Add /set-cursor URI
[phoros.git] / phoros-js.lisp
1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 (in-package :phoros)
20 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (phoros.js) ()
21 "Serve some Javascript."
22 (assert-authentication)
23 (ps*
24 '(progn
25 (setf debug-info (@ *open-layers *console info))
27 (defmacro inner-html-with-id (id)
28 "innerHTML of element with id=\"id\"."
29 `(chain document (get-element-by-id ,id) inner-h-t-m-l))
31 (defmacro value-with-id (id)
32 "Value of element with id=\"id\"."
33 `(chain document (get-element-by-id ,id) value))
35 (defmacro checkbox-status-with-id (id)
36 "Whether checkbox with id=\"id\" is checked or not."
37 `(chain document (get-element-by-id ,id) checked))
39 (defvar *help-topics*
40 (create
41 :user-role
42 (who-ps-html
43 (:p "User role. \"Read\" can't write or modify anything.
44 \"Write\" may write user points and edit/delete their own
45 ones (and ownerless points). \"Admin\" may write user
46 points and edit/delete points written by anyone."))
47 :presentation-project-name
48 (who-ps-html
49 (:p "Presentation project name."))
50 :presentation-project-emptiness
51 (who-ps-html
52 (:p "This presentation project is empty. You can't do much
53 with it."))
54 :recommend-fresh-login
55 (who-ps-html
56 (:p "Sorry, but you are no longer authenticated. Your
57 session may have expired due to prolonged inactivity, or an
58 administrator has kicked you out by restarting the server.")
59 (:p "Please repeat the login process."))
60 :caching-indicator
61 (who-ps-html
62 (:p "Caching images.")
63 (:p "As I'm currently idle, I'm preemptively putting images
64 into your browser's cache which later on may help speed up
65 things a bit.")
66 (:p "Type")
67 (:code "about:cache?device=disk")
68 (:p "into your address bar to see what's going on there.")
69 (:p "Your browser cache size should be set to 2000 GB or
70 bigger. Bigger is better."))
71 :phoros-version
72 (who-ps-html
73 (:p "Phoros version.")
74 (:p "In a version string A.B.C, changes in A denote
75 incompatible changes in data (you can't access a database
76 set up by a different version of Phoros); changes in B mean
77 user-visible changes in feature set; changes in C denote
78 bug fixes and minor improvements."))
79 :h2-phoros-controls
80 (who-ps-html
81 (:p "Current action."))
82 :multiple-points-viewer
83 (who-ps-html
84 (:p "Try reading the text under mouse pointer."))
85 :delete-point-button
86 (who-ps-html
87 (:p "Delete current point."))
88 :finish-point-button
89 (who-ps-html
90 (:p "Store user point with its attributes kind,
91 numeric-description and description, and with its auxiliary
92 data into database; warn if the given set of attributes
93 isn't unique."))
94 :suggest-unique-button
95 (who-ps-html
96 (:h3 "Non-unique set of user point attributes")
97 (:p "Recommend a set of user point attributes that is
98 unique among the currently defined user points, preferably
99 by incrementing a portion of attribute numeric-description
100 that looks like a number."))
101 :force-duplicate-button
102 (who-ps-html
103 (:h3 "Non-unique set of user point attributes")
104 (:p "Store user point with its attributes kind,
105 numeric-description and description, and with its auxiliary
106 data into database; don't care whether the given set of
107 attributes is unique."))
108 :download-user-points-button
109 (who-ps-html
110 (:p "Download all user points as GeoJSON-fomatted text
111 file. Do this regularly if you don't want to lose your
112 work due to server crashes or major Phoros updates.")
113 (:p "Points saved this way can be fed back into your
114 project using the command line interface (on server or on
115 any other host where the database is reachable)."))
116 :point-kind
117 (who-ps-html
118 (:h3 "\"kind\"")
119 (:p "The standard ones, polygon, polyline, and solitary, are
120 rendered as asterisk, square, and triangle respectively.
121 The numbers 0 to 9, if used as values, are mapped to an
122 alternative set of distinct symbols. Anything else is
123 rendered as an X."))
124 :point-description
125 (who-ps-html
126 (:h3 "\"description\"")
127 (:p "Optional textual description of the set of user points
128 the current point belongs to."))
129 :point-numeric-description
130 (who-ps-html
131 (:h3 "\"numeric-description\"")
132 (:p "Optional description of the current user point. It is
133 occasionally used to label representations of this point in
134 streetmap and in images.")
135 (:p "It should contain a numeric part, possibly with
136 leading zeros, which will be incremented automatically to
137 make the attribute sets of points with otherwise identical
138 attributes unique."))
139 :point-creation-date
140 (who-ps-html
141 (:p "Creation date of current user point. Will be updated
142 when you change this point."))
143 :include-aux-data
144 (who-ps-html
145 (:p "Check this if the user point being created is to
146 include auxiliary data."))
147 :display-nearest-aux-data
148 (who-ps-html
149 (:p "Check this to see auxiliary data near streetmap
150 cursor.")
151 (:p "You need to uncheck this before you can select user
152 points in streetmap."))
153 :aux-point-distance
154 (who-ps-html
155 (:p "Select a set of auxiliary data by its distance (in
156 metres) from the current estimated position if any, or its
157 distance from streetmap cursor otherwise.")
158 (:p "Alternatively, a set of auxiliary data is also
159 selectable by clicking its representation in streetmap."))
160 :aux-data
161 (who-ps-html
162 (:p "Auxiliary data connected to this presentation project;
163 all the numeric values followed by all the text values if
164 any."))
165 :creator
166 (who-ps-html
167 (:p "Creator of current user point. Will be updated when
168 you change this point."))
169 :remove-work-layers-button
170 (who-ps-html
171 (:p "Discard the current, unstored user point or unselect
172 any selected user points. Zoom out all images. Keep
173 the rest of the workspace untouched."))
174 :blurb-button
175 (who-ps-html
176 (:p "View some info about Phoros."))
177 :logout-button
178 (who-ps-html
179 (:p "Finish this session after storing current streetmap
180 zoom status and your cursor position.")
181 (:p "Fresh login is required to continue."))
182 :streetmap
183 (who-ps-html
184 (:p "Clicking into the streetmap fetches images which most
185 probably feature the clicked point.")
186 (:p "To pan the map, drag the mouse. To zoom, spin the
187 mouse wheel, or hold shift down whilst dragging a box, or
188 double-click (shift double-click for larger zoom steps) a
189 point of interest."))
190 :image
191 (who-ps-html
192 (:p "Clicking into an image sets or resets the active point
193 there. Once a feature is marked by active points in more
194 than one image, the estimated position is calculated.")
195 (:p "To pan an image, drag the mouse. To zoom, spin the
196 mouse wheel, or hold shift down whilst dragging a box, or
197 double-click (shift double-click for larger zoom steps) a
198 point of interest."))
199 ol-Control-Pan-West-Item-Inactive
200 (who-ps-html
201 (:p "Move viewport left."))
202 ol-Control-Pan-East-Item-Inactive
203 (who-ps-html
204 (:p "Move viewport right."))
205 ol-Control-Pan-North-Item-Inactive
206 (who-ps-html
207 (:p "Move viewport up."))
208 ol-Control-Pan-South-Item-Inactive
209 (who-ps-html
210 (:p "Move viewport down."))
211 ol-Control-Zoom-In-Item-Inactive
212 (who-ps-html
213 (:p "Zoom in."))
214 ol-Control-Zoom-Out-Item-Inactive
215 (who-ps-html
216 (:p "Zoom out."))
217 streetmap-Zoom-To-Max-Extent-Item-Inactive
218 (who-ps-html
219 (:p "Zoom to the extent of presentation project."))
220 ol-Control-Zoom-To-Max-Extent-Item-Inactive
221 (who-ps-html
222 (:p "Zoom out completely, restoring the original view."))
223 :zoom-images-to-max-extent
224 (who-ps-html
225 (:p "Zoom all images out completely, restoring the original
226 view."))
227 :no-footprints-p
228 (who-ps-html
229 (:p "I haven't been able to display a set of images that
230 cover a common area because I couldn't find the necessary
231 information. As a fallback, I'm displaying a set of images
232 with points of view close to the point you selected.")
233 (:p "The server is probably trying to remedy this problem
234 but this may take some time."))
235 :auto-zoom
236 (who-ps-html
237 (:h3 "Auto Zoom")
238 (:p "Check this to automatically zoom into images once they
239 get an estimated position."))
240 :brighten-images
241 (who-ps-html
242 (:p "Check this to have underexposed images brightened up.")
243 (:p "Brightening starts with the next set of images and may
244 slow things down a bit."))
245 :walk-mode
246 (who-ps-html
247 (:p "Check this to snap your current position onto a line
248 along points of auxiliary data, and to keep streetmap
249 centered around current position."))
250 :decrease-step-size
251 (who-ps-html
252 (:p "Decrease step size. Double-click to decrease harder."))
253 :step-size
254 (who-ps-html
255 (:p "Step size in metres. Click to increase; double-click
256 to increase harder."))
257 :increase-step-size
258 (who-ps-html
259 (:p "Increase step size. Double-click to increase harder."))
260 :step-button
261 (who-ps-html
262 (:p "Move your position by one step on a line along points
263 of auxiliary data. Double-click to change direction."))
264 :image-layer-switcher
265 (who-ps-html
266 (:p "Toggle display of image."))
267 :image-usable
268 (who-ps-html
269 (:p "No photogrammetric survey possible as there isn't any
270 usable calibration data available for this image.")
271 (:p "This means no image footprints can be calculated
272 either which prevents me from selecting images covering a
273 common area."))
274 :image-trigger-time
275 (who-ps-html
276 (:p "Time this image was taken."))
277 base-layers-div
278 (who-ps-html
279 (:p "Choose a background streetmap."))
280 data-layers-div
281 (who-ps-html
282 (:p "Toggle visibility of data layers."))
283 :unselect-all-restrictions-button
284 (who-ps-html
285 (:h3 "Image Restrictions")
286 (:p "Remove all image restrictions."))
287 :restriction-select
288 (who-ps-html
289 (:h3 "Image Restrictions")
290 (:p "Select one ore more of the restrictions in order to
291 consider only a subset of the images available. No
292 selection at all means no restriction.")
293 (:p "Shift-click selects a range of restrictions,
294 control-click selects or unselects a particular
295 restriction, click selects a restriction unselecting
296 anything else."))
297 :streetmap-overview
298 (who-ps-html
299 (:p "Click to re-center streetmap, or drag the red
300 rectangle."))
301 :streetmap-mouse-position
302 (who-ps-html
303 (:p "Cursor position in geographic coordinates when cursor
304 is in streetmap."))
305 :h2-help
306 (who-ps-html
307 (:p "Hints on Phoros' displays and controls are shown here
308 while hovering over the respective elements."))))
310 (defun add-help-topic (topic element)
311 "Add mouse events to DOM element that initiate display of a
312 help message."
313 (when element
314 (setf (@ element onmouseover)
315 ((lambda (x)
316 (lambda () (show-help x)))
317 topic))
318 (setf (@ element onmouseout) show-help)))
320 (defun add-help-events ()
321 "Add mouse events to DOM elements that initiate display of a
322 help message."
323 (for-in
324 (topic *help-topics*)
325 (add-help-topic topic (chain document (get-element-by-id topic)))
326 (dolist (element (chain document (get-elements-by-class-name topic)))
327 (add-help-topic topic element))))
329 (defun show-help (&optional topic)
330 "Put text on topic into help-display"
331 (setf (inner-html-with-id "help-display")
332 (let ((help-body (getprop *help-topics* topic)))
333 (if (undefined help-body)
335 help-body))))
337 (defvar *click-control*
338 (chain
339 *open-layers
340 (*class
341 (@ *open-layers *control)
342 (create
343 :initialize
344 (lambda (options)
345 (chain *open-layers
346 *control
347 prototype
348 initialize
349 (apply this arguments))
350 (setf (@ this handler)
351 (new (chain *open-layers
352 *handler
353 (*click this
354 (create
355 :click (@ this trigger)))))))))))
357 (defvar +unix-epoch+ (lisp *unix-epoch*)
358 "Seconds between Lisp epoch and UNIX epoch.")
359 (defvar +geographic+
360 (new (chain *open-layers (*projection "EPSG:4326"))))
361 (defvar +spherical-mercator+
362 (new (chain *open-layers (*projection "EPSG:900913"))))
364 (defvar +proxy-root+
365 (lisp *proxy-root*)
366 "First element of URL path; defaults to phoros but may be
367 turned into something different by an HTTP proxy
368 definition.")
370 (defvar +user-name+ (lisp (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-name))
371 "User's (short) name.")
372 (defvar +user-role+ (lisp (string-downcase (hunchentoot:session-value
373 'user-role)))
374 "User's permissions.")
376 (defvar +presentation-project-bbox-text+
377 (lisp (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-bbox)))
379 (defvar +presentation-project-bounds+
380 (chain (new (chain *open-layers
381 *bounds
382 (from-string
383 (or +presentation-project-bbox-text+
384 "-180,-89,180,89"))))
385 (transform +geographic+ +spherical-mercator+))
386 "Bounding box of the entire presentation project.")
388 (defvar +aux-data-p+
389 (lisp (hunchentoot:session-value 'aux-data-p)))
391 (defvar +aux-numeric-labels+
392 (lisp (when *aux-numeric-labels*
393 (coerce *aux-numeric-labels* 'vector))))
395 (defvar +aux-text-labels+
396 (lisp (when *aux-text-labels*
397 (coerce *aux-text-labels* 'vector))))
399 (defvar *images* (array) "Collection of the photos currently shown.")
401 (defvar *streetmap* undefined
402 "The streetmap shown to the user.")
404 (defvar *aux-point-distance-select* undefined
405 "The HTML element for selecting one of a few nearest
406 auxiliary points.")
408 (defvar *global-position* undefined
409 "Coordinates of the current estimated position")
411 (defvar *linestring-step-ratio* 4
412 "Look for auxiliary points to include into linestring within
413 a radius of *linestring-step-ratio* multilied by multiplied by
414 step-size.")
416 (defvar *current-nearest-aux-point*
417 (create attributes (create aux-numeric undefined
418 aux-text undefined))
419 "Attributes of currently selected point of auxiliary data.")
421 (defvar *bbox-strategy* (@ *open-layers *strategy *bbox*))
422 (setf (@ *bbox-strategy* prototype ratio) 1.5)
423 (setf (@ *bbox-strategy* prototype res-factor) 1.5)
425 (defvar *json-parser* (new (chain *open-layers *format *json*)))
427 (defvar *geojson-parser* (new (chain *open-layers *format *geo-j-s-o-n)))
429 (defvar *geojson-format* (chain *open-layers *format *geo-j-s-o-n))
430 (setf (@ *geojson-format* prototype ignore-extra-dims)
431 t) ;doesn't handle height anyway
432 (setf (@ *geojson-format* prototype external-projection)
433 +geographic+)
434 (setf (@ *geojson-format* prototype internal-projection)
435 +geographic+)
437 (defvar *wkt-parser*
438 (new (chain *open-layers
439 *format
440 (*wkt*
441 (create external-projection +geographic+
442 internal-projection +spherical-mercator+)))))
444 (defvar *http-protocol* (chain *open-layers *protocol *http*))
445 (setf (chain *http-protocol* prototype format) (new *geojson-format*))
447 (defvar *pristine-images-p* t
448 "T if none of the current images has been clicked into yet.")
450 (defvar *current-user-point* undefined
451 "The currently selected user-point.")
453 (defun write-permission-p (&optional (current-owner +user-name+))
454 "Nil if current user can't edit stuff created by
455 current-owner or, without arguments, new stuff."
456 (or (equal +user-role+ "admin")
457 (and (equal +user-role+ "write")
458 (or (equal +user-name+ current-owner)
459 (not current-owner)))))
461 (defun *image ()
462 "Anything necessary to deal with a photo."
463 (setf (@ this map)
464 (new
465 (chain
466 *open-layers
467 (*map
468 (create projection +spherical-mercator+
469 all-overlays t
470 controls (array (new (chain *open-layers
471 *control
472 (*navigation)))))))))
473 (setf (@ this dummy) false) ;TODO why? (omitting splices map components directly into *image)
476 (setf (@ *image prototype delete-photo)
477 delete-photo)
478 (setf (@ *image prototype photop)
479 photop)
480 (setf (@ *image prototype show-photo)
481 show-photo)
482 (setf (@ *image prototype draw-epipolar-line)
483 draw-epipolar-line)
484 (setf (@ *image prototype draw-active-point)
485 draw-active-point)
486 (setf (@ *image prototype draw-estimated-positions)
487 draw-estimated-positions)
489 (defun photo-path (photo-parameters)
490 "Create from stuff found in photo-parameters and in checkbox
491 brighten-images-p a path with parameters for use in an image
492 url."
493 (+ "/" +proxy-root+
494 "/lib/photo/"
495 (@ photo-parameters directory) "/"
496 (@ photo-parameters filename) "/"
497 (@ photo-parameters byte-position) ".png"
498 "?mounting-angle=" (@ photo-parameters mounting-angle)
499 "&bayer-pattern=" (@ photo-parameters bayer-pattern)
500 "&color-raiser=" (@ photo-parameters color-raiser)
501 (if (checkbox-status-with-id "brighten-images-p")
502 "&brightenp"
503 "")))
505 (defun has-layer-p (map layer-name)
506 "False if map doesn't have a layer called layer-name."
507 (chain map (get-layers-by-name layer-name) length))
509 (defun some-active-point-p ()
510 "False if no image in *images* has an Active Point."
511 (loop
512 for i across *images*
513 sum (has-layer-p (@ i map) "Active Point")))
515 (defun remove-layer (map layer-name)
516 "Destroy layer layer-name in map."
517 (when (has-layer-p map layer-name)
518 (chain map (get-layers-by-name layer-name) 0 (destroy))))
520 (defun remove-any-layers (layer-name)
521 "Destroy in all *images* and in *streetmap* the layer named layer-name."
522 (loop
523 for i across *images* do
524 (remove-layer (@ i map) layer-name))
525 (remove-layer *streetmap* layer-name))
527 (defun reset-controls ()
528 (disable-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
529 (disable-element-with-id "delete-point-button")
530 (disable-element-with-id "remove-work-layers-button")
531 (setf (inner-html-with-id "creator") nil)
532 (setf (inner-html-with-id "point-creation-date") nil)
533 (hide-aux-data-choice)
534 (setf (inner-html-with-id "aux-numeric-list") nil)
535 (setf (inner-html-with-id "aux-text-list") nil))
537 (defun disable-streetmap-nearest-aux-points-layer ()
538 "Get (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-layer) out of the way,
539 i.e., remove features and disable feature select control so
540 it won't shadow any other control."
541 (chain *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-layer (remove-all-features))
542 (chain *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-select-control (deactivate))
543 (chain *streetmap* user-points-select-control (activate)))
545 (defun reset-layers-and-controls ()
546 "Destroy user-generated layers in *streetmap* and in all
547 *images*, and put controls into pristine state."
548 (remove-any-layers "Epipolar Line")
549 (remove-any-layers "Active Point")
550 (remove-any-layers "Estimated Position")
551 (remove-any-layers "User Point")
552 (chain *streetmap* user-points-select-control (unselect-all))
553 (when (and (not (equal undefined *current-user-point*))
554 (@ *current-user-point* layer))
555 (chain *streetmap*
556 user-points-select-control
557 (unselect *current-user-point*)))
558 (reset-controls)
559 (if +aux-data-p+
560 (switch-phoros-controls-to "aux-data-viewer")
561 (switch-phoros-controls-to "point-creator"))
562 (setf *pristine-images-p* t)
563 (if (and +aux-data-p+
564 (checkbox-status-with-id "display-nearest-aux-data-p"))
565 (request-aux-points-near-cursor 30)
566 (disable-streetmap-nearest-aux-points-layer))
567 (zoom-images-to-max-extent))
569 (defun enable-element-with-id (id)
570 "Activate HTML element with id=\"id\". Return t if element
571 was greyed out before."
572 (prog1
573 (chain document (get-element-by-id id) disabled)
574 (setf (chain document (get-element-by-id id) disabled) nil)))
576 (defun enable-elements-of-class (class-name)
577 "Activate HTML elements with class=\"class\"."
578 (loop
579 for element in (chain document
580 (get-elements-by-class-name class-name))
581 do (setf (@ element disabled) nil)))
583 (defun disable-element-with-id (id)
584 "Grey out HTML element with id=\"id\". Return t if element
585 was active before."
586 (prog1
587 (not (chain document (get-element-by-id id) disabled))
588 (setf (chain document (get-element-by-id id) disabled) t)))
590 (defun hide-element-with-id (id)
591 "Hide HTML element with id=\"id\"."
592 (setf (chain document (get-element-by-id id) style display)
593 "none"))
595 (defun hide-elements-of-class (class-name)
596 "Hide HTML elements with class=\"class\"."
597 (loop
598 for element in (chain document
599 (get-elements-by-class-name class-name))
600 do (setf (@ element style display) "none")))
602 (defun reveal-element-with-id (id)
603 "Reveal HTML element with id=\"id\"."
604 (setf (chain document (get-element-by-id id) style display)
605 ""))
607 (defun reveal-elements-of-class (class-name)
608 "Reveal HTML elements with class=\"class\"."
609 (loop
610 for element in (chain document
611 (get-elements-by-class-name class-name))
612 do (setf (@ element style display) "")))
614 (defun switch-phoros-controls-to (class-name)
615 "Reveal elements of class class-name; hide anything else.
616 Unless there is auxiliary data available, hide the related
617 controls"
618 (let ((phoros-controls-classes
619 '("point-creator" "point-editor" "point-viewer"
620 "multiple-points-viewer" "aux-data-viewer")))
621 (dolist (c phoros-controls-classes)
622 (unless (equal c class-name) (hide-elements-of-class c))))
623 (reveal-elements-of-class class-name)
624 (unless +aux-data-p+
625 (hide-elements-of-class "aux-data-dependent")))
627 (defun hide-aux-data-choice ()
628 "Disable selector for auxiliary data."
629 (hide-element-with-id "include-aux-data")
630 (hide-element-with-id "aux-point-distance")
631 (setf (chain document
632 (get-element-by-id "aux-point-distance")
633 options
634 length)
637 (defun refresh-layer (layer)
638 "Have layer re-request and redraw features."
639 (chain layer (refresh (create :force t))))
641 (defun present-photos ()
642 "Handle the response triggered by request-photos-for-point."
643 (let ((photo-parameters
644 (chain *json-parser*
645 (read (@ *streetmap*
646 photo-request-response response-text)))))
647 (loop
648 for i across *images*
649 do (chain i (delete-photo)))
650 (if (@ photo-parameters 0 footprintp)
651 (hide-element-with-id "no-footprints-p")
652 (reveal-element-with-id "no-footprints-p"))
653 (loop
654 for p across photo-parameters
655 for i across *images*
657 (setf (@ i photo-parameters) p)
658 (chain i (show-photo)))))
660 (defun recommend-fresh-login ()
661 "Notify user about invalid authentication."
662 (setf (inner-html-with-id "recommend-fresh-login")
663 "(not authenticated)")
664 (disable-element-with-id "download-user-points-button")
665 (disable-element-with-id "blurb-button")
666 (hide-element-with-id "phoros-controls")
667 (hide-element-with-id "images"))
669 (defun consolidate-combobox (combobox-id)
670 "Help faking a combobox: copy selected option into input."
671 (let* ((combobox-select (+ combobox-id "-select"))
672 (combobox-input (+ combobox-id "-input"))
673 (combobox-selected-index
674 (chain document
675 (get-element-by-id combobox-select)
676 selected-index)))
677 (when (< -1 combobox-selected-index)
678 (setf (value-with-id combobox-input)
679 (getprop (chain document
680 (get-element-by-id combobox-select)
681 options)
682 combobox-selected-index
683 'value)))
684 (chain document
685 (get-element-by-id combobox-input)
686 (focus))))
688 (defun unselect-combobox-selection (combobox-id)
689 "Help faking a combobox: unset selected option so any
690 selection there will trigger an onchange event."
691 (let ((combobox-select (+ combobox-id "-select")))
692 (setf (chain document
693 (get-element-by-id combobox-select)
694 selected-index)
695 -1)))
697 (defun stuff-combobox (combobox-id values &optional (selection -1))
698 "Stuff combobox with values. If selection is a non-negative
699 integer, select the respective item."
700 (let ((combobox-select (+ combobox-id "-select"))
701 (combobox-input (+ combobox-id "-input")))
702 (setf (chain document
703 (get-element-by-id combobox-select)
704 options
705 length)
708 (loop for i in values do
709 (setf combobox-item
710 (chain document (create-element "option")))
711 (setf (@ combobox-item text) i)
712 (chain document
713 (get-element-by-id combobox-select)
714 (add combobox-item null)))
715 (setf (chain document
716 (get-element-by-id combobox-select)
717 selected-index)
718 selection)
719 (consolidate-combobox combobox-id)))
721 (defun stuff-user-point-comboboxes (&optional selectp)
722 "Stuff user point attribute comboboxes with sensible values.
723 If selectp it t, select the most frequently used one."
724 (let* ((response
725 (chain *json-parser*
726 (read (@ *streetmap*
727 user-point-choice-response response-text))))
728 (kinds
729 (chain response kinds (map (lambda (x)
730 (@ x kind)))))
731 (descriptions
732 (chain response descriptions (map (lambda (x)
733 (@ x description)))))
734 (best-used-kind -1)
735 (best-used-description -1))
736 (when selectp
737 (loop
738 with maximum = 0
739 for i across (@ response descriptions)
740 for k from 0
741 do (when (< maximum (@ i count))
742 (setf maximum (@ i count))
743 (setf best-used-description k)))
744 (loop
745 with maximum = 0
746 for i across (@ response kinds)
747 for k from 0
748 do (when (< maximum (@ i count))
749 (setf maximum (@ i count))
750 (setf best-used-kind k))))
751 (stuff-combobox
752 "point-kind" kinds best-used-kind)
753 (stuff-combobox
754 "point-description" descriptions best-used-description)))
756 (defun request-user-point-choice (&optional selectp)
757 "Stuff user point attribute comboboxes with sensible values.
758 If selectp it t, select the most frequently used one."
759 (setf (@ *streetmap* user-point-choice-response)
760 (chain
761 *open-layers
762 *request
763 (*post*
764 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+
765 "/lib/user-point-attributes.json")
766 :data nil
767 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain")
768 :success (lambda ()
769 (stuff-user-point-comboboxes selectp))
770 :failure recommend-fresh-login)))))
772 (defun stuff-restriction-select ()
773 "Stuff available restriction IDs into restriction-select."
774 (let ((response
775 (chain *json-parser*
776 (read (@ *streetmap*
777 restriction-select-choice-response
778 response-text))))
779 (restriction-select-options
780 (chain document
781 (get-element-by-id "restriction-select")
782 options)))
783 (loop
784 for restriction in response
785 for i from 0
786 do (setf (elt restriction-select-options i)
787 (new (chain (*option restriction)))))))
789 (defun request-restriction-select-choice ()
790 "Stuff available restriction IDs into restriction-select."
791 (setf (@ *streetmap* restriction-select-choice-response)
792 (chain
793 *open-layers
794 *request
795 (*post*
796 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+
797 "/lib/selectable-restrictions.json")
798 :data nil
799 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain")
800 :success stuff-restriction-select
801 :failure recommend-fresh-login)))))
803 (defun selected-restrictions ()
804 "Return list of restriction IDs selected by user."
805 (let ((restriction-select-options
806 (chain document
807 (get-element-by-id "restriction-select")
808 options)))
809 (loop
810 for restriction in restriction-select-options
811 when (@ restriction selected)
812 collect (@ restriction text))))
814 (defun unselect-all-restrictions ()
815 "Clear any selected restrictions."
816 (loop
817 for option across (chain document
818 (get-element-by-id "restriction-select")
819 options)
820 do (setf (@ option selected) f))
821 (request-photos))
823 (defun request-photos-after-click (event)
824 "Handle the response to a click into *streetmap*; fetch photo
825 data. Set or update streetmap cursor."
826 (request-photos (chain *streetmap*
827 (get-lon-lat-from-pixel (@ event xy)))))
829 (defun request-photos (&optional lonlat)
830 "Set streetmap cursor to lonlat if provided. Fetch photo
831 data for a point near streetmap cursor."
832 (when lonlat
833 (setf (@ *streetmap* clicked-lonlat) lonlat))
834 (if (checkbox-status-with-id "walk-p")
835 (request-aux-data-linestring-for-point
836 (@ *streetmap* clicked-lonlat))
837 (request-photos-for-point))
838 (request-cache-fodder (@ *streetmap* clicked-lonlat)))
840 (defun request-aux-data-linestring-for-point (lonlat-spherical-mercator)
841 "Fetch a linestring along auxiliary points near
842 lonlat-spherical-mercator."
843 (let ((lonlat-geographic
844 (chain lonlat-spherical-mercator
845 (clone)
846 (transform +spherical-mercator+ +geographic+))))
847 (request-aux-data-linestring (@ lonlat-geographic lon)
848 (@ lonlat-geographic lat)
849 (* *linestring-step-ratio*
850 (step-size-degrees))
851 (step-size-degrees))))
853 (defun request-photos-for-point ()
854 "Fetch photo data near (@ *streetmap* clicked-lonlat); set or
855 update streetmap cursor."
856 (remove-any-layers "Estimated Position")
857 (disable-streetmap-nearest-aux-points-layer)
858 (reset-layers-and-controls)
859 (let* ((lonlat-spherical-mercator
860 (@ *streetmap* clicked-lonlat))
861 (lonlat-geographic
862 (chain lonlat-spherical-mercator
863 (clone)
864 (transform +spherical-mercator+ +geographic+)))
865 (content
866 (chain *json-parser*
867 (write
868 (create :longitude (@ lonlat-geographic lon)
869 :latitude (@ lonlat-geographic lat)
870 :zoom (chain *streetmap* (get-zoom))
871 :count (lisp *number-of-images*)
872 :selected-restriction-ids
873 (selected-restrictions))))))
874 (chain *streetmap*
875 cursor-layer
876 (remove-all-features))
877 (chain *streetmap*
878 cursor-layer
879 (add-features
880 (new (chain *open-layers
881 *feature
882 (*vector
883 (new (chain
884 *open-layers
885 *geometry
886 (*point (@ lonlat-spherical-mercator
887 lon)
888 (@ lonlat-spherical-mercator
889 lat)))))))))
890 (chain *streetmap*
891 overview-cursor-layer
892 (remove-all-features))
893 (chain *streetmap*
894 overview-cursor-layer
895 (add-features
896 (new (chain *open-layers
897 *feature
898 (*vector
899 (new (chain
900 *open-layers
901 *geometry
902 (*point (@ lonlat-spherical-mercator
903 lon)
904 (@ lonlat-spherical-mercator
905 lat)))))))))
906 (setf (@ *streetmap* photo-request-response)
907 (chain
908 *open-layers
909 *request
910 (*post*
911 (create
912 :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+ "/lib/nearest-image-data")
913 :data content
914 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain"
915 "Content-length" (@ content length))
916 :success present-photos
917 :failure recommend-fresh-login))))))
919 (defvar *cache-stuffer*
920 (create xhr undefined ;instance of XMLHttpRequest
921 cache-fodder-request-response undefined
922 photo-url-ingredients undefined
923 index undefined ;current element of
924 ; photo-url-ingredients
925 caching-photo-p nil
926 cache-size (* 2084000 1024)
927 ;we assume cache-size is set
928 ; to 2000MB by browser user
929 average-image-size undefined
930 current-center undefined
931 cache-photo-timeout undefined
932 request-cache-fodder-group-timeout undefined)
933 "Things used to preemptively stuff the browser cache.")
935 (defun request-cache-fodder (lonlat-spherical-mercator)
936 "Abort any previous cache stuffing activities, wait a few
937 seconds, and start a new cache stuffing session centered at
938 lonlat-spherical-mercator."
939 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* current-center)
940 (chain lonlat-spherical-mercator
941 (clone)
942 (transform +spherical-mercator+ +geographic+)))
943 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* average-image-size) 0)
944 (clear-timeout (@ *cache-stuffer* cache-photo-timeout))
945 (clear-timeout (@ *cache-stuffer* request-cache-fodder-group-timeout))
946 (hide-element-with-id "caching-indicator")
947 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* request-cache-fodder-group-timeout)
948 (set-timeout request-cache-fodder-group 15000)))
950 (defun request-cache-fodder-group ()
951 "Request a bunch of image url ingredients, initiate caching
952 of the respective images. Keep trying if unsuccessful."
953 (let ((content
954 (chain *json-parser*
955 (write
956 (create
957 :longitude (@ *cache-stuffer* current-center lon)
958 :latitude (@ *cache-stuffer* current-center lat))))))
959 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* cache-fodder-request-response)
960 (chain
961 *open-layers
962 *request
963 (*post*
964 (create
965 :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+ "/lib/nearest-image-urls")
966 :data content
967 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain"
968 "Content-length" (@ content length))
969 :success handle-request-cache-fodder-group
970 :failure (lambda ()
971 (if (= (@ *cache-stuffer* cache-fodder-request-response status) 504)
972 (progn
973 (clear-timeout
974 (@ *cache-stuffer*
975 request-cache-fodder-group-timeout))
976 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer*
977 request-cache-fodder-group-timeout)
978 (set-timeout request-cache-fodder-group
979 5000)))
980 (recommend-fresh-login)))))))))
982 (defun handle-request-cache-fodder-group ()
983 "Handle the response triggered by request-cache-fodder-group."
984 (when (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* photo-url-ingredients)
985 (chain *json-parser*
986 (read (@ *cache-stuffer*
987 cache-fodder-request-response
988 response-text))))
989 ;; otherwise preemptive caching is probably suppressed by server
990 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* index) 0)
991 (reveal-element-with-id "caching-indicator")
992 (cache-photo)))
994 (defun cache-photo ()
995 "Cache another image if the previous one is done."
996 (if (and (< (@ *cache-stuffer* index)
997 (length (@ *cache-stuffer* photo-url-ingredients)))
998 (< (* (@ *cache-stuffer* index)
999 (@ *cache-stuffer* average-image-size))
1000 (* .5 (@ *cache-stuffer* cache-size))))
1001 (if (@ *cache-stuffer* caching-photo-p)
1002 (progn
1003 (clear-timeout (@ *cache-stuffer* cache-photo-timeout))
1004 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* cache-photo-timeout)
1005 (set-timeout cache-photo 3000)))
1006 (progn
1007 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* caching-photo-p) t)
1008 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* xhr) (new (*x-m-l-http-request)))
1009 (chain *cache-stuffer*
1011 (open "GET"
1012 (photo-path
1013 (aref (@ *cache-stuffer* photo-url-ingredients)
1014 (@ *cache-stuffer* index)))
1016 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* xhr onload)
1017 (lambda (event)
1018 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* average-image-size)
1019 (/ (+ (* (@ *cache-stuffer* average-image-size)
1020 (@ *cache-stuffer* index))
1021 (@ event total)) ;bytes received
1022 (1+ (@ *cache-stuffer* index))))
1023 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* caching-photo-p) nil)
1024 (incf (@ *cache-stuffer* index))))
1025 ;; We do our best to have the browser use its cache.
1026 ;; Note however that in certain cases use of the
1027 ;; cache may be hampered by pressing the browser's
1028 ;; reload button.
1029 (chain *cache-stuffer*
1031 (set-request-header
1032 "Cache-control"
1033 (+ "max-age=" (lisp *browser-cache-max-age*))))
1034 (chain *cache-stuffer* xhr (send))
1035 (clear-timeout (@ *cache-stuffer* cache-photo-timeout))
1036 (setf (@ *cache-stuffer* cache-photo-timeout)
1037 (set-timeout
1038 cache-photo ;come back quickly in case
1039 500)))) ; photo is already in cache
1040 (hide-element-with-id "caching-indicator")))
1042 (defun draw-epipolar-line ()
1043 "Draw an epipolar line from response triggered by clicking
1044 into a (first) photo."
1045 (disable-streetmap-nearest-aux-points-layer)
1046 (enable-element-with-id "remove-work-layers-button")
1047 (switch-phoros-controls-to "point-creator")
1048 (let* ((epipolar-line
1049 (chain *json-parser*
1050 (read
1051 (@ this epipolar-request-response response-text))))
1052 (points
1053 (chain epipolar-line
1054 (map (lambda (x)
1055 (new (chain *open-layers
1056 *geometry
1057 (*point
1058 (@ x :m) (@ x :n))))))))
1059 (feature
1060 (new (chain *open-layers
1061 *feature
1062 (*vector
1063 (new (chain
1064 *open-layers
1065 *geometry
1066 (*line-string points))))))))
1067 (setf (@ feature render-intent) "temporary")
1068 (chain this epipolar-layer
1069 (add-features feature))))
1071 (defun request-aux-points-near-cursor (count)
1072 "Draw into streetmap the count nearest points of auxiliary
1073 data around streetmap cursor."
1074 (let ((lonlat-geographic
1075 (chain (@ *streetmap* clicked-lonlat)
1076 (clone)
1077 (transform +spherical-mercator+ +geographic+))))
1078 (request-nearest-aux-points
1079 (create :longitude (@ lonlat-geographic lon)
1080 :latitude (@ lonlat-geographic lat))
1081 count)))
1083 (defun request-nearest-aux-points (global-position count)
1084 "Draw into streetmap the count nearest points of auxiliary
1085 data around global-position."
1086 (let ((global-position-etc global-position)
1087 content)
1088 (setf (@ global-position-etc count) count)
1089 (setf content (chain *json-parser*
1090 (write global-position-etc)))
1091 (setf (@ *streetmap* aux-local-data-request-response)
1092 (chain *open-layers
1093 *request
1094 (*post*
1095 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+
1096 "/lib/aux-local-data")
1097 :data content
1098 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain"
1099 "Content-length"
1100 (@ content length))
1101 :success draw-nearest-aux-points
1102 :failure recommend-fresh-login))))))
1104 (defun request-aux-data-linestring (longitude latitude radius step-size)
1105 "Draw into streetmap a piece of linestring threaded along the
1106 nearest points of auxiliary data inside radius."
1107 (let* ((payload (create longitude longitude
1108 latitude latitude
1109 radius radius
1110 step-size step-size
1111 azimuth (@ *streetmap*
1112 linestring-central-azimuth)))
1113 (content (chain *json-parser* (write payload))))
1114 (setf (@ *streetmap* aux-data-linestring-request-response)
1115 (chain *open-layers
1116 *request
1117 (*post*
1118 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+
1119 "/lib/aux-local-linestring.json")
1120 :data content
1121 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain"
1122 "Content-length"
1123 (@ content length))
1124 :success draw-aux-data-linestring
1125 :failure recommend-fresh-login))))))
1127 (defun draw-estimated-positions ()
1128 "Draw into streetmap and into all images points at Estimated
1129 Position. Estimated Position is the point returned so far
1130 from photogrammetric calculations that are triggered by
1131 clicking into another photo. Also draw into streetmap the
1132 nearest auxiliary points to Estimated Position."
1133 (when (write-permission-p)
1134 (setf (chain document
1135 (get-element-by-id "finish-point-button")
1136 onclick)
1137 (lambda () (finish-point #'store-point)))
1138 (enable-element-with-id "finish-point-button"))
1139 (let* ((estimated-positions-request-response
1140 (chain *json-parser*
1141 (read
1142 (@ this
1143 estimated-positions-request-response
1144 response-text))))
1145 (estimated-positions
1146 (aref estimated-positions-request-response 1))
1147 (estimated-position-style
1148 (create stroke-color (chain *open-layers
1149 *feature
1150 *vector
1151 style "temporary" stroke-color)
1152 point-radius 9
1153 fill-opacity 0)))
1154 (setf *global-position*
1155 (aref estimated-positions-request-response 0))
1156 (let ((feature
1157 (new
1158 (chain *open-layers
1159 *feature
1160 (*vector
1161 (chain
1162 (new (chain *open-layers
1163 *geometry
1164 (*point
1165 (@ *global-position* longitude)
1166 (@ *global-position* latitude))))
1167 (transform +geographic+ +spherical-mercator+)))))))
1168 (setf (@ feature render-intent) "temporary")
1169 (setf (@ *streetmap* estimated-position-layer)
1170 (new (chain *open-layers
1171 *layer
1172 (*vector
1173 "Estimated Position"
1174 (create display-in-layer-switcher nil)))))
1175 (setf (@ *streetmap* estimated-position-layer style)
1176 estimated-position-style)
1177 (chain *streetmap* estimated-position-layer (add-features feature))
1178 (chain *streetmap*
1179 (add-layer (@ *streetmap* estimated-position-layer))))
1180 (request-nearest-aux-points *global-position* 7)
1181 (loop
1182 for i in *images*
1183 for p in estimated-positions
1185 (when p ;otherwise a photogrammetry error has occured
1186 (setf (@ i estimated-position-layer)
1187 (new
1188 (chain *open-layers
1189 *layer
1190 (*vector
1191 "Estimated Position"
1192 (create display-in-layer-switcher nil)))))
1193 (setf (@ i estimated-position-lonlat)
1194 (new (chain *open-layers (*lon-lat (@ p m)
1195 (@ p n)))))
1196 (setf (@ i estimated-position-layer style)
1197 estimated-position-style)
1198 (let* ((point
1199 (new
1200 (chain *open-layers *geometry (*point (@ p m)
1201 (@ p n)))))
1202 (feature
1203 (new
1204 (chain *open-layers *feature (*vector point)))))
1205 (chain i map
1206 (add-layer (@ i estimated-position-layer)))
1207 (chain i estimated-position-layer
1208 (add-features feature))))))
1209 (zoom-anything-to-point)
1210 (chain document
1211 (get-element-by-id "finish-point-button")
1212 (focus)))
1214 (defun draw-nearest-aux-points ()
1215 "Draw a few auxiliary points into streetmap."
1216 (let ((features
1217 (chain *json-parser*
1218 (read
1219 (@ *streetmap*
1220 aux-local-data-request-response
1221 response-text))
1222 features)))
1223 (disable-streetmap-nearest-aux-points-layer)
1224 (chain *streetmap* user-points-select-control (deactivate))
1225 (chain *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-select-control (activate))
1226 (chain *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-hover-control (activate))
1227 (setf (@ *aux-point-distance-select* options length)
1229 (loop
1230 for i in features
1231 for n from 0 do
1232 (let* ((point
1233 (chain
1234 (new
1235 (chain *open-layers
1236 *geometry
1237 (*point (@ i geometry coordinates 0)
1238 (@ i geometry coordinates 1))))
1239 (transform +geographic+ +spherical-mercator+)))
1240 (feature
1241 (new
1242 (chain *open-layers *feature (*vector point)))))
1243 (setf (@ feature attributes)
1244 (@ i properties))
1245 (setf (@ feature fid) ;this is supposed to correspond to
1246 n) ; option of *aux-point-distance-select*
1247 (chain *streetmap*
1248 nearest-aux-points-layer
1249 (add-features feature))
1250 (setf aux-point-distance-item
1251 (chain document (create-element "option")))
1252 (setf (@ aux-point-distance-item text)
1255 n ;let's hope add-features alway stores features in order of arrival
1256 ") "
1257 (chain *open-layers
1258 *number
1259 (format (@ i properties distance) 3 ""))))
1260 (chain *aux-point-distance-select*
1261 (add aux-point-distance-item null))))
1262 (chain *streetmap*
1263 nearest-aux-points-select-control
1264 (select
1265 (chain
1266 (elt (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-layer features)
1267 0))))
1268 (enable-element-with-id "aux-point-distance")))
1270 (defun draw-aux-data-linestring ()
1271 "Draw a piece of linestring along a few auxiliary points into
1272 streetmap. Pan streetmap accordingly."
1273 (let* ((data
1274 (@ *streetmap*
1275 aux-data-linestring-request-response
1276 response-text))
1277 (linestring-wkt
1278 (chain *json-parser* (read data) linestring))
1279 (current-point-wkt
1280 (chain *json-parser* (read data) current-point))
1281 (previous-point-wkt
1282 (chain *json-parser* (read data) previous-point))
1283 (next-point-wkt
1284 (chain *json-parser* (read data) next-point))
1285 (azimuth
1286 (chain *json-parser* (read data) azimuth))
1287 (linestring
1288 (chain *wkt-parser* (read linestring-wkt)))
1289 (current-point
1290 (chain *wkt-parser* (read current-point-wkt)))
1291 (previous-point
1292 (chain *wkt-parser* (read previous-point-wkt)))
1293 (next-point
1294 (chain *wkt-parser* (read next-point-wkt)))
1295 (current-point-lonlat
1296 (new (chain *open-layers
1297 (*lon-lat (@ current-point geometry x)
1298 (@ current-point geometry y))))))
1299 (chain *streetmap* (pan-to current-point-lonlat))
1300 (setf (@ *streetmap* clicked-lonlat) current-point-lonlat)
1301 (setf (@ *streetmap* linestring-central-azimuth) azimuth)
1302 (request-photos-for-point)
1303 (setf (@ *streetmap* step-back-point) previous-point)
1304 (setf (@ *streetmap* step-forward-point) next-point)
1305 (chain *streetmap* aux-data-linestring-layer (remove-all-features))
1306 (chain *streetmap*
1307 aux-data-linestring-layer
1308 (add-features linestring))))
1310 (defun step (&optional back-p)
1311 "Enable walk-mode if necessary, and do a step along
1312 aux-data-linestring."
1313 (if (checkbox-status-with-id "walk-p")
1314 (let ((next-point-geometry
1315 (if back-p
1316 (progn
1317 (if (< (- (@ *streetmap* linestring-central-azimuth) pi) 0)
1318 (setf (@ *streetmap* linestring-central-azimuth)
1319 (+ (@ *streetmap* linestring-central-azimuth) pi))
1320 (setf (@ *streetmap* linestring-central-azimuth)
1321 (- (@ *streetmap* linestring-central-azimuth) pi)))
1322 (chain *streetmap*
1323 step-back-point
1324 (clone)
1325 geometry
1326 (transform +spherical-mercator+ +geographic+)))
1327 (chain *streetmap*
1328 step-forward-point
1329 (clone)
1330 geometry
1331 (transform +spherical-mercator+ +geographic+)))))
1332 (request-aux-data-linestring (@ next-point-geometry x)
1333 (@ next-point-geometry y)
1334 (* *linestring-step-ratio*
1335 (step-size-degrees))
1336 (step-size-degrees)))
1337 (progn
1338 (setf (checkbox-status-with-id "walk-p") t) ;doesn't seem to trigger event
1339 (flip-walk-mode)))) ; so we have to do it explicitly
1341 (defun step-size-degrees ()
1342 "Return inner-html of element step-size (metres) converted
1343 into map units (degrees). You should be close to the
1344 equator."
1345 (/ (inner-html-with-id "step-size") 1855.325 60))
1347 (defun decrease-step-size ()
1348 (when (> (inner-html-with-id "step-size") 0.5)
1349 (setf (inner-html-with-id "step-size")
1350 (/ (inner-html-with-id "step-size") 2))))
1352 (defun increase-step-size ()
1353 (when (< (inner-html-with-id "step-size") 100)
1354 (setf (inner-html-with-id "step-size")
1355 (* (inner-html-with-id "step-size") 2))))
1357 (defun user-point-style-map (label-property)
1358 "Create a style map where styles dispatch on feature property
1359 \"kind\" and features are labelled after feature
1360 property label-property."
1361 (let* ((symbolizer-property "kind")
1362 (solitary-filter
1363 (new (chain *open-layers
1364 *filter
1365 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1366 *filter
1367 *comparison
1368 *like*)
1369 property symbolizer-property
1370 value "solitary")))))
1371 (polyline-filter
1372 (new (chain *open-layers
1373 *filter
1374 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1375 *filter
1376 *comparison
1377 *like*)
1378 property symbolizer-property
1379 value "polyline")))))
1380 (polygon-filter
1381 (new (chain *open-layers
1382 *filter
1383 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1384 *filter
1385 *comparison
1386 *like*)
1387 property symbolizer-property
1388 value "polygon")))))
1389 (zero-filter
1390 (new (chain *open-layers
1391 *filter
1392 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1393 *filter
1394 *comparison
1395 *like*)
1396 property symbolizer-property
1397 value "0")))))
1398 (one-filter
1399 (new (chain *open-layers
1400 *filter
1401 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1402 *filter
1403 *comparison
1404 *like*)
1405 property symbolizer-property
1406 value "1")))))
1407 (two-filter
1408 (new (chain *open-layers
1409 *filter
1410 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1411 *filter
1412 *comparison
1413 *like*)
1414 property symbolizer-property
1415 value "2")))))
1416 (three-filter
1417 (new (chain *open-layers
1418 *filter
1419 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1420 *filter
1421 *comparison
1422 *like*)
1423 property symbolizer-property
1424 value "3")))))
1425 (four-filter
1426 (new (chain *open-layers
1427 *filter
1428 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1429 *filter
1430 *comparison
1431 *like*)
1432 property symbolizer-property
1433 value "4")))))
1434 (five-filter
1435 (new (chain *open-layers
1436 *filter
1437 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1438 *filter
1439 *comparison
1440 *like*)
1441 property symbolizer-property
1442 value "5")))))
1443 (six-filter
1444 (new (chain *open-layers
1445 *filter
1446 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1447 *filter
1448 *comparison
1449 *like*)
1450 property symbolizer-property
1451 value "6")))))
1452 (seven-filter
1453 (new (chain *open-layers
1454 *filter
1455 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1456 *filter
1457 *comparison
1458 *like*)
1459 property symbolizer-property
1460 value "7")))))
1461 (eight-filter
1462 (new (chain *open-layers
1463 *filter
1464 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1465 *filter
1466 *comparison
1467 *like*)
1468 property symbolizer-property
1469 value "8")))))
1470 (nine-filter
1471 (new (chain *open-layers
1472 *filter
1473 (*comparison (create type (chain *open-layers
1474 *filter
1475 *comparison
1476 *like*)
1477 property symbolizer-property
1478 value "9")))))
1479 (solitary-rule
1480 (new (chain *open-layers
1481 (*rule (create
1482 filter solitary-filter
1483 symbolizer (create
1484 graphic-name "triangle"))))))
1485 (polyline-rule
1486 (new (chain *open-layers
1487 (*rule (create
1488 filter polyline-filter
1489 symbolizer (create
1490 graphic-name "square"
1491 point-radius 4))))))
1492 (polygon-rule
1493 (new (chain *open-layers
1494 (*rule (create
1495 filter polygon-filter
1496 symbolizer (create
1497 graphic-name "star"))))))
1498 (zero-rule
1499 (new (chain *open-layers
1500 (*rule (create
1501 filter zero-filter
1502 symbolizer (create
1503 graphic-name "circle"))))))
1504 (one-rule
1505 (new (chain *open-layers
1506 (*rule (create
1507 filter one-filter
1508 symbolizer (create
1509 graphic-name "cross"))))))
1510 (two-rule
1511 (new (chain *open-layers
1512 (*rule (create
1513 filter two-filter
1514 symbolizer (create
1515 graphic-name "x"))))))
1516 (three-rule
1517 (new (chain *open-layers
1518 (*rule (create
1519 filter three-filter
1520 symbolizer (create
1521 graphic-name "triangle"))))))
1522 (four-rule
1523 (new (chain *open-layers
1524 (*rule (create
1525 filter four-filter
1526 symbolizer (create
1527 graphic-name "square"))))))
1528 (five-rule
1529 (new (chain *open-layers
1530 (*rule (create
1531 filter five-filter
1532 symbolizer (create
1533 graphic-name "star"))))))
1534 (six-rule
1535 (new (chain *open-layers
1536 (*rule (create
1537 filter six-filter
1538 symbolizer (create
1539 point-radius 10
1540 graphic-name "circle"))))))
1541 (seven-rule
1542 (new (chain *open-layers
1543 (*rule (create
1544 filter seven-filter
1545 symbolizer (create
1546 point-radius 10
1547 graphic-name "triangle"))))))
1548 (eight-rule
1549 (new (chain *open-layers
1550 (*rule (create
1551 filter eight-filter
1552 symbolizer (create
1553 point-radius 10
1554 graphic-name "square"))))))
1555 (nine-rule
1556 (new (chain *open-layers
1557 (*rule (create
1558 filter nine-filter
1559 symbolizer (create
1560 point-radius 10
1561 graphic-name "star"))))))
1562 (else-rule
1563 (new (chain *open-layers
1564 (*rule (create
1565 else-filter t
1566 symbolizer (create
1567 graphic-name "x"))))))
1568 (user-point-default-style
1569 (new (chain
1570 *open-layers
1571 (*style (create stroke-color "OrangeRed"
1572 fill-color "OrangeRed"
1573 label-align "cb"
1574 label-y-offset 5
1575 font-color "OrangeRed"
1576 font-family "'andale mono', 'lucida console', monospace"
1577 stroke-opacity .5
1578 stroke-width 2
1579 point-radius 5
1580 fill-opacity 0)
1581 (create rules (array solitary-rule
1582 polyline-rule
1583 polygon-rule
1584 zero-rule
1585 one-rule
1586 two-rule
1587 three-rule
1588 four-rule
1589 five-rule
1590 six-rule
1591 seven-rule
1592 eight-rule
1593 nine-rule
1594 else-rule))))))
1595 (user-point-select-style
1596 (new (chain
1597 *open-layers
1598 (*style (create stroke-opacity 1
1599 label label-property)
1600 (create rules (array solitary-rule
1601 polyline-rule
1602 polygon-rule
1603 zero-rule
1604 one-rule
1605 three-rule
1606 four-rule
1607 five-rule
1608 six-rule
1609 seven-rule
1610 eight-rule
1611 nine-rule
1612 else-rule))))))
1613 (user-point-temporary-style
1614 (new (chain
1615 *open-layers
1616 (*style (create fill-opacity .5)
1617 (create rules (array solitary-rule
1618 polyline-rule
1619 polygon-rule
1620 zero-rule
1621 one-rule
1622 three-rule
1623 four-rule
1624 five-rule
1625 six-rule
1626 seven-rule
1627 eight-rule
1628 nine-rule
1629 else-rule)))))))
1630 (new (chain *open-layers
1631 (*style-map
1632 (create "default" user-point-default-style
1633 "temporary" user-point-temporary-style
1634 "select" user-point-select-style))))))
1636 (defun draw-user-points ()
1637 "Draw currently selected user points into all images."
1638 (let* ((user-point-positions-response
1639 (chain *json-parser*
1640 (read
1641 (@ *user-point-in-images-response* response-text))))
1642 (user-point-collections
1643 (chain user-point-positions-response image-points))
1644 (user-point-count
1645 (chain user-point-positions-response user-point-count))
1646 (label
1647 (when (> user-point-count 1) "${numericDescription}")))
1648 (loop
1649 for i in *images*
1650 for user-point-collection in user-point-collections
1652 (when i ;otherwise a photogrammetry error has occured
1653 (let ((features
1654 (loop
1655 for raw-feature in
1656 (@ user-point-collection features)
1657 collect
1658 (let* ((x
1659 (@ raw-feature geometry coordinates 0))
1661 (@ raw-feature geometry coordinates 1))
1662 (point
1663 (new (chain *open-layers
1664 *geometry
1665 (*point x y))))
1666 (fid
1667 (@ raw-feature id))
1668 (attributes
1669 (@ raw-feature properties))
1670 (feature
1671 (new (chain *open-layers
1672 *feature
1673 (*vector point attributes)))))
1674 (setf (@ feature fid) fid)
1675 (setf (@ feature render-intent) "select")
1676 feature))))
1677 (setf
1678 (@ i user-point-layer)
1679 (new (chain *open-layers
1680 *layer
1681 (*vector
1682 "User Point"
1683 (create display-in-layer-switcher nil
1684 style-map (user-point-style-map
1685 label))))))
1686 (chain i map (add-layer (@ i user-point-layer)))
1687 (chain i user-point-layer (add-features features)))))))
1689 (defun finish-point (database-writer)
1690 "Try, with some user interaction, to uniquify user-point
1691 attributes and call database-writer."
1692 (let* ((point-data
1693 (create user-point-id (if (defined *current-user-point*)
1694 (@ *current-user-point* fid)
1695 nil)
1696 kind
1697 (value-with-id "point-kind-input")
1698 description
1699 (value-with-id "point-description-input")
1700 numeric-description
1701 (value-with-id "point-numeric-description")))
1702 (content
1703 (chain *json-parser*
1704 (write point-data)))
1705 (delete-point-button-active-p
1706 (disable-element-with-id "delete-point-button")))
1707 (disable-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
1708 (setf *uniquify-point-attributes-response* nil)
1709 (setf *uniquify-point-attributes-response*
1710 (chain
1711 *open-layers
1712 *request
1713 (*post*
1714 (create
1715 :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+ "/lib/uniquify-point-attributes")
1716 :data content
1717 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain"
1718 "Content-length" (@ content
1719 length))
1720 :success
1721 (lambda ()
1722 (enable-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
1723 (when delete-point-button-active-p
1724 (enable-element-with-id "delete-point-button"))
1725 (let ((response
1726 (chain
1727 *json-parser*
1728 (read
1729 (@ *uniquify-point-attributes-response*
1730 response-text)))))
1731 (if (equal null response)
1732 (database-writer)
1733 (progn
1734 (setf
1735 (chain document
1736 (get-element-by-id
1737 "force-duplicate-button")
1738 onclick)
1739 (lambda ()
1740 (hide-element-with-id "uniquify-buttons")
1741 (reveal-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
1742 (database-writer)))
1743 (hide-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
1744 (reveal-element-with-id "uniquify-buttons")))))
1745 :failure recommend-fresh-login))))))
1747 (defun insert-unique-suggestion ()
1748 "Insert previously received set of unique user-point
1749 attributes into their respective input elements; switch
1750 buttons accordingly."
1751 (let* ((point-data
1752 (create user-point-id (if (defined *current-user-point*)
1753 (@ *current-user-point* fid)
1754 nil)
1755 kind
1756 (value-with-id "point-kind-input")
1757 description
1758 (value-with-id "point-description-input")
1759 numeric-description
1760 (value-with-id "point-numeric-description")))
1761 (content
1762 (chain *json-parser*
1763 (write point-data)))
1764 (delete-point-button-active-p
1765 (disable-element-with-id "delete-point-button")))
1766 (disable-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
1767 (hide-element-with-id "uniquify-buttons")
1768 (reveal-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
1769 (setf *uniquify-point-attributes-response* nil)
1770 (setf *uniquify-point-attributes-response*
1771 (chain
1772 *open-layers
1773 *request
1774 (*post*
1775 (create :url (+ "/"
1776 +proxy-root+
1777 "/lib/uniquify-point-attributes")
1778 :data content
1779 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain"
1780 "Content-length" (@ content
1781 length))
1782 :success
1783 (lambda ()
1784 (enable-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
1785 (when delete-point-button-active-p
1786 (enable-element-with-id "delete-point-button"))
1787 (let ((response
1788 (chain
1789 *json-parser*
1790 (read
1791 (@ *uniquify-point-attributes-response*
1792 response-text)))))
1793 (unless (equal null response)
1794 (setf (value-with-id
1795 "point-numeric-description")
1796 (@ response numeric-description)))))
1797 :failure recommend-fresh-login))))))
1799 (defun store-point ()
1800 "Send freshly created user point to the database."
1801 (let ((global-position-etc *global-position*))
1802 (setf (@ global-position-etc kind)
1803 (value-with-id "point-kind-input"))
1804 (setf (@ global-position-etc description)
1805 (value-with-id "point-description-input"))
1806 (setf (@ global-position-etc numeric-description)
1807 (value-with-id "point-numeric-description"))
1808 (when (checkbox-status-with-id "include-aux-data-p")
1809 (setf (@ global-position-etc aux-numeric)
1810 (@ *current-nearest-aux-point*
1811 attributes
1812 aux-numeric))
1813 (setf (@ global-position-etc aux-text)
1814 (@ *current-nearest-aux-point*
1815 attributes
1816 aux-text)))
1817 (let ((content
1818 (chain *json-parser*
1819 (write global-position-etc))))
1820 (disable-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
1821 (chain
1822 *open-layers
1823 *request
1824 (*post*
1825 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+ "/lib/store-point")
1826 :data content
1827 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain"
1828 "Content-length" (@ content length))
1829 :success (lambda ()
1830 (refresh-layer
1831 (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer))
1832 (reset-layers-and-controls)
1833 (request-user-point-choice))
1834 :failure recommend-fresh-login))))))
1836 (defun update-point ()
1837 "Send changes to currently selected user point to database."
1838 (let* ((point-data
1839 (create user-point-id (@ *current-user-point* fid)
1840 kind
1841 (value-with-id "point-kind-input")
1842 description
1843 (value-with-id "point-description-input")
1844 numeric-description
1845 (value-with-id "point-numeric-description")))
1846 (content
1847 (chain *json-parser*
1848 (write point-data))))
1849 (disable-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
1850 (disable-element-with-id "delete-point-button")
1851 (chain *open-layers
1852 *request
1853 (*post*
1854 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+ "/lib/update-point")
1855 :data content
1856 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain"
1857 "Content-length" (@ content
1858 length))
1859 :success (lambda ()
1860 (refresh-layer
1861 (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer))
1862 (reset-layers-and-controls)
1863 (request-user-point-choice))
1864 :failure recommend-fresh-login)))))
1866 (defun delete-point ()
1867 "Purge currently selected user point from database."
1868 (let* ((user-point-id (@ *current-user-point* fid))
1869 (content
1870 (chain *json-parser*
1871 (write user-point-id))))
1872 (disable-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
1873 (disable-element-with-id "delete-point-button")
1874 (chain *open-layers
1875 *request
1876 (*post*
1877 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+ "/lib/delete-point")
1878 :data content
1879 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain"
1880 "Content-length" (@ content
1881 length))
1882 :success (lambda ()
1883 (refresh-layer
1884 (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer))
1885 (reset-layers-and-controls)
1886 (request-user-point-choice true))
1887 :failure recommend-fresh-login)))))
1889 (defun draw-active-point ()
1890 "Draw an Active Point, i.e. a point used in subsequent
1891 photogrammetric calculations."
1892 (chain this
1893 active-point-layer
1894 (add-features
1895 (new (chain *open-layers
1896 *feature
1897 (*vector
1898 (new (chain *open-layers
1899 *geometry
1900 (*point
1901 (@ this photo-parameters m)
1902 (@ this photo-parameters n))))))))))
1904 (defun image-click-action (clicked-image)
1905 (lambda (event)
1906 "Do appropriate things when an image is clicked into."
1907 (let* ((lonlat
1908 (chain clicked-image map (get-lon-lat-from-view-port-px
1909 (@ event xy))))
1910 (photo-parameters
1911 (@ clicked-image photo-parameters))
1912 pristine-image-p content request)
1913 (when (and (@ photo-parameters usable)
1914 (chain clicked-image (photop)))
1915 (setf (@ photo-parameters m) (@ lonlat lon)
1916 (@ photo-parameters n) (@ lonlat lat))
1917 (remove-layer (@ clicked-image map) "Active Point")
1918 (remove-any-layers "Epipolar Line")
1919 (setf *pristine-images-p* (not (some-active-point-p)))
1920 (setf (@ clicked-image active-point-layer)
1921 (new (chain *open-layers
1922 *layer
1923 (*vector "Active Point"
1924 (create display-in-layer-switcher
1925 nil)))))
1926 (chain clicked-image
1928 (add-layer (@ clicked-image active-point-layer)))
1929 (chain clicked-image (draw-active-point))
1931 *pristine-images-p*
1932 (progn
1933 (reset-controls)
1934 (remove-any-layers "User Point") ;from images
1935 ;; TODO:
1936 ;; There's something in the following line that
1937 ;; restores layer "User Point" and removes layer
1938 ;; "Active Point" when coming from directly a
1939 ;; point-editor situation.
1940 (chain *streetmap* user-points-select-control (unselect-all))
1941 (loop
1942 for i across *images* do
1943 (when (and (not (equal i clicked-image))
1944 (chain i (photop)))
1945 (setf
1946 (@ i epipolar-layer)
1947 (new (chain *open-layers
1948 *layer
1949 (*vector "Epipolar Line"
1950 (create
1951 display-in-layer-switcher nil))))
1952 content (chain *json-parser*
1953 (write
1954 (append (array photo-parameters)
1955 (@ i photo-parameters))))
1956 (@ i epipolar-request-response)
1957 (chain *open-layers
1958 *request
1959 (*post*
1960 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+
1961 "/lib/epipolar-line")
1962 :data content
1963 :headers (create
1964 "Content-type" "text/plain"
1965 "Content-length"
1966 (@ content length))
1967 :success (@ i draw-epipolar-line)
1968 :failure recommend-fresh-login
1969 :scope i))))
1970 (chain i
1972 (add-layer (@ i epipolar-layer))))))
1973 (progn
1974 (remove-any-layers "Epipolar Line")
1975 (remove-any-layers "Estimated Position")
1976 (let* ((active-pointed-photo-parameters
1977 (loop
1978 for i across *images*
1979 when (has-layer-p (@ i map) "Active Point")
1980 collect (@ i photo-parameters)))
1981 (content
1982 (chain *json-parser*
1983 (write
1984 (list active-pointed-photo-parameters
1985 (chain *images*
1986 (map
1987 #'(lambda (x)
1988 (@ x
1989 photo-parameters)))))))))
1990 (setf (@ clicked-image estimated-positions-request-response)
1991 (chain *open-layers
1992 *request
1993 (*post*
1994 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+
1995 "/lib/estimated-positions")
1996 :data content
1997 :headers (create
1998 "Content-type" "text/plain"
1999 "Content-length"
2000 (@ content length))
2001 :success (@ clicked-image
2002 draw-estimated-positions)
2003 :failure recommend-fresh-login
2004 :scope clicked-image)))))))))))
2006 (defun iso-time-string (lisp-time)
2007 "Return Lisp universal time formatted as ISO time string"
2008 (let* ((unix-time (- lisp-time +unix-epoch+))
2009 (js-date (new (*date (* 1000 unix-time)))))
2010 (chain *open-layers *date (to-i-s-o-string js-date))))
2012 (defun delete-photo ()
2013 "Delete this object's photo."
2014 (loop
2015 repeat (chain this map (get-num-layers))
2016 do (chain this map layers 0 (destroy)))
2017 (hide-element-with-id (@ this usable-id))
2018 (setf (@ this trigger-time-div inner-h-t-m-l) nil))
2020 (defun photop ()
2021 "Check if this object contains a photo."
2022 (@ this trigger-time-div inner-h-t-m-l))
2024 (defun show-photo ()
2025 "Show the photo described in this object's photo-parameters."
2026 (let ((image-div-width
2027 (parse-int (chain (get-computed-style (@ this map div) nil)
2028 width)))
2029 (image-div-height
2030 (parse-int (chain (get-computed-style (@ this map div) nil)
2031 height)))
2032 (image-width
2033 (@ this photo-parameters sensor-width-pix))
2034 (image-height
2035 (@ this photo-parameters sensor-height-pix)))
2036 (chain
2037 this
2039 (add-layer
2040 (new (chain
2041 *open-layers
2042 *layer
2043 (*image
2044 "Photo"
2045 (photo-path (@ this photo-parameters))
2046 (new (chain *open-layers
2047 (*bounds
2048 -.5 -.5
2049 (+ image-width .5) (+ image-height .5))))
2050 (new (chain *open-layers
2051 (*size image-div-width
2052 image-div-height)))
2053 (create
2054 max-resolution (chain
2055 *math
2056 (max
2057 (/ image-width image-div-width)
2058 (/ image-height image-div-height)))))))))
2059 (when (@ this photo-parameters rendered-footprint)
2060 (setf (@ this footprint-layer)
2061 (new (chain
2062 *open-layers
2063 *layer
2064 (*vector "Footprint"
2065 (create display-in-layer-switcher nil
2066 style (create stroke-color "yellow"
2067 stroke-width 1
2068 stroke-opacity .3))))))
2069 (chain this
2070 footprint-layer
2071 (add-features
2072 (chain *geojson-parser*
2073 (read (@ this
2074 photo-parameters
2075 rendered-footprint)))))
2076 (chain this
2078 (add-layer (@ this footprint-layer))))
2079 (chain this map (zoom-to-max-extent))
2080 (if (@ this photo-parameters usable)
2081 (hide-element-with-id (@ this usable-id))
2082 (reveal-element-with-id (@ this usable-id)))
2083 (setf (@ this trigger-time-div inner-h-t-m-l)
2084 (iso-time-string (@ this photo-parameters trigger-time)))))
2086 (defun zoom-images-to-max-extent ()
2087 "Zoom out all images."
2088 (loop
2089 for i across *images*
2090 do (when (> (@ i map layers length) 0)
2091 (chain i map (zoom-to-max-extent)))))
2093 (defun zoom-anything-to-point ()
2094 "For streetmap and for images that have an Active Point or an
2095 Estimated Position, zoom in and recenter."
2096 (when (checkbox-status-with-id "zoom-to-point-p")
2097 (let ((point-lonlat
2098 (new (chain *open-layers
2099 (*lon-lat (@ *global-position* longitude)
2100 (@ *global-position* latitude))
2101 (transform +geographic+ +spherical-mercator+)))))
2102 (when point-lonlat
2103 (chain *streetmap*
2104 (set-center point-lonlat 18 nil t))))
2105 (loop for i across *images* do
2106 (let ((point-lonlat
2107 (cond
2108 ((has-layer-p (@ i map) "Active Point")
2109 (new (chain *open-layers (*lon-lat
2110 (@ i photo-parameters m)
2111 (@ i photo-parameters n)))))
2112 ((has-layer-p (@ i map) "Estimated Position")
2113 (@ i estimated-position-lonlat))
2114 (t false))))
2115 (when point-lonlat
2116 (chain i map (set-center point-lonlat 4 nil t)))))))
2118 (defun initialize-image (image-index)
2119 "Create an image usable for displaying photos at position
2120 image-index in array *images*."
2121 (setf (aref *images* image-index) (new *image))
2122 (setf (@ (aref *images* image-index) usable-id)
2123 (+ "image-" image-index "-usable"))
2124 (hide-element-with-id (+ "image-" image-index "-usable"))
2125 (setf (@ (aref *images* image-index) trigger-time-div)
2126 (chain
2127 document
2128 (get-element-by-id (+ "image-" image-index "-trigger-time"))))
2129 (setf (@ (aref *images* image-index) image-click-action)
2130 (image-click-action (aref *images* image-index)))
2131 (setf (@ (aref *images* image-index) click)
2132 (new (*click-control*
2133 (create :trigger (@ (aref *images* image-index)
2134 image-click-action)))))
2135 (chain (aref *images* image-index)
2137 (add-control
2138 (@ (aref *images* image-index) click)))
2139 (chain (aref *images* image-index) click (activate))
2140 ;;(chain (aref *images* image-index)
2141 ;; map
2142 ;; (add-control
2143 ;; (new (chain *open-layers
2144 ;; *control
2145 ;; (*mouse-position
2146 ;; (create
2147 ;; div (chain
2148 ;; document
2149 ;; (get-element-by-id
2150 ;; (+ "image-" image-index "-zoom")))))))))
2151 (chain (aref *images* image-index)
2153 (add-control
2154 (new (chain *open-layers
2155 *control
2156 (*layer-switcher
2157 (create
2158 div (chain
2159 document
2160 (get-element-by-id
2161 (+ "image-" image-index "-layer-switcher")))
2162 rounded-corner nil))))))
2163 (let ((pan-west-control
2164 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*pan "West"))))
2165 (pan-north-control
2166 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*pan "North"))))
2167 (pan-south-control
2168 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*pan "South"))))
2169 (pan-east-control
2170 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*pan "East"))))
2171 (zoom-in-control
2172 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*zoom-in))))
2173 (zoom-out-control
2174 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*zoom-out))))
2175 (zoom-to-max-extent-control
2176 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*zoom-to-max-extent))))
2177 (pan-zoom-panel
2178 (new (chain *open-layers
2179 *control
2180 (*panel
2181 (create div
2182 (chain
2183 document
2184 (get-element-by-id
2185 (+ "image-" image-index "-zoom")))))))))
2186 (chain (aref *images* image-index)
2188 (add-control pan-zoom-panel))
2189 (chain pan-zoom-panel
2190 (add-controls (array pan-west-control
2191 pan-north-control
2192 pan-south-control
2193 pan-east-control
2194 zoom-in-control
2195 zoom-out-control
2196 zoom-to-max-extent-control))))
2197 (chain (aref *images* image-index)
2199 (render (chain document
2200 (get-element-by-id
2201 (+ "image-" image-index))))))
2203 (defun user-point-selected (event)
2204 "Things to do once a user point is selected."
2205 (remove-any-layers "Active Point")
2206 (remove-any-layers "Epipolar Line")
2207 (remove-any-layers "Estimated Position")
2208 (unselect-combobox-selection "point-kind")
2209 (unselect-combobox-selection "point-description")
2210 (user-point-selection-changed))
2212 (defun user-point-unselected (event)
2213 "Things to do once a user point is unselected."
2214 (reset-controls)
2215 (user-point-selection-changed))
2217 (defun user-point-selection-changed ()
2218 "Things to do once a user point is selected or unselected."
2219 (setf *current-user-point*
2220 (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer selected-features 0))
2221 (let ((selected-features-count
2222 (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer selected-features length)))
2223 (setf (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer style-map)
2224 (user-point-style-map
2225 (when (> selected-features-count 1)
2226 "${numericDescription}")))
2227 (cond
2228 ((> selected-features-count 1)
2229 (switch-phoros-controls-to "multiple-points-viewer"))
2230 ((= selected-features-count 1)
2231 (setf (value-with-id "point-kind-input")
2232 (@ *current-user-point* attributes kind))
2233 (setf (value-with-id "point-description-input")
2234 (@ *current-user-point* attributes description))
2235 (setf (value-with-id "point-numeric-description")
2236 (@ *current-user-point* attributes numeric-description))
2237 (setf (inner-html-with-id "point-creation-date")
2238 (@ *current-user-point* attributes creation-date))
2239 (setf (inner-html-with-id "aux-numeric-list")
2240 (html-table
2241 (@ *current-user-point* attributes aux-numeric)
2242 +aux-numeric-labels+))
2243 (setf (inner-html-with-id "aux-text-list")
2244 (html-table
2245 (@ *current-user-point* attributes aux-text)
2246 +aux-text-labels+))
2247 (switch-phoros-controls-to "point-editor")
2248 (if (write-permission-p
2249 (@ *current-user-point* attributes user-name))
2250 (progn
2251 (setf (chain document
2252 (get-element-by-id "finish-point-button")
2253 onclick)
2254 (lambda () (finish-point #'update-point)))
2255 (enable-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
2256 (enable-element-with-id "delete-point-button")
2257 (switch-phoros-controls-to "point-editor"))
2258 (progn
2259 (disable-element-with-id "finish-point-button")
2260 (disable-element-with-id "delete-point-button")
2261 (switch-phoros-controls-to "point-viewer")))
2262 (setf (inner-html-with-id "creator")
2263 (if (@ *current-user-point* attributes user-name)
2264 (+ "(by "
2265 (@ *current-user-point* attributes user-name)
2266 ")")
2267 "(ownerless)")))
2269 (reset-layers-and-controls))))
2270 (chain *streetmap* user-point-layer (redraw))
2271 (remove-any-layers "User Point") ;from images
2272 (setf content
2273 (chain *json-parser*
2274 (write
2275 (array (chain *streetmap*
2276 user-point-layer
2277 selected-features
2278 (map (lambda (x) (@ x fid))))
2279 (loop
2280 for i across *images*
2281 collect (@ i photo-parameters))))))
2282 (setf *user-point-in-images-response*
2283 (chain *open-layers
2284 *request
2285 (*post*
2286 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+
2287 "/lib/user-point-positions")
2288 :data content
2289 :headers (create "Content-type" "text/plain"
2290 "Content-length" (@ content
2291 length))
2292 :success draw-user-points
2293 :failure recommend-fresh-login)))))
2295 (defun aux-point-distance-selected ()
2296 "Things to do on change of aux-point-distance select element."
2297 (chain *streetmap*
2298 nearest-aux-points-select-control
2299 (unselect-all))
2300 (chain *streetmap*
2301 nearest-aux-points-select-control
2302 (select
2303 (chain
2304 (elt (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-layer features)
2305 (@ *aux-point-distance-select*
2306 options
2307 selected-index))))))
2309 (defun enable-aux-point-selection ()
2310 "Check checkbox include-aux-data-p and act accordingly."
2311 (setf (checkbox-status-with-id "include-aux-data-p") t)
2312 (flip-aux-data-inclusion))
2314 (defun flip-walk-mode ()
2315 "Query status of checkbox walk-p and induce first walking
2316 step if it's just been turned on. Otherwise delete our
2317 walking path."
2318 (if (checkbox-status-with-id "walk-p")
2319 (request-aux-data-linestring-for-point (@ *streetmap*
2320 clicked-lonlat))
2321 (chain *streetmap*
2322 aux-data-linestring-layer
2323 (remove-all-features))))
2325 (defun flip-aux-data-inclusion ()
2326 "Query status of checkbox include-aux-data-p and act accordingly."
2327 (if (checkbox-status-with-id "include-aux-data-p")
2328 (chain *streetmap*
2329 nearest-aux-points-layer
2330 (set-visibility t))
2331 (chain *streetmap*
2332 nearest-aux-points-layer
2333 (set-visibility nil))))
2335 (defun flip-nearest-aux-data-display ()
2336 "Query status of checkbox include-aux-data-p and act accordingly."
2337 (reset-layers-and-controls))
2339 (defun html-table (aux-data labels)
2340 "Return an html-formatted table with a label column from
2341 labels and a data column from aux-data."
2342 (if aux-data
2343 (who-ps-html
2344 (:table
2345 :class "aux-data-table"
2346 (chain aux-data
2347 (reduce (lambda (x y i)
2348 (if y
2349 (+ x (who-ps-html
2350 (:tr
2351 (:td :class "aux-data-label"
2353 (if (and labels
2354 (elt labels i))
2355 (elt labels i)
2356 (+ "#" i))
2357 ":"))
2358 (:td :class "aux-data-value"
2359 y))))
2361 ""))))
2362 ""))
2364 (defun nearest-aux-point-selected (event)
2365 "Things to do once a nearest auxiliary point is selected in streetmap."
2366 (setf *current-nearest-aux-point* (@ event feature))
2367 (let ((aux-numeric
2368 (@ event feature attributes aux-numeric))
2369 (aux-text
2370 (@ event feature attributes aux-text))
2371 (distance
2372 (@ event feature attributes distance)))
2373 (setf (@ *aux-point-distance-select* options selected-index)
2374 (@ event feature fid))
2375 (setf (inner-html-with-id "aux-numeric-list")
2376 (html-table aux-numeric +aux-numeric-labels+))
2377 (setf (inner-html-with-id "aux-text-list")
2378 (html-table aux-text +aux-text-labels+))))
2380 (defun bye ()
2381 "Store user's current map extent and log out."
2382 (let* ((bbox (chain *streetmap*
2383 (get-extent)
2384 (transform +spherical-mercator+ +geographic+)
2385 (to-b-b-o-x)))
2386 (href (+ "/" +proxy-root+ "/lib/logout?bbox=" bbox)))
2387 (when (@ *streetmap* cursor-layer features length)
2388 (let* ((lonlat-geographic (chain *streetmap*
2389 cursor-layer
2390 features
2392 geometry
2393 (clone)
2394 (transform +spherical-mercator+
2395 +geographic+))))
2396 (setf href (+ href
2397 "&longitude=" (@ lonlat-geographic x)
2398 "&latitude=" (@ lonlat-geographic y)))))
2399 (setf (@ location href) href)))
2401 (defun init ()
2402 "Prepare user's playground."
2403 (unless +presentation-project-bbox-text+
2404 (setf (inner-html-with-id "presentation-project-emptiness")
2405 "(no data)"))
2406 (setf *streetmap*
2407 (new (chain
2408 *open-layers
2409 (*map "streetmap"
2410 (create projection +geographic+
2411 display-projection +geographic+
2412 controls (array (new (chain *open-layers
2413 *control
2414 (*navigation)))
2415 (new (chain *open-layers
2416 *control
2417 (*attribution)))))))))
2418 (when (write-permission-p)
2419 (enable-elements-of-class "write-permission-dependent")
2420 (request-user-point-choice true))
2421 (hide-element-with-id "no-footprints-p")
2422 (hide-element-with-id "caching-indicator")
2423 (hide-element-with-id "uniquify-buttons")
2424 (setf *aux-point-distance-select*
2425 (chain document (get-element-by-id "aux-point-distance")))
2426 (let ((cursor-layer-style
2427 (create
2428 graphic-width 14
2429 external-graphic (+ "/" +proxy-root+
2430 "/lib/public_html/phoros-cursor.png"))))
2431 (setf (@ *streetmap* cursor-layer)
2432 (new (chain
2433 *open-layers *layer
2434 (*vector
2435 "you"
2436 (create
2437 style cursor-layer-style)))))
2438 (setf (@ *streetmap* overview-cursor-layer)
2439 (new (chain
2440 *open-layers *layer
2441 (*vector
2442 "you"
2443 (create
2444 style cursor-layer-style))))))
2445 (let ((survey-layer-style
2446 (create stroke-color (chain *open-layers *feature *vector
2447 style "default" stroke-color)
2448 stroke-width 1
2449 point-radius 2
2450 fill-opacity 0
2451 graphic-name "circle")))
2452 (setf (@ *streetmap* survey-layer)
2453 (new (chain
2454 *open-layers *layer
2455 (*vector
2456 "survey"
2457 (create
2458 strategies (array (new (*bbox-strategy*)))
2459 protocol
2460 (new (*http-protocol*
2461 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+
2462 "/lib/points.json"))))
2463 style survey-layer-style))))))
2464 (setf (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer)
2465 (new (chain
2466 *open-layers *layer
2467 (*vector
2468 "user points"
2469 (create
2470 strategies (array (new *bbox-strategy*))
2471 protocol
2472 (new (*http-protocol*
2473 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+ "/lib/user-points.json"))))
2474 style-map (user-point-style-map nil))))))
2475 (setf (@ *streetmap* user-points-hover-control)
2476 (new (chain *open-layers
2477 *control
2478 (*select-feature (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer)
2479 (create render-intent "temporary"
2480 hover t
2481 highlight-only t)))))
2482 (setf (@ *streetmap* user-points-select-control)
2483 (new (chain *open-layers
2484 *control
2485 (*select-feature (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer)
2486 (create toggle t
2487 multiple t)))))
2488 (let ((aux-layer-style
2489 (create stroke-color "grey"
2490 stroke-width 1
2491 point-radius 2
2492 fill-opacity 0
2493 graphic-name "circle")))
2494 (setf (@ *streetmap* aux-point-layer)
2495 (new (chain
2496 *open-layers *layer
2497 (*vector
2498 "auxiliary data"
2499 (create
2500 strategies (array (new (*bbox-strategy*)))
2501 protocol
2502 (new (*http-protocol*
2503 (create :url (+ "/" +proxy-root+
2504 "/lib/aux-points.json"))))
2505 style aux-layer-style
2506 visibility nil))))))
2507 (let ((nearest-aux-point-layer-style-map
2508 (new (chain *open-layers
2509 (*style-map
2510 (create "default"
2511 (create stroke-color "grey"
2512 stroke-width 1
2513 point-radius 5
2514 fill-opacity 0
2515 graphic-name "circle")
2516 "select"
2517 (create stroke-color "black"
2518 stroke-width 1
2519 point-radius 5
2520 fill-opacity 0
2521 graphic-name "circle")
2522 "temporary"
2523 (create stroke-color "grey"
2524 stroke-width 1
2525 point-radius 5
2526 fill-color "grey"
2527 fill-opacity 1
2528 graphic-name "circle")))))))
2529 (setf (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-layer)
2530 (new (chain *open-layers
2531 *layer
2532 (*vector
2533 "Nearest Aux Points"
2534 (create
2535 display-in-layer-switcher nil
2536 style-map nearest-aux-point-layer-style-map
2537 visibility t))))))
2538 (setf (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-hover-control)
2539 (new (chain *open-layers
2540 *control
2541 (*select-feature
2542 (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-layer)
2543 (create render-intent "temporary"
2544 hover t
2545 highlight-only t)))))
2546 (setf (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-select-control)
2547 (new (chain *open-layers
2548 *control
2549 (*select-feature
2550 (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-layer)))))
2551 (setf (@ *streetmap* aux-data-linestring-layer)
2552 (new (chain *open-layers
2553 *layer
2554 (*vector
2555 "Aux Data Linestring"
2556 (create
2557 display-in-layer-switcher nil
2558 style-map nearest-aux-point-layer-style-map
2559 visibility t)))))
2560 (setf (@ *streetmap* google-streetmap-layer)
2561 (new (chain *open-layers
2562 *layer
2563 (*google "Google Streets"
2564 (create num-zoom-levels 23)))))
2565 (setf (@ *streetmap* osm-layer)
2566 (new (chain *open-layers
2567 *layer
2568 (*osm*
2569 "OpenStreetMap"
2571 (create num-zoom-levels 23
2572 attribution
2573 "Data CC-By-SA by")))))
2574 (setf (@ *streetmap* overview-osm-layer)
2575 (new (chain *open-layers
2576 *layer
2577 (*osm* "OpenStreetMap"))))
2578 (setf (@ *streetmap* click-streetmap)
2579 (new (*click-control*
2580 (create :trigger request-photos-after-click))))
2581 (setf (@ *streetmap* nirvana-layer)
2582 (new (chain
2583 *open-layers
2584 (*layer
2585 "Nirvana"
2586 (create is-base-layer t
2587 projection (@ *streetmap* osm-layer projection)
2588 max-extent (@ *streetmap* osm-layer max-extent)
2589 max-resolution (@ *streetmap*
2590 osm-layer
2591 max-resolution)
2592 units (@ *streetmap* osm-layer units)
2593 num-zoom-levels (@ *streetmap*
2594 osm-layer
2595 num-zoom-levels))))))
2596 (chain *streetmap*
2597 (add-control
2598 (new (chain *open-layers
2599 *control
2600 (*layer-switcher
2601 (create
2602 div (chain
2603 document
2604 (get-element-by-id
2605 "streetmap-layer-switcher"))
2606 rounded-corner nil))))))
2607 (let ((pan-west-control
2608 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*pan "West"))))
2609 (pan-north-control
2610 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*pan "North"))))
2611 (pan-south-control
2612 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*pan "South"))))
2613 (pan-east-control
2614 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*pan "East"))))
2615 (zoom-in-control
2616 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*zoom-in))))
2617 (zoom-out-control
2618 (new (chain *open-layers *control (*zoom-out))))
2619 (zoom-to-max-extent-control
2620 (new (chain
2621 *open-layers
2622 *control
2623 (*button
2624 (create
2625 display-class "streetmapZoomToMaxExtent"
2626 trigger (lambda ()
2627 (chain *streetmap*
2628 (zoom-to-extent
2629 +presentation-project-bounds+))))))))
2630 (pan-zoom-panel
2631 (new (chain *open-layers
2632 *control
2633 (*panel
2634 (create div
2635 (chain
2636 document
2637 (get-element-by-id
2638 "streetmap-zoom")))))))
2639 (overview-map
2640 (new (chain *open-layers
2641 *control
2642 (*overview-map
2643 (create
2645 layers (array
2646 (@ *streetmap* overview-osm-layer)
2647 (@ *streetmap* overview-cursor-layer))
2649 min-ratio 14
2650 max-ratio 16
2651 div (chain document
2652 (get-element-by-id
2653 "streetmap-overview")))))))
2654 (mouse-position-control
2655 (new (chain *open-layers
2656 *control
2657 (*mouse-position
2658 (create div (chain document
2659 (get-element-by-id
2660 "streetmap-mouse-position"))
2661 empty-string "longitude, latitude")))))
2662 (scale-line-control
2663 (new (chain *open-layers
2664 *control
2665 *scale-line))))
2666 (chain *streetmap*
2667 (add-control pan-zoom-panel))
2668 (chain pan-zoom-panel
2669 (add-controls (array pan-west-control
2670 pan-north-control
2671 pan-south-control
2672 pan-east-control
2673 zoom-in-control
2674 zoom-out-control
2675 zoom-to-max-extent-control)))
2676 (chain *streetmap*
2677 (add-control (@ *streetmap* click-streetmap)))
2678 (chain *streetmap* click-streetmap (activate))
2680 (chain *streetmap*
2681 user-point-layer
2682 events
2683 (register "featureselected"
2684 (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer)
2685 user-point-selected))
2686 (chain *streetmap*
2687 user-point-layer
2688 events
2689 (register "featureunselected"
2690 (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer)
2691 user-point-unselected))
2692 (chain *streetmap*
2693 nearest-aux-points-layer
2694 events
2695 (register "featureselected"
2696 (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-layer)
2697 nearest-aux-point-selected))
2698 (chain *streetmap*
2699 (add-control
2700 (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-hover-control)))
2701 (chain *streetmap*
2702 (add-control
2703 (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-select-control)))
2704 (chain *streetmap*
2705 (add-control
2706 (@ *streetmap* user-points-hover-control)))
2707 (chain *streetmap*
2708 (add-control
2709 (@ *streetmap* user-points-select-control)))
2710 (chain *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-hover-control (activate))
2711 (chain *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-select-control (activate))
2712 (chain *streetmap* user-points-hover-control (activate))
2713 (chain *streetmap* user-points-select-control (activate))
2714 (chain *streetmap* (add-layer (@ *streetmap* osm-layer)))
2715 (try (chain *streetmap*
2716 (add-layer (@ *streetmap* google-streetmap-layer)))
2717 (:catch (c)
2718 (chain *streetmap*
2719 (remove-layer (@ *streetmap*
2720 google-streetmap-layer)))))
2721 (chain *streetmap* (add-layer (@ *streetmap* nirvana-layer)))
2722 (chain *streetmap*
2723 (add-layer (@ *streetmap* nearest-aux-points-layer)))
2724 (chain *streetmap* (add-layer (@ *streetmap* survey-layer)))
2725 (chain *streetmap*
2726 (add-layer (@ *streetmap* cursor-layer)))
2727 (chain *streetmap*
2728 (add-layer (@ *streetmap* aux-point-layer)))
2729 (chain *streetmap*
2730 (add-layer (@ *streetmap* aux-data-linestring-layer)))
2731 (chain *streetmap*
2732 (add-layer (@ *streetmap* user-point-layer)))
2733 (setf (@ overview-map element)
2734 (chain document (get-element-by-id
2735 "streetmap-overview-element")))
2736 (chain *streetmap* (add-control overview-map))
2737 (chain *streetmap* (add-control mouse-position-control))
2738 (chain *streetmap* (add-control scale-line-control)))
2739 (loop
2740 for i from 0 below (lisp *number-of-images*)
2741 do (initialize-image i))
2742 (add-help-events)
2743 (request-restriction-select-choice)
2744 (chain *streetmap*
2745 (zoom-to-extent
2746 (if (lisp (stored-bbox))
2747 (new (chain *open-layers
2748 *bounds
2749 (from-string (lisp (stored-bbox)))
2750 (transform +geographic+ +spherical-mercator+)))
2751 +presentation-project-bounds+)))
2752 (let ((stored-cursor (lisp (stored-cursor))))
2753 (when stored-cursor
2754 (request-photos
2755 (new (chain *open-layers
2756 *lon-lat
2757 (from-string stored-cursor)
2758 (transform +geographic+
2759 +spherical-mercator+))))))
2760 (reset-layers-and-controls)))))
2762 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-regex-dispatcher
2763 (format nil "/phoros/lib/phoros-~A-\\S*-\\S*\.js"
2764 (phoros-version))
2765 'phoros.js)
2766 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)