Bug fixed where coordinates without digits after the dot weren't understood by Postgr...
[phoros.git] / ini.lisp
3 (defun nice-name (string)
4 (string-trim " " string))
6 (defun nice-keyword (string)
7 (s-sql:from-sql-name (nice-name string)))
9 (defun read-from-string-maybe (string)
10 (handler-case
11 (let ((token (read-from-string string)))
12 (if (numberp token) token string))
13 (error () string)))
15 (defun groupname (line)
16 "Return group name if any, or nil."
17 (let* ((groupname-start (position #\[ line))
18 (groupname-end (and groupname-start (position #\] line :start groupname-start))))
19 (when groupname-end (nice-keyword (subseq line (1+ groupname-start) groupname-end)))))
21 (defun key-value-pair (line)
22 "Return a key/value pair if any, or nil."
23 (let ((equal-sign-position (position #\= line)))
24 (when equal-sign-position
25 (list (nice-keyword (subseq line 0 equal-sign-position))
26 (read-from-string-maybe (nice-name (subseq line (1+ equal-sign-position))))))))
28 (defun discard-comment (line)
29 (let ((half-cleaned (subseq line 0 (position #\# line))))
30 (subseq half-cleaned 0 (position #\; half-cleaned))))
33 (defun ini (path)
34 "Read the ini file from path. Return an alist of plists."
35 (with-open-file (stream path)
36 (let ((ini (list (cons nil nil)))) ;group of the groupless
37 (loop
38 for line = (discard-comment (read-line stream nil))
39 while line do
40 (let ((groupname (groupname line)))
41 (if groupname
42 (setf ini (append ini (list (cons groupname nil))))
43 (let ((key-value-pair (key-value-pair line)))
44 (when key-value-pair (setf (cdar (last ini)) (append (cdar (last ini)) key-value-pair)))))))
45 ini)))