3 context: '[n] -> { : n <= 2147483647 and n >= -2147483648 }'
6 extent: '[n] -> { __pet_test_0[x1, x2] : exists (e0 = floor((x2)/3): 3e0 = x2 and
7 x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 and x2 <= 9) }'
8 value_bounds: '{ [i0] : i0 >= 0 and i0 <= 1 }'
13 extent: '[n] -> { a[i0, i1] : i0 >= 0 and i1 <= 255 and i1 >= 0 }'
17 extent: '[n] -> { s[] }'
22 domain: '[n] -> { S1[x1] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 }'
23 schedule: '[n] -> { S1[x1] -> [0, x1, 0] }'
29 relation: '[n] -> { S1[x1] -> s[] }'
30 index: '[n] -> { S1[x1] -> s[] }'
31 reference: __pet_ref_0
37 domain: '[n] -> { [S_1[x1, x2] -> [1]] : exists (e0 = floor((x2)/3): 3e0 = x2 and
38 x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 and x2 <= 9) }'
39 schedule: '[n] -> { S_1[x1, x2] -> [0, x1, 1, -x2, 0] }'
45 relation: '[n] -> { S_1[x1, x2] -> __pet_test_0[x1, x2] }'
46 index: '[n] -> { S_1[x1, x2] -> __pet_test_0[(x1), (x2)] }'
47 reference: __pet_ref_2
54 relation: '[n] -> { S_1[x1, x2] -> [x1] }'
55 index: '[n] -> { S_1[x1, x2] -> [(x1)] }'
56 reference: __pet_ref_3
60 relation: '[n] -> { S_1[x1, x2] -> [o0] : exists (e0 = floor((-x2 + o0)/256):
61 256e0 = -x2 + o0 and o0 <= 255 and o0 >= 0) }'
62 index: '[n] -> { S_1[x1, x2] -> [(x2 - 256*floor((x2)/256))] }'
63 reference: __pet_ref_4
68 relation: '[n] -> { S_1[x1, x2] -> __pet_test_0[x1, 3 + x2] : x2 <= 6 }'
69 index: '[n] -> { S_1[x1, x2] -> __pet_test_0[(x1), ((3 + x2) : x2 <= 6)] }'
70 reference: __pet_ref_1
74 domain: '[n] -> { [S2[x1, x2, x3] -> [1]] : exists (e0 = floor((255 - x2)/256),
75 e1 = floor((x2)/3): 3e1 = x2 and x3 >= 0 and x1 >= 0 and x1 <= -1 + n and x2 <=
76 9 and 256e0 >= -x2 + x3 and 256e0 <= 255 - x2 and 256e0 >= -x2) }'
77 schedule: '[n] -> { S2[x1, x2, x3] -> [0, x1, 1, -x2, 1, 0, x3] }'
83 relation: '[n] -> { S2[x1, x2, x3] -> s[] }'
84 index: '[n] -> { S2[x1, x2, x3] -> s[] }'
85 reference: __pet_ref_6
95 relation: '[n] -> { S2[x1, x2, x3] -> s[] }'
96 index: '[n] -> { S2[x1, x2, x3] -> s[] }'
97 reference: __pet_ref_7
101 relation: '[n] -> { S2[x1, x2, x3] -> a[o0, 255 - o0] : exists (e0 = floor((x2)/3),
102 e1 = floor((-253x2 - 3o0)/768): 3e0 = x2 and 768e1 = -253x2 - 3o0 and
103 o0 <= 255 and o0 >= 0) }'
104 index: '[n] -> { S2[x1, x2, x3] -> a[(x2 - 256*floor((x2)/256)), (255 -
105 x2 + 256*floor((x2)/256))] }'
106 reference: __pet_ref_8
111 relation: '[n] -> { S2[x1, x2, x3] -> __pet_test_0[x1, x2] }'
112 index: '[n] -> { S2[x1, x2, x3] -> __pet_test_0[(x1), (x2)] }'
113 reference: __pet_ref_5
117 domain: '[n] -> { R[x1] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 }'
118 schedule: '[n] -> { R[x1] -> [0, x1, 2] }'
124 relation: '[n] -> { R[x1] -> s[] }'
125 index: '[n] -> { R[x1] -> s[] }'
126 reference: __pet_ref_9
131 extension: '[n] -> { __pet_test_0[x1, x2] -> __pet_test_0[x1, x2''] : exists (e0
132 = floor((x2'')/3): 3e0 = x2'' and x1 >= 0 and x1 <= -1 + n and x2'' >= x2 and