Removed EQUALP (it really needs to be a runtime function).
[parenscript.git] / src / lib / ps-macro-lib.lisp
1 (in-package "PARENSCRIPT")
3 ;;; Handy utilities for doing common tasks found in many web browser
4 ;;; JavaScript implementations
6 ;;; Math
7 (defmacro def-js-maths (&rest mathdefs)
8 `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (def) (cons 'defpsmacro def)) mathdefs)))
10 (def-js-maths
11 (max (&rest nums) `((@ *math max) ,@nums))
12 (min (&rest nums) `((@ *math min) ,@nums))
13 (floor (n &optional divisor) `((@ *math floor) ,(if divisor `(/ ,n ,divisor) n)))
14 (ceiling (n &optional divisor) `((@ *math ceil) ,(if divisor `(/ ,n ,divisor) n)))
15 (round (n &optional divisor) `((@ *math round) ,(if divisor `(/ ,n ,divisor) n)))
16 (sin (n) `((@ *math sin) ,n))
17 (cos (n) `((@ *math cos) ,n))
18 (tan (n) `((@ *math tan) ,n))
19 (asin (n) `((@ *math asin) ,n))
20 (acos (n) `((@ *math acos) ,n))
21 (atan (y &optional x) (if x `((@ *math atan2) ,y ,x) `((@ *math atan) ,y)))
22 (sinh (n) `((lambda (x) (return (/ (- (exp x) (exp (- x))) 2))) ,n))
23 (cosh (n) `((lambda (x) (return (/ (+ (exp x) (exp (- x))) 2))) ,n))
24 (tanh (n) `((lambda (x) (return (/ (- (exp x) (exp (- x))) (+ (exp x) (exp (- x)))))) ,n))
25 (asinh (n) `((lambda (x) (return (log (+ x (sqrt (1+ (* x x))))))) ,n))
26 (acosh (n) `((lambda (x) (return (* 2 (log (+ (sqrt (/ (1+ x) 2)) (sqrt (/ (1- x) 2))))))) ,n))
27 (atanh (n) `((lambda (x) (return (/ (- (log (+ 1 x)) (log (- 1 x))) 2))) ,n))
28 (1+ (n) `(+ ,n 1))
29 (1- (n) `(- ,n 1))
30 (abs (n) `((@ *math abs) ,n))
31 (evenp (n) `(not (oddp ,n)))
32 (oddp (n) `(% ,n 2))
33 (exp (n) `((@ *math exp) ,n))
34 (expt (base power) `((@ *math pow) ,base ,power))
35 (log (n &optional base)
36 (or (and (null base) `((@ *math log) ,n))
37 (and (numberp base) (= base 10) `(* (log ,n) (@ *math *log10e*)))
38 `(/ (log ,n) (log ,base))))
39 (sqrt (n) `((@ *math sqrt) ,n))
40 (random (&optional upto) (if upto
41 `(floor (* ,upto ((@ *math random))))
42 '((@ *math random)))))
44 (define-ps-symbol-macro pi (getprop *math '*pi*))
46 ;;; Data structures
47 (defpsmacro [] (&rest args)
48 `(array ,@(mapcar (lambda (arg)
49 (if (and (consp arg) (not (equal '[] (car arg))))
50 (cons '[] arg)
51 arg))
52 args)))
54 (defpsmacro length (a)
55 `(getprop ,a 'length))
57 ;;; Types
58 (defpsmacro stringp (x)
59 `(string= (typeof ,x) "string"))
61 (defpsmacro numberp (x)
62 `(string= (typeof ,x) "number"))
64 (defpsmacro functionp (x)
65 `(string= (typeof ,x) "function"))
67 (defpsmacro objectp (x)
68 `(string= (typeof ,x) "object"))
70 (defpsmacro undefined (x)
71 `(eql undefined ,x))
73 (defpsmacro defined (x)
74 `(not (undefined ,x)))
76 ;;; Getters
77 (defpsmacro @ (obj &rest props)
78 "Handy getprop/aref composition macro."
79 (if props
80 `(@ (getprop ,obj ,(if (symbolp (car props))
81 `',(car props)
82 (car props)))
83 ,@(cdr props))
84 obj))
86 (defpsmacro chain (&rest method-calls)
87 (labels ((do-chain (method-calls)
88 (if (cdr method-calls)
89 (if (listp (car method-calls))
90 `((@ ,(do-chain (cdr method-calls)) ,(caar method-calls)) ,@(cdar method-calls))
91 `(@ ,(do-chain (cdr method-calls)) ,(car method-calls)))
92 (car method-calls))))
93 (do-chain (reverse method-calls))))
95 ;;; Concatenation
96 (defpsmacro concatenate (result-type &rest sequences)
97 (assert (equal result-type ''string) () "Right now Parenscript 'concatenate' only support strings.")
98 (cons '+ sequences))
100 (defmacro concat-string (&rest things)
101 "Like concatenate but prints all of its arguments."
102 `(format nil "~@{~A~}" ,@things))
104 (defpsmacro concat-string (&rest things)
105 (cons '+ things))
107 (defpsmacro append (arr1 &rest arrs)
108 (if arrs
109 `((@ ,arr1 concat) ,@arrs)
110 arr1))
112 ;;; Destructuring bind
113 (defun destructuring-wrap (arr n bindings body &key setf?)
114 (labels ((bind-expr (var expr inner-body)
115 (if setf?
116 `(progn (setf ,var ,expr) ,inner-body)
117 `(let ((,var ,expr)) ,inner-body)))
118 (bind-rest (sym)
119 (bind-expr sym `(when (> (length ,arr) ,n)
120 ((@ ,arr slice) ,n))
121 body)))
122 (cond ((null bindings)
123 body)
124 ((atom bindings) ;; dotted destructuring list
125 (bind-rest bindings))
126 ((eq (car bindings) '&rest)
127 (if (and (= (length bindings) 2)
128 (atom (second bindings)))
129 (bind-rest (second bindings))
130 (error "~a is invalid in destructuring list." bindings)))
131 ((eq (car bindings) '&optional)
132 (destructuring-wrap arr n (cdr bindings) body :setf? setf?))
133 (t (let ((var (car bindings))
134 (inner-body (destructuring-wrap arr (1+ n) (cdr bindings) body :setf? setf?)))
135 (cond ((null var) inner-body)
136 ((atom var) (bind-expr var `(aref ,arr ,n) inner-body))
137 (t `(,(if setf? 'dset 'destructuring-bind)
138 ,var (aref ,arr ,n)
139 ,inner-body))))))))
141 (defpsmacro dset (bindings expr &body body)
142 (let ((arr (if (complex-js-expr? expr) (ps-gensym) expr)))
143 `(progn
144 ,@(unless (eq arr expr) `((setf ,arr ,expr)))
145 ,(destructuring-wrap arr 0 bindings (cons 'progn body) :setf? t))))
147 (defpsmacro destructuring-bind (bindings expr &body body)
148 (let* ((arr (if (complex-js-expr? expr) (ps-gensym) expr))
149 (bound (destructuring-wrap arr 0 bindings (cons 'progn body))))
150 (if (eq arr expr)
151 bound
152 `(let ((,arr ,expr)) ,bound))))
154 ;;; Control structures
155 (defpsmacro ignore-errors (&body body)
156 `(try (progn ,@body) (:catch (e))))
158 (defpsmacro prog1 (first &rest others)
159 (with-ps-gensyms (val)
160 `(let ((,val ,first))
161 ,@others
162 ,val)))
164 (defpsmacro prog2 (first second &rest others)
165 `(progn ,first (prog1 ,second ,@others)))
167 (defpsmacro apply (fn &rest args)
168 (let ((arglist (if (> (length args) 1)
169 `(append (list ,@(butlast args)) ,(car (last args)))
170 (first args))))
171 `((@ ,fn apply) this ,arglist)))
173 ;;; Misc
174 (defpsmacro do-set-timeout ((timeout) &body body)
175 `(set-timeout (lambda () ,@body) ,timeout))