Chart dialog; drawing chart from database
[phoros.git] / fasttrack.lisp
1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2012 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 (in-package #:phoros-fasttrack)
21 ;;; Debug helpers. TODO: remove them.
22 (defparameter *t* nil)
23 (defparameter *tt* nil)
25 (cffi:define-foreign-library phoml
26 (:unix (:or "./"
27 "./phoml/lib/"))
28 (t (:default "libphoml")))
30 (setf *read-default-float-format* 'double-float)
32 (defparameter *photogrammetry-mutex* (bt:make-lock "photogrammetry"))
34 (defparameter *fasttrack-version*
35 (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system :fasttrack))
36 "Fasttrack version as defined in system definition. TODO: enforce equality with *phoros-version*")
38 (defvar *postgresql-road-network-credentials* nil
39 "A list: (database user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl).")
41 (defvar *postgresql-road-network-table* "phoros_project_aux_point"
42 "Name of table or view in database described by
43 *postgresql-road-network-credentials*")
45 (defvar *postgresql-zeb-credentials* nil
46 "A list: (database user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl).")
48 (defvar *postgresql-zeb-table* "zeb"
49 "Name of table or view in database described by
50 *postgresql-zeb-credentials*")
52 (defvar *zeb-column-selection* nil
53 "Database columns selected for rendering.")
55 (defvar *accidents-column-selection* nil
56 "Database columns selected for rendering.")
58 (defvar *postgresql-accidents-credentials* nil
59 "A list: (database user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl).")
61 (defvar *postgresql-accidents-table* "unfaelle"
62 "Name of table or view in database described by
63 *postgresql-accidents-credentials*")
65 (defvar *chart-parameters* nil
66 "If there is a chart, we store a list of its parameters (table vnk
67 nnk road-section-length) here.")
69 (defparameter *aggregate-view-columns*
70 (list 'usable
71 'recorded-device-id ;debug
72 'device-stage-of-life-id ;debug
73 'generic-device-id ;debug
74 'directory
75 'measurement-id
76 'filename 'byte-position 'point-id
77 'trigger-time
78 ;;'coordinates ;the search target
79 'longitude 'latitude 'ellipsoid-height
80 'cartesian-system
81 'east-sd 'north-sd 'height-sd
82 'roll 'pitch 'heading
83 'roll-sd 'pitch-sd 'heading-sd
84 'sensor-width-pix 'sensor-height-pix
85 'pix-size
86 'bayer-pattern 'color-raiser
87 'mounting-angle
88 'dx 'dy 'dz 'omega 'phi 'kappa
89 'c 'xh 'yh 'a1 'a2 'a3 'b1 'b2 'c1 'c2 'r0
90 'b-dx 'b-dy 'b-dz 'b-rotx 'b-roty 'b-rotz
91 'b-ddx 'b-ddy 'b-ddz
92 'b-drotx 'b-droty 'b-drotz)
93 "Most of the column names of aggregate-view.")
95 (defvar *phoros-cookies* nil
96 "Container for cookies sent by Phoros server")
98 (defvar *phoros-url* nil
99 "URL of the Phoros project currently in use.")
101 (defvar *phoros-credentials* '("user" "password")
102 "List of (user password) used for login at *phoros-url*.")
104 (defvar *cache-dir* '(:absolute "home" "bertb" "lisphack" "phoros" "cache"))
105 ;; TODO: invent cache validity checks
107 (defparameter *image-size* '(800 800)
108 "Image size in pixels in a list (width height).")
110 (defparameter *chart-height* 200
111 "Height of chart in pixels.")
113 (defvar *jump-to-station-event* nil
114 "Remembering event id of chart click event jumptostation.")
116 (defvar *choose-road-section-event* nil)
118 (defun ensure-hyphen-before-digit (symbol)
119 "Return symbol with hyphens inserted after each letter that is
120 followed by a digit. "
121 (intern
122 (coerce
123 (loop
124 with need-hyphen-before-next-digit-p
125 for c across (string symbol)
126 if (and need-hyphen-before-next-digit-p (digit-char-p c))
127 collect #\- and collect c and do (setf need-hyphen-before-next-digit-p nil)
128 else collect c and do (setf need-hyphen-before-next-digit-p nil)
130 if (alpha-char-p c) do (setf need-hyphen-before-next-digit-p t) end)
131 'string)))
133 (defmacro defun-cached (name (&rest args) &body body &aux (doc ""))
134 "Define a function whose return value must be readibly printable, is
135 being read from a chache if possible, and is being cached if
136 necessary. The function defined has a secondary return value
137 cached-p. If function is called with :from-cache-only t, let it
138 return nil and nil if there is nothing cached."
139 (when (stringp (car body))
140 (setf doc (car body))
141 (setf body (cdr body)))
142 (cl-utilities:with-unique-names (input-stream output-stream)
143 `(defun ,name (,@args &key from-cache-only)
144 ,doc
145 (ensure-directories-exist (cache-file-name ',name ,@args))
146 (with-open-file (,input-stream (cache-file-name ',name ,@args)
147 :direction :input
148 :if-does-not-exist nil)
149 (if ,input-stream
150 (values (read ,input-stream) t)
151 (values (unless from-cache-only
152 (with-open-file (,output-stream (cache-file-name ',name ,@args)
153 :direction :output)
154 (prin1 (progn ,@body)
155 ,output-stream)))
156 nil))))))
158 (defun main ()
159 (restore-credentials)
160 (restore-column-selection)
161 (apply #'phoros-login *phoros-url* *phoros-credentials*)
162 (with-tk ((make-instance 'ffi-tk))
163 (tcl "package" "require" "Img")
164 (tcl "option" "add" "*tearOff" 0)
165 (tcl "wm" "title" "." "Phoros Fasttrack")
166 (tcl "menu" ".menubar")
167 (tcl "." "configure" :menu ".menubar")
168 (tcl "menu" ".menubar.file")
169 (tcl ".menubar" "add" "cascade" :label "File" :menu ".menubar.file" :underline 0)
170 (tcl ".menubar.file" "add" "command" :label "Kaputt" :command (tcl{ "destroy" "."))
171 (tcl ".menubar.file" "add" "command" :label "choose road section ..." :command (event-handler* (road-section-dialog)))
172 (tcl ".menubar.file" "add" "command" :label "server credentials ..." :command (event-handler* (credentials-dialog)))
173 (tcl ".menubar.file" "add" "command" :label "chart configuration ..." :command (event-handler* (chart-dialog)))
174 (tcl ".menubar.file" "add" "command" :label "Do Stuff" :command (event-handler* (print "doing stuff") (print "doing more stuff") (tcl "set" "feet" 500)))
176 (bind-event "." "<<check.blah>>" ((ddd #\d)) (print (list "ddd" ddd)))
177 (tcl ".menubar.file" "add" "checkbutton" :label "Check" :variable "check" :onvalue 1 :offvalue 0 :command (tcl{ "event" "generate" "." "<<check.blah>>" :data (lit "$check")))
179 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::frame" ".f" :borderwidth 3 :relief "groove") :column 0 :row 0 :sticky "nwes")
181 (tcl "set" "chart1" (tcl[ "canvas" ".f.chart1" :xscrollcommand ".f.h set" :height *chart-height*))
183 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "canvas" ".f.rearview" :background "black" (mapcan #'list '(:width :height) *image-size*)) :column 0 :row 0 :sticky "nwes")
184 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "canvas" ".f.frontview" :background "black" (mapcan #'list '(:width :height) *image-size*)) :column 1 :row 0 :sticky "nwes")
185 (tcl "grid" (lit "$chart1") :column 0 :row 1 :sticky "nwes" :columnspan 2)
186 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "tk::scrollbar" ".f.h" :orient "horizontal" :command ".f.chart1 xview") :column 0 :row 2 :sticky "we" :columnspan 2)
187 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".f.l1" :background "grey") :column 0 :row 3 :sticky "nwes")
188 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".f.l2" :textvariable "meters" :background "red") :column 1 :row 3 :sticky "nwes")
191 (tcl "image" "create" "photo" "rearview")
192 (tcl "image" "create" "photo" "frontview")
194 (tcl ".f.rearview" "create" "image" (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (/ x 2)) *image-size*) :image "rearview")
195 (tcl ".f.frontview" "create" "image" (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (/ x 2)) *image-size*) :image "frontview")
197 (tcl "set" "chartbackground" (tcl[ ".f.chart1" "create" "rectangle" 0 0 0 *chart-height* :width 0 :fill "white"))
199 ;; (tcl "set" "ppp" (tcl ".f.chart1" "create" "line"
200 ;; (loop
201 ;; for coordinates across (all-stations 'bew-landstr-kleinpunkte "4252017" "4252011")
202 ;; for i from 0
203 ;; when coordinates collect i and collect (format nil "~F" (* (- (coordinates-longitude coordinates) 14) 500)))
204 ;; :fill "green" :width 10))
205 ;; (loop
206 ;; for coordinates across (all-stations 'bew-landstr-kleinpunkte "4252017" "4252011")
207 ;; for i from 0
208 ;; when coordinates do (tcl ".f.chart1" "create" "oval" i (format nil "~F" (coordinates-longitude coordinates)) i (format nil "~F" (coordinates-longitude coordinates))))
210 ;; (tcl ".f.chart1" "create" "line" 100 100 100 100 :capstyle "round" :width 5) ;a point
212 (tcl ".f.chart1" "bind" (lit "$chartbackground") "<ButtonPress-1>" "event generate . <<jumptostation>> -data [.f.chart1 canvasx %x]")
214 ;; (tcl "foreach w [ winfo children .f ] {grid configure $w -padx 5 -pady 5}")
215 ;; (tcl "focus" ".f.feet")
216 (chart-dialog)
217 (mainloop)))
219 (defun zeb-data (column vnk nnk chart-height)
220 "Return a list of alternating station and column values between vnk
221 and nnk scaled into chart-height; the minimum column value; and the
222 maximum column value. Both minimum and maximum are nil if data is
223 constant."
224 (with-connection *postgresql-zeb-credentials*
225 (setf column (intern (string-upcase column)))
226 (destructuring-bind (minimum maximum)
227 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (numberp x)
228 (coerce x 'double-float)
230 (query (:select (:min column)
231 (:max column)
232 :from (intern *postgresql-zeb-table*)
233 :where (:and (:= 'vnk vnk)
234 (:= 'nnk nnk)))
235 :list))
236 (if (and (numberp minimum) (numberp maximum))
237 (let* ((span (- maximum minimum))
238 (m (if (zerop span)
240 (/ chart-height span)))
241 (b (if (zerop span)
242 (* chart-height 1/2)
243 (+ chart-height (* m minimum)))))
244 (values
245 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (numberp x)
246 (coerce x 'double-float)
248 (reduce #'nconc
249 (query (:select 'vst
250 (:- b (:* m column))
251 'bst
252 (:- b (:* m column))
253 :from (intern *postgresql-zeb-table*)
254 :where (:and (:= 'vnk vnk)
255 (:= 'nnk nnk))))))
256 (unless (zerop span) minimum)
257 (unless (zerop span) maximum)))
258 (values nil nil nil)))))
260 (defun road-section-dialog ()
261 (tcl "tk::toplevel" ".choose-road-section")
262 (tcl "set" "chooseroadsectiontree" (tcl[ "ttk::treeview" ".choose-road-section.tree" :columns "length number-of-images" :yscrollcommand ".choose-road-section.v set" :height 40))
263 (tcl "grid" (lit "$chooseroadsectiontree") :column 0 :row 0 :sticky "nwes")
264 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "tk::scrollbar" ".choose-road-section.v" :orient "vertical" :command ".choose-road-section.tree yview") :column 1 :row 0 :sticky "ns")
265 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::button" ".choose-road-section.close-button" :text "close" :command (event-handler* (print *choose-road-section-event*)
266 (unregister-event *choose-road-section-event*)
267 (tcl "destroy" ".choose-road-section")))
268 :column 0 :row 1)
269 (tcl ".choose-road-section.tree" "heading" "length" :text "m")
270 (tcl ".choose-road-section.tree" "column" "length" :width 50 :anchor "e")
272 (with-connection *postgresql-road-network-credentials*
273 (let ((sections (sections (make-symbol *postgresql-road-network-table*))))
274 (loop
275 for (vnk nnk length) in sections
276 do (multiple-value-bind (rearview-image-data rearview-cached-p)
277 (road-section-image-data *postgresql-road-network-table* vnk nnk 10 t :from-cache-only t)
278 (multiple-value-bind (frontview-image-data frontview-cached-p)
279 (road-section-image-data *postgresql-road-network-table* vnk nnk 10 nil :from-cache-only t)
280 (add-vnk-nnk-leaf vnk nnk length (and rearview-cached-p frontview-cached-p (+ (length rearview-image-data) (length frontview-image-data))))))))
281 (setf *choose-road-section-event*
282 (bind-event ".choose-road-section.tree" "<ButtonPress-1>" ()
283 (let ((vnk-nnk-length (read-from-string (tcl ".choose-road-section.tree" "focus"))))
284 (apply #'prepare-chart (make-symbol *postgresql-road-network-table*) vnk-nnk-length)))))
285 (mainloop))
287 (defun credentials-dialog ()
288 (flet ((send-credentials (purpose)
289 (tcl{ "event" "generate" ".credentials-dialog" "<<credentials>>"
290 :data (tcl[ "list"
291 (string purpose)
292 (lit "$roadnetworkdatabase") (lit "$roadnetworkhost") (lit "$roadnetworkport") (lit "$roadnetworkusessl") (lit "$roadnetworktable") (lit "$roadnetworkuser") (lit "$roadnetworkpassword")
293 (lit "$zebdatabase") (lit "$zebhost") (lit "$zebport") (lit "$zebusessl") (lit "$zebtable") (lit "$zebuser") (lit "$zebpassword")
294 (lit "$accidentsdatabase") (lit "$accidentshost") (lit "$accidentsport") (lit "$accidentsusessl") (lit "$accidentstable") (lit "$accidentsuser") (lit "$accidentspassword")
295 (lit "$phorosurl") (lit "$phorosuser") (lit "$phorospassword")))))
297 (tcl "tk::toplevel" ".credentials-dialog")
299 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::labelframe" ".credentials-dialog.db" :text "database credentials") :column 0 :row 0 :columnspan 5 :sticky "w")
300 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::labelframe" ".credentials-dialog.phoros" :text "phoros credentials") :column 0 :row 1 :sticky "w")
302 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.hosts" :text "host" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 1 :sticky "w")
303 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.ports" :text "port" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 2 :sticky "w")
304 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.use-ssls" :text "ssl" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 3 :sticky "w")
305 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.databases" :text "database" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 4 :sticky "w")
306 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.tables" :text "table" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 5 :sticky "w")
307 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.users" :text "user" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 6 :sticky "w")
308 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.passwords" :text "password" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 7 :sticky "w")
309 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.status" :text "status" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 8 :sticky "w")
311 (destructuring-bind (database user password host &key (port 5432) (use-ssl :no))
312 *postgresql-road-network-credentials*
313 (tcl "set" "roadnetworkhost" host)
314 (tcl "set" "roadnetworkport" port)
315 (tcl "set" "roadnetworkusessl" (string use-ssl))
316 (tcl "set" "roadnetworkdatabase" database)
317 (tcl "set" "roadnetworktable" *postgresql-road-network-table*)
318 (tcl "set" "roadnetworkuser" user)
319 (tcl "set" "roadnetworkpassword" password))
320 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.road-network-header" :text "road network" :width 30 :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 1 :row 0 :sticky "w")
321 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.road-network-host" :textvariable "roadnetworkhost") :column 1 :row 1 :sticky "we")
322 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.road-network-port" :textvariable "roadnetworkport") :column 1 :row 2 :sticky "we")
323 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::checkbutton" ".credentials-dialog.db.roadnetwork-use-ssl" :variable "roadnetworkusessl" :onvalue "yes" :offvalue "no") :column 1 :row 3 :sticky "w")
324 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.road-network-database" :textvariable "roadnetworkdatabase") :column 1 :row 4 :sticky "we")
325 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.road-network-table" :textvariable "roadnetworktable") :column 1 :row 5 :sticky "we")
326 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.road-network-user" :textvariable "roadnetworkuser") :column 1 :row 6 :sticky "we")
327 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.road-network-password" :textvariable "roadnetworkpassword") :column 1 :row 7 :sticky "we")
328 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.road-network-status" :text "?") :column 1 :row 8 :sticky "w")
330 (destructuring-bind (database user password host &key (port 5432) (use-ssl :no))
331 *postgresql-zeb-credentials*
332 (tcl "set" "zebhost" host)
333 (tcl "set" "zebport" port)
334 (tcl "set" "zebusessl" (string use-ssl))
335 (tcl "set" "zebdatabase" database)
336 (tcl "set" "zebtable" *postgresql-zeb-table*)
337 (tcl "set" "zebuser" user)
338 (tcl "set" "zebpassword" password))
339 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.zeb-header" :text "ZEB" :width 30 :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 2 :row 0 :sticky "w")
340 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.zeb-host" :textvariable "zebhost") :column 2 :row 1 :sticky "we")
341 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.zeb-port" :textvariable "zebport") :column 2 :row 2 :sticky "we")
342 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::checkbutton" ".credentials-dialog.db.zeb-use-ssl" :variable "zebusessl" :onvalue "yes" :offvalue "no") :column 2 :row 3 :sticky "w")
343 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.zeb-database" :textvariable "zebdatabase") :column 2 :row 4 :sticky "we")
344 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.zeb-table" :textvariable "zebtable") :column 2 :row 5 :sticky "we")
345 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.zeb-user" :textvariable "zebuser") :column 2 :row 6 :sticky "we")
346 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.zeb-password" :textvariable "zebpassword") :column 2 :row 7 :sticky "we")
347 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.zeb-status" :text "?") :column 2 :row 8 :sticky "w")
349 (destructuring-bind (database user password host &key (port 5432) (use-ssl :no))
350 *postgresql-accidents-credentials*
351 (tcl "set" "accidentshost" host)
352 (tcl "set" "accidentsport" port)
353 (tcl "set" "accidentsusessl" (string use-ssl))
354 (tcl "set" "accidentsdatabase" database)
355 (tcl "set" "accidentstable" *postgresql-accidents-table*)
356 (tcl "set" "accidentsuser" user)
357 (tcl "set" "accidentspassword" password))
358 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.accidents-header" :text "accidents" :width 30 :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 3 :row 0 :sticky "w")
359 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.accidents-host" :textvariable "accidentshost") :column 3 :row 1 :sticky "we")
360 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.accidents-port" :textvariable "accidentsport") :column 3 :row 2 :sticky "we")
361 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::checkbutton" ".credentials-dialog.db.accidents-use-ssl" :variable "accidentsusessl" :onvalue "yes" :offvalue "no") :column 3 :row 3 :sticky "w")
362 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.accidents-database" :textvariable "accidentsdatabase") :column 3 :row 4 :sticky "we")
363 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.accidents-table" :textvariable "accidentstable") :column 3 :row 5 :sticky "we")
364 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.accidents-user" :textvariable "accidentsuser") :column 3 :row 6 :sticky "we")
365 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.db.accidents-password" :textvariable "accidentspassword") :column 3 :row 7 :sticky "we")
366 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.db.accidents-status" :text "?") :column 3 :row 8 :sticky "w")
368 (destructuring-bind (user password) *phoros-credentials*
369 (tcl "set" "phorosurl" (with-output-to-string (s) (puri:render-uri *phoros-url* s)))
370 (tcl "set" "phorosuser" user)
371 (tcl "set" "phorospassword" password))
372 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.phoros.url" :text "URL" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 0 :sticky "w")
373 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.phoros.user" :text "user" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 1 :sticky "w")
374 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.phoros.password" :text "password" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 2 :sticky "w")
375 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.phoros.status" :text "status" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row 3 :sticky "w")
376 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.phoros.phoros-url" :textvariable "phorosurl" :width 45) :column 1 :row 0)
377 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.phoros.phoros-user" :textvariable "phorosuser") :column 1 :row 1 :sticky "we")
378 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::entry" ".credentials-dialog.phoros.phoros-password" :textvariable "phorospassword") :column 1 :row 2 :sticky "we")
379 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" ".credentials-dialog.phoros.phoros-status" :text "?") :column 1 :row 3 :sticky "w")
381 (bind-event ".credentials-dialog" "<<credentials>>" ((payload #\d))
382 (let ((purpose (first (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\Space payload))))
383 (cond ((string-equal purpose "ok")
384 (apply #'phoros-login *phoros-url* *phoros-credentials*)
385 (restore-credentials payload)
386 (tcl "destroy" ".credentials-dialog"))
387 ((string-equal purpose "save")
388 (save-credentials payload))
389 ((string-equal purpose "check")
390 (let (*postgresql-road-network-credentials*
391 *postgresql-zeb-credentials*
392 *postgresql-accidents-credentials*)
393 (restore-credentials payload)
394 (tcl ".credentials-dialog.db.road-network-status" "configure" :text (check-db *postgresql-road-network-credentials* *postgresql-road-network-table*))
395 (tcl ".credentials-dialog.db.zeb-status" "configure" :text (check-db *postgresql-zeb-credentials* *postgresql-zeb-table*))
396 (tcl ".credentials-dialog.db.accidents-status" "configure" :text (check-db *postgresql-accidents-credentials* *postgresql-accidents-table*))
397 (tcl ".credentials-dialog.phoros.phoros-status" "configure" :text (apply #'check-phoros (with-output-to-string (s) (puri:render-uri *phoros-url* s)) *phoros-credentials*)))))))
399 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::button" ".credentials-dialog.cancel-button" :text "cancel" :command (tcl{ "destroy" ".credentials-dialog"))
400 :column 1 :row 1 :sticky "s")
401 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::button" "" :text "save" :command (send-credentials :save))
402 :column 2 :row 1 :sticky "s")
403 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::button" ".credentials-dialog.check-button" :text "check" :command (send-credentials :check))
404 :column 3 :row 1 :sticky "s")
405 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::button" ".credentials-dialog.ok-button" :text "ok" :command (send-credentials :ok))
406 :column 4 :row 1 :sticky "s")
408 (tcl ".credentials-dialog.check-button" "invoke")
410 (mainloop)))
412 (defun save-credentials (credentials-string)
413 "Save input from credentials-dialog into cache directory."
414 (let ((cache-file-name (cache-file-name 'credentials)))
415 (ensure-directories-exist cache-file-name)
416 (with-open-file (stream cache-file-name
417 :direction :output
418 :if-exists :supersede)
419 (prin1 credentials-string stream))))
421 (defun restore-credentials (&optional credentials-string)
422 "Put credentials (from credentials-string if any, or previously
423 saved by save-credentials if not) into their respective variables."
424 (let ((cache-file-name (cache-file-name 'credentials)))
425 (with-open-file (stream cache-file-name
426 :direction :input
427 :if-does-not-exist nil)
428 (when (and stream (not credentials-string))
429 (setf credentials-string (read stream)))
430 (when credentials-string
431 (destructuring-bind (purpose road-network-database road-network-host road-network-port road-network-use-ssl road-network-table road-network-user road-network-password
432 zeb-database zeb-host zeb-port zeb-use-ssl zeb-table zeb-user zeb-password
433 accidents-database accidents-host accidents-port accidents-use-ssl accidents-table accidents-user accidents-password
434 phoros-url phoros-user phoros-password)
435 (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\Space credentials-string)
436 (declare (ignore purpose))
437 (setf *postgresql-road-network-credentials*
438 (list road-network-database road-network-user road-network-password road-network-host :port (parse-integer road-network-port :junk-allowed t) :use-ssl (intern (string-upcase road-network-use-ssl) 'keyword)))
439 (setf *postgresql-road-network-table* road-network-table)
440 (setf *postgresql-zeb-credentials*
441 (list zeb-database zeb-user zeb-password zeb-host :port (parse-integer zeb-port :junk-allowed t) :use-ssl (intern (string-upcase zeb-use-ssl) 'keyword)))
442 (setf *postgresql-zeb-table* zeb-table)
443 (setf *postgresql-accidents-credentials*
444 (list accidents-database accidents-user accidents-password accidents-host :port (parse-integer accidents-port :junk-allowed t) :use-ssl (intern (string-upcase accidents-use-ssl) 'keyword)))
445 (setf *postgresql-accidents-table* accidents-table)
446 (setf *phoros-url* (puri:parse-uri phoros-url))
447 (setf *phoros-credentials* (list phoros-user phoros-password)))))))
449 (defun save-column-selection (column-selection-string)
450 "Save input from chart-dialog into cache directory."
451 (let ((cache-file-name (cache-file-name 'column-selection)))
452 (ensure-directories-exist cache-file-name)
453 (with-open-file (stream cache-file-name
454 :direction :output
455 :if-exists :supersede)
456 (prin1 column-selection-string stream))))
458 (defun restore-column-selection (&optional column-selection-string)
459 "Put database columns selected for rendering (from
460 column-selection-string if any, or previously saved by
461 save-column-selection if not) into their respective variables."
462 (let ((cache-file-name (cache-file-name 'column-selection)))
463 (with-open-file (stream cache-file-name
464 :direction :input
465 :if-does-not-exist nil)
466 (when (and stream (not column-selection-string))
467 (setf column-selection-string (read stream)))
468 (when column-selection-string
469 (loop
470 for column-definition on (cdr (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\Space column-selection-string)) ;ignore purpose string
471 by #'(lambda (x) (nthcdr 6 x)) ;by number of values per column definition
472 for (table-kind column-name selectedp color width dash) = column-definition
473 when (and (string-equal selectedp "1")
474 (string-equal table-kind "zeb"))
475 collect (list column-name color width dash) into zeb-column-selection
476 when (and (string-equal selectedp "1")
477 (string-equal table-kind "accidents"))
478 collect (list column-name color width dash) into accidents-column-selection
479 finally
480 (setf *zeb-column-selection* zeb-column-selection)
481 (setf *accidents-column-selection* accidents-column-selection))))))
483 (defun check-db (db-credentials table-name &aux result)
484 "Check database connection and presence of table or view table-name.
485 Return a string describing the outcome."
486 (unless
487 (ignore-errors
488 (with-connection db-credentials
489 (if (or (table-exists-p table-name)
490 (view-exists-p table-name))
491 (setf result "ok")
492 (setf result "table or view missing"))))
493 (setf result "connection failure"))
494 result)
496 (defun check-phoros (url user-name password)
497 "Check connection to phoros server. Return a string describing the
498 outcome."
499 (let ((*phoros-url* nil)
500 (*phoros-cookies* nil))
501 (unwind-protect
502 (handler-case (phoros-login url user-name password)
503 (usocket:ns-host-not-found-error () "host not found")
504 (usocket:connection-refused-error () "connection refused")
505 (error (c) (format nil "~A" c))
506 (:no-error (result) (if result "ok" "wrong user or password")))
507 (ignore-errors (phoros-logout)))))
509 (defun chart-dialog ()
510 (flet ((send-column-selection (purpose)
511 (tcl{ "event" "generate" ".chart-dialog" "<<columnselection>>"
512 :data (tcl[ "list"
513 (string purpose)
514 (with-connection *postgresql-zeb-credentials*
515 (loop
516 for (column-name) in (table-description *postgresql-zeb-table*)
517 collect (lit (concatenate 'string "zeb " column-name " $zeb_" column-name " $zeb_" column-name "_color" " $zeb_" column-name "_width" " $zeb_" column-name "_dash"))))
518 (with-connection *postgresql-accidents-credentials*
519 (loop
520 for (column-name) in (table-description *postgresql-accidents-table*)
521 collect (lit (concatenate 'string "accidents " column-name " $accidents_" column-name " $accidents_" column-name "_color" " $accidents_" column-name "_width" " $accidents_" column-name "_dash"))))))))
522 (tcl "tk::toplevel" ".chart-dialog")
523 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "tk::text" ".chart-dialog.t" :width 80 :height 50 :xscrollcommand ".chart-dialog.h set" :yscrollcommand ".chart-dialog.v set") :column 0 :row 0)
524 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "tk::scrollbar" ".chart-dialog.h" :orient "horizontal" :command ".chart-dialog.t xview") :column 0 :row 1 :sticky "we")
525 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "tk::scrollbar" ".chart-dialog.v" :orient "vertical" :command ".chart-dialog.t yview") :column 1 :row 0 :sticky "sn")
526 (tcl ".chart-dialog.t" "window" "create" "end" :window (tcl[ "ttk::frame" ".chart-dialog.t.f"))
527 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::labelframe" ".chart-dialog.t.f.zeb" :text "ZEB" :borderwidth 3 :relief "groove") :column 0 :row 0 :sticky "n")
528 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::labelframe" ".chart-dialog.t.f.accidents" :text "accidents" :borderwidth 3 :relief "groove") :column 1 :row 0 :sticky "ns")
529 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::frame" ".chart-dialog.buttons") :column 2 :row 0 :sticky "n")
530 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::button" ".chart-dialog.buttons.cancel" :text "cancel" :command (tcl{ "destroy" ".chart-dialog")) :column 0 :row 0)
531 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::button" "" :text "save" :command (send-column-selection :save)) :column 0 :row 1)
532 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::button" ".chart-dialog.buttons.ok" :text "ok" :command (send-column-selection :ok)) :column 0 :row 2)
534 (with-connection *postgresql-zeb-credentials*
535 (present-db-columns (table-description *postgresql-zeb-table*) ".chart-dialog.t.f.zeb" "zeb_" *zeb-column-selection*))
536 (with-connection *postgresql-accidents-credentials*
537 (present-db-columns (table-description *postgresql-accidents-table*) ".chart-dialog.t.f.accidents" "accidents_" *accidents-column-selection*))
538 (bind-event ".chart-dialog" "<<columnselection>>" ((payload #\d))
539 (let ((purpose (first (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\Space payload))))
540 (cond ((string-equal purpose "ok")
541 (restore-column-selection payload)
542 (refresh-chart)
543 (tcl "destroy" ".chart-dialog"))
544 ((string-equal purpose "save")
545 (save-column-selection payload)))))
546 (mainloop)))
548 (defun lit$ (tcl-variable)
549 (lit (concatenate 'string "$" tcl-variable)))
551 (defun present-db-columns (columns tcl-path variable-prefix column-selection)
552 (loop
553 for (column-name type) in columns
554 ;; name of checkbutton and trunk of the other element's names
555 for variable-name = (concatenate 'string variable-prefix column-name)
556 for path-name = (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name)
557 ;; rest of the input elements
558 for label-path-name = (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_label")
559 for width-variable-name = (concatenate 'string variable-name "_width")
560 for width-path-name = (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_width")
561 for color-variable-name = (concatenate 'string variable-name "_color")
562 for color-path-name = (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_color")
563 for dash-variable-name = (concatenate 'string variable-name "_dash")
564 for dash-path-name = (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_dash")
565 for sample-path-name = (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_sample")
566 for sample-line-path-name = (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_sample_line")
567 for i from 0
569 (when (zerop (mod i 25))
570 (let* ((name-header-path-name (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_name_header"))
571 (type-header-path-name (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_type_header"))
572 (width-header-path-name (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_width_header"))
573 (color-header-path-name (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_color_header"))
574 (dash-header-path-name (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_dash_header"))
575 (sample-header-path-name (concatenate 'string tcl-path "." column-name "_sample_header")))
576 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" name-header-path-name :text "column" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 0 :row i :sticky "w")
577 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" type-header-path-name :text "type" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 1 :row i :sticky "w")
578 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" width-header-path-name :text "width" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 2 :row i :sticky "w")
579 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" color-header-path-name :text "color" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 3 :row i :sticky "w")
580 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" dash-header-path-name :text "dash" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 4 :row i :sticky "w")
581 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" sample-header-path-name :text "sample" :font "TkHeadingFont") :column 5 :row i))
582 (incf i))
583 (let ((selected-column (find column-name column-selection :key #'first :test #'string-equal)))
584 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::checkbutton" path-name :text column-name :variable variable-name) :column 0 :row i :sticky "w")
585 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::label" label-path-name :text type) :column 1 :row i :sticky "w")
586 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "tk::spinbox" width-path-name :width 2 :textvariable width-variable-name :values "1 2 3 4 5 6"
587 :state "readonly"
588 :command (tcl{ "set" variable-name 1 (lit ";")
589 sample-path-name "itemconfigure" sample-line-path-name :width (lit$ width-variable-name)))
590 :column 2 :row i)
591 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "ttk::button" color-path-name
592 :width 1
593 :command (tcl{ "set" "tmp" (tcl[ "tk_chooseColor" :initialcolor (lit$ color-variable-name))
594 (lit ";")
595 (lit "if { $tmp != {}} { set") color-variable-name (lit$ "tmp; set") variable-name 1 (lit "}")
596 (lit ";")
597 sample-path-name "itemconfigure" sample-line-path-name :fill (lit$ color-variable-name)))
598 :column 3 :row i)
599 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "tk::spinbox" dash-path-name :width 2 :textvariable dash-variable-name :values "{} -.-. --- ... "
600 :state "readonly"
601 :command (tcl{ "set" variable-name 1 (lit ";")
602 sample-path-name "itemconfigure" sample-line-path-name :dash (lit$ dash-variable-name))) :column 4 :row i)
604 (tcl "grid" (tcl[ "canvas" sample-path-name :background "white" :width 100 :height 20) :column 5 :row i)
605 (if selected-column
606 (progn
607 (tcl "set" variable-name 1)
608 (tcl "set" color-variable-name (color selected-column))
609 (tcl "set" width-variable-name (line-width selected-column))
610 (tcl "set" dash-variable-name (dash selected-column)))
611 (progn
612 (tcl "set" variable-name 0)
613 (tcl "set" color-variable-name "black")
614 (tcl "set" width-variable-name 2)
615 (tcl "set" dash-variable-name "")))
616 (tcl sample-path-name "create" "line" 0 18 20 2 60 10 100 10 :tags sample-line-path-name :joinstyle "round" :capstyle "round" :fill (lit$ color-variable-name) :width (lit$ width-variable-name) :dash (lit$ dash-variable-name)))))
618 (defun color (column-definition)
619 (second column-definition))
621 (defun line-width (column-definition)
622 (third column-definition))
624 (defun dash (column-definition)
625 (fourth column-definition))
627 (defun add-vnk-nnk-leaf (vnk nnk length number-of-images)
628 "Put a leaf labelled vnk-nnk into road-sections tree."
629 (tcl ".choose-road-section.tree" "insert" "" "end" :id (format nil "(~S ~S ~D)" vnk nnk length) :text (format nil "~A - ~A" vnk nnk) :values (tcl[ "list" length (or number-of-images "?"))))
631 (defun prepare-chart (table vnk nnk road-section-length)
632 "Prepare chart for the road section between vnk and nnk in table in
633 current database."
634 (setf *chart-parameters* (list table vnk nnk road-section-length))
635 (when *jump-to-station-event* (unregister-event *jump-to-station-event*))
636 (tcl ".f.chart1" "configure" :scrollregion (format nil "~D ~D ~D ~D" 0 0 road-section-length *chart-height*))
637 (tcl ".f.chart1" "coords" (lit "$chartbackground") 0 0 road-section-length *chart-height*)
639 (draw-zeb-graphs vnk nnk)
641 (tcl "if" (tcl[ "info" "exists" "cursor") (tcl{ ".f.chart1" "delete" (lit "$cursor")))
642 (tcl "set" "cursor" (tcl[ ".f.chart1" "create" "line" 0 0 0 *chart-height* :width 2))
643 (setf *jump-to-station-event*
644 (bind-event "." "<<jumptostation>>" ((station #\d))
645 (setf station (max 0 ;appearently necessary; not sure why.
646 (round (parse-number:parse-number station))))
647 (tcl "set" "meters" station)
648 (tcl ".f.chart1" "coords" (lit "$cursor") station 0 station *chart-height*)
649 (put-image :table table :vnk vnk :nnk nnk :station station :step 10 :rear-view-p t)
650 (put-image :table table :vnk vnk :nnk nnk :station station :step 10 :rear-view-p nil)))
651 (tcl "event" "generate" "." "<<jumptostation>>" :data (tcl[ ".f.chart1" "canvasx" 0)))
653 (defun refresh-chart ()
654 "Redraw chart."
655 (when *chart-parameters* (apply #'prepare-chart *chart-parameters*)))
657 (defun draw-zeb-graphs (vnk nnk)
658 "Draw graphs for the columns in *zeb-column-selection*. Delete
659 existing graphs first."
660 (tcl ".f.chart1" "delete" (lit "graph"))
661 (loop
662 for (column-name color width dash) in *zeb-column-selection*
663 do (draw-zeb-graph column-name vnk nnk color width dash)))
665 (defun draw-zeb-graph (column vnk nnk color width dash)
666 (multiple-value-bind (line minimum maximum)
667 (zeb-data column vnk nnk *chart-height*) ;TODO: take care of data with gaps
668 (print (list :column column :min minimum :max maximum :color color :width width :dash dash))
669 (when line
670 (tcl ".f.chart1" "create" "line" line :tags "graph" :joinstyle "round" :capstyle "round" :fill color :width width :dash dash))))
672 (defun put-image (&key table vnk nnk station step rear-view-p)
673 "Put an image along with a labelled station marker on screen."
674 (with-connection *postgresql-road-network-credentials*
675 (let* ((point-radius 5)
676 (line-width 2)
677 (photo (if rear-view-p "rearview" "frontview"))
678 (canvas (concatenate 'string ".f." photo))
679 (cursor-name (concatenate 'string photo "cursor"))
680 (label-name (concatenate 'string photo "label"))
681 (arrow-name (concatenate 'string photo "arrow"))
682 (global-point-coordinates
683 (subseq (all-stations table vnk nnk)
684 (min (length (all-stations table vnk nnk)) station)
685 (min (length (all-stations table vnk nnk)) (+ station 4))))
686 (image-data-alist
687 (get-image-data-alist (road-section-image-data table vnk nnk step rear-view-p)
688 station
689 step))
690 (image-arrow-coordinates
691 (loop
692 for i across global-point-coordinates
693 append (image-point-coordinates image-data-alist i)))
694 (image-cursor-coordinates (ignore-errors
695 (list (- (first image-arrow-coordinates) point-radius)
696 (- (second image-arrow-coordinates) point-radius)
697 (+ (first image-arrow-coordinates) point-radius)
698 (+ (second image-arrow-coordinates) point-radius))))
699 (image-label-coordinates (ignore-errors
700 (list (+ (first image-arrow-coordinates) point-radius line-width)
701 (second image-arrow-coordinates)))))
702 (tcl photo "configure" :file (or (get-image-namestring (road-section-image-data table vnk nnk step rear-view-p)
703 station
704 step)
705 "public_html/phoros-logo-plain.png"))
706 (tcl "if" (tcl[ "info" "exists" cursor-name) (tcl{ canvas "delete" (lit (concatenate 'string "$" cursor-name))))
707 (tcl "if" (tcl[ "info" "exists" label-name) (tcl{ canvas "delete" (lit (concatenate 'string "$" label-name))))
708 (tcl "if" (tcl[ "info" "exists" arrow-name) (tcl{ canvas "delete" (lit (concatenate 'string "$" arrow-name))))
709 (when image-cursor-coordinates
710 (tcl "set" cursor-name (tcl[ canvas "create" "oval" image-cursor-coordinates :width line-width)))
711 (when image-label-coordinates
712 (tcl "set" label-name (tcl[ canvas "create" "text" image-label-coordinates :text station :anchor "w")))
713 (when (and image-arrow-coordinates
714 (loop
715 for tail on image-arrow-coordinates by #'cddr
716 always (in-image-p (first tail) (second tail))))
717 (tcl "set" arrow-name (tcl[ canvas "create" "line" image-arrow-coordinates :arrow "last" :width line-width))))))
719 (defun image-point-coordinates (image-data-alist global-point-coordinates)
720 "Return a list (m n) of image coordinates representing
721 global-point-coordinates in the image described in image-data-alist
722 but scaled to fit into *image-size*."
723 (ignore-errors
724 (convert-image-coordinates
725 (photogrammetry :reprojection
726 image-data-alist
727 (pairlis '(:x-global :y-global :z-global)
728 (proj:cs2cs
729 (list
730 (proj:degrees-to-radians
731 (coordinates-longitude global-point-coordinates))
732 (proj:degrees-to-radians
733 (coordinates-latitude global-point-coordinates))
734 (coordinates-ellipsoid-height global-point-coordinates))
735 :destination-cs (cdr (assoc :cartesian-system image-data-alist)))))
736 image-data-alist)))
738 (defun in-image-p (m n)
739 "Check if m, n lay inside *image-size*."
740 (and m n (<= 0 m (first *image-size*)) (<= 0 n (second *image-size*))))
742 (defun-cached sections (table)
743 "Return list of distinct pairs of vnk, nnk found in table in
744 current database."
745 (query (:order-by (:select 'vnk 'nnk (:max 'nk-station)
746 :from table
747 :where (:and (:not-null 'vnk) (:not-null 'nnk))
748 :group-by 'vnk 'nnk)
749 'vnk 'nnk)))
751 (defun stations (table vnk nnk &optional (step 1))
752 "Return a list of plists of :longitude, :latitude,
753 :ellipsoid-height, :station, :azimuth of stations step metres apart
754 between vnk and nnk."
755 (query
756 (:order-by
757 (:select (:as (:st_x 't1.the-geom) 'longitude)
758 (:as (:st_y 't1.the-geom) 'latitude)
759 (:as (:st_z 't1.the-geom) 'ellipsoid-height)
760 (:as 't1.nk-station 'station)
761 (:as (:st_azimuth 't1.the-geom 't2.the-geom) 'azimuth)
762 :from (:as table 't1)
763 :left-join (:as table 't2)
764 :on (:and (:= 't1.nk-station (:- 't2.nk-station 1))
765 (:= 't2.vnk vnk)
766 (:= 't2.nnk nnk))
767 :where (:and (:= 't1.vnk vnk)
768 (:= 't1.nnk nnk)
769 (:= 0 (:% 't1.nk-station step))))
770 't1.nk-station)
771 :plists))
773 (defun-cached all-stations (table vnk nnk)
774 "Return a vector of coordinates of all points between vnk and nnk,
775 station (in metres) being the vector index."
776 (let* ((stations (stations table vnk nnk))
777 (result (make-array (list (1+ (getf (first (last stations)) :station)))
778 :initial-element nil)))
779 (loop
780 for i in stations
781 do (destructuring-bind (&key longitude latitude ellipsoid-height station azimuth)
783 (setf (svref result station)
784 (make-coordinates :longitude longitude
785 :latitude latitude
786 :ellipsoid-height ellipsoid-height
787 :azimuth azimuth))))
788 result))
790 (defun-cached road-section-image-data (table vnk nnk step rear-view-p)
791 "Return a list of instances of image data corresponding to stations,
792 which are step metres apart, found in table in current database."
793 (remove nil (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
794 (apply #'image-data :rear-view-p rear-view-p x))
795 (stations table vnk nnk step))))
797 (defun cache-file-name (kind &rest args)
798 "Return pathname for a cache file distinguishable by kind and args."
799 (make-pathname :directory *cache-dir*
800 :name (format nil "~{~:[f~;~:*~(~A~)~]_~}~A"
801 args
802 *fasttrack-version*)
803 :type (string-downcase kind)))
805 ;; (defun road-section-image-data-pathname (vnk nnk step rear-view-p)
806 ;; "Return pathname of a cached set of image data between vnk and nnk,
807 ;; step metres apart."
808 ;; (make-pathname :directory *cache-dir*
809 ;; :name (format nil "~A_~A_~D_~:[f~;r~]_~A"
810 ;; vnk nnk step rear-view-p
811 ;; *fasttrack-version*)
812 ;; :type "image-data"))
814 (defun cache-images (road-section-image-data)
815 "Download images described in road-section-image-data into their
816 canonical places."
817 (loop
818 for i in road-section-image-data
819 do (download-image i)))
821 (defun get-image-data (road-section-image-data station step)
822 "Return image data for the image near station."
823 (find (* step (round station step)) road-section-image-data
824 :key #'image-data-station
825 :test #'=))
827 (defun get-image-namestring (road-section-image-data station step)
828 "Return path to image near station. Download it if necessary."
829 (let ((image-data (get-image-data road-section-image-data station step)))
830 (when image-data (namestring (download-image image-data)))))
832 (defun get-image-data-alist (road-section-image-data station step)
833 "Return as an alist data for the image near station."
834 (image-data-alist (get-image-data road-section-image-data station step)))
836 (defun image-data (&key longitude latitude ellipsoid-height station azimuth rear-view-p)
837 "Get from Phoros server image data for location near longitude,
838 latitude."
839 (let* ((coordinates (make-coordinates :longitude longitude
840 :latitude latitude
841 :ellipsoid-height ellipsoid-height
842 :azimuth azimuth))
843 (image-data (phoros-nearest-image-data coordinates rear-view-p)))
844 (when (image-data-p image-data)
845 (setf (image-data-station image-data) station)
846 (setf (image-data-station-coordinates image-data) coordinates)
847 image-data)))
849 (define-condition phoros-server-error (error)
850 ((body :reader body :initarg :body)
851 (status-code :reader status-code :initarg :status-code)
852 (headers :reader headers :initarg :headers)
853 (url :reader url :initarg :url)
854 (reason-phrase :reader reason-phrase :initarg :reason-phrase))
855 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
856 (format stream "Can't connect to Phoros server: ~A (~D)"
857 (reason-phrase condition) (status-code condition)))))
859 (defun phoros-lib-url (canonical-url suffix)
860 "Replace last path element of canonical-url by lib/<suffix>."
861 (let* ((old-path (puri:uri-parsed-path canonical-url))
862 (new-path (append (butlast old-path) (list "lib" suffix)))
863 (new-url (puri:copy-uri canonical-url)))
864 (setf (puri:uri-parsed-path new-url) new-path)
865 new-url))
867 (defun phoros-login (url user-name user-password)
868 "Log into Phoros server; return T if successful. Try logging out
869 first."
870 (setf *phoros-url* (puri:parse-uri url))
871 (setf drakma:*allow-dotless-cookie-domains-p* t)
872 (pushnew (cons "application" "json") drakma:*text-content-types* :test #'equal)
873 (phoros-logout)
874 (setf *phoros-cookies* (make-instance 'drakma:cookie-jar))
875 (multiple-value-bind (body status-code headers url stream must-close reason-phrase)
876 (drakma:http-request *phoros-url* :cookie-jar *phoros-cookies*)
877 (declare (ignore stream must-close))
878 (assert (= status-code 200) ()
879 'phoros-server-error :body body :status-code status-code :headers headers :url url :reason-phrase reason-phrase)
880 (multiple-value-bind (body status-code headers authenticate-url stream must-close reason-phrase)
881 (drakma:http-request (phoros-lib-url *phoros-url* "authenticate")
882 :cookie-jar *phoros-cookies*
883 :form-data t
884 :method :post
885 :parameters (pairlis '("user-name" "user-password")
886 (list user-name user-password)))
887 (declare (ignore stream must-close))
888 (assert (< status-code 400) ()
889 'phoros-server-error :body body :status-code status-code :headers headers :url authenticate-url :reason-phrase reason-phrase)
890 (= status-code 302))))
892 (defun phoros-logout ()
893 (multiple-value-bind (body status-code headers url stream must-close reason-phrase)
894 (drakma:http-request (phoros-lib-url *phoros-url* "logout")
895 :cookie-jar *phoros-cookies*)
896 (declare (ignore stream must-close))
897 (assert (= status-code 200) ()
898 'phoros-server-error :body body :status-code status-code :headers headers :url url :reason-phrase reason-phrase)))
900 (defun heading (azimuth rear-view-p)
901 "Return as a string the one of east, west, north, south which best
902 describes azimuth."
903 (cond ((<= (* 1/4 pi) azimuth (* 3/4 pi)) (if rear-view-p "west" "east"))
904 ((<= (* 3/4 pi) azimuth (* 5/4 pi)) (if rear-view-p "north" "south"))
905 ((<= (* 5/4 pi) azimuth (* 7/4 pi)) (if rear-view-p "east" "west"))
906 ((or (<= (* 5/4 pi) azimuth pi) (<= 0 (* 1/4 pi))) (if rear-view-p "south" "north"))))
908 (defun phoros-nearest-image-data (coordinates rear-view-p)
909 "Return a set of image-data."
910 (multiple-value-bind (body status-code headers url stream must-close reason-phrase)
911 (drakma:http-request (phoros-lib-url *phoros-url* "nearest-image-data")
912 :cookie-jar *phoros-cookies*
913 :method :post
914 :content-type "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
915 :content (json:encode-json-plist-to-string (list :longitude (coordinates-longitude coordinates)
916 :latitude (coordinates-latitude coordinates)
917 :zoom 20
918 :count 1
919 :selected-restriction-ids (vector "Device_21" (heading (coordinates-azimuth coordinates) rear-view-p))))) ;TODO: document requirement for restrictions tagged north, east, south, west, and front_cam; actually use the latter
920 (declare (ignore stream must-close))
921 (assert (= status-code 200) ()
922 'phoros-server-error :body body :status-code status-code :headers headers :url url :reason-phrase reason-phrase)
923 (unless (string-equal body "null")
924 (apply #'make-image-data :allow-other-keys t
925 (plist-from-alist
926 (car (json:decode-json-from-string body)))))))
928 (defun download-file (url path)
929 "Unless already there, store content from url under path. Return
930 nil if nothing needed storing."
931 (ensure-directories-exist path)
932 (with-open-file (file-stream path :direction :output
933 :element-type 'unsigned-byte
934 :if-exists nil)
935 (when file-stream
936 (multiple-value-bind
937 (body status-code headers url stream must-close reason-phrase)
938 (drakma:http-request url
939 :cookie-jar *phoros-cookies*
940 :method :get)
941 (declare (ignore stream must-close))
942 (assert (= status-code 200) ()
943 'phoros-server-error :body body :status-code status-code :headers headers :url url :reason-phrase reason-phrase)
944 (write-sequence body file-stream)
945 reason-phrase))))
947 (defun download-image (image-data)
948 "If not already there, download a png image, shrink it, convert it
949 into jpg, and store it under the cache path. Return that path."
950 (multiple-value-bind (url origin-path destination-path)
951 (image-url image-data)
952 (unless (probe-file destination-path)
953 (download-file url origin-path)
954 (apply #'convert-image-file origin-path destination-path *image-size*)
955 (delete-file origin-path))
956 destination-path))
958 (defstruct coordinates
959 longitude
960 latitude
961 ellipsoid-height
962 azimuth)
964 (eval `(defstruct image-data
965 ;; fasttrack auxiliary slots
966 station
967 station-coordinates
968 (rear-view-p nil)
969 ;; original Phoros image data slots
970 ,@(mapcar #'ensure-hyphen-before-digit *aggregate-view-columns*)))
972 (defun image-data-alist (image-data)
973 "Return an alist representation of image-data."
974 (when image-data
975 (loop
976 for i in (append (mapcar #'ensure-hyphen-before-digit *aggregate-view-columns*) '(station station-coordinates))
977 collect (intern (string i) 'keyword) into keys
978 collect (funcall (intern (concatenate 'string (string 'image-data-)
979 (string i)))
980 image-data)
981 into values
982 finally (return (pairlis keys values)))))
984 (defun plist-from-alist (alist)
985 (loop
986 for (key . value) in alist
987 collect key
988 collect value))
990 (defun image-url (image-data)
991 "Return an image URL made from ingredients found in image-data, the
992 corresponding cache path, and the corresponding cache path for the
993 shrunk image."
994 (let* ((path
995 (format nil "~A/~A~A/~D.png"
996 (puri:uri-path (phoros-lib-url *phoros-url* "photo"))
997 (image-data-directory image-data)
998 (image-data-filename image-data)
999 (image-data-byte-position image-data)))
1000 (query
1001 (format nil "mounting-angle=~D~
1002 &bayer-pattern=~{~D~#^,~}~
1003 &color-raiser=~{~D~#^,~}"
1004 (image-data-mounting-angle image-data)
1005 (map 'list #'identity (image-data-bayer-pattern image-data))
1006 (map 'list #'identity (image-data-color-raiser image-data))))
1007 (url (puri:copy-uri *phoros-url* :path path :query query))
1008 (host (puri:uri-host url))
1009 (port (puri:uri-port url))
1010 (cache-directory (append *cache-dir*
1011 (list (format nil "~A_~D" host port))
1012 (cdr (pathname-directory (puri:uri-path url)))))
1013 (cache-name (pathname-name (puri:uri-path url)))
1014 (cache-type (pathname-type (puri:uri-path url))))
1015 (values url
1016 (make-pathname :directory cache-directory
1017 :name cache-name
1018 :type cache-type)
1019 (make-pathname :directory cache-directory
1020 :name cache-name
1021 :type "jpg"))))
1023 (defun convert-image-file (origin-file destination-file width height)
1024 "Convert origin-file into destination-file of a maximum size of
1025 width x height."
1026 (lisp-magick:with-magick-wand (wand :load (namestring origin-file))
1027 (let ((a (/ (lisp-magick:magick-get-image-width wand)
1028 (lisp-magick:magick-get-image-height wand))))
1029 (if (> a (/ width height))
1030 (lisp-magick:magick-scale-image wand width (truncate (/ width a)))
1031 (lisp-magick:magick-scale-image wand (truncate (* a height)) height)))
1032 (lisp-magick:magick-write-image wand (namestring destination-file))))
1034 (defun convert-image-coordinates (original-coordinates-alist image-data-alist)
1035 "Convert image coordinates from original-coordinates-alist for the
1036 image in image-data-alist into a list of coordinates for that image
1037 scaled and centered to *image-size*."
1038 (let* ((original-m (cdr (assoc :m original-coordinates-alist)))
1039 (original-n (cdr (assoc :n original-coordinates-alist)))
1040 (original-width (cdr (assoc :sensor-width-pix image-data-alist)))
1041 (original-height (cdr (assoc :sensor-height-pix image-data-alist)))
1042 (new-width (first *image-size*))
1043 (new-height (second *image-size*))
1044 (scaling-factor (min (/ new-width original-width) (/ new-height original-height)))
1045 (new-m-offset (/ (- new-width (* original-width scaling-factor)) 2))
1046 (new-n-offset (/ (- new-height (* original-height scaling-factor)) 2))
1047 (new-m (+ (* original-m scaling-factor) new-m-offset))
1048 (new-n (- new-height ;flip n
1049 (+ (* original-n scaling-factor) new-n-offset))))
1050 (mapcar #'round (list new-m new-n))))