[phoros.git] / cli.lisp
1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 ;;;; The UNIX command line interface
21 (in-package :phoros)
23 (defparameter *cli-main-options*
24 '((("help" #\h) :action #'cli-help-action
25 :documentation "Print this help and exit.")
26 ("version" :action #'cli-version-action
27 :documentation "Output version information and exit. Use --verbose=1 to see more.")
28 ("verbose" :type integer :initial-value 0 :action *verbose*
29 :documentation "Dependent on bits set in this integer, emit various kinds of debugging output. ")
30 ("log-dir" :type string :initial-value ""
31 :documentation "Where to put the log files. Created if necessary; should end with a slash.")
32 ("check-db" :action #'check-db-action
33 :documentation "Check database connection and exit.")
34 ("check-dependencies" :action #'check-dependencies-action
35 :documentation "Check presence of dependencies on local system and exit.")
36 ("nuke-all-tables" :action #'nuke-all-tables-action
37 :documentation "Ask for confirmation, then delete anything in database and exit.")
38 ("create-sys-tables" :action #'create-sys-tables-action
39 :documentation "Ask for confirmation, then create in database a set of sys-* tables (tables shared between all projects). The database should probably be empty before you try this.")
40 ("create-acquisition-project" :type string :action #'create-acquisition-project-action
41 :documentation "Create a fresh set of canonically named data tables. The string argument is the acquisition project name. It will be stored in table sys-acquisition-project, field common-table-name, and used as a common part of the data table names.")))
43 (defparameter *cli-db-connection-options*
44 '((("host" #\H) :type string :initial-value "localhost" :documentation "Database server.")
45 (("port" #\P) :type integer :initial-value 5432
46 :documentation "Port on database server.")
47 (("database" #\D) :type string :initial-value "phoros"
48 :documentation "Name of database.")
49 (("user" #\U) :type string
50 :documentation "Database user.")
51 (("password" #\W) :type string
52 :documentation "Database user's password.")
53 ("use-ssl" :type string :initial-value "no"
54 :documentation "Use SSL in database connection. [yes|no|try]")))
56 (defparameter *cli-get-image-options*
57 '(("get-image" :action #'get-image-action
58 :documentation "Get a single image from a .pictures file, print its trigger-time to stdout, and exit.")
59 ("count" :type integer :initial-value 0
60 :documentation "Image number in .pictures file.")
61 ("byte-position" :type integer
62 :documentation "Byte position of image in .pictures file.")
63 ("in" :type string
64 :documentation "Path to .pictures file.")
65 ("out" :type string :initial-value "phoros-get-image.png"
66 :documentation "Path to to output .png file.")
67 ;; The way it should be had we two-dimensional arrays in postmodern:
68 ;;("bayer-pattern" :type string :list t :optional t :action :raw-bayer-pattern :documentation "The first pixels of the first row. Repeat this option to describe following row(s). Each pixel is to be interpreted as RGB hex string. Example: use #ff0000,#00ff00 if the first pixels in topmost row are red, green.")
69 ("bayer-pattern" :type string :initial-value "#ff0000,#00ff00" :action :raw-bayer-pattern
70 :documentation "The first pixels of the first row. Each pixel is to be interpreted as RGB hex string. Example: use #ff0000,#00ff00 if the first pixels in topmost row are red, green.")))
72 (defparameter *cli-camera-hardware-options*
73 '(("store-camera-hardware" :action #'store-camera-hardware-action
74 :documentation "Put new camera-hardware data into the database; print camera-hardware-id to stdout.")
75 ("sensor-width-pix" :type integer
76 :documentation "Width of camera sensor.")
77 ("sensor-height-pix" :type integer
78 :documentation "Height of camera sensor.")
79 ("pix-size" :type string
80 :documentation "Camera pixel size in millimetres (float).")
81 ("channels" :type integer
82 :documentation "Number of color channels")
83 ("pix-depth" :type integer :initial-value 255
84 :documentation "Greatest possible pixel value.")
85 ("color-raiser" :type string :initial-value "1,1,1"
86 :action :raw-color-raiser
87 :documentation "Multipliers for the individual color components. Example: 1.2,1,.8 multiplies red by 1.2 and blue by 0.8.")
88 ;; The way it should be had we two-dimensional arrays in postmodern:
89 ;;("bayer-pattern" :type string :list t :optional t :action :raw-bayer-pattern :documentation "The first pixels of the first row. Repeat this option to describe following row(s). Each pixel is to be interpreted as RGB hex string. Example: use #ff0000,#00ff00 if the first pixels in topmost row are red, green.")
90 ("bayer-pattern" :type string :optional t
91 :action :raw-bayer-pattern
92 :documentation "The first pixels of the first row. Each pixel is to be interpreted as RGB hex string. Example: use #ff0000,#00ff00 if the first pixels in topmost row are red, green.")
93 ("serial-number" :type string
94 :documentation "Serial number.")
95 ("description" :type string
96 :documentation "Description of camera.")
97 ("try-overwrite" :type boolean :initial-value "yes"
98 :documentation "Overwrite matching camera-hardware record if any.")))
100 (defparameter *cli-lens-options*
101 '(("store-lens" :action #'store-lens-action
102 :documentation "Put new lens data into the database; print lens-id to stdout.")
103 ("c" :type string
104 :documentation "Nominal focal length in millimetres.")
105 ("serial-number" :type string
106 :documentation "Serial number.")
107 ("description" :type string
108 :documentation "Lens desription.")
109 ("try-overwrite" :type boolean :initial-value "yes"
110 :documentation "Overwrite matching lens record if any.")))
112 (defparameter *cli-generic-device-options*
113 '(("store-generic-device" :action #'store-generic-device-action
114 :documentation "Put a newly defined generic-device into the database; print generic-device-id to stdout.")
115 ("camera-hardware-id" :type integer
116 :documentation "Numeric camera hardware id in database.")
117 ("lens-id" :type integer
118 :documentation "Numeric lens id in database.")))
120 (defparameter *cli-device-stage-of-life-options*
121 '(("store-device-stage-of-life" :action #'store-device-stage-of-life-action
122 :documentation "Put a newly defined device-stage-of-life into the database; print device-stage-of-life-id to stdout.")
123 ("recorded-device-id" :type string
124 :documentation "Device id stored next to the measuring data.")
125 ("event-number" :type string
126 :documentation "GPS event that triggers this generic device.")
127 ("generic-device-id" :type integer
128 :documentation "Numeric generic-device id in database.")
129 ("vehicle-name" :type string
130 :documentation "Descriptive name of vehicle.")
131 ("casing-name" :type string
132 :documentation "Descriptive name of device casing.")
133 ("computer-name" :type string
134 :documentation "Name of the recording device.")
135 ("computer-interface-name" :type string
136 :documentation "Interface at device.")
137 ("mounting-date" :type string
138 :documentation "Time this device constellation became effective. Format: `2010-11-19T13:49+01´.")))
140 (defparameter *cli-device-stage-of-life-end-options*
141 '(("store-device-stage-of-life-end" :action #'store-device-stage-of-life-end-action
142 :documentation "Put an end date to a device-stage-of-life in the database; print device-stage-of-life-id to stdout.")
143 ("device-stage-of-life-id" :type string
144 :documentation "Id of the device-stage-of-life to put to an end.")
145 ("unmounting-date" :type string
146 :documentation "Time this device constellation ceased to be effective. Format: `2010-11-19T17:02+01´.")))
148 (defparameter *cli-camera-calibration-options*
149 '(("store-camera-calibration" :action #'store-camera-calibration-action
150 :documentation "Put new camera-calibration into the database; print generic-device-id and calibration date to stdout.")
151 ("device-stage-of-life-id" :type string
152 :documentation "This tells us what hardware this calibration is for.")
153 ("date" :type string
154 :documentation "Date of calibration. Format: `2010-11-19T13:49+01´.")
155 ("person" :type string
156 :documentation "Person who did the calibration.")
157 ("main-description" :type string
158 :documentation "Regarding this entire set of calibration data")
159 ("debug" :type string
160 :documentation "If true: not for production use; may be altered or deleted at any time.")
161 ("photogrammetry-version" :type string
162 :documentation "Software version used to create this data.")
163 ("mounting-angle" :type integer
164 :documentation "Head up = 0; right ear up = 90; left ear up = -90; head down = 180.")
165 ("inner-orientation-description" :type string
166 :documentation "Comments regarding inner orientation calibration.")
167 ("c" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: focal length.")
168 ("xh" :type string
169 :documentation "Inner orientation: principal point displacement.")
170 ("yh" :type string
171 :documentation "Inner orientation: principal point displacement.")
172 ("a1" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: radial distortion.")
173 ("a2" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: radial distortion.")
174 ("a3" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation: radial distortion.")
175 ("b1" :type string
176 :documentation "Inner orientation: asymmetric and tangential distortion.")
177 ("b2" :type string
178 :documentation "Inner orientation: asymmetric and tangential distortion.")
179 ("c1" :type string
180 :documentation "Inner orientation: affinity and shear distortion.")
181 ("c2" :type string
182 :documentation "Inner orientation: affinity and shear distortion.")
183 ("r0" :type string :documentation "Inner orientation.")
184 ("outer-orientation-description" :type string
185 :documentation "Comments regarding outer orientation calibration.")
186 ("dx" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation; in metres.")
187 ("dy" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation; in metres.")
188 ("dz" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation; in metres.")
189 ("omega" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation.")
190 ("phi" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation.")
191 ("kappa" :type string :documentation "Outer orientation.")
192 ("boresight-description" :type string
193 :documentation "Comments regarding boresight alignment calibration.")
194 ("b-dx" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
195 ("b-dy" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
196 ("b-dz" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
197 ("b-ddx" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
198 ("b-ddy" :type string :Documentation "Boresight alignment.")
199 ("b-ddz" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
200 ("b-rotx" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
201 ("b-roty" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
202 ("b-rotz" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
203 ("b-drotx" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
204 ("b-droty" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
205 ("b-drotz" :type string :documentation "Boresight alignment.")
206 ("nx" :type string
207 :documentation "X component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane.")
208 ("ny" :type string
209 :documentation "Y component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane.")
210 ("nz" :type string
211 :documentation "Z component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane.")
212 ("d" :type string :documentation "Distance of vehicle ground plane.")))
214 (defparameter *cli-store-images-and-points-options*
215 '((("store-images-points" #\s) :type string :action #'store-images-and-points-action
216 :documentation "Link images to GPS points; store both into their respective DB tables. Images become linked to GPS points when their respective times differ by less than epsilon seconds, and when the respective events match. The string argument is the acquisition project name.")
217 (("directory" #\d) :type string
218 :documentation "Directory containing one set of measuring data.")
219 (("common-root" #\r) :type string
220 :documentation "The root part of directory that is equal for all pojects. TODO: come up with some sensible default.")
221 ("epsilon" :type string :initial-value ".001"
222 :documentation "Difference in seconds below which two timestamps are considered equal.")
223 ("aggregate-events" :type nil
224 :documentation "Put all GPS points in one bucket, disregarding any event numbers. Use this if you have morons setting up your generic-device. Hundreds of orphaned images may indicate this is the case.")))
226 (defparameter *cli-start-server-options*
227 '(("server" :action #'server-action :documentation "Start HTTP presentation server. Entry URI is http://<host>:<port>/phoros/<project>")
228 ("server-port" :type integer :initial-value 8080 :documentation "Port the presentation server listens on.")
229 (("common-root" #\r) :type string :initial-value "/"
230 :documentation "The root part of directory that is equal for all pojects. TODO: come up with some sensible default.")))
232 (defparameter *cli-presentation-project-options*
233 '(("create-presentation-project"
234 :type string :action #'create-presentation-project-action
235 :documentation "Create a fresh presentation project which is to expose a set of meassurements to certain users.")
236 ("delete-presentation-project"
237 :type string :action #'delete-presentation-project-action
238 :documentation "Delete a presentation project.")
239 ("list-presentation-project"
240 :type string :optional t :action #'list-presentation-project-action
241 :documentation "List one presentation project if specified, or all presentation projects if not.")
242 ("add-to-presentation-project"
243 :type string :action #'add-to-presentation-project-action
244 :documentation "Add to the presentation project given either certain measurements or all measurements currently in a certain acquisition project.")
245 ("remove-from-presentation-project"
246 :type string :action #'remove-from-presentation-project-action
247 :documentation "Remove from the presentation project given either certain measurements or all measurements currently in a certain acquisition project.")
248 ("measurement-id" :type integer :list t :optional t
249 :documentation "One measurement-id to add or remove. Repeat if necessary.")
250 ("acquisition-project" :type string
251 :documentation "The acquisition project whose measurements are to add or remove.")))
253 (defparameter *cli-user-options*
254 '(("create-user"
255 :type string :action #'create-user-action
256 :documentation "Create or update a user of certain presentation projects.")
257 ("user-password" :type string :documentation "User's password.")
258 ("user-full-name" :type string :documentation "User's real name.")
259 ("presentation-project" :type string :list t :optional t
260 :documentation "Presentation project the user is allowed to see. Repeat if necessary.")
261 ("delete-user"
262 :type string :action #'delete-user-action :documentation "Delete user.")
263 ("list-user"
264 :type string :optional t :action #'list-user-action
265 :documentation "List the specified user with their presentation projects, or all users if no user is given.")))
267 (defparameter *cli-options*
268 (append *cli-main-options* *cli-db-connection-options* *cli-get-image-options*
269 *cli-camera-hardware-options* *cli-lens-options*
270 *cli-generic-device-options* *cli-device-stage-of-life-options*
271 *cli-device-stage-of-life-end-options*
272 *cli-camera-calibration-options* *cli-store-images-and-points-options*
273 *cli-start-server-options*
274 *cli-presentation-project-options* *cli-user-options*))
276 (defun main ()
277 "The UNIX command line entry point."
278 ;; (handler-bind ((serious-condition (lambda (c)
279 ;; (declare (ignore c))
280 ;; (sb-debug:backtrace))))
281 #+sbcl (sb-ext:disable-debugger)
282 (handler-case
283 (progn
284 (cffi:use-foreign-library photogrammetrie)
285 (compute-and-process-command-line-options *cli-options*))
286 (serious-condition (c)
287 (cl-log:log-message :warning "Fatal: ~A" c)
288 (format *error-output* "~A~&" c))))
290 (defun cli-help-action (&rest rest)
291 "Print --help message."
292 (declare (ignore rest))
293 (flet ((show-help-headline (content)
294 (format *standard-output* "~&~95,,,'#@<~A ~>" content)))
295 (format *standard-output*
296 "~&Usage: phoros [options] ...~&~A"
297 (asdf:system-long-description (asdf:find-system :phoros)))
298 (show-help-headline "Main Options")
299 (show-option-help *cli-main-options*)
300 (show-help-headline "Database Connection")
301 (show-option-help *cli-db-connection-options*)
302 (show-help-headline "Examine .pictures File")
303 (show-option-help *cli-get-image-options*)
304 (show-help-headline "Camera Hardware Parameters")
305 (show-option-help *cli-camera-hardware-options*)
306 (show-help-headline "Lens Parameters")
307 (show-option-help *cli-lens-options*)
308 (show-help-headline "Generic Device Definition")
309 (show-option-help *cli-generic-device-options*)
310 (show-help-headline "Device Stage-Of-Life Definition")
311 (show-option-help *cli-device-stage-of-life-options*)
312 (show-help-headline "Put An End To A Device's Stage-Of-Life")
313 (show-option-help *cli-device-stage-of-life-end-options*)
314 (show-help-headline "Camera Calibration Parameters")
315 (show-option-help *cli-camera-calibration-options*)
316 (show-help-headline "Store Measure Data")
317 (show-option-help *cli-store-images-and-points-options*)
318 (show-help-headline "Become A HTTP Presentation Server")
319 (show-option-help *cli-start-server-options*)
320 (show-help-headline "Manage Presentation Projects")
321 (show-option-help *cli-presentation-project-options*)
322 (show-help-headline "Manage Presentation Project Users")
323 (show-option-help *cli-user-options*)))
325 (defun cli-version-action (&rest rest)
326 "Print --version message."
327 (declare (ignore rest))
328 (process-command-line-options*)
329 (case *verbose*
331 (format
332 *standard-output*
333 "~&~A~&" (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system :phoros))))
334 (otherwise
335 (format
336 *standard-output*
337 "~&~A version ~A~& ~A version ~A~& Proj4 library: ~A~& Photogrammetry version ~A~&"
338 (asdf:system-description (asdf:find-system :phoros))
339 (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system :phoros))
340 (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version)
341 (proj:version)
342 (photogrammetrie:get-version-number)))))
344 (defun check-db-action (&rest rest)
345 "Say `OK´ if database is accessible."
346 (declare (ignore rest))
347 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
348 &allow-other-keys)
349 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
350 (when (check-db (list database user password host :port port
351 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl)))
352 (format *error-output* "~&OK~%"))))
354 (defun check-dependencies-action (&rest rest)
355 "Say `OK´ if the necessary external dependencies are available."
356 (declare (ignore rest))
357 (handler-case
358 (progn
359 (geographic-to-utm 33 13 52) ;check cs2cs
360 (del-all) ;check photogrammetry
361 (initialize-leap-seconds) ;check source of leap second info
362 (format *error-output* "~&OK~%"))
363 (error (e) (format *error-output* "~A~&" e))))
365 (defun nuke-all-tables-action (&rest rest)
366 "Drop the bomb. Ask for confirmation first."
367 (declare (ignore rest))
368 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
369 log-dir &allow-other-keys)
370 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
371 (launch-logger log-dir)
372 (when (yes-or-no-p
373 "You asked me to delete anything in database ~A at ~A:~D. Proceed?"
374 database host port)
375 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
376 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl)) ; string to keyword
377 (nuke-all-tables))
378 (cl-log:log-message :db "Nuked database ~A at ~A:~D. Back to square one!" database host port))))
380 (defun create-sys-tables-action (&rest rest)
381 "Make a set of sys-* tables. Ask for confirmation first."
382 (declare (ignore rest))
383 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
384 log-dir &allow-other-keys)
385 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
386 (launch-logger log-dir)
387 (when (yes-or-no-p
388 "You asked me to create a set of sys-* tables in database ~A at ~A:~D. Make sure you know what you are doing. Proceed?"
389 database host port)
390 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
391 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
392 (create-sys-tables))
393 (cl-log:log-message
394 :db-sys "Created a fresh set of system tables in database ~A at ~A:~D."
395 database host port))))
397 (defun create-acquisition-project-action (common-table-name)
398 "Make a set of data tables."
399 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
400 log-dir &allow-other-keys)
401 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
402 (launch-logger log-dir)
403 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
404 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
405 (create-acquisition-project common-table-name))
406 (cl-log:log-message
407 :db-dat
408 "Created a fresh acquisition project by the name of ~A in database ~A at ~A:~D."
409 common-table-name database host port)))
411 (defun store-images-and-points-action (common-table-name)
412 "Put data into the data tables."
413 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
414 log-dir
415 directory epsilon common-root aggregate-events
416 &allow-other-keys)
417 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
418 (launch-logger log-dir)
419 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
420 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
421 (cl-log:log-message
422 :db-dat
423 "Start: storing data from ~A into acquisition project ~A in database ~A at ~A:~D."
424 directory common-table-name database host port)
425 (store-images-and-points common-table-name directory
426 :epsilon (read-from-string epsilon nil)
427 :root-dir common-root
428 :aggregate-events aggregate-events))
429 (cl-log:log-message
430 :db-dat
431 "Finish: storing data from ~A into acquisition project ~A in database ~A at ~A:~D."
432 directory common-table-name database host port)))
434 ;;; We don't seem to have two-dimensional arrays in postmodern
435 ;;(defun canonicalize-bayer-pattern (raw &optional sql-string-p)
436 ;; "Convert list of strings of comma-separated hex color strings (ex: #ff0000 for red) into an array of integers. If sql-string-p is t, convert it into a string in SQL syntax."
437 ;; (when raw
438 ;; (let* ((array
439 ;; (loop
440 ;; for row in raw
441 ;; collect
442 ;; (loop
443 ;; for hex-color in (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\, row)
444 ;; collect
445 ;; (let ((*read-base* 16))
446 ;; (assert (eql (elt hex-color 0) #\#) () "~A is not a valid color" hex-color)
447 ;; (read-from-string
448 ;; (concatenate 'string
449 ;; (subseq hex-color 5 7)
450 ;; (subseq hex-color 3 5)
451 ;; (subseq hex-color 1 3))
452 ;; nil)))))
453 ;; (rows (length array))
454 ;; (columns (length (elt array 0))))
455 ;; (if sql-string-p
456 ;; (format nil "{~{{~{~A~#^,~}}~}}" array)
457 ;; (make-array (list rows columns) :initial-contents array)))))
459 (defun canonicalize-bayer-pattern (raw &optional sql-string-p)
460 "Convert a string of comma-separated hex color strings (ex: #ff0000
461 for red) into a vector integers. If sql-string-p is t, convert it
462 into a string in SQL syntax."
463 (when raw
464 (let* ((vector
465 (loop
466 for hex-color in (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\, raw)
467 collect
468 (let ((*read-base* 16))
469 (assert (eql (elt hex-color 0) #\#)
470 () "~A is not a valid color" hex-color)
471 (read-from-string
472 (concatenate 'string
473 (subseq hex-color 5 7)
474 (subseq hex-color 3 5)
475 (subseq hex-color 1 3))
476 nil))))
477 (columns (length vector)))
478 (if sql-string-p
479 (format nil "{~{~A~#^,~}}" vector)
480 (make-array (list columns) :initial-contents vector)))))
482 (defun canonicalize-color-raiser (raw &optional sql-string-p)
483 "Convert string of comma-separated numbers into a vector. If
484 sql-string-p is t, convert it into a string in SQL syntax."
485 (when raw
486 (let* ((vector
487 (loop
488 for multiplier in (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\, raw :count 3)
489 collect
490 (read-from-string multiplier nil))))
491 (if sql-string-p
492 (format nil "{~{~A~#^,~}}" vector)
493 (make-array '(3) :initial-contents vector)))))
495 (defun store-stuff (store-function)
496 "Open database connection and call store-function on command line
497 options. Print return values to *standard-output*. store-function
498 should only take keyargs."
499 (let ((command-line-options
500 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)))
501 (setf (getf command-line-options :bayer-pattern)
502 (canonicalize-bayer-pattern
503 (getf command-line-options :raw-bayer-pattern) t)
504 (getf command-line-options :color-raiser)
505 (canonicalize-color-raiser
506 (getf command-line-options :raw-color-raiser) t))
507 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
508 log-dir &allow-other-keys)
509 command-line-options
510 (launch-logger log-dir)
511 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
512 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
513 (format *standard-output* "~&~{~D~#^ ~}~%"
514 (multiple-value-list
515 (apply store-function :allow-other-keys t
516 command-line-options)))))))
518 (defun store-camera-hardware-action (&rest rest)
519 (declare (ignore rest))
520 (store-stuff #'store-camera-hardware))
522 (defun store-lens-action (&rest rest)
523 (declare (ignore rest))
524 (store-stuff #'store-lens))
526 (defun store-generic-device-action (&rest rest)
527 (declare (ignore rest))
528 (store-stuff #'store-generic-device))
530 (defun store-device-stage-of-life-action (&rest rest)
531 (declare (ignore rest))
532 (store-stuff #'store-device-stage-of-life))
534 (defun store-device-stage-of-life-end-action (&rest rest)
535 (declare (ignore rest))
536 (store-stuff #'store-device-stage-of-life-end))
538 (defun store-camera-calibration-action (&rest rest)
539 (declare (ignore rest))
540 (store-stuff #'store-camera-calibration))
542 (defun get-image-action (&rest rest)
543 "Output a PNG file extracted from a .pictures file; print its
544 trigger-time to stdout."
545 (declare (ignore rest))
546 (destructuring-bind (&key count byte-position in out
547 raw-bayer-pattern raw-color-raiser
548 &allow-other-keys)
549 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
550 (with-open-file (out-stream out :direction :output
551 :element-type 'unsigned-byte
552 :if-exists :supersede)
553 (let ((trigger-time
554 (if byte-position
555 (send-png out-stream in byte-position
556 :bayer-pattern
557 (canonicalize-bayer-pattern raw-bayer-pattern)
558 :color-raiser
559 (canonicalize-color-raiser raw-color-raiser))
560 (send-nth-png count out-stream in
561 :bayer-pattern
562 (canonicalize-bayer-pattern raw-bayer-pattern)
563 :color-raiser
564 (canonicalize-color-raiser raw-color-raiser)))))
565 (format *standard-output*
566 "~&~A~%" (timestring (utc-from-unix trigger-time)))))))
568 (defun create-presentation-project-action (presentation-project-name)
569 "Make a presentation project."
570 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
571 log-dir
572 &allow-other-keys)
573 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
574 (launch-logger log-dir)
575 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
576 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
577 (let ((fresh-project-p
578 (create-presentation-project presentation-project-name)))
579 (cl-log:log-message
580 :db-dat
581 "~:[Tried to recreate an existing~;Created a fresh~] presentation project by the name of ~A in database ~A at ~A:~D."
582 fresh-project-p presentation-project-name database host port)))))
584 (defun delete-presentation-project-action (presentation-project-name)
585 "Delete a presentation project."
586 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
587 log-dir
588 &allow-other-keys)
589 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
590 (launch-logger log-dir)
591 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
592 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
593 (let ((project-did-exist-p
594 (delete-presentation-project presentation-project-name)))
595 (cl-log:log-message
596 :db-dat
597 "~:[Tried to delete nonexistent~;Deleted~] presentation project ~A from database ~A at ~A:~D."
598 project-did-exist-p presentation-project-name database host port)))))
600 (defun add-to-presentation-project-action (presentation-project-name)
601 "Add measurements to a presentation project."
602 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
603 log-dir
604 measurement-id acquisition-project
605 &allow-other-keys)
606 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
607 (launch-logger log-dir)
608 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
609 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
610 (add-to-presentation-project presentation-project-name
611 :measurement-ids measurement-id
612 :acquisition-project acquisition-project))
613 (cl-log:log-message
614 :db-dat
615 "Added ~@[measurement-ids ~{~D~#^, ~}~]~@[all measurements from acquisition project ~A~] to presentation project ~A in database ~A at ~A:~D."
616 measurement-id acquisition-project
617 presentation-project-name database host port)))
619 (defun remove-from-presentation-project-action (presentation-project-name)
620 "Add measurements to a presentation project."
621 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
622 log-dir
623 measurement-id acquisition-project
624 &allow-other-keys)
625 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
626 (launch-logger log-dir)
627 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
628 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
629 (remove-from-presentation-project presentation-project-name
630 :measurement-ids measurement-id
631 :acquisition-project acquisition-project))
632 (cl-log:log-message
633 :db-dat
634 "Removed ~@[measurement-ids ~{~D~#^, ~}~]~@[all measurements that belong to acquisition project ~A~] from presentation project ~A in database ~A at ~A:~D."
635 measurement-id acquisition-project
636 presentation-project-name database host port)))
638 (defun create-user-action (presentation-project-user)
639 "Define a new user."
640 (let (fresh-user-p)
641 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
642 log-dir
643 user-password user-full-name presentation-project
644 &allow-other-keys)
645 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
646 (launch-logger log-dir)
647 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
648 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
649 (setf fresh-user-p (create-user presentation-project-user :password user-password :full-name user-full-name :presentation-projects presentation-project)))
650 (cl-log:log-message
651 :db-dat ;TODO: We're listing nonexistent p-projects here as well.
652 "~:[Updated~;Created~] user ~A (~A) who has access to ~:[no ~;~]presentation project(s)~:*~{ ~A~#^,~} in database ~A at ~A:~D."
653 fresh-user-p presentation-project-user user-full-name presentation-project database host port))))
655 (defun delete-user-action (presentation-project-user)
656 "Delete a presentation project user."
657 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
658 log-dir
659 &allow-other-keys)
660 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
661 (launch-logger log-dir)
662 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
663 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
664 (let ((user-did-exist-p
665 (delete-user presentation-project-user)))
666 (cl-log:log-message
667 :db-dat
668 "~:[Tried to delete nonexistent~;Deleted~] presentation project user ~A from database ~A at ~A:~D."
669 user-did-exist-p presentation-project-user database host port)))))
671 (defun list-user-action (&optional presentation-project-user)
672 "List presentation project users together with their presentation
673 projects."
674 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
675 &allow-other-keys)
676 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
677 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
678 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
679 (let ((content
680 (if (stringp presentation-project-user)
681 (query
682 (:order-by
683 (:select
684 'user-name 'sys-user.user-id 'user-password
685 'user-full-name 'presentation-project-name
686 'sys-user-role.presentation-project-id
687 :from 'sys-user 'sys-user-role 'sys-presentation-project
688 :where (:and (:= 'sys-user-role.presentation-project-id
689 'sys-presentation-project.presentation-project-id)
690 (:= 'sys-user.user-id 'sys-user-role.user-id)
691 (:= 'user-name presentation-project-user)))
692 'user-name))
693 (query
694 (:order-by
695 (:select
696 'user-name 'sys-user.user-id 'user-password
697 'user-full-name 'presentation-project-name
698 'sys-user-role.presentation-project-id
699 :from 'sys-user 'sys-user-role 'sys-presentation-project
700 :where (:and (:= 'sys-user-role.presentation-project-id
701 'sys-presentation-project.presentation-project-id)
702 (:= 'sys-user.user-id 'sys-user-role.user-id)))
703 'user-name)))))
704 (format-table *standard-output* " | " content
705 "User" "ID" "Password" "Full Name" "Presentation Project" "ID")))))
707 (defun list-presentation-project-action (&optional presentation-project)
708 "List content of presentation projects."
709 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
710 &allow-other-keys)
711 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
712 (with-connection (list database user password host :port port
713 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl))
714 (let ((content
715 (if (stringp presentation-project)
716 (query
717 (:order-by
718 (:select
719 'presentation-project-name
720 'sys-presentation-project.presentation-project-id
721 'sys-presentation.measurement-id
722 'common-table-name
723 'sys-measurement.acquisition-project-id
724 :from
725 'sys-presentation-project 'sys-presentation
726 'sys-measurement 'sys-acquisition-project
727 :where (:and (:= 'sys-presentation-project.presentation-project-id
728 'sys-presentation.presentation-project-id)
729 (:= 'sys-presentation.measurement-id
730 'sys-measurement.measurement-id)
731 (:= 'sys-measurement.acquisition-project-id
732 'sys-acquisition-project.acquisition-project-id)
733 (:= 'presentation-project-name presentation-project)))
734 'presentation-project-name 'sys-presentation.measurement-id))
735 (query
736 (:order-by
737 (:select
738 'presentation-project-name
739 'sys-presentation-project.presentation-project-id
740 'sys-presentation.measurement-id
741 'common-table-name
742 'sys-measurement.acquisition-project-id
743 :from
744 'sys-presentation-project 'sys-presentation
745 'sys-measurement 'sys-acquisition-project
746 :where (:and (:= 'sys-presentation-project.presentation-project-id
747 'sys-presentation.presentation-project-id)
748 (:= 'sys-presentation.measurement-id
749 'sys-measurement.measurement-id)
750 (:= 'sys-measurement.acquisition-project-id
751 'sys-acquisition-project.acquisition-project-id)))
752 'presentation-project-name 'sys-presentation.measurement-id)))))
753 (format-table *standard-output* " | " content
754 "Presentation Project" "ID" "Meas. ID" "Acquisition Project" "ID")))))
756 (defun format-table (destination column-separator content &rest column-headers)
757 "Print content (a list of lists) to destination."
758 (let* ((rows
759 (append (list column-headers) content))
760 (number-of-rows (length column-headers))
761 (widths
762 (loop
763 for column from 0 below number-of-rows collect
764 (loop
765 for row in rows
766 maximize (length (format nil "~A" (nth column row)))))))
767 (loop
768 for row in rows do
769 (format destination "~&~{~VA~1,#^~A~}~%"
770 (loop
771 for width in widths and field in row
772 collect width collect field collect column-separator)))))
774 (defun server-action (&rest rest)
775 "Start the HTTP server."
776 (declare (ignore rest))
777 (destructuring-bind (&key host port database (user "") (password "") use-ssl
778 log-dir
779 server-port common-root
780 &allow-other-keys)
781 (process-command-line-options *cli-options* *command-line-arguments*)
782 (launch-logger log-dir)
783 (setf *postgresql-credentials*
784 (list database user password host :port port
785 :use-ssl (s-sql:from-sql-name use-ssl)))
786 (start-server :server-port server-port :common-root common-root)
787 (cl-log:log-message
788 :server
789 "HTTP server listens on port ~D. Database is ~A on ~A:~D. Files are searched for in ~A."
790 server-port database host port common-root)
791 (loop (sleep 10))))