Fixed bug with function arguments not being respected for renaming by LET. Thanks...
[parenscript.git] / src / special-operators.lisp
1 (in-package #:parenscript)
2 (in-readtable :parenscript)
4 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
5 ;;; arithmetic and logic
7 (define-trivial-special-ops
8 + ps-js:+
9 - ps-js:-
10 * ps-js:*
11 rem ps-js:%
12 and ps-js:&&
13 or ps-js:\|\|
15 logand ps-js:&
16 logior ps-js:\|
17 logxor ps-js:^
18 lognot ps-js:~
20 aref ps-js:aref
22 funcall ps-js:funcall
25 (define-expression-operator / (&rest args)
26 `(ps-js:/ ,@(unless (cdr args) (list 1)) ,@(mapcar #'compile-expression args)))
28 (define-expression-operator - (&rest args)
29 (let ((args (mapcar #'compile-expression args)))
30 (cons (if (cdr args) 'ps-js:- 'ps-js:negate) args)))
32 (defun fix-nary-comparison (operator objects)
33 (let* ((tmp-var-forms (butlast (cdr objects)))
34 (tmp-vars (loop repeat (length tmp-var-forms)
35 collect (ps-gensym "_CMP")))
36 (all-comparisons (append (list (car objects))
37 tmp-vars
38 (last objects))))
39 `(let ,(mapcar #'list tmp-vars tmp-var-forms)
40 (and ,@(loop for x1 in all-comparisons
41 for x2 in (cdr all-comparisons)
42 collect (list operator x1 x2))))))
44 (macrolet ((define-nary-comparison-forms (&rest mappings)
45 `(progn
46 ,@(loop for (form js-primitive) on mappings by #'cddr collect
47 `(define-expression-operator ,form (&rest objects)
48 (if (cddr objects)
49 (ps-compile
50 (fix-nary-comparison ',form objects))
51 (cons ',js-primitive
52 (mapcar #'compile-expression objects))))))))
53 (define-nary-comparison-forms
54 < ps-js:<
55 > ps-js:>
56 <= ps-js:<=
57 >= ps-js:>=
58 eql ps-js:===
59 equal ps-js:==))
61 (define-expression-operator /= (a b)
62 ;; for n>2, /= is finding duplicates in an array of numbers (ie -
63 ;; nontrivial runtime algorithm), so we restrict it to binary in PS
64 `(ps-js:!== ,(compile-expression a) ,(compile-expression b)))
66 (define-expression-operator incf (x &optional (delta 1))
67 (let ((delta (ps-macroexpand delta)))
68 (if (eql delta 1)
69 `(ps-js:++ ,(compile-expression x))
70 `(ps-js:+= ,(compile-expression x) ,(compile-expression delta)))))
72 (define-expression-operator decf (x &optional (delta 1))
73 (let ((delta (ps-macroexpand delta)))
74 (if (eql delta 1)
75 `(ps-js:-- ,(compile-expression x))
76 `(ps-js:-= ,(compile-expression x) ,(compile-expression delta)))))
78 (let ((inverses (mapcan (lambda (x)
79 (list x (reverse x)))
80 '((ps-js:=== ps-js:!==)
81 (ps-js:== ps-js:!=)
82 (ps-js:< ps-js:>=)
83 (ps-js:> ps-js:<=)))))
84 (define-expression-operator not (x)
85 (let ((form (compile-expression x)))
86 (acond ((and (listp form) (eq (car form) 'ps-js:!))
87 (second form))
88 ((and (listp form) (cadr (assoc (car form) inverses)))
89 `(,it ,@(cdr form)))
90 (t `(ps-js:! ,form))))))
92 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
93 ;;; blocks and control flow
95 (defun flatten-blocks (body)
96 (when body
97 (if (and (listp (car body)) (eq 'ps-js:block (caar body)))
98 (append (cdr (car body)) (flatten-blocks (cdr body)))
99 (cons (car body) (flatten-blocks (cdr body))))))
101 (defun compile-progn (body)
102 (let ((block (flatten-blocks (mapcar #'ps-compile body))))
103 (append (remove-if #'constantp (butlast block))
104 (unless (and (or (eq *compilation-level* :toplevel)
105 (not compile-expression?))
106 (not (car (last block))))
107 (last block)))))
109 (define-expression-operator progn (&rest body)
110 (if (cdr body)
111 `(ps-js:|,| ,@(compile-progn body))
112 (compile-expression (car body))))
114 (define-statement-operator progn (&rest body)
115 `(ps-js:block ,@(compile-progn body)))
117 (defun wrap-block-for-dynamic-return (tag body)
118 (if (member tag *tags-that-return-throws-to*)
119 `(ps-js:block
120 (ps-js:try ,body
121 :catch (err ,(compile-statement `(progn (if (and err (eql ',tag (getprop err :ps-block-tag)))
122 ;; FIXME make this a multiple-value return
123 (getprop err :ps-return-value)
124 (throw err)))))
125 :finally nil))
126 body))
128 (define-statement-operator block (name &rest body)
129 (let* ((name (or name 'nilBlock))
130 (*lexical-extent-return-tags* (cons name *lexical-extent-return-tags*))
131 (*tags-that-return-throws-to* ()))
132 `(ps-js:label ,name ,(wrap-block-for-dynamic-return name (compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))))
134 (defun try-expressionize-if? (form)
135 (< (count #\Newline (with-output-to-string (*psw-stream*)
136 (let ((*ps-print-pretty* t))
137 (parenscript-print (compile-statement form) t))))
138 (if (= (length form) 4) 5 4)))
140 (define-statement-operator return-from (tag &optional result)
141 (if (not tag)
142 (if in-loop-scope?
143 (progn
144 (when result
145 (warn "Trying to (RETURN ~A) from inside a loop with an implicit nil block (DO, DOLIST, DOTIMES, etc.). Parenscript doesn't support returning values this way from inside a loop yet!" result))
146 '(ps-js:break))
147 (ps-compile `(return-from nilBlock ,result)))
148 (let ((form (ps-macroexpand result)))
149 (flet ((return-exp (value) ;; this stuff needs to be fixed to handle multiple-value returns, too
150 (let ((value (compile-expression value)))
151 (cond ((member tag *lexical-extent-return-tags*)
152 (when result
153 (warn "Trying to (RETURN-FROM ~A ~A) a value from a block. Parenscript doesn't support returning values this way from blocks yet!" tag result))
154 `(ps-js:break ,tag))
155 ((or (eql '%function-body tag) (member tag *function-block-names*))
156 `(ps-js:return ,value))
157 ((member tag *dynamic-extent-return-tags*)
158 (push tag *tags-that-return-throws-to*)
159 (ps-compile `(throw (create :ps-block-tag ',tag :ps-return-value ,value))))
160 (t (warn "Returning from unknown block ~A" tag)
161 `(ps-js:return ,value)))))) ;; for backwards-compatibility
162 (if (listp form)
163 (block expressionize
164 (ps-compile
165 (case (car form)
166 (progn
167 `(progn ,@(butlast (cdr form)) (return-from ,tag ,(car (last (cdr form))))))
168 (switch
169 `(switch ,(second form)
170 ,@(loop for (cvalue . cbody) in (cddr form)
171 for remaining on (cddr form) collect
172 (let ((last-n (cond ((or (eq 'default cvalue) (not (cdr remaining)))
174 ((eq 'break (car (last cbody)))
175 2))))
176 (if last-n
177 (let ((result-form (ps-macroexpand (car (last cbody last-n)))))
178 `(,cvalue
179 ,@(butlast cbody last-n)
180 (return-from ,tag ,result-form)
181 ,@(when (and (= last-n 2)
182 (find-if (lambda (x) (or (eq x 'if) (eq x 'cond)))
183 (flatten result-form)))
184 '(break))))
185 (cons cvalue cbody))))))
186 (try
187 `(try (return-from ,tag ,(second form))
188 ,@(let ((catch (cdr (assoc :catch (cdr form))))
189 (finally (assoc :finally (cdr form))))
190 (list (when catch
191 `(:catch ,(car catch)
192 ,@(butlast (cdr catch))
193 (return-from ,tag ,(car (last (cdr catch))))))
194 finally))))
195 (cond
196 `(cond ,@(loop for clause in (cdr form) collect
197 `(,@(butlast clause) (return-from ,tag ,(car (last clause)))))))
198 ((with label let flet labels macrolet symbol-macrolet) ;; implicit progn forms
199 `(,(first form) ,(second form)
200 ,@(butlast (cddr form))
201 (return-from ,tag ,(car (last (cddr form))))))
202 ((continue break throw) ;; non-local exit
203 form)
204 (return-from ;; this will go away someday
205 (unless tag
206 (warn 'simple-style-warning
207 :format-control "Trying to RETURN a RETURN without a block tag specified. Perhaps you're still returning values from functions by hand? Parenscript now implements implicit return, update your code! Things like (lambda () (return x)) are not valid Common Lisp and may not be supported in future versions of Parenscript."))
208 form)
210 (aif (and (try-expressionize-if? form)
211 (handler-case (compile-expression form)
212 (compile-expression-error () nil)))
213 (return-from expressionize `(ps-js:return ,it))
214 `(if ,(second form)
215 (return-from ,tag ,(third form))
216 ,@(when (fourth form) `((return-from ,tag ,(fourth form)))))))
217 (otherwise
218 (if (gethash (car form) *special-statement-operators*)
219 form ;; by now only special forms that return nil should be left, so this is ok for implicit return
220 (return-from expressionize (return-exp form)))))))
221 (return-exp form))))))
223 (define-statement-operator throw (&rest args)
224 `(ps-js:throw ,@(mapcar #'compile-expression args)))
226 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
227 ;;; conditionals
229 (define-expression-operator if (test then &optional else)
230 `(ps-js:? ,(compile-expression test) ,(compile-expression then) ,(compile-expression else)))
232 (define-statement-operator if (test then &optional else)
233 `(ps-js:if ,(compile-expression test)
234 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,then))
235 ,@(when else `(:else ,(compile-statement `(progn ,else))))))
237 (define-expression-operator cond (&rest clauses)
238 (compile-expression
239 (when clauses
240 (destructuring-bind (test &rest body) (car clauses)
241 (if (eq t test)
242 `(progn ,@body)
243 `(if ,test
244 (progn ,@body)
245 (cond ,@(cdr clauses))))))))
247 (define-statement-operator cond (&rest clauses)
248 `(ps-js:if ,(compile-expression (caar clauses))
249 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@(cdar clauses)))
250 ,@(loop for (test . body) in (cdr clauses) appending
251 (if (eq t test)
252 `(:else ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))
253 `(:else-if ,(compile-expression test)
254 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))))))
256 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
257 ;;; macros
259 (defmacro with-local-macro-environment ((var env) &body body)
260 `(let* ((,var (make-macro-dictionary))
261 (,env (cons ,var ,env)))
262 ,@body))
264 (define-expression-operator macrolet (macros &body body)
265 (with-local-macro-environment (local-macro-dict *macro-env*)
266 (dolist (macro macros)
267 (destructuring-bind (name arglist &body body)
268 macro
269 (setf (gethash name local-macro-dict)
270 (eval (make-ps-macro-function arglist body)))))
271 (ps-compile `(progn ,@body))))
273 (define-expression-operator symbol-macrolet (symbol-macros &body body)
274 (with-local-macro-environment (local-macro-dict *symbol-macro-env*)
275 (let (local-var-bindings)
276 (dolist (macro symbol-macros)
277 (destructuring-bind (name expansion) macro
278 (setf (gethash name local-macro-dict) (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) expansion))
279 (push name local-var-bindings)))
280 (let ((*enclosing-lexicals* (append local-var-bindings *enclosing-lexicals*)))
281 (ps-compile `(progn ,@body))))))
283 (define-expression-operator defmacro (name args &body body)
284 (eval `(defpsmacro ,name ,args ,@body))
285 nil)
287 (define-expression-operator define-symbol-macro (name expansion)
288 (eval `(define-ps-symbol-macro ,name ,expansion))
289 nil)
291 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
292 ;;; assignment
294 (defun assignment-op (op)
295 (getf '(ps-js:+ ps-js:+=
296 ps-js:~ ps-js:~=
297 ps-js:& ps-js:&=
298 ps-js:\| ps-js:\|=
299 ps-js:- ps-js:-=
300 ps-js:* ps-js:*=
301 ps-js:% ps-js:%=
302 ps-js:>> ps-js:>>=
303 ps-js:^ ps-js:^=
304 ps-js:<< ps-js:<<=
305 ps-js:>>> ps-js:>>>=
306 ps-js:/ ps-js:/=)
307 op))
309 (define-expression-operator ps-assign (lhs rhs)
310 (let ((rhs (ps-macroexpand rhs)))
311 (if (and (listp rhs) (eq (car rhs) 'progn))
312 (ps-compile `(progn ,@(butlast (cdr rhs)) (ps-assign ,lhs ,(car (last (cdr rhs))))))
313 (let ((lhs (compile-expression lhs))
314 (rhs (compile-expression rhs)))
315 (aif (and (listp rhs)
316 (= 3 (length rhs))
317 (equal lhs (second rhs))
318 (assignment-op (first rhs)))
319 (list it lhs (if (fourth rhs)
320 (cons (first rhs) (cddr rhs))
321 (third rhs)))
322 (list 'ps-js:= lhs rhs))))))
324 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
325 ;;; binding
327 (defmacro with-declaration-effects ((var block) &body body)
328 (let ((declarations (gensym)))
329 `(let* ((,var ,block)
330 (,declarations (and (listp (car ,var))
331 (eq (caar ,var) 'declare)
332 (cdar ,var)))
333 (,var (if ,declarations
334 (cdr ,var)
335 ,var))
336 (*special-variables* (append (cdr (find 'special ,declarations :key #'car)) *special-variables*)))
337 ,@body)))
339 (define-expression-operator let (bindings &body body)
340 (with-declaration-effects (body body)
341 (let* ((lexical-bindings-introduced-here ())
342 (normalized-bindings (mapcar (lambda (x)
343 (if (symbolp x)
344 (list x nil)
345 (list (car x) (ps-macroexpand (cadr x)))))
346 bindings))
347 (free-variables-in-binding-value-expressions (mapcan (lambda (x) (flatten (cadr x)))
348 normalized-bindings)))
349 (flet ((maybe-rename-lexical-var (x)
350 (if (or (member x *enclosing-lexicals*)
351 (member x *enclosing-function-arguments*)
352 (lookup-macro-def x *symbol-macro-env*)
353 (member x free-variables-in-binding-value-expressions))
354 (ps-gensym (string x))
355 (progn (push x lexical-bindings-introduced-here) nil)))
356 (rename (x) (first x))
357 (var (x) (second x))
358 (val (x) (third x)))
359 (let* ((lexical-bindings (loop for x in normalized-bindings
360 unless (special-variable? (car x))
361 collect (cons (maybe-rename-lexical-var (car x)) x)))
362 (dynamic-bindings (loop for x in normalized-bindings
363 when (special-variable? (car x))
364 collect (cons (ps-gensym (format nil "~A_~A" (car x) 'tmp-stack)) x)))
365 (renamed-body `(symbol-macrolet ,(loop for x in lexical-bindings
366 when (rename x) collect
367 `(,(var x) ,(rename x)))
368 ,@body))
369 (*enclosing-lexicals* (append lexical-bindings-introduced-here *enclosing-lexicals*))
370 (*loop-scope-lexicals* (when in-loop-scope? (append lexical-bindings-introduced-here *loop-scope-lexicals*))))
371 (ps-compile
372 `(progn
373 ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(var ,(or (rename x) (var x)) ,(val x)))
374 lexical-bindings)
375 ,(if dynamic-bindings
376 `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(var ,(rename x)))
377 dynamic-bindings)
378 (try (progn
379 (setf ,@(loop for x in dynamic-bindings append
380 `(,(rename x) ,(var x)
381 ,(var x) ,(val x))))
382 ,renamed-body)
383 (:finally
384 (setf ,@(mapcan (lambda (x) `(,(var x) ,(rename x)))
385 dynamic-bindings)))))
386 renamed-body))))))))
388 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
389 ;;; iteration
391 (defun make-for-vars/inits (init-forms)
392 (mapcar (lambda (x)
393 (cons (ps-macroexpand (if (atom x) x (first x)))
394 (compile-expression (if (atom x) nil (second x)))))
395 init-forms))
397 (defun compile-loop-body (loop-vars body)
398 (let* ((in-loop-scope? t)
399 (*loop-scope-lexicals* loop-vars)
400 (*loop-scope-lexicals-captured* ())
401 (*ps-gensym-counter* *ps-gensym-counter*)
402 (compiled-body (compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
403 ;; the sort is there to make order for output-tests consistent across implementations
404 (aif (sort (remove-duplicates *loop-scope-lexicals-captured*) #'string< :key #'symbol-name)
405 `(ps-js:block
406 (ps-js:with ,(compile-expression
407 `(create ,@(loop for x in it
408 collect x
409 collect (when (member x loop-vars) x))))
410 ,compiled-body))
411 compiled-body)))
413 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
414 ;;; evalutation
416 (define-expression-operator quote (x)
417 (flet ((quote% (expr) (when expr `',expr)))
418 (compile-expression
419 (typecase x
420 (cons `(array ,@(mapcar #'quote% x)))
421 (null '(array))
422 (keyword x)
423 (symbol (symbol-to-js-string x))
424 (number x)
425 (string x)
426 (vector `(array ,@(loop for el across x collect (quote% el))))))))
428 (define-expression-operator eval-when (situation-list &body body)
429 "The body is evaluated only during the given situations. The
430 accepted situations are :load-toplevel, :compile-toplevel,
431 and :execute. The code in BODY is assumed to be Common Lisp code
432 in :compile-toplevel and :load-toplevel sitations, and Parenscript
433 code in :execute."
434 (when (and (member :compile-toplevel situation-list)
435 (member *compilation-level* '(:toplevel :inside-toplevel-form)))
436 (eval `(progn ,@body)))
437 (if (member :execute situation-list)
438 (ps-compile `(progn ,@body))
439 (ps-compile `(progn))))