Imported more code from the old engine.
[peakengine.git] / engine / include / support / irrMath.h
1 // Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Nikolaus Gebhardt
2 // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
3 // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
5 #ifndef __IRR_MATH_H_INCLUDED__
6 #define __IRR_MATH_H_INCLUDED__
8 #include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
9 #include "irrTypes.h"
10 #include <math.h>
12 #if defined(_IRR_SOLARIS_PLATFORM_) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__)
13 #define sqrtf(X) (f32)sqrt((f64)(X))
14 #define sinf(X) (f32)sin((f64)(X))
15 #define cosf(X) (f32)cos((f64)(X))
16 #define ceilf(X) (f32)ceil((f64)(X))
17 #define floorf(X) (f32)floor((f64)(X))
18 #define powf(X,Y) (f32)pow((f64)(X),(f64)(Y))
19 #define fmodf(X,Y) (f32)fmod((f64)(X),(f64)(Y))
20 #define fabsf(X) (f32)fabs((f64)(X))
21 #endif
23 namespace irr
25 namespace core
28 //! Rounding error constant often used when comparing f32 values.
31 const f32 ROUNDING_ERROR_32 = 0.00005f;
32 const f64 ROUNDING_ERROR_64 = 0.000005f;
33 #else
34 const f32 ROUNDING_ERROR_32 = 0.000001f;
35 const f64 ROUNDING_ERROR_64 = 0.00000001f;
36 #endif
38 //! Constant for PI.
39 const f32 PI = 3.14159265359f;
41 //! Constant for reciprocal of PI.
42 const f32 RECIPROCAL_PI = 1.0f/PI;
44 //! Constant for half of PI.
45 const f32 HALF_PI = PI/2.0f;
47 //! Constant for 64bit PI.
48 const f64 PI64 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751;
50 //! Constant for 64bit reciprocal of PI.
51 const f64 RECIPROCAL_PI64 = 1.0/PI64;
53 //! 32bit Constant for converting from degrees to radians
54 const f32 DEGTORAD = PI / 180.0f;
56 //! 32bit constant for converting from radians to degrees (formally known as GRAD_PI)
57 const f32 RADTODEG = 180.0f / PI;
59 //! 64bit constant for converting from degrees to radians (formally known as GRAD_PI2)
60 const f64 DEGTORAD64 = PI64 / 180.0;
62 //! 64bit constant for converting from radians to degrees
63 const f64 RADTODEG64 = 180.0 / PI64;
65 //! returns minimum of two values. Own implementation to get rid of the STL (VS6 problems)
66 template<class T>
67 inline const T& min_(const T& a, const T& b)
69 return a < b ? a : b;
72 //! returns minimum of three values. Own implementation to get rid of the STL (VS6 problems)
73 template<class T>
74 inline const T& min_(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c)
76 return a < b ? min_(a, c) : min_(b, c);
79 //! returns maximum of two values. Own implementation to get rid of the STL (VS6 problems)
80 template<class T>
81 inline const T& max_(const T& a, const T& b)
83 return a < b ? b : a;
86 //! returns maximum of three values. Own implementation to get rid of the STL (VS6 problems)
87 template<class T>
88 inline const T& max_(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c)
90 return a < b ? max_(b, c) : max_(a, c);
93 //! returns abs of two values. Own implementation to get rid of STL (VS6 problems)
94 template<class T>
95 inline T abs_(const T& a)
97 return a < (T)0 ? -a : a;
100 //! returns linear interpolation of a and b with ratio t
101 //! \return: a if t==0, b if t==1, and the linear interpolation else
102 template<class T>
103 inline T lerp(const T& a, const T& b, const f32 t)
105 return (a*(1.f-t)) + (b*t);
108 //! clamps a value between low and high
109 template <class T>
110 inline const T clamp (const T& value, const T& low, const T& high)
112 return min_ (max_(value,low), high);
115 //! returns if a equals b, taking possible rounding errors into account
116 inline bool equals(const f32 a, const f32 b, const f32 tolerance = ROUNDING_ERROR_32)
118 return (a + tolerance >= b) && (a - tolerance <= b);
121 //! returns if a equals b, taking possible rounding errors into account
122 inline bool equals(const s32 a, const s32 b, const s32 tolerance = 0)
124 return (a + tolerance >= b) && (a - tolerance <= b);
127 //! returns if a equals b, taking possible rounding errors into account
128 inline bool equals(const u32 a, const u32 b, const u32 tolerance = 0)
130 return (a + tolerance >= b) && (a - tolerance <= b);
133 //! returns if a equals zero, taking rounding errors into account
134 inline bool iszero(const f32 a, const f32 tolerance = ROUNDING_ERROR_32)
136 return fabsf ( a ) <= tolerance;
139 //! returns if a equals zero, taking rounding errors into account
140 inline bool iszero(const s32 a, const s32 tolerance = 0)
142 return ( a & 0x7ffffff ) <= tolerance;
145 //! returns if a equals zero, taking rounding errors into account
146 inline bool iszero(const u32 a, const u32 tolerance = 0)
148 return a <= tolerance;
151 inline s32 s32_min ( s32 a, s32 b)
153 s32 mask = (a - b) >> 31;
154 return (a & mask) | (b & ~mask);
157 inline s32 s32_max ( s32 a, s32 b)
159 s32 mask = (a - b) >> 31;
160 return (b & mask) | (a & ~mask);
163 inline s32 s32_clamp (s32 value, s32 low, s32 high)
165 return s32_min (s32_max(value,low), high);
170 float IEEE-754 bit represenation
172 0 0x00000000
173 1.0 0x3f800000
174 0.5 0x3f000000
175 3 0x40400000
176 +inf 0x7f800000
177 -inf 0xff800000
178 +NaN 0x7fc00000 or 0x7ff00000
179 in general: number = (sign ? -1:1) * 2^(exponent) * 1.(mantissa bits)
182 #define F32_AS_S32(f) (*((s32 *) &(f)))
183 #define F32_AS_U32(f) (*((u32 *) &(f)))
184 #define F32_AS_U32_POINTER(f) ( ((u32 *) &(f)))
186 #define F32_VALUE_0 0x00000000
187 #define F32_VALUE_1 0x3f800000
188 #define F32_SIGN_BIT 0x80000000U
191 //! code is taken from IceFPU
192 //! Integer representation of a floating-point value.
193 #define IR(x) ((u32&)(x))
195 //! Absolute integer representation of a floating-point value
196 #define AIR(x) (IR(x)&0x7fffffff)
198 //! Floating-point representation of an integer value.
199 #define FR(x) ((f32&)(x))
201 #define IEEE_1_0 0x3f800000 //!< integer representation of 1.0
202 #define IEEE_255_0 0x437f0000 //!< integer representation of 255.0
205 #define F32_LOWER_0(f) (F32_AS_U32(f) > F32_SIGN_BIT)
206 #define F32_LOWER_EQUAL_0(f) (F32_AS_S32(f) <= F32_VALUE_0)
207 #define F32_GREATER_0(f) (F32_AS_S32(f) > F32_VALUE_0)
208 #define F32_GREATER_EQUAL_0(f) (F32_AS_U32(f) <= F32_SIGN_BIT)
209 #define F32_EQUAL_1(f) (F32_AS_U32(f) == F32_VALUE_1)
210 #define F32_EQUAL_0(f) ( (F32_AS_U32(f) & F32_EXPON_MANTISSA ) == F32_VALUE_0)
212 // only same sign
213 #define F32_A_GREATER_B(a,b) (F32_AS_S32((a)) > F32_AS_S32((b)))
214 #else
215 #define F32_LOWER_0(n) ((n) < 0.0f)
216 #define F32_LOWER_EQUAL_0(n) ((n) <= 0.0f)
217 #define F32_GREATER_0(n) ((n) > 0.0f)
218 #define F32_GREATER_EQUAL_0(n) ((n) >= 0.0f)
219 #define F32_EQUAL_1(n) ((n) == 1.0f)
220 #define F32_EQUAL_0(n) ((n) == 0.0f)
221 #define F32_A_GREATER_B(a,b) ((a) > (b))
222 #endif
225 #ifndef REALINLINE
226 #ifdef _MSC_VER
227 #define REALINLINE __forceinline
228 #else
229 #define REALINLINE inline
230 #endif
231 #endif
234 //! conditional set based on mask and arithmetic shift
235 REALINLINE u32 if_c_a_else_b ( const s32 condition, const u32 a, const u32 b )
237 return ( ( -condition >> 31 ) & ( a ^ b ) ) ^ b;
240 //! conditional set based on mask and arithmetic shift
241 REALINLINE u32 if_c_a_else_0 ( const s32 condition, const u32 a )
243 return ( -condition >> 31 ) & a;
247 if (condition) state |= m; else state &= ~m;
249 REALINLINE void setbit ( u32 &state, s32 condition, u32 mask )
251 // 0, or any postive to mask
252 //s32 conmask = -condition >> 31;
253 state ^= ( ( -condition >> 31 ) ^ state ) & mask;
258 inline f32 round_( f32 x )
260 return floorf( x + 0.5f );
263 REALINLINE void clearFPUException ()
266 #ifdef feclearexcept
267 feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
268 #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
269 __asm fnclex;
270 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86__)
271 __asm__ __volatile__ ("fclex \n\t");
272 #else
273 # warn clearFPUException not supported.
274 #endif
275 #endif
278 REALINLINE f32 reciprocal_squareroot(const f32 x)
281 // comes from Nvidia
282 #if 1
283 u32 tmp = (u32(IEEE_1_0 << 1) + IEEE_1_0 - *(u32*)&x) >> 1;
284 f32 y = *(f32*)&tmp;
285 return y * (1.47f - 0.47f * x * y * y);
286 #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
287 // an sse2 version
288 __asm
290 movss xmm0, x
291 rsqrtss xmm0, xmm0
292 movss x, xmm0
294 return x;
295 #endif
296 #else // no fast math
297 return 1.f / sqrtf ( x );
298 #endif
303 REALINLINE f32 reciprocal ( const f32 f )
306 //! i do not divide through 0.. (fpu expection)
307 // instead set f to a high value to get a return value near zero..
308 // -1000000000000.f.. is use minus to stay negative..
309 // must test's here (plane.normal dot anything ) checks on <= 0.f
310 return 1.f / f;
311 //u32 x = (-(AIR(f) != 0 ) >> 31 ) & ( IR(f) ^ 0xd368d4a5 ) ^ 0xd368d4a5;
312 //return 1.f / FR ( x );
313 #else // no fast math
314 return 1.f / f;
315 #endif
319 REALINLINE f32 reciprocal_approxim ( const f32 p )
322 register u32 x = 0x7F000000 - IR ( p );
323 const f32 r = FR ( x );
324 return r * (2.0f - p * r);
325 #else // no fast math
326 return 1.f / p;
327 #endif
331 REALINLINE s32 floor32(f32 x)
334 const f32 h = 0.5f;
336 s32 t;
338 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
339 __asm
341 fld x
342 fsub h
343 fistp t
345 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
346 __asm__ __volatile__ (
347 "fsub %2 \n\t"
348 "fistpl %0"
349 : "=m" (t)
350 : "t" (x), "f" (h)
351 : "st"
353 #else
354 # warn IRRLICHT_FAST_MATH not supported.
355 return (s32) floorf ( x );
356 #endif
357 return t;
358 #else // no fast math
359 return (s32) floorf ( x );
360 #endif
364 REALINLINE s32 ceil32 ( f32 x )
367 const f32 h = 0.5f;
369 s32 t;
371 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
372 __asm
374 fld x
375 fadd h
376 fistp t
378 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
379 __asm__ __volatile__ (
380 "fadd %2 \n\t"
381 "fistpl %0 \n\t"
382 : "=m"(t)
383 : "t"(x), "f"(h)
384 : "st"
386 #else
387 # warn IRRLICHT_FAST_MATH not supported.
388 return (s32) ceilf ( x );
389 #endif
390 return t;
391 #else // not fast math
392 return (s32) ceilf ( x );
393 #endif
398 REALINLINE s32 round32(f32 x)
400 #if defined(IRRLICHT_FAST_MATH)
401 s32 t;
403 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
404 __asm
406 fld x
407 fistp t
409 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
410 __asm__ __volatile__ (
411 "fistpl %0 \n\t"
412 : "=m"(t)
413 : "t"(x)
414 : "st"
416 #else
417 # warn IRRLICHT_FAST_MATH not supported.
418 return (s32) round_(x);
419 #endif
420 return t;
421 #else // no fast math
422 return (s32) round_(x);
423 #endif
426 inline f32 f32_max3(const f32 a, const f32 b, const f32 c)
428 return a > b ? (a > c ? a : c) : (b > c ? b : c);
431 inline f32 f32_min3(const f32 a, const f32 b, const f32 c)
433 return a < b ? (a < c ? a : c) : (b < c ? b : c);
436 inline f32 fract ( f32 x )
438 return x - floorf ( x );
441 } // end namespace core
442 } // end namespace irr
444 #endif