Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
[phpmyadmin.git] / phpunit.xml.dist
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <phpunit bootstrap="test/bootstrap-dist.php"
3 backupGlobals="true"
4 backupStaticAttributes="false"
5 colors="true"
6 verbose="true">
8 <testsuites>
9 <testsuite name="Classes">
10 <directory suffix="Test.php">test/classes</directory>
11 </testsuite>
12 <testsuite name="Unit">
13 <file>test/EnvironmentTest.php</file>
14 <directory suffix="Test.php">test/libraries/common</directory>
15 <directory suffix="Test.php">test/libraries</directory>
16 </testsuite>
17 <testsuite name="Selenium">
18 <directory suffix="Test.php">test/selenium</directory>
19 </testsuite>
20 </testsuites>
22 <logging>
23 <log type="coverage-clover" target="build/logs/clover.xml" />
24 <log type="junit" target="build/logs/junit.xml" />
25 <log type="json" target="build/logs/phpunit.json" />
26 </logging>
28 <filter>
29 <whitelist addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
30 <directory suffix=".php">.</directory>
31 <exclude>
32 <!-- composer packages -->
33 <directory>vendor/</directory>
34 <!-- excluding the tests from the coverage -->
35 <directory>test/</directory>
36 <!-- excluding the twig cache from the coverage -->
37 <directory>tmp/</directory>
38 <!-- examples for users -->
39 <directory suffix=".php">examples</directory>
40 </exclude>
41 </whitelist>
42 </filter>
43 </phpunit>