Save some time by terminating superseded hunchentoot threads
[phoros.git] / phoros.lisp
1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 (in-package :phoros)
20 (setf *js-target-version* 1.8)
22 ;;; Debug helpers. TODO: remove them.
23 (defparameter *t* nil)
24 (defparameter *tt* nil)
26 (cffi:define-foreign-library phoml
27 (:unix (:or "./"
28 "./phoml/lib/"))
29 (t (:default "libphoml")))
31 (defparameter *standard-coordinates* 4326
32 "EPSG code of the coordinate system that we use for communication.")
34 (defparameter *spherical-mercator* 900913
35 "EPSG code of the coordinate system used for some distance calculations.")
37 (defvar *postgresql-credentials* nil
38 "A list: (database user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl).")
40 (defvar *postgresql-aux-credentials* nil
41 "A list: (database user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl).")
43 (defparameter *photogrammetry-mutex* (bt:make-lock "photogrammetry"))
45 (setf *read-default-float-format* 'double-float)
47 (defparameter *phoros-server* nil "Hunchentoot acceptor.")
49 (defparameter *common-root* nil
50 "Root directory; contains directories of measuring data.")
52 (defparameter *login-intro* nil
53 "A few friendly words to be shown below the login form.")
55 (defparameter *postgresql-warnings* nil
56 "If t, show PostgreSQL's WARNINGs and NOTICEs.")
58 (defparameter *use-multi-file-openlayers* nil
59 "If t, use OpenLayers uncompiled from openlayers/*, which makes
60 debugging easier. Otherwise use a single-file shrunk
61 ol/Openlayers.js.")
63 (defparameter *number-of-images* 4
64 "Number of photos shown to the HTTP client.")
66 (defparameter *number-of-features-per-layer* 500
67 "What we think a browser can swallow.")
69 (defparameter *number-of-points-per-aux-linestring* 500
70 "What we think a browser can swallow.")
72 (defparameter *user-point-creation-date-format* "IYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZ"
73 "SQL date format used for display and GeoJSON export of user points.")
75 (defun phoros-version (&key major minor revision)
76 "Return version of this program, either one integer part as denoted by
77 the key argument, or the whole dotted string."
78 (let* ((version-string
79 (handler-bind ((warning #'ignore-warnings))
80 (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system :phoros))))
81 (version-components
82 (mapcar #'parse-integer
83 (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\. version-string))))
84 (cond (major (first version-components))
85 (minor (second version-components))
86 (revision (third version-components))
87 (t version-string))))
89 (defun check-dependencies ()
90 "Say OK if the necessary external dependencies are available."
91 (handler-case
92 (progn
93 (geographic-to-utm 33 13 52) ;check cs2cs
94 (phoros-photogrammetry:del-all) ;check photogrammetry
95 (initialize-leap-seconds) ;check source of leap second info
96 (format *error-output* "~&OK~%"))
97 (error (e) (format *error-output* "~A~&" e))))
99 (defun muffle-postgresql-warnings ()
100 "For current DB, silence PostgreSQL's warnings about implicitly
101 created stuff."
102 (unless *postgresql-warnings*
103 (execute "SET client_min_messages TO ERROR;")))
105 (defun check-db (db-credentials)
106 "Check postgresql connection. Return t if successful; show error on
107 *error-output* otherwise. db-credentials is a list like so: (database
108 user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl)."
109 (let (connection)
110 (handler-case
111 (setf connection (apply #'connect db-credentials))
112 (error (e) (format *error-output* "Database connection ~S failed: ~A~&"
113 db-credentials e)))
114 (when connection
115 (disconnect connection)
116 t)))
118 (defun ignore-warnings (c) (declare (ignore c)) (muffle-warning))
120 (defmethod hunchentoot:session-cookie-name (acceptor)
121 (declare (ignore acceptor))
122 "phoros-session")
124 (defun start-server (&key (http-port 8080) address (common-root "/"))
125 "Start the presentation project server which listens on http-port
126 at address. Address defaults to all addresses of the local machine."
127 (setf *phoros-server*
128 (make-instance 'hunchentoot:acceptor
129 :port http-port
130 :address address
131 :access-logger #'log-http-access
132 :message-logger #'log-hunchentoot-message))
133 (setf hunchentoot:*session-max-time* (* 3600 24))
134 (setf *common-root* common-root)
135 (check-db *postgresql-credentials*)
136 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
137 (assert-phoros-db-major-version))
138 (hunchentoot:reset-session-secret)
139 (hunchentoot:start *phoros-server*))
141 (defun stop-server () (hunchentoot:stop *phoros-server*))
143 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
144 (register-sql-operators :2+-ary :&& :overlaps))
146 (setf hunchentoot:*default-handler*
147 #'(lambda ()
148 "Http default response."
149 (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-not-found+)))
151 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler phoros-handler ()
152 "First HTTP contact: if necessary, check credentials, establish new
153 session."
154 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
155 (let* ((presentation-project-name
156 (second (cl-utilities:split-sequence
157 #\/ (hunchentoot:script-name*) :remove-empty-subseqs t)))
158 (presentation-project-id
159 (ignore-errors
160 (query
161 (:select 'presentation-project-id
162 :from 'sys-presentation-project
163 :where (:= 'presentation-project-name
164 presentation-project-name))
165 :single))))
166 (cond
167 ((null presentation-project-id)
168 (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-not-found+))
169 ((and (equal (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-name)
170 presentation-project-name)
171 (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p))
172 (hunchentoot:redirect
173 (format nil "/phoros/lib/view-~A" (phoros-version))
174 :add-session-id t))
176 (progn
177 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-name)
178 presentation-project-name)
179 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-id)
180 presentation-project-id)
181 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-bbox)
182 (let ((bbox
183 (ignore-errors
184 (bounding-box (get-dao 'sys-presentation-project
185 presentation-project-name)))))
186 (if (or (null bbox) (eq :null bbox))
188 bbox)))
189 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'aux-data-p)
190 (with-connection *postgresql-aux-credentials*
191 (view-exists-p (aux-point-view-name
192 presentation-project-name))))
193 (who:with-html-output-to-string (s nil :prologue t :indent t)
194 (:body
195 :style "font-family:sans-serif;"
196 (:form
197 :method "post" :enctype "multipart/form-data"
198 :action "/phoros/lib/authenticate" :name "login-form"
199 (:fieldset
200 (:legend (:b (:a :href ""
201 :style "text-decoration:none;"
202 "Phoros")
203 (who:fmt " [~A]" presentation-project-name)))
204 (:noscript
205 (:b (:em "You can't do much without JavaScript there.")))
206 (:p "User:"
208 (:input :type "text" :name "user-name"))
209 (:p "Password:"
211 (:input :type "password" :name "user-password")
212 "   "
213 (:span :id "cackle"))
214 (:input :type "submit" :value "Submit"
215 :onclick (ps-inline
216 (setf (chain document
217 (get-element-by-id "cackle")
218 inner-h-t-m-l)
219 "Ok, let's see…"))))
220 (:script :type "text/javascript"
221 (who:str (ps (chain document
222 :login-form
223 :user-name
224 (focus))))))
225 (loop
226 for i in *login-intro*
227 do (who:htm (:p (who:str i))))))))))))
229 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-regex-dispatcher "/phoros/(?!lib/)"
230 'phoros-handler)
231 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
233 (defun stored-bbox ()
234 "Return stored bounding box for user and presentation project of
235 current session."
236 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
237 (let ((bbox (bounding-box
238 (get-dao 'sys-user-role
239 (hunchentoot:session-value
240 'user-id)
241 (hunchentoot:session-value
242 'presentation-project-id)))))
243 (if (eq :null bbox)
244 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-bbox)
245 bbox))))
247 (defun stored-cursor ()
248 "Return stored cursor position for user and presentation project of
249 current session."
250 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
251 (let ((cursor
252 (query
253 (:select (:st_x 'cursor) (:st_y 'cursor)
254 :from 'sys-user-role
255 :where (:and (:= 'user-id
256 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id))
257 (:= 'presentation-project-id
258 (hunchentoot:session-value
259 'presentation-project-id))
260 (:raw "cursor IS NOT NULL")))
261 :list)))
262 (when cursor
263 (format nil "~{~F~#^,~}" cursor)))))
266 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
267 (authenticate-handler :uri "/phoros/lib/authenticate"
268 :default-request-type :post)
270 "Check user credentials."
271 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
272 (let* ((user-name (hunchentoot:post-parameter "user-name"))
273 (user-password (hunchentoot:post-parameter "user-password"))
274 (presentation-project-id (hunchentoot:session-value
275 'presentation-project-id))
276 (user-info
277 (when presentation-project-id
278 (query
279 (:select
280 'sys-user.user-full-name
281 'sys-user.user-id
282 'sys-user-role.user-role
283 :from 'sys-user-role 'sys-user
284 :where (:and
285 (:= 'presentation-project-id presentation-project-id)
286 (:= 'sys-user-role.user-id 'sys-user.user-id)
287 (:= 'user-name user-name)
288 (:= 'user-password user-password)))
289 :row)))
290 (user-full-name (first user-info))
291 (user-id (second user-info))
292 (user-role (third user-info)))
293 (if user-role
294 (progn
295 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p) t
296 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-name) user-name
297 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-full-name) user-full-name
298 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id) user-id
299 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-role) user-role)
300 (hunchentoot:redirect (format nil "/phoros/lib/view-~A"
301 (phoros-version))
302 :add-session-id t))
303 (who:with-html-output-to-string (s nil :prologue t :indent t)
304 (:body
305 :style "font-family:sans-serif;"
306 (:b "Rejected. ")
307 (:a :href (format nil "/phoros/~A/" (hunchentoot:session-value
308 'presentation-project-name))
309 "Retry?")))))))
311 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler logout-handler (bbox longitude latitude)
312 (if (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
313 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
314 (let ((presentation-project-name
315 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-name))
316 (sys-user-role
317 (get-dao 'sys-user-role
318 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id)
319 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-id))))
320 (when sys-user-role
321 (when bbox
322 (setf (bounding-box sys-user-role) bbox))
323 (when (and longitude latitude)
324 (let* ;; kludge: should be done by some library, not by DB query
325 ((point-form (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude latitude))
326 (point-wkb (query (:select
327 (:st_geomfromtext point-form))
328 :single)))
329 (setf (cursor sys-user-role) point-wkb)))
330 (update-dao sys-user-role))
331 (hunchentoot:remove-session hunchentoot:*session*)
332 (who:with-html-output-to-string (s nil :prologue t :indent t)
333 (:html
334 (:head
335 (:title (who:str
336 (concatenate
337 'string
338 "Phoros: logged out" )))
339 (:link :rel "stylesheet"
340 :href (format nil "/phoros/lib/css-~A/style.css"
341 (phoros-version))
342 :type "text/css"))
343 (:body
344 (:h1 :id "title" "Phoros: logged out")
345 (:p "Log back in to project "
346 (:a :href (format nil "/phoros/~A" presentation-project-name)
347 (who:fmt "~A." presentation-project-name))))))))
348 "Bye (again)."))
350 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-regex-dispatcher "/logout" 'logout-handler)
351 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
353 (define-condition superseded () ()
354 (:documentation
355 "Tell a thread to finish as soon as possible taking any shortcuts
356 available."))
358 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
359 (local-data :uri "/phoros/lib/local-data" :default-request-type :post)
361 "Receive coordinates, respond with the count nearest json objects
362 containing picture url, calibration parameters, and car position,
363 wrapped in an array. Wipe away any unfinished business first."
364 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
365 (dolist (old-thread (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads))
366 (ignore-errors (bt:interrupt-thread old-thread #'(lambda () (signal 'superseded)))))
367 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads) nil)
368 (push (bt:current-thread) (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads))
369 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
370 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
371 (let* ((presentation-project-id (hunchentoot:session-value
372 'presentation-project-id))
373 (common-table-names (common-table-names
374 presentation-project-id))
375 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
376 (longitude (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
377 (latitude (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
378 (count (cdr (assoc :count data)))
379 (zoom (cdr (assoc :zoom data)))
380 (snap-distance (* 1d-4 (expt 2 (- 22 zoom)))) ; assuming geographic coordinates
381 (point-form (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude latitude))
382 (result
383 (handler-case
384 (ignore-errors
386 (query
387 (sql-compile
388 `(:limit
389 (:order-by
390 (:union
391 ,@(loop
392 for common-table-name in common-table-names
393 for aggregate-view-name
394 = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
395 collect
396 `(:select
397 (:as (:st_distance 'coordinates
398 (:st_geomfromtext
399 ,point-form
400 ,*standard-coordinates*))
401 'distance)
402 'usable
403 'recorded-device-id ;debug
404 'device-stage-of-life-id ;debug
405 'generic-device-id ;debug
406 'directory
407 'filename 'byte-position 'point-id
408 (:as (:not (:is-null 'footprint))
409 'footprintp)
410 'trigger-time
411 ;;'coordinates ;the search target
412 'longitude 'latitude 'ellipsoid-height
413 'cartesian-system
414 'east-sd 'north-sd 'height-sd
415 'roll 'pitch 'heading
416 'roll-sd 'pitch-sd 'heading-sd
417 'sensor-width-pix 'sensor-height-pix
418 'pix-size
419 'bayer-pattern 'color-raiser
420 'mounting-angle
421 'dx 'dy 'dz 'omega 'phi 'kappa
422 'c 'xh 'yh 'a1 'a2 'a3 'b1 'b2 'c1 'c2 'r0
423 'b-dx 'b-dy 'b-dz 'b-rotx 'b-roty 'b-rotz
424 'b-ddx 'b-ddy 'b-ddz
425 'b-drotx 'b-droty 'b-drotz
426 :from
427 ',aggregate-view-name
428 :where
429 (:and
430 (:= 'presentation-project-id
431 ,presentation-project-id)
432 (:st_contains
433 'footprint
434 (:limit
435 (:select
436 'centroid :from
437 (:as
438 (:order-by
439 (:union
440 ,@(loop
441 for common-table-name
442 in common-table-names
443 for aggregate-view-name
444 = (aggregate-view-name
445 common-table-name)
446 collect
447 `(:select
448 (:as
449 (:st_distance
450 (:st_centroid 'footprint)
451 (:st_geomfromtext
452 ,point-form
453 ,*standard-coordinates*))
454 'distance)
455 (:as (:st_centroid 'footprint)
456 'centroid)
457 :from
458 ',aggregate-view-name
459 :where
460 (:and
461 (:= 'presentation-project-id
462 ,presentation-project-id)
463 (:st_dwithin
464 'footprint
465 (:st_geomfromtext
466 ,point-form
467 ,*standard-coordinates*)
468 ,snap-distance)))))
469 'distance)
470 'centroids))
471 1))))))
472 'distance)
473 ,count))
474 :alists))
475 (query
476 (sql-compile
477 `(:limit
478 (:order-by
479 (:union
480 ,@(loop
481 for common-table-name in common-table-names
482 for aggregate-view-name
483 = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
484 collect
485 `(:select
486 (:as (:st_distance 'coordinates
487 (:st_geomfromtext
488 ,point-form
489 ,*standard-coordinates*))
490 'distance)
491 'usable
492 'recorded-device-id ;debug
493 'device-stage-of-life-id ;debug
494 'generic-device-id ;debug
495 'directory
496 'filename 'byte-position 'point-id
497 (:as (:not (:is-null 'footprint))
498 'footprintp)
499 'trigger-time
500 ;;'coordinates ;the search target
501 'longitude 'latitude 'ellipsoid-height
502 'cartesian-system
503 'east-sd 'north-sd 'height-sd
504 'roll 'pitch 'heading
505 'roll-sd 'pitch-sd 'heading-sd
506 'sensor-width-pix 'sensor-height-pix
507 'pix-size
508 'bayer-pattern 'color-raiser
509 'mounting-angle
510 'dx 'dy 'dz 'omega 'phi 'kappa
511 'c 'xh 'yh 'a1 'a2 'a3 'b1 'b2 'c1 'c2 'r0
512 'b-dx 'b-dy 'b-dz 'b-rotx 'b-roty 'b-rotz
513 'b-ddx 'b-ddy 'b-ddz
514 'b-drotx 'b-droty 'b-drotz
515 :from
516 ',aggregate-view-name
517 :where
518 (:and (:= 'presentation-project-id
519 ,presentation-project-id)
520 (:st_dwithin 'coordinates
521 (:st_geomfromtext
522 ,point-form
523 ,*standard-coordinates*)
524 ,snap-distance)))))
525 'distance)
526 ,count))
527 :alists))
528 (superseded () (terpri) nil))))
529 (json:encode-json-to-string result)))))
531 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
532 (store-point :uri "/phoros/lib/store-point" :default-request-type :post)
534 "Receive point sent by user; store it into database."
535 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
536 (let* ((presentation-project-name (hunchentoot:session-value
537 'presentation-project-name))
538 (user-id (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id))
539 (user-role (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-role))
540 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
541 (longitude (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
542 (latitude (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
543 (ellipsoid-height (cdr (assoc :ellipsoid-height data)))
544 (stdx-global (cdr (assoc :stdx-global data)))
545 (stdy-global (cdr (assoc :stdy-global data)))
546 (stdz-global (cdr (assoc :stdz-global data)))
547 (input-size (cdr (assoc :input-size data)))
548 (attribute (cdr (assoc :attribute data)))
549 (description (cdr (assoc :description data)))
550 (numeric-description (cdr (assoc :numeric-description data)))
551 (point-form
552 (format nil "SRID=4326; POINT(~S ~S ~S)"
553 longitude latitude ellipsoid-height))
554 (aux-numeric-raw (cdr (assoc :aux-numeric data)))
555 (aux-text-raw (cdr (assoc :aux-text data)))
556 (aux-numeric (if aux-numeric-raw
557 (apply #'vector aux-numeric-raw)
558 :null))
559 (aux-text (if aux-text-raw
560 (apply #'vector aux-text-raw)
561 :null))
562 (user-point-table-name
563 (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name)))
564 (assert
565 (not (string-equal user-role "read")) ;that is, "write" or "admin"
566 () "No write permission.")
567 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
568 (assert
569 (= 1 (execute (:insert-into user-point-table-name :set
570 'user-id user-id
571 'attribute attribute
572 'description description
573 'numeric-description numeric-description
574 'creation-date 'current-timestamp
575 'coordinates (:st_geomfromewkt point-form)
576 'stdx-global stdx-global
577 'stdy-global stdy-global
578 'stdz-global stdz-global
579 'input-size input-size
580 'aux-numeric aux-numeric
581 'aux-text aux-text)))
582 () "No point stored. This should not happen.")))))
584 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
585 (update-point :uri "/phoros/lib/update-point" :default-request-type :post)
587 "Update point sent by user in database."
588 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
589 (let* ((presentation-project-name (hunchentoot:session-value
590 'presentation-project-name))
591 (user-id (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id))
592 (user-role (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-role))
593 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
594 (user-point-id (cdr (assoc :user-point-id data)))
595 (attribute (cdr (assoc :attribute data)))
596 (description (cdr (assoc :description data)))
597 (numeric-description (cdr (assoc :numeric-description data)))
598 (user-point-table-name
599 (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name)))
600 (assert
601 (not (string-equal user-role "read")) ;that is, "write" or "admin"
602 () "No write permission.")
603 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
604 (assert
605 (= 1 (execute (:update user-point-table-name :set
606 'attribute attribute
607 'description description
608 'numeric-description numeric-description
609 'creation-date 'current-timestamp
610 :where (:and (:= 'user-point-id user-point-id)
611 (:= (if (string-equal user-role
612 "admin")
613 user-id
614 'user-id)
615 user-id)))))
616 () "No point stored. Did you try to update someone else's point ~
617 without having admin permission?")))))
619 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
620 (delete-point :uri "/phoros/lib/delete-point" :default-request-type :post)
622 "Delete user point if user is allowed to do so."
623 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
624 (let* ((presentation-project-name (hunchentoot:session-value
625 'presentation-project-name))
626 (user-id (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id))
627 (user-role (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-role))
628 (user-point-table-name
629 (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name))
630 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data))))
631 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
632 (assert
633 (eql 1 (cond ((string-equal user-role "admin")
634 (execute (:delete-from user-point-table-name
635 :where (:= 'user-point-id data))))
636 ((string-equal user-role "write")
637 (execute (:delete-from user-point-table-name
638 :where (:and
639 (:= 'user-point-id data)
640 (:= 'user-id user-id)))))))
641 () "No point deleted. This should not happen.")))))
643 (defun common-table-names (presentation-project-id)
644 "Return a list of common-table-names of table sets that contain data
645 of presentation project with presentation-project-id."
646 (handler-case
647 (query
648 (:select 'common-table-name
649 :distinct
650 :from 'sys-presentation 'sys-measurement 'sys-acquisition-project
651 :where (:and
652 (:= 'sys-presentation.presentation-project-id
653 presentation-project-id)
654 (:= 'sys-presentation.measurement-id
655 'sys-measurement.measurement-id)
656 (:= 'sys-measurement.acquisition-project-id
657 'sys-acquisition-project.acquisition-project-id)))
658 :column)
659 (condition (c)
660 (cl-log:log-message
661 :error
662 "While fetching common-table-names of presentation-project-id ~D: ~A"
663 presentation-project-id c))))
665 (defun encode-geojson-to-string (features &key junk-keys)
666 "Encode a list of property lists into a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.
667 Each property list must contain keys for coordinates, :x, :y, :z; it
668 may contain a numeric point :id and zero or more pieces of extra
669 information. The extra information is stored as GeoJSON Feature
670 properties. Exclude property list elements with keys that are in
671 junk-keys."
672 (with-output-to-string (s)
673 (json:with-object (s)
674 (json:encode-object-member :type :*feature-collection s)
675 (json:as-object-member (:features s)
676 (json:with-array (s)
677 (mapcar
678 #'(lambda (point-with-properties)
679 (dolist (junk-key junk-keys)
680 (remf point-with-properties junk-key))
681 (destructuring-bind (&key x y z id &allow-other-keys) ;TODO: z probably bogus
682 point-with-properties
683 (json:as-array-member (s)
684 (json:with-object (s)
685 (json:encode-object-member :type :*feature s)
686 (json:as-object-member (:geometry s)
687 (json:with-object (s)
688 (json:encode-object-member :type :*point s)
689 (json:as-object-member (:coordinates s)
690 (json:encode-json (list x y z) s))))
691 (json:encode-object-member :id id s)
692 (json:as-object-member (:properties s)
693 (dolist (key '(:x :y :z :id))
694 (remf point-with-properties key))
695 (json:encode-json-plist point-with-properties s))))))
696 features)))
697 (json:encode-object-member :phoros-version (phoros-version) s))))
699 (defun box3d (bbox)
700 "Return a WKT-compliant BOX3D string from string bbox."
701 (concatenate 'string "BOX3D("
702 (substitute #\Space #\,
703 (substitute #\Space #\, bbox :count 1)
704 :from-end t :count 1)
705 ")"))
707 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (points :uri "/phoros/lib/points.json") (bbox)
708 "Send a bunch of GeoJSON-encoded points from inside bbox to client."
709 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
710 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
711 (handler-case
712 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
713 (let* ((presentation-project-id
714 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-id))
715 (common-table-names
716 (common-table-names presentation-project-id)))
717 (encode-geojson-to-string
718 (query
719 (sql-compile
720 `(:limit
721 (:order-by
722 (:union
723 ,@(loop
724 for common-table-name in common-table-names
725 for aggregate-view-name
726 = (point-data-table-name common-table-name)
727 ;; would have been nice, was too slow:
728 ;; = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
729 collect
730 `(:select
731 (:as (:st_x 'coordinates) x)
732 (:as (:st_y 'coordinates) y)
733 (:as (:st_z 'coordinates) z)
734 (:as 'point-id 'id) ;becomes fid on client
735 'random
736 :distinct-on 'random
737 :from ',aggregate-view-name
738 :natural :left-join 'sys-presentation
739 :where
740 (:and
741 (:= 'presentation-project-id
742 ,presentation-project-id)
743 (:&&
744 'coordinates
745 (:st_setsrid (:type ,(box3d bbox) box3d)
746 ,*standard-coordinates*))))))
747 random)
748 ,*number-of-features-per-layer*))
749 :plists)
750 :junk-keys '(:random))))
751 (condition (c)
752 (cl-log:log-message
753 :error "While fetching points from inside bbox ~S: ~A"
754 bbox c)))))
756 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (aux-points :uri "/phoros/lib/aux-points.json") (bbox)
757 "Send a bunch of GeoJSON-encoded points from inside bbox to client."
758 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
759 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
760 (handler-case
761 (let ((limit *number-of-features-per-layer*)
762 (aux-view-name
763 (aux-point-view-name (hunchentoot:session-value
764 'presentation-project-name))))
765 (encode-geojson-to-string
766 (with-connection *postgresql-aux-credentials*
767 (query
768 (s-sql:sql-compile
769 `(:limit
770 (:order-by
771 (:select
772 (:as (:st_x 'coordinates) 'x)
773 (:as (:st_y 'coordinates) 'y)
774 (:as (:st_z 'coordinates) 'z)
775 :from ,aux-view-name
776 :where (:&&
777 'coordinates
778 (:st_setsrid (:type ,(box3d bbox) box3d)
779 ,*standard-coordinates*)))
780 (:random))
781 ,limit))
782 :plists))))
783 (condition (c)
784 (cl-log:log-message
785 :error "While fetching aux-points from inside bbox ~S: ~A"
786 bbox c)))))
788 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
789 (aux-local-data :uri "/phoros/lib/aux-local-data"
790 :default-request-type :post)
792 "Receive coordinates, respond with the count nearest json objects
793 containing arrays aux-numeric, aux-text, and distance to the
794 coordinates received, wrapped in an array."
795 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
796 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
797 (let* ((aux-view-name
798 (aux-point-view-name (hunchentoot:session-value
799 'presentation-project-name)))
800 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
801 (longitude (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
802 (latitude (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
803 (count (cdr (assoc :count data)))
804 (point-form
805 (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude latitude))
806 (snap-distance 1e-3) ;about 100 m, TODO: make this a defparameter
807 (bounding-box
808 (format nil "~A,~A,~A,~A"
809 (- longitude snap-distance)
810 (- latitude snap-distance)
811 (+ longitude snap-distance)
812 (+ latitude snap-distance))))
813 (encode-geojson-to-string
814 (ignore-errors
815 (with-connection *postgresql-aux-credentials*
816 (nsubst
817 nil :null
818 (query
819 (s-sql:sql-compile
820 `(:limit
821 (:order-by
822 (:select
823 (:as (:st_x 'coordinates) 'x)
824 (:as (:st_y 'coordinates) 'y)
825 (:as (:st_z 'coordinates) 'z)
826 aux-numeric
827 aux-text
828 (:as
829 (:st_distance
830 (:st_transform
831 'coordinates
832 ,*spherical-mercator*)
833 (:st_transform
834 (:st_geomfromtext ,point-form ,*standard-coordinates*)
835 ,*spherical-mercator*))
836 distance)
837 :from ',aux-view-name
838 :where (:&& 'coordinates
839 (:st_setsrid (:type
840 ,(box3d bounding-box) box3d)
841 ,*standard-coordinates*)))
842 'distance)
843 ,count))
844 :plists))))))))
846 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
847 (aux-local-linestring :uri "/phoros/lib/aux-local-linestring.json"
848 :default-request-type :post)
850 "Receive longitude, latitude, radius, and step-size; respond
851 with the a JSON object comprising the elements linestring (a WKT
852 linestring stitched together of the nearest auxiliary points from
853 within radius around coordinates), current-point (the point on
854 linestring closest to coordinates), and previous-point and next-point
855 \(points on linestring step-size before and after current-point
856 respectively)."
857 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
858 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
859 (let* ((thread-aux-points-function-name
860 (thread-aux-points-function-name (hunchentoot:session-value
861 'presentation-project-name)))
862 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
863 (longitude (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
864 (latitude (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
865 (radius (cdr (assoc :radius data)))
866 (step-size (cdr (assoc :step-size data)))
867 (azimuth (if (numberp (cdr (assoc :azimuth data)))
868 (cdr (assoc :azimuth data))
870 (point-form
871 (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude latitude))
872 (sql-response
873 (ignore-errors
874 (with-connection *postgresql-aux-credentials*
875 (nsubst
876 nil :null
877 (query
878 (sql-compile
879 `(:select '* :from
880 (,thread-aux-points-function-name
881 (:st_geomfromtext
882 ,point-form ,*standard-coordinates*)
883 ,radius
884 ,*number-of-points-per-aux-linestring*
885 ,step-size
886 ,azimuth
887 ,(proj:degrees-to-radians 91))))
888 :plist))))))
889 (with-output-to-string (s)
890 (json:with-object (s)
891 (json:encode-object-member
892 :linestring (getf sql-response :threaded-points) s)
893 (json:encode-object-member
894 :current-point (getf sql-response :current-point) s)
895 (json:encode-object-member
896 :previous-point (getf sql-response :back-point) s)
897 (json:encode-object-member
898 :next-point (getf sql-response :forward-point) s)
899 (json:encode-object-member
900 :azimuth (getf sql-response :new-azimuth) s))))))
902 (defun get-user-points (user-point-table-name &key
903 (bounding-box "-180,-90,180,90")
904 (limit :null)
905 (order-criterion 'id))
906 "Return limit points from user-point-table-name in GeoJSON format,
907 and the number of points returned."
908 (let ((user-point-plist
909 (query
910 (s-sql:sql-compile
911 `(:limit
912 (:order-by
913 (:select
914 (:as (:st_x 'coordinates) 'x)
915 (:as (:st_y 'coordinates) 'y)
916 (:as (:st_z 'coordinates) 'z)
917 (:as 'user-point-id 'id) ;becomes fid in OpenLayers
918 'stdx-global 'stdy-global 'stdz-global
919 'input-size
920 'attribute 'description 'numeric-description
921 'user-name
922 (:as (:to-char 'creation-date
923 ,*user-point-creation-date-format*)
924 'creation-date)
925 'aux-numeric 'aux-text
926 :from ,user-point-table-name :natural :left-join 'sys-user
927 :where (:&& 'coordinates
928 (:st_setsrid (:type ,(box3d bounding-box) box3d)
929 ,*standard-coordinates*)))
930 ,order-criterion)
931 ,limit))
932 :plists)))
933 (values
934 (encode-geojson-to-string (nsubst nil :null user-point-plist))
935 (length user-point-plist))))
937 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
938 (user-points :uri "/phoros/lib/user-points.json")
939 (bbox)
940 "Send *number-of-features-per-layer* randomly chosen GeoJSON-encoded
941 points from inside bbox to client. If there is no bbox parameter,
942 send all points."
943 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
944 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
945 (handler-case
946 (let ((bounding-box (or bbox "-180,-90,180,90"))
947 (limit (if bbox *number-of-features-per-layer* :null))
948 (order-criterion (if bbox '(:random) 'id))
949 (user-point-table-name
950 (user-point-table-name (hunchentoot:session-value
951 'presentation-project-name))))
952 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
953 (nth-value 0 (get-user-points user-point-table-name
954 :bounding-box bounding-box
955 :limit limit
956 :order-criterion order-criterion))))
957 (condition (c)
958 (cl-log:log-message
959 :error "While fetching user-points~@[ from inside bbox ~S~]: ~A"
960 bbox c)))))
962 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
963 (user-point-attributes :uri "/phoros/lib/user-point-attributes.json")
965 "Send JSON object comprising arrays attributes and descriptions,
966 each containing unique values called attribute and description
967 respectively, and count being the frequency of value in the user point
968 table."
969 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
970 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
971 (handler-case
972 (let ((user-point-table-name
973 (user-point-table-name (hunchentoot:session-value
974 'presentation-project-name))))
975 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
976 (with-output-to-string (s)
977 (json:with-object (s)
978 (json:as-object-member (:descriptions s)
979 (json:with-array (s)
980 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (json:as-array-member (s)
981 (json:encode-json-plist x s)))
982 (query
983 (:limit
984 (:order-by
985 (:select 'description
986 (:count 'description)
987 :from user-point-table-name
988 :group-by 'description)
989 'description)
990 100)
991 :plists))))
992 (json:as-object-member (:attributes s)
993 (json:with-array (s)
994 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (json:as-array-member (s)
995 (json:encode-json-plist x s)))
996 (query (format nil "~
997 (SELECT attribute, count(attribute) ~
998 FROM ((SELECT attribute FROM ~A) ~
1000 (SELECT attribute ~
1001 FROM (VALUES ('solitary'), ~
1002 ('polyline'), ~
1003 ('polygon')) ~
1004 AS defaults(attribute))) ~
1005 AS attributes_union(attribute) ~
1006 GROUP BY attribute) ~
1007 ORDER BY attribute LIMIT 100"
1008 ;; Counts of solitary,
1009 ;; polyline, polygon may be
1010 ;; to big by one if we
1011 ;; collect them like this.
1012 (s-sql:to-sql-name user-point-table-name))
1013 :plists))))))))
1014 (condition (c)
1015 (cl-log:log-message
1016 :error "While fetching user-point-attributes: ~A"
1017 c)))))
1019 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler photo-handler
1020 ((bayer-pattern :init-form "65280,16711680")
1021 (color-raiser :init-form "1,1,1")
1022 (mounting-angle :init-form "0"))
1023 "Serve an image from a .pictures file."
1024 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
1025 (handler-case
1026 (progn
1027 (push (bt:current-thread)
1028 (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads))
1029 (let* ((s (cdr (cl-utilities:split-sequence
1031 (hunchentoot:script-name*)
1032 :remove-empty-subseqs t)))
1033 (directory (last (butlast s 2)))
1034 (file-name-and-type (cl-utilities:split-sequence
1035 #\. (first (last s 2))))
1036 (byte-position (parse-integer (car (last s)) :junk-allowed t))
1037 (path-to-file
1038 (car
1039 (directory
1040 (make-pathname
1041 :directory (append (pathname-directory *common-root*)
1042 directory '(:wild-inferiors))
1043 :name (first file-name-and-type)
1044 :type (second file-name-and-type)))))
1045 stream)
1046 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out 'cache-control)
1047 (format nil "max-age=~D" (* 3600 24 7)))
1048 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "image/png")
1049 (setf stream (hunchentoot:send-headers))
1050 (send-png
1051 stream path-to-file byte-position
1052 :bayer-pattern
1053 (apply #'vector (mapcar
1054 #'parse-integer
1055 (cl-utilities:split-sequence
1056 #\, bayer-pattern)))
1057 :color-raiser
1058 (apply #'vector (mapcar
1059 #'parse-number:parse-positive-real-number
1060 (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\, color-raiser)))
1061 :reversep (= 180 (parse-integer mounting-angle)))))
1062 (superseded () (terpri) nil)
1063 (condition (c)
1064 (cl-log:log-message
1065 :error "While serving image ~S: ~A" (hunchentoot:request-uri*) c)))))
1067 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-prefix-dispatcher "/phoros/lib/photo"
1068 'photo-handler)
1069 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1071 ;;; for debugging; this is the multi-file OpenLayers
1072 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
1073 "/phoros/lib/openlayers/" "OpenLayers-2.10/")
1074 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1076 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler "/phoros/lib/ol/" "ol/")
1077 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1079 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
1080 (format nil "/phoros/lib/css-~A/" (phoros-version)) "css/") ;TODO: merge this style.css into public_html/style.css
1081 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1083 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
1084 "/phoros/lib/public_html/" "public_html/")
1085 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1087 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler
1088 "/favicon.ico" "public_html/favicon.ico")
1089 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1091 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1092 (view :uri (format nil "/phoros/lib/view-~A" (phoros-version))
1093 :default-request-type :post)
1095 "Serve the client their main workspace."
1097 (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
1098 (who:with-html-output-to-string (s nil :prologue t :indent t)
1099 (:html
1100 (:head
1101 (:title (who:str
1102 (concatenate
1103 'string
1104 "Phoros: " (hunchentoot:session-value
1105 'presentation-project-name))))
1106 (if *use-multi-file-openlayers*
1107 (who:htm
1108 (:script :src "/phoros/lib/openlayers/lib/Firebug/firebug.js")
1109 (:script :src "/phoros/lib/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js"))
1110 (who:htm (:script :src "/phoros/lib/ol/OpenLayers.js")))
1111 (:link :rel "stylesheet"
1112 :href (format nil "/phoros/lib/css-~A/style.css"
1113 (phoros-version))
1114 :type "text/css")
1115 (:script :src (format ;variability in script name is
1116 nil ; supposed to fight browser cache
1117 "/phoros/lib/phoros-~A-~A-~A.js"
1118 (phoros-version)
1119 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-name)
1120 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-name)))
1121 (:script :src ""))
1122 (:body
1123 :onload (ps (init))
1124 (:noscript (:b (:em "You can't do much without JavaScript here.")))
1125 (:h1 :id "title"
1126 "Phoros: " (who:str (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-full-name))
1127 (who:fmt " (~A)" (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-name))
1128 "with " (:span :id "user-role"
1129 (who:str (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-role)))
1130 "permission on "
1131 (:span :id "presentation-project-name"
1132 (who:str (hunchentoot:session-value
1133 'presentation-project-name)))
1134 (:span :id "presentation-project-emptiness")
1135 (:span :id "phoros-version" :class "h1-right"
1136 (who:fmt "v~A" (phoros-version))))
1137 (:div :class "controlled-streetmap"
1138 (:div :id "streetmap" :class "streetmap" :style "cursor:crosshair")
1139 (:div :id "streetmap-controls" :class "streetmap-controls"
1140 (:div :id "streetmap-vertical-strut"
1141 :class "streetmap-vertical-strut")
1142 (:div :id "streetmap-layer-switcher"
1143 :class "streetmap-layer-switcher")
1144 (:div :id "streetmap-overview" :class "streetmap-overview")
1145 (:div :id "streetmap-mouse-position"
1146 :class "streetmap-mouse-position")
1147 (:div :id "streetmap-zoom" :class "streetmap-zoom")))
1148 (:div :class "phoros-controls"
1149 (:div :id "real-phoros-controls"
1150 (:h2 (:span :id "h2-controls") (:span :id "creator"))
1151 (:div :id "point-attribute"
1152 :class "combobox"
1153 (:select :id "point-attribute-select"
1154 :name "point-attribute-select"
1155 :class "combobox-select"
1156 :onchange
1157 (ps-inline
1158 (consolidate-combobox "point-attribute"))
1159 :disabled t)
1160 (:input :id "point-attribute-input"
1161 :name "point-attribute-input"
1162 :class "combobox-input"
1163 :onchange (ps-inline
1164 (unselect-combobox-selection
1165 "point-attribute"))
1166 :disabled t
1167 :type "text"))
1168 ;; (:select :id "point-attribute" :disabled t
1169 ;; :size 1 :name "point-attribute")
1170 (:input :id "point-numeric-description"
1171 :class "vanilla-input"
1172 :disabled t
1173 :type "text" :name "point-numeric-description")
1175 (:div :id "point-description"
1176 :class "combobox"
1177 (:select :id "point-description-select"
1178 :name "point-description-select"
1179 :class "combobox-select"
1180 :onchange (ps-inline
1181 (consolidate-combobox
1182 "point-description"))
1183 :disabled t)
1184 (:input :id "point-description-input"
1185 :name "point-description-input"
1186 :class "combobox-input"
1187 :onchange (ps-inline
1188 (unselect-combobox-selection
1189 "point-description"))
1190 :disabled t
1191 :type "text"))
1192 (:button :id "delete-point-button" :disabled t
1193 :type "button"
1194 :onclick (ps-inline (delete-point))
1195 "delete")
1196 (:button :disabled t :id "finish-point-button"
1197 :type "button"
1198 (:b "finish"))
1199 (:div :id "aux-point-distance-or-point-creation-date"
1200 (:code :id "point-creation-date")
1201 (:select :id "aux-point-distance" :disabled t
1202 :size 1 :name "aux-point-distance"
1203 :onchange (ps-inline
1204 (aux-point-distance-selected))
1205 :onclick (ps-inline
1206 (enable-aux-point-selection)))
1207 (:div :id "include-aux-data"
1208 (:label
1209 (:input :id "include-aux-data-p"
1210 :class "tight-input"
1211 :type "checkbox" :checked t
1212 :name "include-aux-data-p"
1213 :onchange (ps-inline
1214 (flip-aux-data-inclusion)))
1215 "aux data")))
1216 (:div :id "aux-data"
1217 (:div :id "aux-numeric-list")
1218 (:div :id "aux-text-list")))
1219 (:div :id "multiple-points-phoros-controls"
1220 (:h2 "Multiple Points Selected")
1221 (:p "You have selected multiple user points.")
1222 (:p "Unselect all but one to edit or view its properties."))
1223 (:div :class "walk-mode-controls"
1224 (:div :id "walk-mode"
1225 (:label
1226 (:input :id "walk-p"
1227 :class "tight-input"
1228 :type "checkbox" :checked nil
1229 :onchange (ps-inline
1230 (flip-walk-mode)))
1231 "snap+walk"))
1232 (:div :id "decrease-step-size"
1233 :onclick (ps-inline (decrease-step-size)))
1234 (:div :id "step-size"
1235 :onclick (ps-inline (increase-step-size))
1236 "4")
1237 (:div :id "increase-step-size"
1238 :onclick (ps-inline (increase-step-size))
1239 :ondblclick (ps-inline (increase-step-size)
1240 (increase-step-size)))
1241 (:div :id "step-button" :disabled nil
1242 :onclick (ps-inline (step))
1243 :ondblclick (ps-inline (step t))
1244 "step"))
1245 (:div :class "image-main-controls"
1246 (:div :id "auto-zoom"
1247 (:label
1248 (:input :id "zoom-to-point-p"
1249 :class "tight-input"
1250 :type "checkbox" :checked t)
1251 "auto zoom"))
1252 (:div :id "zoom-images-to-max-extent"
1253 :onclick (ps-inline (zoom-images-to-max-extent)))
1254 (:div :id "no-footprints-p"
1255 (:b "?"))
1256 (:div :id "remove-work-layers-button" :disabled t
1257 :onclick (ps-inline (reset-layers-and-controls))
1258 "start over")))
1259 (:div :class "help-div"
1260 (:button :id "download-user-points-button"
1261 :type "button"
1262 :onclick "self.location.href = \"/phoros/lib/user-points.json\""
1263 "download points") ;TODO: offer other formats and maybe projections
1264 (:button :id "blurb-button"
1265 :type "button"
1266 :onclick (ps-inline
1267 (chain window
1268 (open
1269 (+ "/phoros/lib/blurb?openlayers-version="
1270 (@ *open-layers *version_number*))
1271 "About Phoros")))
1272 (:img :src "/phoros/lib/public_html/phoros-logo-plain.png"
1273 :alt "Phoros" :style "vertical-align:middle"
1274 :height 20))
1275 (:button :id "logout-button"
1276 :type "button"
1277 :onclick (ps-inline (bye))
1278 "bye")
1279 (:h2 :id "h2-help" "Help")
1280 (:div :id "help-display"))
1281 (:div :id "images" :style "clear:both"
1282 (loop
1283 for i from 0 below *number-of-images* do
1284 (who:htm
1285 (:div :class "controlled-image"
1286 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-controls" i)
1287 :class "image-controls"
1288 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-zoom" i)
1289 :class "image-zoom")
1290 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-layer-switcher" i)
1291 :class "image-layer-switcher")
1292 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-usable" i)
1293 :class "image-usable"
1294 (:b "!"))
1295 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-trigger-time" i)
1296 :class "image-trigger-time"))
1297 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S" i)
1298 :class "image" :style "cursor:crosshair"))))))))
1299 (hunchentoot:redirect
1300 (concatenate 'string "/phoros/" (hunchentoot:session-value
1301 'presentation-project-name))
1302 :add-session-id t)))
1304 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1305 (epipolar-line :uri "/phoros/lib/epipolar-line")
1307 "Receive vector of two sets of picture parameters, respond with
1308 JSON encoded epipolar-lines."
1309 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
1310 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1311 (let* ((data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data))))
1312 (json:encode-json-to-string
1313 (photogrammetry :epipolar-line (first data) (second data))))))
1315 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1316 (estimated-positions :uri "/phoros/lib/estimated-positions")
1318 "Receive a two-part JSON vector comprising (1) a vector containing
1319 sets of picture-parameters with clicked (\"active\") points
1320 stored in :m, :n; and (2) a vector containing sets of
1321 picture-parameters; respond with a JSON encoded two-part vector
1322 comprising (1) a point in global coordinates; and (2) a vector of
1323 image coordinates (m, n) for the global point that correspond to the
1324 images from the received second vector. TODO: report error on bad
1325 data (ex: points too far apart)."
1326 ;; TODO: global-point-for-display should probably contain a proj string in order to make sense of the (cartesian) standard deviations.
1327 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
1328 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1329 (let* ((data
1330 (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
1331 (active-point-photo-parameters
1332 (first data))
1333 (number-of-active-points
1334 (length active-point-photo-parameters))
1335 (destination-photo-parameters
1336 (second data))
1337 (cartesian-system
1338 (cdr (assoc :cartesian-system
1339 (first active-point-photo-parameters))))
1340 (global-point-cartesian
1341 (photogrammetry
1342 :multi-position-intersection active-point-photo-parameters))
1343 (global-point-geographic-radians
1344 (proj:cs2cs (list (cdr (assoc :x-global global-point-cartesian))
1345 (cdr (assoc :y-global global-point-cartesian))
1346 (cdr (assoc :z-global global-point-cartesian)))
1347 :source-cs cartesian-system))
1348 (global-point-for-display ;points geographic cs, degrees; std deviations in cartesian cs
1349 (pairlis '(:longitude :latitude :ellipsoid-height
1350 :stdx-global :stdy-global :stdz-global
1351 :input-size)
1352 (list
1353 (proj:radians-to-degrees
1354 (first global-point-geographic-radians))
1355 (proj:radians-to-degrees
1356 (second global-point-geographic-radians))
1357 (third global-point-geographic-radians)
1358 (cdr (assoc :stdx-global global-point-cartesian))
1359 (cdr (assoc :stdy-global global-point-cartesian))
1360 (cdr (assoc :stdz-global global-point-cartesian))
1361 number-of-active-points)))
1362 (image-coordinates
1363 (loop
1364 for i in destination-photo-parameters
1365 collect
1366 (ignore-errors
1367 (photogrammetry :reprojection i global-point-cartesian)))))
1368 (json:encode-json-to-string
1369 (list global-point-for-display image-coordinates)))))
1371 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1372 (user-point-positions :uri "/phoros/lib/user-point-positions")
1374 "Receive a two-part JSON vector comprising
1375 - a vector of user-point-id's and
1376 - a vector containing sets of picture-parameters;
1377 respond with a JSON object comprising the elements
1378 - image-points, a vector whose elements
1379 - correspond to the elements of the picture-parameters vector
1380 received and
1381 - are GeoJSON feature collections containing one point (in picture
1382 coordinates) for each user-point-id received;
1383 - user-point-count, the number of user-points we tried to fetch
1384 image-points for."
1385 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
1386 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1387 (let* ((user-point-table-name
1388 (user-point-table-name (hunchentoot:session-value
1389 'presentation-project-name)))
1390 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
1391 (user-point-ids (first data))
1392 (user-point-count (length user-point-ids))
1393 (destination-photo-parameters (second data))
1394 (cartesian-system
1395 (cdr (assoc :cartesian-system
1396 (first destination-photo-parameters)))) ;TODO: in rare cases, coordinate systems of the images shown may differ
1397 (user-points
1398 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
1399 (query
1400 (:select
1401 (:as (:st_x 'coordinates) 'longitude)
1402 (:as (:st_y 'coordinates) 'latitude)
1403 (:as (:st_z 'coordinates) 'ellipsoid-height)
1404 (:as 'user-point-id 'id) ;becomes fid on client
1405 'attribute
1406 'description
1407 'numeric-description
1408 'user-name
1409 (:as (:to-char 'creation-date "IYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZ")
1410 'creation-date)
1411 'aux-numeric
1412 'aux-text
1413 :from user-point-table-name :natural :left-join 'sys-user
1414 :where (:in 'user-point-id (:set user-point-ids)))
1415 :plists)))
1416 (global-points-cartesian
1417 (loop
1418 for global-point-geographic in user-points
1419 collect
1420 (ignore-errors ;in case no destination-photo-parameters have been sent
1421 (pairlis '(:x-global :y-global :z-global)
1422 (proj:cs2cs
1423 (list
1424 (proj:degrees-to-radians
1425 (getf global-point-geographic :longitude))
1426 (proj:degrees-to-radians
1427 (getf global-point-geographic :latitude))
1428 (getf global-point-geographic :ellipsoid-height))
1429 :destination-cs cartesian-system)))))
1430 (image-coordinates
1431 (loop
1432 for photo-parameter-set in destination-photo-parameters
1433 collect
1434 (encode-geojson-to-string
1435 (loop
1436 for global-point-cartesian in global-points-cartesian
1437 for user-point in user-points
1438 collect
1439 (ignore-errors
1440 (let ((photo-coordinates
1441 (photogrammetry :reprojection
1442 photo-parameter-set
1443 global-point-cartesian))
1444 (photo-point
1445 user-point))
1446 (setf (getf photo-point :x)
1447 (cdr (assoc :m photo-coordinates)))
1448 (setf (getf photo-point :y)
1449 (cdr (assoc :n photo-coordinates)))
1450 photo-point)))
1451 :junk-keys '(:longitude :latitude :ellipsoid-height)))))
1452 (with-output-to-string (s)
1453 (json:with-object (s)
1454 (json:encode-object-member :user-point-count user-point-count s)
1455 (json:as-object-member (:image-points s)
1456 (json:with-array (s)
1457 (loop for i in image-coordinates do
1458 (json:as-array-member (s) (princ i s))))))))))
1460 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1461 (multi-position-intersection :uri "/phoros/lib/intersection")
1463 "Receive vector of sets of picture parameters, respond with stuff."
1464 (when (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
1465 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1466 (let* ((data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data))))
1467 (json:encode-json-to-string
1468 (photogrammetry :multi-position-intersection data)))))