[src] Tidied PIC file to make the code somewhat easier to follow; no functional
[parrot.git] / META.yml
1 # $Id$
3 # This file describes the CPAN distribution for Parrot.
4 # See http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-current.html for details.
5 ---
6 name: parrot
7 version: 0.8.0
8 author: parrot-dev@parrot.org
9 abstract: a virtual machine designed for dynamic languages
10 license: artistic2
11 no_index:
12     directory:
13         - config
14         - languages
15         - lib
16         - lib/Digest
17         - lib/File
18         - lib/Parse
19         - lib/Perl/Critic
20         - lib/Pod
21         - t
22         - tools
23     file:
24         - lib/IO/CaptureOutput.pm
25         - lib/SmartLink.pm
26     package:
27         - DB
28         - Parrot::Test::DB
29         - Parrot::Distribution
30         - Parrot::Docs::HTMLPage
31         - Parrot::OpTrans::CGP
32         - Parrot::OpTrans::CSwitch
33         - Parrot::OpTrans::Compiled
34         - Parrot::OpsFile
35 resources:
36     homepage:   'http://parrot.org/'
37     license:    'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php'
38     bugtracker: 'https://rt.perl.org/rt3/'
39 generated_by: Humans