tagged release 0.6.4
[parrot.git] / languages / APL / tools / gen_operator_defs.pl
1 #! perl
3 # $Id$
5 use strict;
6 use warnings;
8 print <<"END_OF_HEADER";
11 # This file generated automatically by '$0'
15 my %macros;
16 $macros{DOMAIN_ERROR} = <<'END_OF_PIR';
17 die "DOMAIN ERROR\n"
20 my %scalar = (
21 '+' => [ 'Add', '%1 = %1 + %2' ],
22 '*' => [ 'Power', << 'END_PIR' ],
23 # XXX This is too restrictive. Need better tests
24 if %1 >= 0 goto power_ok
26 power_ok:
27 $N1 = %1
28 $N2 = %2
29 $N1 = pow $N1, $N2
30 %1 = $N1
34 '\x{d7}' => [ 'Multiply', '%1 = %1 * %2' ],
35 '\x{f7}' => [ 'Divide', '%1 = %1 / %2' ],
36 '\u2212' => [ 'Subtract', '%1 = %1 - %2' ],
37 '\u2308' => [ 'Maximum', <<'END_PIR' ],
38 if %1 > %2 goto maximum_done
39 %1 = %2
40 maximum_done:
43 '\u230a' => [ 'Minimum', <<'END_PIR' ],
44 if %1 < %2 goto minimum_done
45 %1 = %2
46 minimum_done:
50 my $template = <<'END_OF_TEMPLATE';
52 .namespace []
54 # any registers #'d 100 or higher are used here for temporary conversions
55 # to other types required by the various opcodes. XXX This should go away
56 # Once PMI ports his lovely new perl6 code back into APL.
58 .sub "__load_inlinetable" :load :init
59 $P0 = new 'Hash'
60 store_global "APL", "%pirtable", $P0
61 .local pmc itable
62 itable = new 'Hash'
63 set_hll_global ['APL';'Grammar';'Actions'], '%inlinetable', itable
65 # special-purpose parrot ops here
66 itable['dyadic:<'] = <<'END_PIR'
67 $I1 = islt %0, %1 # dyadic:< (less than)
68 %t = $I1
71 itable['dyadic:>'] = <<'END_PIR'
72 $I1 = isgt %0, %1 # dyadic:> (greater than)
73 %t = $I1
76 itable['dyadic:='] = <<'END_PIR'
77 $I1 = iseq %0, %1 # dyadic:= (equals)
78 %t = $I1
81 itable[unicode:"dyadic:\u2227"] = <<'END_PIR'
82 $I0 = %0 # dyadic:\u2227 (and)
83 $I1 = %1
84 $I1 = and $I0, $I1
85 %t = $I1
88 itable[unicode:"dyadic:\u2228"] = <<'END_PIR'
89 $I0 = %0 # dyadic:\u2228 (or)
90 $I1 = %1
91 $I1 = or $I0, $I1
92 %t = $I1
95 itable[unicode:"dyadic:\u2260"] = <<'END_PIR'
96 $I1 = isne %0, %1 # dyadic:\u2260 (not equal)
97 %t = $I1
100 itable[unicode:"dyadic:\u2264"] = <<'END_PIR'
101 $I1 = isle %0, %1 # dyadic:\u2264 (not greater than)
102 %t = $I1
105 itable[unicode:"dyadic:\u2265"] = <<'END_PIR'
106 $I1 = isge %0, %1 # dyadic:\u2265 (not less than)
107 %t = $I1
110 itable[unicode:"dyadic:\u2371"] = <<'END_PIR'
111 $I0 = %0 # dyadic:\u2371 (nor)
112 $I1 = %1
113 $I1 = or $I0, $I1
114 $I1 = not $I1
115 %t = $I1
118 itable[unicode:"dyadic:\u2372"] = <<'END_PIR'
119 $I0 = %0 # dyadic:\u2372 (nand)
120 $I1 = %1
121 $I1 = and $I0, $I1
122 $I1 = not $I1
123 %t = $I1
126 itable['monadic:+'] = " %r = %0" # conjugate
127 itable['monadic:|'] = " %t = abs %0" # magnitude
128 itable['monadic:!'] = <<'END_PIR'
129 $I1 = %0 # monadic:! (factorial)
130 $I1 = fact $I1
131 %t = $I1
134 itable['monadic:*'] = " %t = exp %0" # exp
135 itable[unicode:"monadic:\x{d7}"] = <<'END_PIR'
136 $N1 = %0 # monadic:\x{d7} (signum)
137 $I1 = cmp_num $N1, 0.0
138 %t = $I1
140 itable[unicode:"monadic:\x{f7}"] = <<'END_PIR'
141 $N1 = %0 # monadic:\x{f7} (reciprocal)
142 $N1 = 1.0 / $N1
143 %t = $N1
146 itable[unicode:"monadic:\u2212"] = " %t = neg %0" # negate
147 itable[unicode:"monadic:\u2308"] = <<'END_PIR'
148 $N1 = %0 # monadic:\u2308 (ceiling)
149 $I1 = ceil $N1
150 %t = $I1
153 itable[unicode:"monadic:\u230a"] = <<'END_PIR'
154 $N1 = %0 # monadic:\u230a (floor)
155 $I1 = floor $N1
156 %t = $I1
159 itable[unicode:"monadic:\u235f"] = " %t = ln %0"
162 itable[unicode:"monadic:\u25cb"] = " %t = %0 * 3.14159265358979323846"
163 # PI
165 itable[unicode:"monadic:\u2373"] = <<'END_PIR' # index of
166 #XXX hack all the _1's need the same, generated unique number.
167 %r = new 'APLVector' # monadic:\u2373 (index of)
168 $I0 = 1
169 $I1 = 0
170 $I2 = %0
171 loop_begin_1:
172 if $I0 > $I2 goto loop_done_1
173 %r[$I1] = $I0
174 inc $I1
175 inc $I0
176 goto loop_begin_1
177 loop_done_1:
180 .end
182 .sub 'aplformat'
183 .param pmc arg
185 .local string result
186 result = ''
188 .local pmc value
189 $I0 = does arg, 'array'
190 if $I0 goto print_vector
191 value = arg
192 bsr print_value
193 .return (result)
195 print_vector:
196 .local pmc shape, iter
197 .local string value_type, old_type
198 value_type = 'String'
199 iter = new 'Iterator', arg
200 shape = arg.'get_shape'()
201 $I0 = shape
202 if $I0 == 2 goto print_2D
203 # XXX assume 1d otherwise.
204 unless iter goto iter_end
205 iter_loop:
206 old_type = value_type
207 value = shift iter
208 bsr print_value
209 unless iter goto iter_end
210 value_type = typeof value
211 if value_type != 'String' goto print_space
212 if old_type != value_type goto print_space
213 goto iter_loop
214 print_space:
215 result .= ' '
216 goto iter_loop
217 iter_end:
218 .return (result)
220 print_2D:
221 .local int row_size, pos, newline
222 row_size = shape[1]
223 pos = 1
224 iter = new 'Iterator', arg
225 value_type = 'String'
226 unless iter goto loop_end_2d
227 loop_2d:
228 newline = 0
229 if pos != row_size goto cont_2d
230 newline = 1
231 pos = 0
233 cont_2d:
234 old_type = value_type
235 value = shift iter
236 bsr print_value
237 unless iter goto loop_end_2d
238 value_type = typeof value
239 if newline goto print_newline
240 if value_type != 'String' goto print_space_2d
241 if old_type != value_type goto print_space_2d
242 goto print_newline
244 print_space_2d: # don't print a space if we're about to end a row
245 if newline goto print_newline
246 result .= ' '
247 goto continue_2d
249 print_newline:
250 if newline==0 goto continue_2d
251 result .= "\n"
253 continue_2d:
254 inc pos
255 goto loop_2d
256 loop_end_2d:
257 .return(result)
259 print_value:
260 if value >= 0.0 goto print_value_1
261 result .= unicode:"\u207b"
262 value = abs value
263 print_value_1:
264 $S0 = value
265 result .= $S0
267 .end
269 .sub 'aplprint'
270 .param pmc arg
272 $S0 = aplformat(arg)
273 say $S0
274 .end
276 .sub 'aplvector'
277 .param pmc args :slurpy
278 .local pmc vector, iter
279 vector = new 'APLVector'
280 if null args goto iter_end
281 iter = new 'Iterator', args
282 iter_loop:
283 unless iter goto iter_end
284 $P0 = shift iter
285 push vector, $P0
286 goto iter_loop
287 iter_end:
288 .return (vector)
289 .end
291 .sub 'aplstring'
292 .param string s
293 .local pmc vector
294 vector = new 'APLVector'
295 $I1 = length s
296 $I0 = 0
297 loop:
298 unless $I0 < $I1 goto loop_end
299 $S0 = substr s, $I0, 1
300 push vector, $S0
301 inc $I0
302 goto loop
303 loop_end:
304 .return (vector)
305 .end
308 # XXX - the first argument to this multi sub should be some variant of
309 # integer - but if you set it to Integer or int, the program dies with
310 # 'Method not found.' or dispatches to the wrong method.
312 .sub unicode:"dyadic:\u2296" :multi(pmc, APLVector) # rotate
313 .param int op1
314 .param pmc op2
316 if op1 == 0 goto nothing
317 if op1 < 0 goto neg
318 pos:
319 unless op1 goto done
320 # shift off the beginning and push onto the end.
321 $P1 = shift op2
322 push op2, $P1
323 dec op1
324 goto pos
325 neg:
326 unless op1 goto done
327 # pop off the end and unshift onto the beginning
328 $P1 = pop op2
329 unshift op2, $P1
330 inc op1
331 goto neg
333 done:
334 nothing:
335 .return(op2)
336 .end
338 .sub 'dyadic:!' # binomial coefficient
339 .param pmc op1
340 .param pmc op2
341 $I1 = op1
342 $I2 = op2
343 $I3 = $I2 - $I1
345 $N1 = fact $I1
346 $N2 = fact $I2
347 $N3 = fact $I3
349 $N2 /= $N3
350 $N2 /= $N1
351 .return($N2)
352 .end
354 .sub unicode:"dyadic:\u2373" :multi(APLVector, APLVector) # index of
355 .param pmc op1
356 .param pmc op2
358 .local pmc iter_one, iter_two
359 .local pmc item_one, item_two
360 .local int pos_one
361 .local int not_found
363 not_found = op1
364 inc not_found
366 .local pmc result
367 result = new 'APLVector'
369 iter_two = new 'Iterator', op2
370 loop_two:
371 unless iter_two goto loop_two_end
372 item_two = shift iter_two
373 iter_one = new 'Iterator', op1
374 pos_one = 0 # parrot's 0 == APL's 1
375 loop_one:
376 unless iter_one goto loop_one_end
377 item_one = shift iter_one
378 inc pos_one
379 if item_one != item_two goto loop_one
380 push result, pos_one
381 # only need to find one, go back to outer loop.
382 goto loop_two
383 loop_one_end:
384 # if we get this far, there was no match.
385 push result, not_found
387 goto loop_two
388 loop_two_end:
390 .return (result)
391 .end
393 .sub unicode:"dyadic:\u2373" :multi(APLVector, Float) # index of
394 .param pmc op1
395 .param num op2
397 .local pmc result
398 result = new 'APLVector'
400 .local int pos
401 pos = 0
402 .local num value_at
403 .local int not_there
404 not_there = op1
405 inc not_there
406 .local pmc iter
407 iter = new 'Iterator', op1
408 loop_begin:
409 unless iter goto no_gots
410 value_at = shift iter
411 if value_at == op2 goto got_it
412 inc pos
413 goto loop_begin
414 got_it:
415 inc pos
416 push result, pos
417 .return (result)
418 no_gots:
419 push result, not_there
420 .return (result)
421 .end
423 .sub unicode:"dyadic:\u25cb" # circle
424 .param num op1
425 .param num op2
426 $I1 = op1
427 if $I1 == 0 goto zero
428 if $I1 == 1 goto one
429 if $I1 == 2 goto two
430 if $I1 == 3 goto three
431 if $I1 == 4 goto four
432 if $I1 == 5 goto five
433 if $I1 == 6 goto six
434 if $I1 == 7 goto seven
435 if $I1 == -1 goto neg_one
436 if $I1 == -2 goto neg_two
437 if $I1 == -3 goto neg_three
438 if $I1 == -4 goto neg_four
439 if $I1 == -5 goto neg_five
440 if $I1 == -6 goto neg_six
441 if $I1 == -7 goto neg_seven
443 # XXX this right?
444 %% DOMAIN_ERROR %%
445 zero:
446 $N1 = op2 * op2
447 $N1 = 1 - $N1
448 $N1 = sqrt $N1
449 .return ($N1)
450 one:
451 $N1 = sin op2
452 .return ($N1)
453 two:
454 $N1 = cos op2
455 .return ($N1)
456 three:
457 $N1 = tan op2
458 .return ($N1)
459 four:
460 $N1 = op2 * op2
461 $N1 += 1
462 $N1 = sqrt $N1
463 .return ($N1)
464 five:
465 $N1 = sinh op2
466 .return ($N1)
467 six:
468 $N1 = cosh op2
469 .return ($N1)
470 seven:
471 $N1 = tanh op2
472 .return ($N1)
473 neg_one:
474 $N1 = asin op2
475 .return ($N1)
476 neg_two:
477 $N1 = acos op2
478 .return ($N1)
479 neg_three:
480 $N1 = atan op2
481 .return ($N1)
482 neg_four:
483 $N1 = op2 * op2
484 $N1 = 1 - $N1
485 $N1 = sqrt $N1
486 .return ($N1)
487 # These next three are implemented in terms of the available parrot opcodes.
488 neg_five: # arcsinh(x) = ln(x+sqrt(x*x+1))
489 $N1 = op2 * op2
490 inc $N1
491 $N1 = sqrt $N1
492 $N1 += op2
493 $N1 = ln $N1
494 .return ($N1)
495 neg_six: # arccosh(x) = ln(x+sqrt(x-1)*sqrt(x+1))
496 $N1 = op2 + 1
497 $N1 = sqrt $N1
498 $N2 = op2 - 1
499 $N2 = sqrt $N2
500 $N2 *= $N1
501 $N2 = op2 + $N2
502 $N2 = ln $N2
503 .return ($N2)
504 neg_seven: # arctanh(x) = .5 * (ln (1+x) - ln (1 -x))
505 $N1 = op2 + 1
506 $N1 = ln $N1
507 $N2 = 1 - op2
508 $N2 = ln $N2
509 $N1 = $N1 - $N2
510 $N1 *= 0.5
511 .return ($N1)
512 .end
514 .sub unicode:"dyadic:\u235f" # logarithm
515 .param num op1
516 .param num op2
517 $N1 = ln op1
518 $N2 = ln op2
519 $N3 = $N1 / $N2
520 .return($N3)
521 .end
523 # This somewhat convoluted based the description from the old APL/360 manual
524 .sub 'dyadic:|' # logarithm
525 .param num op1
526 .param num op2
527 if op1 == 0 goto zero_LHS
528 op1 = abs op1
529 $N1 = op2 / op1
530 $I1 = floor $N1
531 $N1 = op1 * $I1
532 $N2 = op2 - $N1
533 .return($N2)
534 zero_LHS:
535 if op2 < 0 goto neg_RHS
536 .return(op2)
537 neg_RHS:
538 %% DOMAIN_ERROR %%
539 .end
541 .sub 'monadic:~' # not
542 .param num op1
543 # XXX is domain only 0,1?
544 $I1 = op1
545 if $I1 goto true
546 .return(1)
547 true:
548 .return(0)
549 .end
551 .sub unicode:"monadic:\u233d" :multi(APLVector) # reverse
552 .param pmc op1
554 .local pmc result,iter
555 result = new 'APLVector'
556 iter = new 'Iterator', op1
558 loop:
559 unless iter goto done
560 $P1 = shift iter
561 unshift result, $P1
562 goto loop
563 done:
564 .return(result)
565 .end
567 .sub 'dyadic:~' :multi(APLVector, APLVector) # without
568 .param pmc op1
569 .param pmc op2
571 .local pmc result
572 result = new 'APLVector'
574 .local pmc iter1,iter2
575 iter1 = new 'Iterator', op1
577 outer_loop:
578 unless iter1 goto outer_done
579 $P1 = shift iter1
581 iter2 = new 'Iterator', op2
582 inner_loop:
583 unless iter2 goto inner_done
584 $P2 = shift iter2
585 if $P1 == $P2 goto outer_loop # result must be without this.
586 goto inner_loop
588 inner_done:
589 push result, $P1
590 goto outer_loop
592 outer_done:
593 .return(result)
594 .end
596 .sub unicode:"monadic:\u2191" # first
597 .param pmc op1
598 $P1 = shift op1
599 .return ($P1)
600 .end
602 .sub unicode:"dyadic:\u2191" :multi (Float, APLVector) # take
603 .param int op1
604 .param pmc op2
606 .local pmc result
607 result = new 'APLVector'
609 .local pmc iter
610 iter = new 'Iterator', op2
612 if op1 >= 0 goto pos_loop
613 iter = 4 # ITERATE_FROM_END
615 neg_loop:
616 if op1 == 0 goto done
617 unless iter goto done
619 $P1 = pop op2 # have to pop when iterating from end.
620 unshift result, $P1
622 inc op1
623 goto neg_loop
625 pos_loop:
626 if op1 == 0 goto done
627 unless iter goto done
629 $P1 = shift iter
630 push result, $P1
632 dec op1
633 goto pos_loop
635 done:
636 .return (result)
637 .end
639 .sub unicode:"dyadic:\u2193" :multi (Float, APLVector) # drop
640 .param int op1
641 .param pmc op2
643 if op1 < 0 goto neg_loop
645 pos_loop:
646 if op1 == 0 goto done
647 $P1 = shift op2 # ignore p1, we're discarding it
648 dec op1
649 goto pos_loop
651 neg_loop:
652 if op1 == 0 goto done
653 $P1 = pop op2 # ignore p1, we're discarding it
654 inc op1
655 goto neg_loop
657 done:
658 .return (op2)
659 .end
661 .sub unicode:"monadic:\u2374" :multi (Float) # shape
662 .param pmc op1
664 .local pmc result
665 result = new 'APLVector'
666 .return (result)
667 .end
669 .sub unicode:"monadic:\u2374" :multi (APLVector) # shape
670 .param pmc op1
671 .return op1.'get_shape'()
672 .end
674 .sub unicode:"dyadic:\u2374" :multi (APLVector,APLVector) # reshape
675 .param pmc op1
676 .param pmc op2
678 # XXX is a clone needed here?
679 op2.'set_shape'(op1)
680 .return (op2)
681 .end
683 .sub unicode:"dyadic:\u2374" :multi (APLVector,Float) # reshape
684 .param pmc op1
685 .param pmc op2
687 # Convert the scalar into a vector and reshape it.
688 $P1 = new 'APLVector'
689 push $P1, op2
690 $P1.'set_shape'(op1)
691 .return ($P1)
692 .end
695 .sub unicode:"monadic:\u2355" #format
696 .param pmc op1
698 $S0 = aplformat(op1)
699 .local pmc result
700 result = new 'APLVector'
701 $I0 = 0
702 $I1 = length $S0
703 loop:
704 if $I0 >= $I1 goto loop_end
705 $S1 = substr $S0, $I0, 1
706 push result, $S1
707 inc $I0
708 goto loop
709 loop_end:
710 .return(result)
711 .end
713 .sub unicode:"monadic:\u2395\u2190" # quad output
714 .param pmc op1
716 'aplprint'(op1)
717 .return(op1)
718 .end
723 # Generate all variants for scalar dyadic ops.
724 my @type_pairs = (
725 [ 'Float', 'Float' ],
726 [ 'Float', 'APLVector' ],
727 [ 'APLVector', 'Float' ],
728 [ 'APLVector', 'APLVector' ],
731 foreach my $operator ( keys %scalar ) {
732 my ( $name, $code ) = @{ $scalar{$operator} };
733 foreach my $types (@type_pairs) {
734 my ( $type1, $type2 ) = @$types;
736 $template .= <<"END_PREAMBLE";
739 # $name
740 .sub unicode:"dyadic:$operator" :multi ( $type1, $type2 )
741 .param pmc op1
742 .param pmc op2
745 if ( $type1 eq "Float" && $type2 eq "Float" ) {
747 # scalar to scalar..
748 $template .= interpolate( $code, 'op1', 'op2' );
750 elsif ( $type1 eq "APLVector" && $type2 eq "APLVector" ) {
752 # vector to vector
753 $template .= << 'END_PIR';
754 # Verify Shapes conform.
755 $I1 = op1
756 $I2 = op2
757 if $I1 == $I2 goto good
758 %% DOMAIN_ERROR %%
759 good:
760 # Create a result vector
761 .local pmc result
762 result = new 'APLVector'
763 # Loop through each vector, doing the ops.
764 .local pmc iter1, iter2
765 iter1 = new 'Iterator', op1
766 iter2 = new 'Iterator', op2
767 loop:
768 unless iter1 goto loop_done
769 $P1 = shift iter1
770 $P2 = shift iter2
771 $S1 = typeof $P1
772 if $S1 == 'String' goto bad_args
773 $S2 = typeof $P2
774 if $S2 == 'String' goto bad_args
775 goto got_args
776 bad_args:
777 %% DOMAIN_ERROR %%
778 got_args:
781 $template .= interpolate( $code, '$P1', '$P2' );
783 $template .= << 'END_PIR';
785 push result, $P1
786 goto loop
787 loop_done:
788 # return the result vector
789 .return (result)
793 else {
795 # Vector to Scalar
796 my ( $vector, $scalar, @order );
797 if ( $type1 eq 'APLVector' ) {
798 $vector = "op1";
799 $scalar = "op2";
800 @order = qw/ $P1 $P2 /;
802 else {
803 $vector = "op2";
804 $scalar = "op1";
805 @order = qw/ $P2 $P1 /;
808 $template .= << "END_PIR";
809 # Create a result vector
810 .local pmc result
811 result = new 'APLVector'
812 # Loop through each vector, doing the ops.
813 .local pmc iter1
814 iter1 = new 'Iterator', $vector
815 loop:
816 unless iter1 goto loop_done
817 \$P1 = shift iter1
818 \$S1 = typeof \$P1
819 if \$S1 != 'String' goto got_args
820 %% DOMAIN_ERROR %%
821 got_args:
822 \$P2 = clone $scalar
825 $template .= interpolate( $code, @order );
827 $template .= 'push result, ' . $order[0] . "\n";
829 $template .= << 'END_PIR';
830 goto loop
831 loop_done:
832 # return the result vector
833 .return (result)
837 $template .= <<"END_POSTAMBLE"
838 .return (op1) # might be pre-empted
839 .end
844 # Substitute all macros
845 foreach my $macro ( keys %macros ) {
846 $template =~ s/%% \s+ $macro \s+ %%/$macros{$macro}/gx;
849 print $template;
851 # Given a code snippet, convert it to something usable in the generated file
853 sub interpolate {
854 my $code = shift;
855 my $op1 = shift;
856 my $op2 = shift;
857 $code =~ s/%1/$op1/g;
858 $code =~ s/%2/$op2/g;
859 $code .= "\n";
860 return ($code);
863 __END__
865 =head1 NAME
867 tools/gen_operator_defs.pl - Generate the definitions for all the various
868 APL operators in all possible configurations.
870 =head1 LICENSE
872 Copyright (C) 2005-2006, The Perl Foundation.
874 This is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
875 it under the same terms as Parrot.
877 =cut
880 # Local Variables:
881 # mode: cperl
882 # cperl-indent-level: 4
883 # fill-column: 100
884 # End:
885 # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: