This project is a fork of the pgweb.git project. If you have that one already cloned locally, you can use
git clone --reference /path/to/your/pgweb.git/incarnation mirror_URL
to save bandwidth during cloning.
descriptionThis is the code for the website (local fork)
last changeFri, 1 Nov 2019 13:55:05 +0000 (1 14:55 +0100)
content tags
The PostgreSQL website

The code in this repository is what backs the website at

The authoritative repository for this code is on, but it's
free to be mirrored anywhere.

The website code is written in `Python <>`_ using
the `Django <>`_ framework. Not surprisingly,
`PostgreSQL <>`_ is used as the database. Further details
about the code and technology can be found in the different documents in the
docs directory.

The website also uses the `Bootstrap <>`_ CSS framework
as well as the `Font Awesome <>`_ icon library.

A fair amount of the content pages of the website are just static HTML templates.
If you wish to edit these, you only need to look at the templates/pages/
subdirectory. The content in here is simple HTML, and can be edited as such.

We appreciate all (most?) contributions to this project. If you wish to
contribute, be sure to sign up to the `pgsql-www <>`_
mailinglist for any discussions, and post any suggested patches there. If you
want to make any major changes, be sure to have discussed those on the list first.

The code for the website is licensed under
`The PostgreSQL Licence <>`_, which is
closely related to the BSD licence.

Django is released under its `BSD Licence <>`_.

Bootstrap is released under the `MIT Licence <>`_.
and includes the following software as well:

- jQuery & jQuery UI under the `MIT Licence <>`_
- Popper under the `MIT Licence <>`_

Font Awesome has a `combination of licences <>`_:

The code of Font Awesome is released under the `MIT Licence <>`_.
The icons of Font Awesome are released under the `CC BY 4.0 Licence <>`_.
The fonts of Font Awesome are released under the `SIL OFL 1.1 License <>`_.

jQuery.matchHeight.js uses the `MIT Licence <>`_
normalize.css uses the `MIT License <>`_
2019-11-01 Magnus HaganderFix unicode bug from python3 conversionmaster
2019-11-01 Magnus HaganderSwitch to using pycryptodome instead of pycrypto
2019-11-01 Magnus HaganderUpdate django version in requirements.txt
2019-10-30 Jonathan S... Ensure all release notes are accessible from "devel"
2019-10-23 Jonathan S... Add URLs to Chinese translations of the PostgreSQL...
2019-10-21 Jonathan S... Update URL to "PostgreSQL Primer for Busy People"
2019-10-18 Jonathan S... Rename "Online Resources" to "Tutorials & Other Resources"
2019-10-18 Jonathan S... Add FAQ page back to the Documentation page.
2019-10-17 Jonathan S... Updated EDB Windows + macOS installers pages for PG12
2019-10-17 Jonathan S... Fix typos, grammar, and unescaped escape charactres...
2019-10-17 Jonathan S... Update the membership of the Code of Conduct Committee.
2019-10-10 Magnus HaganderRaise a http 404 error on paths that are too long
2019-10-09 Magnus HaganderReplace \r with \n in ssh key dumps
2019-10-09 Jonathan S... Adjust date of next upcoming minor release in roadmap.
2019-10-03 Jonathan S... Remove extraneous expression from roadmap page.
2019-10-03 Jonathan S... PostgreSQL 12 release.
4 years ago favicon_32_48
4 years ago master