slight improvement to overview figure
[pec.git] / gnuplot-lua-tikz.sty
1 %%
2 %% This is the style file for the gnuplot PGF/TikZ terminal
3 %%
4 %% It is associated with the 'gnuplot.lua' script, and usually generated
5 %% automatically. So take care whenever you make any changes!
6 %%
7 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
8 \ProvidesPackage{gnuplot-lua-tikz}%
9 [2009/05/26 (rev. 96a) GNUPLOT Lua terminal style]
11 \RequirePackage{tikz,xxcolor,ifpdf,ifxetex}
13 \usetikzlibrary{arrows,patterns,plotmarks}
15 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
17 %%
21 % image related stuff
23 \def\gp@rawimage@pdf#1#2#3#4#5#6{%
24 \def\gp@tempa{cmyk}%
25 \def\gp@tempb{#1}%
26 \ifx\gp@tempa\gp@tempb%
27 \def\gp@temp{/CMYK}%
28 \else%
29 \def\gp@temp{/RGB}%
30 \fi%
31 \pgf@sys@bp{#4}\pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{0 0}\pgf@sys@bp{#5}%
32 \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{0 0 cm}%
33 \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{BI /W #2 /H #3 /CS \gp@temp}%
34 \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{/BPC 8 /F /AHx ID}%
35 \pgfsysprotocol@literal{#6 > EI}%
37 \def\gp@rawimage@ps#1#2#3#4#5#6{%
38 \def\gp@tempa{cmyk}%
39 \def\gp@tempb{#1}%
40 \ifx\gp@tempa\gp@tempb%
41 \def\gp@temp{4}%
42 \else%
43 \def\gp@temp{3}%
44 \fi%
45 \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{0 0 translate}%
46 \pgf@sys@bp{#4}\pgf@sys@bp{#5}\pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{scale}%
47 \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{#2 #3 8 [#2 0 0 -#3 0 #3]}%
48 \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{currentfile /ASCIIHexDecode filter}%
49 \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{false \gp@temp\space colorimage}%
50 \pgfsysprotocol@literal{#6 >}%
54 \ifpdf
55 \def\gp@rawimage{\gp@rawimage@pdf}
56 \else
57 \ifxetex
58 \def\gp@rawimage{\gp@rawimage@pdf}
59 \else
60 \def\gp@rawimage{\gp@rawimage@ps}
61 \fi
62 \fi
64 \def\gp@set@size#1{%
65 \def\gp@image@size{#1}%
67 %% \gprawimage{color model}{xcoord}{ycoord}{# of xpixel}{# of ypixel}{xsize}{ysize}{rgb/cmyk hex data RRGGBB/CCMMYYKK ...}
68 %% color model is 'cmyk' or 'rgb' (default)
69 \def\gprawimage#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{%
70 \tikz@scan@one@point\gp@set@size(#6,#7)\relax%
71 \tikz@scan@one@point\pgftransformshift(#2,#3)\relax%
72 \pgftext {%
73 \pgfsys@beginpurepicture%
74 \gp@image@size% fill \pgf@x and \pgf@y
75 \gp@rawimage{#1}{#4}{#5}{\pgf@x}{\pgf@y}{#8}%
76 \pgfsys@endpurepicture%
81 % gnuplottex comapatibility
82 % (see
85 \def\gnuplottexextension@lua{\string tex}
88 % gnuplot variables getter and setter
91 \def\gpsetvar#1#2{%
92 \expandafter\xdef\csname gp@var@#1\endcsname{#2}
95 \def\gpgetvar#1{%
96 \csname gp@var@#1\endcsname %
100 % some wrapper code
103 % short for the lengthy xcolor rgb definition
104 \def\gprgb#1#2#3{rgb,1000:red,#1;green,#2;blue,#3}
106 % short for a filled path
107 \def\gpfill#1{\path[fill,#1]}
109 % short for changing the linewidth
110 \def\gpsetlinewidth#1{\pgfsetlinewidth{#1\gpbaselw}}
112 \def\gpsetlinetype#1{\tikzstyle{gp path}=[#1,#1 add]}
114 % short for changing the pointsize
115 \def\gpsetpointsize#1{\tikzstyle{gp point}=[mark size=#1\gpbasems]}
117 % wrapper for color settings
118 \def\gpcolor#1{\pgfsetcolor{#1}}
120 % prevent plot mark distortions due to changes in the PGF transformation matrix
121 % use `\gpscalepointstrue' and `\gpscalepointsfalse' for enabling and disabling
122 % point scaling
124 \newif\ifgpscalepoints
125 \tikzoption{gp shift only}[]{%
126 \ifgpscalepoints%
127 \else%
128 % this is actually the same definition as used by "shift only" (seen
129 % in pgf-1.18 and later)
130 \tikz@addtransform{\pgftransformresetnontranslations}%
131 \fi%
133 \def\gppoint#1#2{%
134 \path[solid] plot[only marks,gp point,#1,mark options={gp shift only}] coordinates {#2};%
137 \def\gpfontsize#1#2{\fontsize{#1}{#2}\selectfont}
140 % char size calculation, that might be used with gnuplottex
142 % Example code (needs gnuplottex.sty):
144 % % calculate the char size when the "gnuplot" style is used
145 % \tikzset{gnuplot/.append style={execute at begin picture=\gpcalccharsize}}
147 % \tikzset{gnuplot/.append style={font=\ttfamily\footnotesize}}
149 % \begin{tikzpicture}[gnuplot]
150 % \begin{gnuplot}[terminal=lua,%
151 % terminaloptions={tikz solid nopic charsize \the\gphcharsize,\the\gpvcharsize}]
152 % test
153 % \end{gnuplot}
154 % \end{tikzpicture}
157 % The `\gpcalccharsize' command fills the lengths \gpvcharsize and \gphcharsize with
158 % the values of the current default font used within nodes and is meant to be called
159 % within a tikzpicture environment.
161 \newdimen\gpvcharsize
162 \newdimen\gphcharsize
163 \def\gpcalccharsize{%
164 \pgfinterruptboundingbox%
165 \pgfsys@begininvisible%
166 \node at (0,0) {%
167 \global\gphcharsize=1.05\fontcharwd\font`0%
168 \global\gpvcharsize=1.05\fontcharht\font`0%
169 \global\advance\gpvcharsize by 1.05\fontchardp\font`g%
171 \pgfsys@endinvisible%
172 \endpgfinterruptboundingbox%
176 % define a rectangular node in tikz e.g. for the plot area
177 % FIXME: this is done globally to work with gnuplottex.sty
179 % #1 node name
180 % #2 coordinate of "south west"
181 % #3 coordinate of "north east"
183 \def\gpdefrectangularnode#1#2#3{%
184 \expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@sh@ns@#1\endcsname{rectangle}
185 \expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@sh@np@#1\endcsname{%
186 \def\southwest{#2}%
187 \def\northeast{#3}%
189 \pgfgettransform\pgf@temp%
190 % once it is defined, no more transformations will be applied, I hope
191 \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@sh@nt@#1\endcsname{\pgf@temp}%
192 \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@sh@pi@#1\endcsname{\pgfpictureid}%
196 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
198 %% You may want to adapt the following to fit your needs (in your
199 %% individual style file and/or within your document).
203 % style for every plot
205 \tikzstyle{gnuplot}=[%
206 >=stealth',%
207 cap=round,%
208 join=round,%
211 \tikzstyle{gp node left}=[anchor=mid west,yshift=-.12ex]
212 \tikzstyle{gp node center}=[anchor=mid,yshift=-.12ex]
213 \tikzstyle{gp node right}=[anchor=mid east,yshift=-.12ex]
215 % basic plot mark size (points)
216 \newdimen\gpbasems
217 \gpbasems=.4pt
219 % basic linewidth
220 \newdimen\gpbaselw
221 \gpbaselw=.4pt
223 % this is the default color for pattern backgrounds
224 \colorlet{gpbgfillcolor}{white}
227 % this should reverse the normal text node presets, for the
228 % later referencing as described below
229 \tikzstyle{gp refnode}=[coordinate,yshift=.12ex]
231 % to add an empty label with the referenceable name "my node"
232 % to the plot, just add the following line to your gnuplot
233 % file:
235 % set label "" at 1,1 font ",gp refnode,name=my node"
238 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
240 %% The following TikZ-styles are derived from the 'pgf.styles.*' tables
241 %% in the Lua script.
242 %% To change the number of used styles you should change them there and
243 %% regenerate this style file.
246 % arrow styles settings
247 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 1} = [>=latex]
248 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 2} = [>=angle 90]
249 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 3} = [>=angle 60]
250 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 4} = [>=angle 45]
251 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 5} = [>=o]
252 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 6} = [>=*]
253 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 7} = [>=diamond]
254 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 8} = [>=open diamond]
255 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 9} = [>={]}]
256 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 10} = [>={[}]
257 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 11} = [>=)]
258 \tikzstyle{gp arrow 12} = [>=(]
260 % plotmark settings
261 \tikzstyle{gp mark 0} = [mark size=.5\pgflinewidth,mark=*]
262 \tikzstyle{gp mark 1} = [mark=+]
263 \tikzstyle{gp mark 2} = [mark=x]
264 \tikzstyle{gp mark 3} = [mark=star]
265 \tikzstyle{gp mark 4} = [mark=square]
266 \tikzstyle{gp mark 5} = [mark=square*]
267 \tikzstyle{gp mark 6} = [mark=o]
268 \tikzstyle{gp mark 7} = [mark=*]
269 \tikzstyle{gp mark 8} = [mark=triangle]
270 \tikzstyle{gp mark 9} = [mark=triangle*]
271 \tikzstyle{gp mark 10} = [mark=triangle,mark options={rotate=180}]
272 \tikzstyle{gp mark 11} = [mark=triangle*,mark options={rotate=180}]
273 \tikzstyle{gp mark 12} = [mark=diamond]
274 \tikzstyle{gp mark 13} = [mark=diamond*]
275 \tikzstyle{gp mark 14} = [mark=otimes]
276 \tikzstyle{gp mark 15} = [mark=oplus]
278 % pattern settings
279 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 0} = [white]
280 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 1} = [pattern=north east lines]
281 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 2} = [pattern=north west lines]
282 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 3} = [pattern=crosshatch]
283 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 4} = [pattern=grid]
284 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 5} = [pattern=vertical lines]
285 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 6} = [pattern=horizontal lines]
286 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 7} = [pattern=dots]
287 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 8} = [pattern=crosshatch dots]
288 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 9} = [pattern=fivepointed stars]
289 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 10} = [pattern=sixpointed stars]
290 \tikzstyle{gp pattern 11} = [pattern=bricks]
292 % if the 'tikzplot' option is used the corresponding lines will be smoothed by default
293 \tikzstyle{gp plot axes} = []%
294 \tikzstyle{gp plot border} = []%
295 \tikzstyle{gp plot 0} = [smooth]%
296 \tikzstyle{gp plot 1} = [smooth]%
297 \tikzstyle{gp plot 2} = [smooth]%
298 \tikzstyle{gp plot 3} = [smooth]%
299 \tikzstyle{gp plot 4} = [smooth]%
300 \tikzstyle{gp plot 5} = [smooth]%
301 \tikzstyle{gp plot 6} = [smooth]%
302 \tikzstyle{gp plot 7} = [smooth]%
304 % linestyle settings
305 \tikzstyle{gp lt axes} = [dashed]
306 \tikzstyle{gp lt border} = [solid]
308 % linestyle "addon" settings for overwriting a default linestyle within the
309 % TeX document via eg. \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 1 add}=[fill=black,draw=none] etc.
310 \tikzstyle{gp lt axes add} = []
311 \tikzstyle{gp lt border add} = []
312 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 0 add} = []
313 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 1 add} = []
314 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 2 add} = []
315 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 3 add} = []
316 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 4 add} = []
317 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 5 add} = []
318 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 6 add} = []
319 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 7 add} = []
321 % linestyle color settings
322 \colorlet{gp lt color axes}{black}
323 \colorlet{gp lt color border}{black}
325 % command for switching to dashed lines
326 \def\gpdashedlines{%
327 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 0} = [solid]%
328 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 1} = [dashed]%
329 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 2} = [dash pattern=on 1.5pt off 2.25pt]%
330 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 3} = [dash pattern=on \pgflinewidth off 1.125]%
331 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 4} = [dash pattern=on 4.5pt off 1.5pt on \pgflinewidth off 1.5pt]%
332 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 5} = [dash pattern=on 2.25pt off 2.25pt on \pgflinewidth off 2.25pt]%
333 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 6} = [dash pattern=on 1.5pt off 1.5pt on 1.5pt off 4.5pt]%
334 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 7} = [dash pattern=on \pgflinewidth off 1.5pt on 4.5pt off 1.5pt on \pgflinewidth off 1.5pt]%
337 % command for switching to colored lines
338 \def\gpcoloredlines{%
339 \colorlet{gp lt color 0}{red}%
340 \colorlet{gp lt color 1}{green!60!black}%
341 \colorlet{gp lt color 2}{blue}%
342 \colorlet{gp lt color 3}{magenta}%
343 \colorlet{gp lt color 4}{cyan}%
344 \colorlet{gp lt color 5}{orange}%
345 \colorlet{gp lt color 6}{yellow!80!red}%
346 \colorlet{gp lt color 7}{blue!80!black}%
349 % command for switching to solid lines
350 \def\gpsolidlines{%
351 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 0} = [solid]%
352 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 1} = [solid]%
353 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 2} = [solid]%
354 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 3} = [solid]%
355 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 4} = [solid]%
356 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 5} = [solid]%
357 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 6} = [solid]%
358 \tikzstyle{gp lt plot 7} = [solid]%
361 % command for switching to monochrome (black) lines
362 \def\gpmonochromelines{%
363 \colorlet{gp lt color 0}{black}%
364 \colorlet{gp lt color 1}{black}%
365 \colorlet{gp lt color 2}{black}%
366 \colorlet{gp lt color 3}{black}%
367 \colorlet{gp lt color 4}{black}%
368 \colorlet{gp lt color 5}{black}%
369 \colorlet{gp lt color 6}{black}%
370 \colorlet{gp lt color 7}{black}%
374 % some initialisations
376 % by default all lines will be colored and dashed
377 \gpcoloredlines
378 \gpdashedlines
379 \gpsetpointsize{4}
380 \gpsetlinetype{gp lt solid}
381 \gpscalepointsfalse
382 \endinput