Reimplemented special operator handling to better handle the expression/statement...
[parenscript.git] / src / special-operators.lisp
1 (in-package #:parenscript)
3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4 ;;; arithmetic and logic
6 (macrolet ((define-trivial-special-ops (&rest mappings)
7 `(progn
8 ,@(loop for (form-name js-primitive) on mappings by #'cddr
9 collect
10 `(define-expression-operator ,form-name (&rest args)
11 (cons ',js-primitive
12 (mapcar #'compile-expression args)))))))
13 (define-trivial-special-ops
14 + js:+
15 - js:-
16 * js:*
17 / js:/
18 rem js:%
19 and js:&&
20 or js:\|\|
22 logand js:&
23 logior js:\|
24 logxor js:^
25 lognot js:~
26 ;; todo: ash for shifts
28 throw js:throw
29 array js:array
30 aref js:aref
32 instanceof js:instanceof
33 typeof js:typeof
34 new js:new
35 delete js:delete
36 in js:in ;; maybe rename to slot-boundp?
37 break js:break
38 funcall js:funcall
41 (define-expression-operator - (&rest args)
42 (let ((args (mapcar #'compile-expression args)))
43 (cons (if (cdr args) 'js:- 'js:negate) args)))
45 (defun fix-nary-comparison (operator objects)
46 (let* ((tmp-var-forms (butlast (cdr objects)))
47 (tmp-vars (loop repeat (length tmp-var-forms)
48 collect (ps-gensym "_cmp")))
49 (all-comparisons (append (list (car objects))
50 tmp-vars
51 (last objects))))
52 `(let ,(mapcar #'list tmp-vars tmp-var-forms)
53 (and ,@(loop for x1 in all-comparisons
54 for x2 in (cdr all-comparisons)
55 collect (list operator x1 x2))))))
57 (macrolet ((define-nary-comparison-forms (&rest mappings)
58 `(progn
59 ,@(loop for (form js-primitive) on mappings by #'cddr collect
60 `(define-expression-operator ,form (&rest objects)
61 (if (cddr objects)
62 (ps-compile
63 (fix-nary-comparison ',form objects))
64 (cons ',js-primitive
65 (mapcar #'compile-expression objects))))))))
66 (define-nary-comparison-forms
67 < js:<
68 > js:>
69 <= js:<=
70 >= js:>=
71 eql js:===
72 equal js:==))
74 (define-expression-operator /= (a b)
75 ;; for n>2, /= is finding duplicates in an array of numbers (ie -
76 ;; nontrivial runtime algorithm), so we restrict it to binary in PS
77 `(js:!== ,(compile-expression a) ,(compile-expression b)))
79 (define-expression-operator incf (x &optional (delta 1))
80 (let ((delta (ps-macroexpand delta)))
81 (if (eql delta 1)
82 `(js:++ ,(compile-expression x))
83 `(js:+= ,(compile-expression x) ,(compile-expression delta)))))
85 (define-expression-operator decf (x &optional (delta 1))
86 (let ((delta (ps-macroexpand delta)))
87 (if (eql delta 1)
88 `(js:-- ,(compile-expression x))
89 `(js:-= ,(compile-expression x) ,(compile-expression delta)))))
91 (let ((inverses (mapcan (lambda (x)
92 (list x (reverse x)))
93 '((js:=== js:!==)
94 (js:== js:!=)
95 (js:< js:>=)
96 (js:> js:<=)))))
97 (define-expression-operator not (x)
98 (let ((form (compile-expression x)))
99 (acond ((and (listp form) (eq (car form) 'js:!))
100 (second form))
101 ((and (listp form) (cadr (assoc (car form) inverses)))
102 `(,it ,@(cdr form)))
103 (t `(js:! ,form))))))
105 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
106 ;;; blocks
108 (defun compile-progn (body)
109 (labels ((flatten-blocks (body)
110 (when body
111 (if (and (listp (car body)) (eq 'js:block (caar body)))
112 (append (cdr (car body)) (flatten-blocks (cdr body)))
113 (cons (car body) (flatten-blocks (cdr body)))))))
114 (let ((block (flatten-blocks (remove nil (mapcar #'ps-compile body)))))
115 (append (remove-if #'constantp (butlast block))
116 (unless (and (eq *compilation-level* :toplevel)
117 (not (car (last block))))
118 (last block))))))
120 (define-expression-operator progn (&rest body)
121 (if (cdr body)
122 `(js:|,| ,@(compile-progn body))
123 (compile-expression (car body))))
125 (define-statement-operator progn (&rest body)
126 `(js:block ,@(compile-progn body)))
128 (define-statement-operator label (label &rest body) ;; does label need to do symbol-macro expansion?
129 `(js:label ,label ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
131 (define-statement-operator continue (&optional label)
132 `(js:continue ,label))
134 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
135 ;;; conditionals
137 (define-expression-operator if (test then &optional else)
138 `(js:? ,(compile-expression test) ,(compile-expression then) ,(compile-expression else)))
140 (define-statement-operator if (test then &optional else)
141 `(js:if ,(compile-expression test)
142 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,then))
143 ,@(when else `(:else ,(compile-statement `(progn ,else))))))
145 (define-expression-operator cond (&rest clauses)
146 (compile-expression
147 (when clauses
148 (destructuring-bind (test &rest body) (car clauses)
149 (if (eq t test)
150 `(progn ,@body)
151 `(if ,test
152 (progn ,@body)
153 (cond ,@(cdr clauses))))))))
155 (define-statement-operator cond (&rest clauses)
156 `(js:if ,(compile-expression (caar clauses))
157 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@(cdar clauses)))
158 ,@(loop for (test . body) in (cdr clauses) appending
159 (if (eq t test)
160 `(:else ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))
161 `(:else-if ,(compile-expression test)
162 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))))))
164 (define-statement-operator switch (test-expr &rest clauses)
165 `(js:switch ,(compile-expression test-expr)
166 ,@(loop for (val . body) in clauses collect
167 (cons (if (eq val 'default)
168 'js:default
169 (compile-expression val))
170 (mapcan (lambda (x)
171 (let ((exp (compile-statement x)))
172 (if (and (listp exp) (eq 'js:block (car exp)))
173 (cdr exp)
174 (list exp))))
175 body)))))
177 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
178 ;;; function
180 (defun nesting-depth (form) ;; some heuristics
181 (if (atom form)
183 (1+ (apply #'max (mapcar #'nesting-depth form)))))
185 (define-statement-operator return-from (tag &optional form)
186 (let ((form (ps-macroexpand form)))
187 (if (listp form)
188 (block expressionize
189 (ps-compile
190 (case (car form)
191 (progn
192 `(progn ,@(butlast (cdr form)) (return-from ,tag ,(car (last (cdr form))))))
193 (switch
194 `(switch ,(second form)
195 ,@(loop for (cvalue . cbody) in (cddr form)
196 for remaining on (cddr form) collect
197 (let ((last-n (cond ((or (eq 'default cvalue) (not (cdr remaining)))
199 ((eq 'break (car (last cbody)))
200 2))))
201 (if last-n
202 (let ((result-form (car (last cbody last-n))))
203 `(,cvalue
204 ,@(butlast cbody last-n)
205 (return-from ,tag ,result-form)
206 ,@(when (and (= last-n 2) (member 'if (flatten result-form))) '(break))))
207 (cons cvalue cbody))))))
208 (try
209 `(try (return-from ,tag ,(second form))
210 ,@(let ((catch (cdr (assoc :catch (cdr form))))
211 (finally (assoc :finally (cdr form))))
212 (list (when catch
213 `(:catch ,(car catch)
214 ,@(butlast (cdr catch))
215 (return-from ,tag ,(car (last (cdr catch))))))
216 finally))))
217 (cond
218 `(cond ,@(loop for clause in (cdr form) collect
219 `(,@(butlast clause)
220 (return-from ,tag ,(car (last clause)))))))
221 ((with label let flet labels macrolet symbol-macrolet) ;; implicit progn forms
222 `(,(first form) ,(second form)
223 ,@(butlast (cddr form))
224 (return-from ,tag ,(car (last (cddr form))))))
225 ((continue break throw) ;; non-local exit
226 form)
227 (return-from ;; this will go away someday
228 (unless tag
229 (warn 'simple-style-warning
230 :format-control "Trying to RETURN a RETURN without a block tag specified. Perhaps you're still returning values from functions by hand? Parenscript now implements implicit return, update your code! Things like (lambda () (return x)) are not valid Common Lisp and may not be supported in future versions of Parenscript."))
231 form)
233 (aif (and (< (nesting-depth form) 5) (handler-case (compile-expression form) (compile-expression-error () nil)))
234 (return-from expressionize `(js:return ,it))
235 `(if ,(second form)
236 (return-from ,tag ,(third form))
237 ,@(when (fourth form) `((%function-return ,(fourth form)))))))
238 (otherwise
239 (if (gethash (car form) *special-statement-operators*)
240 form ;; by now only special forms that return nil should be left, so this is ok
241 (return-from expressionize `(js:return ,(compile-expression form))))))))
242 `(js:return ,(compile-expression form)))))
244 (defmacro with-declaration-effects (body-var &body body)
245 `(let* ((local-specials (when (and (listp (car ,body-var))
246 (eq (caar ,body-var) 'declare))
247 (cdr (find 'special (cdar ,body-var) :key #'car))))
248 (,body-var (if local-specials
249 (cdr ,body-var)
250 ,body-var))
251 (*special-variables* (append local-specials *special-variables*)))
252 ,@body))
254 (defun compile-function-definition (args body)
255 (with-declaration-effects body
256 (let* ((*enclosing-lexical-block-declarations* ())
257 (*ps-enclosing-lexicals* (append args *ps-enclosing-lexicals*))
258 (body (compile-statement `(return-from %function-body (progn ,@body))))
259 (var-decls (compile-statement
260 `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (var) `(var ,var))
261 (remove-duplicates *enclosing-lexical-block-declarations*))))))
262 `(js:block ,@(cdr var-decls) ,@(cdr body)))))
264 (define-expression-operator %js-lambda (args &rest body)
265 `(js:lambda ,args ,(compile-function-definition args body)))
267 (define-statement-operator %js-defun (name args &rest body)
268 (let ((docstring (and (cdr body) (stringp (car body)) (car body))))
269 `(js:defun ,name ,args ,docstring
270 ,(compile-function-definition args
271 (if docstring (cdr body) body)))))
273 (defun parse-key-spec (key-spec)
274 "parses an &key parameter. Returns 5 values:
275 var, init-form, keyword-name, supplied-p-var, init-form-supplied-p.
277 Syntax of key spec:
278 [&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*
280 (let* ((var (cond ((symbolp key-spec) key-spec)
281 ((and (listp key-spec) (symbolp (first key-spec))) (first key-spec))
282 ((and (listp key-spec) (listp (first key-spec))) (second (first key-spec)))))
283 (keyword-name (if (and (listp key-spec) (listp (first key-spec)))
284 (first (first key-spec))
285 (intern (string var) :keyword)))
286 (init-form (if (listp key-spec) (second key-spec) nil))
287 (init-form-supplied-p (if (listp key-spec) t nil))
288 (supplied-p-var (if (listp key-spec) (third key-spec) nil)))
289 (values var init-form keyword-name supplied-p-var init-form-supplied-p)))
291 (defun parse-optional-spec (spec)
292 "Parses an &optional parameter. Returns 3 values: var, init-form, supplied-p-var.
293 [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*] "
294 (let* ((var (cond ((symbolp spec) spec)
295 ((and (listp spec) (first spec)))))
296 (init-form (if (listp spec) (second spec)))
297 (supplied-p-var (if (listp spec) (third spec))))
298 (values var init-form supplied-p-var)))
300 (defun parse-aux-spec (spec)
301 "Returns two values: variable and init-form"
302 ;; [&aux {var | (var [init-form])}*])
303 (values (if (symbolp spec) spec (first spec))
304 (when (listp spec) (second spec))))
306 (defun parse-extended-function (lambda-list body)
307 ;; The lambda list is transformed as follows:
309 ;; * standard and optional variables are the mapped directly into
310 ;; the js-lambda list
312 ;; * keyword variables are not included in the js-lambda list, but
313 ;; instead are obtained from the magic js ARGUMENTS
314 ;; pseudo-array. Code assigning values to keyword vars is
315 ;; prepended to the body of the function.
316 (multiple-value-bind (requireds optionals rest? rest keys? keys allow? aux?
317 aux more? more-context more-count key-object)
318 (parse-lambda-list lambda-list)
319 (declare (ignore allow? aux? aux more? more-context more-count key-object))
320 (let* ( ;; optionals are of form (var default-value)
321 (effective-args
322 (remove-if #'null
323 (append requireds
324 (mapcar #'parse-optional-spec optionals))))
325 (opt-forms
326 (mapcar (lambda (opt-spec)
327 (multiple-value-bind (name value suppl)
328 (parse-optional-spec opt-spec)
329 (if suppl
330 `(progn
331 (var ,suppl (not (eql ,name undefined)))
332 (when (not ,suppl) (setf ,name ,value)))
333 `(when (eql ,name undefined)
334 (setf ,name ,value)))))
335 optionals))
336 (key-forms
337 (when keys?
338 (with-ps-gensyms (n)
339 (let ((decls ())
340 (assigns ()))
341 (mapc
342 (lambda (k)
343 (multiple-value-bind (var init-form keyword-str suppl)
344 (parse-key-spec k)
345 (push `(var ,var ,init-form) decls)
346 (when suppl (push `(var ,suppl nil) decls))
347 (push `(,keyword-str
348 (setf ,var (aref arguments (1+ ,n))
349 ,@(when suppl `(,suppl t))))
350 assigns)))
351 (reverse keys))
352 `(,@decls
353 (loop for ,n from ,(length requireds)
354 below (length arguments) by 2 do
355 (case (aref arguments ,n) ,@assigns)))))))
356 (rest-form
357 (when rest?
358 (with-ps-gensyms (i)
359 `(progn (var ,rest (array))
360 (dotimes (,i (- (getprop arguments 'length)
361 ,(length effective-args)))
362 (setf (aref ,rest
364 (aref arguments
365 (+ ,i ,(length effective-args)))))))))
366 (docstring (when (stringp (first body)) (first body)))
367 (body-paren-forms (if docstring (rest body) body))
368 (effective-body (append (when docstring (list docstring))
369 opt-forms
370 key-forms
371 (awhen rest-form (list it))
372 body-paren-forms)))
373 (values effective-args effective-body))))
375 (defun maybe-rename-local-function (fun-name)
376 (aif (getf *ps-local-function-names* fun-name)
378 fun-name))
380 (defun collect-function-names (fn-defs)
381 (loop for (fn-name) in fn-defs
382 collect fn-name
383 collect (if (or (member fn-name *ps-enclosing-lexicals*)
384 (lookup-macro-def fn-name *ps-symbol-macro-env*))
385 (ps-gensym fn-name)
386 fn-name)))
388 (define-expression-operator flet (fn-defs &rest body)
389 (let* ((fn-renames (collect-function-names fn-defs))
390 ;; the function definitions need to be compiled with previous lexical bindings
391 (fn-defs (loop for (fn-name . def) in fn-defs collect
392 (ps-compile `(var ,(getf fn-renames fn-name) (lambda ,@def)))))
393 ;; the flet body needs to be compiled with the extended lexical environment
394 (*ps-enclosing-lexicals* (append fn-renames *ps-enclosing-lexicals*))
395 (*ps-local-function-names* (append fn-renames *ps-local-function-names*)))
396 `(,(if compile-expression? 'js:|,| 'js:block)
397 ,@fn-defs
398 ,@(compile-progn body))))
400 (define-expression-operator labels (fn-defs &rest body)
401 (let* ((fn-renames (collect-function-names fn-defs))
402 (*ps-local-function-names*
403 (append fn-renames *ps-local-function-names*))
404 (*ps-enclosing-lexicals*
405 (append fn-renames *ps-enclosing-lexicals*)))
406 (ps-compile
407 `(progn ,@(loop for (fn-name . def) in fn-defs collect
408 `(var ,(getf *ps-local-function-names* fn-name)
409 (lambda ,@def)))
410 ,@body))))
412 (define-expression-operator function (fn-name)
413 (ps-compile (maybe-rename-local-function fn-name)))
415 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
416 ;;; macros
418 (defmacro with-local-macro-environment ((var env) &body body)
419 `(let* ((,var (make-macro-dictionary))
420 (,env (cons ,var ,env)))
421 ,@body))
423 (define-expression-operator macrolet (macros &body body)
424 (with-local-macro-environment (local-macro-dict *ps-macro-env*)
425 (dolist (macro macros)
426 (destructuring-bind (name arglist &body body)
427 macro
428 (setf (gethash name local-macro-dict)
429 (eval (make-ps-macro-function arglist body)))))
430 (ps-compile `(progn ,@body))))
432 (define-expression-operator symbol-macrolet (symbol-macros &body body)
433 (with-local-macro-environment (local-macro-dict *ps-symbol-macro-env*)
434 (let (local-var-bindings)
435 (dolist (macro symbol-macros)
436 (destructuring-bind (name expansion)
437 macro
438 (setf (gethash name local-macro-dict) (lambda (x)
439 (declare (ignore x))
440 expansion))
441 (push name local-var-bindings)))
442 (let ((*ps-enclosing-lexicals*
443 (append local-var-bindings
444 *ps-enclosing-lexicals*)))
445 (ps-compile `(progn ,@body))))))
447 (define-expression-operator defmacro (name args &body body)
448 (eval `(defpsmacro ,name ,args ,@body))
449 nil)
451 (define-expression-operator define-symbol-macro (name expansion)
452 (eval `(define-ps-symbol-macro ,name ,expansion))
453 nil)
455 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
456 ;;; objects
458 (define-expression-operator create (&rest arrows)
459 `(js:object
460 ,@(loop for (key val-expr) on arrows by #'cddr collecting
461 (progn
462 (assert (or (stringp key) (numberp key) (symbolp key))
464 "Slot key ~s is not one of symbol, string or number."
465 key)
466 (cons (aif (and (symbolp key) (reserved-symbol? key)) it key)
467 (compile-expression val-expr))))))
469 (define-expression-operator %js-getprop (obj slot)
470 (let ((expanded-slot (ps-macroexpand slot))
471 (obj (compile-expression obj)))
472 (if (and (listp expanded-slot)
473 (eq 'quote (car expanded-slot)))
474 (aif (or (reserved-symbol? (second expanded-slot))
475 (and (keywordp (second expanded-slot)) (second expanded-slot)))
476 `(js:aref ,obj ,it)
477 `(js:getprop ,obj ,(second expanded-slot)))
478 `(js:aref ,obj ,(compile-expression slot)))))
480 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
481 ;;; assignment and binding
483 (defun assignment-op (op)
484 (getf '(js:+ js:+=
485 js:~ js:~=
486 js:& js:&=
487 js:\| js:\|=
488 js:- js:-=
489 js:* js:*=
490 js:% js:%=
491 js:>> js:>>=
492 js:^ js:^=
493 js:<< js:<<=
494 js:>>> js:>>>=
495 js:/ js:/=)
496 op))
498 (define-expression-operator ps-assign (lhs rhs)
499 (let ((rhs (ps-macroexpand rhs)))
500 (if (and (listp rhs) (eq (car rhs) 'progn))
501 (ps-compile `(progn ,@(butlast (cdr rhs)) (ps-assign ,lhs ,(car (last (cdr rhs))))))
502 (let ((lhs (compile-expression lhs))
503 (rhs (compile-expression rhs)))
504 (aif (and (listp rhs)
505 (= 3 (length rhs))
506 (equal lhs (second rhs))
507 (assignment-op (first rhs)))
508 (list it lhs (if (fourth rhs)
509 (cons (first rhs) (cddr rhs))
510 (third rhs)))
511 (list 'js:= lhs rhs))))))
513 (define-expression-operator var (name &optional (value (values) value?) docstr)
514 (declare (ignore docstr))
515 (push name *enclosing-lexical-block-declarations*)
516 (when value? (compile-expression `(setf ,name ,value))))
518 (define-statement-operator var (name &optional (value (values) value?) docstr)
519 `(js:var ,(ps-macroexpand name) ,@(when value? (list (compile-expression value) docstr))))
521 (define-expression-operator let (bindings &body body)
522 (with-declaration-effects body
523 (let* ((lexical-bindings-introduced-here ())
524 (normalized-bindings
525 (mapcar (lambda (x)
526 (if (symbolp x)
527 (list x nil)
528 (list (car x) (ps-macroexpand (cadr x)))))
529 bindings))
530 (free-variables-in-binding-value-expressions
531 (mapcan (lambda (x) (flatten (cadr x)))
532 normalized-bindings)))
533 (flet ((maybe-rename-lexical-var (x)
534 (if (or (member x *ps-enclosing-lexicals*)
535 (lookup-macro-def x *ps-symbol-macro-env*)
536 (member x free-variables-in-binding-value-expressions))
537 (ps-gensym x)
538 (progn (push x lexical-bindings-introduced-here) nil)))
539 (rename (x) (first x))
540 (var (x) (second x))
541 (val (x) (third x)))
542 (let* ((lexical-bindings
543 (loop for x in normalized-bindings
544 unless (special-variable? (car x))
545 collect (cons (maybe-rename-lexical-var (car x)) x)))
546 (dynamic-bindings
547 (loop for x in normalized-bindings
548 when (special-variable? (car x))
549 collect (cons (ps-gensym (format nil "~A_~A" (car x) 'tmp-stack)) x)))
550 (renamed-body `(symbol-macrolet ,(loop for x in lexical-bindings
551 when (rename x) collect
552 `(,(var x) ,(rename x)))
553 ,@body))
554 (*ps-enclosing-lexicals*
555 (append lexical-bindings-introduced-here
556 *ps-enclosing-lexicals*)))
557 (ps-compile
558 `(progn
559 ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(var ,(or (rename x) (var x)) ,(val x)))
560 lexical-bindings)
561 ,(if dynamic-bindings
562 `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(var ,(rename x)))
563 dynamic-bindings)
564 (try (progn
565 (setf ,@(loop for x in dynamic-bindings append
566 `(,(rename x) ,(var x)
567 ,(var x) ,(val x))))
568 ,renamed-body)
569 (:finally
570 (setf ,@(mapcan (lambda (x) `(,(var x) ,(rename x)))
571 dynamic-bindings)))))
572 renamed-body))))))))
574 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
575 ;;; iteration
577 (defun make-for-vars/inits (init-forms)
578 (mapcar (lambda (x)
579 (cons (ps-macroexpand (if (atom x) x (first x)))
580 (compile-expression (if (atom x) nil (second x)))))
581 init-forms))
583 (define-statement-operator for (init-forms cond-forms step-forms &body body)
584 `(js:for ,(make-for-vars/inits init-forms)
585 ,(mapcar #'compile-expression cond-forms)
586 ,(mapcar #'compile-expression step-forms)
587 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
589 (define-statement-operator for-in ((var object) &rest body)
590 `(js:for-in ,(compile-expression var)
591 ,(compile-expression object)
592 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
594 (define-statement-operator while (test &rest body)
595 `(js:while ,(compile-expression test)
596 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
598 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
599 ;;; misc
601 (define-statement-operator with (expression &rest body) ;; this should be deprecated
602 `(js:with ,(compile-expression expression)
603 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
605 (define-statement-operator try (form &rest clauses)
606 (let ((catch (cdr (assoc :catch clauses)))
607 (finally (cdr (assoc :finally clauses))))
608 (assert (not (cdar catch)) () "Sorry, currently only simple catch forms are supported.")
609 (assert (or catch finally) () "Try form should have either a catch or a finally clause or both.")
610 `(js:try ,(compile-statement `(progn ,form))
611 :catch ,(when catch (list (caar catch) (compile-statement `(progn ,@(cdr catch)))))
612 :finally ,(when finally (compile-statement `(progn ,@finally))))))
614 (define-expression-operator regex (regex)
615 `(js:regex ,(string regex)))
617 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
618 ;;; evalutation
620 (define-expression-operator quote (x)
621 (flet ((quote% (expr) (when expr `',expr)))
622 (compile-expression
623 (typecase x
624 (cons `(array ,@(mapcar #'quote% x)))
625 (null '(array))
626 (keyword x)
627 (symbol (symbol-to-js-string x))
628 (number x)
629 (string x)
630 (vector `(array ,@(loop for el across x collect (quote% el))))))))
632 (define-expression-operator lisp (lisp-form)
633 ;; (ps (foo (lisp bar))) is like (ps* `(foo ,bar))
634 ;; When called from inside of ps*, lisp-form has access to the
635 ;; dynamic environment only, analogous to eval.
636 `(js:escape
637 (with-output-to-string (*psw-stream*)
638 (let ((compile-expression? ,compile-expression?))
639 (parenscript-print (ps-compile ,lisp-form) t)))))
641 (define-expression-operator eval-when (situation-list &body body)
642 "The body is evaluated only during the given situations. The
643 accepted situations are :load-toplevel, :compile-toplevel,
644 and :execute. The code in BODY is assumed to be Common Lisp code
645 in :compile-toplevel and :load-toplevel sitations, and Parenscript
646 code in :execute."
647 (when (and (member :compile-toplevel situation-list)
648 (member *compilation-level* '(:toplevel :inside-toplevel-form)))
649 (eval `(progn ,@body)))
650 (if (member :execute situation-list)
651 (ps-compile `(progn ,@body))
652 (ps-compile `(progn))))