Bugfix, automatic linestring creation
[phoros.git] / db-tables.lisp
1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 (in-package :phoros)
21 (defun nuke-all-tables ()
22 "Drop all tables (except PostGIS helper tables) and sequences in current database. TODO: also drop our functions and types."
23 (let ((user-tables (list-tables))
24 (sequences (list-sequences))
25 (views (list-views))
26 (system-tables '(:spatial-ref-sys :geometry-columns)))
27 (dolist (system-table system-tables)
28 (setf user-tables (remove system-table user-tables)))
29 (dolist (user-table user-tables)
30 (execute (format nil "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ~A CASCADE" (s-sql:to-sql-name user-table))))
31 (dolist (sequence sequences)
32 (execute (format nil "DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS ~A CASCADE" (s-sql:to-sql-name sequence))))
33 (dolist (view views)
34 (execute (format nil "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ~A CASCADE" (s-sql:to-sql-name view))))))
36 ;;; Used only to add Spherical Mercator in case it's missing
37 (defclass spatial-ref-sys ()
38 ((srid
39 :col-type integer
40 :initarg :srid)
41 (auth-name
42 :col-type (or db-null (varchar 256))
43 :initarg :auth-name)
44 (auth-srid
45 :col-type (or db-null integer)
46 :initarg :auth-srid)
47 (srtext
48 :col-type (or db-null (varchar 2048))
49 :initarg :srtext)
50 (proj4text
51 :col-type (or db-null (varchar 2048))
52 :initarg :proj4text))
53 (:metaclass dao-class)
54 (:keys srid)
55 (:documentation "PostGIS system table as defined in http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.3/ch04.html#id2571306"))
57 ;;TODO: make a spatial-ref-sys table
59 (defun add-spherical-mercator-ref ()
60 "Tell PostGIS about Spherical Mercator if necessary."
61 (let ((spherical-mercator
62 (make-instance
63 'spatial-ref-sys
64 :srid 900913
65 :auth-name "spatialreferencing.org"
66 :auth-srid 900913
67 :srtext "PROJCS[\"Popular Visualisation CRS / Mercator (deprecated)\",GEOGCS[\"Popular Visualisation CRS\",DATUM[\"Popular_Visualisation_Datum\",SPHEROID[\"Popular Visualisation Sphere\",6378137,0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7059\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6055\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9122\"]],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4055\"]],UNIT[\"metre\",1,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9001\"]],PROJECTION[\"Mercator_1SP\"],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",0],PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\",1],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",0],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"3785\"],AXIS[\"X\",EAST],AXIS[\"Y\",NORTH]]"
68 :proj4text "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +units=m +k=1.0 +nadgrids=@null +no_defs")))
69 (unless (dao-exists-p spherical-mercator)
70 (insert-dao spherical-mercator))))
72 ;;TODO: make a geometry-columns table
74 ;;CREATE TABLE geometry_columns (
75 ;; f_table_catalog VARRCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
76 ;; f_table_schema VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
77 ;; f_table_nam VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
78 ;; f_geometry_column VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
79 ;; coord_dimension INTEGER NOT NULL,
80 ;; srid INTEGER NOT NULL,
81 ;; type VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL
82 ;;)
84 (defclass sys-user ()
85 ((user-id
86 :reader user-id
88 :col-type integer
89 :col-default (:nextval 'sys-user-id-seq))
90 (user-name
91 :col-type text
92 :initarg :user-name
93 :documentation "This one is used for authentication.")
94 (user-password
95 :writer (setf user-password)
96 :col-type text
97 :initarg :user-password)
98 (user-full-name
99 :writer (setf user-full-name)
100 :col-type text
101 :initarg :user-full-name))
102 (:metaclass dao-class)
103 (:keys user-id)
104 (:documentation "List of users of the presentation front end. This is certainly not a full-fledged authentication system."))
106 (deftable sys-user
107 (:create-sequence 'sys-user-id-seq)
108 (!dao-def))
110 (defclass sys-acquisition-project ()
111 ((acquisition-project-id
112 :reader acquisition-project-id
113 :col-type integer
114 :col-default (:nextval 'sys-acquisition-project-id-seq))
115 (common-table-name
116 :col-type text
117 :initarg :common-table-name
118 :documentation "Name of this project's data tables sans their canonical prefixes and suffixes. Serves as a human-readable acquisition procect identifier. Should be one table for all projects but this seems to come with a speed penalty."))
119 (:metaclass dao-class)
120 (:keys acquisition-project-id)
121 (:documentation "An acquisition project is basically a set of measurements that is stored in a common table."))
123 (deftable sys-acquisition-project
124 (:create-sequence 'sys-acquisition-project-id-seq)
125 (!dao-def)
126 (sql-compile
127 `(:alter-table ,*table-name* :add :constraint "common-table-name-unique"
128 :unique 'common-table-name)))
130 (defclass sys-presentation-project ()
131 ((presentation-project-id
132 :reader presentation-project-id
133 :col-type integer
134 :col-default (:nextval 'sys-presentation-project-id-seq))
135 (presentation-project-name
136 :col-type text
137 :initarg :presentation-project-name)
138 (bounding-box
139 :col-type (or db-null text)
140 :accessor bounding-box
141 :documentation "Extent of this presentation project."))
142 (:metaclass dao-class)
143 (:keys presentation-project-name))
145 (deftable sys-presentation-project
146 (:create-sequence 'sys-presentation-project-id-seq)
147 (!dao-def)
148 (:alter-table sys-presentation-project
149 :add :constraint "presentation-project-id-unique"
150 :unique 'presentation-project-id))
152 (defclass sys-user-role ()
153 ((user-id
154 :initarg :user-id
155 :col-type integer)
156 (presentation-project-id
157 :initarg :presentation-project-id
158 :col-type integer)
159 (user-role
160 :initarg :user-role
161 :col-type text
162 :documentation "One of read, write, admin.")
163 (bounding-box
164 :col-type (or db-null text)
165 :accessor bounding-box
166 :documentation "Streetmap zoom extent last time user left Phoros.")
167 (cursor
168 :col-type (or db-null geometry)
169 :accessor cursor
170 :documentation "Point; users work coordinate in streetmap last time they left Phoros."))
171 (:metaclass dao-class)
172 (:keys user-id presentation-project-id))
174 (deftable sys-user-role
175 (!dao-def)
176 (!foreign 'sys-user 'user-id :on-delete :cascade :on-update :cascade)
177 (!foreign 'sys-presentation-project 'presentation-project-id
178 :on-delete :cascade :on-update :cascade))
180 (defclass sys-measurement ()
181 ((measurement-id
182 :reader measurement-id
183 :col-type integer
184 :col-default (:nextval 'sys-measurement-id-seq))
185 (acquisition-project-id
186 :initarg :acquisition-project-id
187 :col-type integer)
188 (directory
189 :initarg :directory
190 :col-type text
191 :documentation
192 "Below some universal root common to all measurements; excluding
193 `applanix/´ `images/´ etc.
195 The entire directory structure looks like this:
197 Points
198 ======
199 /some/path/in/our/system/this/measurement/blah/applanix/points/xyz-event1.txt
200 /some/path/in/our/system/this/measurement/blah/applanix/points/uvw-event2.txt
201 ---- +++++++++++++++ ----+++++ ++++
202 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^
203 universal root stored here in event
204 slot directory number
206 Images
207 ======
208 /some/path/in/our/system/this/measurement/blah/images/front77.pictures
209 /some/path/in/our/system/this/measurement/blah/images/front78.pictures
210 ---- ++++++ ++++++++
211 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
212 universal root stored here in stored file name
213 slot directory
215 ++++ means constant
216 ---- means unimportant
218 TODO: /images/ part not currently enforced.")
219 (cartesian-system
220 :initarg :cartesian-system
221 :col-type text
222 :documentation
223 "Definition (as a Proj.4 string) of the coordinate system the recorded standard deviations are in."))
224 (:metaclass dao-class)
225 (:keys measurement-id)
226 (:documentation "A measurement comprises .pictures files and one set of GPS event log files in a dedicated directory."))
228 (deftable sys-measurement
229 (:create-sequence 'sys-measurement-id-seq)
230 (!dao-def)
231 (!index 'measurement-id)
232 (!foreign 'sys-acquisition-project 'acquisition-project-id
233 :on-delete :cascade :on-update :cascade))
235 (defclass sys-presentation ()
236 ((presentation-project-id
237 :initarg :presentation-project-id
238 :col-type integer)
239 (measurement-id
240 :initarg :measurement-id
241 :col-type integer))
242 (:metaclass dao-class)
243 (:keys presentation-project-id measurement-id)
244 (:documentation "Tell us which measurements belong to which presentation project(s)."))
246 (deftable sys-presentation
247 (!dao-def)
248 (!index 'measurement-id)
249 (!foreign 'sys-presentation-project 'presentation-project-id
250 :on-delete :cascade :on-update :cascade)
251 (!foreign 'sys-measurement 'measurement-id
252 :on-delete :cascade :on-update :cascade))
254 (defclass sys-camera-hardware ()
255 ((camera-hardware-id
256 :reader camera-hardware-id
257 :col-type integer
258 :col-default (:nextval 'sys-camera-hardware-id-seq))
259 (sensor-width-pix
260 :col-type integer)
261 (sensor-height-pix
262 :col-type integer)
263 (pix-size
264 :col-type double-float)
265 (channels
266 :col-type integer)
267 (pix-depth
268 :col-type integer)
269 (color-raiser
270 :col-type float[]
271 :documentation "Array of multipliers for red, green, blue.")
272 (bayer-pattern
273 :col-type integer[]
274 :documentation "Array containing the colors of the first pixels of the first rows (actually, row, as postmodern can't handle two-dimensional arrays (and if it could, we wouldn't use them anyway)). Each pixel is to be interpreted as a three-byte RGB value, red in the least-significant byte.")
275 (serial-number
276 :col-type text)
277 (description
278 :col-type text
279 :description "Camera type, manufacturer, etc."))
280 (:metaclass dao-class)
281 (:keys camera-hardware-id))
283 (deftable sys-camera-hardware
284 (:create-sequence 'sys-camera-hardware-id-seq)
285 (!dao-def)
286 (!index 'camera-hardware-id))
288 (defclass sys-lens ()
289 ((lens-id
290 :reader lens-id
291 :col-type integer
292 :col-default (:nextval 'sys-lens-id-seq))
294 :col-type double-float
295 :documentation "Focal length. Only for human consumption.")
296 (serial-number
297 :col-type text)
298 (description
299 :col-type text
300 :documentation "Lens type, manufacturer, etc."))
301 (:metaclass dao-class)
302 (:keys lens-id))
304 (deftable sys-lens
305 (:create-sequence 'sys-lens-id-seq)
306 (!dao-def))
308 (defclass sys-generic-device ()
309 ((generic-device-id
310 :reader generic-device-id
311 :col-type integer
312 :col-default (:nextval 'sys-generic-device-id-seq))
313 (camera-hardware-id
314 :initarg :camera-hardware-id
315 :col-type (or db-null integer))
316 (lens-id
317 :initarg :lens-id
318 :col-type (or db-null integer))
319 (scanner-id
320 :initarg :scanner-id
321 :col-type (or db-null integer)
322 :documentation "Scanners yet to be defined."))
323 (:metaclass dao-class)
324 (:keys generic-device-id)
325 (:documentation "A row should describe either a camera with a lens, or a laser scanner."))
327 (deftable sys-generic-device
328 (:create-sequence 'sys-generic-device-id-seq)
329 (!dao-def)
330 (!index 'generic-device-id)
331 (!index 'camera-hardware-id)
332 (!foreign 'sys-camera-hardware 'camera-hardware-id
333 :on-delete :restrict :on-update :restrict)
334 (!foreign 'sys-lens 'lens-id :on-delete :restrict :on-update :restrict)
335 ;;;; Once we have a sys-scanner table:
336 ;;(!foreign 'sys-scanner 'scanner-id :on-delete :restrict :on-update :restrict)
339 (defclass sys-device-stage-of-life ()
340 ((device-stage-of-life-id
341 :reader device-stage-of-life-id
342 :col-type integer
343 :col-default (:nextval 'sys-device-stage-of-life-seq))
344 (recorded-device-id
345 :col-type text
346 :documentation "Must be stored next to each data record. Example: in a .pictures file, this is the value of `cam=´.")
347 (event-number
348 :reader event-number
349 :col-type text
350 :documentation "Identifier for the GPS event that triggers this device. Must correspond to the N the GPS file name: ...eventN.txt.")
351 (generic-device-id
352 :col-type integer)
353 (vehicle-name
354 :col-type text)
355 (casing-name
356 :col-type text
357 :documentation "Something like `upper rear left´ or maybe `1.2.1´")
358 (computer-name
359 :col-type text
360 :documentation "Computer (or or other recording device) this device is connected to.")
361 (computer-interface-name
362 :col-type text
363 :documentation "Things like `eth0´, `COM1´ etc.")
364 (mounting-date
365 :col-type :timestamp-with-time-zone)
366 (unmounting-date
367 :col-type (or db-null :timestamp-with-time-zone)
368 :documentation "Date and time when this device was unmounted or altered in other ways that may render the current calibration invalid."))
369 (:metaclass dao-class)
370 (:keys device-stage-of-life-id)
371 (:documentation "This data is to be collected on the measuring vehicle. There must be a new record for every relevant change (including accidental ones) in device configuration."))
373 (deftable sys-device-stage-of-life
374 (:create-sequence 'sys-device-stage-of-life-seq)
375 (!dao-def)
376 (!index 'device-stage-of-life-id)
377 (!index 'recorded-device-id)
378 (!index 'mounting-date)
379 (!index 'unmounting-date)
380 (!foreign 'sys-generic-device 'generic-device-id
381 :on-delete :restrict :on-update :restrict))
383 (defclass sys-camera-calibration ()
384 ((device-stage-of-life-id
385 :reader device-stage-of-life-id
386 :col-type integer
387 :documentation "This tells us what hardware this calibration is for.")
388 (date
389 :reader date
390 :col-type :timestamp-with-time-zone)
391 (person
392 :col-type text)
393 (main-description
394 :col-type text
395 :documentation "Regarding this entire set of calibration data. Note the special-purpose description fields inner-orientation-description, outer-orientation-description, boresight-description.")
396 (usable
397 :col-type boolean
398 :documentation "If false: just display images, don't perform photogrammetric calculations.")
399 (debug
400 :col-type boolean
401 :documentation "If true: not for production use; may be altered or deleted at any time.")
402 (photogrammetry-version
403 :col-type text
404 :documentation "Software version used to create this data.")
405 (mounting-angle
406 :col-type integer
407 :documentation "Head up = 0; right ear up = 90; left ear up = -90; head down = 180.")
408 (inner-orientation-description
409 :col-type text
410 :documentation "Comments regarding inner orientation calibration.")
412 :col-type double-float
413 :documentation "Inner orientation: focal length.")
415 :col-type double-float
416 :documentation "Inner orientation: principal point displacement.")
418 :col-type double-float
419 :documentation "Inner orientation: principal point displacement.")
421 :col-type double-float
422 :documentation "Inner orientation: radial distortion.")
424 :col-type double-float
425 :documentation "Inner orientation: radial distortion.")
427 :col-type double-float
428 :documentation "Inner orientation: radial distortion.")
430 :col-type double-float
431 :documentation "Inner orientation: asymmetric and tangential distortion.")
433 :col-type double-float
434 :documentation "Inner orientation: asymmetric and tangential distortion.")
436 :col-type double-float
437 :documentation "Inner orientation: affinity and shear distortion.")
439 :col-type double-float
440 :documentation "Inner orientation: affinity and shear distortion.")
442 :col-type double-float
443 :documentation "Inner orientation.")
444 (outer-orientation-description
445 :col-type text
446 :documentation "Comments regarding outer orientation calibration.")
448 :col-type double-float
449 :documentation "Outer orientation; in metres.")
451 :col-type double-float
452 :documentation "Outer orientation; in metres.")
454 :col-type double-float
455 :documentation "Outer orientation; in metres.")
456 (omega
457 :col-type double-float
458 :documentation "Outer orientation.")
459 (phi
460 :col-type double-float
461 :documentation "Outer orientation.")
462 (kappa
463 :col-type double-float
464 :documentation "Outer orientation.")
465 (boresight-description
466 :col-type text
467 :documentation "Comments regarding boresight alignment calibration.")
468 (b-dx
469 :col-type double-float
470 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
471 (b-dy
472 :col-type double-float
473 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
474 (b-dz
475 :col-type double-float
476 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
477 (b-ddx
478 :col-type double-float
479 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
480 (b-ddy
481 :col-type double-float
482 :Documentation "Boresight alignment.")
483 (b-ddz
484 :col-type double-float
485 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
486 (b-rotx
487 :col-type double-float
488 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
489 (b-roty
490 :col-type double-float
491 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
492 (b-rotz
493 :col-type double-float
494 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
495 (b-drotx
496 :col-type double-float
497 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
498 (b-droty
499 :col-type double-float
500 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
501 (b-drotz
502 :col-type double-float
503 :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
505 :col-type double-float
506 :documentation "Component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane.")
508 :col-type double-float
509 :documentation "Component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane.")
511 :col-type double-float
512 :documentation "Component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane.")
514 :col-type double-float
515 :documentation "Distance of vehicle ground plane."))
516 (:metaclass dao-class)
517 (:keys device-stage-of-life-id date)
518 (:documentation "Camera calibration parameters."))
520 (deftable sys-camera-calibration
521 (!dao-def)
522 (!index 'device-stage-of-life-id)
523 (!index 'date)
524 (!foreign 'sys-device-stage-of-life 'device-stage-of-life-id
525 :on-delete :restrict :on-update :restrict))
527 (defun phoros-db-major-version ()
528 "Get the version number of the database structure we are currently
529 connected to. It is supposed to be equal to the :major part of
530 phoros-version."
531 (query
532 (:select 'last-value :from 'sys-phoros-major-version)
533 :single!))
535 (defun (setf phoros-db-major-version) (major-version)
536 "Set the version number of the database structure we are currently
537 connected to. This can only be done once per database."
538 (execute
539 (:create-sequence 'sys-phoros-major-version
540 :min-value -1
541 :max-value major-version
542 :start major-version))
543 (phoros-db-major-version))
545 (defun assert-phoros-db-major-version ()
546 "Check if phoros version and version of the database we are
547 connected to match."
548 (assert (= (phoros-db-major-version) (phoros-version :major t)) ()
549 "Can't use a Phoros database structure of version ~D. ~
550 It should be version ~D. ~
551 Either create a new database structure using this version of ~
552 Phoros, or use Phoros version ~2:*~D.x.x."
553 (phoros-db-major-version) (phoros-version :major t)))
555 (defun create-sys-tables ()
556 "Create in current database a set of sys-* tables, i.e. tables that
557 are used by all projects. The database should probably be empty."
558 (setf (phoros-db-major-version) (phoros-version :major t))
559 (create-table 'sys-user)
560 (create-table 'sys-acquisition-project)
561 (create-table 'sys-presentation-project)
562 (create-table 'sys-user-role)
563 (create-table 'sys-measurement)
564 (create-table 'sys-presentation)
565 (create-table 'sys-camera-hardware)
566 (create-table 'sys-lens)
567 (create-table 'sys-generic-device)
568 (create-table 'sys-device-stage-of-life)
569 (create-table 'sys-camera-calibration)
570 (create-plpgsql-helpers))
572 (defun create-plpgsql-helpers ()
573 "Create in current database a few SQL types and functions."
574 (execute
575 (format nil "
577 FUNCTION bendedness
578 (point1 GEOMETRY, point2 GEOMETRY, point3 GEOMETRY)
580 -- Phoros version ~A
582 RETURN abs(st_azimuth(point2, point3) - st_azimuth(point1, point2));
583 END;
584 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;"
585 (phoros-version)))
586 (execute
587 "DROP TYPE IF EXISTS point_bag;")
588 (execute
589 "CREATE TYPE point_bag AS (id int, coordinates GEOMETRY);"))
591 (defun !!index (table field &key (index-type :btree))
592 (format nil "CREATE INDEX ~0@*~A_~1@*~A_index ON ~0@*~A USING ~2@*~A (~1@*~A)"
593 (s-sql:to-sql-name table)
594 (s-sql:to-sql-name field)
595 (s-sql:to-sql-name index-type)))
597 (defclass point-template ()
598 (;; We need a slot point-id which is defined in our subclasses.
599 (random
600 :col-type integer
601 :initform (random (expt 2 31))
602 :documentation "Used for quickly getting an evenly distributed sample of all points.")
603 (measurement-id
604 :writer (setf measurement-id)
605 :col-type integer)
606 (event-number
607 :documentation "Event that triggered this record. Taken from the GPS file name: ...eventN.txt gives an event number N. May be a string of any length.")
608 (gps-time
609 :reader gps-time
610 :documentation "UTC calculated from GPS week time.")
611 (trigger-time
612 :writer (setf trigger-time)
613 :col-type double-precision
614 :documentation "Time in seconds from 1900. Values before 1980-01-06T00:00:00Z are considered invalid.")
615 (roll
616 :col-type double-precision)
617 (pitch
618 :col-type double-precision)
619 (heading
620 :col-type double-precision)
621 (east-velocity
622 :col-type double-precision)
623 (north-velocity
624 :col-type double-precision)
625 (up-velocity
626 :col-type double-precision)
627 (east-sd
628 :col-type double-precision)
629 (north-sd
630 :col-type double-precision)
631 (height-sd
632 :col-type double-precision)
633 (roll-sd
634 :col-type double-precision)
635 (pitch-sd
636 :col-type double-precision)
637 (heading-sd
638 :col-type double-precision)
639 (longitude
640 :reader longitude
641 :documentation "Same content as in slot coordinates.")
642 (latitude
643 :reader latitude
644 :documentation "Same content as in slot coordinates.")
645 (ellipsoid-height
646 :reader ellipsoid-height
647 :documentation "Same content as in slot coordinates.")
648 (coordinates
649 :col-type (or db-null geometry)
650 :documentation "Geographic coordinates.")
651 (easting
652 :reader easting
653 :documentation "In the same coordinate system as the standard deviations.")
654 (northing
655 :reader northing
656 :documentation "In the same coordinate system as the standard deviations.")
657 (cartesian-height
658 :reader cartesian-height
659 :documentation "In the same coordinate system as the standard deviations."))
660 (:metaclass dao-class)
661 (:keys point-id)
662 (:documentation "Information about one GPS point, originally from applanix/**/*event*.txt. There shouldn't be any point-id without a matching one in the *-image table. This can't be enforced on database level. Perhaps we should create some cleaning operation to maintain referential integrity. (TODO)"))
664 (defclass image-template ()
665 ((measurement-id
666 :writer (setf measurement-id)
667 :col-type integer
668 :documentation "A primary key. We need to recognize images should they come in twice, perhaps with slightly changed point data. In such a case we want the old ones superseded.")
669 (filename
670 :reader filename
671 :initarg :filename
672 :col-type text
673 :documentation "Name without any directory components.")
674 (byte-position
675 :reader image-byte-position
676 :initarg :byte-position
677 :col-type integer
678 :documentation "Start of image in .pictures file named by slot filename.")
679 (point-id
680 :accessor point-id
681 :col-type integer)
682 (recorded-device-id
683 :initarg :recorded-device-id
684 :reader recorded-device-id
685 :col-type text
686 :documentation "As found in .pictures file, header tag `cam=´.")
687 ;;(footprint
688 ;; :col-type (or db-null geometry)
689 ;; :documentation "Polygon on the ground describing the approximate area covered by this image.")
690 (gain
691 :initarg :gain
692 :col-type double-precision
693 :documentation "Camera parameter. TODO: needs a decent definition")
694 (shutter
695 :initarg :shutter
696 :col-type double-precision
697 :documentation "Camera parameter. TODO: needs a decent definition")
698 (trigger-time
699 :initarg :trigger-time
700 :accessor trigger-time
701 :documentation "Time in seconds from 1900-01-01.")
702 (fake-trigger-time-p
703 :accessor fake-trigger-time-p
704 :initform nil
705 :documentation "T if trigger-time has been reconstructed from adjacent data.")
706 (camera-timestamp
707 :initarg :camera-timestamp
708 :reader camera-timestamp
709 :documentation "Some camera clocktick count starting at an unknown origin."))
710 (:metaclass dao-class)
711 (:keys measurement-id filename byte-position)
712 (:documentation "One row per image, originating from a .pictures file."))
714 (defclass user-point-template ()
715 (;; We need a slot user-point-id which is defined in our subclasses.
716 (user-id
717 :initarg :user-id
718 :col-type integer
719 :documentation "User who stored this point.")
720 (attribute
721 :initarg :attribute
722 :col-type text
723 :documentation "Class of this user point.")
724 (description
725 :initarg :description
726 :col-type text
727 :documentation "User comment regarding this point.")
728 (numeric-description
729 :initarg :numeric-description
730 :col-type text
731 :documentation "User-generated point id regarding this point.")
732 (creation-date
733 :col-type :timestamp-with-time-zone
734 :documentation "Creation time of this point.")
735 (coordinates
736 :col-type (or db-null geometry)
737 :documentation "Geographic coordinates.")
738 (stdx-global
739 :initarg :stdx-global
740 :col-type double-precision
741 :documentation "Component of standard deviation, in metres.")
742 (stdy-global
743 :initarg :stdy-global
744 :col-type double-precision
745 :documentation "Component of standard deviation, in metres.")
746 (stdz-global
747 :initarg :stdz-global
748 :col-type double-precision
749 :documentation "Component of standard deviation, in metres.")
750 (input-size
751 :initarg :input-size
752 :col-type integer
753 :documentation "Number of points (from different images) used for calculation.")
754 (aux-numeric
755 :col-type (or db-null numeric[])
756 :documentation "Arbitrary numeric values from auxiliary point table.")
757 (aux-text
758 :col-type (or db-null text[])
759 :documentation "Arbitrary text values from auxiliary point table."))
760 (:metaclass dao-class)
761 (:keys user-point-id)
762 (:documentation "Points defined by users."))
764 (defclass point-data (point-template)
765 ((point-id
766 :accessor point-id
767 :initform nil
768 :col-type integer
769 :col-default nil) ;to be redefined
770 point-id-sequence-name) ;to be redefined
771 (:metaclass dao-class)
772 (:table-name nil)) ;to be redefined
774 (defclass image-data (image-template)
776 (:metaclass dao-class)
777 (:table-name nil)) ;to be redefined
779 (defclass user-point-data (user-point-template)
780 ((user-point-id
781 :accessor user-point-id
782 :initform nil
783 :col-type integer
784 :col-default nil) ;to be redefined
785 user-point-id-sequence-name) ;to be redefined)
786 (:metaclass dao-class)
787 (:table-name nil)) ;to be redefined
789 (let ((table-prefix "dat-"))
790 (defun point-data-table-name (common-table-name)
791 (make-symbol (format nil "~A~A-point"
792 table-prefix common-table-name)))
794 (defun image-data-table-name (common-table-name)
795 (make-symbol (format nil "~A~A-image"
796 table-prefix common-table-name)))
798 (defun point-id-seq-name (common-table-name)
799 (make-symbol (format nil "~A~A-point-id-seq"
800 table-prefix common-table-name)))
802 (defun aggregate-view-name (common-table-name)
803 (make-symbol (format nil "~A~A-aggregate"
804 table-prefix common-table-name))))
806 (let ((table-prefix "usr-"))
807 (defun user-point-table-name (presentation-project-name)
808 (make-symbol (format nil "~A~A-point"
809 table-prefix presentation-project-name)))
811 (defun user-point-id-seq-name (presentation-project-name)
812 (make-symbol (format nil "~A~A-point-id-seq"
813 table-prefix presentation-project-name)))
815 (defun user-line-table-name (presentation-project-name)
816 (make-symbol (format nil "~A~A-line"
817 table-prefix presentation-project-name))))
819 (let ((table-prefix "phoros-"))
820 ;; This stuff may reside in a foreign database so we show explicitly
821 ;; what it belongs to.
822 (defun aux-point-view-name (presentation-project-name)
823 (make-symbol (format nil "~A~A-aux-point"
824 table-prefix presentation-project-name)))
826 (defun thread-aux-points-function-name (presentation-project-name)
827 (make-symbol (format nil "~A~A-thread-aux-points"
828 table-prefix presentation-project-name))))
830 (defun create-data-table-definitions (common-table-name)
831 "Define or redefine a bunch of dao-classes which can hold measuring
832 data and which are connected to database tables named
833 common-table-name plus type-specific prefix and suffix."
834 (let ((image-data-table-name (image-data-table-name common-table-name))
835 (point-data-table-name (point-data-table-name common-table-name))
836 (point-id-sequence-name (point-id-seq-name common-table-name)))
837 (eval
838 `(defclass point-data (point-template)
839 ((point-id
840 :accessor point-id
841 :initform nil
842 :col-type integer
843 :col-default (:nextval ,point-id-sequence-name)) ; redefinition
844 (point-id-sequence-name
845 :initform ,(string point-id-sequence-name) ; redefinition
846 :reader point-id-sequence-name
847 :allocation :class))
848 (:metaclass dao-class)
849 (:table-name ,point-data-table-name))) ;redefinition
850 (deftable point-data
851 (:create-sequence point-id-sequence-name)
852 (!dao-def)
853 (!!index point-data-table-name 'random)
854 (!!index point-data-table-name 'measurement-id)
855 (!!index point-data-table-name 'trigger-time)
856 (!!index point-data-table-name 'coordinates :index-type :gist)
857 (!!index point-data-table-name 'point-id)
858 ;; The following let shouldn't be necessary. (Wart In !foreign.)
859 (let ((*table-symbol* point-data-table-name)
860 (*table-name* (s-sql:to-sql-name point-data-table-name)))
861 (!foreign 'sys-measurement 'measurement-id
862 :on-delete :cascade :on-update :cascade)))
863 (eval
864 `(defclass image-data (image-template)
866 (:metaclass dao-class)
867 (:table-name ,image-data-table-name))) ; redefintion
868 (deftable image-data
869 (!dao-def)
870 (!!index image-data-table-name 'measurement-id)
871 (!!index image-data-table-name 'recorded-device-id)
872 (!!index image-data-table-name 'point-id)
873 ;; (!!index image-data-table-name 'gain)
874 ;; (!!index image-data-table-name 'shutter)
875 ;;TODO: disabled as we don't have footprints: (!!index image-data-table-name 'footprint :index-type :gist)
876 ;; The following let shouldn't be necessary. (Wart in !foreign.)
877 (let ((*table-symbol* image-data-table-name)
878 (*table-name* (s-sql:to-sql-name image-data-table-name)))
879 (!foreign point-data-table-name 'point-id
880 :on-delete :cascade :on-update :cascade)
881 (!foreign 'sys-measurement 'measurement-id
882 :on-delete :cascade :on-update :cascade)))))
884 (defun create-user-table-definition (presentation-project-name)
885 "Define or redefine a dao-class which can hold user points and which
886 is connected to a database table named presentation-project-name plus
887 type-specific prefix and suffix."
888 (let ((user-point-table-name (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name))
889 (user-point-id-sequence-name (user-point-id-seq-name presentation-project-name)))
890 (eval
891 `(defclass user-point (user-point-template)
892 ((user-point-id
893 :accessor point-id
894 :initform nil
895 :col-type integer
896 :col-default (:nextval ,user-point-id-sequence-name))) ; redefinition
897 (:metaclass dao-class)
898 (:table-name ,user-point-table-name))) ;redefinition
899 (deftable user-point
900 (:create-sequence user-point-id-sequence-name)
901 (!dao-def)
902 (!!index user-point-table-name 'coordinates :index-type :gist))))
904 (defun create-aggregate-view (common-table-name)
905 "Create a view of a set of measuring and calibration data
906 belonging to images."
907 (let ((image-data-table-name (image-data-table-name common-table-name))
908 (point-data-table-name (point-data-table-name common-table-name))
909 (aggregate-view-name (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)))
910 (eval
911 `(execute
912 (:create-view
913 ,aggregate-view-name
914 (:select
915 'sys-device-stage-of-life.recorded-device-id ;debug
916 'sys-device-stage-of-life.device-stage-of-life-id ;debug
917 'sys-device-stage-of-life.generic-device-id ;debug
918 'random
919 'presentation-project-id
920 'directory
921 'filename 'byte-position (:dot ',point-data-table-name 'point-id)
922 'trigger-time
923 'coordinates ;the search target
924 (:as (:st_x (:st_transform 'coordinates *standard-coordinates*))
925 'longitude)
926 (:as (:st_y (:st_transform 'coordinates *standard-coordinates*))
927 'latitude)
928 (:as (:st_z (:st_transform 'coordinates *standard-coordinates*))
929 'ellipsoid-height)
930 'cartesian-system
931 'east-sd 'north-sd 'height-sd
932 'roll 'pitch 'heading 'roll-sd 'pitch-sd 'heading-sd
933 'usable
934 'sensor-width-pix 'sensor-height-pix 'pix-size
935 'bayer-pattern 'color-raiser
936 'mounting-angle
937 'dx 'dy 'dz 'omega 'phi 'kappa
938 'c 'xh 'yh 'a1 'a2 'a3 'b1 'b2 'c1 'c2 'r0
939 'b-dx 'b-dy 'b-dz 'b-rotx 'b-roty 'b-rotz
940 'b-ddx 'b-ddy 'b-ddz 'b-drotx 'b-droty 'b-drotz
941 :from
942 'sys-measurement
943 'sys-presentation
944 ',point-data-table-name ',image-data-table-name
945 'sys-device-stage-of-life 'sys-generic-device 'sys-camera-hardware
946 'sys-camera-calibration
947 :where
948 (:and
949 (:= (:dot ',image-data-table-name 'measurement-id)
950 'sys-presentation.measurement-id)
951 (:= 'sys-presentation.measurement-id
952 'sys-measurement.measurement-id)
953 (:= (:dot ',point-data-table-name 'point-id)
954 (:dot ',image-data-table-name 'point-id))
955 (:= (:dot ',image-data-table-name 'recorded-device-id)
956 'sys-device-stage-of-life.recorded-device-id)
957 (:= 'sys-generic-device.generic-device-id
958 'sys-device-stage-of-life.generic-device-id)
959 (:= 'sys-camera-hardware.camera-hardware-id
960 'sys-generic-device.camera-hardware-id)
961 (:= 'sys-device-stage-of-life.device-stage-of-life-id
962 'sys-camera-calibration.device-stage-of-life-id)
963 (:= 'sys-device-stage-of-life.device-stage-of-life-id
964 (:limit
965 (:order-by
966 (:select 'sys-camera-calibration.device-stage-of-life-id
967 :from 'sys-camera-calibration
968 :where
969 (:= 'sys-device-stage-of-life.device-stage-of-life-id
970 'sys-camera-calibration.device-stage-of-life-id))
971 (:desc 'date))
973 (:<= (:extract :epoch 'sys-device-stage-of-life.mounting-date)
974 (:- (:dot ',point-data-table-name 'trigger-time)
975 *unix-epoch*))
976 (:or (:is-null 'sys-device-stage-of-life.unmounting-date)
977 (:>= (:extract :epoch 'sys-device-stage-of-life.unmounting-date)
978 (:- (:dot ',point-data-table-name 'trigger-time)
979 *unix-epoch*))))))))
980 ;;(eval
981 ;; `(defclass ,aggregate-view-name (aggregate-data)
982 ;; ()
983 ;; (:metaclass dao-class)
984 ;; (:table-name ,aggregate-view-name))) ;redefinition
987 (defun aux-view-exists-p (presentation-project-name)
988 "See if there is a view into auxiliary point table that belongs to
989 presentation-project-name."
990 (view-exists-p (aux-point-view-name presentation-project-name)))
992 (defun delete-aux-view (presentation-project-name)
993 "Delete the view into auxiliary point table that belongs to
994 presentation-project-name."
995 (execute (format nil "DROP VIEW ~A CASCADE;"
996 (s-sql:to-sql-name (aux-point-view-name
997 presentation-project-name))))
998 (execute
999 (format nil "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ~
1001 (s-sql:to-sql-name (thread-aux-points-function-name
1002 presentation-project-name)))))
1004 (defun* create-aux-view (presentation-project-name
1005 &key (coordinates-column :the-geom)
1006 numeric-columns text-columns
1007 &mandatory-key aux-table)
1008 "Create a view into aux-table and an SQL function for threading
1009 aux-points into a linestring. coordinates-column goes into column
1010 coordinates, numeric-columns and text-columns go into arrays in
1011 aux-numeric and aux-text respectively.
1013 aux-table should have an index like so:
1015 CREATE INDEX idx_<aux-table>_the_geom
1016 ON <aux-table>
1017 USING gist (the_geom);
1019 VACUUM FULL ANALYZE <aux-table> (the_geom);"
1020 (create-plpgsql-helpers)
1021 (let ((aux-point-view-name
1022 (aux-point-view-name presentation-project-name))
1023 (thread-aux-points-function-name
1024 (thread-aux-points-function-name presentation-project-name)))
1025 (execute (format nil "
1027 AS (SELECT ~A AS coordinates,
1028 ~:[NULL~;ARRAY[~:*~{~A~#^, ~}]~] AS aux_numeric,
1029 ~:[NULL~;ARRAY[~:*~{~A~#^, ~}]~] AS aux_text
1030 FROM ~A)"
1031 (s-sql:to-sql-name aux-point-view-name)
1032 coordinates-column
1033 (mapcar #'s-sql:to-sql-name numeric-columns)
1034 (mapcar #'s-sql:to-sql-name text-columns)
1035 (s-sql:to-sql-name aux-table)))
1036 (execute (format nil "~
1038 (point GEOMETRY, sample_radius DOUBLE PRECISION, sample_size INT,
1039 step_size DOUBLE PRECISION, old_azimuth DOUBLE PRECISION,
1040 max_bend DOUBLE PRECISION,
1041 OUT threaded_points TEXT,
1042 OUT current_point TEXT,
1043 OUT back_point TEXT, OUT forward_point TEXT,
1044 OUT new_azimuth DOUBLE PRECISION)
1047 -- Phoros version ~2@*~A
1049 point_bag_size INT;
1050 current_point_position DOUBLE PRECISION;
1051 location DOUBLE PRECISION;
1052 line GEOMETRY;
1053 new_point point_bag%ROWTYPE;
1054 tried_point point_bag%ROWTYPE;
1055 previous_point point_bag%ROWTYPE;
1056 starting_point GEOMETRY;
1057 reversal_count INT DEFAULT 0;
1058 BEGIN
1059 -- Muffle warnings about implicitly created stuff:
1060 SET client_min_messages TO ERROR;
1062 starting_point :=
1063 (SELECT coordinates
1064 FROM ~1@*~A
1065 WHERE
1066 coordinates
1068 st_setsrid(st_makebox3d (st_translate (point,
1069 - sample_radius * 5,
1070 - sample_radius * 5, 0),
1071 st_translate (point,
1072 sample_radius * 5,
1073 sample_radius * 5, 0)),
1074 4326)
1075 ORDER BY st_distance(coordinates, point)
1076 LIMIT 1);
1079 (id SERIAL primary key, coordinates GEOMETRY)
1082 INSERT INTO point_bag (coordinates)
1083 SELECT coordinates
1084 FROM ~1@*~A
1086 WHERE
1087 coordinates
1089 st_setsrid(st_makebox3d (st_translate (starting_point,
1090 - sample_radius,
1091 - sample_radius, 0),
1092 st_translate (starting_point,
1093 sample_radius,
1094 sample_radius, 0)),
1095 4326)
1096 AND st_distance (coordinates, starting_point) < sample_radius
1097 ORDER BY st_distance (coordinates, starting_point)
1098 LIMIT sample_size;
1100 point_bag_size := (SELECT count(*) from point_bag);
1102 -- emergency point_bag:
1103 IF point_bag_size < 5
1104 THEN
1105 DROP TABLE point_bag;
1107 (id SERIAL primary key, coordinates GEOMETRY)
1109 INSERT INTO point_bag (coordinates)
1110 SELECT coordinates
1111 FROM ~1@*~A
1112 WHERE
1113 coordinates
1115 st_setsrid(st_makebox3d (st_translate (point,
1116 - sample_radius * 100,
1117 - sample_radius * 100, 0),
1118 st_translate (point,
1119 sample_radius * 100,
1120 sample_radius * 100, 0)),
1121 4326)
1122 ORDER BY st_distance (coordinates, starting_point)
1123 LIMIT 5;
1124 starting_point := (SELECT coordinates FROM point_bag where id = 3);
1125 END IF;
1127 previous_point :=
1128 (SELECT ROW(id, coordinates)
1129 FROM point_bag
1130 ORDER BY st_distance (point_bag.coordinates, starting_point)
1131 LIMIT 1);
1133 DELETE FROM point_bag WHERE id = previous_point.id;
1135 new_point :=
1136 (SELECT ROW(id, coordinates)
1137 FROM point_bag
1138 ORDER BY st_distance (point_bag.coordinates, previous_point.coordinates)
1139 LIMIT 1);
1141 line := st_makeline(previous_point.coordinates,
1142 new_point.coordinates);
1144 new_azimuth :=
1145 st_azimuth(previous_point.coordinates, new_point.coordinates);
1147 IF abs(new_azimuth - old_azimuth) > radians(90)
1149 abs(new_azimuth - old_azimuth) < radians(270)
1150 THEN
1151 new_azimuth :=
1152 st_azimuth(new_point.coordinates, previous_point.coordinates);
1153 line := st_reverse(line);
1154 END IF;
1156 DELETE FROM point_bag WHERE id = new_point.id;
1158 LOOP
1159 previous_point.coordinates := st_pointn(line,1);
1161 new_point :=
1162 (SELECT ROW(id, coordinates)
1163 FROM point_bag
1164 ORDER BY st_distance (coordinates, previous_point.coordinates)
1165 LIMIT 1);
1167 EXIT WHEN new_point IS NULL;
1169 IF bendedness(st_pointn(line, 2), st_pointn(line, 1),
1170 new_point.coordinates)
1171 < bendedness(st_pointn(line, st_npoints(line) - 1),
1172 st_pointn(line, st_npoints(line)), new_point.coordinates)
1174 bendedness(st_pointn(line, 2), st_pointn(line, 1),
1175 new_point.coordinates)
1176 < max_bend
1177 THEN
1178 line := st_addpoint(line, new_point.coordinates, 0);
1179 DELETE FROM point_bag WHERE id = new_point.id;
1180 END IF;
1182 line := st_reverse(line);
1184 reversal_count := reversal_count + 1 ;
1186 DELETE FROM point_bag WHERE id = tried_point.id;
1188 tried_point := new_point;
1189 END LOOP;
1191 IF mod(reversal_count, 2) = 1
1192 THEN
1193 line := st_reverse(line);
1194 END IF;
1196 current_point_position :=
1197 st_line_locate_point(line, point);
1199 current_point :=
1200 st_astext(st_line_interpolate_point(line, current_point_position));
1202 location := (current_point_position - (step_size / st_length(line)));
1203 IF location < 0 THEN location := 0; END IF;
1205 back_point :=
1206 st_astext(st_line_interpolate_point(line, location));
1208 location := (current_point_position + (step_size / st_length(line)));
1209 IF location > 0 THEN location := 1; END IF;
1211 forward_point :=
1212 st_astext(st_line_interpolate_point(line, location));
1214 threaded_points := st_astext(line);
1216 RETURN;
1217 END;
1218 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;"
1219 (s-sql:to-sql-name thread-aux-points-function-name)
1220 (s-sql:to-sql-name aux-point-view-name)
1221 (phoros-version)))))
1223 (defun create-acquisition-project (common-table-name)
1224 "Create in current database a fresh set of canonically named tables.
1225 common-table-name should in most cases resemble the project name and
1226 will be stored in table sys-acquisition-project, field
1227 common-table-name."
1228 (create-data-table-definitions common-table-name)
1229 (handler-case (create-sys-tables) ;Create system tables if necessary.
1230 (cl-postgres-error:syntax-error-or-access-violation () nil))
1231 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
1232 (when (select-dao 'sys-acquisition-project
1233 (:= 'common-table-name
1234 (s-sql:to-sql-name common-table-name)))
1235 (error "There is already a row with a common-table-name of ~A in table ~A."
1236 common-table-name
1237 (s-sql:to-sql-name (dao-table-name 'sys-acquisition-project))))
1238 (create-table 'point-data)
1239 (create-table 'image-data)
1240 (create-aggregate-view common-table-name)
1241 (insert-dao
1242 (make-instance 'sys-acquisition-project
1243 :common-table-name common-table-name)))
1245 (defun delete-acquisition-project (common-table-name)
1246 "Delete the acquisition project that uses common-table-name. Return
1247 nil if there wasn't any."
1248 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
1249 (let ((project
1250 (car (select-dao 'sys-acquisition-project
1251 (:= 'common-table-name common-table-name)))))
1252 (when project
1253 (delete-dao project)
1254 (execute (:drop-view
1255 :if-exists (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)))
1256 (execute (:drop-table
1257 :if-exists (image-data-table-name common-table-name)))
1258 (execute (:drop-table
1259 :if-exists (point-data-table-name common-table-name)))
1260 (execute (:drop-sequence
1261 :if-exists (point-id-seq-name common-table-name))))))
1263 (defun delete-measurement (measurement-id)
1264 "Delete measurement with measurement-id if any; return nil if not."
1265 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
1266 (let ((measurement (get-dao 'sys-measurement measurement-id)))
1267 (when measurement (delete-dao measurement))))
1269 (defun create-presentation-project (project-name)
1270 "Create a fresh presentation project in current database. Return
1271 dao if one was created, or nil if it existed already."
1272 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
1273 (unless (get-dao 'sys-presentation-project project-name)
1274 (create-user-table-definition project-name)
1275 (create-table 'user-point)
1276 (create-presentation-project-trigger-function project-name)
1277 (execute (format nil "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS ~A ON ~:*~A;"
1278 (s-sql:to-sql-name (user-point-table-name project-name))))
1279 (execute (format nil "
1282 ON ~:*~A
1284 (s-sql:to-sql-name (user-point-table-name project-name))))
1285 (execute (sql-compile
1286 `(:create-table ,(user-line-table-name project-name)
1287 ((description :type text)
1288 ;; description would be a nice primary
1289 ;; key if it wasn't for QGIS which
1290 ;; needs it numeric
1291 (id :type serial :primary-key t)
1292 (line :type geometry)))))
1293 (insert-dao (make-instance 'sys-presentation-project
1294 :presentation-project-name project-name))))
1296 (defun create-presentation-project-trigger-function
1297 (presentation-project
1298 &optional (plpgsql-body
1299 (format
1300 nil " RAISE NOTICE 'trigger fired: ~A';"
1301 (s-sql:to-sql-name (user-point-table-name
1302 presentation-project))))
1303 &rest plpgsql-body-args)
1304 "(Re)create in current database an SQL trigger function with
1305 plpgsql-body (a format string that uses plpgsql-body-args)."
1306 (execute (format
1307 nil "
1311 BEGIN
1312 ------------------------------------------
1313 -- Define your trigger actions below:
1314 ------------------------------------------
1315 ~?~&~:
1316 ------------------------------------------
1317 -- End of your trigger action definitions.
1318 ------------------------------------------
1320 END;
1321 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;"
1322 (s-sql:to-sql-name (user-point-table-name presentation-project))
1323 plpgsql-body
1324 plpgsql-body-args)))
1326 (defun fire-presentation-project-trigger-function (presentation-project)
1327 "Tickle user point table of presentation-project so it fires its
1328 trigger."
1329 (let ((user-point-table (user-point-table-name presentation-project)))
1330 (execute
1331 (:update user-point-table
1332 :set 'user-point-id 'user-point-id
1333 :where (:= 'user-point-id
1334 (:limit (:select 'user-point-id
1335 :from user-point-table) 1))))))
1337 (defun delete-presentation-project (project-name)
1338 "Delete the presentation project project-name. Return nil if there
1339 wasn't any."
1340 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
1341 (let ((project (get-dao 'sys-presentation-project project-name)))
1342 (when project
1343 (delete-dao project)
1344 (execute
1345 (:drop-table :if-exists (user-point-table-name project-name)))
1346 (execute
1347 (:drop-sequence :if-exists (user-point-id-seq-name project-name)))
1348 (execute
1349 (:drop-table :if-exists (user-line-table-name project-name))))))
1351 (defun* create-user (name &key
1352 presentation-projects
1353 &mandatory-key
1354 user-password
1355 user-full-name
1356 user-role)
1357 "Create a fresh user entry or update an existing one with matching
1358 name. Assign it presentation-projects, deleting any previously
1359 existing assignments."
1360 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
1361 (assert (or (string-equal "read" user-role)
1362 (string-equal "write" user-role)
1363 (string-equal "admin" user-role))
1364 (user-role)
1365 "~A is not a valid user-role." user-role)
1366 (let ((user (or (car (select-dao 'sys-user (:= 'user-name name)))
1367 (make-instance 'sys-user :user-name name)))
1368 fresh-user-p)
1369 (setf (user-password user) user-password
1370 (user-full-name user) user-full-name)
1371 (setf fresh-user-p (save-dao user))
1372 (mapcar #'delete-dao (select-dao 'sys-user-role
1373 (:= 'user-id (user-id user))))
1374 (dolist (presentation-project-name presentation-projects)
1375 (let ((presentation-project
1376 (get-dao 'sys-presentation-project presentation-project-name)))
1377 (if presentation-project
1378 (insert-dao
1379 (make-instance
1380 'sys-user-role
1381 :user-id (user-id user)
1382 :presentation-project-id
1383 (presentation-project-id presentation-project)
1384 :user-role (string-downcase user-role))) ;TODO: we should be able to set role per presentation-project.
1385 (warn
1386 "There is no presentation project ~A" presentation-project-name))))
1387 fresh-user-p))
1389 (defun delete-user (user-name)
1390 "Delete user user-name if any; return nil if not."
1391 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
1392 (let ((user (car (select-dao 'sys-user (:= 'user-name user-name)))))
1393 (when user (delete-dao user))))
1395 (defun add-to-presentation-project (presentation-project-name
1396 &key measurement-ids acquisition-project)
1397 "Add to presentation project presentation-project-name either a list
1398 of measurements (with measurement-id) or all measurements currently in
1399 acquisition-project (denoted by its common-table-name)."
1400 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
1401 (let* ((presentation-project
1402 (car (select-dao 'sys-presentation-project
1403 (:= 'presentation-project-name
1404 presentation-project-name))))
1405 (presentation-project-id
1406 (presentation-project-id presentation-project)))
1407 (flet ((add-measurement (measurement-id)
1408 "Add one measurement to the given presentation-project."
1409 (unless (get-dao 'sys-presentation
1410 presentation-project-id
1411 measurement-id)
1412 (insert-dao
1413 (make-instance 'sys-presentation
1414 :presentation-project-id presentation-project-id
1415 :measurement-id measurement-id)))))
1416 (cond (measurement-ids (mapc #'add-measurement measurement-ids))
1417 (acquisition-project
1418 (dolist
1419 (measurement-id
1420 (query
1421 (:select
1422 'measurement-id
1423 :from 'sys-measurement 'sys-acquisition-project
1424 :where (:and
1425 (:= 'sys-acquisition-project.common-table-name
1426 acquisition-project)
1427 (:= 'sys-measurement.acquisition-project-id
1428 'sys-acquisition-project.acquisition-project-id)))
1429 :column))
1430 (add-measurement measurement-id)))
1431 (t (error
1432 "Don't know what to add. ~
1433 Need either measurement-id or acquisition-project."))))
1434 (let* ((common-table-names
1435 (common-table-names presentation-project-id))
1436 (presentation-project-bounding-box
1437 (ignore-errors ;for empty presentation project
1438 (substitute
1439 #\, #\Space
1440 (string-trim
1441 "BOX()"
1442 (query
1443 (sql-compile
1444 `(:select
1445 (:st_extent 'coordinates)
1446 :from
1447 (:as (:union
1448 ,@(loop
1449 for common-table-name in common-table-names
1450 for point-table-name
1451 = (point-data-table-name common-table-name)
1452 ;; would have been nice, was too slow:
1453 ;; = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
1454 collect
1455 `(:select
1456 'coordinates
1457 :from ',point-table-name
1458 :natural :left-join 'sys-presentation
1459 :where
1460 (:= 'presentation-project-id
1461 ,presentation-project-id))))
1462 all-coordinates)))
1463 :single!))))))
1464 (when presentation-project-bounding-box
1465 (setf (bounding-box presentation-project)
1466 presentation-project-bounding-box))
1467 (update-dao presentation-project))))
1469 (defun remove-from-presentation-project (presentation-project-name
1470 &key measurement-ids acquisition-project)
1471 "Remove from presentation project presentation-project-name either a
1472 list of measurements (with measurement-id) or all measurements
1473 currently in acquisition-project with (denoted by its
1474 common-table-name). Return nil if there weren't anything to remove."
1475 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
1476 (let* ((presentation-project
1477 (car (select-dao 'sys-presentation-project
1478 (:= 'presentation-project-name
1479 presentation-project-name))))
1480 (presentation-project-id
1481 (Presentation-project-id presentation-project)))
1482 (flet ((remove-measurement (measurement-id)
1483 (let ((measurement
1484 (car (select-dao
1485 'sys-presentation
1486 (:and (:= 'measurement-id measurement-id)
1487 (:= 'presentation-project-id
1488 presentation-project-id))))))
1489 (when measurement (delete-dao measurement)))))
1490 (cond (measurement-ids (mapc #'remove-measurement measurement-ids))
1491 (acquisition-project
1492 (dolist
1493 (measurement-id
1494 (query
1495 (:select
1496 'measurement-id
1497 :from 'sys-measurement 'sys-acquisition-project
1498 :where (:and
1499 (:= 'sys-acquisition-project.common-table-name
1500 acquisition-project)
1501 (:= 'sys-measurement.acquisition-project-id
1502 'sys-acquisition-project.acquisition-project-id)))
1503 :column))
1504 (remove-measurement measurement-id)))
1505 (t (error
1506 "Don't know what to remove. ~
1507 Need either measurement-id or acquisition-project."))))))