schema data and schema structure for installations
[phpbb.git] / phpBB / install / schemas / schema_data.php
1 <?php
3 $schema_data = $schema_updates = array();
5 // We need some default increments first, so add them first
7 // phpbb_styles_imageset
8 $schema_data[] = array(
9 'table' => 'phpbb_styles_imageset',
10 'columns' => array('imageset_name', 'imageset_copyright', 'imageset_path'),
11 'data' => array(
12 array('prosilver', '&copy; phpBB Group', 'prosilver'),
14 'store_auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID',
17 // phpbb_styles_template
18 $schema_data[] = array(
19 'table' => 'phpbb_styles_template',
20 'columns' => array('template_name', 'template_copyright', 'template_path', 'bbcode_bitfield'),
21 'data' => array(
22 array('prosilver', '&copy; phpBB Group', 'prosilver', 'lNg='),
24 'store_auto_increment' => 'TEMPLATE_ID',
27 // phpbb_styles_theme
28 $schema_data[] = array(
29 'table' => 'phpbb_styles_theme',
30 'columns' => array('theme_name', 'theme_copyright', 'theme_path', 'theme_storedb', 'theme_data'),
31 'data' => array(
32 array('prosilver', '&copy; phpBB Group', 'prosilver', 1, ''),
34 'store_auto_increment' => 'THEME_ID',
37 // phpbb_styles
38 $schema_data[] = array(
39 'table' => 'phpbb_styles',
40 'columns' => array('style_name', 'style_copyright', 'style_active', 'template_id', 'theme_id', 'imageset_id'),
41 'data' => array(
42 array('prosilver', '&copy; phpBB Group', 1, array('auto_increment' => 'TEMPLATE_ID:0'), array('auto_increment' => 'THEME_ID:0'), array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
44 'store_auto_increment' => 'STYLE_ID',
47 // phpbb_config
48 $schema_data[] = array(
49 'table' => 'phpbb_config',
50 'columns' => array('config_name', 'config_value'),
51 'data' => array(
52 array('active_sessions', '0'),
53 array('allow_attachments', '1'),
54 array('allow_autologin', '1'),
55 array('allow_avatar_local', '0'),
56 array('allow_avatar_remote', '0'),
57 array('allow_avatar_upload', '0'),
58 array('allow_bbcode', '1'),
59 array('allow_birthdays', '1'),
60 array('allow_bookmarks', '1'),
61 array('allow_emailreuse', '0'),
62 array('allow_forum_notify', '1'),
63 array('allow_mass_pm', '1'),
64 array('allow_name_chars', 'USERNAME_CHARS_ANY'),
65 array('allow_namechange', '0'),
66 array('allow_nocensors', '0'),
67 array('allow_pm_attach', '0'),
68 array('allow_post_flash', '1'),
69 array('allow_post_links', '1'),
70 array('allow_privmsg', '1'),
71 array('allow_sig', '1'),
72 array('allow_sig_bbcode', '1'),
73 array('allow_sig_flash', '0'),
74 array('allow_sig_img', '1'),
75 array('allow_sig_links', '1'),
76 array('allow_sig_pm', '1'),
77 array('allow_sig_smilies', '1'),
78 array('allow_smilies', '1'),
79 array('allow_topic_notify', '1'),
80 array('attachment_quota', '52428800'),
81 array('auth_bbcode_pm', '1'),
82 array('auth_flash_pm', '0'),
83 array('auth_img_pm', '1'),
84 array('auth_method', 'db'),
85 array('auth_smilies_pm', '1'),
86 array('avatar_filesize', '6144'),
87 array('avatar_gallery_path', 'images/avatars/gallery'),
88 array('avatar_max_height', '90'),
89 array('avatar_max_width', '90'),
90 array('avatar_min_height', '20'),
91 array('avatar_min_width', '20'),
92 array('avatar_path', 'images/avatars/upload'),
93 array('avatar_salt', '{AVATAR_SALT}'),
94 array('board_contact', '{BOARD_CONTACT}'),
95 array('board_disable', '0'),
96 array('board_disable_msg', ''),
97 array('board_dst', '0'),
98 array('board_email', '{BOARD_EMAIL}'),
99 array('board_email_from', '0'),
100 array('board_email_sig', '{L_CONFIG_BOARD_EMAIL_SIG}'),
101 array('board_hide_emails', '1'),
102 array('board_startdate', '{BOARD_STARTDATE}'),
103 array('board_timezone', '0'),
104 array('browser_check', '1'),
105 array('bump_interval', '10'),
106 array('bump_type', 'd'),
107 array('cache_gc', '7200'),
108 array('captcha_plugin', '{CAPTCHA_PLUGIN}'),
109 array('captcha_gd_foreground_noise', '0'),
110 array('captcha_gd_x_grid', '25'),
111 array('captcha_gd_y_grid', '25'),
112 array('check_attachment_content', '1'),
113 array('check_dnsbl', '0'),
114 array('chg_passforce', '0'),
115 array('cookie_domain', '{COOKIE_DOMAIN}'),
116 array('cookie_name', '{COOKIE_NAME}'),
117 array('cookie_path', '/'),
118 array('cookie_secure', '{COOKIE_SECURE}'),
119 array('coppa_enable', '0'),
120 array('coppa_fax', ''),
121 array('coppa_mail', ''),
122 array('database_gc', '604800'),
123 array('dbms_version', '{DBMS_VERSION}'),
124 array('default_dateformat', '{DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT}'),
125 array('default_lang', '{DEFAULT_LANG}'),
126 array('default_style', array('auto_increment' => 'STYLE_ID:0')),
127 array('display_last_edited', '1'),
128 array('display_order', '0'),
129 array('edit_time', '0'),
130 array('email_check_mx', '0'),
131 array('email_enable', '{EMAIL_ENABLE}'),
132 array('email_function_name', 'mail'),
133 array('email_package_size', '50'),
134 array('enable_confirm', '1'),
135 array('enable_pm_icons', '1'),
136 array('enable_post_confirm', '1'),
137 array('enable_queue_trigger', '0'),
138 array('flood_interval', '15'),
139 array('force_server_vars', '{FORCE_SERVER_VARS}'),
140 array('form_token_lifetime', '7200'),
141 array('form_token_mintime', '0'),
142 array('form_token_sid_guests', '1'),
143 array('forward_pm', '1'),
144 array('forwarded_for_check', '0'),
145 array('full_folder_action', '2'),
146 array('fulltext_mysql_max_word_len', '254'),
147 array('fulltext_mysql_min_word_len', '4'),
148 array('fulltext_native_common_thres', '5'),
149 array('fulltext_native_load_upd', '1'),
150 array('fulltext_native_max_chars', '14'),
151 array('fulltext_native_min_chars', '3'),
152 array('gzip_compress', '0'),
153 array('hot_threshold', '25'),
154 array('icons_path', 'images/icons'),
155 array('img_create_thumbnail', '0'),
156 array('img_display_inlined', '1'),
157 array('img_imagick', '{IMG_IMAGICK}'),
158 array('img_link_height', '0'),
159 array('img_link_width', '0'),
160 array('img_max_height', '0'),
161 array('img_max_thumb_width', '400'),
162 array('img_max_width', '0'),
163 array('img_min_thumb_filesize', '12000'),
164 array('ip_check', '3'),
165 array('jab_enable', '0'),
166 array('jab_host', ''),
167 array('jab_password', ''),
168 array('jab_package_size', '20'),
169 array('jab_port', '5222'),
170 array('jab_use_ssl', '0'),
171 array('jab_username', ''),
172 array('ldap_base_dn', ''),
173 array('ldap_email', ''),
174 array('ldap_password', ''),
175 array('ldap_port', ''),
176 array('ldap_server', ''),
177 array('ldap_uid', ''),
178 array('ldap_user', ''),
179 array('ldap_user_filter', ''),
180 array('limit_load', '0'),
181 array('limit_search_load', '0'),
182 array('load_anon_lastread', '0'),
183 array('load_birthdays', '1'),
184 array('load_cpf_memberlist', '0'),
185 array('load_cpf_viewprofile', '1'),
186 array('load_cpf_viewtopic', '0'),
187 array('load_db_lastread', '1'),
188 array('load_db_track', '1'),
189 array('load_jumpbox', '1'),
190 array('load_moderators', '1'),
191 array('load_online', '1'),
192 array('load_online_guests', '1'),
193 array('load_online_time', '5'),
194 array('load_online_track', '1'),
195 array('load_search', '1'),
196 array('load_tplcompile', '0'),
197 array('load_user_activity', '1'),
198 array('max_attachments', '3'),
199 array('max_attachments_pm', '1'),
200 array('max_autologin_time', '0'),
201 array('max_filesize', '262144'),
202 array('max_filesize_pm', '262144'),
203 array('max_login_attempts', '3'),
204 array('max_name_chars', '20'),
205 array('max_pass_chars', '30'),
206 array('max_poll_options', '10'),
207 array('max_poll_chars', '60000'),
208 array('max_post_font_size', '200'),
209 array('max_post_img_height', '0'),
210 array('max_post_img_width', '0'),
211 array('max_post_smilies', '0'),
212 array('max_post_urls', '0'),
213 array('max_quote_depth', '3'),
214 array('max_reg_attempts', '5'),
215 array('max_sig_chars', '255'),
216 array('max_sig_font_size', '200'),
217 array('max_sig_img_height', '0'),
218 array('max_sig_img_width', '0'),
219 array('max_sig_smilies', '0'),
220 array('max_sig_urls', '5'),
221 array('min_name_chars', '3'),
222 array('min_pass_chars', '6'),
223 array('min_search_author_chars', '3'),
224 array('mime_triggers', 'body|head|html|img|plaintext|a href|pre|script|table|title'),
225 array('override_user_style', '0'),
226 array('pass_complex', 'PASS_TYPE_ANY'),
227 array('pm_edit_time', '0'),
228 array('pm_max_boxes', '4'),
229 array('pm_max_msgs', '50'),
230 array('pm_max_recipients', '0'),
231 array('posts_per_page', '10'),
232 array('print_pm', '1'),
233 array('queue_interval', '600'),
234 array('queue_trigger_posts', '3'),
235 array('ranks_path', 'images/ranks'),
236 array('require_activation', '0'),
237 array('referer_validation', '{REFERER_VALIDATION}'),
238 array('script_path', '{SCRIPT_PATH}'),
239 array('search_block_size', '250'),
240 array('search_gc', '7200'),
241 array('search_indexing_state', ''),
242 array('search_interval', '0'),
243 array('search_anonymous_interval', '0'),
244 array('search_type', 'fulltext_native'),
245 array('search_store_results', '1800'),
246 array('secure_allow_deny', '1'),
247 array('secure_allow_empty_referer', '1'),
248 array('secure_downloads', '0'),
249 array('server_name', '{SERVER_NAME}'),
250 array('server_port', '{SERVER_PORT}'),
251 array('server_protocol', '{SERVER_PROTOCOL}'),
252 array('session_gc', '3600'),
253 array('session_length', '3600'),
254 array('site_desc', '{L_CONFIG_SITE_DESC}'),
255 array('sitename', '{L_CONFIG_SITENAME}'),
256 array('smilies_path', 'images/smilies'),
257 array('smtp_auth_method', '{SMTP_AUTH_METHOD}'),
258 array('smtp_delivery', '{SMTP_DELIVERY}'),
259 array('smtp_host', '{SMTP_HOST}'),
260 array('smtp_password', '{SMTP_PASSWORD}'),
261 array('smtp_port', '25'),
262 array('smtp_username', '{SMTP_USERNAME}'),
263 array('topics_per_page', '25'),
264 array('tpl_allow_php', '0'),
265 array('upload_icons_path', 'images/upload_icons'),
266 array('upload_path', 'files'),
267 array('version', '3.1.0'),
268 array('warnings_expire_days', '90'),
269 array('warnings_gc', '14400'),
273 // Ranks
274 $schema_data[] = array(
275 'table' => 'phpbb_ranks',
276 'columns' => array('rank_title', 'rank_min', 'rank_special', 'rank_image'),
277 'data' => array(
278 array('{L_RANKS_SITE_ADMIN_TITLE}', 0, 1, ''),
280 'store_auto_increment' => 'RANK_ID',
283 // Groups
284 $schema_data[] = array(
285 'table' => 'phpbb_groups',
286 'columns' => array('group_name', 'group_name_clean', 'group_type', 'group_founder_manage', 'group_colour', 'group_legend', 'group_avatar', 'group_desc', 'group_desc_uid', 'group_max_recipients'),
287 'data' => array(
288 array('GUESTS', 'guests', 3, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0),
289 array('REGISTERED', 'registered', 3, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 5),
290 array('REGISTERED_COPPA', 'registered_coppa', 3, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 5),
291 array('GLOBAL_MODERATORS', 'global_moderators', 3, 0, '00AA00', 1, '', '', '', 50),
292 array('ADMINISTRATORS', 'administrators', 3, 1, 'AA0000', 1, '', '', '', 50),
293 array('BOTS', 'bots', 3, 0, '9E8DA7', 0, '', '', '', 5),
295 'store_auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID',
298 // Users
299 $schema_data[] = array(
300 'table' => 'phpbb_users',
301 'columns' => array('user_type', 'group_id', 'username', 'username_clean', 'user_regdate', 'user_password', 'user_email', 'user_lang', 'user_style', 'user_rank', 'user_colour', 'user_posts', 'user_permissions', 'user_ip', 'user_birthday', 'user_lastpage', 'user_last_confirm_key', 'user_post_sortby_type', 'user_post_sortby_dir', 'user_topic_sortby_type', 'user_topic_sortby_dir', 'user_avatar', 'user_sig', 'user_sig_bbcode_uid', 'user_from', 'user_icq', 'user_aim', 'user_yim', 'user_msnm', 'user_jabber', 'user_website', 'user_occ', 'user_interests', 'user_actkey', 'user_newpasswd', 'user_allow_massemail', 'user_email_hash', 'user_dateformat'),
302 'data' => array(
303 // Anonymous
304 array(2, array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:0'), 'Anonymous', 'anonymous', '{CURRENT_TIME}', '', '', '{DEFAULT_LANG}', array('auto_increment' => 'STYLE_ID:0'), 0, '', 0, '', '{USER_IP}', '', '', '', 't', 'a', 't', 'd', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, '{DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT}'),
305 // Admin
306 array(3, array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:4'), '{ADMIN_NAME}', '{ADMIN_NAME_CLEAN}', '{CURRENT_TIME}', '{ADMIN_PASSWORD}', '{ADMIN_EMAIL}', '{DEFAULT_LANG}', array('auto_increment' => 'STYLE_ID:0'), array('auto_increment' => 'RANK_ID:0'), 'AA0000', 1, '', '{USER_IP}', '', '', '', 't', 'a', 't', 'd', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '{ADMIN_EMAIL_HASH}', '{DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT}'),
308 'store_auto_increment' => 'USER_ID',
311 // Dynamic config values
312 $schema_data[] = array(
313 'table' => 'phpbb_config',
314 'columns' => array('config_name', 'config_value', 'is_dynamic'),
315 'data' => array(
316 array('cache_last_gc', '0', 1),
317 array('cron_lock', '0', 1),
318 array('database_last_gc', '0', 1),
319 array('last_queue_run', '0', 1),
320 array('newest_user_colour', 'AA0000', 1),
321 array('newest_user_id', array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:1'), 1),
322 array('newest_username', '{NEWEST_USERNAME}', 1),
323 array('num_files', '0', 1),
324 array('num_posts', '1', 1),
325 array('num_topics', '1', 1),
326 array('num_users', '1', 1),
327 array('rand_seed', '0', 1),
328 array('rand_seed_last_update', '0', 1),
329 array('record_online_date', '0', 1),
330 array('record_online_users', '0', 1),
331 array('search_last_gc', '0', 1),
332 array('session_last_gc', '0', 1),
333 array('upload_dir_size', '0', 1),
334 array('warnings_last_gc', '0', 1),
338 // Forums
339 $schema_data[] = array(
340 'table' => 'phpbb_forums',
341 'columns' => array('forum_name', 'forum_desc', 'left_id', 'right_id', 'parent_id', 'forum_type', 'forum_posts', 'forum_topics', 'forum_topics_real', 'forum_last_post_id', 'forum_last_poster_id', 'forum_last_poster_name', 'forum_last_poster_colour', 'forum_last_post_subject', 'forum_last_post_time', 'forum_link', 'forum_password', 'forum_image', 'forum_rules', 'forum_rules_link', 'forum_rules_uid', 'forum_desc_uid', 'prune_days', 'prune_viewed', 'forum_parents'),
342 'data' => array(
343 array('{L_FORUMS_FIRST_CATEGORY}', '', 1, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:1'), '{ADMIN_NAME}', 'AA0000', '{L_TOPICS_TOPIC_TITLE}', '{CURRENT_TIME}', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, ''),
344 array('{L_FORUMS_TEST_FORUM_TITLE}', '{L_FORUMS_TEST_FORUM_DESC}', 2, 3, array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:0'), 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:1'), '{ADMIN_NAME}', 'AA0000', '{L_TOPICS_TOPIC_TITLE}', '{CURRENT_TIME}', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, ''),
346 'store_auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID',
349 // Demo Topic
350 $schema_data[] = array(
351 'table' => 'phpbb_topics',
352 'columns' => array('topic_title', 'topic_poster', 'topic_time', 'topic_views', 'topic_replies', 'topic_replies_real', 'forum_id', 'topic_status', 'topic_type', 'topic_first_post_id', 'topic_first_poster_name', 'topic_first_poster_colour', 'topic_last_post_id', 'topic_last_poster_id', 'topic_last_poster_name', 'topic_last_poster_colour', 'topic_last_post_subject', 'topic_last_post_time', 'topic_last_view_time', 'poll_title'),
353 'data' => array(
354 array('{L_TOPICS_TOPIC_TITLE}', array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:1'), '{CURRENT_TIME}', 0, 0, 0, array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:1'), 0, 0, 0, '{ADMIN_NAME}', 'AA0000', 0, array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:1'), '{ADMIN_NAME}', 'AA0000', '{L_TOPICS_TOPIC_TITLE}', '{CURRENT_TIME}', 0, ''),
356 'store_auto_increment' => 'TOPIC_ID',
359 // Demo Post
360 $schema_data[] = array(
361 'table' => 'phpbb_posts',
362 'columns' => array('topic_id', 'forum_id', 'poster_id', 'icon_id', 'post_time', 'post_username', 'poster_ip', 'post_subject', 'post_text', 'post_checksum', 'bbcode_uid'),
363 'data' => array(
364 array(array('auto_increment' => 'TOPIC_ID:0'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:1'), array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:1'), 0, '{CURRENT_TIME}', '', '{USER_IP}', '{L_TOPICS_TOPIC_TITLE}', '{L_DEFAULT_INSTALL_POST}', '', ''),
366 'store_auto_increment' => 'POST_ID',
369 // Admin posted to the demo topic
370 $schema_data[] = array(
371 'table' => 'phpbb_topics_posted',
372 'columns' => array('user_id', 'topic_id', 'topic_posted'),
373 'data' => array(
374 array(array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:1'), array('auto_increment' => 'TOPIC_ID:0'), 1),
378 // Update forums table
379 $schema_updates[] = array(
380 'table' => 'phpbb_forums',
381 'columns' => array('forum_last_post_id'),
382 'data' => array(array('auto_increment' => 'POST_ID:0')),
385 // Update topics table
386 $schema_updates[] = array(
387 'table' => 'phpbb_topics',
388 'columns' => array('topic_first_post_id', 'topic_last_post_id'),
389 'data' => array(array('auto_increment' => 'POST_ID:0'), array('auto_increment' => 'POST_ID:0')),
390 'where' => array(
391 array('topic_id' => array('auto_increment' => 'TOPIC_ID:0')),
395 // User -> Group
396 $schema_data[] = array(
397 'table' => 'phpbb_user_group',
398 'columns' => array('group_id', 'user_id', 'user_pending', 'group_leader'),
399 'data' => array(
400 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:0'), array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:0'), 0, 0),
401 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:1'), array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:1'), 0, 0),
402 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:3'), array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:1'), 0, 0),
403 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:4'), array('auto_increment' => 'USER_ID:1'), 0, 1),
407 // Forum related auth options
408 $schema_data[] = array(
409 'table' => 'phpbb_acl_options',
410 'columns' => array('auth_option', 'is_local', 'is_global'),
411 'data' => array(
412 array('f_', 1, 0),
413 array('f_announce', 1, 0),
414 array('f_attach', 1, 0),
415 array('f_bbcode', 1, 0),
416 array('f_bump', 1, 0),
417 array('f_delete', 1, 0),
418 array('f_download', 1, 0),
419 array('f_edit', 1, 0),
420 array('f_email', 1, 0),
421 array('f_flash', 1, 0),
422 array('f_icons', 1, 0),
423 array('f_ignoreflood', 1, 0),
424 array('f_img', 1, 0),
425 array('f_list', 1, 0),
426 array('f_noapprove', 1, 0),
427 array('f_poll', 1, 0),
428 array('f_post', 1, 0),
429 array('f_postcount', 1, 0),
430 array('f_print', 1, 0),
431 array('f_read', 1, 0),
432 array('f_reply', 1, 0),
433 array('f_report', 1, 0),
434 array('f_search', 1, 0),
435 array('f_sigs', 1, 0),
436 array('f_smilies', 1, 0),
437 array('f_sticky', 1, 0),
438 array('f_subscribe', 1, 0),
439 array('f_user_lock', 1, 0),
440 array('f_vote', 1, 0),
441 array('f_votechg', 1, 0),
443 // Moderator related auth options
444 array('m_', 1, 1),
445 array('m_approve', 1, 1),
446 array('m_chgposter', 1, 1),
447 array('m_delete', 1, 1),
448 array('m_edit', 1, 1),
449 array('m_info', 1, 1),
450 array('m_lock', 1, 1),
451 array('m_merge', 1, 1),
452 array('m_move', 1, 1),
453 array('m_report', 1, 1),
454 array('m_split', 1, 1),
456 // Global moderator auth option (not a local option)
457 array('m_ban', 0, 1),
458 array('m_warn', 0, 1),
460 // Admin related auth options
461 array('a_', 0, 1),
462 array('a_aauth', 0, 1),
463 array('a_attach', 0, 1),
464 array('a_authgroups', 0, 1),
465 array('a_authusers', 0, 1),
466 array('a_backup', 0, 1),
467 array('a_ban', 0, 1),
468 array('a_bbcode', 0, 1),
469 array('a_board', 0, 1),
470 array('a_bots', 0, 1),
471 array('a_clearlogs', 0, 1),
472 array('a_email', 0, 1),
473 array('a_fauth', 0, 1),
474 array('a_forum', 0, 1),
475 array('a_forumadd', 0, 1),
476 array('a_forumdel', 0, 1),
477 array('a_group', 0, 1),
478 array('a_groupadd', 0, 1),
479 array('a_groupdel', 0, 1),
480 array('a_icons', 0, 1),
481 array('a_jabber', 0, 1),
482 array('a_language', 0, 1),
483 array('a_mauth', 0, 1),
484 array('a_modules', 0, 1),
485 array('a_names', 0, 1),
486 array('a_phpinfo', 0, 1),
487 array('a_profile', 0, 1),
488 array('a_prune', 0, 1),
489 array('a_ranks', 0, 1),
490 array('a_reasons', 0, 1),
491 array('a_roles', 0, 1),
492 array('a_search', 0, 1),
493 array('a_server', 0, 1),
494 array('a_styles', 0, 1),
495 array('a_switchperm', 0, 1),
496 array('a_uauth', 0, 1),
497 array('a_user', 0, 1),
498 array('a_userdel', 0, 1),
499 array('a_viewauth', 0, 1),
500 array('a_viewlogs', 0, 1),
501 array('a_words', 0, 1),
503 // User related auth options
504 array('u_', 0, 1),
505 array('u_attach', 0, 1),
506 array('u_chgavatar', 0, 1),
507 array('u_chgcensors', 0, 1),
508 array('u_chgemail', 0, 1),
509 array('u_chggrp', 0, 1),
510 array('u_chgname', 0, 1),
511 array('u_chgpasswd', 0, 1),
512 array('u_download', 0, 1),
513 array('u_hideonline', 0, 1),
514 array('u_ignoreflood', 0, 1),
515 array('u_masspm', 0, 1),
516 array('u_masspm_group', 0, 1),
517 array('u_pm_attach', 0, 1),
518 array('u_pm_bbcode', 0, 1),
519 array('u_pm_delete', 0, 1),
520 array('u_pm_download', 0, 1),
521 array('u_pm_edit', 0, 1),
522 array('u_pm_emailpm', 0, 1),
523 array('u_pm_flash', 0, 1),
524 array('u_pm_forward', 0, 1),
525 array('u_pm_img', 0, 1),
526 array('u_pm_printpm', 0, 1),
527 array('u_pm_smilies', 0, 1),
528 array('u_readpm', 0, 1),
529 array('u_savedrafts', 0, 1),
530 array('u_search', 0, 1),
531 array('u_sendemail', 0, 1),
532 array('u_sendim', 0, 1),
533 array('u_sendpm', 0, 1),
534 array('u_sig', 0, 1),
535 array('u_viewonline', 0, 1),
536 array('u_viewprofile', 0, 1),
538 'store_auto_increment' => 'AUTH_OPTION_ID',
541 // standard auth roles
542 $schema_data[] = array(
543 'table' => 'phpbb_acl_roles',
544 'columns' => array('role_name', 'role_description', 'role_type', 'role_order'),
545 'data' => array(
570 'store_auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID',
573 // Permissions
575 $schema_data[] = array(
576 'table' => 'phpbb_acl_groups',
577 'columns' => array('group_id', 'forum_id', 'auth_option_id', 'auth_role_id', 'auth_setting'),
578 'data' => array(
579 // GUESTS - u_download and u_search ability
580 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:0'), 0, 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:22'), 0),
581 // ADMINISTRATOR Group - full user features
582 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:4'), 0, 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:4'), 0),
583 // ADMINISTRATOR Group - standard admin
584 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:4'), 0, 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:0'), 0),
585 // REGISTERED and REGISTERED_COPPA having standard user features
586 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:1'), 0, 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:5'), 0),
587 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:2'), 0, 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:5'), 0),
588 // GLOBAL_MODERATORS having full user features
589 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:3'), 0, 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:4'), 0),
590 // GLOBAL_MODERATORS having full global moderator access
591 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:3'), 0, 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:9'), 0),
593 // Giving all groups read only access to the first category
594 // since administrators and moderators are already within the registered users group we do not need to set them here
595 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:0'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:0'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:16'), 0),
596 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:1'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:0'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:16'), 0),
597 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:2'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:0'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:16'), 0),
598 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:5'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:0'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:16'), 0),
600 // Giving access to the first forum
601 // guests having read only access
602 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:0'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:1'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:16'), 0),
603 // registered and registered_coppa having standard access
604 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:1'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:1'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:14'), 0),
605 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:2'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:1'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:14'), 0),
606 // global moderators having standard access + polls
607 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:3'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:1'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:20'), 0),
608 // administrators having full forum and full moderator access
609 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:4'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:1'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:13'), 0),
610 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:4'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:1'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:9'), 0),
611 // Bots having bot access
612 array(array('auto_increment' => 'GROUP_ID:5'), array('auto_increment' => 'FORUM_ID:1'), 0, array('auto_increment' => 'ROLE_ID:18'), 0),
616 // phpbb_styles_imageset_data
617 $schema_data[] = array(
618 'table' => 'phpbb_styles_imageset_data',
619 'columns' => array('image_name', 'image_filename', 'image_lang', 'image_height', 'image_width', 'imageset_id'),
620 'data' => array(
621 array('site_logo', 'site_logo.gif', '', 52, 139, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
622 array('forum_link', 'forum_link.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
623 array('forum_read', 'forum_read.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
624 array('forum_read_locked', 'forum_read_locked.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
625 array('forum_read_subforum', 'forum_read_subforum.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
626 array('forum_unread', 'forum_unread.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
627 array('forum_unread_locked', 'forum_unread_locked.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
628 array('forum_unread_subforum', 'forum_unread_subforum.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
629 array('topic_moved', 'topic_moved.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
630 array('topic_read', 'topic_read.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
631 array('topic_read_mine', 'topic_read_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
632 array('topic_read_hot', 'topic_read_hot.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
633 array('topic_read_hot_mine', 'topic_read_hot_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
634 array('topic_read_locked', 'topic_read_locked.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
635 array('topic_read_locked_mine', 'topic_read_locked_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
636 array('topic_unread', 'topic_unread.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
637 array('topic_unread_mine', 'topic_unread_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
638 array('topic_unread_hot', 'topic_unread_hot.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
639 array('topic_unread_hot_mine', 'topic_unread_hot_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
640 array('topic_unread_locked', 'topic_unread_locked.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
641 array('topic_unread_locked_mine', 'topic_unread_locked_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
642 array('sticky_read', 'sticky_read.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
643 array('sticky_read_mine', 'sticky_read_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
644 array('sticky_read_locked', 'sticky_read_locked.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
645 array('sticky_read_locked_mine', 'sticky_read_locked_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
646 array('sticky_unread', 'sticky_unread.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
647 array('sticky_unread_mine', 'sticky_unread_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
648 array('sticky_unread_locked', 'sticky_unread_locked.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
649 array('sticky_unread_locked_mine', 'sticky_unread_locked_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
650 array('announce_read', 'announce_read.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
651 array('announce_read_mine', 'announce_read_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
652 array('announce_read_locked', 'announce_read_locked.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
653 array('announce_read_locked_mine', 'announce_read_locked_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
654 array('announce_unread', 'announce_unread.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
655 array('announce_unread_mine', 'announce_unread_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
656 array('announce_unread_locked', 'announce_unread_locked.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
657 array('announce_unread_locked_mine', 'announce_unread_locked_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
658 array('global_read', 'announce_read.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
659 array('global_read_mine', 'announce_read_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
660 array('global_read_locked', 'announce_read_locked.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
661 array('global_read_locked_mine', 'announce_read_locked_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
662 array('global_unread', 'announce_unread.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
663 array('global_unread_mine', 'announce_unread_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
664 array('global_unread_locked', 'announce_unread_locked.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
665 array('global_unread_locked_mine', 'announce_unread_locked_mine.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
666 array('pm_read', 'topic_read.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
667 array('pm_unread', 'topic_unread.gif', '', 27, 27, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
668 array('icon_back_top', 'icon_back_top.gif', '', 11, 11, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
669 array('icon_contact_aim', 'icon_contact_aim.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
670 array('icon_contact_email', 'icon_contact_email.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
671 array('icon_contact_icq', 'icon_contact_icq.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
672 array('icon_contact_jabber', 'icon_contact_jabber.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
673 array('icon_contact_msnm', 'icon_contact_msnm.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
674 array('icon_contact_www', 'icon_contact_www.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
675 array('icon_contact_yahoo', 'icon_contact_yahoo.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
676 array('icon_post_delete', 'icon_post_delete.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
677 array('icon_post_info', 'icon_post_info.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
678 array('icon_post_report', 'icon_post_report.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
679 array('icon_post_target', 'icon_post_target.gif', '', 9, 11, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
680 array('icon_post_target_unread', 'icon_post_target_unread.gif', '', 9, 11, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
681 array('icon_topic_attach', 'icon_topic_attach.gif', '', 10, 7, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
682 array('icon_topic_latest', 'icon_topic_latest.gif', '', 9, 11, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
683 array('icon_topic_newest', 'icon_topic_newest.gif', '', 9, 11, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
684 array('icon_topic_reported', 'icon_topic_reported.gif', '', 14, 16, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
685 array('icon_topic_unapproved', 'icon_topic_unapproved.gif', '', 14, 16, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
686 array('icon_user_warn', 'icon_user_warn.gif', '', 20, 20, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
687 array('subforum_read', 'subforum_read.gif', '', 9, 11, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
688 array('subforum_unread', 'subforum_unread.gif', '', 9, 11, array('auto_increment' => 'IMAGESET_ID:0')),
692 // Smilies
693 $schema_data[] = array(
694 'table' => 'phpbb_smilies',
695 'columns' => array('code', 'smiley_url', 'emotion', 'smiley_width', 'smiley_height', 'smiley_order'),
696 'data' => array(
697 array(':D', 'icon_e_biggrin.gif', '{L_SMILIES_VERY_HAPPY}', 15, 17, 1),
698 array(':-D', 'icon_e_biggrin.gif', '{L_SMILIES_VERY_HAPPY}', 15, 17, 2),
699 array(':grin:', 'icon_e_biggrin.gif', '{L_SMILIES_VERY_HAPPY}', 15, 17, 3),
700 array(':)', 'icon_e_smile.gif', '{L_SMILIES_SMILE}', 15, 17, 4),
701 array(':-)', 'icon_e_smile.gif', '{L_SMILIES_SMILE}', 15, 17, 5),
702 array(':smile:', 'icon_e_smile.gif', '{L_SMILIES_SMILE}', 15, 17, 6),
703 array(';)', 'icon_e_wink.gif', '{L_SMILIES_WINK}', 15, 17, 7),
704 array(';-)', 'icon_e_wink.gif', '{L_SMILIES_WINK}', 15, 17, 8),
705 array(':wink:', 'icon_e_wink.gif', '{L_SMILIES_WINK}', 15, 17, 9),
706 array(':(', 'icon_e_sad.gif', '{L_SMILIES_SAD}', 15, 17, 10),
707 array(':-(', 'icon_e_sad.gif', '{L_SMILIES_SAD}', 15, 17, 11),
708 array(':sad:', 'icon_e_sad.gif', '{L_SMILIES_SAD}', 15, 17, 12),
709 array(':o', 'icon_e_surprised.gif', '{L_SMILIES_SURPRISED}', 15, 17, 13),
710 array(':-o', 'icon_e_surprised.gif', '{L_SMILIES_SURPRISED}', 15, 17, 14),
711 array(':eek:', 'icon_e_surprised.gif', '{L_SMILIES_SURPRISED}', 15, 17, 15),
712 array(':shock:', 'icon_eek.gif', '{L_SMILIES_SHOCKED}', 15, 17, 16),
713 array(':?', 'icon_e_confused.gif', '{L_SMILIES_CONFUSED}', 15, 17, 17),
714 array(':-?', 'icon_e_confused.gif', '{L_SMILIES_CONFUSED}', 15, 17, 18),
715 array(':???:', 'icon_e_confused.gif', '{L_SMILIES_CONFUSED}', 15, 17, 19),
716 array('8-)', 'icon_cool.gif', '{L_SMILIES_COOL}', 15, 17, 20),
717 array(':cool:', 'icon_cool.gif', '{L_SMILIES_COOL}', 15, 17, 21),
718 array(':lol:', 'icon_lol.gif', '{L_SMILIES_LAUGHING}', 15, 17, 22),
719 array(':x', 'icon_mad.gif', '{L_SMILIES_MAD}', 15, 17, 23),
720 array(':-x', 'icon_mad.gif', '{L_SMILIES_MAD}', 15, 17, 24),
721 array(':mad:', 'icon_mad.gif', '{L_SMILIES_MAD}', 15, 17, 25),
722 array(':P', 'icon_razz.gif', '{L_SMILIES_RAZZ}', 15, 17, 26),
723 array(':-P', 'icon_razz.gif', '{L_SMILIES_RAZZ}', 15, 17, 27),
724 array(':razz:', 'icon_razz.gif', '{L_SMILIES_RAZZ}', 15, 17, 28),
725 array(':oops:', 'icon_redface.gif', '{L_SMILIES_EMARRASSED}', 15, 17, 29),
726 array(':cry:', 'icon_cry.gif', '{L_SMILIES_CRYING}', 15, 17, 30),
727 array(':evil:', 'icon_evil.gif', '{L_SMILIES_EVIL}', 15, 17, 31),
728 array(':twisted:', 'icon_twisted.gif', '{L_SMILIES_TWISTED_EVIL}', 15, 17, 32),
729 array(':roll:', 'icon_rolleyes.gif', '{L_SMILIES_ROLLING_EYES}', 15, 17, 33),
730 array(':!:', 'icon_exclaim.gif', '{L_SMILIES_EXCLAMATION}', 15, 17, 34),
731 array(':?:', 'icon_question.gif', '{L_SMILIES_QUESTION}', 15, 17, 35),
732 array(':idea:', 'icon_idea.gif', '{L_SMILIES_IDEA}', 15, 17, 36),
733 array(':arrow:', 'icon_arrow.gif', '{L_SMILIES_ARROW}', 15, 17, 37),
734 array(':|', 'icon_neutral.gif', '{L_SMILIES_NEUTRAL}', 15, 17, 38),
735 array(':-|', 'icon_neutral.gif', '{L_SMILIES_NEUTRAL}', 15, 17, 39),
736 array(':mrgreen:', 'icon_mrgreen.gif', '{L_SMILIES_MR_GREEN}', 15, 17, 40),
737 array(':geek:', 'icon_e_geek.gif', '{L_SMILIES_GEEK}', 17, 17, 41),
738 array(':ugeek:', 'icon_e_ugeek.gif', '{L_SMILIES_UBER_GEEK}', 17, 18, 42),
742 // icons
743 $schema_data[] = array(
744 'table' => 'phpbb_icons',
745 'columns' => array('icons_url', 'icons_width', 'icons_height', 'icons_order', 'display_on_posting'),
746 'data' => array(
747 array('misc/fire.gif', 16, 16, 1, 1),
748 array('smile/redface.gif', 16, 16, 9, 1),
749 array('smile/mrgreen.gif', 16, 16, 10, 1),
750 array('misc/heart.gif', 16, 16, 4, 1),
751 array('misc/star.gif', 16, 16, 2, 1),
752 array('misc/radioactive.gif', 16, 16, 3, 1),
753 array('misc/thinking.gif', 16, 16, 5, 1),
754 array('smile/info.gif', 16, 16, 8, 1),
755 array('smile/question.gif', 16, 16, 6, 1),
756 array('smile/alert.gif', 16, 16, 7, 1),
760 // reasons
761 $schema_data[] = array(
762 'table' => 'phpbb_reports_reasons',
763 'columns' => array('reason_title', 'reason_description', 'reason_order'),
764 'data' => array(
765 array('warez', '{L_REPORT_WAREZ}', 1),
766 array('spam', '{L_REPORT_SPAM}', 2),
767 array('off_topic', '{L_REPORT_OFF_TOPIC}', 3),
768 array('other', '{L_REPORT_OTHER}', 4),
772 // extension_groups
773 $schema_data[] = array(
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776 'data' => array(
777 array('{L_EXT_GROUP_IMAGES}', 1, 1, 1, '', 0, ''),
778 array('{L_EXT_GROUP_ARCHIVES}', 0, 1, 1, '', 0, ''),
779 array('{L_EXT_GROUP_PLAIN_TEXT}', 0, 0, 1, '', 0, ''),
780 array('{L_EXT_GROUP_DOCUMENTS}', 0, 0, 1, '', 0, ''),
781 array('{L_EXT_GROUP_REAL_MEDIA}', 3, 0, 1, '', 0, ''),
782 array('{L_EXT_GROUP_WINDOWS_MEDIA}', 2, 0, 1, '', 0, ''),
783 array('{L_EXT_GROUP_FLASH_FILES}', 5, 0, 1, '', 0, ''),
784 array('{L_EXT_GROUP_QUICKTIME_MEDIA}', 6, 0, 1, '', 0, ''),
785 array('{L_EXT_GROUP_DOWNLOADABLE_FILES}', 0, 0, 1, '', 0, ''),
787 'store_auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID',
790 // extensions
791 $schema_data[] = array(
792 'table' => 'phpbb_extensions',
793 'columns' => array('group_id', 'extension'),
794 'data' => array(
795 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:0'), 'gif'),
796 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:0'), 'png'),
797 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:0'), 'jpeg'),
798 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:0'), 'jpg'),
799 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:0'), 'tif'),
800 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:0'), 'tiff'),
801 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:0'), 'tga'),
803 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:1'), 'gtar'),
804 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:1'), 'gz'),
805 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:1'), 'tar'),
806 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:1'), 'zip'),
807 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:1'), 'rar'),
808 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:1'), 'ace'),
809 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:1'), 'torrent'),
810 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:1'), 'tgz'),
811 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:1'), 'bz2'),
812 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:1'), '7z'),
814 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'txt'),
815 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'c'),
816 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'h'),
817 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'cpp'),
818 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'hpp'),
819 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'diz'),
820 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'csv'),
821 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'ini'),
822 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'log'),
823 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'js'),
824 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:2'), 'xml'),
826 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'xls'),
827 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'xlsx'),
828 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'xlsm'),
829 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'xlsb'),
830 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'doc'),
831 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'docx'),
832 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'docm'),
833 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'dot'),
834 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'dotx'),
835 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'dotm'),
836 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'pdf'),
837 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'ai'),
838 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'ps'),
839 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'ppt'),
840 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'pptx'),
841 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'pptm'),
842 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'odg'),
843 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'odp'),
844 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'ods'),
845 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'odt'),
846 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:3'), 'rtf'),
848 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:4'), 'rm'),
849 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:4'), 'ram'),
851 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:5'), 'wma'),
852 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:5'), 'wmv'),
854 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:6'), 'swf'),
856 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:7'), 'mov'),
857 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:7'), 'm4v'),
858 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:7'), 'm4a'),
859 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:7'), 'mp4'),
860 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:7'), '3gp'),
861 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:7'), '3g2'),
862 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:7'), 'qt'),
864 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:8'), 'mpeg'),
865 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:8'), 'mpg'),
866 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:8'), 'mp3'),
867 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:8'), 'ogg'),
868 array(array('auto_increment' => 'EXT_GROUP_ID:8'), 'ogm'),