Bug fixed where coordinates without digits after the dot weren't understood by Postgr...
[phoros.git] / cli.lisp
1 ;;;; UNIX command line interface
3 (in-package :phoros)
5 (defparameter *cli-main-options*
6 '((("help" #\h) :action #'cli-help-action :documentation "Print this help and exit.")
7 ("version" :action #'cli-version-action :documentation "Output version information and exit.")
8 ("verbose" :type integer :initial-value 0 :documentation "Emit increasing amounts of debugging output.")
9 ("log-dir" :type string :initial-value "" :documentation "Where to put the log files.")
10 ("check-db" :action #'check-db-action :documentation "Check database connection and exit.")
11 ("nuke-all-tables" :action #'nuke-all-tables-action :documentation "Ask for confirmation, then delete anything in database and exit.")
12 ("create-sys-tables" :action #'create-sys-tables-action :documentation "Ask for confirmation, then create in database a set of sys-* tables (tables shared between all projects). The database should probably be empty before you try this.")
13 ("create-acquisition-project" :type string :action #'create-acquisition-project-action :documentation "Create a fresh set of canonically named data tables. The string argument is the acquisition project name. It will be stored in table sys-acquisition-project, field common-table-name, and used as a common part of the data table names.")))
15 (defparameter *cli-db-connection-options*
16 '((("host" #\H) :type string :initial-value "localhost" :documentation "Database server.")
17 (("port" #\P) :type integer :initial-value 5432 :documentation "Port on database server.")
18 (("database" #\D) :type string :initial-value "phoros" :documentation "Name of database.")
19 (("user" #\U) :type string :documentation "Database user.")
20 (("password" #\W) :type string :documentation "Database user's password.")
21 ("use-ssl" :type string :initial-value "no" :documentation "Use SSL in database connection. [yes|no|try]")))
23 (defparameter *cli-get-image-options*
24 '(("get-image" :action #'get-image-action :documentation "Get a single image from a .pictures file, print its trigger-time to stdout, and exit.")
25 ("count" :type integer :initial-value 0 :documentation "Image number in .pictures file.")
26 ("byte-position" :type integer :documentation "Byte position of image in .pictures file.")
27 ("in" :type string :documentation "Path to .pictures file.")
28 ("out" :type string :initial-value "phoros-get-image.png" :documentation "Path to to output .png file.")
29 ;; The way it should be had we two-dimensional arrays in postmodern:
30 ;;("bayer-pattern" :type string :list t :optional t :action :raw-bayer-pattern :documentation "The first pixels of the first row. Repeat this option to describe following row(s). Each pixel is to be interpreted as RGB hex string. Example: use #ff0000,#00ff00 if the first pixels in topmost row are red, green.")
31 ("bayer-pattern" :type string :optional t :action :raw-bayer-pattern :documentation "The first pixels of the first row. Each pixel is to be interpreted as RGB hex string. Example: use #ff0000,#00ff00 if the first pixels in topmost row are red, green.")))
33 (defparameter *cli-camera-hardware-options*
34 '(("store-camera-hardware" :action #'store-camera-hardware-action :documentation "Put new camera-hardware data into the database; print camera-hardware-id to stdout.")
35 ("sensor-width-pix" :type integer :documentation "Width of camera sensor.")
36 ("sensor-height-pix" :type integer :documentation "Height of camera sensor.")
37 ("pix-size" :type string :documentation "Camera pixel size in millimetres (float).")
38 ("channels" :type integer :documentation "Number of color channels")
39 ("pix-depth" :type integer :initial-value 255 :documentation "Greatest possible pixel value.")
40 ("color-raiser" :type string :initial-value "1,1,1" :action :raw-color-raiser :documentation "Multipliers for the individual color components. Example: 1.2,1,.8 multiplies red by 1.2 and blue by 0.8.")
41 ;; The way it should be had we two-dimensional arrays in postmodern:
42 ;;("bayer-pattern" :type string :list t :optional t :action :raw-bayer-pattern :documentation "The first pixels of the first row. Repeat this option to describe following row(s). Each pixel is to be interpreted as RGB hex string. Example: use #ff0000,#00ff00 if the first pixels in topmost row are red, green.")
43 ("bayer-pattern" :type string :optional t :action :raw-bayer-pattern :documentation "The first pixels of the first row. Each pixel is to be interpreted as RGB hex string. Example: use #ff0000,#00ff00 if the first pixels in topmost row are red, green.")
44 ("serial-number" :type string :documentation "Serial number.")
45 ("description" :type string :documentation "Description of camera.")
46 ("try-overwrite" :type boolean :initial-value "yes" :documentation "Overwrite matching camera-hardware record if any.")))
48 (defparameter *cli-lens-options*
49 '(("store-lens" :action #'store-lens-action :documentation "Put new lens data into the database; print lens-id to stdout.")
50 ("c" :type string :documentation "Nominal focal length in millimetres.")
51 ("serial-number" :type string :documentation "Serial number.")
52 ("description" :type string :documentation "Lens desription.")
53 ("try-overwrite" :type boolean :initial-value "yes" :documentation "Overwrite matching lens record if any.")))
55 (defparameter *cli-generic-device-options*
56 '(("store-generic-device" :action #'store-generic-device-action :documentation "Put a newly defined generic-device into the database; print generic-device-id to stdout.")
57 ("camera-hardware-id" :type integer :documentation "Numeric camera hardware id in database.")
58 ("lens-id" :type integer :documentation "Numeric lens id in database.")))
60 (defparameter *cli-device-stage-of-life-options*
61 '(("store-device-stage-of-life" :action #'store-device-stage-of-life-action :documentation "Put a newly defined device-stage-of-life into the database; print device-stage-of-life-id to stdout.")
62 ("recorded-device-id" :type string :documentation "Device id stored next to the measuring data.")
63 ("event-number" :type string :documentation "GPS event that triggers this generic device.")
64 ("generic-device-id" :type integer :documentation "Numeric generic-device id in database.")
65 ("vehicle-name" :type string :documentation "Descriptive name of vehicle.")
66 ("casing-name" :type string :documentation "Descriptive name of device casing.")
67 ("computer-name" :type string :documentation "Name of the recording device.")
68 ("computer-interface-name" :type string :documentation "Interface at device.")
69 ("mounting-date" :type string :documentation "Time this device constellation became effective. Format: `2010-11-19T13:49+01´.")))
71 (defparameter *cli-device-stage-of-life-end-options*
72 '(("store-device-stage-of-life-end" :action #'store-device-stage-of-life-end-action :documentation "Put an end date to a device-stage-of-life in the database; print device-stage-of-life-id to stdout.")
73 ("device-stage-of-life-id" :type string :documentation "Id of the device-stage-of-life to put to an end.")
74 ("unmounting-date" :type string :documentation "Time this device constellation ceased to be effective. Format: `2010-11-19T17:02+01´.")))
76 (defparameter *cli-camera-calibration-options*
77 '(("store-camera-calibration" :action #'store-camera-calibration-action :documentation "Put new camera-calibration into the database; print generic-device-id and calibration date to stdout.")
78 ("device-stage-of-life-id" :type string :documentation "This tells us what hardware this calibration is for.")
79 ("date" :type string :documentation "Date of calibration. Format: `2010-11-19T13:49+01´.")
80 ("person" :type string :documentation "Person who did the calibration.")
81 ("main-description" :type string :documentation "Regarding this entire set of calibration data")
82 ("debug" :type string :documentation "If true: not for production use; may be altered or deleted at any time.")
83 ("photogrammetry-version" :type string :documentation "Software version used to create this data.")
84 ("mounting-angle" :type integer :documentation "Head up = 0; right ear up = 90; left ear up = -90; head down = 180.")
85 ("inner-orientation-description" :type string :documentation "Comments regarding inner orientation calibration.")
86 ("c" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: focal length.")
87 ("xh" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: principal point displacement.")
88 ("yh" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: principal point displacement.")
89 ("a1" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: radial distortion.")
90 ("a2" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: radial distortion.")
91 ("a3" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: radial distortion.")
92 ("b1" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: asymmetric and tangential distortion.")
93 ("b2" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: asymmetric and tangential distortion.")
94 ("c1" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: affinity and shear distortion.")
95 ("c2" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: affinity and shear distortion.")
96 ("r0" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation.")
97 ("outer-orientation-description" :type string :documentation "Comments regarding outer orientation calibration.")
98 ("dx" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation; in metres.")
99 ("dy" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation; in metres.")
100 ("dz" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation; in metres.")
101 ("omega" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation.")
102 ("phi" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation.")
103 ("kappa" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation.")
104 ("boresight-description" :type string :documentation "Comments regarding boresight alignment calibration.")
105 ("b-dx" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
106 ("b-dy" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
107 ("b-dz" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
108 ("b-ddx" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
109 ("b-ddy" :type string :Documentation "Boresight alignment.")
110 ("b-ddz" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
111 ("b-rotx" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
112 ("b-roty" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
113 ("b-rotz" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
114 ("b-drotx" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
115 ("b-droty" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
116 ("b-drotz" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
117 ("nx" :type string :documentation "X component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane.")
118 ("ny" :type string :documentation "Y component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane.")
119 ("nz" :type string :documentation "Z component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane.")
120 ("d" :type string :documentation "Distance of vehicle ground plane.")))
122 (defparameter *cli-store-images-and-points-options*
123 '((("store-images-and-points" #\s) :type string :action #'store-images-and-points-action :documentation "Link images to GPS points; store both into their respective DB tables. Images become linked to GPS points when their respective times differ by less than epsilon seconds, and when the respective events match. The string argument is the acquisition project name.")
124 (("directory" #\d) :type string :documentation "Directory containing one set of measuring data.")
125 (("common-root" #\r) :type string :documentation "The root part of directory that is equal for all pojects. TODO: come up with some sensible default.")
126 ("epsilon" :type string :initial-value ".001" :documentation "Difference in seconds below which two timestamps are considered equal.")))
128 (defparameter *cli-options* (append *cli-main-options* *cli-db-connection-options* *cli-get-image-options* *cli-camera-hardware-options* *cli-lens-options* *cli-generic-device-options* *cli-device-stage-of-life-options* *cli-device-stage-of-life-end-options* *cli-camera-calibration-options* *cli-store-images-and-points-options*))
130 (defun main ()
131 "The UNIX command line entry point."
132 ;; (handler-bind ((serious-condition (lambda (c)
133 ;; (declare (ignore c))
134 ;; (sb-debug:backtrace))))
135 (handler-case
136 (command-line-arguments:compute-and-process-command-line-options *cli-options*)
137 (serious-condition (c)
138 (cl-log:log-message :warning "Cancelled: ~A" c)
139 (format *error-output* "~A~&" c))))
141 (defun cli-help-action (&rest rest)
142 "Print --help message."
143 (declare (ignore rest))
144 (let ((format-headline (formatter "~&~95,,,'#@<~A ~>")))
145 (format *standard-output*
146 "~&Usage: phoros [options] ...~&~A"
147 (asdf:system-long-description (asdf:find-system :phoros)))
148 (format *standard-output* format-headline "Main Options")
149 (command-line-arguments:show-option-help *cli-main-options*)
150 (format *standard-output* format-headline "Database Connection")
151 (command-line-arguments:show-option-help *cli-db-connection-options*)
152 (format *standard-output* format-headline "Examine .pictures File")
153 (command-line-arguments:show-option-help *cli-get-image-options*)
154 (format *standard-output* format-headline "Camera Hardware Parameters")
155 (command-line-arguments:show-option-help *cli-camera-hardware-options*)
156 (format *standard-output* format-headline "Lens Parameters")
157 (command-line-arguments:show-option-help *cli-lens-options*)
158 (format *standard-output* format-headline "Generic Device Definition")
159 (command-line-arguments:show-option-help *cli-generic-device-options*)
160 (format *standard-output* format-headline "Device Stage-Of-Life Definition")
161 (command-line-arguments:show-option-help *cli-device-stage-of-life-options*)
162 (format *standard-output* format-headline "Put An End To A Device's Stage-Of-Life")
163 (command-line-arguments:show-option-help *cli-device-stage-of-life-end-options*)
164 (format *standard-output* format-headline "Camera Calibration Parameters")
165 (command-line-arguments:show-option-help *cli-camera-calibration-options*)
166 (format *standard-output* format-headline "Store Measure Data")
167 (command-line-arguments:show-option-help *cli-store-images-and-points-options*)))
169 (defun cli-version-action (&rest rest)
170 "Print --version message."
171 (declare (ignore rest))
172 (format *standard-output* "~&~A ~A~%"
173 (asdf:system-description (asdf:find-system :phoros))
174 (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system :phoros))))
176 (defun check-db-action (&rest rest)
177 "Say `OK´ if database is accessible."
178 (declare (ignore rest))
179 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl &allow-other-keys)
180 (command-line-arguments:process-command-line-options *cli-options* command-line-arguments:*command-line-arguments*)
181 (let (connection)
182 (handler-case
183 (setf
184 connection
185 (connect database user password host :port port
186 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))) ; string to keyword
187 (error (e) (format *error-output* "~A~&" e)))
188 (when connection
189 (disconnect connection)
190 (format *error-output* "~&OK~%")))))
192 (defun nuke-all-tables-action (&rest rest)
193 "Drop the bomb. Ask for confirmation first."
194 (declare (ignore rest))
195 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
196 log-dir &allow-other-keys)
197 (command-line-arguments:process-command-line-options *cli-options* command-line-arguments:*command-line-arguments*)
198 (launch-logger log-dir)
199 (when (yes-or-no-p "You asked me to delete anything in database ~A at ~A:~D. Proceed?"
200 database host port)
201 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
202 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl)) ; string to keyword
203 (nuke-all-tables))
204 (cl-log:log-message :db "Nuked database ~A at ~A:~D. Back to square one!" database host port))))
206 (defun create-sys-tables-action (&rest rest)
207 "Make a set of sys-* tables. Ask for confirmation first."
208 (declare (ignore rest))
209 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
210 log-dir &allow-other-keys)
211 (command-line-arguments:process-command-line-options *cli-options* command-line-arguments:*command-line-arguments*)
212 (launch-logger log-dir)
213 (when (yes-or-no-p "You asked me to create a set of sys-* tables in database ~A at ~A:~D. Make sure you know what you are doing. Proceed?"
214 database host port)
215 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
216 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl)) ; string to keyword
217 (create-sys-tables))
218 (cl-log:log-message :db-sys "Created a fresh set of system tables in database ~A at ~A:~D." database host port))))
220 (defun create-acquisition-project-action (common-table-name)
221 "Make a set of data tables."
222 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
223 log-dir &allow-other-keys)
224 (command-line-arguments:process-command-line-options *cli-options* command-line-arguments:*command-line-arguments*)
225 (launch-logger log-dir)
226 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
227 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
228 (create-acquisition-project common-table-name))
229 (cl-log:log-message :db-dat "Created a fresh acquisition project by the name of ~A in database ~A at ~A:~D." common-table-name database host port)))
231 (defun store-images-and-points-action (common-table-name)
232 "Put data into the data tables."
233 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
234 log-dir
235 directory epsilon common-root &allow-other-keys)
236 (command-line-arguments:process-command-line-options *cli-options* command-line-arguments:*command-line-arguments*)
237 (launch-logger log-dir)
238 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
239 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
240 (cl-log:log-message :db-dat "Start: storing data from ~A into acquisition project ~A in database ~A at ~A:~D." directory common-table-name database host port)
241 (store-images-and-points common-table-name directory
242 :epsilon (read-from-string epsilon nil)
243 :root-dir common-root))
244 (cl-log:log-message :db-dat "Finish: storing data from ~A into acquisition project ~A in database ~A at ~A:~D." directory common-table-name database host port)))
246 ;;; We don't seem to have two-dimensional arrays in postmodern
247 ;;(defun canonicalize-bayer-pattern (raw &optional sql-string-p)
248 ;; "Convert list of strings of comma-separated hex color strings (ex: #ff0000 for red) into an array of integers. If sql-string-p is t, convert it into a string in SQL syntax."
249 ;; (when raw
250 ;; (let* ((array
251 ;; (loop
252 ;; for row in raw
253 ;; collect
254 ;; (loop
255 ;; for hex-color in (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\, row)
256 ;; collect
257 ;; (let ((*read-base* 16))
258 ;; (assert (eql (elt hex-color 0) #\#) () "~A is not a valid color" hex-color)
259 ;; (read-from-string
260 ;; (concatenate 'string
261 ;; (subseq hex-color 5 7)
262 ;; (subseq hex-color 3 5)
263 ;; (subseq hex-color 1 3))
264 ;; nil)))))
265 ;; (rows (length array))
266 ;; (columns (length (elt array 0))))
267 ;; (if sql-string-p
268 ;; (format nil "{~{{~{~A~#^,~}}~}}" array)
269 ;; (make-array (list rows columns) :initial-contents array)))))
271 (defun canonicalize-bayer-pattern (raw &optional sql-string-p)
272 "Convert a string of comma-separated hex color strings (ex: #ff0000 for red) into a vector integers. If sql-string-p is t, convert it into a string in SQL syntax."
273 (when raw
274 (let* ((vector
275 (loop
276 for hex-color in (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\, raw)
277 collect
278 (let ((*read-base* 16))
279 (assert (eql (elt hex-color 0) #\#) () "~A is not a valid color" hex-color)
280 (read-from-string
281 (concatenate 'string
282 (subseq hex-color 5 7)
283 (subseq hex-color 3 5)
284 (subseq hex-color 1 3))
285 nil))))
286 (columns (length vector)))
287 (if sql-string-p
288 (format nil "{~{~A~#^,~}}" vector)
289 (make-array (list columns) :initial-contents vector)))))
291 (defun canonicalize-color-raiser (raw &optional sql-string-p)
292 "Convert string of comma-separated numbers into a vector. If sql-string-p is t, convert it into a string in SQL syntax."
293 (when raw
294 (let* ((vector
295 (loop
296 for multiplier in (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\, raw :count 3)
297 collect
298 (read-from-string multiplier nil))))
299 (if sql-string-p
300 (format nil "{~{~A~#^,~}}" vector)
301 (make-array '(3) :initial-contents vector)))))
303 (defun store-stuff (store-function)
304 "Open database connection and call store-function on command line options. Print return values to *standard-output*. store-function should only take keyargs."
305 (let ((command-line-options
306 (command-line-arguments:process-command-line-options *cli-options* command-line-arguments:*command-line-arguments*)))
307 (setf (getf command-line-options :bayer-pattern)
308 (canonicalize-bayer-pattern (getf command-line-options :raw-bayer-pattern) t)
309 (getf command-line-options :color-raiser)
310 (canonicalize-color-raiser (getf command-line-options :raw-color-raiser) t))
311 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
312 log-dir &allow-other-keys)
313 command-line-options
314 (launch-logger log-dir)
315 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
316 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
317 (format *standard-output* "~&~{~D~#^ ~}~%"
318 (multiple-value-list (apply store-function :allow-other-keys t command-line-options)))))))
320 (defun store-camera-hardware-action (&rest rest)
321 (declare (ignore rest))
322 (store-stuff #'store-camera-hardware))
324 (defun store-lens-action (&rest rest)
325 (declare (ignore rest))
326 (store-stuff #'store-lens))
328 (defun store-generic-device-action (&rest rest)
329 (declare (ignore rest))
330 (store-stuff #'store-generic-device))
332 (defun store-device-stage-of-life-action (&rest rest)
333 (declare (ignore rest))
334 (store-stuff #'store-device-stage-of-life))
336 (defun store-device-stage-of-life-end-action (&rest rest)
337 (declare (ignore rest))
338 (store-stuff #'store-device-stage-of-life-end))
340 (defun store-camera-calibration-action (&rest rest)
341 (declare (ignore rest))
342 (store-stuff #'store-camera-calibration))
344 (defun get-image-action (&rest rest)
345 "Output a PNG file extracted from a .pictures file; print its trigger-time to stdout."
346 (declare (ignore rest))
347 (destructuring-bind (&key count byte-position in out raw-bayer-pattern raw-color-raiser &allow-other-keys)
348 (command-line-arguments:process-command-line-options *cli-options* command-line-arguments:*command-line-arguments*)
349 (with-open-file (out-stream out :direction :output :element-type 'unsigned-byte
350 :if-exists :supersede)
351 (let ((trigger-time
352 (if byte-position
353 (send-png out-stream in byte-position :bayer-pattern (canonicalize-bayer-pattern raw-bayer-pattern) :color-raiser (canonicalize-color-raiser raw-color-raiser))
354 (send-nth-png count out-stream in :bayer-pattern (canonicalize-bayer-pattern raw-bayer-pattern) :color-raiser (canonicalize-color-raiser raw-color-raiser)))))
355 (format *standard-output* "~&~A~%" (timestring (utc-from-unix trigger-time)))))))