Bugfix, automatic linestring creation
[phoros.git] / log.lisp
1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 (in-package :phoros)
21 (cl-log:defcategory :access)
22 (cl-log:defcategory :db-sys)
23 (cl-log:defcategory :db-dat)
24 (cl-log:defcategory :db (or :db-sys :db-dat))
25 (cl-log:defcategory :orphan)
26 (cl-log:defcategory :info (or :info :db :orphan))
27 (cl-log:defcategory :warning)
28 (cl-log:defcategory :error)
29 (cl-log:defcategory :debug (or :debug :db :info :warning :error))
31 (defun launch-logger (&optional (log-dir ""))
32 "Start logging facility. Create log-dir if necessary."
33 (let ((log-dir (pathname-directory (ensure-directories-exist
34 (pathname log-dir)))))
36 (setf (cl-log:log-manager)
37 (make-instance 'cl-log:log-manager
38 :message-class 'cl-log:formatted-message))
40 (cl-log:start-messenger
41 'cl-log:text-file-messenger
42 :name :access
43 :filename (make-pathname :directory log-dir :name "access" :type "log")
44 :category :access)
46 (cl-log:start-messenger
47 'cl-log:text-file-messenger
48 :name :db
49 :filename (make-pathname :directory log-dir :name "db" :type "log")
50 :category :db)
52 (cl-log:start-messenger
53 'cl-log:text-file-messenger
54 :name :orphan
55 :filename (make-pathname :directory log-dir :name "orphan" :type "log")
56 :category :orphan)
58 (cl-log:start-messenger
59 'cl-log:text-file-messenger
60 :name :info
61 :filename (make-pathname :directory log-dir :name "info" :type "log")
62 :category :info)
64 (cl-log:start-messenger
65 'cl-log:text-file-messenger
66 :name :warning
67 :filename (make-pathname :directory log-dir :name "warning" :type "log")
68 :category :warning)
70 (cl-log:start-messenger
71 'cl-log:text-file-messenger
72 :name :error
73 :filename (make-pathname :directory log-dir :name "error" :type "log")
74 :category :error)
76 (cl-log:start-messenger
77 'cl-log:text-file-messenger
78 :name :debug
79 :filename (make-pathname :directory log-dir :name "debug" :type "log")
80 :category :debug)
82 (cl-log:start-messenger
83 'cl-log:text-stream-messenger
84 :name :stream
85 :stream *error-output*
86 :category :debug)))
88 (defmethod cl-log:format-message ((self cl-log:formatted-message))
89 (if (eq (cl-log:message-category self) :access)
90 (destructuring-bind (remote-addr*
91 header-in*
92 authorization
93 ;;iso-time
94 request-method*
95 script-name*
96 query-string*
97 server-protocol*
98 return-code
99 content
100 content-length
101 referer
102 user-agent)
103 (cl-log:message-arguments self)
104 (format nil
105 "~:[-~@[ (~A)~]~;~:*~A~@[ (~A)~]~] ~:[-~;~:*~A~] [~A] \"~A ~A~@[?~A~] ~
106 ~A\" ~A ~:[~*-~;~D~] \"~:[-~;~:*~A~]\" \"~:[-~;~:*~A~]\"~%"
107 remote-addr*
108 header-in*
109 authorization
110 (timestring (cl-log:timestamp-universal-time
111 (cl-log:message-timestamp self)))
112 request-method*
113 script-name*
114 query-string*
115 server-protocol*
116 return-code
117 content
118 content-length
119 referer
120 user-agent))
121 (format nil "~A ~A ~?~&"
122 (timestring (cl-log:timestamp-universal-time
123 (cl-log:message-timestamp self)))
124 (cl-log:message-category self)
125 (cl-log:message-description self)
126 (cl-log:message-arguments self))))
128 (defun timestring (time)
129 "ISO 8601 representation of time."
130 (multiple-value-bind (whole-seconds remainder) (floor time)
131 (when (zerop remainder) (setf remainder nil))
132 (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour date month year)
133 (decode-universal-time whole-seconds 0)
134 (format
135 nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0DT~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D~@[~0F~]Z"
136 year month date hour minute second remainder))))
138 (defun log-http-access (&key return-code content content-length)
139 "Log HTTP access. Use as :access-logger in a hunchentoot:accessor."
140 (cl-log:log-message :access nil
141 (hunchentoot:remote-addr*)
142 (hunchentoot:header-in* :x-forwarded-for)
143 (hunchentoot:authorization)
144 ;;(hunchentoot:iso-time)
145 (hunchentoot:request-method*)
146 (hunchentoot:script-name*)
147 (hunchentoot:query-string*)
148 (hunchentoot:server-protocol*)
149 return-code
150 content
151 content-length
152 (hunchentoot:referer)
153 (hunchentoot:user-agent)))
155 (defun log-hunchentoot-message (severity format-string &rest args)
156 "Log hunchentoot messages. Use as :message-logger in a
157 hunchentoot:accessor. For severity, hunchentoot uses :info, :warning,
158 and :error."
159 (cl-log:log-message severity "~?" format-string args))