Draw points and arrows into images
[phoros.git] / fasttrack.lisp
1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2012 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 (in-package #:phoros-fasttrack)
21 ;;; Debug helpers. TODO: remove them.
22 (defparameter *t* nil)
23 (defparameter *tt* nil)
25 (cffi:define-foreign-library phoml
26 (:unix (:or "./libphoml.so"
27 "./phoml/lib/libphoml.so"))
28 (t (:default "libphoml")))
30 (setf *read-default-float-format* 'double-float)
32 (defparameter *photogrammetry-mutex* (bt:make-lock "photogrammetry"))
34 (defparameter *fasttrack-version*
35 (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system :fasttrack))
36 "Fasttrack version as defined in system definition. TODO: enforce equality with *phoros-version*")
38 (defvar *postgresql-aux-credentials* nil
39 "A list: (database user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl).")
41 (defparameter *aggregate-view-columns*
42 (list 'usable
43 'recorded-device-id ;debug
44 'device-stage-of-life-id ;debug
45 'generic-device-id ;debug
46 'directory
47 'measurement-id
48 'filename 'byte-position 'point-id
49 'trigger-time
50 ;;'coordinates ;the search target
51 'longitude 'latitude 'ellipsoid-height
52 'cartesian-system
53 'east-sd 'north-sd 'height-sd
54 'roll 'pitch 'heading
55 'roll-sd 'pitch-sd 'heading-sd
56 'sensor-width-pix 'sensor-height-pix
57 'pix-size
58 'bayer-pattern 'color-raiser
59 'mounting-angle
60 'dx 'dy 'dz 'omega 'phi 'kappa
61 'c 'xh 'yh 'a1 'a2 'a3 'b1 'b2 'c1 'c2 'r0
62 'b-dx 'b-dy 'b-dz 'b-rotx 'b-roty 'b-rotz
63 'b-ddx 'b-ddy 'b-ddz
64 'b-drotx 'b-droty 'b-drotz)
65 "Most of the column names of aggregate-view.")
67 (defvar *phoros-cookies* nil
68 "Container for cookies sent by Phoros server")
70 (defvar *phoros-url* nil
71 "URL of the Phoros project currently in use.")
73 (defvar *cache-dir* '(:absolute "home" "bertb" "lisphack" "phoros" "cache"))
74 ;; TODO: invent cache validity checks
76 (defparameter *image-size* '(800 800)
77 "Image size in pixels in a list (width height).")
79 (defun ensure-hyphen-before-digit (symbol)
80 "Return symbol with hyphens inserted after each letter that is
81 followed by a digit. "
82 (intern
83 (coerce
84 (loop
85 with need-hyphen-before-next-digit-p
86 for c across (string symbol)
87 if (and need-hyphen-before-next-digit-p (digit-char-p c))
88 collect #\- and collect c and do (setf need-hyphen-before-next-digit-p nil)
89 else collect c and do (setf need-hyphen-before-next-digit-p nil)
90 end
91 if (alpha-char-p c) do (setf need-hyphen-before-next-digit-p t) end)
92 'string)))
94 (defmacro defun-cached (name (&rest args) &body body &aux (doc ""))
95 "Define a function whose return value must be readibly printable, is
96 being read from a chache if possible, and is being cached if
97 necessary."
98 (when (stringp (car body))
99 (setf doc (car body))
100 (setf body (cdr body)))
101 (cl-utilities:with-unique-names (input-stream output-stream)
102 `(defun ,name (,@args)
103 ,doc
104 (ensure-directories-exist (cache-file-name ',name ,@args))
105 (with-open-file (,input-stream (cache-file-name ',name ,@args)
106 :direction :input
107 :if-does-not-exist nil)
108 (if ,input-stream
109 (read ,input-stream)
110 (with-open-file (,output-stream (cache-file-name ',name ,@args)
111 :direction :output)
112 (prin1 (progn ,@body)
113 ,output-stream)))))))
115 (defun main ()
117 (with-tk ((make-instance 'ffi-tk))
118 (tcl "package" "require" "Img")
119 (tcl "option" "add" "*tearOff" 0)
120 (tcl "wm" "title" "." "Phoros Fasttrack")
121 (tcl "menu" ".menubar")
122 (tcl "." "configure" :menu ".menubar")
123 (tcl "menu" ".menubar.file")
124 (tcl ".menubar" "add" "cascade" :label "File" :menu ".menubar.file" :underline 0)
125 (tcl ".menubar.file" "add" "command" :label "Kaputt" :command (tcl{ "destroy" "."))
126 (tcl ".menubar.file" "add" "command" :label "Do Stuff" :command (event-handler* (print "doing stuff") (print "doing more stuff") (tcl "set" "feet" 500)))
128 (bind-event "." "<<check.blah>>" ((ddd #\d)) (print (list "ddd" ddd)))
129 (tcl ".menubar.file" "add" "checkbutton" :label "Check" :variable "check" :onvalue 1 :offvalue 0 :command (tcl{ "event" "generate" "." "<<check.blah>>" :data (lit "$check")))
131 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::frame" ".f" :borderwidth 3 :relief "groove") :column 0 :row 0 :sticky "nwes")
133 (tcl "set" "chart1" (tcl[ "canvas" ".f.chart1" :bg "yellow" :scrollregion "0 0 2500 400" :xscrollcommand ".f.h set"))
135 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "canvas" ".f.rearview" :bg "black" (mapcan #'list '(:width :height) *image-size*)) :column 0 :row 0 :sticky "nwes")
136 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "canvas" ".f.frontview" :bg "black" (mapcan #'list '(:width :height) *image-size*)) :column 1 :row 0 :sticky "nwes")
137 (tcl "grid" (lit "$chart1") :column 0 :row 1 :sticky "nwes" :columnspan 2)
138 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "tk::scrollbar" ".f.h" :orient "horizontal" :command ".f.chart1 xview") :column 0 :row 2 :sticky "we" :columnspan 2)
139 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".f.l1" :background "grey") :column 0 :row 3 :sticky "nwes")
140 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".f.l2" :textvariable "meters" :background "red") :column 1 :row 3 :sticky "nwes")
143 (tcl ".f.chart1" "create" "line" '(30 30 40 40 50 30 600 40) :fill "red" :tags "lll")
144 ;; (tcl ".f.chart1" "scale" "lll" 0 0 .1 1)
146 (tcl "image" "create" "photo" "rearview")
147 (tcl "image" "create" "photo" "frontview")
149 (tcl ".f.rearview" "create" "image" (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (/ x 2)) *image-size*) :image "rearview")
150 (tcl ".f.frontview" "create" "image" (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (/ x 2)) *image-size*) :image "frontview")
152 (tcl "set" "chart1ttt" (tcl[ ".f.chart1" "create" "rectangle" 0 0 2500 400 :width 0 :fill "green"))
154 (tcl "set" "ppp" (tcl ".f.chart1" "create" "line"
155 (loop
156 for coordinates across (all-stations 'bew-landstr-kleinpunkte "4252017" "4252011")
157 for i from 0
158 when coordinates collect i and collect (format nil "~F" (* (- (coordinates-longitude coordinates) 14) 500)))
159 :fill "green" :width 10))
160 (loop
161 for coordinates across (all-stations 'bew-landstr-kleinpunkte "4252017" "4252011")
162 for i from 0
163 when coordinates do (tcl ".f.chart1" "create" "oval" i (format nil "~F" (coordinates-longitude coordinates)) i (format nil "~F" (coordinates-longitude coordinates))))
165 (tcl ".f.chart1" "create" "line" 100 100 100 100 :capstyle "round" :width 5) ;a point
167 (tcl "set" "cursor" (tcl[ ".f.chart1" "create" "line" 10 0 10 100))
169 (bind-event "." "<<jumptostation>>" ((xx #\d))
170 (print (list xx))
171 (tcl "set" "meters" xx)
172 (tcl ".f.chart1" "delete" (lit "$cursor"))
173 (tcl "set" "cursor" (tcl[ ".f.chart1" "create" "line" xx 0 xx 100))
174 (put-image :table 'bew-landstr-kleinpunkte :vnk "4252017" :nnk "4252011" :station (round (parse-number:parse-number xx)) :step 10 :rear-view-p t)
175 (put-image :table 'bew-landstr-kleinpunkte :vnk "4252017" :nnk "4252011" :station (round (parse-number:parse-number xx)) :step 10 :rear-view-p nil))
177 (tcl ".f.chart1" "bind" (lit "$chart1ttt") "<ButtonPress-1>" "event generate . <<jumptostation>> -data [.f.chart1 canvasx %x]")
179 ;; (tcl "foreach w [ winfo children .f ] {grid configure $w -padx 5 -pady 5}")
180 ;; (tcl "focus" ".f.feet")
182 (mainloop)))
184 (defun put-image (&key table vnk nnk station step rear-view-p)
185 "Put an image along with a labelled station marker on screen."
186 (let* ((point-radius 5)
187 (line-width 2)
188 (photo (if rear-view-p "rearview" "frontview"))
189 (canvas (concatenate 'string ".f." photo))
190 (cursor-name (concatenate 'string photo "cursor"))
191 (label-name (concatenate 'string photo "label"))
192 (arrow-name (concatenate 'string photo "arrow"))
193 (global-point-coordinates
194 (subseq (all-stations table vnk nnk)
195 (min (length (all-stations table vnk nnk)) station)
196 (min (length (all-stations table vnk nnk)) (+ station 4))))
197 (image-data-alist
198 (get-image-data-alist (road-section-image-data table vnk nnk step rear-view-p)
199 station
200 step))
201 (image-arrow-coordinates
202 (loop
203 for i across global-point-coordinates
204 append (image-point-coordinates image-data-alist i)))
205 (image-cursor-coordinates (ignore-errors
206 (list (- (first image-arrow-coordinates) point-radius)
207 (- (second image-arrow-coordinates) point-radius)
208 (+ (first image-arrow-coordinates) point-radius)
209 (+ (second image-arrow-coordinates) point-radius))))
210 (image-label-coordinates (ignore-errors
211 (list (+ (first image-arrow-coordinates) point-radius line-width)
212 (second image-arrow-coordinates)))))
213 (tcl photo "configure" :file (or (get-image-namestring (road-section-image-data table vnk nnk step rear-view-p)
214 station
215 step)
216 "public_html/phoros-logo-plain.png"))
217 (tcl "if" (tcl[ "info" "exists" cursor-name) (tcl{ canvas "delete" (lit (concatenate 'string "$" cursor-name))))
218 (tcl "if" (tcl[ "info" "exists" label-name) (tcl{ canvas "delete" (lit (concatenate 'string "$" label-name))))
219 (tcl "if" (tcl[ "info" "exists" arrow-name) (tcl{ canvas "delete" (lit (concatenate 'string "$" arrow-name))))
220 (when image-cursor-coordinates
221 (tcl "set" cursor-name (tcl[ canvas "create" "oval" image-cursor-coordinates :width line-width)))
222 (when image-label-coordinates
223 (tcl "set" label-name (tcl[ canvas "create" "text" image-label-coordinates :text station :anchor "w")))
224 (when (and image-arrow-coordinates
225 (loop
226 for tail on image-arrow-coordinates by #'cddr
227 always (in-image-p (first tail) (second tail))))
228 (tcl "set" arrow-name (tcl[ canvas "create" "line" image-arrow-coordinates :arrow "last" :width line-width)))))
230 (defun image-point-coordinates (image-data-alist global-point-coordinates)
231 "Return a list (m n) of image coordinates representing
232 global-point-coordinates in the image described in image-data-alist
233 but scaled to fit into *image-size*."
234 (ignore-errors
235 (convert-image-coordinates
236 (photogrammetry :reprojection
237 image-data-alist
238 (pairlis '(:x-global :y-global :z-global)
239 (proj:cs2cs
240 (list
241 (proj:degrees-to-radians
242 (coordinates-longitude global-point-coordinates))
243 (proj:degrees-to-radians
244 (coordinates-latitude global-point-coordinates))
245 (coordinates-ellipsoid-height global-point-coordinates))
246 :destination-cs (cdr (assoc :cartesian-system image-data-alist)))))
247 image-data-alist)))
249 (defun in-image-p (m n)
250 "Check if m, n lay inside *image-size*."
251 (and m n (<= 0 m (first *image-size*)) (<= 0 n (second *image-size*))))
253 (defun sections (table &key (start 0) (end most-positive-fixnum))
254 "Return list of distinct pairs of vnk, nnk found in table in
255 current database."
256 (query (:limit (:order-by (:select 'vnk 'nnk
257 :from table
258 :group-by 'vnk 'nnk)
259 'vnk 'nnk)
260 (- end start) start)))
262 (defun stations (table vnk nnk &optional (step 1))
263 "Return a list of plists of :longitude, :latitude,
264 :ellipsoid-height, :station, :azimuth of stations step metres apart
265 between vnk and nnk."
266 (query
267 (:order-by
268 (:select (:as (:st_x 't1.the-geom) 'longitude)
269 (:as (:st_y 't1.the-geom) 'latitude)
270 (:as (:st_z 't1.the-geom) 'ellipsoid-height)
271 (:as 't1.nk-station 'station)
272 (:as (:st_azimuth 't1.the-geom 't2.the-geom) 'azimuth)
273 :from (:as table 't1)
274 :left-join (:as table 't2)
275 :on (:and (:= 't1.nk-station (:- 't2.nk-station 1))
276 (:= 't2.vnk vnk)
277 (:= 't2.nnk nnk))
278 :where (:and (:= 't1.vnk vnk)
279 (:= 't1.nnk nnk)
280 (:= 0 (:% 't1.nk-station step))))
281 't1.nk-station)
282 :plists))
284 (defun-cached all-stations (table vnk nnk)
285 "Return a vector of coordinates of all points between vnk and nnk,
286 station (in metres) being the vector index."
287 (let* ((stations (stations table vnk nnk))
288 (result (make-array (list (1+ (getf (first (last stations)) :station)))
289 :initial-element nil)))
290 (loop
291 for i in stations
292 do (destructuring-bind (&key longitude latitude ellipsoid-height station azimuth)
294 (setf (svref result station)
295 (make-coordinates :longitude longitude
296 :latitude latitude
297 :ellipsoid-height ellipsoid-height
298 :azimuth azimuth))))
299 result))
301 (defun-cached road-section-image-data (table vnk nnk step rear-view-p)
302 "Return a list of instances of image data corresponding to stations,
303 which are step metres apart, found in table in current database."
304 (remove nil (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
305 (apply #'image-data :rear-view-p rear-view-p x))
306 (stations table vnk nnk step))))
308 (defun cache-file-name (kind &rest args)
309 "Return pathname for a cache file distinguishable by kind and args."
310 (make-pathname :directory *cache-dir*
311 :name (format nil "~{~:[f~;~:*~(~A~)~]_~}~A"
312 args
313 *fasttrack-version*)
314 :type (string-downcase kind)))
316 ;; (defun road-section-image-data-pathname (vnk nnk step rear-view-p)
317 ;; "Return pathname of a cached set of image data between vnk and nnk,
318 ;; step metres apart."
319 ;; (make-pathname :directory *cache-dir*
320 ;; :name (format nil "~A_~A_~D_~:[f~;r~]_~A"
321 ;; vnk nnk step rear-view-p
322 ;; *fasttrack-version*)
323 ;; :type "image-data"))
325 (defun cache-images (road-section-image-data)
326 "Download images described in road-section-image-data into their
327 canonical places."
328 (loop
329 for i in road-section-image-data
330 do (download-image i)))
332 (defun get-image-data (road-section-image-data station step)
333 "Return image data for the image near station."
334 (find (* step (round station step)) road-section-image-data
335 :key #'image-data-station
336 :test #'=))
338 (defun get-image-namestring (road-section-image-data station step)
339 "Return path to image near station. Download it if necessary."
340 (let ((image-data (get-image-data road-section-image-data station step)))
341 (when image-data (namestring (download-image image-data)))))
343 (defun get-image-data-alist (road-section-image-data station step)
344 "Return as an alist data for the image near station."
345 (image-data-alist (get-image-data road-section-image-data station step)))
347 (defun image-data (&key longitude latitude ellipsoid-height station azimuth rear-view-p)
348 "Get from Phoros server image data for location near longitude,
349 latitude."
350 (let* ((coordinates (make-coordinates :longitude longitude
351 :latitude latitude
352 :ellipsoid-height ellipsoid-height
353 :azimuth azimuth))
354 (image-data (phoros-nearest-image-data coordinates rear-view-p)))
355 (when (image-data-p image-data)
356 (setf (image-data-station image-data) station)
357 (setf (image-data-station-coordinates image-data) coordinates)
358 image-data)))
360 (define-condition phoros-server-error (error)
361 ((body :reader body :initarg :body)
362 (status-code :reader status-code :initarg :status-code)
363 (headers :reader headers :initarg :headers)
364 (url :reader url :initarg :url)
365 (reason-phrase :reader reason-phrase :initarg :reason-phrase))
366 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
367 (format stream "Can't connect to Phoros server: ~A (~D)"
368 (reason-phrase condition) (status-code condition)))))
370 (defun phoros-lib-url (canonical-url suffix)
371 "Replace last path element of canonical-url by lib/<suffix>."
372 (let* ((old-path (puri:uri-parsed-path canonical-url))
373 (new-path (append (butlast old-path) (list "lib" suffix)))
374 (new-url (puri:copy-uri canonical-url)))
375 (setf (puri:uri-parsed-path new-url) new-path)
376 new-url))
378 (defun phoros-login (url user-name user-password)
379 "Log into Phoros server; return T if successful. Try logging out
380 first."
381 (setf *phoros-url* (puri:parse-uri url))
382 (setf drakma:*allow-dotless-cookie-domains-p* t)
383 (setf drakma:*text-content-types* (acons "application" "json" drakma:*text-content-types*))
384 (phoros-logout)
385 (setf *phoros-cookies* (make-instance 'drakma:cookie-jar))
386 (multiple-value-bind (body status-code headers url stream must-close reason-phrase)
387 (drakma:http-request *phoros-url* :cookie-jar *phoros-cookies*)
388 (declare (ignore stream must-close))
389 (assert (= status-code 200) ()
390 'phoros-server-error :body body :status-code status-code :headers headers :url url :reason-phrase reason-phrase)
391 (multiple-value-bind (body status-code headers authenticate-url stream must-close reason-phrase)
392 (drakma:http-request (phoros-lib-url *phoros-url* "authenticate")
393 :cookie-jar *phoros-cookies*
394 :form-data t
395 :method :post
396 :parameters (pairlis '("user-name" "user-password")
397 (list user-name user-password)))
398 (declare (ignore stream must-close))
399 (assert (< status-code 400) ()
400 'phoros-server-error :body body :status-code status-code :headers headers :url authenticate-url :reason-phrase reason-phrase)
401 (= status-code 302))))
403 (defun phoros-logout ()
404 (multiple-value-bind (body status-code headers url stream must-close reason-phrase)
405 (drakma:http-request (phoros-lib-url *phoros-url* "logout")
406 :cookie-jar *phoros-cookies*)
407 (declare (ignore stream must-close))
408 (assert (= status-code 200) ()
409 'phoros-server-error :body body :status-code status-code :headers headers :url url :reason-phrase reason-phrase)))
411 (defun heading (azimuth rear-view-p)
412 "Return as a string the one of east, west, north, south which best
413 describes azimuth."
414 (cond ((<= (* 1/4 pi) azimuth (* 3/4 pi)) (if rear-view-p "west" "east"))
415 ((<= (* 3/4 pi) azimuth (* 5/4 pi)) (if rear-view-p "north" "south"))
416 ((<= (* 5/4 pi) azimuth (* 7/4 pi)) (if rear-view-p "east" "west"))
417 ((or (<= (* 5/4 pi) azimuth pi) (<= 0 (* 1/4 pi))) (if rear-view-p "south" "north"))))
419 (defun phoros-nearest-image-data (coordinates rear-view-p)
420 "Return a set of image-data."
421 (multiple-value-bind (body status-code headers url stream must-close reason-phrase)
422 (drakma:http-request (phoros-lib-url *phoros-url* "nearest-image-data")
423 :cookie-jar *phoros-cookies*
424 :method :post
425 :content-type "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
426 :content (json:encode-json-plist-to-string (list :longitude (coordinates-longitude coordinates)
427 :latitude (coordinates-latitude coordinates)
428 :zoom 20
429 :count 1
430 :selected-restriction-ids (vector "Device_21" (heading (coordinates-azimuth coordinates) rear-view-p))))) ;TODO: document requirement for restrictions tagged north, east, south, west, and front_cam; actually use the latter
431 (declare (ignore stream must-close))
432 (assert (= status-code 200) ()
433 'phoros-server-error :body body :status-code status-code :headers headers :url url :reason-phrase reason-phrase)
434 (unless (string-equal body "null")
435 (apply #'make-image-data :allow-other-keys t
436 (plist-from-alist
437 (car (json:decode-json-from-string body)))))))
439 (defun download-file (url path)
440 "Unless already there, store content from url under path. Return
441 nil if nothing needed storing."
442 (ensure-directories-exist path)
443 (with-open-file (file-stream path :direction :output
444 :element-type 'unsigned-byte
445 :if-exists nil)
446 (when file-stream
447 (multiple-value-bind
448 (body status-code headers url stream must-close reason-phrase)
449 (drakma:http-request url
450 :cookie-jar *phoros-cookies*
451 :method :get)
452 (declare (ignore stream must-close))
453 (assert (= status-code 200) ()
454 'phoros-server-error :body body :status-code status-code :headers headers :url url :reason-phrase reason-phrase)
455 (write-sequence body file-stream)
456 reason-phrase))))
458 (defun download-image (image-data)
459 "If not already there, download a png image, shrink it, convert it
460 into jpg, and store it under the cache path. Return that path."
461 (multiple-value-bind (url origin-path destination-path)
462 (image-url image-data)
463 (unless (probe-file destination-path)
464 (download-file url origin-path)
465 (apply #'convert-image-file origin-path destination-path *image-size*)
466 (delete-file origin-path))
467 destination-path))
469 (defstruct coordinates
470 longitude
471 latitude
472 ellipsoid-height
473 azimuth)
475 (eval `(defstruct image-data
476 ;; fasttrack auxiliary slots
477 station
478 station-coordinates
479 (rear-view-p nil)
480 ;; original Phoros image data slots
481 ,@(mapcar #'ensure-hyphen-before-digit *aggregate-view-columns*)))
483 (defun image-data-alist (image-data)
484 "Return an alist representation of image-data."
485 (when image-data
486 (loop
487 for i in (append (mapcar #'ensure-hyphen-before-digit *aggregate-view-columns*) '(station station-coordinates))
488 collect (intern (string i) 'keyword) into keys
489 collect (funcall (intern (concatenate 'string (string 'image-data-)
490 (string i)))
491 image-data)
492 into values
493 finally (return (pairlis keys values)))))
495 (defun plist-from-alist (alist)
496 (loop
497 for (key . value) in alist
498 collect key
499 collect value))
501 (defun image-url (image-data)
502 "Return an image URL made from ingredients found in image-data, the
503 corresponding cache path, and the corresponding cache path for the
504 shrunk image."
505 (let* ((path
506 (format nil "~A/~A~A/~D.png"
507 (puri:uri-path (phoros-lib-url *phoros-url* "photo"))
508 (image-data-directory image-data)
509 (image-data-filename image-data)
510 (image-data-byte-position image-data)))
511 (query
512 (format nil "mounting-angle=~D~
513 &bayer-pattern=~{~D~#^,~}~
514 &color-raiser=~{~D~#^,~}"
515 (image-data-mounting-angle image-data)
516 (map 'list #'identity (image-data-bayer-pattern image-data))
517 (map 'list #'identity (image-data-color-raiser image-data))))
518 (url (puri:copy-uri *phoros-url* :path path :query query))
519 (host (puri:uri-host url))
520 (port (puri:uri-port url))
521 (cache-directory (append *cache-dir*
522 (list (format nil "~A_~D" host port))
523 (cdr (pathname-directory (puri:uri-path url)))))
524 (cache-name (pathname-name (puri:uri-path url)))
525 (cache-type (pathname-type (puri:uri-path url))))
526 (values url
527 (make-pathname :directory cache-directory
528 :name cache-name
529 :type cache-type)
530 (make-pathname :directory cache-directory
531 :name cache-name
532 :type "jpg"))))
534 (defun convert-image-file (origin-file destination-file width height)
535 "Convert origin-file into destination-file of a maximum size of
536 width x height."
537 (lisp-magick:with-magick-wand (wand :load (namestring origin-file))
538 (let ((a (/ (lisp-magick:magick-get-image-width wand)
539 (lisp-magick:magick-get-image-height wand))))
540 (if (> a (/ width height))
541 (lisp-magick:magick-scale-image wand width (truncate (/ width a)))
542 (lisp-magick:magick-scale-image wand (truncate (* a height)) height)))
543 (lisp-magick:magick-write-image wand (namestring destination-file))))
545 (defun convert-image-coordinates (original-coordinates-alist image-data-alist)
546 "Convert image coordinates from original-coordinates-alist for the
547 image in image-data-alist into a list of coordinates for that image
548 scaled and centered to *image-size*."
549 (let* ((original-m (cdr (assoc :m original-coordinates-alist)))
550 (original-n (cdr (assoc :n original-coordinates-alist)))
551 (original-width (cdr (assoc :sensor-width-pix image-data-alist)))
552 (original-height (cdr (assoc :sensor-height-pix image-data-alist)))
553 (new-width (first *image-size*))
554 (new-height (second *image-size*))
555 (scaling-factor (min (/ new-width original-width) (/ new-height original-height)))
556 (new-m-offset (/ (- new-width (* original-width scaling-factor)) 2))
557 (new-n-offset (/ (- new-height (* original-height scaling-factor)) 2))
558 (new-m (+ (* original-m scaling-factor) new-m-offset))
559 (new-n (- new-height ;flip n
560 (+ (* original-n scaling-factor) new-n-offset))))
561 (list new-m new-n)))