Use new PhoML version 0.005
[phoros.git] / stuff-db.lisp
1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 (in-package :phoros)
21 (defun collect-pictures-file-data (path)
22 "Return vector of image-data structures containing data from the
23 picture-headers of the .pictures file in path."
24 (let ((estimated-header-length
25 (ignore-errors
26 (- (find-keyword path "PICTUREHEADER_END")
27 (find-keyword path "PICTUREHEADER_BEGIN")
28 *picture-header-length-tolerance*)))) ; allow for variation in dataSize and a few other parameters
29 (if estimated-header-length ;otherwise we don't have a decent header
30 (with-open-file (stream path :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
31 (cl-log:log-message :db-dat "Digesting ~A." path)
32 (loop
33 with pictures-data = (make-array '(600) :fill-pointer 0)
34 for picture-start =
35 (find-keyword-in-stream stream "PICTUREHEADER_BEGIN" 0) then
36 (find-keyword-in-stream stream "PICTUREHEADER_BEGIN"
37 (+ picture-start picture-length
38 estimated-header-length))
39 for picture-length = (find-keyword-value
40 path "dataSize=" picture-start
41 estimated-header-length)
42 and time-trigger = (utc-from-unix
43 (or
44 (find-keyword-value
45 path "timeTrigger=" picture-start
46 estimated-header-length)
47 -1))
48 and timestamp = (find-keyword-value
49 path "cameraTimestamp=" picture-start
50 estimated-header-length)
51 and recorded-device-id = (format
52 nil "~S"
53 (find-keyword-value
54 path "cam=" picture-start
55 estimated-header-length))
56 and gain = (find-keyword-value
57 path "gain=" picture-start estimated-header-length)
58 and shutter = (find-keyword-value
59 path "shutter=" picture-start
60 estimated-header-length)
61 while picture-start
62 do (vector-push-extend
63 (make-instance
64 'image-data
65 :trigger-time time-trigger
66 :camera-timestamp timestamp
67 :recorded-device-id recorded-device-id
68 :filename (file-namestring path)
69 :gain gain
70 :shutter shutter
71 :byte-position picture-start)
72 pictures-data)
73 finally
74 (repair-missing-trigger-times pictures-data)
75 (return pictures-data)))
76 (cl-log:log-message
77 :db-dat "Skipping ~A because it looks disgusting." path))))
79 (defun repair-missing-trigger-times (images)
80 "Use slot camera-timestamp to fake missing trigger-times."
81 (labels ((slope (offending-index good-index)
82 (/ (- (trigger-time (aref images (+ offending-index
83 (- good-index 2))))
84 (trigger-time (aref images (+ offending-index
85 (+ good-index 2)))))
86 (- (camera-timestamp (aref images (+ offending-index
87 (- good-index 2))))
88 (camera-timestamp (aref images (+ offending-index
89 (+ good-index 2)))))))
90 (intercept (offending-index good-index slope)
91 (- (trigger-time (aref images (+ offending-index good-index)))
92 (* slope (camera-timestamp (aref images (+ offending-index
93 good-index))))))
94 (fake-trigger-time (offending-index good-index)
95 (let* ((m (slope offending-index good-index))
96 (t-0 (intercept offending-index good-index m)))
97 (+ (* m (camera-timestamp (aref images offending-index)))
98 t-0))))
99 (dolist (offending-index
100 (loop
101 with previous-trigger-time = 0
102 for h across images
103 for i from 0
104 for trigger-time = (trigger-time h)
105 if (> (+ trigger-time 1d-4) previous-trigger-time)
106 do (setf previous-trigger-time trigger-time)
107 else collect i))
108 (ignore-errors
109 (let ((good-index-offset -3))
110 (handler-bind ((error #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
111 (invoke-restart 'next-try))))
112 (setf (trigger-time (aref images offending-index))
113 (restart-case
114 (fake-trigger-time offending-index good-index-offset)
115 (next-try ()
116 (incf good-index-offset 6)
117 (fake-trigger-time offending-index good-index-offset)))
118 (fake-trigger-time-p (aref images offending-index)) t)))))))
120 (defun collect-pictures-directory-data (dir-path)
121 "Return vector of instances of class image-data with data from the
122 .pictures files in dir-path."
123 (let ((pictures-files
124 (directory (make-pathname
125 :directory (append (pathname-directory dir-path)
126 '(:wild-inferiors))
127 :name :wild :type "pictures"))))
128 (assert pictures-files ()
129 "Sorry, but I couldn't find a single .pictures file below ~A."
130 dir-path)
131 (reduce #'(lambda (x1 x2) (merge 'vector x1 x2 #'< :key #'trigger-time))
132 (mapcar #'collect-pictures-file-data
133 pictures-files))))
135 (defun collect-gps-data (dir-path estimated-utc)
136 "Put content of files in dir-path/**/applanix/*eventN.txt into
137 vectors. Return a list of elements (N vector) where N is the event
138 number."
139 (let* ((event-dir
140 (make-pathname
141 :directory (append (pathname-directory dir-path)
142 '(:wild-inferiors) '("applanix" "points"))
143 :name :wild
144 :type :wild))
145 (gps-files (directory event-dir))
146 (gps-event-files
147 (loop
148 for gps-file in gps-files
149 for gps-basename = (pathname-name gps-file)
150 for event-number = (ignore-errors
151 (subseq gps-basename
152 (mismatch
153 gps-basename "event"
154 :start1
155 (search "event" gps-basename
156 :from-end t))))
157 when event-number collect (list event-number gps-file))))
158 (assert gps-event-files ()
159 "Sorry, but I couldn't find a single GPS event file in ~A."
160 (directory-namestring event-dir))
161 (cl-log:log-message
162 :db-dat "Digesting GPS data from ~{~A~#^, ~}."
163 (mapcar #'cadr gps-event-files))
164 (loop
165 for gps-event-file-entry in gps-event-files
166 for gps-event-number = (first gps-event-file-entry)
167 for gps-event-file = (second gps-event-file-entry)
168 collect
169 (cons
170 gps-event-number
171 (with-open-file (stream gps-event-file)
172 (loop
173 for line = (read-line stream)
174 for i from 0 to 35
175 until (string-equal
176 (string-trim " " line)
177 "(time in Sec, distance in Meters, position in Meters, lat, long in Degrees, orientation angles and SD in Degrees, velocity in Meter/Sec, position SD in Meters)")
178 finally
179 (read-line stream)
180 (assert (< i 35) ()
181 "Unfamiliar header. Check Applanix file format." nil))
182 (loop
183 with gps-points = (make-array '(1000) :fill-pointer 0)
184 for line = (read-line stream nil)
185 while line
186 do (vector-push-extend
187 (let ((point (make-instance 'point-data)))
188 (with-slots
189 (gps-time
190 event-number
191 longitude latitude ellipsoid-height
192 roll pitch heading
193 east-velocity north-velocity up-velocity
194 east-sd north-sd height-sd
195 roll-sd pitch-sd heading-sd
196 easting northing cartesian-height)
197 point
198 (with-input-from-string (line-content line)
199 (setf event-number gps-event-number
200 gps-time
201 (utc-from-gps estimated-utc ; From GPS week time.
202 (read line-content nil)))
203 (read line-content nil) ; Discard distance.
204 (setf easting (read line-content nil)
205 northing (read line-content nil)
206 cartesian-height (read line-content nil)
207 latitude (read line-content nil)
208 longitude (read line-content nil)
209 ellipsoid-height (read line-content nil)
210 roll (read line-content nil)
211 pitch (read line-content nil)
212 heading (read line-content nil)
213 east-velocity (read line-content nil)
214 north-velocity (read line-content nil)
215 up-velocity (read line-content nil)
216 east-sd (read line-content nil)
217 north-sd (read line-content nil)
218 height-sd (read line-content nil)
219 roll-sd (read line-content nil)
220 pitch-sd (read line-content nil)
221 heading-sd (read line-content nil))))
222 point)
223 gps-points)
224 finally (return gps-points)))))))
226 (defun aggregate-gps-events (gps-points)
227 "Turn an alist of ((event1 . points1) (event2 . points2)...) into
228 ((t . all-points))."
229 (cl-log:log-message
230 :db-sys
231 "I was asked to aggregate-events so I won't distinguish any event numbers.")
232 (list
233 (cons t (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (merge 'vector x y #'< :key #'gps-time))
234 (mapcar #'cdr gps-points)))))
236 (defparameter *leap-seconds* nil
237 "An alist of (time . leap-seconds) elements. leap-seconds are to be
238 added to GPS time to get UTC.")
240 (defparameter *time-steps-history-url*
241 ""
242 "URL of the leap second table which should contain lines like this:
243 1980 Jan. 1 - 1s
244 1981 Jul. 1 - 1s
245 ...")
247 (defparameter *time-steps-history-file*
248 (make-pathname :directory '(:relative) :name "TimeSteps" :type "history")
249 "Fallback in case *time-steps-history-url* is unavailable.")
251 (let ((leap-second-months
252 (pairlis '("Jan." "Feb." "March" "Apr." "May" "Jun."
253 "Jul." "Aug." "Sept." "Oct." "Nov." "Dec.")
254 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12))))
255 ;; Month names as used in
256 ;;"
257 (defun initialize-leap-seconds () ; TODO: Security hole: read-from-string
258 (handler-case
259 (multiple-value-bind
260 (body status-code headers uri stream must-close reason-phrase)
261 (drakma:http-request *time-steps-history-url*)
262 (declare (ignore headers stream must-close reason-phrase))
263 (assert (= status-code 200))
264 (with-open-file (stream *time-steps-history-file*
265 :direction :output
266 :if-exists :supersede
267 :if-does-not-exist :create)
268 (write-string body stream)
269 (cl-log:log-message
270 :debug "Downloaded leap second information from ~A." uri)))
271 (error (e)
272 (cl-log:log-message
273 :warning
274 "Couldn't get the latest leap seconds information from ~A. (~A) Falling back to cached data in ~A."
275 *time-steps-history-url* e *time-steps-history-file*)))
276 (with-open-file (stream *time-steps-history-file*
277 :direction :input :if-does-not-exist :error)
278 (loop for time-record = (string-trim " " (read-line stream))
279 until (equal 1980 (read-from-string time-record nil)))
280 (setf
281 *leap-seconds*
282 (loop for time-record = (string-trim " s " (read-line stream))
283 with leap = nil and leap-date = nil
284 until (string-equal (subseq time-record 1 20)
285 (make-string 19 :initial-element #\-))
286 do (with-input-from-string (line time-record)
287 (let ((year (read line))
288 (month (cdr (assoc
289 (read line)
290 leap-second-months
291 :test #'string-equal)))
292 (date (read line))
293 (sign (read line))
294 (seconds (read line)))
295 (setf leap-date (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 date month year 0)
296 leap (if (eq sign '-) (- seconds) seconds))))
297 sum leap into leap-sum
298 collect leap-date into leap-dates
299 collect leap-sum into leap-sums
300 finally (return (sort (pairlis leap-dates leap-sums) #'<
301 :key #'car)))))))
303 (defparameter *gps-epoch* (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 6 1 1980 0))
304 (defparameter *unix-epoch* (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 1970 0))
306 (defun gps-start-of-week (time)
307 "Begin of a GPS week (approximately Sunday 00:00)"
308 (let ((week-length (* 7 24 3600))
309 (leap-seconds (cdr (find time *leap-seconds*
310 :key #'car :test #'> :from-end t))))
311 (assert leap-seconds ()
312 "Couldn't determine leap seconds for ~A" (timestring (round time)))
313 (+ (* (floor (- time *gps-epoch*) week-length)
314 week-length)
315 *gps-epoch*
316 leap-seconds)))
318 (defun utc-from-gps (utc-approximately gps-week-time)
319 "Convert GPS week time into UTC. gps-week-time may be of type
320 float; in this case a non-integer is returned which can't be fed into
321 decode-universal-time."
322 (+ (gps-start-of-week utc-approximately) gps-week-time))
324 (defun utc-from-unix (unix-time)
325 "Convert UNIX UTC to Lisp time."
326 (when unix-time (+ unix-time *unix-epoch*)))
328 ;;(defun event-number (recorded-device-id)
329 ;; "Return the GPS event number corresponding to recorded-device-id of camera (etc.)"
330 ;; (let ((event-table (pairlis '(21 22 11 12 1 2)
331 ;; '("1" "1" "2" "2" "1" "1"))))
332 ;; (cdr (assoc recorded-device-id event-table)))) ; TODO: make a saner version
335 (let (event-number-storage)
336 (defun device-event-number (recorded-device-id utc)
337 "Return the GPS event number (a string) corresponding to
338 recorded-device-id (a string) of camera (etc.)"
339 (let ((device-event-number
340 (cdr (assoc recorded-device-id event-number-storage
341 :test #'string-equal))))
342 (if device-event-number
343 device-event-number
344 (let* ((date (simple-date:universal-time-to-timestamp (round utc)))
345 (device-stage-of-life
346 (car
347 (select-dao
348 'sys-device-stage-of-life
349 (:and (:overlaps
350 (:set 'mounting-date
351 (:least :current-date 'unmounting-date))
352 (:set (:date date) (:date date)))
353 (:= 'recorded-device-id recorded-device-id))))))
354 (assert device-stage-of-life
356 "Can't figure out what event-number belongs to recorded-device-id ~S of (approx.) ~A. There should be some entry in table sys-device-stage-of-life to this end."
357 recorded-device-id (timestring (round utc)))
358 (push (cons recorded-device-id (event-number device-stage-of-life))
359 event-number-storage)
360 (event-number device-stage-of-life))))))
362 (defun almost= (x y epsilon)
363 (< (abs (- x y)) epsilon))
365 (defun geographic-to-utm (utm-zone longitude latitude &optional (height 0d0))
366 "Return UTM utm-zone representation of geographic coordinates."
367 (let ((utm-coordinate-system
368 (format nil "+proj=utm +ellps=WGS84 +zone=~D" utm-zone)))
369 (proj:cs2cs (list (proj:degrees-to-radians longitude) (proj:degrees-to-radians latitude) height)
370 :destination-cs utm-coordinate-system)))
372 (defun utm-zone (longitude)
373 "Return UTM zone number belonging to longitude."
374 (1+ (floor (+ longitude 180) 6)))
376 (defun assert-utm-zone (longitude-median longitude-leeway longitude latitude
377 geographic-height easting northing cartesian-height)
378 "Check if, given longitude and latitude, easting and northing are
379 calculated in the UTM zone belonging to longitude-median."
380 (let ((epsilon 1d-1))
381 (unless
382 (or (every #'(lambda (x y) (almost= x y epsilon))
383 (geographic-to-utm (utm-zone (- longitude-median
384 longitude-leeway))
385 longitude latitude geographic-height)
386 (list easting northing cartesian-height))
387 (every #'(lambda (x y) (almost= x y epsilon))
388 (geographic-to-utm (utm-zone (+ longitude-median
389 longitude-leeway))
390 longitude latitude geographic-height)
391 (list easting northing cartesian-height)))
392 (error "The longitude median ~A should be in or near UTM zone ~D. ~
393 This is inconsistent with the easting values I was given. ~
394 Offending coordinates: (~A ~A ~A) (~A ~A ~A)."
395 longitude-median (utm-zone longitude-median) longitude latitude
396 geographic-height easting northing cartesian-height))))
398 (defun assert-gps-points-sanity (gps-points)
399 "Check if gps-points (as returned by collect-gps-data) are ok.
400 Return the Proj.4 string describing the cartesian coordinate system
401 used."
402 (loop
403 for gps-event in gps-points
404 for gps-event-vector = (cdr gps-event)
405 for first-longitude = (longitude (aref gps-event-vector 0))
406 for first-latitude = (latitude (aref gps-event-vector 0))
407 for first-geographic-height = (ellipsoid-height (aref gps-event-vector 0))
408 for first-easting = (easting (aref gps-event-vector 0))
409 for first-northing = (northing (aref gps-event-vector 0))
410 for first-cartesian-height = (cartesian-height (aref gps-event-vector 0))
411 for longitude-median =
412 (loop
413 for point across gps-event-vector
414 for i from 1
415 sum (longitude point) into longitude-sum
416 finally (return (/ longitude-sum i)))
417 do (assert-utm-zone longitude-median 1
418 first-longitude first-latitude
419 first-geographic-height
420 first-easting first-northing
421 first-cartesian-height)
422 finally (return (format nil "+proj=utm +ellps=WGS84 +zone=~D"
423 (utm-zone longitude-median)))))
425 (defun get-measurement-id (common-table-name dir-path cartesian-system)
426 "Get measurement-id associated with dir-path and
427 acquisition-project-id. Create a fresh matching record if necessary."
428 (let ((acquisition-project
429 (car (select-dao 'sys-acquisition-project
430 (:= 'common-table-name common-table-name)))))
431 (assert acquisition-project)
432 (let* ((acquisition-project-id (acquisition-project-id acquisition-project))
433 (measurement
434 (or (car (select-dao
435 'sys-measurement
436 (:and (:= 'acquisition-project-id acquisition-project-id)
437 (:= 'directory dir-path))))
438 (insert-dao
439 (make-instance 'sys-measurement
440 :acquisition-project-id acquisition-project-id
441 :directory dir-path
442 :cartesian-system cartesian-system
443 :fetch-defaults t)))))
444 (measurement-id measurement))))
446 (defun store-images-and-points (common-table-name dir-path
447 &key (epsilon 1d-3)
448 (root-dir (user-homedir-pathname))
449 aggregate-events)
450 "Link images to GPS points; store both into their respective DB
451 tables. Images become linked to GPS points when their respective
452 times differ by less than epsilon seconds, and when the respective
453 events match. dir-path is a (probably absolute) path to a directory
454 that contains one set of measuring data. root-dir must be equal for
455 all pojects."
456 ;; TODO: epsilon could be a range. We would do a raw mapping by (a bigger) time epsilon and then take speed into account.
457 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
458 (assert ;not strictly necessary, but may save the user some time
459 (select-dao 'sys-acquisition-project
460 (:= 'common-table-name common-table-name))
461 () "There is no acquisition project named ~A." common-table-name)
462 (setf *random-state* (make-random-state t))
463 (create-data-table-definitions common-table-name)
464 (initialize-leap-seconds)
465 (let* ((images
466 (collect-pictures-directory-data dir-path))
467 (estimated-time
468 (loop
469 for i across images
470 unless (or (fake-trigger-time-p i)
471 (< (trigger-time i) *gps-epoch*))
472 do (return (trigger-time i))))
473 (gps-points
474 (if aggregate-events
475 (aggregate-gps-events (collect-gps-data dir-path estimated-time))
476 (collect-gps-data dir-path estimated-time)))
477 (gps-start-pointers (loop
478 for i in gps-points
479 collect (cons (car i) 0)))
480 (mapped-image-counter (length images))
481 (cartesian-system (assert-gps-points-sanity gps-points))
482 (dir-below-root-dir
483 (enough-namestring (string-right-trim "/\\ " dir-path) root-dir)))
484 (cl-log:log-message
485 :db-dat "I assume this measure was taken approximately ~A."
486 (timestring (round estimated-time)))
487 (loop
488 for i across images
489 for image-event-number = (or aggregate-events
490 (device-event-number (recorded-device-id i)
491 estimated-time))
492 for image-time = (trigger-time i)
493 for matching-point =
494 (when image-time ; otherwise this image is junk
495 (let ((gps-start-pointer
496 (cdr (assoc image-event-number gps-start-pointers
497 :test #'equal))))
498 (assert gps-start-pointer ()
499 "Can't find an event number of ~S ~
500 (as suggested by the sys tables relevant to the ~
501 current image) among ~{~S~#^, ~} ~
502 (as derived from the names of the GPS event files). ~
503 Consider using --aggregate-events if you can't ~
504 recitfy your data."
505 image-event-number (mapcar #'car gps-start-pointers))
506 (loop
507 for gps-pointer from gps-start-pointer
508 for gps-point across (subseq (cdr (assoc image-event-number
509 gps-points
510 :test #'equal))
511 gps-start-pointer)
512 when (almost= (gps-time gps-point) image-time epsilon)
513 do (setf (cdr (assoc image-event-number
514 gps-start-pointers :test #'equal))
515 gps-pointer) ; remember index of last matching point
516 and return gps-point)))
517 if matching-point
518 do (let ((point-id ; TODO: consider using transaction
519 (or (point-id matching-point) ; We've hit a point twice.
520 (sequence-next (point-id-sequence-name matching-point))))
521 (measurement-id (get-measurement-id common-table-name
522 dir-below-root-dir
523 cartesian-system)))
524 (setf (point-id i) point-id
525 (point-id matching-point) point-id
526 (measurement-id matching-point) measurement-id
527 (measurement-id i) measurement-id
528 (trigger-time matching-point) image-time)
529 (save-dao matching-point)
530 (execute (:update (dao-table-name (class-of matching-point))
531 :set 'coordinates
532 (:st_geomfromewkt
533 (format nil "SRID=4326; POINT(~S ~S ~S)"
534 (longitude matching-point)
535 (latitude matching-point)
536 (ellipsoid-height matching-point)))
537 :where (:= 'point-id (point-id matching-point))))
538 (save-dao i))
539 else do
540 (decf mapped-image-counter)
541 (cl-log:log-message
542 :orphan
543 "Couldn't map to any point: ~A~A, byte ~S. ~
544 ~:[~; It didn't have a decent trigger time anyway.~]"
545 dir-path (filename i) (image-byte-position i)
546 (fake-trigger-time-p i)))
547 (cl-log:log-message
548 :db-dat
549 "Tried to map ~D images to GPS points. ~
550 The attempt has been successful in ~:[~D~;all~] cases.~
551 ~1@*~:[ See file ~3@*~A for details on the failures.~;~]"
552 (length images)
553 (= (length images) mapped-image-counter)
554 mapped-image-counter
555 (truename
556 (cl-log:text-file-messenger-file (cl-log:find-messenger :orphan))))))
558 (defun assert-user-points-version (user-points-version)
559 "Check if user-points-version is compatible with the current
560 user-point table definition."
561 (cond ;insert more interesting clauses when necessary
562 ((null user-points-version)
563 (warn "Storing user-points which don't have a version number."))
564 (t)))
566 (defun* store-user-points (common-table-name &mandatory-key json-file)
567 "Store in DB user points given in file at json-file, which
568 supposedly was created by Phoros. Return number of points stored,
569 number of points that were already in DB, and number of points found
570 in JSON file."
571 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
572 (let* ((user-point-table-name (user-point-table-name common-table-name))
573 (raw-input (with-open-file (stream json-file)
574 (json:decode-json stream)))
575 (raw-input-version (cdr (assoc :phoros-version raw-input)))
576 (raw-features (cdr (assoc :features raw-input))))
577 (assert-user-points-version raw-input-version)
578 (loop
579 for i in raw-features
580 for coordinates = (cdr (assoc :coordinates (cdr (assoc :geometry i))))
581 for point-form = (format nil "SRID=4326; POINT(~{~S ~})" coordinates)
582 for properties = (cdr (assoc :properties i))
583 for user-name = (cdr (assoc :user-name properties))
584 for attribute = (cdr (assoc :attribute properties))
585 for description = (cdr (assoc :description properties))
586 for numeric-description = (cdr (assoc :numeric-description properties))
587 for creation-date = (cdr (assoc :creation-date properties))
588 for stdx-global = (cdr (assoc :stdx-global properties))
589 for stdy-global = (cdr (assoc :stdy-global properties))
590 for stdz-global = (cdr (assoc :stdz-global properties))
591 for input-size = (cdr (assoc :input-size properties))
592 for aux-numeric = (cdr (assoc :aux-numeric properties))
593 for aux-text = (cdr (assoc :aux-text properties))
594 for aux-numeric-comparison =
595 (if aux-numeric
596 (format nil "(~A = (CAST (ARRAY[~{~S~#^,~}] AS NUMERIC[])))"
597 (s-sql:to-sql-name 'aux-numeric) aux-numeric)
598 (sql (:is-null 'aux-numeric)))
599 for aux-text-comparison =
600 (if aux-text
601 (sql (:= 'aux-text (apply #'vector aux-text)))
602 (sql (:is-null 'aux-text)))
603 with points-stored = 0
604 with points-already-in-db = 0
605 sum 1 into points-tried
608 (query
609 (:select
611 :from user-point-table-name :natural :left-join 'sys-user
612 :where (:and (:st_equals 'coordinates
613 (:st_geomfromewkt point-form))
614 (:= 'user-name user-name)
615 (:= 'attribute attribute)
616 (:= 'description description)
617 (:= 'numeric-description numeric-description)
618 (:= (:to-char 'creation-date
619 *user-point-creation-date-format*)
620 creation-date)
621 (:= 'stdx-global stdx-global)
622 (:= 'stdy-global stdy-global)
623 (:= 'stdz-global stdz-global)
624 (:= 'input-size input-size)
625 (:raw aux-numeric-comparison)
626 (:raw aux-text-comparison))))
627 (incf points-already-in-db)
628 (progn
629 (assert
630 (= 1
631 (execute
632 (:insert-into user-point-table-name :set
633 'coordinates (:st_geomfromewkt point-form)
634 'user-id (:select 'user-id
635 :from 'sys-user
636 :where (:= 'user-name
637 user-name))
638 'attribute attribute
639 'description description
640 'numeric-description numeric-description
641 'creation-date creation-date
642 'stdx-global stdx-global
643 'stdy-global stdy-global
644 'stdz-global stdz-global
645 'input-size input-size
646 'aux-numeric (if aux-numeric
647 (apply #'vector aux-numeric)
648 :null)
649 'aux-text (if aux-text
650 (apply #'vector aux-text)
651 :null))))
652 () "Point not stored. This should not happen.")
653 (incf points-stored)))
654 finally (return (values points-stored
655 points-already-in-db
656 points-tried)))))
658 (defun update-footprint (common-table-name
659 measurement-id filename byte-position)
660 "Update footprint of an image."
661 (let* ((aggregate-view-name
662 (aggregate-view-name common-table-name))
663 (raw-footprint
664 (photogrammetry
665 :footprint
666 ;; KLUDGE: translate keys, e.g. a1 -> a_1
667 (json:decode-json-from-string
668 (json:encode-json-to-string
669 (query (:select '*
670 :from aggregate-view-name
671 :where (:and (:= 'measurement-id measurement-id)
672 (:= 'filename filename)
673 (:= 'byte-position byte-position)))
674 :alist)))))
675 (ewkt-footprint
676 (format nil "SRID=4326; POLYGON((~{~{~A~#^ ~}~#^, ~}))"
677 (cdr (assoc :footprint raw-footprint)))))
678 (execute
679 (:update aggregate-view-name :set
680 'footprint (:st_geomfromewkt ewkt-footprint)
681 :where (:and (:= 'measurement-id measurement-id)
682 (:= 'filename filename)
683 (:= 'byte-position byte-position))))))
685 (defun insert-footprints (common-table-name)
686 "Give images of acquisition project common-table-name that don't
687 have up-to-date footprints fresh footprints."
688 (let* ((aggregate-view-name
689 (aggregate-view-name common-table-name))
690 (image-records
691 (query (:select 'measurement-id 'filename 'byte-position
692 :from aggregate-view-name
693 :where (:and
694 (:or
695 (:is-null 'footprint)
696 (:!= 'footprint-device-stage-of-life-id
697 'device-stage-of-life-id))
698 'usable)))))
699 (loop
700 for (measurement-id filename byte-position) in image-records
701 sum (update-footprint
702 common-table-name measurement-id filename byte-position))))
704 (defun insert-all-footprints (postgresql-credentials)
705 "Asynchronously update image footprints of all acquisition projects
706 where necessarcy."
707 (let ((common-table-names
708 (with-connection postgresql-credentials
709 (query (:select 'common-table-name
710 :from 'sys-acquisition-project)
711 :list))))
712 (setf bt:*default-special-bindings*
713 (acons '*insert-footprints-postgresql-credentials*
714 `(list ,@postgresql-credentials)
715 nil))
716 (dolist (common-table-name common-table-names)
717 (bt:make-thread
718 #'(lambda ()
719 (declare (special *insert-footprints-postgresql-credentials*))
720 (with-connection *insert-footprints-postgresql-credentials*
721 (insert-footprints common-table-name)))
722 :name "insert-all-footprints"))))
724 (defun delete-imageless-points (common-table-name)
725 "Delete from acquisition project common-table-name points that have
726 no images."
727 (let* ((point-data-table-name (point-data-table-name common-table-name))
728 (image-data-table-name (image-data-table-name common-table-name)))
729 (execute
730 (:delete-from point-data-table-name
731 :where (:not
732 (:exists
733 (:select (:dot image-data-table-name 'point-id)
734 :from image-data-table-name
735 :where (:= (:dot image-data-table-name
736 'point-id)
737 (:dot point-data-table-name
738 'point-id)))))))))
740 (defun delete-all-imageless-points (postgresql-credentials)
741 "Asynchronously delete imageless footprints of all acquisition
742 projects."
743 (let ((common-table-names
744 (with-connection postgresql-credentials
745 (query (:select 'common-table-name
746 :from 'sys-acquisition-project)
747 :list))))
748 (setf bt:*default-special-bindings*
749 (acons '*delete-imageless-points-postgresql-credentials*
750 `(list ,@postgresql-credentials)
751 nil))
752 (dolist (common-table-name common-table-names)
753 (bt:make-thread
754 #'(lambda ()
755 (declare (special *delete-imageless-points-postgresql-credentials*))
756 (with-connection *delete-imageless-points-postgresql-credentials*
757 (delete-imageless-points common-table-name)))
758 :name "delete-all-imageless-points"))))
760 (defun* store-camera-hardware (&key
761 (try-overwrite t)
762 &mandatory-key
763 sensor-width-pix
764 sensor-height-pix
765 pix-size
766 channels
767 pix-depth
768 color-raiser
769 bayer-pattern
770 serial-number
771 description)
772 "Store a new record in table sys-camera-hardware, or try updating an
773 existing one. Return camera-hardware-id of the altered record."
774 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
775 (let ((record
776 (or (when try-overwrite
777 (car (select-dao 'sys-camera-hardware
778 (:and (:= 'sensor-width-pix sensor-width-pix)
779 (:= 'sensor-height-pix sensor-height-pix)
780 (:= 'pix-size pix-size)
781 (:= 'channels channels)
782 (:= 'serial-number serial-number)
783 (:= 'pix-depth pix-depth)))))
784 (make-instance 'sys-camera-hardware :fetch-defaults t))))
785 (with-slots ((sensor-width-pix-slot sensor-width-pix)
786 (sensor-height-pix-slot sensor-height-pix)
787 (pix-size-slot pix-size)
788 (channels-slot channels)
789 (pix-depth-slot pix-depth)
790 (color-raiser-slot color-raiser)
791 (bayer-pattern-slot bayer-pattern)
792 (serial-number-slot serial-number)
793 (description-slot description))
794 record
795 (setf sensor-width-pix-slot sensor-width-pix
796 sensor-height-pix-slot sensor-height-pix
797 pix-size-slot pix-size
798 channels-slot channels
799 pix-depth-slot pix-depth
800 color-raiser-slot color-raiser
801 bayer-pattern-slot bayer-pattern
802 serial-number-slot serial-number
803 description-slot description))
804 (let ((new-row-p (save-dao record)))
805 (cl-log:log-message
806 :db-sys
807 "sys-camera-hardware: ~:[Updated~;Stored new~] camera-hardware-id ~A"
808 new-row-p (camera-hardware-id record)))
809 (camera-hardware-id record)))
811 (defun* store-lens (&key (try-overwrite t)
812 &mandatory-key
814 serial-number
815 description)
816 "Store a new record in table sys-lens, or try updating an existing
817 one. Return lens-id of the altered record."
818 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
819 (let ((record
820 (or (when try-overwrite
821 (car (select-dao 'sys-lens
822 (:and (:= 'c c)
823 (:= 'serial-number serial-number)))))
824 (make-instance 'sys-lens :fetch-defaults t))))
825 (with-slots ((c-slot c)
826 (serial-number-slot serial-number)
827 (description-slot description))
828 record
829 (setf c-slot c
830 serial-number-slot serial-number
831 description-slot description))
832 (let ((new-row-p (save-dao record)))
833 (cl-log:log-message
834 :db-sys "sys-lens: ~:[Updated~;Stored new~] lens-id ~A"
835 new-row-p (lens-id record)))
836 (lens-id record)))
838 (defun store-generic-device
839 (&key (camera-hardware-id :null) (lens-id :null) (scanner-id :null))
840 "Store a new record in table sys-generic-device. Return
841 generic-device-id of the new record."
842 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
843 (assert (notevery
844 #'(lambda (x) (eq :null x))
845 (list camera-hardware-id lens-id scanner-id))
846 () "Generic device: not enough components.")
847 (let ((record (make-instance 'sys-generic-device
848 :camera-hardware-id camera-hardware-id
849 :lens-id lens-id
850 :scanner-id scanner-id
851 :fetch-defaults t)))
852 (let ((new-row-p (save-dao record)))
853 (cl-log:log-message
854 :db-sys
855 "sys-generic-device: ~:[Updated~;Stored new~] generic-device-id ~A"
856 new-row-p (generic-device-id record)))
857 (generic-device-id record)))
859 (defun* store-device-stage-of-life (&key (unmounting-date :null)
860 (try-overwrite t)
861 &mandatory-key
862 recorded-device-id
863 event-number
864 generic-device-id
865 vehicle-name
866 casing-name
867 computer-name
868 computer-interface-name
869 mounting-date)
870 "Store a new record in table sys-device-stage-of-life, or try
871 updating an existing one. Return device-stage-of-life-id of the
872 altered record."
873 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
874 (let ((record
875 (or (when try-overwrite
876 (car (select-dao
877 'sys-device-stage-of-life
878 (:and (:= 'recorded-device-id recorded-device-id)
879 (:= 'event-number event-number)
880 (:= 'generic-device-id generic-device-id)
881 (:= 'vehicle-name vehicle-name)
882 (:= 'mounting-date mounting-date)))))
883 (make-instance 'sys-device-stage-of-life :fetch-defaults t))))
884 (with-slots ((recorded-device-id-slot recorded-device-id)
885 (event-number-slot event-number)
886 (generic-device-id-slot generic-device-id)
887 (vehicle-name-slot vehicle-name)
888 (casing-name-slot casing-name)
889 (computer-name-slot computer-name)
890 (computer-interface-name-slot computer-interface-name)
891 (mounting-date-slot mounting-date)
892 (unmounting-date-slot unmounting-date))
893 record
894 (setf recorded-device-id-slot recorded-device-id
895 event-number-slot event-number
896 generic-device-id-slot generic-device-id
897 vehicle-name-slot vehicle-name
898 casing-name-slot casing-name
899 computer-name-slot computer-name
900 computer-interface-name-slot computer-interface-name
901 mounting-date-slot mounting-date
902 unmounting-date-slot unmounting-date))
903 (let ((new-row-p (save-dao record)))
904 (cl-log:log-message
905 :db-sys
906 "sys-device-stage-of-life: ~:[Updated~;Stored new~] device-stage-of-life-id ~A"
907 new-row-p (device-stage-of-life-id record)))
908 (device-stage-of-life-id record)))
910 (defun* store-device-stage-of-life-end (&mandatory-key device-stage-of-life-id
911 unmounting-date)
912 "Update record in table sys-device-stage-of-life with an unmounting
913 date. Return device-stage-of-life-id of the altered record."
914 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
915 (let ((record
916 (get-dao 'sys-device-stage-of-life device-stage-of-life-id)))
917 (with-slots ((unmounting-date-slot unmounting-date))
918 record
919 (setf unmounting-date-slot unmounting-date))
920 (update-dao record)
921 (device-stage-of-life-id record)))
923 (defun* store-camera-calibration (&key
924 (usable "yes")
925 &mandatory-key
926 device-stage-of-life-id
927 date
928 person
929 main-description
930 debug
931 photogrammetry-version
932 mounting-angle
933 inner-orientation-description
945 outer-orientation-description
949 omega
951 kappa
952 boresight-description
953 b-dx
954 b-dy
955 b-dz
956 b-ddx
957 b-ddy
958 b-ddz
959 b-rotx
960 b-roty
961 b-rotz
962 b-drotx
963 b-droty
964 b-drotz
969 "Store a new record of camera-calibration in table
970 sys-device-stage-of-life, or update an existing one. Return
971 device-stage-of-life-id and date of the altered record."
972 (assert-phoros-db-major-version)
973 (let ((record
974 (or (car (select-dao
975 'sys-camera-calibration
976 (:and (:= 'device-stage-of-life-id device-stage-of-life-id)
977 (:= 'date date))))
978 (make-instance 'sys-camera-calibration :fetch-defaults t))))
979 (with-slots
980 ((device-stage-of-life-id-slot device-stage-of-life-id)
981 (date-slot date)
982 (person-slot person)
983 (main-description-slot main-description)
984 (usable-slot usable)
985 (debug-slot debug)
986 (photogrammetry-version-slot photogrammetry-version)
987 (mounting-angle-slot mounting-angle)
988 (inner-orientation-description-slot inner-orientation-description)
989 (c-slot c)
990 (xh-slot xh)
991 (yh-slot yh)
992 (a1-slot a1)
993 (a2-slot a2)
994 (a3-slot a3)
995 (b1-slot b1)
996 (b2-slot b2)
997 (c1-slot c1)
998 (c2-slot c2)
999 (r0-slot r0)
1000 (outer-orientation-description-slot outer-orientation-description)
1001 (dx-slot dx)
1002 (dy-slot dy)
1003 (dz-slot dz)
1004 (omega-slot omega)
1005 (phi-slot phi)
1006 (kappa-slot kappa)
1007 (boresight-description-slot boresight-description)
1008 (b-dx-slot b-dx)
1009 (b-dy-slot b-dy)
1010 (b-dz-slot b-dz)
1011 (b-ddx-slot b-ddx)
1012 (b-ddy-slot b-ddy)
1013 (b-ddz-slot b-ddz)
1014 (b-rotx-slot b-rotx)
1015 (b-roty-slot b-roty)
1016 (b-rotz-slot b-rotz)
1017 (b-drotx-slot b-drotx)
1018 (b-droty-slot b-droty)
1019 (b-drotz-slot b-drotz)
1020 (nx-slot nx)
1021 (ny-slot ny)
1022 (nz-slot nz)
1023 (d-slot d))
1024 record
1025 (setf device-stage-of-life-id-slot device-stage-of-life-id
1026 date-slot date
1027 person-slot person
1028 main-description-slot main-description
1029 usable-slot usable
1030 debug-slot debug
1031 photogrammetry-version-slot photogrammetry-version
1032 mounting-angle-slot mounting-angle
1033 inner-orientation-description-slot inner-orientation-description
1034 c-slot c
1035 xh-slot xh
1036 yh-slot yh
1037 a1-slot a1
1038 a2-slot a2
1039 a3-slot a3
1040 b1-slot b1
1041 b2-slot b2
1042 c1-slot c1
1043 c2-slot c2
1044 r0-slot r0
1045 outer-orientation-description-slot outer-orientation-description
1046 dx-slot dx
1047 dy-slot dy
1048 dz-slot dz
1049 omega-slot omega
1050 phi-slot phi
1051 kappa-slot kappa
1052 boresight-description-slot boresight-description
1053 b-dx-slot b-dx
1054 b-dy-slot b-dy
1055 b-dz-slot b-dz
1056 b-ddx-slot b-ddx
1057 b-ddy-slot b-ddy
1058 b-ddz-slot b-ddz
1059 b-rotx-slot b-rotx
1060 b-roty-slot b-roty
1061 b-rotz-slot b-rotz
1062 b-drotx-slot b-drotx
1063 b-droty-slot b-droty
1064 b-drotz-slot b-drotz
1065 nx-slot nx
1066 ny-slot ny
1067 nz-slot nz
1068 d-slot d))
1069 (let ((new-row-p (save-dao record)))
1070 (cl-log:log-message
1071 :db-sys
1072 "sys-camera-calibration: ~:[Updated~;Stored new~] record ~
1073 for ~A, device-stage-of-life-id ~A"
1074 new-row-p (date record) (device-stage-of-life-id record)))
1075 (values (device-stage-of-life-id record)
1076 (date record))))
1079 (with-connection '("phoros-dev" "postgres" "passwd" "host")
1080 (nuke-all-tables)
1081 (create-acquisition-project "yyyy")
1082 (store-camera-hardware :sensor-width-pix 7000 :sensor-height-pix 800 :pix-size .003 :channels 3 :pix-depth 17 :color-raiser #(1 2 3) :bayer-pattern #(4 5 6) :serial-number "18" :description "yyy" :try-overwrite t)
1083 (store-lens :c 10.5 :serial-number "17.8.8" :description "blahBlah3" :try-overwrite nil)
1084 (store-generic-device :camera-hardware-id 1 :lens-id 1)
1085 (store-device-stage-of-life :recorded-device-id "1" :event-number "777" :generic-device-id 1 :vehicle-name "Auto" :casing-name "Vorn links" :computer-name "ccdheck" :computer-interface-name "eth0" :mounting-date "2010-01-30T07:00-1")
1086 (store-images-and-points "yyyy" "/home/bertb/phoros-testdata/mitsa-small/"))