Don't create image footprints if calibration data is un-usable
[phoros.git] / pictures-file.lisp
1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 (in-package :phoros)
21 (defparameter *picture-header-length-tolerance* 20
22 "Amount of leeway for the length of a picture header in a .pictures
23 file.")
25 (defun find-keyword-in-stream (stream keyword &optional start-position search-range)
26 "Return file-position in binary stream after first occurence of
27 keyword."
28 (unless start-position (setf start-position 0))
29 (let ((end-position (if search-range
30 (+ start-position search-range)
31 most-positive-fixnum)))
32 (handler-case
33 (progn
34 (file-position stream start-position)
35 (let ((chunk-size (length keyword)))
36 (cl:loop
37 for next-chunk = (let ((result
38 (make-array (list chunk-size)
39 :fill-pointer 0)))
40 (dotimes
41 (i chunk-size (coerce result 'string))
42 (vector-push-extend
43 (code-char (read-byte stream)) result))) ; TODO: try read-sequence
44 if (string/= next-chunk keyword) do
45 (let ((next-position (- (file-position stream) chunk-size -1)))
46 (if (< next-position end-position)
47 (file-position stream next-position)
48 (return-from find-keyword-in-stream)))
49 else return (file-position stream))))
50 (end-of-file () nil))))
52 (defun find-keyword-value (path keyword &optional start-position search-range)
53 "Return value associated with keyword."
54 (let ((start-of-value
55 (find-keyword path keyword start-position search-range)))
56 (when start-of-value
57 (with-open-file (stream path)
58 (file-position stream start-of-value)
59 (car (read-delimited-list #\; stream))))))
61 (defun find-keyword (path keyword &optional start-position search-range)
62 "Return file-position after keyword."
63 (with-open-file (stream path :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
64 (find-keyword-in-stream stream keyword start-position search-range)))
66 (defun read-huffman-table (stream &optional start-position)
67 "Return in a hash table a huffman table read from stream. Start
68 either at stream's file position or at start-position."
69 (let* ((huffman-codes-start
70 (if start-position
71 start-position
72 (file-position stream))))
73 (file-position stream (+ (* 511 4) huffman-codes-start)) ; start of lengths
74 (let* ((lengths (loop
75 repeat 511
76 for length = (read-byte stream) ; TODO: try read-sequence
77 collect length))
78 (huffman-table (make-hash-table :size 1000 :test #'equal)))
79 (file-position stream huffman-codes-start)
80 (loop
81 for i from -255 to 255
82 for length in lengths
83 for key = (make-array (list length) :element-type 'bit)
84 for code = (let ((code-part 0))
85 (setf code-part (dpb (read-byte stream)
86 (byte 8 24) code-part))
87 (setf code-part (dpb (read-byte stream)
88 (byte 8 16) code-part))
89 (setf code-part (dpb (read-byte stream)
90 (byte 8 8) code-part))
91 (dpb (read-byte stream)
92 (byte 8 0) code-part)) ; TODO: try read-sequence
93 unless (zerop length)
94 do (loop
95 for key-index from 0 below length
96 for code-index downfrom (1- length)
97 do (setf (sbit key key-index)
98 (ldb (byte 1 code-index) code)))
99 and
100 do (setf (gethash key huffman-table) i))
101 huffman-table)))
103 (defun read-compressed-picture (stream start-position length)
104 "Return a compressed picture in a bit array. Start either at
105 start-position or, if that is nil, at stream's file position."
106 (when start-position (file-position stream start-position))
107 (let ((compressed-picture
108 (make-array (list (* 8 length)) :element-type 'bit)))
109 (loop
110 for byte-position from 0 below length
111 for byte = (read-byte stream) ; TODO: try read-sequence
112 do (loop
113 for source-bit from 7 downto 0
114 for destination-bit from 0 to 7
115 do (setf (sbit compressed-picture
116 (+ destination-bit (* 8 byte-position)))
117 (ldb (byte 1 source-bit) byte))))
118 compressed-picture))
120 (defun get-leading-byte (bit-array &optional (start 0) &aux (result 0))
121 "Return integer made of eight bits from bit-array."
122 (loop
123 for bit-array-index from start
124 for result-index from 7 downto 0
125 for result = (dpb (sbit bit-array bit-array-index)
126 (byte 1 result-index) 0)
127 then (dpb (sbit bit-array bit-array-index) (byte 1 result-index) result)
128 finally (return result)))
130 (defun uncompress-picture (huffman-table compressed-picture
131 height width color-type &key reversep)
132 "Return the Bayer pattern extracted from compressed-picture, turned
133 upside-down if reversep is t, in a zpng:png image, everything in color
134 channel 0."
135 (let* ((samples-per-pixel
136 (zpng:samples-per-pixel (make-instance 'zpng:png
137 :color-type color-type
138 :width 1 :height 1)))
139 (image-data
140 (make-array (list (* height width samples-per-pixel))
141 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
142 (uncompressed-image
143 (make-array (list height width samples-per-pixel)
144 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
145 :displaced-to image-data))
146 (channel (if reversep
147 (1- samples-per-pixel) ;becomes 0 by reversal
149 (compressed-picture-index 0)
150 (min-key-length
151 (loop
152 for code being the hash-key in huffman-table
153 minimize (length code)))
154 (max-key-length
155 (loop
156 for code being the hash-key in huffman-table
157 maximize (length code))))
158 (loop
159 for row from 0 below height
161 (setf (aref uncompressed-image row 0 channel)
162 (get-leading-byte compressed-picture
163 (prog1 compressed-picture-index
164 (incf compressed-picture-index 8))))
165 (setf (aref uncompressed-image row 1 channel)
166 (get-leading-byte compressed-picture
167 (prog1 compressed-picture-index
168 (incf compressed-picture-index 8))))
169 (loop
170 for column from 2 below width
171 for try-start from compressed-picture-index
173 (loop
174 for key-length from min-key-length to max-key-length
175 for huffman-code = (subseq compressed-picture
176 try-start (+ try-start key-length))
177 for pixel-delta-maybe = (gethash huffman-code huffman-table)
178 when pixel-delta-maybe
180 (setf (aref uncompressed-image row column channel)
181 (- (aref uncompressed-image row (- column 2) channel)
182 pixel-delta-maybe))
183 and do (incf try-start (1- key-length))
184 and return nil
185 finally (error
186 "Decoder out of step at row ~S, column ~S. Giving up."
187 row column))
188 finally
189 (setf compressed-picture-index (1+ try-start))))
190 (make-instance 'zpng:png
191 :color-type color-type
192 :width width :height height
193 :image-data (if reversep
194 (reverse image-data)
195 image-data))))
197 (defun fetch-picture (stream start-position length height width color-type
198 &key reversep)
199 "Return the Bayer pattern taken from stream in a zpng:png image,
200 everything in color channel 0. Start at start-position or, if that is
201 nil, at stream's file position."
202 (when start-position (file-position stream start-position))
203 (let* ((samples-per-pixel
204 (zpng:samples-per-pixel (make-instance 'zpng:png
205 :color-type color-type
206 :width 1 :height 1)))
207 (image-data
208 (make-array (list (* height width samples-per-pixel))
209 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
210 (raw-image
211 (make-array (list length) :element-type 'unsigned-byte)))
212 (ecase color-type
213 (:grayscale
214 (read-sequence image-data stream))
215 (:truecolor
216 (error "Not implemented: fetch-picture for (uncompressed) truecolor images")
217 ;; (read-sequence raw-image stream)
218 ;; (loop
219 ;; for pixel across raw-image and red from 0 by 3 do
220 ;; (setf (svref png-image-data red) pixel))
222 (make-instance 'zpng:png
223 :color-type color-type
224 :width width :height height
225 :image-data (if reversep
226 (reverse image-data)
227 image-data))))
229 (defun complete-horizontally (png row column color)
230 "Fake a color component of a pixel based its neighbors."
231 (let ((data-array (zpng:data-array png)))
232 (setf (aref data-array row column color)
233 (round (+ (aref data-array row (1- column) color)
234 (aref data-array row (1+ column) color))
235 2))))
237 (defun complete-vertically (png row column color)
238 "Fake a color component of a pixel based its neighbors."
239 (let ((data-array (zpng:data-array png)))
240 (setf (aref data-array row column color)
241 (round (+ (aref data-array (1- row) column color)
242 (aref data-array (1+ row) column color))
243 2))))
245 (defun complete-squarely (png row column color)
246 "Fake a color component of a pixel based its neighbors."
247 (let ((data-array (zpng:data-array png)))
248 (setf (aref data-array row column color)
249 (round (+ (aref data-array row (1- column) color)
250 (aref data-array row (1+ column) color)
251 (aref data-array (1- row) column color)
252 (aref data-array (1+ row) column color))
253 4))))
255 (defun complete-diagonally (png row column color)
256 "Fake a color component of a pixel based its neighbors."
257 (let ((data-array (zpng:data-array png)))
258 (setf (aref data-array row column color)
259 (round (+ (aref data-array (1- row) (1- column) color)
260 (aref data-array (1- row) (1+ column) color)
261 (aref data-array (1+ row) (1- column) color)
262 (aref data-array (1+ row) (1+ column) color))
263 4))))
265 (defun demosaic-png (png bayer-pattern color-raiser)
266 "Demosaic color png in-place whose color channel 0 is supposed to be
267 filled with a Bayer color pattern. Return demosaiced png.
268 bayer-pattern is an array of 24-bit RGB values (red occupying the
269 least significant byte), describing the upper left corner of the
270 image. Currently, only pixels 0, 1 on row 0 are taken into account.
271 And, it's currently not even an array but a vector due to limitations
272 in postmodern. For a grayscale image do nothing."
273 (when (eq (zpng:color-type png) :truecolor)
274 (let ((lowest-row (- (zpng:height png) 2))
275 (rightmost-column (- (zpng:width png) 2))
276 (bayer-pattern-red #x0000ff)
277 (bayer-pattern-green #x00ff00)
278 (bayer-pattern-blue #xff0000)
279 (red 0) (green 1) (blue 2) ;color coordinate in PNG array
280 (color-raiser-red (elt color-raiser 0))
281 (color-raiser-green (elt color-raiser 1))
282 (color-raiser-blue (elt color-raiser 2))
283 (pix-depth 255) ;may some day become a function argument
284 complete-even-row-even-column
285 complete-even-row-odd-column
286 complete-odd-row-even-column
287 complete-odd-row-odd-column
288 colorize-even-row-even-column
289 colorize-even-row-odd-column
290 colorize-odd-row-even-column
291 colorize-odd-row-odd-column)
292 (flet ((complete-green-on-red-row (row column)
293 (complete-horizontally png row column red)
294 (complete-vertically png row column blue))
295 (complete-green-on-blue-row (row column)
296 (complete-horizontally png row column blue)
297 (complete-vertically png row column red))
298 (complete-red (row column)
299 (complete-squarely png row column green)
300 (complete-diagonally png row column blue))
301 (complete-blue (row column)
302 (complete-squarely png row column green)
303 (complete-diagonally png row column red))
304 (colorize-red (row column)
305 (setf (aref (zpng:data-array png) row column red)
306 (min pix-depth
307 (round (* color-raiser-red
308 (aref (zpng:data-array png)
309 row column red))))))
310 (colorize-green (row column)
311 (setf (aref (zpng:data-array png) row column green)
312 (min pix-depth
313 (round (* color-raiser-green
314 (aref (zpng:data-array png)
315 row column red))))))
316 (colorize-blue (row column)
317 (setf (aref (zpng:data-array png) row column blue)
318 (min pix-depth
319 (round (* color-raiser-blue
320 (aref (zpng:data-array png)
321 row column red)))))))
322 (cond
323 ((= (aref bayer-pattern 0) bayer-pattern-red)
324 (setf colorize-even-row-even-column #'colorize-red)
325 (setf colorize-even-row-odd-column #'colorize-green)
326 (setf colorize-odd-row-even-column #'colorize-green)
327 (setf colorize-odd-row-odd-column #'colorize-blue)
328 (setf complete-even-row-even-column #'complete-red)
329 (setf complete-even-row-odd-column #'complete-green-on-red-row)
330 (setf complete-odd-row-even-column #'complete-green-on-blue-row)
331 (setf complete-odd-row-odd-column #'complete-blue))
332 ((= (aref bayer-pattern 0) bayer-pattern-blue)
333 (setf colorize-even-row-even-column #'colorize-blue)
334 (setf colorize-even-row-odd-column #'colorize-green)
335 (setf colorize-odd-row-even-column #'colorize-green)
336 (setf colorize-odd-row-odd-column #'colorize-red)
337 (setf complete-even-row-even-column #'complete-blue)
338 (setf complete-even-row-odd-column #'complete-green-on-blue-row)
339 (setf complete-odd-row-even-column #'complete-green-on-red-row)
340 (setf complete-odd-row-odd-column #'complete-red))
341 ((= (aref bayer-pattern 0) bayer-pattern-green)
342 (cond
343 ((=(aref bayer-pattern 1) bayer-pattern-red)
344 (setf colorize-even-row-even-column #'colorize-green)
345 (setf colorize-even-row-odd-column #'colorize-red)
346 (setf colorize-odd-row-even-column #'colorize-blue)
347 (setf colorize-odd-row-odd-column #'colorize-green)
348 (setf complete-even-row-even-column #'complete-green-on-red-row)
349 (setf complete-even-row-odd-column #'complete-red)
350 (setf complete-odd-row-even-column #'complete-blue)
351 (setf complete-odd-row-odd-column #'complete-green-on-blue-row))
352 ((=(aref bayer-pattern 1) bayer-pattern-blue)
353 (setf colorize-even-row-even-column #'colorize-green)
354 (setf colorize-even-row-odd-column #'colorize-blue)
355 (setf colorize-odd-row-even-column #'colorize-red)
356 (setf colorize-odd-row-odd-column #'colorize-green)
357 (setf complete-even-row-even-column #'complete-green-on-blue-row)
358 (setf complete-even-row-odd-column #'complete-blue)
359 (setf complete-odd-row-even-column #'complete-red)
360 (setf complete-odd-row-odd-column #'complete-green-on-red-row))
361 (t (error "Don't know how to deal with a bayer-pattern of ~A"
362 bayer-pattern))))
363 (t (error "Don't know how to deal with a bayer-pattern of ~A"
364 bayer-pattern)))
365 ;; Recover colors (so far everything is in channel 0)
366 (loop for row from 0 below (zpng:height png) by 2
367 do (loop for column from 0 below (zpng:width png) by 2
368 do (funcall colorize-even-row-even-column row column))
369 (loop for column from 1 below (zpng:width png) by 2
370 do (funcall colorize-even-row-odd-column row column)))
371 (loop for row from 1 below (zpng:height png) by 2
372 do (loop for column from 0 below (zpng:width png) by 2
373 do (funcall colorize-odd-row-even-column row column))
374 (loop for column from 1 below (zpng:width png) by 2
375 do (funcall colorize-odd-row-odd-column row column)))
376 ;; Demosaic
377 (loop
378 for row from 2 to lowest-row by 2 do
379 (loop
380 for column from 2 to rightmost-column by 2 do
381 (funcall complete-even-row-even-column row column))
382 (loop
383 for column from 1 to rightmost-column by 2 do
384 (funcall complete-even-row-odd-column row column)))
385 (loop
386 for row from 1 to lowest-row by 2 do
387 (loop
388 for column from 2 to rightmost-column by 2 do
389 (funcall complete-odd-row-even-column row column))
390 (loop
391 for column from 1 to rightmost-column by 2 do
392 (funcall complete-odd-row-odd-column row column))))))
393 png)
395 (defun* send-png (output-stream path start
396 &key (color-raiser #(1 1 1)) reversep
397 &mandatory-key bayer-pattern)
398 "Read an image at position start in .pictures file at path and send
399 it to the binary output-stream. Return UNIX trigger-time of image.
400 If reversep is t, turn it upside-down. Bayer-pattern is applied after
401 turning, which is a wart."
402 ;; TODO: bayer-pattern should be applied to the unturned image
403 (let ((blob-start (find-keyword path "PICTUREDATA_BEGIN" start))
404 (blob-size (find-keyword-value path "dataSize=" start))
405 (huffman-table-size (* 511 (+ 1 4)))
406 (image-height (find-keyword-value path "height=" start))
407 (image-width (find-keyword-value path "width=" start))
408 (compression-mode (find-keyword-value path "compressed=" start))
409 (color-type (ecase (find-keyword-value path "channels=" start)
410 (1 :grayscale)
411 (3 :truecolor)))
412 (trigger-time (find-keyword-value path "timeTrigger=" start)))
413 (with-open-file (input-stream path :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
414 (zpng:write-png-stream
415 (demosaic-png
416 (ecase compression-mode
417 ((2 1) ;compressed with individual/pre-built huffman table
418 (uncompress-picture (read-huffman-table input-stream blob-start)
419 (read-compressed-picture
420 input-stream
421 (+ blob-start huffman-table-size)
422 (- blob-size huffman-table-size))
423 image-height image-width color-type
424 :reversep reversep))
425 (0 ;uncompressed
426 (fetch-picture input-stream blob-start blob-size
427 image-height image-width color-type
428 :reversep reversep)))
429 bayer-pattern
430 color-raiser)
431 output-stream))
432 trigger-time))
434 (defun find-nth-picture (n path)
435 "Find file-position of zero-indexed nth picture in in .pictures file
436 at path."
437 (let ((estimated-header-length
438 (- (find-keyword path "PICTUREHEADER_END")
439 (find-keyword path "PICTUREHEADER_BEGIN")
440 *picture-header-length-tolerance*))) ; allow for variation in dataSize and a few other parameters
441 (loop
442 for i from 0 to n
443 for picture-start =
444 (find-keyword path "PICTUREHEADER_BEGIN" 0) then
445 (find-keyword path "PICTUREHEADER_BEGIN"
446 (+ picture-start picture-length estimated-header-length))
447 for picture-length = (find-keyword-value path
448 "dataSize=" picture-start)
449 finally (return (- picture-start (length "PICTUREHEADER_BEGIN"))))))
451 (defun* send-nth-png (n output-stream path
452 &key color-raiser
453 &mandatory-key bayer-pattern)
454 "Read image number n (zero-indexed) in .pictures file at path and
455 send it to the binary output-stream. Return UNIX trigger-time of
456 image."
457 (send-png output-stream path (find-nth-picture n path)
458 :bayer-pattern bayer-pattern :color-raiser color-raiser))
461 ;; TODO: (perhaps)
462 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
463 ;; collect 4 single color pixels into a three-color one
464 ;; enhance contrast of grayscale images