tagged release 0.6.4
[parrot.git] / languages / BASIC / compiler / COMP_parsefuncs.pm
1 # Aux. functions needed by the parser. (For cleanliness)
3 # Copyright (C) 2003-2007, The Perl Foundation.
4 # $Id$
6 use vars qw( %usertypes );
7 use vars qw( %arrays );
8 use vars qw( $funcname $subname );
9 use vars qw( %labels $branchseq @selects);
10 use vars qw( @data $sourceline %common );
11 use vars qw( %code $debug $runtime_jump);
13 my @fors = ();
14 my @whiles = ();
15 my @dos = ();
16 @selects = ();
17 my $scopes = 0;
18 my @data = ();
20 sub parse_keys {
21 feedme();
22 my $targ = $syms[CURR];
23 feedme();
24 feedme() while ( $syms[CURR] =~ /[(),]/ );
25 my $source = $syms[CURR];
26 feedme();
27 feedme() while ( $syms[CURR] =~ /[(),]/ );
28 $targ .= $seg;
29 $source .= $seg;
30 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<KEYS;
31 _ARRAY_KEYS("$source","$targ")
35 sub parse_common {
36 feedme();
37 while ( $type[CURR] !~ /COMP|COMM|STMT/ ) {
38 $var = $syms[CURR];
39 feedme();
40 next if $var eq ",";
41 my $array = 0;
42 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "(" ) {
43 $array = 1;
44 while ( $syms[CURR] ne ")" ) {
45 feedme;
47 feedme;
49 $var =~ s/\$$/_string/;
50 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\t# $var was declared COMMON\n";
51 if ( !$array ) {
52 $main::code{$main::seg}->{declarations}->{$var} = "COMMON";
53 $common{$var} = 1;
59 sub parse_shared { # Keyword only
60 feedme();
61 $loop = 0;
62 while ( $type[CURR] !~ /COMP|COMM|STMT/ ) {
63 die if $loop++ > 20;
64 $var = $syms[CURR];
65 feedme;
66 my $array = 0;
67 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "(" ) {
68 $array = 1;
69 while ( $syms[CURR] ne ")" ) {
70 feedme;
72 feedme;
74 $stype = "";
75 $user = 0;
76 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "as" ) {
77 feedme;
78 $stype = $syms[CURR];
79 feedme; # N
80 my %th = (
81 single => 'FLO',
82 double => 'FLO',
83 long => 'INT',
84 integer => 'INT',
85 string => 'STRING'
87 if ( exists $th{$stype} ) {
88 $stype = $th{$stype};
90 else {
91 unless ( exists $usertypes{$stype} ) {
92 die "User type $stype not found at source line $sourceline";
94 $user = 1;
97 unless ($stype) {
98 $stype = typeof($var);
100 $arrays{$var} = 1 if ($array);
102 #print "Flagging (assumed) $var as array\n";
103 if ($array) {
104 $stype = "ARRAY";
106 else {
107 $var =~ s/\W$//g;
110 #print "Type: $stype User: $user Var: $var Array: $array\n";
111 if ( $user and !$array ) {
112 print CODE<<SHARINGU;
113 # Sharing $stype (user) $var with main
114 P0= P10[0]
115 P1= P0["USER"]
116 P0= P1["$var"] # Pull the original
117 P2= P10[I25]
118 P3= P2["USER"]
119 P3["$var"]= P0 # Hack in the alias
123 elsif ( $user and $array ) {
126 print CODE<<SHARING;
127 # Sharing $stype $var with main (array=$array)
128 P0= P10[0]
129 P1= P0["$stype"]
130 P0= P1["$var"] # Pull the original
131 P2= P10[I25]
132 P3= P2["$stype"]
133 P3["$var"]= P0 # Hack in the alias
137 else {
138 print CODE<<SHARING;
139 # Sharing $stype $var with main (array=$array)
140 P0= P10[0]
141 P1= P0["$stype"]
142 P0= P1["$var"] # Pull the original
143 P2= P10[I25]
144 P3= P2["$stype"]
145 P3["$var"]= P0 # Hack in the alias
152 my $inputcounts = 0;
154 sub input_read_assign {
155 my ( $prompt, $filedesc, $noreloop ) = @_;
156 my @values = ();
158 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, $prompt;
159 my $sf = 1;
160 $sf = 0 if ($filedesc);
162 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<INP1;
163 \$S0 = _READLINE($filedesc)
164 \$P99 = _SPLITLINE(\$S0,$sf)
165 \$I0= \$P99
166 INP1
168 # Bug here...FIXME.. I'm using $vars before it's set.
169 $vars = 1;
170 if ($noreloop) {
171 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\t#ne \$I0, $vars, ERR_INPFIELDS\n";
173 else {
174 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\tne \$I0, $vars, INPUT_$inputcounts # Re-prompt\n";
177 $loop = 0;
178 barf(); # We're too far in already...
179 while ( $type[CURR] !~ /COMP|COMM|STMT/ ) {
180 die if $loop++ > 20;
181 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\tpop \$S99, \$P99\n";
182 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\t\$N99= \$S99\n";
184 my ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION( { stuff => "\$X99", choose => 1 } );
185 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "@code";
186 feedme();
187 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "," ) {
188 feedme();
189 next;
195 sub parse_input {
196 feedme();
197 my $promptcode = "";
198 if ( $syms[CURR] eq ";" ) {
199 feedme(); # Ignore this form for now.
201 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "#" ) {
202 feedme();
203 $fd = $syms[CURR];
204 feedme();
205 die "Expecting ," unless $syms[CURR] eq ",";
206 feedme();
207 input_read_assign( $promptcode, $fd, 'noreprompt' );
208 return;
210 $promptcode = "INPUT_$inputcounts:\n";
212 # BASIC is unambiguous here. The next thing must be a quoted string or
213 # no prompting is done. However, QB says that if no prompt, use " ?"
214 if ( $type[CURR] eq "STRING" ) {
215 $promptcode .= qq{\tprint "$syms[CURR]"\n};
216 feedme();
217 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "," ) {
218 $promptcode .= qq{\tnoop # No ?\n};
220 elsif ( $syms[CURR] eq ";" ) {
221 $promptcode .= qq{\tprint "?"\n};
223 else {
224 die "Syntax error, expected ',' or ';'";
226 feedme();
228 else {
229 $promptcode .= qq{\tprint "? "\n};
231 input_read_assign( $promptcode, 0, 0 );
232 $inputcounts++;
235 my $ons = 0;
237 sub parse_on {
238 my ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION; # The switch...
239 feedme();
240 my $branch = $syms[CURR]; # goto or gosub
241 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\t# On X $branch...\n";
242 feedme();
243 $loop = 0;
244 @onlab = ();
245 while ( $type[CURR] !~ /COMP|COMM|STMT/ ) {
246 die if $loop++ > 255;
247 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "," ) {
248 feedme();
249 next;
251 die "Only labels/numbers allowed" unless ( $type[CURR] =~ /BARE|INT/ );
252 create_label();
253 push( @onlab, $syms[CURR] );
254 feedme();
256 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<ON;
257 @code lt $result, 0.0, ONERR_${ons}
258 gt $result, 255.0, ONERR_${ons}
259 goto ONOK_${ons}
260 ONERR_${ons}:
261 print "On...goto/gosub out of range at $sourceline\\n"
262 _platform_shutdown()
264 ONOK_${ons}:
266 $i = 1;
267 for my $jumps (@onlab) {
268 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\tne $result, $i.0, ON_${ons}_$i\n";
269 if ( $branch eq "gosub" ) {
270 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, qq{\tbsr $labels{$jumps}\t# $branch $jumps\n};
271 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, qq{\t#RTJ ne S0, "", RUNTIME_JUMP\n};
272 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, qq{\tgoto ON_END_$ons\n};
274 elsif ( $branch eq "goto" ) {
275 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, qq{\tgoto $labels{$jumps}\t# $branch $jumps\n};
277 else {
278 die "Illegal branch type, only GOSUB/GOTO allowed";
280 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "ON_${ons}_$i:\n";
281 $i++;
283 if ( $branch eq "gosub" ) {
284 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\tnoop\nON_END_${ons}:\n";
286 $ons++;
289 sub parse_randomize {
290 if ( $type[NEXT] =~ /STMT|COMM|COMP/ ) { # No arg version
291 feedme();
292 print CODE<<PROMPTRND;
293 print "Random-number seed (-32768 to 32767)?"
294 bsr READLINE
295 bsr CHOMP
296 I12= S0
299 else {
300 ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION();
301 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<EOR;
302 @code find_global \$P0, "RANDSEED"
303 \$I0= $result
304 \$P0["value"]= \$I0
305 store_global "RANDSEED", \$P0
307 feedme();
311 sub parse_locate { # locate x,y | locate x | locate ,y
312 my ( $x, $y );
313 my (@e2);
314 my ( $resulty, $typey, @codey );
315 my ( $resultx, $typex, @codex );
316 if ( $type[NEXT] =~ /PUN/ ) { # Y only
317 feedme();
318 ( $resulty, $typey, @codey ) = EXPRESSION(); # Y (only)
320 else {
321 ( $resultx, $typex, @codex ) = EXPRESSION(); # X
322 if ( $type[NEXT] =~ /PUN/ ) {
323 feedme();
324 ( $resulty, $typey, @codey ) = EXPRESSION();
327 if ( @codey and @codex ) { # X and Y
329 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<XANDY;
330 @codey
331 \$N100= $resulty
332 @codex
333 \$N101= $resultx
334 _screen_locate(\$N101,\$N100)
337 elsif ( @codey and not @codex ) {
338 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<YNOTX;
339 @codey noop # Broke!
340 _screen_locate($resulty)
343 elsif ( @codex and not @codey ) {
344 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<XNOTY;
345 @codex noop # Broke!
346 _screen_locate($resultx)
351 sub parse_color {
352 my ( $f, $b );
353 my ( $resultb, $typeb, @codeb );
354 my ( $resultf, $typef, @codef );
356 if ( $type[NEXT] =~ /PUN/ ) { # Back only
357 feedme();
358 ( $resultb, $typeb, @codeb ) = EXPRESSION(); # Back (only)
360 else {
361 ( $resultf, $typef, @codef ) = EXPRESSION(); # Fore
362 if ( $type[NEXT] =~ /PUN/ ) {
363 feedme();
364 ( $resultb, $typeb, @codeb ) = EXPRESSION();
367 if ( @codeb and @codef ) { # F and B
368 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<FANDB;
369 @codeb \$N100= $resultb
370 @codef \$N101= $resultf
371 _screen_color(\$N101,\$N100)
374 elsif ( @codeb and not @codef ) {
375 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<BNOTF;
376 @codeb noop
377 _screen_color($resultb) # Broke!
380 elsif ( @codef and not @codeb ) {
381 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<FNOTB;
382 @codef noop
383 _screen_color($resultf) # Broke!
388 sub parse_cls {
389 if ( !$type[NEXT] =~ /STMT|COMM|COMP/ ) { # No arg version
390 @e = EXPRESSION();
392 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<CLS;
393 _screen_clear()
395 feedme();
398 sub parse_open {
399 ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION();
400 feedme();
401 die "Expecting FOR at $sourceline" unless $syms[CURR] eq "for";
402 feedme();
403 my $mode = "";
404 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "input" ) {
405 $mode = "<";
407 elsif ( $syms[CURR] eq "output" ) {
408 $mode = ">";
410 elsif ( $syms[CURR] eq "random" ) {
411 die "random file i/o not implemented yet at $sourceline";
413 else {
414 die "Expected input/output/random at $sourceline";
416 feedme();
417 die "Expecting AS" unless $syms[CURR] eq "as";
418 feedme();
419 die "Expecting #" unless $syms[CURR] eq "#";
420 feedme();
421 $fd = $syms[CURR];
422 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<OPEN;
423 @code noop
424 _OPEN($result,"$mode",$fd)
425 OPEN
428 sub parse_close {
429 feedme();
430 die "Expecting # at $sourceline" unless $syms[CURR] eq "#";
431 feedme();
432 $fd = $syms[CURR];
433 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<CLOSE;
434 _CLOSE($fd)
438 sub fdprint {
439 my ( $fd, $string ) = @_;
440 if ($fd) {
441 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<PRINT;
442 _WRITE($fd,1,"$string")
445 else {
446 if ( $string ne "\\n" ) {
447 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<PRINT;
448 _BUILTIN_DISPLAY(1,"$string")
451 else {
452 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<PRINT;
453 find_global \$P0, "PRINTCOL"
454 \$P0["value"]=0
455 store_global "PRINTCOL", \$P0
456 print "\\n"
463 sub parse_print {
464 my $eol = 0;
465 my $expr = 0;
466 my $c = 0;
467 my $fd = "";
468 my ( $result, $type, @CODE );
469 feedme();
470 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "#" and $type[CURR] eq "PUN" ) {
471 feedme();
472 $fd = $syms[CURR];
473 feedme();
474 feedme();
476 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "using" ) {
477 print "WARNING: PRINT USING not yet supported\n";
478 feedme(); # "####"
479 feedme(); # ;
481 while (1) {
482 if ( $type[CURR] eq "STMT" or $type[CURR] eq "COMP" or $type[CURR] eq "COMM" ) {
483 last;
485 last if ( iskeyword( $syms[CURR] ) and not isbuiltin( $syms[CURR] ) );
486 die "LOOP" if $c++ > 100;
487 if ( $type[CURR] eq "STRING"
488 and not $fd
489 and ( $type[NEXT] eq "STMT" or $type[NEXT] eq "COMP" or $type[NEXT] eq "COMM" ) )
491 $eol = 0;
492 fdprint( $fd, $syms[CURR] );
493 feedme();
494 $expr = 1;
495 next;
497 if ( $syms[CURR] eq ";" ) {
498 $eol = 1;
499 feedme();
500 $expr = 0;
501 next;
503 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "," ) {
504 fdprint( $fd, "\\t" );
505 $eol = 1;
506 feedme();
507 $expr = 0;
508 next;
510 last if $expr;
511 ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION( { nofeed => 1 } );
512 feedme();
513 if ($fd) {
514 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<PRINT;
515 @code noop
516 _WRITE($fd,1,$result)
519 else {
520 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<PRINT;
521 @code noop
522 _BUILTIN_DISPLAY(1,$result)
526 #print "After Expression have $type[CURR] $syms[CURR]\n";
527 $eol = 0;
528 $expr = 1;
529 next;
531 unless ($eol) {
532 fdprint( $fd, "\\n" );
534 barf();
537 sub parse_read {
538 while ( $type[CURR] !~ /COMP|COMM|STMT/ ) {
539 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<EOASS;
540 \$S99 = _READ()
541 \$N99= \$S99
543 ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION( { stuff => '$X99', choose => 1 } );
544 feedme();
545 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<EOASS;
546 @code
548 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "," ) {
550 #feedme();
551 next;
556 sub parse_swap {
557 my ( @f, @s );
558 feedme();
559 my ( $leftres, $lefttype, @left ) = EXPRESSION( { lhs => 1 } );
560 feedme();
561 die "Expected ',': $syms[CURR]" unless $syms[CURR] eq ",";
562 feedme();
563 my ( $rightres, $righttype, @right ) = EXPRESSION( { lhs => 1 } );
564 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<SWAP;
565 \$${righttype}99 = $rightres
566 $rightres = $leftres
567 $leftres = \$${righttype}99
568 SWAP
571 sub parse_stop {
572 feedme();
573 print CODE<<STOP;
574 print "Stopped at source line "
575 print I11
576 print "\\n"
577 _platform_shutdown()
579 STOP
582 sub parse_data {
583 my ($currline) = @_;
584 $currline = "" unless defined $currline;
585 my @ld = ();
586 feedme();
587 OUTDATA: while ( $type[CURR] !~ /COMP|COMM|STMT/ ) {
588 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "," ) {
589 feedme();
590 next;
592 if ( $type[CURR] eq "PUN" and $syms[CURR] =~ /-/ ) {
593 if ( $type[NEXT] =~ /INT|FLO/ ) {
594 feedme();
595 $syms[CURR] = "-$syms[CURR]";
598 if ( $type[CURR] =~ /STRING|BARE|INT|FLO/ ) {
599 push @ld, { type => "STRING", value => qq{"$syms[CURR]"} };
601 elsif ( $type[CURR] eq "PUN" ) {
602 my $s = $syms[CURR];
603 while (1) {
604 feedme();
605 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "," ) {
606 push @ld, { type => "STRING", value => qq{"$s"} };
607 redo OUTDATA;
609 if ( $type[CURR] =~ /COMP|COMM|STMT/ ) {
610 push @ld, { type => "STRING", value => qq{"$s"} };
611 last OUTDATA;
613 $s .= $syms[CURR];
616 else {
617 die "Cannot use $type[CURR]/$syms[CURR] in DATA";
619 feedme();
621 push( @data, { line => $currline, data => \@ld } );
624 sub parse_restore {
625 my @args;
626 if ( $type[NEXT] eq "BARE" or $type[NEXT] eq "INT" ) {
627 feedme();
628 create_label();
629 push @args, qq{"$labels{$syms[CURR]}"};
631 else {
632 push @args, qq{""};
634 feedme();
635 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\t_RESTORE(" . join( ",", @args ) . ")\n";
638 sub parse_exit {
639 if ( $syms[NEXT] eq "for" ) {
640 feedme();
641 $foo = $fors[$scopes]->[-1];
642 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\tgoto AFTER_NEXT_$foo->{num}\n";
644 elsif ( $syms[NEXT] eq "function" ) {
645 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, qq{\tgoto END_$seg\n};
646 feedme();
648 #$_=english_func($funcname);
649 #print CODE "\tgoto FUNC_EXIT_$_\n";
651 elsif ( $syms[NEXT] eq "sub" ) {
652 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, qq{\tgoto END_$seg\n};
653 feedme();
655 #print CODE "\tgoto SUB_EXIT_$subname\n";
657 elsif ( $syms[NEXT] eq "do" ) {
658 feedme();
659 $foo = $dos[-1];
660 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\tgoto AFTERDO_$foo->{jump}\n";
662 else {
663 die "Unknown EXIT type source line $sourceline";
667 $selectcounter = 0;
669 sub parse_select {
670 die "Expected 'case'" if ( $syms[NEXT] ne "case" );
671 feedme();
672 push( @selects, { jump => ++$selectcounter, incase => 0 } );
673 my @a = EXPRESSION();
675 # Select case on
676 @a bsr DEREF # De-reference variables and whatnot.
677 P0= P10[I25]
678 P1= P0["SELECTS"]
679 P1["$selectcounter"]= P6 # Store for later.
680 goto CASE_${selectcounter}_0
684 # Honestly the next thing needs to be a case statement.
685 # I don't enforce it though. Honor system! :)
688 sub parse_case {
689 my @a;
690 my $s = $selects[-1];
691 my ( $jump, $incase ) = ( $s->{jump}, $s->{incase} );
693 if ( $syms[NEXT] eq "else" ) {
694 feedme();
695 print CODE "\t goto CASE_${jump}_FIN\n";
696 print CODE "CASE_${jump}_${incase}:\t# Default\n";
697 $selects[-1]->{incase} = $incase + 1;
698 return;
701 my $lambda = <<GL;
703 P0= P10[I25]
704 P1= P0["SELECTS"]
705 P5= P1["$jump"] # Stored value.
707 print CODE<<CASE_SETUP;
708 goto CASE_${jump}_FIN
709 CASE_${jump}_${incase}:
710 new P12, .ResizablePMCArray # OR
711 new P13, .ResizablePMCArray # TO
712 new P14, .ResizablePMCArray # Operators. Op first, then value
714 my ( $ors, $tos, $ops ) = ( 0, 0, 0 );
715 while (1) {
716 if ( $type[CURR] eq "COMM" ) {
717 print CODE "\t#$syms[CURR]\n";
718 last;
720 last if ( $type[CURR] eq "STMT" or $type[CURR] eq "COMP" );
721 if ( $syms[NEXT] =~ /^>|>=|<|<=|=|<>$/ ) { # Relop
722 feedme();
723 $op = $syms[CURR];
724 @a = EXPRESSION();
725 feedme();
726 print CODE<<OP;
727 push P14, "$op"
728 @a bsr DEREF
729 push P14, P6
731 $ops++;
732 next;
734 @a = EXPRESSION(); # CURR = "to", "," or EOL.
735 feedme();
736 if ( $syms[CURR] eq ","
737 or $type[CURR] eq "STMT"
738 or $type[CURR] eq "COMP" )
740 print CODE<<EQ;
741 @a bsr DEREF
742 push P12, P6 # Save result for later.
744 $ors++;
746 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "to" ) {
747 my @b = EXPRESSION();
748 feedme();
749 print CODE<<TO;
750 # From
751 @a bsr DEREF
752 push P13, P6
753 # To
754 @b bsr DEREF
755 push P13, P6
757 $tos++;
759 last if ( $type[CURR] eq "STMT" or $type[CURR] eq "COMP" );
761 print CODE "\tbsr EXPRINIT\n";
762 print CODE $lambda;
763 if ($ors) {
764 print CODE <<ORS
765 I5= P12
766 CASE_${jump}_${incase}_STARTOR:
767 eq I5, 1, CASE_${jump}_${incase}_NO_OR
768 push P9, "or"
769 push P9, "OP"
770 CASE_${jump}_${incase}_NO_OR:
771 push P9, "="
772 push P9, "OP"
773 P0= P5 # The "constant"
775 pop P0, P12
777 dec I5
778 gt I5, 0, CASE_${jump}_${incase}_STARTOR
781 if ( $ors and $tos ) {
782 print CODE qq{\tunshift P9, "OP"\n};
783 print CODE qq{\tunshift P9, "or"\n};
785 if ($tos) {
786 print CODE<<TOS;
787 I5= P13
788 div I5, I5, 2
789 CASE_${jump}_${incase}_STARTTO:
790 eq I5, 1, CASE_${jump}_${incase}_NO_TO
791 push P9, "or"
792 push P9, "OP"
793 CASE_${jump}_${incase}_NO_TO:
794 push P9, "and"
795 push P9, "OP"
796 push P9, ">="
797 push P9, "OP"
798 P0= P5
800 pop P0, P13
802 push P9, "<="
803 push P9, "OP"
804 P0= P5
806 pop P0, P13
808 dec I5
809 gt I5, 0, CASE_${jump}_${incase}_STARTTO
812 if ( $ops and ( $tos or $ors ) ) {
813 print CODE qq{\tunshift P9, "OP"\n};
814 print CODE qq{\tunshift P9, "or"\n};
816 if ($ops) {
817 print CODE<<OPS;
818 I5= P14
819 div I5, I5, 2
820 CASE_${jump}_${incase}_STARTOPS:
821 eq I5, 1, CASE_${jump}_${incase}_NO_OP
822 push P9, "or"
823 push P9, "OP"
824 CASE_${jump}_${incase}_NO_OP:
825 pop P1, P14
826 pop S0, P14
827 push P9, S0
828 push P9, "OP"
829 P0= P1
831 P0= P5
833 dec I5
834 gt I5, 0, CASE_${jump}_${incase}_STARTOPS
837 $incase++;
838 print CODE<<ENDCASE;
839 bsr EVALEXPR
840 bsr TRUTH
841 ne I1, 1, CASE_${jump}_${incase}
843 $selects[-1]->{incase} = $incase;
846 my $false;
847 my $whilecounter = 0;
849 sub parse_while {
850 $whilecounter++;
851 push( @whiles, { jump => $whilecounter } );
852 my ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION();
853 $false = "0.0";
854 $false = qq{""} if ( $type eq "S" );
856 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "WHILE_$whilecounter:\n";
857 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<BRANCH;
858 @code eq $result, $false, AFTERWHILE_$whilecounter
862 sub parse_wend {
863 $_ = pop(@whiles);
864 $_ = $_->{jump};
865 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<LOOPUP;
866 goto WHILE_$_
870 my $docounter = 0;
872 sub parse_do {
873 $docounter++;
874 if ( $syms[NEXT] eq "until" or $syms[NEXT] eq "while" ) {
875 my $false = "0.0";
876 feedme(); # At the while/until
877 my $which = $syms[CURR];
878 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "DO_$docounter:\n";
879 my ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION();
880 $false = qq{""} if $type eq "S";
881 if ( $which eq "while" ) {
882 $_ = "@code eq $result, $false, AFTERDO_$docounter";
884 else {
885 $_ = "@code ne $result, $false, AFTERDO_$docounter";
887 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\t$_\n";
888 push( @dos, { jump => $docounter, needstmt => 0 } );
890 else {
891 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "DO_$docounter:\n";
892 push( @dos, { jump => $docounter, needstmt => 1 } );
896 sub parse_goto {
897 feedme;
898 create_label();
899 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\tgoto $labels{$syms[CURR]}\t# Goto $syms[CURR]\n";
902 sub parse_gosub {
903 feedme;
904 create_label();
906 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<GOSUB;
907 bsr $labels{$syms[CURR]}\t# GOSUB $syms[CURR]
912 sub parse_return {
913 if ( $type[NEXT] ne "BARE" ) {
914 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<RETURN1;
919 else {
920 feedme(); # Special "Return Label"
921 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<RETURN2;
922 JUMPLABEL= "$labels{$syms[CURR]}" # Return $syms[CURR]
925 if ( !$runtime_jump ) {
926 warn "Note: RETURN x causes slow IMCC compilation\n";
927 $runtime_jump = 1;
932 sub parse_loop {
933 my $do = pop @dos;
934 if ( $do->{needstmt} and not( $syms[NEXT] =~ /while|until/ ) ) {
935 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\ngoto DO_$do->{jump}\t# Unconditional\n";
936 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "AFTERDO_$do->{jump}:\n";
937 return;
939 if ( $do->{needstmt} ) {
940 my $false = "0.0";
941 feedme();
942 my $which = $syms[CURR];
943 my ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION();
944 $false = qq{""} if $type eq "S";
945 if ( $which eq "while" ) {
946 $_ = "@code ne $result, $false, DO_$do->{jump}";
948 else {
949 $_ = "@code eq $result, $false, DO_$do->{jump}";
951 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\t$_\n";
953 else {
954 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "\tgoto DO_$do->{jump}\n";
956 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, "AFTERDO_$do->{jump}:\n";
959 sub parse_type {
960 my (@types);
961 feedme;
962 my $typename = $syms[CURR];
963 feedme;
964 $sourceline++;
965 feedme;
966 while ( $syms[CURR] ne "end" ) {
967 my ( $name, $type );
968 die "Syntax error in type $type[CURR]/$syms[CURR] (source line $sourceline)"
969 unless $type[CURR] eq "BARE";
970 $name = $syms[CURR];
971 feedme;
972 die "Expected 'as' got $syms[CURR] (source line $sourceline)" unless $syms[CURR] eq 'as';
973 feedme;
974 $type = $syms[CURR];
975 my %th = (
976 single => 'FLO',
977 double => 'FLO',
978 long => 'INT',
979 integer => 'INT',
980 string => 'STRING'
982 die "Unknown type $type (source line $sourceline)"
983 unless ( exists $th{$type}
984 or exists $usertypes{$type} );
985 my $marker;
987 if ( exists $th{$type} ) {
988 $marker = $th{$type};
990 else {
991 $marker = 'USER';
993 push( @types, [ $name, $type, $marker ] );
994 feedme();
995 if ( $type[CURR] eq "PUN" and $syms[CURR] eq "*" ) {
996 print "WARNING: * in TYPE not supported yet for $name\n";
997 feedme;
998 feedme;
1000 while ( $type[CURR] eq "STMT" or $type[CURR] eq "COMM" ) {
1001 print CODE "\t# $syms[CURR]\n" if $type[CURR] eq "COMM";
1002 feedme;
1004 $sourceline++;
1006 feedme; # Collect the "type"
1007 $usertypes{$typename} = [@types];
1008 print CODE <<TYPE;
1009 # Type definition for $typename
1010 new P0, .ResizablePMCArray
1011 TYPE
1012 foreach (@types) {
1013 print CODE<<ADDT;
1014 new P1, .Hash
1015 P1["name"]= '$_->[0]'
1016 P1["type"]= '$_->[1]'
1017 push P0, P1
1018 ADDT
1020 print CODE<<TYPEE;
1021 P1= P10[0]
1022 P2= P1["types"]
1023 P2["$typename"]= P0
1024 goto OUTOF_$typename
1025 DIM_$typename:
1026 #print "Dimensioning $typename\\n"
1027 pushp
1028 P2= .Hash
1029 TYPEE
1030 foreach (@types) {
1031 my %val = ( INT => 0, FLO => '0.0', STRING => '""' );
1032 if ( $_->[2] ne "USER" ) {
1033 print CODE<<NOTUSER;
1034 new P1, .Hash
1035 P1["name"]= '$_->[0]'
1036 P1["type"]= '$_->[2]'
1037 P1["value"]= $val{$_->[2]}
1038 P2["$_->[0]"]= P1
1041 else {
1042 print CODE<<USERTYPE;
1043 new P1, .Hash
1044 P1["name"]= '$_->[0]'
1045 P1["type"]= "USER"
1046 bsr DIM_$_->[1]
1047 P1["storage"]= P0
1048 P1["_type"], '$_->[1]'
1049 P2["$_->[0]"]= P1
1054 print CODE<<FINDIM;
1055 save P2
1056 popp
1057 restore P0
1059 COPY_$typename: # Source in P6 Dest in P1 (don't trash P0)
1060 #print "--Copying a $typename\\n"
1061 pushp # Makes an internal mess of P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 (popped)
1062 new P3, .Hash # Uses S0, I0, N0
1065 foreach (@types) {
1066 my %val = ( INT => 'I0', FLO => 'N0', STRING => 'S0' );
1067 if ( $_->[2] ne "USER" ) {
1068 print CODE<<NOTUSER;
1069 new P2, .Hash
1070 P2["name"]= '$_->[0]'
1071 P2["type"]= '$_->[2]'
1072 P4= P6["storage"]
1073 P5= P4["$_->[0]"]
1074 $val{$_->[2]}= P5["value"]
1075 P2["value"]= $val{$_->[2]}
1076 #print "-> Copied value for "
1077 #print $val{$_->[2]}
1078 #print "\\n"
1079 P3["$_->[0]"]= P2
1082 else {
1083 print CODE<<USER;
1084 new P2, .Hash
1085 P2["name"]= '$_->[0]'
1086 P2["type"]= "USER"
1087 P5= P6 # Remember where we were...
1088 P4= P6["storage"]
1089 P6= P4["$_->[0]"]
1090 bsr COPY_$_->[1]
1091 P2["storage"]= P1
1092 P6= P5 # Go back to where we were!
1093 P2["_type"]= '$_->[1]'
1094 P3["$_->[0]"]= P2
1095 #print "Finished substruct\\n"
1096 USER
1100 print CODE<<OUTOF;
1101 #print "Out of copy $typename\\n"
1102 save P3
1103 popp
1104 restore P1
1106 OUTOF_$typename:
1108 OUTOF
1112 sub parse_dim {
1113 feedme;
1115 if ( $syms[NEXT] eq "as" ) {
1116 my $var = $syms[CURR];
1117 feedme; # "as"
1118 feedme; # type.
1119 die "Unknown type $syms[CURR]" unless exists $usertypes{ $syms[CURR] };
1120 my $type = $syms[CURR];
1121 die "SIGIL not allowed here" unless ( $var =~ /\w$/ );
1122 print CODE<<DIMTYPE;
1123 P1= P10[I25]
1124 P2= P1["USER"]
1125 bsr DIM_$type
1126 P1 = new .Hash
1127 P1["_type"]= '$type'
1128 P1["type"]= "USER"
1129 P1["storage"]= P0
1130 P2["$var"]= P1
1132 if ( $syms[NEXT] eq "," ) {
1133 feedme();
1134 goto &parse_dim;
1137 elsif ( $syms[NEXT] eq "(" ) {
1138 my $var = $syms[CURR];
1139 while (1) {
1140 feedme;
1141 last if $syms[CURR] eq ")";
1143 my $type;
1144 $type = "FLO";
1145 my %th = (
1146 single => 'FLO',
1147 double => 'FLO',
1148 long => 'INT',
1149 integer => 'INT',
1150 string => 'STRING'
1152 my %sigilmap = (
1153 '%' => 'integer',
1154 '&' => 'long',
1155 '!' => 'single',
1156 '#' => 'double',
1157 '$' => 'string'
1159 my $ut = "";
1160 if ( $syms[NEXT] eq "as" ) {
1161 feedme; # "as"
1162 feedme; # type...
1163 if ( exists $th{ $syms[CURR] } ) {
1164 $type = $th{ $syms[CURR] };
1166 elsif ( exists $usertypes{ $syms[CURR] } ) {
1167 $type = "USER";
1168 $ut = qq{\tP2["usertype"]= "$syms[CURR]"\n};
1170 else {
1171 die "Unknown type $syms[CURR]";
1174 else {
1175 $_ = substr( $var, -1, 1 );
1176 if ( exists $sigilmap{$_} ) {
1177 $type = $th{ $sigilmap{$_} };
1180 $arrays{"${var}${seg}"} = 1;
1182 #print STDERR "Marking ${var}${seg}\n";
1183 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<DIMARR;
1184 # Set aside storage for Array $var
1185 \$P0 = new .Hash
1186 \$P2 = new .ResizablePMCArray
1187 \$P3 = new .Hash
1188 \$P3["index"]=\$P2
1189 \$P3["hash"]=\$P0
1190 find_global \$P1, "BASICARR"
1191 \$P1["$var$seg"]= \$P3
1192 store_global "BASICARR", \$P1
1195 if ( $syms[NEXT] eq "," ) {
1196 feedme();
1197 goto &parse_dim;
1200 elsif ( $syms[CURR] eq "shared" ) {
1201 print "WARNING: SHARED keyword currently ignored\n";
1202 goto &parse_dim;
1204 else {
1205 die "Unknown dim type: $syms[CURR] at source line $sourceline";
1208 my $forloop = 0;
1210 sub parse_for { # for var = start to finish [step increment]
1211 my ( $endexpr, $stepexpr, @stepcode );
1213 $forloop++;
1214 feedme();
1216 # The initial assignment. Type of course will be a float.
1217 ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION( { lhs => 1, assign => 1 } );
1218 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, @code;
1220 die "TO expected at source line $sourceline" unless ( $syms[CURR] ne "to" );
1222 feedme();
1224 # The destination value
1225 ( $endexpr, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION();
1227 feedme();
1228 if ( $syms[CURR] eq "step" ) {
1229 ( $stepexpr, $type, @stepcode ) = EXPRESSION();
1231 else {
1232 $stepexpr = "1.0";
1234 $main::code{$main::seg}->{declarations}->{"FORLOOP_END_$forloop"} = 1;
1235 $main::code{$main::seg}->{declarations}->{"FORLOOP_STEP_$forloop"} = 1;
1236 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<COND;
1237 @code FORLOOP_END_$forloop= $endexpr
1238 @stepcode
1239 FORLOOP_STEP_$forloop= $stepexpr
1240 FOR_$forloop:
1241 gt FORLOOP_STEP_$forloop, 0.0, FOR_GT_$forloop
1242 lt $result, FORLOOP_END_$forloop, AFTER_NEXT_$forloop
1243 goto FOR_LOOP_BODY_$forloop
1244 FOR_GT_$forloop:
1245 gt $result, FORLOOP_END_$forloop, AFTER_NEXT_$forloop
1246 FOR_LOOP_BODY_$forloop:
1247 COND
1248 debug() if $debug;
1250 push @{ $fors[$scopes] }, { var => $result, num => $forloop, inc => $stepexpr };
1253 sub parse_next { # next [a[,b[,c]...]
1254 feedme();
1255 my ( $var, $vartype, $ovar );
1256 my $ps;
1257 $ps = pop @{ $fors[$scopes] };
1259 if ( $type[CURR] ne "BARE" ) { # next (no variable)
1260 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<NEXT;
1261 add $ps->{var}, $ps->{var}, FORLOOP_STEP_$ps->{num}
1262 goto FOR_$ps->{num}
1263 AFTER_NEXT_$ps->{num}: noop
1264 NEXT
1266 else { # next var
1267 while (1) {
1268 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<NEXT;
1269 add $ps->{var}, $ps->{var}, FORLOOP_STEP_$ps->{num}
1270 goto FOR_$ps->{num}
1271 AFTER_NEXT_$ps->{num}: noop
1272 NEXT
1273 if ( $syms[NEXT] eq "," ) {
1274 feedme();
1275 feedme();
1276 $ps = pop @{ $fors[$scopes] };
1277 next;
1279 last;
1284 sub parse_call {
1286 # Subroutines are disguised as user-defined functions,
1287 # except that there's no return value to deal with.
1288 feedme();
1289 if ( !exists $subs{ $syms[CURR] } ) {
1290 die "Subroutine $syms[CURR] not found at line $sourceline\n";
1292 my $sub = $syms[CURR];
1293 barf();
1295 # print STDERR "Processing call $sub\n";
1296 ( $result, $type, @code ) = EXPRESSION( { ignorecomma => 1 } );
1298 # print STDERR "Got back @code\n";
1299 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<CALLSUB;
1300 @code
1304 sub parse_sub {
1306 # Deja-vu from functions.
1307 feedme;
1308 my $f;
1309 $funcname = $syms[CURR];
1310 my $englishname = english_func($funcname);
1311 $subs{$funcname} = $englishname;
1312 $functions{$funcname} = $englishname;
1314 $f = "_USERFUNC_$funcname";
1315 $f = changename($f);
1316 $f =~ s/\$/_string/g;
1317 $f =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
1318 $seg = $f;
1319 CALL_BODY( $englishname, "SUB" );
1322 sub parse_function {
1323 feedme;
1324 my $f;
1325 $funcname = $syms[CURR];
1326 my $englishname = english_func($funcname);
1327 $functions{$funcname} = $englishname;
1329 $f = "_USERFUNC_$funcname";
1330 $f = changename($f);
1331 $f =~ s/\$/_string/g;
1332 $f =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
1333 $seg = $f;
1334 CALL_BODY( $englishname, "UF" );
1337 sub CALL_BODY {
1338 my ( $englishname, $prefix ) = @_;
1339 my @params;
1340 while ( feedme() ) {
1341 last if ( $type[CURR] eq "STMT" );
1342 last if ( $type[CURR] eq "PUN" and $syms[CURR] eq ")" );
1343 next if ( $type[CURR] eq "PUN" );
1344 if ( $type[CURR] eq "BARE" ) { # Variable name parameter
1345 $a = $syms[CURR];
1346 if ( $syms[NEXT] eq "as" ) {
1347 feedme(); # Get the as
1348 feedme();
1349 push( @params, $syms[CURR], $a );
1351 elsif ( $syms[NEXT] eq "(" ) {
1352 feedme();
1353 while ( $syms[CURR] ne ")" ) {
1354 feedme();
1356 push( @params, "()$a" );
1358 else {
1359 push( @params, $a ); # Always here?
1363 my $argcnt = @params;
1365 # The outer compiler will provide the framework for the
1366 # function call. We just have to unwind its arguments.
1367 $_ = scalar @params;
1368 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<EOH;
1369 .param int argc
1370 eq argc, $_, ${englishname}_ARGOK
1371 print "Function $englishname received "
1372 print argc
1373 print " arguments expected $_\\n"
1374 _platform_shutdown()
1376 ${englishname}_ARGOK:
1378 $main::code{$main::seg}->{declarations}->{$englishname} = 1;
1380 foreach (@params) {
1381 unless (/\(\)/) {
1382 my $t = typeof($_);
1383 $t = "string" if $t eq "STRING";
1384 $t = "float" if $t eq "FLO";
1385 $_ = changename($_);
1386 $_ =~ s/\$/_string/g;
1387 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, qq{\t.param $t $_\n};
1388 push @{ $code{$seg}->{args} }, $_;
1390 else {
1391 s/\(\)//g;
1392 $_ = changename($_);
1394 #print STDERR "Marking ${_}${seg}\n";
1395 $arrays{"${_}${seg}"} = 1;
1396 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<PUSHARR;
1397 .param pmc array_$englishname
1398 find_global \$P1, "BASICARR"
1399 \$P1["${_}$seg"]= array_$englishname
1400 store_global "BASICARR", \$P1
1403 # push @{$code{$seg}->{args}}, $_;
1406 return;
1409 sub parse_endfunc {
1410 feedme;
1411 my $t = $seg;
1412 $seg =~ s/^_//; # Remove the _
1413 $seg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # lowercase
1414 $seg =~ s/userfunc_//;
1415 push @{ $code{$t}->{code} }, "END_$t:\n";
1416 if ( exists $code{$t}->{args} ) {
1417 foreach ( @{ $code{$t}->{args} } ) {
1418 push @{ $code{$t}->{code} }, "\t.return $_\t# Returning arg\n";
1421 push @{ $code{$t}->{code} }, "\t.return $seg\n";
1422 $seg = "_basicmain";
1423 $funcname = "";
1424 return;
1427 sub parse_endsub {
1428 goto &parse_endfunc;
1431 sub parse_function_dispatch {
1432 return;
1433 print FUNC<<FUNCDISP;
1436 # User function dispatch routine
1439 I1= -1
1441 if (%functions) {
1442 foreach ( keys %functions ) {
1443 print FUNC qq{\teq S0, "$_", UF_}, english_func($_), qq{\n};
1446 print FUNC<<FUNCEND;
1449 #print "Ending user function, stack depth now "
1450 #print I25
1451 #print "\\n"
1454 print FUNC<<SUBDISP;
1456 I1= -1
1458 foreach ( keys %subs ) {
1459 print FUNC qq{\teq S0, "$_", SUB_$_\n};
1461 print FUNC<<SUBEND;
1468 sub parse_struct_copy_dispatch {
1469 goto RTJUMP;
1470 print CODE <<SCOPYDIS;
1473 # Structure copy dispatch routine
1474 # Call with S0 set to the type
1475 # Source in P6
1476 # Dest returned in P1
1479 foreach ( keys %usertypes ) {
1480 print CODE<<DISP;
1481 eq S0, "$_", COPY_$_
1482 DISP
1484 print CODE <<DISP2;
1485 print "Structure type of "
1486 print S0
1487 print " not found\\n"
1488 _platform_shutdown()
1490 DISP2
1492 print CODE <<SCOPYDIS;
1494 # Structure create dispatch routine
1495 # Call with S0 set to the type
1496 # Dest returned in P0
1499 foreach ( keys %usertypes ) {
1500 print CODE<<DISP;
1501 eq S0, "$_", DIM_$_
1502 DISP
1504 print CODE <<DISP2;
1505 print "Structure type of "
1506 print S0
1507 print " not found\\n"
1508 _platform_shutdown()
1510 DISP2
1511 RTJUMP:
1512 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<RTB;
1513 # Several statements need to make branches
1514 # that are only discovered at runtime.
1517 if ($runtime_jump) {
1518 foreach ( sort keys %labels ) {
1519 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, qq|\teq JUMPLABEL, "$labels{$_}", $labels{$_}\n|;
1523 push @{ $code{$seg}->{code} }, <<RTBE;
1524 print "Runtime branch of "
1525 print JUMPLABEL
1526 print " not found\\n"
1527 _platform_shutdown()
1529 RTBE
1532 sub parse_data_setup {
1533 push @{ $code{_data}->{code} }, <<DATAPREP;
1534 # Prepare the Read/Data stuff
1535 find_global \$P1, "RESTOREINFO"
1536 find_global \$P2, "READDATA"
1538 my $counter = 0;
1539 foreach my $ld (@data) {
1540 my $line = $ld->{line};
1541 if ( length $line ) {
1542 push @{ $code{_data}->{code} }, qq{\t\$P1["$line"]= $counter\n};
1544 foreach ( @{ $ld->{data} } ) {
1545 my ( $t, $v ) = ( $_->{type}, $_->{value} );
1546 push @{ $code{_data}->{code} }, <<ADDDATA;
1547 push \$P2, $v
1549 $counter++;
1553 push @{ $code{_data}->{code} }, <<DATADONE;
1554 store_global "RESTOREINFO", \$P1
1555 store_global "READDATA", \$P2
1559 sub typeof {
1560 my ($var) = @_;
1561 return "FLO" if ( $var =~ /[!#%&]$/ );
1562 return "STRING" if ( $var =~ /\$$/ );
1563 return "FLO";
1568 # Local Variables:
1569 # mode: cperl
1570 # cperl-indent-level: 4
1571 # fill-column: 100
1572 # End:
1573 # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: