tagged release 0.7.1
[parrot.git] / compilers / imcc / imcc.l
1 %top{
3 /* ex: set ro ft=c:
4  * !!!!!!!   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   !!!!!!!
5  *
6  * This file is generated automatically by the Parrot build process
7  * from the file compilers/imcc/imcc.l.
8  *
9  * Any changes made here will be lost!
10  *
13 /* HEADERIZER HFILE: none */
16 #ifndef __STDC_VERSION__
17 #  define __STDC_VERSION__ 0
18 #endif
24  * imcc.l
25  *
26  * Intermediate Code Compiler for Parrot
27  *
28  * Copyright (C) 2002 Melvin Smith <melvin.smith@mindspring.com>
29  * Copyright (C) 2002-2008, The Perl Foundation.
30  *
31  * The tokenizer.
32  *
33  * $Id$
34  *
35  */
38 #include <stdio.h>
39 #include <stdlib.h>
40 #include <string.h>
41 #include "imc.h"
42 #include "parser.h"
44 #define MAX_PARAM 16
46 typedef struct yyguts_t       yyguts_t;
47 typedef struct parser_state_t parser_state_t;
49 typedef struct params_t {
50     char *name[MAX_PARAM];
51     int   num_param;
52 } params_t;
54 typedef struct macro_t {
55     char    *expansion;
56     int      line;
57     params_t params;
58 } macro_t;
60 /* parser state structure
61  * the first few items are common to struct parser_state, but
62  * we AFAIK need this hack as flex doesn't export YY_BUFFER_STATE
63  */
64 typedef struct macro_frame_t {
65     struct parser_state_t s;
67     /* macro stuff */
68     params_t       *params;
69     char           *heredoc_rest;
71     params_t        expansion;
72     int             label;
73     int             is_macro;
74     YY_BUFFER_STATE buffer;
75 } macro_frame_t;
77 /* static function declarations */
78 static void pop_parser_state(PARROT_INTERP, ARGMOD(void *yyscanner));
80 static struct macro_frame_t *new_frame(PARROT_INTERP);
82 static void define_macro(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(const char *name), ARGIN(const params_t *params),
83         ARGIN(const char *expansion), int start_line);
85 static macro_t *find_macro(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(const char *name));
87 static void scan_string(macro_frame_t *frame, ARGIN(const char *expansion),
88         ARGMOD(void *yyscanner));
90 static void scan_file(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(struct macro_frame_t *frame), ARGMOD(FILE *file),
91         ARGMOD(void *yyscanner));
93 static int destroy_frame(macro_frame_t *frame, ARGMOD(void *yyscanner));
95 static int yylex_skip(YYSTYPE *valp, PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(const char *skip),
96         ARGMOD(void *yyscanner));
98 static int read_macro(YYSTYPE *valp, PARROT_INTERP, ARGMOD(void *yyscanner));
100 static int expand_macro(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(const char *name), ARGMOD(void *yyscanner));
102 static void include_file(PARROT_INTERP, char *file_name, ARGMOD(void *yyscanner));
104 #define YY_DECL int yylex(YYSTYPE *valp, yyscan_t yyscanner, PARROT_INTERP)
106 #define YYCHOP() (yytext[--yyleng] = '\0')
108 #define DUP_AND_RET(valp, token)             \
109   do {                                       \
110       if (valp) (valp)->s = str_dup(yytext); \
111       return (token);                        \
112   } while (0)
114 #define DUP_AND_RET_FREE(valp, token)        \
115   do {                                       \
116       if (valp) {                            \
117           mem_sys_free((valp)->s);           \
118           (valp)->s = str_dup(yytext);       \
119           return (token);                    \
120       }                                      \
121   } while (0)
125 %option reentrant
126 %option never-interactive
127 %option stack
129 LETTER          [a-zA-Z_@]
130 DIGIT           [0-9]
131 DIGITS          {DIGIT}+
132 HEX             0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+
133 OCT             0[oO][0-7]+
134 BIN             0[bB][01]+
135 DOT             [.]
136 SIGN            [-+]
137 BIGINT          {SIGN}?{DIGITS}"L"
139 LETTERDIGIT     [a-zA-Z0-9_]
140 LABELLETTERDIGIT([a-zA-Z0-9_@]|"::")
142 DQ_STRING       \"(\\.|[^"\\\n])*\"
143 ENCCHAR         {LETTER}|{DIGIT}|"-"
144 ENCCHARS        {ENCCHAR}*
145 ENC             {LETTER}{ENCCHARS}":"
146 UNICODE         {ENC}{ENC}?{DQ_STRING}
148 SQ_STRING       \'[^'\n]*\'
149 RANKSPEC        \[[,]*\]
150 EOL        \r?\n
151 WS              [\t\f\r\x1a ]
152 SP              [ ]
154 %x emit
155 %x macro
156 %x pod
157 %x cmt1
158 %x cmt2
159 %x cmt3
160 %x cmt4
161 %x cmt5
162 %x heredoc1
163 %x heredoc2
167         /* for emacs "*/
168         if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->expect_pasm == 1 && !IMCC_INFO(interp)->in_pod) {
169             IMCC_INFO(interp)->expect_pasm = 2;
170             BEGIN(emit);
171         }
173         if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.pasm_file && YYSTATE == INITIAL &&
174             !IMCC_INFO(interp)->in_pod)
175         {
176             if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.pasm_file == 1) {
177                 BEGIN(emit);
178                 return EMIT;
179             }
181             return 0;
182         }
184 <heredoc1>.*{EOL} {
185             IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->heredoc_rest = str_dup(yytext);
186             BEGIN(heredoc2);
187     }
189 <heredoc2>{EOL} {
190         /* heredocs have highest priority
191          * arrange them befor all wildcard state matches
192          */
194         /* Newline in the heredoc. Realloc and cat on. */
195         IMCC_INFO(interp)->line++;
196         IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content =
197             (char*)mem_sys_realloc(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content,
198                             strlen(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content) +
199                             strlen(yytext) + 2);
200         strcpy(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content +
201                strlen(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content), yytext);
202     }
204 <heredoc2>.* {
205         /* Are we at the end of the heredoc? */
206         if (STREQ(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_end, yytext)) {
207             /* End of the heredoc. */
208             yyguts_t * const yyg = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
209             const int len        = strlen(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content);
211             /* delim */
212             IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content[len] =
213                 IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content[0];
215             IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content[len + 1] = 0;
217             mem_sys_free(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_end);
218             IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_end = NULL;
220             IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->buffer = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
221             valp->s                           =
222                 IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content;
224             yy_pop_state(yyscanner);
225             yy_scan_string(IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->heredoc_rest, yyscanner);
227             /* RT #42382 delete quotes, -> emit, pbc */
228             return STRINGC;
229         }
230         else {
231             /* Part of the heredoc. Realloc and cat the line on. */
232             IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content =
233                 (char *)mem_sys_realloc(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content,
234                                 strlen(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content) +
235                                 strlen(yytext) + 2);
236             strcpy(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content +
237                    strlen(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content), yytext);
238         }
239     }
242 <*>^"#line"{SP}{DIGITS}{SP}["] {
243         yy_push_state(cmt2, yyscanner);
244         IMCC_INFO(interp)->line = atoi(yytext+6);
245         return LINECOMMENT;
246     }
248 <cmt2>[^"]+ {
249         yy_pop_state(yyscanner);
250         yy_push_state(cmt3, yyscanner);
252         IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.file = str_dup(yytext);
253         IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_unit->file = str_dup(yytext);
255         return FILECOMMENT;
256     }
258 <cmt3>["] {
259         yy_pop_state(yyscanner);
260         yy_push_state(cmt4, yyscanner);
261     }
263 <*>setfile{SP}+["] { yy_push_state(cmt2, yyscanner); }
265 <*>setline{SP}+ { yy_push_state(cmt1, yyscanner);  }
267 <cmt1>{DIGITS} {
268         IMCC_INFO(interp)->line = atoi(yytext);
269         yy_pop_state(yyscanner);
270         yy_push_state(cmt4, yyscanner);
271         return LINECOMMENT;
272     }
274 <cmt4>.*{EOL} {
275         yy_pop_state(yyscanner);
276         IMCC_INFO(interp)->line++;
277     }
279 <INITIAL,emit>{EOL} {
280         if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->expect_pasm == 2)
281             BEGIN(INITIAL);
283         IMCC_INFO(interp)->expect_pasm = 0;
284         IMCC_INFO(interp)->line++;
286         return '\n';
287     }
289 <INITIAL,emit># {
290         yy_push_state(cmt5, yyscanner);
291     }
293 <cmt5>.*{EOL} {
294         if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->expect_pasm == 2)
295             BEGIN(INITIAL);
296         else
297             yy_pop_state(yyscanner);
299         IMCC_INFO(interp)->expect_pasm = 0;
300         IMCC_INFO(interp)->line++;
302         return '\n';
303     }
306 <*>[ISNP]{DIGIT}{DIGIT}? {
307         valp->s = str_dup(yytext);
308         return REG;
309     }
311 <INITIAL,emit,macro>^"=" {
312         IMCC_INFO(interp)->in_pod = 1;
313         yy_push_state(pod, yyscanner);
314     }
316 <pod>^"=cut"{EOL} {
317         IMCC_INFO(interp)->in_pod = 0;
318         yy_pop_state(yyscanner);
319         IMCC_INFO(interp)->line++;
320     }
322 <pod>.*         { /*ignore*/ }
324 <pod>{EOL}      { IMCC_INFO(interp)->line++; }
326 <INITIAL,emit>".lex"     return LEXICAL;
327 ".arg"                   return ARG;
328 ".sub"                   return SUB;
329 ".end"                   return ESUB;
330 ".begin_call"            return PCC_BEGIN;
331 ".end_call"              return PCC_END;
332 ".call"                  return PCC_CALL;
333 ".nci_call"              return NCI_CALL;
334 ".meth_call"             return METH_CALL;
335 ".invocant"              return INVOCANT;
336 <emit,INITIAL>".pcc_sub" return PCC_SUB;
337 ".begin_return"          return PCC_BEGIN_RETURN;
338 ".end_return"            return PCC_END_RETURN;
339 ".begin_yield"           return PCC_BEGIN_YIELD;
340 ".end_yield"             return PCC_END_YIELD;
342 <emit,INITIAL>":method"    return METHOD;
343 <emit,INITIAL>":multi"     return MULTI;
344 <emit,INITIAL>":main"      return MAIN;
345 <emit,INITIAL>":load"      return LOAD;
346 <emit,INITIAL>":init"      return INIT;
347 <emit,INITIAL>":immediate" return IMMEDIATE;
348 <emit,INITIAL>":postcomp"  return POSTCOMP;
349 <emit,INITIAL>":anon"      return ANON;
350 <emit,INITIAL>":outer"     return OUTER;
351 <emit,INITIAL>":lex"       return NEED_LEX;
352 <emit,INITIAL>":vtable"    return VTABLE_METHOD;
353 ":unique_reg"              return UNIQUE_REG;
354 ":instanceof"              return SUB_INSTANCE_OF;
355 ":lexid"                   return SUB_LEXID;
357 ".result"                  return RESULT;
358 ".get_results"             return GET_RESULTS;
359 ".yield"                   return YIELDT;
360 ".return"                  return RETURN;
361 <emit,INITIAL>".loadlib"   return LOADLIB;
363 ":flat"         return ADV_FLAT;
364 ":slurpy"       return ADV_SLURPY;
365 ":optional"     return ADV_OPTIONAL;
366 ":opt_flag"     return ADV_OPT_FLAG;
367 ":named"        return ADV_NAMED;
368 "=>"            return ADV_ARROW;
369 ":invocant"     return ADV_INVOCANT;
371 <emit,INITIAL>".namespace"    return NAMESPACE;
372 <emit,INITIAL>".HLL"          return HLL;
373 <emit,INITIAL>".HLL_map"      return HLL_MAP;
374 ".endnamespace"               return ENDNAMESPACE;
375 ".local"                      return LOCAL;
376 ".global"                     return GLOBAL;
377 <emit,INITIAL>".const"        return CONST;
378 ".globalconst"                return GLOBAL_CONST;
379 ".param"                      return PARAM;
380 <*>".pragma"                  return PRAGMA;
381 <*>"n_operators"              return N_OPERATORS;
382 "goto"                        return GOTO;
383 "if"                          return IF;
384 "unless"                      return UNLESS;
385 "null"                        return PNULL;
386 "int"                         return INTV;
387 "num"                         return FLOATV;
388 "new"                         return NEW;
389 "addr"                        return ADDR;
390 "global"                      return GLOBALOP;
391 "pmc"                         return PMCV;
392 "string"                      return STRINGV;
393 "<<"                          return SHIFT_LEFT;
394 ">>"                          return SHIFT_RIGHT;
395 ">>>"                         return SHIFT_RIGHT_U;
396 "&&"                          return LOG_AND;
397 "||"                          return LOG_OR;
398 "~~"                          return LOG_XOR;
399 "<"                           return RELOP_LT;
400 "<="                          return RELOP_LTE;
401 ">"                           return RELOP_GT;
402 ">="                          return RELOP_GTE;
403 "=="                          return RELOP_EQ;
404 "!="                          return RELOP_NE;
405 "**"                          return POW;
407 {WS}+"."{WS}+          return CONCAT;
408 "."                    return DOT;
409 <emit,INITIAL>".."     return DOTDOT;
410 "+="                   return PLUS_ASSIGN;
411 "-="                   return MINUS_ASSIGN;
412 "*="                   return MUL_ASSIGN;
413 "/="                   return DIV_ASSIGN;
414 "%="                   return MOD_ASSIGN;
415 "//"                   return FDIV;
416 "//="                  return FDIV_ASSIGN;
417 "&="                   return BAND_ASSIGN;
418 "|="                   return BOR_ASSIGN;
419 "~="                   return BXOR_ASSIGN;
420 ">>="                  return SHR_ASSIGN;
421 "<<="                  return SHL_ASSIGN;
422 ">>>="                 return SHR_U_ASSIGN;
423 ".="                   return CONCAT_ASSIGN;
425 <emit,INITIAL>".macro_const" {
426         int c;
427         int start_line;
428         int start_cond  = YY_START;
430         BEGIN(macro);
431         c = yylex_skip(valp, interp, " ", yyscanner);
433         if (c != IDENTIFIER)
434             IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
435                "Constant names must be identifiers");
437         IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name = valp->s;
438         start_line                        = IMCC_INFO(interp)->line;
440         c = yylex_skip(valp, interp, " ", yyscanner);
442         if (c != INTC && c != FLOATC && c != STRINGC && c != REG)
443             IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
444                 "Constant '%s' value must be a number, "
445                 "stringliteral or register", IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name);
447         define_macro(interp, IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name, NULL, valp->s, start_line);
449         IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name = NULL;
451         BEGIN(start_cond);
452         return MACRO;
453     }
455 <emit,INITIAL>".macro" {
456         return read_macro(valp, interp, yyscanner);
457     }
459 <emit,INITIAL>".include" {
460         const int c = yylex(valp, yyscanner, interp);
461         if (c != STRINGC)
462             return c;
464         YYCHOP();
465         include_file(interp, yytext + 1, yyscanner);
466     }
468 <emit,INITIAL>{ID}"$:" {
469         if (valp) {
470             char *label;
471             size_t len;
473             YYCHOP();
474             YYCHOP();
476             if (!IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames || !IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->label)
477                     IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR, "missing space?");
479             len = yyleng + 10;
480             label = (char *)mem_sys_allocate(len);
481             snprintf(label, len, "%s%d", yytext, IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->label);
483             /* XXX: free valp->s if it exists? */
484             valp->s = label;
485         }
487         return LABEL;
488     }
490 <emit,INITIAL>{ID}"$" {
492         if (valp) {
493             char *label;
494             size_t len;
495             YYCHOP();
497             /* RT #32421   if$I0 is parsed as if$ I0 */
498             if (!IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames || !IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->label)
499                 IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR, "missing space?");
501             len = yyleng + 10;
502             label = (char *)mem_sys_allocate(len);
503             snprintf(label, len, "%s%d", yytext, IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->label);
505             /* XXX: free valp->s if it exists? */
506             valp->s = label;
507         }
509         return IDENTIFIER;
510      }
512 <emit,INITIAL>","             return COMMA;
514 <emit,INITIAL>{ID}":" {
515         /* trim last ':' */
516         YYCHOP();
518         if (valp)
519             valp->s = yytext;
521         return LABEL;
522     }
525         char   * const macro_name = yytext + 1;
526         STRING * name_string      = string_from_cstring(interp, macro_name, 0);
527         const int type            = pmc_type(interp, name_string);
529         if (type > 0) {
530             const size_t len = 16;
531             char * const buf = (char *)mem_sys_allocate(len);
532             snprintf(buf, len, "%d", type);
534             /* XXX: free valp->s if already used? Sounds like a good idea, */
535             /* but big segfaults if you do. */
536             valp->s = buf;
537             return INTC;
538         }
540         if (!expand_macro(interp, macro_name, yyscanner)) {
541             yyless(1);
542             return DOT;
543         }
544     }
546 <emit,INITIAL>{ID} {
547         if (!is_def) {
548             SymReg *r = find_sym(interp, yytext);
550             if (r && (r->type & (VTIDENTIFIER|VT_CONSTP))) {
551                 valp->sr = r;
552                 return VAR;
553             }
555             if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_unit
556             &&  IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_unit->instructions
557             && (r = IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_unit->instructions->symregs[0])
558             &&  r->pcc_sub)
559             {
560                 if (((r->pcc_sub->pragma & P_METHOD)
561                 ||   (IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_unit->is_vtable_method))
562                 &&   !strcmp(yytext, "self")) {
563                     valp->sr = mk_ident(interp, "self", 'P');
564                     IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_unit->type |= IMC_HAS_SELF;
565                     return VAR;
566                 }
567             }
568         }
570         valp->s = str_dup(yytext);
571         return (!is_def && is_op(interp, valp->s) ? PARROT_OP : IDENTIFIER);
572     }
574 <*>{FLOATNUM}         DUP_AND_RET(valp, FLOATC);
575 <*>{SIGN}?{DIGIT}+    DUP_AND_RET(valp, INTC);
576 <*>{HEX}              DUP_AND_RET(valp, INTC);
577 <*>{BIN}              DUP_AND_RET(valp, INTC);
578 <*>{OCT}              DUP_AND_RET(valp, INTC);
580 <*>{BIGINT} {
581         valp->s = str_dup(yytext);
583         /* trailing 'L' */
584         valp->s[strlen(valp->s) - 1] = '\0';
586         /* no BIGINT native format yet */
587         return STRINGC;
588     }
591         valp->s = str_dup(yytext);
593         /* RT #42382 delete quotes, -> emit, pbc */
594         return STRINGC;
595     }
597 <*>"<<"{STRINGCONSTANT} {
598         macro_frame_t *frame;
600         /* Save the string we want to mark the end of the heredoc and snip
601            off newline and quote. */
602         if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->heredoc_rest)
603             IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR, "nested heredoc not supported");
604         IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_end = str_dup(yytext + 3);
605         IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_end[strlen(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_end) - 1] = 0;
607         if (!strlen(IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_end))
608             IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR, "empty heredoc delimiter");
610         frame                     = new_frame(interp);
611         frame->s.next             = (parser_state_t *)IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames;
612         IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames = frame;
614         /* Start slurping up the heredoc. */
615         IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content    = (char *)mem_sys_allocate(2);
617         /* preserve delim */
618         IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content[0] = yytext[2];
620         /* eos */
621         IMCC_INFO(interp)->heredoc_content[1] = 0;
622         yy_push_state(heredoc1, yyscanner);
623     }
625 <*>{UNICODE} {
626         /* charset:"..." */
627         valp->s = str_dup(yytext);
629         /* this is actually not unicode but a string with a charset */
630         return USTRINGC;
631     }
633 <emit,INITIAL>\$I[0-9]+ {
634         if (valp) (valp)->s = yytext;
635         if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->state->pasm_file)
636                 IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
637                     "'%s' is not a valid register name in pasm mode", yytext);
638         return IREG;
639     }
641 <emit,INITIAL>\$N[0-9]+ {
642         if (valp) (valp)->s = yytext;
643         if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->state->pasm_file)
644                 IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
645                     "'%s' is not a valid register name in pasm mode", yytext);
646         return NREG;
647     }
649 <emit,INITIAL>\$S[0-9]+ {
650         if (valp) (valp)->s = yytext;
651         if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->state->pasm_file)
652                 IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
653                     "'%s' is not a valid register name in pasm mode", yytext);
654         return SREG;
655     }
657 <emit,INITIAL>\$P[0-9]+ {
658         if (valp) (valp)->s = yytext;
659         if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->state->pasm_file)
660                 IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
661                     "'%s' is not a valid register name in pasm mode", yytext);
662         return PREG;
663     }
665 <emit,INITIAL>\$[a-zA-Z0-9]+ {
666         IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
667             "'%s' is not a valid register name", yytext);
668     }
671 <emit,INITIAL>{WS}+ /* skip */;
673 <emit,cmt1,cmt2,cmt3,cmt4,cmt5,INITIAL>. {
674         /* catch all except for state macro */
675         return yytext[0];
676     }
678 <emit><<EOF>> {
679         BEGIN(INITIAL);
681         if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.pasm_file) {
682             IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.pasm_file = 2;
683             return EOM;
684         }
686         return 0;
687     }
689 <INITIAL><<EOF>> yyterminate();
691 <macro>".endm"         DUP_AND_RET(valp, ENDM);
693 <macro>{WS}*{EOL} {
694         IMCC_INFO(interp)->line++;
695         DUP_AND_RET(valp, '\n');
696     }
698 <macro>"$"{ID}":"  return LABEL;
700 <macro>".label"{WS}+ {
702         if (yylex(valp, yyscanner, interp) != LABEL)
703                 IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR, "LABEL expected");
705         if (valp) {
706             char *label;
707             size_t len;
708             YYCHOP();
710             len = strlen(IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name) + yyleng + 15;
711             label = (char *)mem_sys_allocate(len);
713             snprintf(label, len, "local__%s__%s__$:",
714                 IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name, yytext+1);
716             /* XXX: free valp->s if it exists? */
717             valp->s = label;
718         }
720         return LABEL;
721     }
723 <macro>".$"{ID} {
724         if (valp) {
725             const size_t len = strlen(IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name) + yyleng + 12;
726             char * const label = (char *)mem_sys_allocate(len);
728             snprintf(label, len, "local__%s__%s__$",
729                 IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name, yytext+2);
731             valp->s = label;
732         }
734         return IDENTIFIER;
735     }
737 <macro>^{WS}+                       /* skip leading ws */;
738 <macro>{WS}+                        DUP_AND_RET(valp, ' ');
739 <macro>{ID}                         DUP_AND_RET(valp, IDENTIFIER);
740 <macro>{DOT}{ID}                    DUP_AND_RET(valp, MACRO);
741 <macro>.                            DUP_AND_RET(valp, yytext[0]);
742 <macro><<EOF>>                      yyterminate();
746 #ifdef yywrap
747 #  undef yywrap
748 #endif
750 int yywrap(void* yyscanner) {
751     /* Add code here to open next source file and start scanning
752      * yywrap returns 0 if scanning is to continue */
753     Interp   * const interp = yyget_extra(yyscanner);
754     yyguts_t * const yyg    = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
756     if (!interp) {
757         fprintf(stderr, "Argh, interp not found\n");
758         exit(1);
759     }
761     yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER, yyscanner);
763     /* pop old frame */
764     if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.next) {
765         pop_parser_state(IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.interp, yyscanner);
766         if (YYSTATE == INITIAL || YYSTATE == emit)
767             BEGIN(IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.pasm_file ? emit : INITIAL);
768         return 0;
769     }
771     return 1;
774 static macro_frame_t *
775 new_frame(PARROT_INTERP) {
776     static int label   = 0;
777     macro_frame_t * const tmp = mem_allocate_zeroed_typed(macro_frame_t);
779     tmp->label         = ++label;
780     tmp->s.line        = IMCC_INFO(interp)->line;
781     tmp->s.handle      = NULL;
783     if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames) {
784         tmp->s.pasm_file = IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.pasm_file;
785         tmp->s.file      = IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.file;
786         tmp->s.pragmas   = IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.pragmas;
787     }
789     tmp->s.interp = interp;
791     return tmp;
794 static void
795 scan_string(macro_frame_t *frame, ARGIN(const char *expansion), void *yyscanner)
797     yyguts_t * const yyg      = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
798     Interp   * const interp   = yyget_extra(yyscanner);
800     frame->buffer             = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
801     frame->s.next             = (parser_state_t *)IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames;
802     IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames = frame;
804     yy_scan_string(expansion, yyscanner);
807 static int
808 destroy_frame(struct macro_frame_t *frame, void *yyscanner)
810     YY_BUFFER_STATE buffer = frame->buffer;
811     int             ret    = 0;
812     int             i;
815     for (i = 0; i < frame->expansion.num_param; i++) {
816         mem_sys_free(frame->expansion.name[i]);
817         frame->expansion.name[i] = NULL;
818     }
820     if (frame->heredoc_rest) {
821         mem_sys_free(frame->heredoc_rest);
822         frame->heredoc_rest = NULL;
823     } else
824         ret = frame->s.line;
826     /* RT #42383 if frame->s.file was allocated free it */
827     mem_sys_free(frame);
829     if (buffer != NULL)
830         yy_switch_to_buffer(buffer, yyscanner);
832     return ret;
835 static int
836 yylex_skip(YYSTYPE *valp, PARROT_INTERP, const char *skip, void *yyscanner)
838     int         c;
839     const char *p;
840     yyguts_t   * const yyg = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
842     do {
843         c = yylex(valp, yyscanner, interp);
844         p = skip;
846         while (*p && c != *p)
847             p++;
849     } while (*p != '\0');
851     if (c)
852         DUP_AND_RET_FREE(valp, c);
854     return c;
857 static char*
858 read_braced(YYSTYPE *valp, PARROT_INTERP, const char *macro_name,
859              char *current, void *yyscanner)
861     YYSTYPE val;
862     size_t  len   = strlen(current);
863     int     c     = yylex(&val, yyscanner, interp);
864     int     count = 0;
866     while (c != '}' || count > 0) {
868         if (c == '}')
869             count--;
870         else if (c == '{')
871             count++;
873         if (c <= 0)
874             IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
875                         "End of file reached while reading arguments in '%s'",
876                         macro_name);
878         len     += strlen(val.s);
879         current  = (char *)realloc(current, len + 1);
880         strcat(current,val.s);
882         mem_sys_free(val.s);
883         val.s = NULL;
884         c = yylex(&val, yyscanner, interp);
885     }
887     if (valp)
888         *valp = val;
889     else
890         mem_sys_free(val.s);
892     return current;
895 static int
896 read_params(YYSTYPE *valp, PARROT_INTERP, params_t *params,
897              ARGIN(const char *macro_name), int need_id, void *yyscanner)
899     YYSTYPE  val;
900     int      len      = 0;
901     char    *current  = str_dup("");
902     yyguts_t *yyg     = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
903     int      c        = yylex_skip(&val, interp, " \n", yyscanner);
905     params->num_param = 0;
907     /* See http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=50920 for the saga of this bug. */
908     /* For some reason, we have to use a dupe of the macro name to pass in to */
909     /* read_params, or we get a segfault. XXX Make it stop. */
910     macro_name = str_dup(macro_name);
912     while (c != ')') {
913         if (YYSTATE == heredoc2)
914             IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
915                         "Heredoc in macro '%s' not allowed", macro_name);
917         if (c <= 0)
918             IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
919                         "End of file reached while reading arguments in '%s'",
920                         macro_name);
921         else if (c == ',') {
922             if (params->num_param == MAX_PARAM)
923                 IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
924                             "More than %d params in '%s'",
925                             MAX_PARAM, macro_name);
927             params->name[params->num_param++] = current;
928             current                           = str_dup("");
929             len                               = 0;
931             c = yylex_skip(&val, interp, " \n", yyscanner);
932         }
933         else if (need_id && (*current || c != IDENTIFIER) && c != ' ') {
934             IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
935                         "Parameter definition in '%s' must be IDENTIFIER",
936                         macro_name);
937         }
938         else if (c == '{') {
939             current = read_braced(&val, interp, macro_name, current, yyscanner);
940             c       = yylex_skip(&val, interp, " \n", yyscanner);
941             len     = strlen(current);
942         }
943         else {
944             if (!need_id || c != ' ') {
945                 len     += strlen(val.s);
946                 current  = (char *)realloc(current, len + 1);
947                 strcat(current, val.s);
948             }
950             mem_sys_free(val.s);
951             val.s = NULL;
952             c = yylex(&val, yyscanner, interp);
953         }
954     }
956     params->name[params->num_param++] = current;
958     if (valp)
959         *valp = val;
960     else
961         mem_sys_free(val.s);
963     return c;
966 static int
967 read_macro(YYSTYPE *valp, PARROT_INTERP, void *yyscanner)
969     int       c, start_line;
970     params_t  params;
971     yyguts_t * const yyg  = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
972     int       start_cond  = YY_START;
973     int       buffer_size = 0;
974     int       buffer_used = 0;
976     BEGIN(macro);
978     c = yylex_skip(valp, interp, " ", yyscanner);
980     if (c != IDENTIFIER)
981         IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR, "Macro names must be identifiers");
983     IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name = valp->s;
984     start_line                        = IMCC_INFO(interp)->line++;
986     memset(&params, 0, sizeof (params_t));
988     /* white space is allowed between macro and opening paren) */
989     c = yylex_skip(valp, interp, " ", yyscanner);
991     if (c == '(') {
992         mem_sys_free(valp->s);
993         valp->s = NULL;
995         c = read_params(NULL, interp, &params,
996                         IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name, 1, yyscanner);
998         c = yylex(valp, yyscanner, interp);
999     }
1001     while (c != ENDM) {
1002         int elem_len;
1004         if (c <= 0)
1005             IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
1006                         "File ended before macro '%s' was complete",
1007                         IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name);
1009         PARROT_ASSERT(valp->s);
1010         elem_len = strlen(valp->s);
1012         if (buffer_used) {
1013             if (buffer_used + elem_len > buffer_size) {
1014                 buffer_size += elem_len;
1015                 buffer_size <<= 1;
1017                 IMCC_INFO(interp)->macro_buffer =
1018                     (char *)mem_sys_realloc(IMCC_INFO(interp)->macro_buffer,
1019                         buffer_size);
1020             }
1021         }
1022         else {
1023             buffer_size = (elem_len << 1) > 1024 ? elem_len << 1 : 1024;
1025             IMCC_INFO(interp)->macro_buffer =
1026                 (char *)mem_sys_allocate_zeroed(buffer_size);
1027         }
1028         strcat(IMCC_INFO(interp)->macro_buffer, valp->s);
1029         buffer_used += elem_len;
1030         mem_sys_free(valp->s);
1031         valp->s = NULL;
1033         c = yylex(valp, yyscanner, interp);
1034     }
1036     mem_sys_free(valp->s);
1037     valp->s = NULL;
1039     BEGIN(start_cond);
1041     define_macro(interp, IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name,
1042                  &params, IMCC_INFO(interp)->macro_buffer, start_line);
1044     mem_sys_free(IMCC_INFO(interp)->macro_buffer);
1045     IMCC_INFO(interp)->macro_buffer = NULL;
1046     IMCC_INFO(interp)->cur_macro_name = NULL;
1048     return MACRO;
1051 static char *
1052 find_macro_param(PARROT_INTERP, const char *name)
1054     macro_frame_t *f;
1056     for (f = IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames; f; f = (macro_frame_t *)f->s.next) {
1057         if (f->params) {
1058             int i;
1059             for (i = 0; i < f->params->num_param; i++) {
1060                 if (STREQ(f->params->name[i], name))
1061                     return f->expansion.name[i];
1062             }
1063         }
1064     }
1066     return NULL;
1069 static void
1070 define_macro(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(const char *name), ARGIN(const params_t *params),
1071              ARGIN(const char *expansion), int start_line)
1073     macro_t *m = find_macro(interp, name);
1075     if (m) {
1076         mem_sys_free(m->expansion);
1077         m->expansion = NULL;
1078     }
1079     else {
1080         m = mem_allocate_zeroed_typed(macro_t);
1082         if (!IMCC_INFO(interp)->macros)
1083             parrot_new_cstring_hash(interp, &IMCC_INFO(interp)->macros);
1084         parrot_hash_put(interp, IMCC_INFO(interp)->macros, str_dup(name), m);
1085     }
1087     if (params)
1088         m->params = *params;
1089     else
1090         memset(&m->params, 0, sizeof (params_t));
1092     m->expansion = str_dup(expansion);
1093     m->line      = start_line;
1096 static macro_t *
1097 find_macro(PARROT_INTERP, const char *name)
1099     if (!IMCC_INFO(interp)->macros)
1100         return NULL;
1102     return (macro_t *)parrot_hash_get(interp, IMCC_INFO(interp)->macros, name);
1105 static int
1106 expand_macro(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(const char *name), void *yyscanner)
1108     yyguts_t   * const yyg       = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
1109     const char * const expansion = find_macro_param(interp, name);
1110     macro_t    *m;
1112     if (expansion) {
1113         macro_frame_t * const frame = new_frame(interp);
1115         /* When an error occurs, then report it as being in a macro */
1116         frame->is_macro = 1;
1117         scan_string(frame, expansion, yyscanner);
1118         return 1;
1119     }
1121     m = find_macro(interp, name);
1122     if (m) {
1123         int i,c,start_cond;
1125         macro_frame_t * const frame = new_frame(interp);
1126         frame->params               = &m->params;
1128         /* When an error occurs, then report it as being in a macro */
1129         frame->is_macro = 1;
1131         /* remember macro name for error reporting
1132         RT #42384 check that all the .file text is malloced / freed */
1133         frame->s.file = str_dup(name);
1135         /* whitespace can be safely ignored */
1136         do {
1137 #ifdef __cplusplus
1138             c = yyinput(yyscanner);
1139 #else
1140             c = input(yyscanner);
1141 #endif
1142         } while (c == ' ' || c == '\t');
1144         if (c != '(') {
1145             if (m->params.num_param != 0)
1146                 IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
1147                             "Macro '%s' needs %d arguments",
1148                             name, m->params.num_param);
1149             unput(c);
1150             scan_string(frame, m->expansion, yyscanner);
1151             return 1;
1152         }
1154         start_cond = YY_START;
1155         BEGIN(macro);
1157         read_params(NULL, interp, &frame->expansion, name, 0, yyscanner);
1159         BEGIN(start_cond);
1161         if (frame->expansion.num_param == 0 && m->params.num_param == 1) {
1162             frame->expansion.name[0] = str_dup("");
1163             frame->expansion.num_param = 1;
1164         }
1166         if (frame->expansion.num_param != m->params.num_param) {
1167             IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR,
1168                         "Macro '%s' requires %d arguments, but %d given",
1169                         name, m->params.num_param, frame->expansion.num_param);
1170         }
1172         /* expand arguments */
1173         for (i = 0; i < frame->expansion.num_param; i++) {
1174             char * const current = frame->expansion.name[i];
1176             /* parameter of outer macro */
1177             if (current[0] == '.') {
1178                 const char * const s = find_macro_param(interp, current + 1);
1180                 if (s) {
1181                     frame->expansion.name[i] = str_dup(s);
1182                     mem_sys_free(current);
1183                 }
1185             }
1186             else {
1187                 const size_t len = strlen(current);
1188                 if (len && (current[len - 1] == '$')) { /* local label */
1189                     const size_t slen = len + 10;
1190                     char * const s    = (char *)mem_sys_allocate(slen);
1192                     current[len - 1] = '\0';
1194                     snprintf(s, slen, "%s%d", current, IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->label);
1196                     frame->expansion.name[i] = s;
1197                     mem_sys_free(current);
1198                 }
1199             }
1200         }
1202         IMCC_INFO(interp)->line = m->line;
1203         scan_string(frame, m->expansion, yyscanner);
1204         return 1;
1205     }
1207     return 0;
1210 static void
1211 include_file(PARROT_INTERP, char *file_name, void *yyscanner)
1213     yyguts_t      * const yyg   = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
1214     macro_frame_t * const frame = new_frame(interp);
1215     char *s              = Parrot_locate_runtime_file(interp, file_name,
1216                                    PARROT_RUNTIME_FT_INCLUDE);
1217     char *ext;
1218     FILE *file;
1220     if (!s || !(file = fopen(s, "r")))
1221         IMCC_fataly(interp, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR, strerror(errno));
1223     mem_sys_free(s);
1224     frame->s.file   = file_name;
1225     frame->s.handle = file;
1226     ext             = strrchr(file_name, '.');
1228     if (ext) {
1229         if (STREQ(ext, ".pasm")) {
1230             frame->s.pasm_file = 1;
1231             BEGIN(emit);
1232         }
1233         else if (STREQ(ext, ".pir")) {
1234             frame->s.pasm_file = 0;
1235             BEGIN(INITIAL);
1236         }
1237     }
1239     scan_file(interp, frame, file, yyscanner);
1242 static void
1243 scan_file(PARROT_INTERP, macro_frame_t *frame, FILE *file, void *yyscanner)
1245     yyguts_t * const yyg      = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
1246     frame->buffer             = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
1247     frame->s.next             = (parser_state_t *)IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames;
1248     IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames = frame;
1249     IMCC_INFO(interp)->state  = (parser_state_t *)IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames;
1251     IMCC_INFO(interp)->line   = 1;
1253     yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(file, YY_BUF_SIZE, yyscanner),
1254         yyscanner);
1257 void
1258 IMCC_push_parser_state(PARROT_INTERP)
1260     macro_frame_t * const frame = new_frame(interp);
1261     frame->s.next             = (parser_state_t *)IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames;
1262     IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames = frame;
1263     frame->s.line             = IMCC_INFO(interp)->line
1264                               = 1;
1265     IMCC_INFO(interp)->state  = (parser_state_t *)IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames;
1268 static void
1269 pop_parser_state(PARROT_INTERP, void *yyscanner)
1271     macro_frame_t * const tmp = IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames;
1272     if (tmp) {
1273         int l;
1274         if (tmp->s.handle)
1275             fclose(tmp->s.handle);
1277         IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames =
1278             (macro_frame_t *)IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.next;
1280         l = destroy_frame(tmp, yyscanner);
1282         if (l)
1283             IMCC_INFO(interp)->line = l;
1284     }
1286     IMCC_INFO(interp)->state = (parser_state_t *)IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames;
1289 void
1290 IMCC_pop_parser_state(PARROT_INTERP, void *yyscanner)
1292     pop_parser_state(interp, yyscanner);
1295 void
1296 compile_file(PARROT_INTERP, FILE *file, void *yyscanner)
1298     yyguts_t * const yyg = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
1299     YY_BUFFER_STATE  buffer;
1301     IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.next = NULL;
1302     buffer                            = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
1304     yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(file, YY_BUF_SIZE, yyscanner),
1305         yyscanner);
1307     emit_open(interp, 1, NULL);
1309     IMCC_TRY(IMCC_INFO(interp)->jump_buf, IMCC_INFO(interp)->error_code) {
1310         yyparse(yyscanner, interp);
1311         imc_compile_all_units(interp);
1312     }
1315         IMCC_INFO(interp)->error_code = IMCC_FATAL_EXCEPTION;
1316     }
1319         IMCC_INFO(interp)->error_code = IMCC_FATALY_EXCEPTION;
1320     }
1322     IMCC_END_TRY;
1324     if (buffer)
1325         yy_switch_to_buffer(buffer, yyscanner);
1328 void
1329 compile_string(PARROT_INTERP, const char *s, void *yyscanner)
1331     yyguts_t * const yyg = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
1332     YY_BUFFER_STATE  buffer;
1334     IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.next = NULL;
1335     buffer                            = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
1337     yy_scan_string(s, yyscanner);
1338     emit_open(interp, 1, NULL);
1340     IMCC_TRY(IMCC_INFO(interp)->jump_buf, IMCC_INFO(interp)->error_code) {
1341         yyparse(yyscanner, interp);
1342         imc_compile_all_units(interp);
1343     }
1346         IMCC_INFO(interp)->error_code = IMCC_FATAL_EXCEPTION;
1347     }
1350         IMCC_INFO(interp)->error_code = IMCC_FATALY_EXCEPTION;
1351     }
1353     IMCC_END_TRY;
1355     if (buffer)
1356         yy_switch_to_buffer(buffer, yyscanner);
1359 void
1360 IMCC_print_inc(PARROT_INTERP)
1362     macro_frame_t *f;
1363     const char    *old = IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.file;
1365     if (IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames && IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->is_macro)
1366         fprintf(stderr, "\n\tin macro '.%s' line %d\n",
1367                 IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.file, IMCC_INFO(interp)->line);
1368     else
1369         fprintf(stderr, "\n\tin file '%s' line %d\n",
1370                 IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames->s.file, IMCC_INFO(interp)->line);
1373     for (f = IMCC_INFO(interp)->frames; f; f = (macro_frame_t *)f->s.next) {
1374         if (!STREQ(f->s.file, old)) {
1375             fprintf(stderr, "\tincluded from '%s' line %d\n",
1376                     f->s.file, f->s.line);
1377         }
1379         old = f->s.file;
1380     }
1383 /* Functions to set and get yyin, as we can't decorate it for export
1384    (since it is defined in a file generated by yacc/bison). */
1385 FILE* imc_yyin_set(FILE* new_yyin, void *yyscanner)
1387     yyguts_t * const yyg = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
1388     yyg->yyin_r   = new_yyin;
1390     return yyg->yyin_r;
1393 FILE* imc_yyin_get(void *yyscanner)
1395     const yyguts_t * const yyg = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
1396     return yyg->yyin_r;
1399 /* return true if scanner is at EOF */
1400 int at_eof(yyscan_t yyscanner)
1402     yyguts_t * const yyg = (yyguts_t *)yyscanner;
1403     return yyg->yy_hold_char == '\0';
1407  * Local variables:
1408  *   c-file-style: "parrot"
1409  * End:
1410  * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
1411  */