printing to a large sequence file
[phenome.git] / db /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
4 =head1 NAME
8 =head1 SYNOPSIS
10 mx-run ThisPackageName [options] -H hostname -D dbname -u username [-F]
12 this is a subclass of L<CXGN::Metadata::Dbpatch>
13 see the perldoc of parent class for more details.
17 This is a test dummy patch.
18 This subclass uses L<Moose>. The parent class uses L<MooseX::Runnable>
20 =head1 AUTHOR
22 Naama Menda<>
26 Copyright 2010 Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
28 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
29 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
31 =cut
34 package LoadChadoStock;
36 use Moose;
37 extends 'CXGN::Metadata::Dbpatch';
40 sub init_patch {
41 my $self=shift;
42 my $name = __PACKAGE__;
43 print "dbpatch name is ':" . $name . "\n\n";
44 my $description = 'Loading the chado stock module';
45 my @previous_requested_patches = ('LoadChadoGenotype', 'LoadChadoContact'); #ADD HERE
47 $self->name($name);
48 $self->description($description);
49 $self->prereq(\@previous_requested_patches);
53 sub patch {
54 my $self=shift;
57 print STDOUT "Executing the patch:\n " . $self->name . ".\n\nDescription:\n ". $self->description . ".\n\nExecuted by:\n " . $self->username . " .";
59 print STDOUT "\nChecking if this db_patch was executed before or if previous db_patches have been executed.\n";
63 print STDOUT "\nExecuting the SQL commands.\n";
65 my @tables = (
66 qw /
67 stock
68 stock_pub stockprop
69 stockprop_pub
70 stock_relationship
71 stock_relationship_pub
72 stock_dbxref
73 stock_cvterm
74 stock_genotype
75 stockcollection
76 stockcollectionprop
77 stockcollection_stock
78 / );
80 $self->dbh->do(<<EOSQL);
81 --do your SQL here
86 -- Id: stock.sql,v 1.7 2007-03-23 15:18:03 scottcain Exp $
87 -- ==========================================
88 -- Chado stock module
91 -- ============
92 -- :import cvterm from cv
93 -- :import pub from pub
94 -- :import dbxref from general
95 -- :import organism from organism
96 -- :import genotype from genetic
97 -- :import contact from contact
99 -- ================================================
100 -- TABLE: stock
101 -- ================================================
103 create table stock (
104 stock_id serial not null,
105 primary key (stock_id),
106 dbxref_id int,
107 foreign key (dbxref_id) references dbxref (dbxref_id) on delete set null INITIALLY DEFERRED,
108 organism_id int,
109 foreign key (organism_id) references organism (organism_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
110 name varchar(255),
111 uniquename text not null,
112 description text,
113 type_id int not null,
114 foreign key (type_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
115 is_obsolete boolean not null default 'false',
116 constraint stock_c1 unique (organism_id,uniquename,type_id)
118 create index stock_name_ind1 on stock (name);
119 create index stock_idx1 on stock (dbxref_id);
120 create index stock_idx2 on stock (organism_id);
121 create index stock_idx3 on stock (type_id);
122 create index stock_idx4 on stock (uniquename);
124 COMMENT ON TABLE stock IS 'Any stock can be globally identified by the
125 combination of organism, uniquename and stock type. A stock is the physical entities, either living or preserved, held by collections. Stocks belong to a collection; they have IDs, type, organism, description and may have a genotype.';
126 COMMENT ON COLUMN stock.dbxref_id IS 'The dbxref_id is an optional primary stable identifier for this stock. Secondary indentifiers and external dbxrefs go in table: stock_dbxref.';
127 COMMENT ON COLUMN stock.organism_id IS 'The organism_id is the organism to which the stock belongs. This column should only be left blank if the organism cannot be determined.';
128 COMMENT ON COLUMN stock.type_id IS 'The type_id foreign key links to a controlled vocabulary of stock types. The would include living stock, genomic DNA, preserved specimen. Secondary cvterms for stocks would go in stock_cvterm.';
129 COMMENT ON COLUMN stock.description IS 'The description is the genetic description provided in the stock list.';
130 COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'The name is a human-readable local name for a stock.';
133 -- ================================================
134 -- TABLE: stock_pub
135 -- ================================================
137 create table stock_pub (
138 stock_pub_id serial not null,
139 primary key (stock_pub_id),
140 stock_id int not null,
141 foreign key (stock_id) references stock (stock_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
142 pub_id int not null,
143 foreign key (pub_id) references pub (pub_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
144 constraint stock_pub_c1 unique (stock_id,pub_id)
146 create index stock_pub_idx1 on stock_pub (stock_id);
147 create index stock_pub_idx2 on stock_pub (pub_id);
149 COMMENT ON TABLE stock_pub IS 'Provenance. Linking table between stocks and, for example, a stocklist computer file.';
152 -- ================================================
153 -- TABLE: stockprop
154 -- ================================================
156 create table stockprop (
157 stockprop_id serial not null,
158 primary key (stockprop_id),
159 stock_id int not null,
160 foreign key (stock_id) references stock (stock_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
161 type_id int not null,
162 foreign key (type_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
163 value text null,
164 rank int not null default 0,
165 constraint stockprop_c1 unique (stock_id,type_id,rank)
167 create index stockprop_idx1 on stockprop (stock_id);
168 create index stockprop_idx2 on stockprop (type_id);
170 COMMENT ON TABLE stockprop IS 'A stock can have any number of
171 slot-value property tags attached to it. This is an alternative to
172 hardcoding a list of columns in the relational schema, and is
173 completely extensible. There is a unique constraint, stockprop_c1, for
174 the combination of stock_id, rank, and type_id. Multivalued property-value pairs must be differentiated by rank.';
177 -- ================================================
178 -- TABLE: stockprop_pub
179 -- ================================================
181 create table stockprop_pub (
182 stockprop_pub_id serial not null,
183 primary key (stockprop_pub_id),
184 stockprop_id int not null,
185 foreign key (stockprop_id) references stockprop (stockprop_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
186 pub_id int not null,
187 foreign key (pub_id) references pub (pub_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
188 constraint stockprop_pub_c1 unique (stockprop_id,pub_id)
190 create index stockprop_pub_idx1 on stockprop_pub (stockprop_id);
191 create index stockprop_pub_idx2 on stockprop_pub (pub_id);
193 COMMENT ON TABLE stockprop_pub IS 'Provenance. Any stockprop assignment can optionally be supported by a publication.';
196 -- ================================================
197 -- TABLE: stock_relationship
198 -- ================================================
200 create table stock_relationship (
201 stock_relationship_id serial not null,
202 primary key (stock_relationship_id),
203 subject_id int not null,
204 foreign key (subject_id) references stock (stock_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
205 object_id int not null,
206 foreign key (object_id) references stock (stock_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
207 type_id int not null,
208 foreign key (type_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
209 value text null,
210 rank int not null default 0,
211 constraint stock_relationship_c1 unique (subject_id,object_id,type_id,rank)
213 create index stock_relationship_idx1 on stock_relationship (subject_id);
214 create index stock_relationship_idx2 on stock_relationship (object_id);
215 create index stock_relationship_idx3 on stock_relationship (type_id);
217 COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_relationship.subject_id IS 'stock_relationship.subject_id is the subject of the subj-predicate-obj sentence. This is typically the substock.';
218 COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_relationship.object_id IS 'stock_relationship.object_id is the object of the subj-predicate-obj sentence. This is typically the container stock.';
219 COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_relationship.type_id IS 'stock_relationship.type_id is relationship type between subject and object. This is a cvterm, typically from the OBO relationship ontology, although other relationship types are allowed.';
220 COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_relationship.rank IS 'stock_relationship.rank is the ordering of subject stocks with respect to the object stock may be important where rank is used to order these; starts from zero.';
221 COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_relationship.value IS 'stock_relationship.value is for additional notes or comments.';
225 -- ================================================
226 -- TABLE: stock_relationship_cvterm
227 -- ================================================
229 CREATE TABLE stock_relationship_cvterm (
230 stock_relationship_cvterm_id SERIAL NOT NULL,
231 PRIMARY KEY (stock_relationship_cvterm_id),
232 stock_relatiohship_id integer NOT NULL,
233 --FOREIGN KEY (stock_relationship_id) references stock_relationship (stock_relationship_id) ON DELETE CASCADE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
234 cvterm_id integer NOT NULL,
235 FOREIGN KEY (cvterm_id) REFERENCES cvterm (cvterm_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT,
236 pub_id integer,
239 COMMENT ON TABLE stock_relationship_cvterm is 'For germplasm maintenance and pedigree data, stock_relationship. type_id will record cvterms such as "is a female parent of", "a parent for mutation", "is a group_id of", "is a source_id of", etc The cvterms for higher categories such as "generative", "derivative" or "maintenance" can be stored in table stock_relationship_cvterm';
242 -- ================================================
243 -- TABLE: stock_relationship_pub
244 -- ================================================
246 create table stock_relationship_pub (
247 stock_relationship_pub_id serial not null,
248 primary key (stock_relationship_pub_id),
249 stock_relationship_id integer not null,
250 foreign key (stock_relationship_id) references stock_relationship (stock_relationship_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
251 pub_id int not null,
252 foreign key (pub_id) references pub (pub_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
253 constraint stock_relationship_pub_c1 unique (stock_relationship_id,pub_id)
255 create index stock_relationship_pub_idx1 on stock_relationship_pub (stock_relationship_id);
256 create index stock_relationship_pub_idx2 on stock_relationship_pub (pub_id);
258 COMMENT ON TABLE stock_relationship_pub IS 'Provenance. Attach optional evidence to a stock_relationship in the form of a publication.';
261 -- ================================================
262 -- TABLE: stock_dbxref
263 -- ================================================
265 create table stock_dbxref (
266 stock_dbxref_id serial not null,
267 primary key (stock_dbxref_id),
268 stock_id int not null,
269 foreign key (stock_id) references stock (stock_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
270 dbxref_id int not null,
271 foreign key (dbxref_id) references dbxref (dbxref_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
272 is_current boolean not null default 'true',
273 constraint stock_dbxref_c1 unique (stock_id,dbxref_id)
275 create index stock_dbxref_idx1 on stock_dbxref (stock_id);
276 create index stock_dbxref_idx2 on stock_dbxref (dbxref_id);
278 COMMENT ON TABLE stock_dbxref IS 'stock_dbxref links a stock to dbxrefs. This is for secondary identifiers; primary identifiers should use stock.dbxref_id.';
279 COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_dbxref.is_current IS 'The is_current boolean indicates whether the linked dbxref is the current -official- dbxref for the linked stock.';
282 -- ================================================
283 -- TABLE: stock_cvterm
284 -- ================================================
286 create table stock_cvterm (
287 stock_cvterm_id serial not null,
288 primary key (stock_cvterm_id),
289 stock_id int not null,
290 foreign key (stock_id) references stock (stock_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
291 cvterm_id int not null,
292 foreign key (cvterm_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
293 pub_id int not null,
294 foreign key (pub_id) references pub (pub_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
295 constraint stock_cvterm_c1 unique (stock_id,cvterm_id,pub_id)
297 create index stock_cvterm_idx1 on stock_cvterm (stock_id);
298 create index stock_cvterm_idx2 on stock_cvterm (cvterm_id);
299 create index stock_cvterm_idx3 on stock_cvterm (pub_id);
301 COMMENT ON TABLE stock_cvterm IS 'stock_cvterm links a stock to cvterms. This is for secondary cvterms; primary cvterms should use stock.type_id.';
304 -- ================================================
305 -- TABLE: stock_genotype
306 -- ================================================
308 create table stock_genotype (
309 stock_genotype_id serial not null,
310 primary key (stock_genotype_id),
311 stock_id int not null,
312 foreign key (stock_id) references stock (stock_id) on delete cascade,
313 genotype_id int not null,
314 foreign key (genotype_id) references genotype (genotype_id) on delete cascade,
315 constraint stock_genotype_c1 unique (stock_id, genotype_id)
317 create index stock_genotype_idx1 on stock_genotype (stock_id);
318 create index stock_genotype_idx2 on stock_genotype (genotype_id);
320 COMMENT ON TABLE stock_genotype IS 'Simple table linking a stock to
321 a genotype. Features with genotypes can be linked to stocks thru feature_genotype -> genotype -> stock_genotype -> stock.';
324 -- ================================================
325 -- TABLE: stockcollection
326 -- ================================================
328 create table stockcollection (
329 stockcollection_id serial not null,
330 primary key (stockcollection_id),
331 type_id int not null,
332 foreign key (type_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade,
333 contact_id int null,
334 foreign key (contact_id) references contact (contact_id) on delete set null INITIALLY DEFERRED,
335 name varchar(255),
336 uniquename text not null,
337 constraint stockcollection_c1 unique (uniquename,type_id)
339 create index stockcollection_name_ind1 on stockcollection (name);
340 create index stockcollection_idx1 on stockcollection (contact_id);
341 create index stockcollection_idx2 on stockcollection (type_id);
342 create index stockcollection_idx3 on stockcollection (uniquename);
344 COMMENT ON TABLE stockcollection IS 'The lab or stock center distributing the stocks in their collection.';
345 COMMENT ON COLUMN stockcollection.uniquename IS 'uniqename is the value of the collection cv.';
346 COMMENT ON COLUMN stockcollection.type_id IS 'type_id is the collection type cv.';
347 COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'name is the collection.';
348 COMMENT ON COLUMN stockcollection.contact_id IS 'contact_id links to the contact information for the collection.';
351 -- ================================================
352 -- TABLE: stockcollectionprop
353 -- ================================================
355 create table stockcollectionprop (
356 stockcollectionprop_id serial not null,
357 primary key (stockcollectionprop_id),
358 stockcollection_id int not null,
359 foreign key (stockcollection_id) references stockcollection (stockcollection_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
360 type_id int not null,
361 foreign key (type_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id),
362 value text null,
363 rank int not null default 0,
364 constraint stockcollectionprop_c1 unique (stockcollection_id,type_id,rank)
366 create index stockcollectionprop_idx1 on stockcollectionprop (stockcollection_id);
367 create index stockcollectionprop_idx2 on stockcollectionprop (type_id);
369 COMMENT ON TABLE stockcollectionprop IS 'The table stockcollectionprop
370 contains the value of the stock collection such as website/email URLs;
371 the value of the stock collection order URLs.';
372 COMMENT ON COLUMN stockcollectionprop.type_id IS 'The cv for the type_id is "stockcollection property type".';
375 -- ================================================
376 -- TABLE: stockcollection_stock
377 -- ================================================
379 create table stockcollection_stock (
380 stockcollection_stock_id serial not null,
381 primary key (stockcollection_stock_id),
382 stockcollection_id int not null,
383 foreign key (stockcollection_id) references stockcollection (stockcollection_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
384 stock_id int not null,
385 foreign key (stock_id) references stock (stock_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
386 constraint stockcollection_stock_c1 unique (stockcollection_id,stock_id)
388 create index stockcollection_stock_idx1 on stockcollection_stock (stockcollection_id);
389 create index stockcollection_stock_idx2 on stockcollection_stock (stock_id);
391 COMMENT ON TABLE stockcollection_stock IS 'stockcollection_stock links
392 a stock collection to the stocks which are contained in the collection.';
394 -- ================================================
395 -- TABLE: stock_dbxrefprop
396 -- ================================================
398 create table stock_dbxrefprop (
399 stock_dbxrefprop_id serial not null,
400 primary key (stock_dbxrefprop_id),
401 stock_dbxref_id int not null,
402 foreign key (stock_dbxref_id) references stock_dbxref (stock_dbxref_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
403 type_id int not null,
404 foreign key (type_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
405 value text null,
406 rank int not null default 0,
407 constraint stock_dbxrefprop_c1 unique (stock_dbxref_id,type_id,rank)
409 create index stock_dbxrefprop_idx1 on stock_dbxrefprop (stock_dbxref_id);
410 create index stock_dbxrefprop_idx2 on stock_dbxrefprop (type_id);
412 COMMENT ON TABLE stock_dbxrefprop IS 'A stock_dbxref can have any number of
413 slot-value property tags attached to it. This is useful for storing properties related to dbxref annotations of stocks, such as evidence codes, and references, and metadata, such as create/modify dates. This is an alternative to
414 hardcoding a list of columns in the relational schema, and is
415 completely extensible. There is a unique constraint, stock_dbxrefprop_c1, for
416 the combination of stock_dbxref_id, rank, and type_id. Multivalued property-value pairs must be differentiated by rank.';
421 print "Granting permissions to web_user...";
422 foreach my $table (@tables) {
423 my $seq = $table . "_" . $table . "_id_seq";
425 $self->dbh->do("GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON $table to web_usr;");
426 $self->dbh->do("GRANT SELECT, USAGE ON $seq to web_usr;");
428 print "You're done!\n";
433 ####
434 1; #
435 ####