Replaced FiveAM with EOS (EOS is a drop-in replacement with better code and no depend...
[parenscript.git] / src / compiler.lisp
1 (in-package #:parenscript)
2 (in-readtable :parenscript)
4 (defvar *version* 2.3 "Parenscript compiler version.")
6 (defparameter %compiling-reserved-forms-p% t
7 "Used to issue warnings when replacing PS special operators or macros.")
9 (defvar *defined-operators* ()
10 "Special operators and macros defined by Parenscript. Replace at your own risk!")
12 (defun defined-operator-override-check (name &rest body)
13 (when (and (not %compiling-reserved-forms-p%) (member name *defined-operators*))
14 (warn 'simple-style-warning
15 :format-control "Redefining Parenscript operator/macro ~A"
16 :format-arguments (list name)))
17 `(progn ,(when %compiling-reserved-forms-p% `(pushnew ',name *defined-operators*))
18 ,@body))
20 (defvar *reserved-symbol-names*
21 (list "break" "case" "catch" "continue" "default" "delete" "do" "else"
22 "finally" "for" "function" "if" "in" "instanceof" "new" "return"
23 "switch" "this" "throw" "try" "typeof" "var" "void" "while" "with"
24 "abstract" "boolean" "byte" "char" "class" "const" "debugger" "double"
25 "enum" "export" "extends" "final" "float" "goto" "implements" "import"
26 "int" "interface" "long" "native" "package" "private" "protected"
27 "public" "short" "static" "super" "synchronized" "throws" "transient"
28 "volatile" "{}" "true" "false" "null" "undefined"))
30 (defun reserved-symbol? (symbol)
31 (find (string-downcase (string symbol)) *reserved-symbol-names* :test #'string=))
33 ;;; special forms
35 (defvar *special-expression-operators* (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
36 (defvar *special-statement-operators* (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
38 ;; need to split special op definition into two parts - statement and expression
39 (defmacro %define-special-operator (type name lambda-list &body body)
40 (defined-operator-override-check name
41 `(setf (gethash ',name ,type)
42 (lambda (&rest whole)
43 (destructuring-bind ,lambda-list whole
44 ,@body)))))
46 (defmacro define-expression-operator (name lambda-list &body body)
47 `(%define-special-operator *special-expression-operators* ,name ,lambda-list ,@body))
49 (defmacro define-statement-operator (name lambda-list &body body)
50 `(%define-special-operator *special-statement-operators* ,name ,lambda-list ,@body))
52 (defun special-form? (form)
53 (and (consp form)
54 (symbolp (car form))
55 (or (gethash (car form) *special-expression-operators*) (gethash (car form) *special-statement-operators*))))
57 ;;; scoping and lexical environment
59 (defvar *enclosing-lexical-block-declarations* ()
60 "This special variable is expected to be bound to a fresh list by
61 special forms that introduce a new JavaScript lexical block (currently
62 function definitions and lambdas). Enclosed special forms are expected
63 to push variable declarations onto the list when the variables
64 declaration cannot be made by the enclosed form for example, a
65 x,y,z expression progn. It is then the responsibility of the
66 enclosing special form to introduce the variable bindings in its
67 lexical block.")
69 (defvar in-loop-scope? nil
70 "Used for seeing when we're in loops, so that we can introduce
71 proper scoping for lambdas closing over loop-bound
72 variables (otherwise they all share the same binding).")
74 (defvar *loop-scope-lexicals*)
75 (defvar *loop-scope-lexicals-captured*)
77 (defvar *function-block-names* ())
78 (defvar *lexical-extent-return-tags* ())
79 (defvar *dynamic-extent-return-tags* ())
80 (defvar *tags-that-return-throws-to*)
82 (defvar *special-variables* ())
84 (defun special-variable? (sym)
85 (member sym *special-variables*))
87 ;;; macros
88 (defun make-macro-dictionary ()
89 (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
91 (defvar *macro-toplevel* (make-macro-dictionary)
92 "Toplevel macro environment dictionary.")
94 (defvar *macro-env* (list *macro-toplevel*)
95 "Current macro environment.")
97 (defvar *symbol-macro-toplevel* (make-macro-dictionary))
99 (defvar *symbol-macro-env* (list *symbol-macro-toplevel*))
101 (defvar *local-function-names* ())
102 ;; is a subset of
103 (defvar *enclosing-lexicals* ())
105 (defvar *setf-expanders* (make-macro-dictionary)
106 "Setf expander dictionary. Key is the symbol of the access
107 function of the place, value is an expansion function that takes the
108 arguments of the access functions as a first value and the form to be
109 stored as the second value.")
111 (defun lookup-macro-def (name env)
112 (loop for e in env thereis (gethash name e)))
114 (defun make-ps-macro-function (args body)
115 (let* ((whole-var (when (eql '&whole (first args)) (second args)))
116 (effective-lambda-list (if whole-var (cddr args) args))
117 (whole-arg (or whole-var (gensym "ps-macro-form-arg-"))))
118 `(lambda (,whole-arg)
119 (destructuring-bind ,effective-lambda-list
120 (cdr ,whole-arg)
121 ,@body))))
123 (defmacro defpsmacro (name args &body body)
124 (defined-operator-override-check name
125 `(setf (gethash ',name *macro-toplevel*) ,(make-ps-macro-function args body))))
127 (defmacro define-ps-symbol-macro (symbol expansion)
128 (defined-operator-override-check symbol
129 `(setf (gethash ',symbol *symbol-macro-toplevel*) (lambda (form) (declare (ignore form)) ',expansion))))
131 (defun import-macros-from-lisp (&rest names)
132 "Import the named Lisp macros into the Parenscript macro
133 environment. When the imported macro is macroexpanded by Parenscript,
134 it is first fully macroexpanded in the Lisp macro environment, and
135 then that expansion is further expanded by Parenscript."
136 (dolist (name names)
137 (eval `(defpsmacro ,name (&rest args)
138 (macroexpand `(,',name ,@args))))))
140 (defmacro defmacro+ps (name args &body body)
141 "Define a Lisp macro and a Parenscript macro with the same macro
142 function (ie - the same result from macroexpand-1), for cases when the
143 two have different full macroexpansions (for example if the CL macro
144 contains implementation-specific code when macroexpanded fully in the
145 CL environment)."
146 `(progn (defmacro ,name ,args ,@body)
147 (defpsmacro ,name ,args ,@body)))
149 (defun ps-macroexpand-1 (form)
150 (aif (or (and (symbolp form) (lookup-macro-def form *symbol-macro-env*))
151 (and (consp form) (lookup-macro-def (car form) *macro-env*)))
152 (values (ps-macroexpand (funcall it form)) t)
153 form))
155 (defun ps-macroexpand (form)
156 (multiple-value-bind (form1 expanded?) (ps-macroexpand-1 form)
157 (if expanded?
158 (values (ps-macroexpand form1) t)
159 form1)))
161 ;;;; compiler interface
163 (defparameter *compilation-level* :toplevel
164 "This value takes on the following values:
165 :toplevel indicates that we are traversing toplevel forms.
166 :inside-toplevel-form indicates that we are inside a call to ps-compile-*
167 nil indicates we are no longer toplevel-related.")
169 (defun adjust-compilation-level (form level)
170 "Given the current *compilation-level*, LEVEL, and the fully macroexpanded
171 form, FORM, returns the new value for *compilation-level*."
172 (cond ((or (and (consp form) (member (car form) '(progn locally macrolet symbol-macrolet)))
173 (and (symbolp form) (eq :toplevel level)))
174 level)
175 ((eq :toplevel level)
176 :inside-toplevel-form)))
178 (defvar compile-expression?)
180 (define-condition compile-expression-error (error)
181 ((form :initarg :form :reader error-form))
182 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
183 (format stream "The Parenscript form ~A cannot be compiled into an expression." (error-form condition)))))
185 (defun compile-special-form (form)
186 (apply (if compile-expression?
187 (or (gethash (car form) *special-expression-operators*)
188 (error 'compile-expression-error :form form))
189 (or (gethash (car form) *special-statement-operators*)
190 (gethash (car form) *special-expression-operators*)))
191 (cdr form)))
193 (defun ps-compile (form)
194 (typecase form
195 ((or null number string character) form)
196 ((or symbol list)
197 (multiple-value-bind (expansion expanded?) (ps-macroexpand form)
198 (if expanded?
199 (ps-compile expansion)
200 (if (symbolp form)
201 form
202 (let ((*compilation-level* (adjust-compilation-level form *compilation-level*)))
203 (if (special-form? form)
204 (compile-special-form form)
205 `(ps-js:funcall ,(if (symbolp (car form))
206 (maybe-rename-local-function (car form))
207 (compile-expression (car form)))
208 ,@(mapcar #'compile-expression (cdr form)))))))))
209 (vector (ps-compile `(quote ,(coerce form 'list))))))
211 (defun compile-statement (form)
212 (let ((compile-expression? nil))
213 (ps-compile form)))
215 (defun compile-expression (form)
216 (let ((compile-expression? t))
217 (ps-compile form)))
219 (defvar *ps-gensym-counter* 0)
221 (defun ps-gensym (&optional (prefix-or-counter "_JS"))
222 (assert (or (stringp prefix-or-counter) (integerp prefix-or-counter)))
223 (let ((prefix (if (stringp prefix-or-counter) prefix-or-counter "_JS"))
224 (counter (if (integerp prefix-or-counter) prefix-or-counter (incf *ps-gensym-counter*))))
225 (make-symbol (format nil "~A~:[~;_~]~A" prefix
226 (digit-char-p (char prefix (1- (length prefix))))
227 counter))))
229 (defmacro with-ps-gensyms (symbols &body body)
230 "Each element of SYMBOLS is either a symbol or a list of (symbol
231 gensym-prefix-string)."
232 `(let* ,(mapcar (lambda (symbol)
233 (destructuring-bind (symbol &optional prefix)
234 (if (consp symbol)
235 symbol
236 (list symbol))
237 (if prefix
238 `(,symbol (ps-gensym ,(string prefix)))
239 `(,symbol (ps-gensym ,(string symbol))))))
240 symbols)
241 ,@body))
243 (defmacro ps-once-only ((&rest vars) &body body)
244 (let ((gensyms (mapcar (lambda (x) (ps-gensym (string x))) vars)))
245 `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (g v) `(,g (ps-gensym ,(string v)))) gensyms vars)
246 `(let* (,,@(mapcar (lambda (g v) ``(,,g ,,v)) gensyms vars))
247 ,(let ,(mapcar (lambda (g v) `(,v ,g)) gensyms vars)
248 ,@body)))))