[parrot.git] / tools / dev / pbc_to_exe_gen.pl
1 #! perl
3 # Copyright (C) 2008, The Perl Foundation.
4 # $Id$
6 use strict;
7 use warnings;
9 (my $compile = shift) =~ s/\\\n/ /gm;
11 $compile = `$^X tools/dev/cc_flags.pl --return-only $compile`;
12 my $template = do { local $/; <DATA> };
14 printf( $template, $compile );
16 __END__
17 #! parrot
19 .include 'library/config.pir'
21 .sub 'main' :main
22 .param pmc argv
23 .local string infile
24 .local string cfile
25 .local string exefile
26 .local string out
28 (infile, cfile, exefile) = 'handle_args'(argv)
29 $I0 = length infile
30 if $I0 goto open_outfile
31 die "infile not specified"
33 open_outfile:
34 .local pmc outfh
35 outfh = open cfile, '>'
36 if outfh goto args_handled
37 die "infile not specified"
39 args_handled:
40 .local pmc data
41 data = 'generate_data'(infile)
42 out = 'program_code'(data)
43 print outfh, out
44 close outfh
46 compile_file(cfile, exefile)
47 .end
50 .sub 'handle_args'
51 .param pmc argv
53 .local pmc args
54 args = argv
56 .local int argc
57 argc = args
59 if argc == 2 goto proper_args
60 .return ()
62 proper_args:
63 .local string infile, cfile, exefile, exe
65 $P0 = '_config'()
66 exe = $P0['exe']
68 $P0 = shift args
69 infile = shift args
71 .local int infile_len
72 infile_len = length infile
73 infile_len -= 3
75 cfile = substr infile, 0, infile_len
76 cfile .= 'c'
78 dec infile_len
79 exefile = substr infile, 0, infile_len
80 exefile .= exe
82 # substitute .c for .pbc
83 # remove .c for executable
85 # TODO this should complain about results/returns mismatch
86 .return(infile, cfile, exefile)
87 .end
90 .sub 'generate_data'
91 .param string infile
93 .local pmc infh
94 infh = open infile, '<'
96 if infh goto file_open
97 die "cannot open infile"
99 file_open:
100 # read the file one opcode at a time -- for simplicity. optimize later
101 .local int buffer_size
102 $P0 = _config()
103 buffer_size = $P0['longsize'] # sizeof (opcode_t)
105 .local string bytecode
106 bytecode = ' '
107 .local int size
108 size = 0
109 .local pmc data
110 data = new 'Hash'
111 .local pmc all_bytes
112 all_bytes = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
113 .local int at_eof
114 .local int string_length
115 .local string byte_string
116 .local int byte
118 loop:
119 at_eof = infh.'eof'()
120 if at_eof goto end_loop
122 # read one byte at a time
123 byte_string = read infh, 1
124 string_length = length byte_string
125 unless string_length goto end_loop
127 # convert byte to integer
128 byte = ord byte_string
129 # convert integer to string
130 $S0 = byte
131 # add string for the byte
132 bytecode .= $S0
133 bytecode .= ",\n "
134 size += 1
135 goto loop
136 end_loop:
138 data['BYTECODE'] = bytecode
139 data['SIZE'] = size
141 .return (data)
142 .end
145 .sub 'program_code'
146 .param pmc data
147 .local string template, out
149 template = 'pc_template'()
150 out = 'merge_data'(template, data)
152 .return (out)
153 .end
156 # template data functions
157 .sub 'pc_template'
158 .local string out
160 out = 'header'()
162 $S0 = <<'END_PC'
163 int8_t program_code[] = {
167 int bytecode_size = @SIZE@;
169 END_PC
171 out .= $S0
172 $S0 = 'body'()
173 out .= $S0
175 .return (out)
176 .end
179 .sub 'header'
180 $S0 = <<'END_HEADER'
181 #include "parrot/parrot.h"
182 #include "parrot/embed.h"
184 #ifdef _MSC_VER
185 # define int8_t signed__int8
186 #endif
189 .return ($S0)
190 .end
193 .sub 'body'
194 $S0 = <<'END_BODY'
195 int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
197 PackFile *pf;
199 Parrot_Interp interp = Parrot_new( NULL );
201 if (!interp)
202 return 1;
204 pf = PackFile_new(interp, 0);
206 if (!PackFile_unpack(interp, pf, (opcode_t *)program_code, bytecode_size))
207 return 1;
209 do_sub_pragmas(interp, pf->cur_cs, PBC_PBC, NULL);
211 Parrot_loadbc(interp, pf);
213 PackFile_fixup_subs(interp, PBC_MAIN, NULL);
214 Parrot_runcode(interp, argc, argv);
215 Parrot_destroy(interp);
216 Parrot_exit(interp, 0);
218 return 0;
221 .return ($S0)
222 .end
225 # template merging functions
226 .sub 'merge_data'
227 .param string template
228 .param pmc data
230 .local pmc iter
231 iter = new 'Iterator', data
233 .local string symbol, value
235 it_loop:
236 unless iter goto it_done
237 $P0 = shift iter
238 symbol = 'get_symbol'($P0)
239 value = iter[$P0]
240 repl_loop:
241 $I0 = index template, symbol
242 if -1 == $I0 goto repl_done
243 $I1 = length symbol
244 substr template, $I0, $I1, value
245 goto repl_loop
246 repl_done:
247 goto it_loop
249 it_done:
250 .return (template)
251 .end
254 .sub 'get_symbol'
255 .param string var
256 $S0 = '@'
257 $S1 = concat $S0, var
258 $S1 = concat $S1, $S0
259 .return ($S1)
260 .end
263 # util functions
264 .sub 'compile_file'
265 .param string cfile
266 .param string exefile
268 .local string compile
269 compile = '%s '
270 compile .= cfile
271 compile .= ' -o '
272 compile .= exefile
274 .local int status
275 status = spawnw compile
276 unless status goto compiled
278 say compile
279 die "compilation failed"
281 compiled:
282 print "Compiled: "
283 say exefile
284 .return()
285 .end
287 # Local Variables:
288 # mode: cperl
289 # cperl-indent-level: 4
290 # fill-column: 100
291 # End:
292 # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: