[t][TT #1610] Add tests for Parrot_compile_string
[parrot.git] / .gitignore
1 # ex: set ro:
2 # $Id$
3 # generated by tools/dev/mk_gitignore.pl Sat Apr 24 05:11:34 2010 UT
5 # This file should contain a transcript of the svn:ignore properties
6 # of the directories in the Parrot subversion repository.
7 # The .gitignore file is a convenience for developers  working with git-svn.
8 # See http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitignore.html for the
9 # format of this file.
11 # generated from svn:ignore of './'
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15 /*.exp
16 /*.ilk
17 /*.lib
18 /*.manifest
19 /*.ncb
20 /*.o
21 /*.obj
22 /*.patch
23 /*.pdb
24 /*.sln
25 /*.sto
26 /*.suo
27 /*.tmp
28 /*.vcproj*
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30 /.parrot_current_rev
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33 /Makefile
34 /TAGS
35 /all_cstring.str
36 /blib
37 /config_lib.pir
38 /cover_db
39 /install_config.fpmc
40 /installable*
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62 /pbc_dump
63 /pbc_info
64 /pbc_merge
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67 /perl6
68 /pirc
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74 /test.c
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82 /vc70.pdb
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86 # generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/data_json/data_json/'
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98 /compilers/imcc/imcparser.h
99 /compilers/imcc/imcparser.output
100 # generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/pct/src/PAST/'
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102 # generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/pct/src/PCT/'
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104 # generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/pct/src/POST/'
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107 # generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/pge/'
108 /compilers/pge/PGE.pbc
109 # generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/pge/PGE/'
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120 /compilers/pirc/t/basic_??.pir
121 /compilers/pirc/t/heredoc_?.pir
122 /compilers/pirc/t/macro_?.pir
123 /compilers/pirc/t/stmts_?.pir
124 /compilers/pirc/t/subflags_?.pir
125 # generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/tge/'
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127 # generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/tge/TGE/'
128 /compilers/tge/TGE/Parser.pir
129 # generated from svn:ignore of 'docs/'
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155 /examples/languages/abc/man
156 # generated from svn:ignore of 'examples/languages/abc/src/'
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160 # generated from svn:ignore of 'examples/languages/abc/t/'
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162 /examples/languages/abc/t/*_*.pir
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173 # generated from svn:ignore of 'examples/languages/squaak/src/'
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175 # generated from svn:ignore of 'examples/mops/'
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178 # generated from svn:ignore of 'examples/nci/'
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196 # generated from svn:ignore of 'ext/Parrot-Embed/'
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221 /ext/Parrot-Embed/Makefile.PL
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223 /ext/Parrot-Embed/blib
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225 /ext/Parrot-Embed/pm_to_blib
226 # generated from svn:ignore of 'ext/Parrot-Embed/lib/Parrot/'
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229 # generated from svn:ignore of 'ext/Parrot-Embed/t/'
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249 # generated from svn:ignore of 'include/pmc/'
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251 # generated from svn:ignore of 'lib/'
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253 # generated from svn:ignore of 'lib/Parrot/'
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262 /lib/Parrot/pm_to_blib
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265 # generated from svn:ignore of 'lib/Parrot/Pmc2c/'
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287 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/'
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292 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/CGI/'
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294 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Config/'
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296 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Configure/'
297 /runtime/parrot/library/Configure/*.pbc
298 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Data/'
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300 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Data/Dumper/'
301 /runtime/parrot/library/Data/Dumper/*.pbc
302 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Digest/'
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304 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Getopt/'
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306 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/MIME/'
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308 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Math/'
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310 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/NCI/'
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312 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/OpenGL/'
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314 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/PCT/'
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316 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/PGE/'
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318 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Parrot/'
319 /runtime/parrot/library/Parrot/*.pbc
320 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/ProfTest/'
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322 /runtime/parrot/library/ProfTest/*.pir
323 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Stream/'
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325 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/String/'
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327 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/TAP/'
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329 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Tcl/'
330 /runtime/parrot/library/Tcl/*.pbc
331 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Test/'
332 /runtime/parrot/library/Test/*.pbc
333 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Test/Builder/'
334 /runtime/parrot/library/Test/Builder/*.pbc
335 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/YAML/'
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337 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/YAML/Dumper/'
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339 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/YAML/Parser/'
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341 # generated from svn:ignore of 'src/'
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530 /t/dynpmc/sha512.t
531 # generated from svn:ignore of 't/examples/'
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544 # generated from svn:ignore of 't/oo/'
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547 # generated from svn:ignore of 't/op/'
548 /t/op/*.out
549 /t/op/*.pasm
550 /t/op/*.pbc
551 /t/op/*.pir
552 /t/op/*_pbcexe*
553 # generated from svn:ignore of 't/perl/'
554 /t/perl/Parrot_Test_1.pasm
555 /t/perl/Parrot_Test_1.pir
556 # generated from svn:ignore of 't/pmc/'
557 /t/pmc/*.out
558 /t/pmc/*.pasm
559 /t/pmc/*.pbc
560 /t/pmc/*.pir
561 /t/pmc/*_pbcexe*
562 # generated from svn:ignore of 't/src/'
563 /t/src/*_*
564 # generated from svn:ignore of 't/stress/'
565 /t/stress/*.out
566 /t/stress/*.pasm
567 /t/stress/*.pbc
568 /t/stress/*.pir
569 /t/stress/*_pbcexe*
570 # generated from svn:ignore of 't/tools/'
571 /t/tools/*.pbc
572 /t/tools/*.pir
573 /t/tools/pdb.t.*
574 /t/tools/pmc2c.*.c
575 /t/tools/pmc2c.*.dump
576 /t/tools/pmc2c.*.h
577 /t/tools/pmc2c.*.pmc
578 # Local variables:
579 #   mode: text
580 #   buffer-read-only: t
581 # End: