add BSD license
[philodendron.git] / compiler / bc.lua
1 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
3 bc.lua
5 A quick and dirty module for writing files in Bitcode format.
7 Copyright (c) 2007 Joshua Haberman. See LICENSE for details.
9 --------------------------------------------------------------------]]--
11 module("bc", package.seeall)
13 END_BLOCK = 0
25 SETBID = 1
27 LiteralOp = {name="LiteralOp"}
28 function LiteralOp:new(value)
29 local obj = newobject(self)
30 obj.value = value
31 return obj
32 end
34 VBROp = {name="VBROp"}
35 function VBROp:new(bits)
36 local obj = newobject(self)
37 obj.bits = bits
38 = name
39 return obj
40 end
42 FixedOp = {name="FixedOp"}
43 function FixedOp:new(bits)
44 local obj = newobject(self)
45 obj.bits = bits
46 = name
47 return obj
48 end
50 ArrayOp = {name="ArrayOp"}
51 function ArrayOp:new(elem_type)
52 local obj = newobject(self)
53 obj.elem_type = elem_type
54 = name
55 return obj
56 end
58 File = {name="File"}
59 function File:new(filename, app_magic_number)
60 local obj = newobject(self)
61 = name
62 obj.file =, "w")
63 obj.current_byte = 0
64 obj.current_bits = 0
65 obj.file:write("BC")
66 obj.file:write(app_magic_number)
67 obj.current_abbrev_width = 2
68 obj.offset = 0
69 obj.stack = {}
70 return obj
71 end
73 -- Witness the joy of trying to do bitwise manipulation in a language that
74 -- has no bitwise operators.
75 function File:write_fixed(val, bits)
76 -- print(string.format("Write fixed: %d, %d", val, bits))
77 -- print(string.format("Existing bytes(%d): %d", self.current_bits, self.current_byte))
78 while bits > 0 do
79 local bits_this_byte = math.min(8-self.current_bits, bits)
80 local low_bits = val % (2 ^ bits_this_byte)
81 self.current_byte = self.current_byte + (low_bits * (2 ^ self.current_bits))
82 self.current_bits = self.current_bits + bits_this_byte
83 if self.current_bits == 8 then
84 -- print(string.format("Flushing byte %d", self.current_byte))
85 self.file:write(string.char(self.current_byte))
86 self.current_byte = 0
87 self.current_bits = 0
88 self.offset = self.offset + 1
89 end
90 bits = bits - bits_this_byte
91 val = math.floor(val / (2 ^ bits_this_byte))
92 end
93 end
95 function File:align_32_bits()
96 if self.current_bits > 0 then
97 self:write_fixed(0, 8-self.current_bits)
98 end
100 if self.offset % 4 > 0 then
101 self:write_fixed(0, (4 - (self.offset % 4)) * 8)
105 function File:write_vbr(val, bits)
106 -- print(string.format("Write VBR: %d, %d", val, bits))
107 local high_bit = 2 ^ (bits-1)
108 local bits_remaining
110 if val == 0 then
111 bits_remaining = 1
112 else
113 bits_remaining = 1 + math.floor(math.log(val) / math.log(2))
116 while true do
117 if bits_remaining > (bits-1) then
118 self:write_fixed(high_bit + (val % high_bit), bits)
119 bits_remaining = bits_remaining - (bits-1)
120 val = math.floor(val / high_bit)
121 else
122 self:write_fixed(val, bits)
123 break
128 function File:enter_subblock(block_id)
129 -- print(string.format("++ Enter subblock: %d", block_id))
130 local old_abbrev_width = self.current_abbrev_width
131 self:write_fixed(ENTER_SUBBLOCK, self.current_abbrev_width)
132 self:write_vbr(block_id, 8)
133 self:write_vbr(4, 4) -- no need to make this configurable at the moment
134 self.current_abbrev_width = 4
135 self:align_32_bits()
137 self:write_fixed(0, 32) -- we'll fill this in later
138 table.insert(self.stack, {old_abbrev_width, self.file:seek()})
141 function File:end_subblock(block_id)
142 -- print(string.format("-- End subblock: %d", block_id))
143 self:write_fixed(END_BLOCK, self.current_abbrev_width)
144 self:align_32_bits()
145 local block_offset
146 self.current_abbrev_width, block_offset = unpack(table.remove(self.stack))
147 local current_offset = self.file:seek()
148 self.file:seek("set", block_offset - 4)
149 self:write_fixed((current_offset - block_offset) / 4, 32)
150 self.file:seek("set", current_offset)
153 function File:write_unabbreviated_record(id, ...)
154 -- print(string.format("Write unabbreviated record: %d", id))
155 local args = {...}
156 self:write_fixed(UNABBREV_RECORD, self.current_abbrev_width)
157 self:write_vbr(id, 6)
158 self:write_vbr(#args, 6)
159 for arg in each(args) do
160 self:write_vbr(arg, 6)
164 function File:write_abbreviated_val(val, op)
165 if op.class == VBROp then
166 self:write_vbr(val, op.bits)
167 elseif op.class == FixedOp then
168 self:write_fixed(val, op.bits)
169 else
170 error("Unknown op type!")
174 function File:write_abbreviated_record(abbreviation, ...)
175 -- print("Write abbreviated record:" .. serialize({...}))
176 local args = {...}
177 if #args ~= #abbreviation.ops then
178 error("Wrong number of arguments for abbreviated record")
180 self:write_fixed(, self.current_abbrev_width)
181 for i, arg in ipairs(args) do
182 local op = abbreviation.ops[i]
183 if op.class == ArrayOp then
184 self:write_vbr(arg:len(), 6)
185 for int in each({arg:byte(1, arg:len())}) do
186 self:write_abbreviated_val(int, op.elem_type)
188 else
189 self:write_abbreviated_val(arg, op)
194 function File:write_abbrev_op(arg)
195 if arg.class == LiteralOp then
196 self:write_fixed(1, 1)
197 self:write_vbr(arg.value, 8)
198 elseif arg.class == VBROp then
199 self:write_fixed(0, 1)
200 self:write_fixed(ENCODING_VBR, 3)
201 self:write_vbr(arg.bits, 5)
202 elseif arg.class == FixedOp then
203 self:write_fixed(0, 1)
204 self:write_fixed(ENCODING_FIXED, 3)
205 self:write_vbr(arg.bits, 5)
206 else
207 error("Unknown/unhandled op type")
211 function File:define_abbreviation(abbrev_id, ...)
212 local abbrev = {id=abbrev_id, ops={}}
213 local args = {...}
214 self:write_fixed(DEFINE_ABBREV, self.current_abbrev_width)
215 if args[#args].class == ArrayOp then
216 self:write_vbr(#args+1, 5)
217 else
218 self:write_vbr(#args, 5)
221 for arg in each(args) do
222 if arg.class ~= LiteralOp then
223 table.insert(abbrev.ops, arg)
226 if arg.class == ArrayOp then
227 self:write_fixed(0, 1)
228 self:write_fixed(ENCODING_ARRAY, 3)
229 self:write_abbrev_op(arg.elem_type)
230 else
231 self:write_abbrev_op(arg)
234 return abbrev
237 -- vim:et:sts=2:sw=2