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1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 (in-package :phoros)
20 (setf *js-target-version* 1.8)
22 ;;; Debug helpers. TODO: remove them.
23 (defparameter *t* nil)
24 (defparameter *tt* nil)
26 (cffi:define-foreign-library phoml
27 (:unix (:or "./"
28 "./phoml/lib/"))
29 (t (:default "libphoml")))
31 (defparameter *standard-coordinates* 4326
32 "EPSG code of the coordinate system that we use for communication.")
34 (defvar *postgresql-credentials* nil
35 "A list: (database user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl)")
37 (defvar *postgresql-aux-credentials* nil
38 "A list: (database user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl)")
40 (defparameter *photogrammetry-mutex* (bt:make-lock "photogrammetry"))
42 (setf *read-default-float-format* 'double-float)
44 (defparameter *phoros-server* nil "Hunchentoot acceptor.")
46 (defparameter *common-root* nil
47 "Root directory; contains directories of measuring data.")
49 (defparameter *use-multi-file-openlayers* nil
50 "If t, use OpenLayers uncompiled from openlayers/*, which makes
51 debugging easier. Otherwise use a single-file shrunk
52 ol/Openlayers.js.")
54 (defparameter *number-of-images* 4
55 "Number of photos shown to the HTTP client.")
57 (defparameter *number-of-features-per-layer* 500
58 "What we think a browser can swallow.")
60 (defun check-db (db-credentials)
61 "Check postgresql connection. Return t if successful; show error on
62 *error-output* otherwise. db-credentials is a list like so: (database
63 user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl)."
64 (let (connection)
65 (handler-case
66 (setf connection (apply #'connect db-credentials))
67 (error (e) (format *error-output* "Database connection ~S failed: ~A~&"
68 db-credentials e)))
69 (when connection
70 (disconnect connection)
71 t)))
73 (defmethod hunchentoot:session-cookie-name (acceptor)
74 (declare (ignore acceptor))
75 "phoros-session")
77 (defun start-server (&key (http-port 8080) address (common-root "/"))
78 "Start the presentation project server which listens on http-port
79 at address. Address defaults to all addresses of the local machine."
80 (setf *phoros-server*
81 (make-instance 'hunchentoot:acceptor
82 :port http-port
83 :address address
84 :access-logger #'log-http-access
85 :message-logger #'log-hunchentoot-message))
86 (setf *session-max-time* (* 3600 24))
87 (setf *common-root* common-root)
88 (check-db *postgresql-credentials*)
89 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
90 (assert-phoros-db-major-version))
91 (hunchentoot:start *phoros-server*))
93 (defun stop-server () (hunchentoot:stop *phoros-server*))
95 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
96 (register-sql-operators :2+-ary :&& :overlaps))
98 (setf *default-handler*
99 #'(lambda ()
100 "Http default response."
101 (setf (return-code*) +http-not-found+)))
103 (define-easy-handler phoros-handler ()
104 "First HTTP contact: if necessary, check credentials, establish new
105 session."
106 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
107 (let* ((presentation-project-name
108 (second (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\/ (script-name*) :remove-empty-subseqs t)))
109 (presentation-project-id
110 (ignore-errors
111 (query
112 (:select 'presentation-project-id
113 :from 'sys-presentation-project
114 :where (:= 'presentation-project-name presentation-project-name))
115 :single))))
116 (cond
117 ((null presentation-project-id)
118 (setf (return-code*) +http-not-found+))
119 ((and (equal (session-value 'presentation-project-name) presentation-project-name)
120 (session-value 'authenticated-p))
121 (redirect "/phoros-lib/view" :add-session-id t))
123 (progn
124 (setf (session-value 'presentation-project-name)
125 presentation-project-name)
126 (setf (session-value 'presentation-project-id)
127 presentation-project-id)
128 (setf (session-value 'presentation-project-bbox)
129 (presentation-project-bbox presentation-project-id))
130 (who:with-html-output-to-string (s nil :prologue t :indent t)
131 (:form :method "post" :enctype "multipart/form-data"
132 :action "/phoros-lib/authenticate"
133 "User:" :br
134 (:input :type "text" :name "user-name") :br
135 "Password:" :br
136 (:input :type "password" :name "user-password") :br
137 (:input :type "submit" :value "Submit")))))))))
139 (pushnew (create-prefix-dispatcher "/phoros/" 'phoros-handler)
140 *dispatch-table*)
142 (define-easy-handler
143 (authenticate-handler :uri "/phoros-lib/authenticate"
144 :default-request-type :post)
146 "Check user credentials."
147 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
148 (let* ((user-name (post-parameter "user-name"))
149 (user-password (post-parameter "user-password"))
150 (presentation-project-id (session-value 'presentation-project-id))
151 (user-info
152 (when presentation-project-id
153 (query
154 (:select
155 'sys-user.user-full-name
156 'sys-user.user-id
157 'sys-user-role.user-role
158 :from 'sys-user-role 'sys-user
159 :where (:and
160 (:= 'presentation-project-id presentation-project-id)
161 (:= 'sys-user-role.user-id 'sys-user.user-id)
162 (:= 'user-name user-name)
163 (:= 'user-password user-password)))
164 :row)))
165 (user-full-name (first user-info))
166 (user-id (second user-info))
167 (user-role (third user-info)))
168 (if user-role
169 (progn
170 (setf (session-value 'authenticated-p) t
171 (session-value 'user-name) user-name
172 (session-value 'user-full-name) user-full-name
173 (session-value 'user-id) user-id
174 (session-value 'user-role) user-role)
175 (redirect "/phoros-lib/view" :add-session-id t))
176 "Rejected."))))
178 (define-easy-handler logout-handler ()
179 (if (session-verify *request*)
180 (progn (remove-session *session*)
181 "Bye.")
182 "Bye (again)."))
184 (pushnew (create-regex-dispatcher "/logout" 'logout-handler)
185 *dispatch-table*)
187 (define-easy-handler
188 (local-data :uri "/phoros-lib/local-data" :default-request-type :post)
190 "Receive coordinates, respond with the count nearest json objects
191 containing picture url, calibration parameters, and car position,
192 wrapped in an array."
193 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
194 (setf (content-type*) "application/json")
195 (let* ((presentation-project-id (session-value 'presentation-project-id))
196 (common-table-names (common-table-names presentation-project-id))
197 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (raw-post-data)))
198 (longitude-input (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
199 (latitude-input (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
200 (count (cdr (assoc :count data)))
201 (zoom-input (cdr (assoc :zoom data)))
202 ;;(snap-distance (* 10d-5 (expt 2 (- 18 zoom-input)))) ; assuming geographic coordinates
203 (snap-distance (* 10d-1 (expt 2 (- 18 zoom-input)))) ; assuming geographic coordinates
204 (point-form
205 (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude-input latitude-input))
206 (result
207 (ignore-errors
208 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
209 (loop
210 for common-table-name in common-table-names
211 nconc
212 (query
213 (:limit
214 (:order-by
215 (:select
216 'date ;TODO: debug only
217 'measurement-id 'recorded-device-id 'device-stage-of-life-id ;TODO: debug only
218 'directory
219 'filename 'byte-position 'point-id
220 'trigger-time
221 ;'coordinates ;the search target
222 'longitude 'latitude 'ellipsoid-height
223 'cartesian-system
224 'east-sd 'north-sd 'height-sd
225 'roll 'pitch 'heading 'roll-sd 'pitch-sd 'heading-sd
226 'sensor-width-pix 'sensor-height-pix 'pix-size
227 'mounting-angle
228 'dx 'dy 'dz 'omega 'phi 'kappa
229 'c 'xh 'yh 'a1 'a2 'a3 'b1 'b2 'c1 'c2 'r0
230 'b-dx 'b-dy 'b-dz 'b-rotx 'b-roty 'b-rotz
231 'b-ddx 'b-ddy 'b-ddz 'b-drotx 'b-droty 'b-drotz
232 :from
233 (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
234 :where
235 (:and (:= 'presentation-project-id presentation-project-id)
236 (:st_dwithin 'coordinates
237 (:st_geomfromtext point-form *standard-coordinates*)
238 snap-distance)))
239 (:st_distance 'coordinates
240 (:st_geomfromtext point-form *standard-coordinates*)))
241 count)
242 :alists))))))
243 (json:encode-json-to-string result))))
245 (define-easy-handler
246 (store-point :uri "/phoros-lib/store-point" :default-request-type :post)
248 "Receive point sent by user; store it into database."
249 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
250 (let* ((presentation-project-name (session-value 'presentation-project-name))
251 (user-id (session-value 'user-id))
252 (user-role (session-value 'user-role))
253 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (raw-post-data)))
254 (longitude-input (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
255 (latitude-input (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
256 (ellipsoid-height-input (cdr (assoc :ellipsoid-height data)))
257 (stdx-global (cdr (assoc :stdx-global data)))
258 (stdy-global (cdr (assoc :stdy-global data)))
259 (stdz-global (cdr (assoc :stdz-global data)))
260 (attribute (cdr (assoc :attribute data)))
261 (description (cdr (assoc :description data)))
262 (numeric-description (cdr (assoc :numeric-description data)))
263 (point-form
264 (format nil "SRID=4326; POINT(~S ~S ~S)"
265 longitude-input latitude-input ellipsoid-height-input))
266 (aux-numeric-raw (cdr (assoc :aux-numeric data)))
267 (aux-text-raw (cdr (assoc :aux-text data)))
268 (aux-numeric (if aux-numeric-raw
269 (apply #'vector aux-numeric-raw)
270 :null))
271 (aux-text (if aux-text-raw
272 (apply #'vector aux-text-raw)
273 :null))
274 (user-point-table-name
275 (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name)))
276 (assert
277 (not (string-equal user-role "read")) ;that is, "write" or "admin"
278 () "No write permission.")
279 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
280 (assert
281 (= 1 (execute (:insert-into user-point-table-name :set
282 'user-id user-id
283 'attribute attribute
284 'description description
285 'numeric-description numeric-description
286 'creation-date 'current-timestamp
287 'coordinates (:st_geomfromewkt point-form)
288 'stdx-global stdx-global
289 'stdy-global stdy-global
290 'stdz-global stdz-global
291 'aux-numeric aux-numeric
292 'aux-text aux-text
294 () "No point stored. This should not happen.")))))
296 (define-easy-handler
297 (update-point :uri "/phoros-lib/update-point" :default-request-type :post)
299 "Update point sent by user in database."
300 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
301 (let* ((presentation-project-name (session-value 'presentation-project-name))
302 (user-id (session-value 'user-id))
303 (user-role (session-value 'user-role))
304 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (raw-post-data)))
305 (user-point-id (cdr (assoc :user-point-id data)))
306 (attribute (cdr (assoc :attribute data)))
307 (description (cdr (assoc :description data)))
308 (numeric-description (cdr (assoc :numeric-description data)))
309 (user-point-table-name
310 (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name)))
311 (assert
312 (not (string-equal user-role "read")) ;that is, "write" or "admin"
313 () "No write permission.")
314 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
315 (assert
316 (= 1 (execute (:update user-point-table-name :set
317 'attribute attribute
318 'description description
319 'numeric-description numeric-description
320 'creation-date 'current-timestamp
321 :where (:and (:= 'user-point-id user-point-id)
322 (:= (if (string-equal user-role "admin")
323 user-id
324 'user-id)
325 user-id)))))
326 () "No point stored. Did you try to update someone else's point ~
327 without having admin permission?")))))
329 (define-easy-handler
330 (delete-point :uri "/phoros-lib/delete-point" :default-request-type :post)
332 "Delete user point if user is allowed to do so."
333 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
334 (let* ((presentation-project-name (session-value 'presentation-project-name))
335 (user-id (session-value 'user-id))
336 (user-role (session-value 'user-role))
337 (user-point-table-name
338 (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name))
339 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (raw-post-data))))
340 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
341 (assert
342 (eql 1 (cond ((string-equal user-role "admin")
343 (execute (:delete-from user-point-table-name
344 :where (:= 'user-point-id data))))
345 ((string-equal user-role "write")
346 (execute (:delete-from user-point-table-name
347 :where (:and
348 (:= 'user-point-id data)
349 (:= 'user-id user-id)))))))
350 () "No point deleted. This should not happen.")))))
353 (defun common-table-names (presentation-project-id)
354 "Return a list of common-table-names of table sets that contain data
355 of presentation project with presentation-project-id."
356 (handler-case
357 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
358 (query
359 (:select 'common-table-name
360 :distinct
361 :from 'sys-presentation 'sys-measurement 'sys-acquisition-project
362 :where (:and
363 (:= 'sys-presentation.presentation-project-id presentation-project-id)
364 (:= 'sys-presentation.measurement-id 'sys-measurement.measurement-id)
365 (:= 'sys-measurement.acquisition-project-id 'sys-acquisition-project.acquisition-project-id)))
366 :column))
367 (condition (c)
368 (cl-log:log-message
369 :error
370 "While fetching common-table-names of presentation-project-id ~D: ~A"
371 presentation-project-id c))))
373 (defun encode-geojson-to-string (features &rest junk-keys)
374 "Encode a list of property lists into a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.
375 Each property list must contain keys for coordinates, :x, :y, :z; and
376 for a numeric point :id, followed by zero or more pieces of extra
377 information. The extra information is stored as GeoJSON Feature
378 properties. Exclude property list elements with keys that are in
379 junk-keys."
380 (with-output-to-string (s)
381 (json:with-object (s)
382 (json:encode-object-member :type :*feature-collection s)
383 (json:as-object-member (:features s)
384 (json:with-array (s)
385 (mapcar
386 #'(lambda (point-with-properties)
387 (dolist (junk-key junk-keys)
388 (remf point-with-properties junk-key))
389 (destructuring-bind (&key x y z id &allow-other-keys) ;TODO: z probably bogus
390 point-with-properties
391 (json:as-array-member (s)
392 (json:with-object (s)
393 (json:encode-object-member :type :*feature s)
394 (json:as-object-member (:geometry s)
395 (json:with-object (s)
396 (json:encode-object-member :type :*point s)
397 (json:as-object-member (:coordinates s)
398 (json:encode-json (list x y z) s))))
399 (json:encode-object-member :id id s)
400 (json:as-object-member (:properties s)
401 (dolist (key '(:x :y :z :id))
402 (remf point-with-properties key))
403 (json:encode-json-plist point-with-properties s))))))
404 features))))))
406 (defun box3d (bbox)
407 "Return a WKT-compliant BOX3D string from string bbox."
408 (concatenate 'string "BOX3D("
409 (substitute #\Space #\,
410 (substitute #\Space #\, bbox :count 1)
411 :from-end t :count 1)
412 ")"))
414 (define-easy-handler (points :uri "/phoros-lib/points.json") (bbox)
415 "Send a bunch of GeoJSON-encoded points from inside bbox to client."
416 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
417 (setf (content-type*) "application/json")
418 (handler-case
419 (let* ((presentation-project-id (session-value 'presentation-project-id))
420 (common-table-names
421 (common-table-names presentation-project-id)))
422 (encode-geojson-to-string
423 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
424 (query
425 (sql-compile
426 `(:limit
427 (:order-by
428 (:union
429 ,@(loop
430 for common-table-name in common-table-names
431 for aggregate-view-name
432 = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
433 collect
434 `(:select
435 (:as
436 (:st_x
437 (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
439 (:as
440 (:st_y
441 (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
443 (:as
444 (:st_z
445 (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
447 (:as 'point-id 'id) ;becomes fid on client
448 (:as (:random) random)
449 :from ',aggregate-view-name
450 :natural :left-join 'sys-presentation
451 :where
452 (:and
453 (:= 'presentation-project-id ,presentation-project-id)
454 (:&&
455 (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*)
456 (:st_setsrid (:type ,(box3d bbox) box3d)
457 ,*standard-coordinates*))))))
458 random)
459 ,*number-of-features-per-layer*))
460 :plists))
461 :random))
462 (condition (c)
463 (cl-log:log-message
464 :error "While fetching points from inside bbox ~S: ~A"
465 bbox c)))))
467 (define-easy-handler (aux-points :uri "/phoros-lib/aux-points.json") (bbox)
468 "Send a bunch of GeoJSON-encoded points from inside bbox to client."
469 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
470 (setf (content-type*) "application/json")
471 (handler-case
472 (let ((limit *number-of-features-per-layer*)
473 (aux-view-name
474 (aux-point-view-name (session-value
475 'presentation-project-name))))
476 (encode-geojson-to-string
477 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
478 (query
479 (s-sql:sql-compile
480 `(:limit
481 (:order-by
482 (:select
483 (:as
484 (:st_x (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
486 (:as
487 (:st_y (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
489 (:as
490 (:st_z (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
492 :from ,aux-view-name
493 :where (:&&
494 (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*)
495 (:st_setsrid (:type ,(box3d bbox) box3d)
496 ,*standard-coordinates*)))
497 (:random))
498 ,limit))
499 :plists))))
500 (condition (c)
501 (cl-log:log-message
502 :error "While fetching aux-points from inside bbox ~S: ~A"
503 bbox c)))))
505 (define-easy-handler
506 (aux-local-data :uri "/phoros-lib/aux-local-data" :default-request-type :post)
508 "Receive coordinates, respond with the count nearest json objects
509 containing arrays aux-numeric, aux-text, and distance to the
510 coordinates received, wrapped in an array."
511 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
512 (setf (content-type*) "application/json")
513 (let* ((aux-view-name (aux-point-view-name (session-value 'presentation-project-name)))
514 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (raw-post-data)))
515 (longitude-input (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
516 (latitude-input (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
517 (count (cdr (assoc :count data)))
518 (point-form
519 (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude-input latitude-input)))
520 (encode-geojson-to-string
521 (ignore-errors
522 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
523 (nsubst
524 nil :null
525 (query
526 (s-sql:sql-compile
527 `(:limit
528 (:order-by
529 (:select
530 (:as
531 (:st_x (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
533 (:as
534 (:st_y (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
536 (:as
537 (:st_z (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
539 aux-numeric
540 aux-text
541 (:as
542 (:st_distance
543 'coordinates
544 (:st_geomfromtext ,point-form ,*standard-coordinates*))
545 distance)
546 :from ',aux-view-name)
547 'distance) ;TODO: convert into metres
548 ,count))
549 :plists))))))))
551 (defun presentation-project-bbox (presentation-project-id)
552 "Return bounding box of the entire presentation-project as a string
553 \"x1,y1,x2,y2\"."
554 (let* ((common-table-names
555 (common-table-names presentation-project-id)))
556 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
557 (substitute
558 #\, #\Space
559 (string-trim
560 "BOX()"
561 (query
562 (sql-compile
563 `(:select
564 (:st_extent (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
565 :from
566 (:as (:union
567 ,@(loop
568 for common-table-name in common-table-names
569 for aggregate-view-name
570 = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
571 collect
572 `(:select
573 'coordinates
574 :from ',aggregate-view-name
575 :natural :left-join 'sys-presentation
576 :where
577 (:= 'presentation-project-id
578 ,presentation-project-id))))
579 all-coordinates)))
580 :single!))))))
582 (define-easy-handler (user-points :uri "/phoros-lib/user-points.json") (bbox)
583 "Send *number-of-features-per-layer* randomly chosen GeoJSON-encoded
584 points from inside bbox to client. If there is no bbox parameter,
585 send all points."
586 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
587 (setf (content-type*) "application/json")
588 (handler-case
589 (let ((bounding-box (or bbox "-180,-90,180,90"))
590 (limit (if bbox *number-of-features-per-layer* :null))
591 (order-criterion (if bbox '(:random) 'id))
592 (user-point-table-name
593 (user-point-table-name (session-value
594 'presentation-project-name))))
595 (encode-geojson-to-string
596 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
597 (nsubst
598 nil :null
599 (query
600 (s-sql:sql-compile
601 `(:limit
602 (:order-by
603 (:select
604 (:as
605 (:st_x (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
607 (:as
608 (:st_y (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
610 (:as
611 (:st_z (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*))
613 (:as 'user-point-id 'id) ;becomes fid on client
614 'attribute
615 'description
616 'numeric-description
617 'user-name
618 (:as (:to-char 'creation-date "IYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZ")
619 'creation-date)
620 'aux-numeric
621 'aux-text
622 :from ,user-point-table-name :natural :left-join 'sys-user
623 :where (:&&
624 (:st_transform 'coordinates ,*standard-coordinates*)
625 (:st_setsrid (:type ,(box3d bounding-box) box3d)
626 ,*standard-coordinates*)))
627 ,order-criterion)
628 ,limit))
629 :plists)))))
630 (condition (c)
631 (cl-log:log-message
632 :error "While fetching user-points~@[ from inside bbox ~S~]: ~A"
633 bbox c)))))
635 (define-easy-handler photo-handler
636 ((bayer-pattern :init-form "#00ff00,#ff0000")
637 (color-raiser :init-form "1,1,1"))
638 "Serve an image from a .pictures file."
639 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
640 (handler-case
641 (let* ((s (cdr (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\/ (script-name*)
642 :remove-empty-subseqs t)))
643 (directory (last (butlast s 2)))
644 (file-name-and-type (cl-utilities:split-sequence
645 #\. (first (last s 2))))
646 (byte-position (parse-integer (car (last s)) :junk-allowed t))
647 (path-to-file
648 (car
649 (directory
650 (make-pathname
651 :directory (append (pathname-directory *common-root*)
652 directory '(:wild-inferiors))
653 :name (first file-name-and-type)
654 :type (second file-name-and-type)))))
655 stream)
656 (setf (content-type*) "image/png")
657 (setf stream (send-headers))
658 (send-png stream path-to-file byte-position
659 :bayer-pattern (canonicalize-bayer-pattern bayer-pattern)
660 :color-raiser (canonicalize-color-raiser color-raiser)))
661 (condition (c)
662 (cl-log:log-message
663 :error "While serving image ~S: ~A" (request-uri*) c)))))
665 (pushnew (create-prefix-dispatcher "/phoros-lib/photo" 'photo-handler)
666 *dispatch-table*)
668 ;;; for debugging; this is the multi-file OpenLayers
669 (pushnew (create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
670 "/phoros-lib/openlayers/" "OpenLayers-2.10/")
671 *dispatch-table*)
673 (pushnew (create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler "/phoros-lib/ol/" "ol/")
674 *dispatch-table*)
676 (pushnew (create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler "/phoros-lib/css/" "css/") ;TODO: merge this style.css into public_html/style.css
677 *dispatch-table*)
679 (pushnew (create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
680 "/phoros-lib/public_html/" "public_html/")
681 *dispatch-table*)
683 (pushnew (create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler
684 "/favicon.ico" "public_html/favicon.ico")
685 *dispatch-table*)
687 (define-easy-handler
688 (view :uri "/phoros-lib/view" :default-request-type :post) ()
689 "Serve the client their main workspace."
691 (session-value 'authenticated-p)
692 (who:with-html-output-to-string (s nil :indent t)
693 (:html
694 :xmlns ""
695 (:head
696 (:title (who:str
697 (concatenate
698 'string
699 "Phoros: " (session-value 'presentation-project-name))))
700 (if *use-multi-file-openlayers*
701 (who:htm
702 (:script :src "/phoros-lib/openlayers/lib/Firebug/firebug.js")
703 (:script :src "/phoros-lib/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js")
704 ;;(:script :src "/phoros-lib/openlayers/lib/proj4js.js") ;TODO: we don't seem to use this
706 (who:htm (:script :src "/phoros-lib/ol/OpenLayers.js")))
707 (:link :rel "stylesheet"
708 :href "/phoros-lib/css/style.css" :type "text/css")
709 (:script :src "/phoros-lib/phoros.js")
710 (:script :src ""))
711 (:body
712 :onload (ps (init))
713 (:h1 :id "title"
714 "Phoros: " (who:str (session-value 'user-full-name))
715 (who:fmt " (~A)" (session-value 'user-name))
716 "with " (:span :id "user-role"
717 (who:str (session-value 'user-role)))
718 "permission on "
719 (:span :id "presentation-project-name"
720 (who:str (session-value 'presentation-project-name))))
721 (:div :class "controlled-streetmap"
722 (:div :id "streetmap" :class "streetmap" :style "cursor:crosshair")
723 (:div :id "streetmap-controls" :class "streetmap-controls"
724 (:div :id "streetmap-vertical-strut"
725 :class "streetmap-vertical-strut")
726 (:div :id "streetmap-layer-switcher"
727 :class "streetmap-layer-switcher")
728 (:div :id "streetmap-overview" :class "streetmap-overview")
729 (:div :id "streetmap-mouse-position"
730 :class "streetmap-mouse-position")
731 (:div :id "streetmap-zoom" :class "streetmap-zoom")))
732 (:div :class "phoros-controls"
733 (:div :id "phoros-controls-vertical-strut"
734 :class "phoros-controls-vertical-strut")
735 (:div :id "real-phoros-controls"
736 (:h2 (:span :id "h2-controls") (:span :id "creator"))
737 (:select :id "point-attribute" :disabled t
738 :size 1 :name "point-attribute")
739 (:input :id "point-numeric-description" :class "vanilla-input "
740 :disabled t
741 :type "text" :name "point-numeric-description")
742 (:input :id "point-description" :class "vanilla-input"
743 :disabled t
744 :type "text" :name "point-description")
745 (:div (:button :id "delete-point-button" :disabled t
746 :type "button" :onclick (ps-inline (delete-point))
747 "delete")
748 (:button :disabled t :id "finish-point-button"
749 :type "button"
750 "finish"))
751 (:div :id "aux-point-distance-or-point-creation-date"
752 (:code :id "point-creation-date")
753 (:input :id "include-aux-data-p"
754 :type "checkbox" :checked t :name "include-aux-data-p"
755 :onchange (ps-inline (flip-aux-data-inclusion)))
756 (:select :id "aux-point-distance" :disabled t
757 :size 1 :name "aux-point-distance"
758 :onchange (ps-inline (aux-point-distance-selected))
759 :onclick (ps-inline (enable-aux-point-selection))))
760 (:div :id "aux-data"
761 (:div :id "aux-numeric-list")
762 (:div :id "aux-text-list")))
763 (:div :id "multiple-points-phoros-controls"
764 (:h2 "Multiple Points Selected")
765 (:p "You have selected multiple user points.")
766 (:p "Unselect all but one to edit its properties."))
767 (:div :class "image-main-controls"
768 (:div :id "auto-zoom"
769 (:input :id "zoom-to-point-p" :class "tight-input"
770 :type "checkbox" :checked t "auto zoom"))
771 (:div :id "zoom-images-to-max-extent"
772 :onclick (ps-inline (zoom-images-to-max-extent)))
773 (:div :id "remove-work-layers-button" :disabled t
774 :onclick (ps-inline (reset-layers-and-controls))
775 "start over")))
776 (:div :class "help-div"
777 (:button :id "download-user-points-button"
778 :type "button" :onclick "self.location.href = \"/phoros-lib/user-points.json\""
779 "download points") ;TODO: offer other formats and maybe projections
780 (:button :id "blurb-button"
781 :type "button"
782 :onclick (ps-inline
783 (chain window
784 (open "/phoros-lib/blurb" "About Phoros")))
785 (:img :src "/phoros-lib/public_html/phoros-logo-plain.png"
786 :alt "Phoros" :style "vertical-align:middle"
787 :height 20))
788 (:button :id "logout-button"
789 :type "button"
790 :onclick "self.location.href = \"/phoros-lib/logout\""
791 "bye")
792 (:h2 :id "h2-help" "Help")
793 (:div :id "help-display"))
794 (:div :id "images" :style "clear:both"
795 (loop
796 for i from 0 below *number-of-images* do
797 (who:htm
798 (:div :class "controlled-image"
799 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-controls" i)
800 :class "image-controls"
801 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-zoom" i)
802 :class "image-zoom")
803 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-layer-switcher" i)
804 :class "image-layer-switcher")
805 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-trigger-time" i)
806 :class "image-trigger-time"))
807 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S" i)
808 :class "image" :style "cursor:crosshair"))))))))
809 (redirect
810 (concatenate 'string "/phoros/" (session-value 'presentation-project-name))
811 :add-session-id t)))
813 (define-easy-handler (epipolar-line :uri "/phoros-lib/epipolar-line") ()
814 "Receive vector of two sets of picture parameters, respond with
815 JSON encoded epipolar-lines."
816 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
817 (setf (content-type*) "application/json")
818 (let* ((data (json:decode-json-from-string (raw-post-data))))
819 (json:encode-json-to-string
820 (photogrammetry :epipolar-line (first data) (second data))))))
822 (define-easy-handler
823 (estimated-positions :uri "/phoros-lib/estimated-positions")
825 "Receive a two-part JSON vector comprising (1) a vector containing
826 sets of picture-parameters including clicked (\"active\") points
827 stored in :m, :n; and (2) a vector containing sets of
828 picture-parameters; respond with a JSON encoded two-part vector
829 comprising (1) a point in global coordinates; and (2) a vector of
830 image coordinates (m, n) for the global point that correspond to the
831 images from the received second vector. TODO: report error on bad
832 data (ex: points too far apart)."
833 ;; TODO: global-point-for-display should probably contain a proj string in order to make sense of the (cartesian) standard deviations.
834 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
835 (setf (content-type*) "application/json")
836 (let* ((data (json:decode-json-from-string (raw-post-data)))
837 (active-point-photo-parameters (first data))
838 (destination-photo-parameters (second data))
839 (cartesian-system (cdr (assoc :cartesian-system (first active-point-photo-parameters))))
840 (global-point-cartesian (photogrammetry :multi-position-intersection active-point-photo-parameters))
841 (global-point-geographic-radians
842 (proj:cs2cs (list (cdr (assoc :x-global global-point-cartesian))
843 (cdr (assoc :y-global global-point-cartesian))
844 (cdr (assoc :z-global global-point-cartesian)))
845 :source-cs cartesian-system))
846 (global-point-for-display ;points geographic cs, degrees; std deviations in cartesian cs
847 (pairlis '(:longitude :latitude :ellipsoid-height
848 :stdx-global :stdy-global :stdz-global)
849 (list
850 (proj:radians-to-degrees (first global-point-geographic-radians))
851 (proj:radians-to-degrees (second global-point-geographic-radians))
852 (third global-point-geographic-radians)
853 (cdr (assoc :stdx-global global-point-cartesian))
854 (cdr (assoc :stdy-global global-point-cartesian))
855 (cdr (assoc :stdz-global global-point-cartesian)))))
856 (image-coordinates
857 (loop
858 for i in destination-photo-parameters
859 collect
860 (ignore-errors
861 (photogrammetry :reprojection i global-point-cartesian)))))
862 (json:encode-json-to-string
863 (list global-point-for-display image-coordinates)))))
865 (define-easy-handler
866 (user-point-positions :uri "/phoros-lib/user-point-positions")
868 "Receive a two-part JSON vector comprising
869 - a vector of user-point-id's and
870 - a vector containing sets of picture-parameters;
871 respond with a JSON object comprising the elements
872 - image-points, a vector whose elements
873 - correspond to the elements of the picture-parameters vector
874 received and
875 - are GeoJSON feature collections containing one point (in picture
876 coordinates) for each user-point-id received;
877 - user-point-count, the number of user-points we tried to fetch
878 image-points for."
879 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
880 (setf (content-type*) "application/json")
881 (let* ((user-point-table-name
882 (user-point-table-name (session-value 'presentation-project-name)))
883 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (raw-post-data)))
884 (user-point-ids (first data))
885 (user-point-count (length user-point-ids))
886 (destination-photo-parameters (second data))
887 (cartesian-system
888 (cdr (assoc :cartesian-system
889 (first destination-photo-parameters)))) ;TODO: in rare cases, coordinate systems of the images shown may differ
890 (user-points
891 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
892 (query
893 (:select
894 (:as
895 (:st_x (:st_transform 'coordinates *standard-coordinates*))
896 'longitude)
897 (:as
898 (:st_y (:st_transform 'coordinates *standard-coordinates*))
899 'latitude)
900 (:as
901 (:st_z (:st_transform 'coordinates *standard-coordinates*))
902 'ellipsoid-height)
903 (:as 'user-point-id 'id) ;becomes fid on client
904 'attribute
905 'description
906 'numeric-description
907 'user-name
908 (:as (:to-char 'creation-date "IYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZ")
909 'creation-date)
910 'aux-numeric
911 'aux-text
912 :from user-point-table-name :natural :left-join 'sys-user
913 :where (:in 'user-point-id (:set user-point-ids)))
914 :plists)))
915 (global-points-cartesian
916 (loop
917 for global-point-geographic in user-points
918 collect
919 (ignore-errors ;in case no destination-photo-parameters have been sent
920 (pairlis '(:x-global :y-global :z-global)
921 (proj:cs2cs
922 (list
923 (proj:degrees-to-radians
924 (getf global-point-geographic :longitude))
925 (proj:degrees-to-radians
926 (getf global-point-geographic :latitude))
927 (getf global-point-geographic :ellipsoid-height))
928 :destination-cs cartesian-system)))))
929 (image-coordinates
930 (loop
931 for photo-parameter-set in destination-photo-parameters
932 collect
933 (encode-geojson-to-string
934 (loop
935 for global-point-cartesian in global-points-cartesian
936 for user-point in user-points
937 collect
938 (ignore-errors
939 (let ((photo-coordinates
940 (photogrammetry :reprojection
941 photo-parameter-set
942 global-point-cartesian))
943 (photo-point
944 user-point))
945 (setf (getf photo-point :x)
946 (cdr (assoc :m photo-coordinates)))
947 (setf (getf photo-point :y)
948 (cdr (assoc :n photo-coordinates)))
949 photo-point)))
950 :longitude :latitude :ellipsoid-height))))
951 (with-output-to-string (s)
952 (json:with-object (s)
953 (json:encode-object-member :user-point-count user-point-count s)
954 (json:as-object-member (:image-points s)
955 (json:with-array (s)
956 (loop for i in image-coordinates do
957 (json:as-array-member (s) (princ i s))))))))))
959 (define-easy-handler
960 (multi-position-intersection :uri "/phoros-lib/intersection")
962 "Receive vector of sets of picture parameters, respond with stuff."
963 (when (session-value 'authenticated-p)
964 (setf (content-type*) "application/json")
965 (let* ((data (json:decode-json-from-string (raw-post-data))))
966 (json:encode-json-to-string
967 (photogrammetry :multi-position-intersection data)))))