Implement cleanup operation for imageless points in db
[phoros.git] / photogrammetry.lisp
1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 (in-package :phoros-photogrammetry)
20 #-sbcl (defun nan-p (x)
21 (declare (float x))
22 (/= x x))
23 #+sbcl (defun nan-p (x)
24 (sb-ext:float-nan-p x))
26 (defgeneric photogrammetry (mode photo-1 &optional photo-2)
27 (:documentation "Call to photogrammetry library. Dispatch on mode."))
29 (defmethod photogrammetry :around (mode clicked-photo &optional other-photo)
30 "Prepare and clean up a run of photogrammetry."
31 (declare (ignore other-photo))
32 (bt:with-lock-held (*photogrammetry-mutex*)
33 (del-all)
34 (unwind-protect
35 (call-next-method)
36 (del-all))))
38 (defmethod photogrammetry
39 ((mode (eql :epipolar-line)) clicked-photo &optional other-photo)
40 "Return in an alist an epipolar line in coordinates of other-photo
41 from m and n in clicked-photo."
42 (add-cam* clicked-photo)
43 (add-bpoint* clicked-photo)
44 (add-global-car-reference-point* clicked-photo t)
45 (add-cam* other-photo)
46 (add-global-car-reference-point* other-photo t)
47 (loop
48 for i = 2d0 then (* i 1.4) until (> i 50)
50 (set-distance-for-epipolar-line i)
51 when (ignore-errors (calculate))
52 collect (pairlis '(:m :n) (list (flip-m-maybe (get-m) other-photo)
53 (flip-n-maybe (get-n) other-photo)))))
55 (defmethod photogrammetry
56 ((mode (eql :reprojection)) photo &optional global-point)
57 "Calculate reprojection from photo."
58 (add-cam* photo)
59 (add-global-measurement-point* global-point)
60 (add-global-car-reference-point* photo)
61 (set-global-reference-frame)
62 (calculate)
63 (let ((m (get-m))
64 (n (get-n)))
65 (assert (not (nan-p m))) ;On some systems, PhoML gives us
66 (assert (not (nan-p n))) ; quiet NaN instead of erring.
67 (pairlis '(:m :n)
68 (list (flip-m-maybe m photo) (flip-n-maybe n photo)))))
70 (defmethod photogrammetry
71 ((mode (eql :multi-position-intersection)) photos &optional other-photo)
72 "Calculate intersection from photos."
73 (declare (ignore other-photo))
74 (set-global-reference-frame)
75 (loop
76 for photo in photos
78 (add-cam* photo)
79 (add-bpoint* photo)
80 (add-global-car-reference-point* photo t))
81 (calculate)
82 (pairlis '(:x-global :y-global :z-global
83 :stdx-global :stdy-global :stdz-global)
84 (list
85 (get-x-global) (get-y-global) (get-z-global)
86 (get-stdx-global) (get-stdy-global) (get-stdz-global))))
88 (defmethod photogrammetry
89 ((mode (eql :intersection)) photo &optional other-photo)
90 "Calculate intersection from two photos that are taken out of the
91 same local coordinate system. (Used for debugging only)."
92 (add-cam* photo)
93 (add-bpoint* photo)
94 (add-cam* other-photo)
95 (add-bpoint* other-photo)
96 (calculate)
97 (pairlis '(:x-local :y-local :z-local
98 :stdx-local :stdy-local :stdz-local)
99 (list
100 (get-x-local) (get-y-local) (get-z-local)
101 (get-stdx-local) (get-stdy-local) (get-stdz-local)
102 (get-x-global) (get-y-global) (get-z-global))))
104 (defmethod photogrammetry ((mode (eql :mono)) photo &optional floor)
105 "Return in an alist the intersection point of the ray through m and
106 n in photo, and floor."
107 (add-cam* photo)
108 (add-bpoint* photo)
109 (add-ref-ground-surface* floor)
110 (add-global-car-reference-point* photo)
111 (set-global-reference-frame)
112 (calculate)
113 (pairlis '(:x-global :y-global :z-global)
114 (list
115 (get-x-global) (get-y-global) (get-z-global))))
117 (defun point-radians-to-degrees (point)
118 "Convert (the first and second element of) point from radians to
119 degrees."
120 (setf (first point) (proj:radians-to-degrees (first point)))
121 (setf (second point) (proj:radians-to-degrees (second point)))
122 point)
124 (defmethod photogrammetry ((mode (eql :footprint)) photo
125 &optional (floor photo))
126 "Return image footprint as a list of five polygon points, wrapped in
127 an alist."
128 (set-global-reference-frame)
129 (add-cam* photo)
130 (add-global-car-reference-point* photo t)
131 (add-ref-ground-surface* floor)
132 (set-distance-for-epipolar-line 20d0)
133 (calculate)
134 (let ((source-cs
135 (car (photogrammetry-arglist photo :cartesian-system))))
136 (acons
137 :footprint
138 (loop
139 for i in '(0 1 2 3 0) collect
140 (point-radians-to-degrees
141 (proj:cs2cs (list (get-fp-easting i)
142 (get-fp-northing i)
143 (get-fp-e-height i))
144 :source-cs source-cs)))
145 nil)))
147 (defun flip-m-maybe (m photo)
148 "Flip coordinate m when :mounting-angle in photo suggests it
149 necessary."
150 (if (= 180 (cdr (assoc :mounting-angle photo)))
151 (- (cdr (assoc :sensor-width-pix photo)) m)
153 (defun flip-n-maybe (n photo)
154 "Flip coordinate n when :mounting-angle in photo suggests it
155 necessary."
156 (if (zerop (cdr (assoc :mounting-angle photo)))
157 (- (cdr (assoc :sensor-height-pix photo)) n)
160 (defun photogrammetry-arglist (alist &rest keys)
161 "Construct an arglist from alist values corresponding to keys."
162 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cdr (assoc x alist))) keys))
164 (defun add-cam* (photo-alist)
165 "Call add-cam with arguments taken from photo-alist."
166 (let ((integer-args
167 (photogrammetry-arglist
168 photo-alist :sensor-height-pix :sensor-width-pix))
169 (double-float-args
170 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x 'double-float))
171 (photogrammetry-arglist photo-alist
172 :pix-size
173 :dx :dy :dz :omega :phi :kappa
174 :c :xh :yh
175 :a-1 :a-2 :a-3 :b-1 :b-2
176 :c-1 :c-2 :r-0
177 :b-dx :b-dy :b-dz :b-ddx :b-ddy :b-ddz
178 :b-rotx :b-roty :b-rotz
179 :b-drotx :b-droty :b-drotz))))
180 (apply #'add-cam (nconc integer-args double-float-args))))
182 (defun add-bpoint* (photo-alist)
183 "Call add-bpoint with arguments taken from photo-alist."
184 (add-bpoint
185 (coerce (flip-m-maybe (cdr (assoc :m photo-alist)) photo-alist)
186 'double-float)
187 (coerce (flip-n-maybe (cdr (assoc :n photo-alist)) photo-alist)
188 'double-float)))
190 (defun add-ref-ground-surface* (floor-alist)
191 "Call add-ref-ground-surface with arguments taken from floor-alist."
192 (let ((double-float-args
193 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x 'double-float))
194 (photogrammetry-arglist floor-alist
195 :nx :ny :nz :d))))
196 (apply #'add-ref-ground-surface double-float-args)))
198 (defun add-global-car-reference-point* (photo-alist
199 &optional cam-set-global-p)
200 "Call add-global-car-reference-point with arguments taken from
201 photo-alist. When cam-set-global-p is t, call
202 add-global-car-reference-point-cam-set-global instead."
203 (let* ((longitude-radians
204 (proj:degrees-to-radians
205 (car (photogrammetry-arglist photo-alist :longitude))))
206 (latitude-radians
207 (proj:degrees-to-radians
208 (car (photogrammetry-arglist photo-alist :latitude))))
209 (ellipsoid-height
210 (car (photogrammetry-arglist photo-alist :ellipsoid-height)))
211 (destination-cs
212 (car (photogrammetry-arglist photo-alist :cartesian-system)))
213 (cartesian-coordinates
214 (proj:cs2cs
215 (list longitude-radians latitude-radians ellipsoid-height)
216 :destination-cs destination-cs))
217 (other-args
218 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x 'double-float))
219 (photogrammetry-arglist photo-alist
220 :roll :pitch :heading
221 :latitude :longitude)))
222 (double-float-args
223 (nconc cartesian-coordinates other-args)))
224 (apply (if cam-set-global-p
225 #'add-global-car-reference-point-cam-set-global
226 #'add-global-car-reference-point)
227 double-float-args)))
229 (defun add-global-measurement-point* (point)
230 "Call add-global-measurement-point with arguments taken from point."
231 (let ((double-float-args
232 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x 'double-float))
233 (photogrammetry-arglist point
234 :x-global :y-global :z-global))))
235 (apply #'add-global-measurement-point double-float-args)))