printing to a large sequence file
[phenome.git] / db /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
4 =head1 NAME
8 =head1 SYNOPSIS
10 mx-run ThisPackageName [options] -H hostname -D dbname -u username [-F]
12 this is a subclass of L<CXGN::Metadata::Dbpatch>
13 see the perldoc of parent class for more details.
17 This is a patch for loadin chado's Natural diversity module.
18 This subclass uses L<Moose>. The parent class uses L<MooseX::Runnable>
20 =head1 AUTHOR
22 Naama Menda<>
26 Copyright 2010 Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
28 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
29 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
31 =cut
34 package LoadChadoND;
36 use Try::Tiny;
37 use Moose;
38 extends 'CXGN::Metadata::Dbpatch';
41 sub init_patch {
42 my $self=shift;
43 my $name = __PACKAGE__;
44 print "dbpatch name is : '" . $name . "'\n\n";
45 my $description = 'Loading the chado contact module';
46 my @previous_requested_patches = ('LoadChadoGenotype' , 'LoadChadoContact', 'LoadChadoProject' , 'LoadChadoStock'); #ADD HERE
48 $self->name($name);
49 $self->description($description);
50 $self->prereq(\@previous_requested_patches);
54 sub patch {
55 my $self=shift;
58 print STDOUT "Executing the patch:\n " . $self->name . ".\n\nDescription:\n ". $self->description . ".\n\nExecuted by:\n " . $self->username . " .";
60 print STDOUT "\nChecking if this db_patch was executed before or if previous db_patches have been executed.\n";
64 print STDOUT "\nExecuting the SQL commands.\n";
66 my @tables = (
67 qw /
68 nd_geolocation
69 nd_experiment
70 nd_experiment_project
71 nd_experimentprop
72 nd_experiment_pub
73 nd_geolocationprop
74 nd_protocol
75 nd_reagent
76 nd_protocol_reagent
77 nd_protocolprop
78 nd_experiment_stock
79 nd_experiment_protocol
80 nd_experiment_phenotype
81 nd_experiment_genotype
82 nd_reagent_relationship
83 nd_reagentprop
84 nd_experiment_stockprop
85 nd_experiment_stock_dbxref
86 nd_experiment_dbxref
87 nd_experiment_contact
88 / );
90 $self->dbh->do(<<EOSQL);
93 --do your SQL here
95 -- =================================================================
96 -- Dependencies:
98 -- :import feature from sequence
99 -- :import cvterm from cv
100 -- :import pub from pub
101 -- :import phenotype from phenotype
102 -- :import organism from organism
103 -- :import genotype from genetic
104 -- :import contact from contact
105 -- :import project from project
106 -- :import stock from stock
107 -- :import synonym
108 -- =================================================================
111 -- this probably needs some work, depending on how cross-database we
112 -- want to be. In Postgres, at least, there are much better ways to
113 -- represent geo information.
115 CREATE TABLE nd_geolocation (
116 nd_geolocation_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
117 description character varying(255),
118 latitude real,
119 longitude real,
120 geodetic_datum character varying(32),
121 altitude real
124 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_geolocation IS 'The geo-referencable location of the stock. NOTE: This entity is subject to change as a more general and possibly more OpenGIS-compliant geolocation module may be introduced into Chado.';
126 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_geolocation.description IS 'A textual representation of the location, if this is the original georeference. Optional if the original georeference is available in lat/long coordinates.';
129 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_geolocation.latitude IS 'The decimal latitude coordinate of the georeference, using positive and negative sign to indicate N and S, respectively.';
131 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_geolocation.longitude IS 'The decimal longitude coordinate of the georeference, using positive and negative sign to indicate E and W, respectively.';
133 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_geolocation.geodetic_datum IS 'The geodetic system on which the geo-reference coordinates are based. For geo-references measured between 1984 and 2010, this will typically be WGS84.';
135 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_geolocation.altitude IS 'The altitude (elevation) of the location in meters. If the altitude is only known as a range, this is the average, and altitude_dev will hold half of the width of the range.';
139 CREATE TABLE nd_experiment (
140 nd_experiment_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
141 nd_geolocation_id integer NOT NULL references nd_geolocation (nd_geolocation_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
142 type_id integer NOT NULL references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED
146 --used to be nd_diversityexperiment_project
147 --then was nd_assay_project
148 CREATE TABLE nd_experiment_project (
149 nd_experiment_project_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
150 project_id integer not null references project (project_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
151 nd_experiment_id integer NOT NULL references nd_experiment (nd_experiment_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED
156 CREATE TABLE nd_experimentprop (
157 nd_experimentprop_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
158 nd_experiment_id integer NOT NULL references nd_experiment (nd_experiment_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
159 type_id integer NOT NULL references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED ,
160 value character varying(255) NOT NULL,
161 rank integer NOT NULL default 0,
162 constraint nd_experimentprop_c1 unique (nd_experiment_id,type_id,rank)
165 create table nd_experiment_pub (
166 nd_experiment_pub_id serial PRIMARY KEY not null,
167 nd_experiment_id int not null,
168 foreign key (nd_experiment_id) references nd_experiment (nd_experiment_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
169 pub_id int not null,
170 foreign key (pub_id) references pub (pub_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
171 constraint nd_experiment_pub_c1 unique (nd_experiment_id,pub_id)
173 create index nd_experiment_pub_idx1 on nd_experiment_pub (nd_experiment_id);
174 create index nd_experiment_pub_idx2 on nd_experiment_pub (pub_id);
176 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_experiment_pub IS 'Linking nd_experiment(s) to publication(s)';
181 CREATE TABLE nd_geolocationprop (
182 nd_geolocationprop_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
183 nd_geolocation_id integer NOT NULL references nd_geolocation (nd_geolocation_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
184 type_id integer NOT NULL references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
185 value character varying(250),
186 rank integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
187 constraint nd_geolocationprop_c1 unique (nd_geolocation_id,type_id,rank)
190 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_geolocationprop IS 'Property/value associations for geolocations. This table can store the properties such as location and environment';
192 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_geolocationprop.type_id IS 'The name of the property as a reference to a controlled vocabulary term.';
194 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_geolocationprop.value IS 'The value of the property.';
196 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_geolocationprop.rank IS 'The rank of the property value, if the property has an array of values.';
199 CREATE TABLE nd_protocol (
200 nd_protocol_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
201 name character varying(255) NOT NULL unique
204 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_protocol IS 'A protocol can be anything that is done as part of the experiment.';
206 COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'The protocol name.';
208 CREATE TABLE nd_reagent (
209 nd_reagent_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
210 name character varying(80) NOT NULL,
211 type_id integer NOT NULL references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
212 feature_id integer
215 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_reagent IS 'A reagent such as a primer, an enzyme, an adapter oligo, a linker oligo. Reagents are used in genotyping experiments, or in any other kind of experiment.';
217 COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'The name of the reagent. The name should be unique for a given type.';
219 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_reagent.type_id IS 'The type of the reagent, for example linker oligomer, or forward primer.';
221 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_reagent.feature_id IS 'If the reagent is a primer, the feature that it corresponds to. More generally, the corresponding feature for any reagent that has a sequence that maps to another sequence.';
225 CREATE TABLE nd_protocol_reagent (
226 nd_protocol_reagent_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
227 nd_protocol_id integer NOT NULL references nd_protocol (nd_protocol_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
228 reagent_id integer NOT NULL references nd_reagent (nd_reagent_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
229 type_id integer NOT NULL references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED
233 CREATE TABLE nd_protocolprop (
234 nd_protocolprop_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
235 nd_protocol_id integer NOT NULL references nd_protocol (nd_protocol_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
236 type_id integer NOT NULL references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
237 value character varying(255),
238 rank integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
239 constraint nd_protocolprop_c1 unique (nd_protocol_id,type_id,rank)
242 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_protocolprop IS 'Property/value associations for protocol.';
244 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_protocolprop.nd_protocol_id IS 'The protocol to which the property applies.';
246 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_protocolprop.type_id IS 'The name of the property as a reference to a controlled vocabulary term.';
248 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_protocolprop.value IS 'The value of the property.';
250 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_protocolprop.rank IS 'The rank of the property value, if the property has an array of values.';
254 CREATE TABLE nd_experiment_stock (
255 nd_experiment_stock_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
256 nd_experiment_id integer NOT NULL references nd_experiment (nd_experiment_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
257 stock_id integer NOT NULL references stock (stock_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
258 type_id integer NOT NULL references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED
261 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_experiment_stock IS 'Part of a stock or a clone of a stock that is used in an experiment';
264 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_experiment_stock.stock_id IS 'stock used in the extraction or the corresponding stock for the clone';
267 CREATE TABLE nd_experiment_protocol (
268 nd_experiment_protocol_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
269 nd_experiment_id integer NOT NULL references nd_experiment (nd_experiment_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
270 nd_protocol_id integer NOT NULL references nd_protocol (nd_protocol_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED
273 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_experiment_protocol IS 'Linking table: experiments to the protocols they involve.';
278 CREATE TABLE nd_experiment_phenotype (
279 nd_experiment_phenotype_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
280 nd_experiment_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES nd_experiment (nd_experiment_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
281 phenotype_id integer NOT NULL references phenotype (phenotype_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
282 constraint nd_experiment_phenotype_c1 unique (nd_experiment_id,phenotype_id)
285 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_experiment_phenotype IS 'Linking table: experiments to the phenotypes they produce. There is a one-to-one relationship between an experiment and a phenotype since each phenotype record should point to one experiment. Add a new experiment_id for each phenotype record.';
287 CREATE TABLE nd_experiment_genotype (
288 nd_experiment_genotype_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
289 nd_experiment_id integer NOT NULL references nd_experiment (nd_experiment_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
290 genotype_id integer NOT NULL references genotype (genotype_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED ,
291 constraint nd_experiment_genotype_c1 unique (nd_experiment_id,genotype_id)
294 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_experiment_genotype IS 'Linking table: experiments to the genotypes they produce. There is a one-to-one relationship between an experiment and a genotype since each genotype record should point to one experiment. Add a new experiment_id for each genotype record.';
297 CREATE TABLE nd_reagent_relationship (
298 nd_reagent_relationship_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
299 subject_reagent_id integer NOT NULL references nd_reagent (nd_reagent_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
300 object_reagent_id integer NOT NULL references nd_reagent (nd_reagent_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
301 type_id integer NOT NULL references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED
304 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_reagent_relationship IS 'Relationships between reagents. Some reagents form a group. i.e., they are used all together or not at all. Examples are adapter/linker/enzyme experiment reagents.';
306 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_reagent_relationship.subject_reagent_id IS 'The subject reagent in the relationship. In parent/child terminology, the subject is the child. For example, in "linkerA 3prime-overhang-linker enzymeA" linkerA is the subject, 3prime-overhand-linker is the type, and enzymeA is the object.';
308 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_reagent_relationship.object_reagent_id IS 'The object reagent in the relationship. In parent/child terminology, the object is the parent. For example, in "linkerA 3prime-overhang-linker enzymeA" linkerA is the subject, 3prime-overhand-linker is the type, and enzymeA is the object.';
310 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_reagent_relationship.type_id IS 'The type (or predicate) of the relationship. For example, in "linkerA 3prime-overhang-linker enzymeA" linkerA is the subject, 3prime-overhand-linker is the type, and enzymeA is the object.';
313 CREATE TABLE nd_reagentprop (
314 nd_reagentprop_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
315 nd_reagent_id integer NOT NULL references nd_reagent (nd_reagent_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
316 type_id integer NOT NULL references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
317 value character varying(255),
318 rank integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
319 constraint nd_reagentprop_c1 unique (nd_reagent_id,type_id,rank)
322 CREATE TABLE nd_experiment_stockprop (
323 nd_experiment_stockprop_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
324 nd_experiment_stock_id integer NOT NULL references nd_experiment_stock (nd_experiment_stock_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
325 type_id integer NOT NULL references cvterm (cvterm_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
326 value character varying(255),
327 rank integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
328 constraint nd_experiment_stockprop_c1 unique (nd_experiment_stock_id,type_id,rank)
331 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_experiment_stockprop IS 'Property/value associations for experiment_stocks. This table can store the properties such as treatment';
333 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_experiment_stockprop.nd_experiment_stock_id IS 'The experiment_stock to which the property applies.';
335 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_experiment_stockprop.type_id IS 'The name of the property as a reference to a controlled vocabulary term.';
337 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_experiment_stockprop.value IS 'The value of the property.';
339 COMMENT ON COLUMN nd_experiment_stockprop.rank IS 'The rank of the property value, if the property has an array of values.';
342 CREATE TABLE nd_experiment_stock_dbxref (
343 nd_experiment_stock_dbxref_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
344 nd_experiment_stock_id integer NOT NULL references nd_experiment_stock (nd_experiment_stock_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
345 dbxref_id integer NOT NULL references dbxref (dbxref_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED
348 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_experiment_stock_dbxref IS 'Cross-reference experiment_stock to accessions, images, etc';
352 CREATE TABLE nd_experiment_dbxref (
353 nd_experiment_dbxref_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
354 nd_experiment_id integer NOT NULL references nd_experiment (nd_experiment_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
355 dbxref_id integer NOT NULL references dbxref (dbxref_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED
358 COMMENT ON TABLE nd_experiment_dbxref IS 'Cross-reference experiment to accessions, images, etc';
361 CREATE TABLE nd_experiment_contact (
362 nd_experiment_contact_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
363 nd_experiment_id integer NOT NULL references nd_experiment (nd_experiment_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED,
364 contact_id integer NOT NULL references contact (contact_id) on delete cascade INITIALLY DEFERRED
371 print "Granting permissions to web_user...\n";
372 foreach my $table (@tables) {
373 my $seq = $table . "_" . $table . "_id_seq";
375 $self->dbh->do("GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON $table to web_usr;");
376 $self->dbh->do("GRANT SELECT, USAGE ON $seq to web_usr;");
379 print "You're done!\n";
384 return 1;