sahe adlarýný tek dýrnaq arasýna al';
568 $strUseHostTable = 'Use Host Table';
569 $strUseTables = 'Use Tables';
570 $strUseTextField = 'Use text field';
571 $strUser = 'Ýstifadeçi';
572 $strUserAlreadyExists = '%s istifadeçisi mövcuddur!';
573 $strUserEmpty = 'Ýstifadeçi adý boþ qaldý!';
574 $strUserName = 'Ýstifadeçi adý';
575 $strUserNotFound = 'The selected user was not found in the privilege table.';
576 $strUserOverview = 'User overview';
577 $strUsersDeleted = 'The selected users have been deleted successfully.';
578 $strUsersHavingAccessToDb = 'Users having access to &quot;%s&quot;';
580 $strValidateSQL = 'SQL Tesdiqle';
581 $strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.';
582 $strValue = 'Deyer';
583 $strVar = 'Deyiþen';
584 $strViewDump = 'Cedvelin sxemini göster';
585 $strViewDumpDB = 'Me\'lumat bazasýnýn sxemini göster';
587 $strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload direktoriyasý';
588 $strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'Upload iþleri üçün te\'yin etdiyiniz direktoriya tapýlmadý';
589 $strWelcome = '%s - (n)e Xoþ Gelmiþsiniz!';
590 $strWildcard = 'xüsusi iþare';
591 $strWithChecked = 'Seçilenleri:';
592 $strWritingCommentNotPossible = 'Qýsa izahat yazýlýþý mümkün deyil';
593 $strWritingRelationNotPossible = 'Elaqe yazýlýþý mümkün deyil';
594 $strWrongUser = 'Yanlýþ istifadeçi adý ve ya parol. Giriþ tesdiq edilmedi.';
596 $strXML = 'XML';
598 $strYes = 'Beli';
600 $strZeroRemovesTheLimit = 'Qeyd: Bu variantlarý 0 (sýfýr)-a çevirmek hüdudu (limiti) qaldýracaq.';
601 $strZip = '"zip"lenmiþ';
603 $strExecuteBookmarked = 'Execute bookmarked query'; //to translate
604 $strExcelOptions = 'Excel options'; //to translate
605 $strReplaceNULLBy = 'Replace NULL by'; //to translate
606 $strQueryWindowLock = 'Do not overwrite this query from outside the window'; //to translate
607 $strPaperSize = 'Paper size'; //to translate
608 $strDatabaseNoTable = 'This database contains no table!';//to translate
609 $strViewDumpDatabases = 'View dump (schema) of databases';//to translate
610 $strAddIntoComments = 'Add into comments';//to translate
611 $strDatabaseExportOptions = 'Database export options';//to translate
612 $strAddDropDatabase = 'Add DROP DATABASE';//to translate
613 $strToggleScratchboard = 'toggle scratchboard'; //to translate
614 $strTableOptions = 'Table options'; //to translate
615 $strSecretRequired = 'The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).'; //to translate
616 $strAccessDeniedExplanation = 'phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in and make sure that they correspond to the information given by the administrator of the MySQL server.'; //to translate
617 $strAddAutoIncrement = 'Add AUTO_INCREMENT value'; //to translate
618 $strCharsets = 'Charsets'; //to translate
619 $strDescription = 'Description'; //to translate
620 $strCharsetsAndCollations = 'Character Sets and Collations'; //to translate
621 $strCollation = 'Collation'; //to translate
622 $strMultilingual = 'multilingual'; //to translate
623 $strGerman = 'German'; //to translate
624 $strPhoneBook = 'phone book'; //to translate
625 $strDictionary = 'dictionary'; //to translate
626 $strSwedish = 'Swedish'; //to translate
627 $strDanish = 'Danish'; //to translate
628 $strCzech = 'Czech'; //to translate
629 $strTurkish = 'Turkish'; //to translate
630 $strEnglish = 'English'; //to translate
631 $strHungarian = 'Hungarian'; //to translate
632 $strCroatian = 'Croatian'; //to translate
633 $strBulgarian = 'Bulgarian'; //to translate
634 $strLithuanian = 'Lithuanian'; //to translate
635 $strEstonian = 'Estonian'; //to translate
636 $strCaseInsensitive = 'case-insensitive'; //to translate
637 $strCaseSensitive = 'case-sensitive'; //to translate
638 $strUkrainian = 'Ukrainian'; //to translate
639 $strHebrew = 'Hebrew'; //to translate
640 $strWestEuropean = 'West European'; //to translate
641 $strCentralEuropean = 'Central European'; //to translate
642 $strTraditionalChinese = 'Traditional Chinese'; //to translate
643 $strCyrillic = 'Cyrillic'; //to translate
644 $strArmenian = 'Armenian'; //to translate
645 $strArabic = 'Arabic'; //to translate
646 $strRussian = 'Russian'; //to translate
647 $strUnknown = 'unknown'; //to translate
648 $strBaltic = 'Baltic'; //to translate
649 $strUnicode = 'Unicode'; //to translate
650 $strSimplifiedChinese = 'Simplified Chinese'; //to translate
651 $strKorean = 'Korean'; //to translate
652 $strGreek = 'Greek'; //to translate
653 $strJapanese = 'Japanese'; //to translate
654 $strThai = 'Thai'; //to translate
655 $strUseThisValue = 'Use this value'; //to translate
656 $strWindowNotFound = 'The target browser window could not be updated. Maybe you have closed the parent window or your browser is blocking cross-window updates of your security settings'; //to translate
657 $strBrowseForeignValues = 'Browse foreign values'; //to translate
658 $strInternalRelations = 'Internal relations'; //to translate
659 $strInternalNotNecessary = '* An internal relation is not necessary when it exists also in InnoDB.'; //to translate
660 $strUpgrade = 'You should upgrade to %s %s or later.'; //to translate
661 $strLatexStructure = 'Structure of table __TABLE__';//to translate
662 $strLatexContinued = '(continued)';//to translate
663 $strLatexContent = 'Content of table __TABLE__';//to translate
664 $strLatexIncludeCaption = 'Include table caption';//to translate
665 $strLatexCaption = 'Table caption';//to translate
666 $strLatexLabel = 'Label key';//to translate
667 $strLatexContinuedCaption = 'Continued table caption';//to translate
669 $strPrintViewFull = 'Print view (with full texts)'; //to translate
670 $strLogServer = 'Server'; //to translate
671 $strSortByKey = 'Sort by key'; //to translate
672 $strBookmarkAllUsers = 'Let every user access this bookmark'; //to translate
673 $strConstraintsForDumped = 'Constraints for dumped tables'; //to translate
674 $strConstraintsForTable = 'Constraints for table'; //to translate
675 $strBookmarkOptions = 'Bookmark options'; //to translate
676 $strCreationDates = 'Creation/Update/Check dates'; //to translate
677 $strCheckOverhead = 'Check tables with overhead'; //to translate
678 $strExcelEdition = 'Excel edition'; //to translate
679 $strDelayedInserts = 'Use delayed inserts'; //to translate
680 $strSQLExportType = 'Export type'; //to translate
681 $strAddConstraints = 'Add constraints'; //to translate
682 $strGeorgian = 'Georgian'; //to translate
683 $strCzechSlovak = 'Czech-Slovak'; //to translate
684 $strTransformation_application_octetstream__download = 'Display a link to download the binary data of a field. First option is the filename of the binary file. Second option is a possible fieldname of a table row containing the filename. If you provide a second option you need to have the first option set to an empty string'; //to translate
685 $strMaximumSize = 'Maximum size: %s%s'; //to translate
686 $strConnectionError = 'Cannot connect: invalid settings.'; //to translate
687 $strDropDatabaseStrongWarning = 'You are about to DESTROY a complete database!'; //to translate
688 $strAddHeaderComment = 'Add custom comment into header (\\n splits lines)'; //to translate
689 $strNeedPrimaryKey = 'You should define a primary key for this table.'; //to translate
690 $strIgnoreInserts = 'Use ignore inserts'; //to translate
691 $strAddIfNotExists = 'Add IF NOT EXISTS'; //to translate
692 $strCommentsForTable = 'COMMENTS FOR TABLE'; //to translate
693 $strMIMETypesForTable = 'MIME TYPES FOR TABLE'; //to translate
694 $strRelationsForTable = 'RELATIONS FOR TABLE'; //to translate
695 $strAfterInsertSame = 'Go back to this page'; //to translate
696 $strRenameDatabaseOK = 'Database %s has been renamed to %s'; //to translate
697 $strDatabaseEmpty = 'The database name is empty!'; //to translate
698 $strDBRename = 'Rename database to'; //to translate
699 $strOperator = 'Operator'; //to translate
700 $strEncloseInTransaction = 'Enclose export in a transaction'; //to translate
701 $strCalendar = 'Calendar'; //to translate
702 $strRefresh = 'Refresh'; //to translate
703 $strDefragment = 'Defragment table'; //to translate
704 $strNoRowsSelected = 'No rows selected'; //to translate
705 $strSpanish = 'Spanish'; //to translate
706 $strStrucNativeExcel = 'Native MS Excel data'; //to translate
707 $strDisableForeignChecks = 'Disable foreign key checks'; //to translate
708 $strServerNotResponding = 'The server is not responding'; //to translate
709 $strTheme = 'Theme / Style'; //to translate
710 $strTakeIt = 'take it'; //to translate
711 $strHexForBinary = 'Use hexadecimal for binary fields'; //to translate
712 $strIcelandic = 'Icelandic'; //to translate
713 $strLatvian = 'Latvian'; //to translate
714 $strPolish = 'Polish'; //to translate
715 $strRomanian = 'Romanian'; //to translate
716 $strSlovenian = 'Slovenian'; //to translate
717 $strTraditionalSpanish = 'Traditional Spanish'; //to translate
718 $strSlovak = 'Slovak'; //to translate
719 $strMySQLConnectionCollation = 'MySQL connection collation'; //to translate
720 $strPersian = 'Persian'; //to translate
721 $strAddFields = 'Add %s field(s)'; //to translate
722 $strInsertBookmarkTitle = 'Please insert bookmark title'; //to translate
723 $strNoThemeSupport = 'No themes support, please check your configuration and/or your themes in directory %s.'; //to translate
724 $strUseTabKey = 'Use TAB key to move from value to value, or CTRL+arrows to move anywhere'; //to translate
725 $strEscapeWildcards = 'Wildcards _ and % should be escaped with a \ to use them literally'; //to translate
726 $strBinLogName = 'Log name'; //to translate
727 $strBinLogPosition = 'Position'; //to translate
728 $strBinLogEventType = 'Event type'; //to translate
729 $strBinLogServerId = 'Server ID'; //to translate
730 $strBinLogOriginalPosition = 'Original position'; //to translate
731 $strBinLogInfo = 'Information'; //to translate
732 $strBinaryLog = 'Binary log'; //to translate
733 $strSelectBinaryLog = 'Select binary log to view'; //to translate
734 $strDBCopy = 'Copy database to'; //to translate
735 $strCopyDatabaseOK = 'Database %s has been copied to %s'; //to translate
736 $strSwitchToDatabase = 'Switch to copied database'; //to translate
737 $strPasswordHashing = 'Password Hashing'; //to translate
738 $strCompatibleHashing = 'MySQL&nbsp;4.0 compatible'; //to translate
739 $strIndexWarningPrimary = 'PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `%s`';//to translate
740 $strIndexWarningUnique = 'UNIQUE and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `%s`';//to translate
741 $strIndexWarningMultiple = 'More than one %s key was created for column `%s`';//to translate
742 $strIndexWarningTable = 'Problems with indexes of table `%s`';//to translate
743 $strNoActivity = 'No activity since %s seconds or more, please login again'; //to translate
744 $strApproximateCount = 'May be approximate. See FAQ 3.11'; //to translate
745 $strSQLExportCompatibility = 'SQL export compatibility'; //to translate
746 $strMbOverloadWarning = 'You have enabled mbstring.func_overload in your PHP configuration. This option is incompatible with phpMyAdmin and might cause breaking of some data!'; //to translate
747 $strMbExtensionMissing = 'The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using multibyte charset. Without mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results.'; //to translate
748 $strAfterInsertNext = 'Edit next row'; //to translate
749 $strView = 'View'; //to translate
750 $strViewHasBeenDropped = 'View %s has been dropped'; //to translate
751 $strEngines = 'Engines'; //to translate
752 $strStorageEngines = 'Storage Engines'; //to translate
753 $strStorageEngine = 'Storage Engine'; //to translate
754 $strNoDetailsForEngine = 'There is no detailed status information available for this storage engine.'; //to translate
755 $strDefaultEngine = '%s is the default storage engine on this MySQL server.'; //to translate
756 $strEngineAvailable = '%s is available on this MySQL server.'; //to translate
757 $strEngineUnsupported = 'This MySQL server does not support the %s storage engine.'; //to translate
758 $strEngineDisabled = '%s has been disabled for this MySQL server.'; //to translate
759 $strMyISAMSortBufferSize = 'Sort buffer size'; //to translate
760 $strMyISAMSortBufferSizeDesc = 'The buffer that is allocated when sorting MyISAM indexes during a REPAIR TABLE or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE.'; //to translate
761 $strMyISAMDataPointerSize = 'Data pointer size'; //to translate
762 $strMyISAMDataPointerSizeDesc = 'The default pointer size in bytes, to be used by CREATE TABLE for MyISAM tables when no MAX_ROWS option is specified.'; //to translate
763 $strMyISAMRecoverOptions = 'Automatic recovery mode'; //to translate
764 $strMyISAMRecoverOptionsDesc = 'The mode for automatic recovery of crashed MyISAM tables, as set via the --myisam-recover server startup option.'; //to translate
765 $strMyISAMRepairThreads = 'Repair threads'; //to translate
766 $strMyISAMRepairThreadsDesc = 'If this value is greater than 1, MyISAM table indexes are created in parallel (each index in its own thread) during the Repair by sorting process.'; //to translate
767 $strMyISAMMaxSortFileSize = 'Maximum size for temporary sort files'; //to translate
768 $strMyISAMMaxSortFileSizeDesc = 'The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while re-creating a MyISAM index (during REPAIR TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or LOAD DATA INFILE).'; //to translate
769 $strMyISAMMaxExtraSortFileSize = 'Maximum size for temporary files on index creation'; //to translate
770 $strMyISAMMaxExtraSortFileSizeDesc = 'If the temporary file used for fast MyISAM index creation would be larger than using the key cache by the amount specified here, prefer the key cache method.'; //to translate
771 $strLongOperation = 'This operation could be long. Proceed anyway?'; //to translate
772 $strVersionInformation = 'Version information'; //to translate
773 $strInnoDBDataHomeDir = 'Data home directory'; //to translate
774 $strInnoDBDataHomeDirDesc = 'The common part of the directory path for all InnoDB data files.'; //to translate
775 $strInnoDBDataFilePath = 'Data files'; //to translate
776 $strInnoDBAutoextendIncrement = 'Autoextend increment'; //to translate
777 $strInnoDBAutoextendIncrementDesc = ' The increment size for extending the size of an autoextending tablespace when it becomes full.'; //to translate
778 $strBufferPool = 'Buffer Pool'; //to translate
779 $strBufferPoolUsage = 'Buffer Pool Usage'; //to translate
780 $strDataPages = 'Pages containing data'; //to translate
781 $strFreePages = 'Free pages'; //to translate
782 $strBusyPages = 'Busy pages'; //to translate
783 $strDirtyPages = 'Dirty pages'; //to translate
784 $strPagesToBeFlushed = 'Pages to be flushed'; //to translate
785 $strLatchedPages = 'Latched pages'; //to translate
786 $strBufferPoolActivity = 'Buffer Pool Activity'; //to translate
787 $strReadRequests = 'Read requests'; //to translate
788 $strWriteRequests = 'Write requests'; //to translate
789 $strBufferReadMisses = 'Read misses'; //to translate
790 $strBufferReadMissesInPercent = 'Read misses in %'; //to translate
791 $strBufferWriteWaits = 'Write waits'; //to translate
792 $strBufferWriteWaitsInPercent = 'Write waits in %'; //to translate
793 $strHTMLExcel = 'Microsoft Excel 2000'; //to translate
794 $strHTMLExcelOptions = 'Microsoft Excel 2000 export options'; //to translate
795 $strHTMLWord = 'Microsoft Word 2000'; //to translate
796 $strHTMLWordOptions = 'Microsoft Word 2000 export options'; //to translate
797 $strInnoDBBufferPoolSizeDesc = 'The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables.'; //to translate
798 $strInnoDBBufferPoolSize = 'Buffer pool size'; //to translate
799 $strInnoDBPages = 'pages'; //to translate
800 $strSocketProblem = '(or the local MySQL server\'s socket is not correctly configured)'; //to translate
801 $strPrivDescCreateView = 'Allows creating new views.'; //to translate
802 $strPrivDescAlterDb = 'Allows altering the structure of existing tables as well as changing the default charset and collation of databases.'; //to translate
803 $strPrivDescCreateUser = 'Allows creating, dropping and renaming unser accounts.'; //to translate
804 $strPrivDescCreateRoutine = 'Allows creating stored routines.'; //to translate
805 $strPrivDescAlterRoutine = 'Allows altering and dropping stored routines.'; //to translate
806 $strRoutines = 'Routines'; //to translate
807 $strPrivDescShowView = 'Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries.'; //to translate
808 $strPrivDescExecute5 = 'Allows executing stored routines.'; //to translate
809 $strCreateDatabaseBeforeCopying = 'CREATE DATABASE before copying'; //to translate
810 $strGeneratePassword = 'Generate Password'; //to translate
811 $strGenerate = 'Generate'; //to translate
812 $strCopy = 'Copy'; //to translate
813 $strTransformation_application_octetstream__hex = 'Displays hexadecimal representation of data.'; //to translate
814 $strInvalidFieldCount = 'Table must have at least one field.'; //to translate
815 $strInvalidRowNumber = '%d is not valid row number.'; //to translate
816 $strInvalidColumnCount = 'Column count has to be larger than zero.'; //to translate
817 $strInvalidFieldAddCount = 'You have to add at least one field.'; //to translate
818 $strAndThen = 'and then'; //to translate