Use funcall instead of Scheme-like function calling convention in macros.lisp
[parenscript.git] / src / special-forms.lisp
1 (in-package "PARENSCRIPT")
3 (defmacro with-local-macro-environment ((var env) &body body)
4 `(let* ((,var (make-macro-dictionary))
5 (,env (cons ,var ,env)))
6 ,@body))
8 (macrolet ((define-trivial-special-forms (&rest mappings)
9 `(progn
10 ,@(loop for (form-name js-primitive) on mappings by #'cddr
11 collect
12 `(define-ps-special-form ,form-name (&rest args)
13 (cons ',js-primitive
14 (mapcar #'compile-expression args)))))))
15 (define-trivial-special-forms
16 + js:+
17 - js:-
18 * js:*
19 / js:/
20 rem js:%
21 and js:&&
22 or js:\|\|
24 logand js:&
25 logior js:\|
26 logxor js:^
27 lognot js:~
28 ;; todo: ash for shifts
30 throw js:throw
31 array js:array
32 aref js:aref
34 instanceof js:instanceof
35 typeof js:typeof
36 new js:new
37 delete js:delete
38 in js:in ;; maybe rename to slot-boundp?
39 break js:break
40 funcall js:funcall
43 (define-ps-special-form - (&rest args)
44 (let ((args (mapcar #'compile-expression args)))
45 (cons (if (cdr args) 'js:- 'js:negate) args)))
47 (defun fix-nary-comparison (operator objects)
48 (let* ((tmp-var-forms (butlast (cdr objects)))
49 (tmp-vars (loop repeat (length tmp-var-forms)
50 collect (ps-gensym "_cmp")))
51 (all-comparisons (append (list (car objects))
52 tmp-vars
53 (last objects))))
54 `(let ,(mapcar #'list tmp-vars tmp-var-forms)
55 (and ,@(loop for x1 in all-comparisons
56 for x2 in (cdr all-comparisons)
57 collect (list operator x1 x2))))))
59 (macrolet ((define-nary-comparison-forms (&rest mappings)
60 `(progn
61 ,@(loop for (form js-primitive) on mappings by #'cddr collect
62 `(define-ps-special-form ,form (&rest objects)
63 (if (cddr objects)
64 (ps-compile
65 (fix-nary-comparison ',form objects))
66 (cons ',js-primitive
67 (mapcar #'compile-expression objects))))))))
68 (define-nary-comparison-forms
69 < js:<
70 > js:>
71 <= js:<=
72 >= js:>=
73 eql js:===
74 equal js:==))
76 (define-ps-special-form /= (a b)
77 ;; for n>2, /= is finding duplicates in an array of numbers (ie -
78 ;; nontrivial runtime algorithm), so we restrict it to binary in PS
79 `(js:!== ,(compile-expression a) ,(compile-expression b)))
81 (define-ps-special-form quote (x)
82 (flet ((quote% (expr) (when expr `',expr)))
83 (compile-expression
84 (typecase x
85 (cons `(array ,@(mapcar #'quote% x)))
86 (null '(array))
87 (keyword x)
88 (symbol (symbol-to-js-string x))
89 (number x)
90 (string x)
91 (vector `(array ,@(loop :for el :across x :collect (quote% el))))))))
93 (defun ps-statement? (exp)
94 (and (consp exp)
95 (member (car exp)
96 '(throw
97 for
98 for-in
99 while))))
101 (defun implicit-progn-form? (form)
102 (member (car form) '(with progn label let flet labels macrolet symbol-macrolet)))
104 (define-ps-special-form return (&optional value force-conditional?)
105 (let ((value (ps-macroexpand value)))
106 (if (ps-statement? value)
107 (compile-statement value)
108 (if (consp value)
109 (if (implicit-progn-form? value)
110 (ps-compile (append (butlast value)
111 `((return ,@(last value)
112 ,force-conditional?))))
113 (case (car value)
114 (return
115 (ps-compile value))
116 (switch
117 (ps-compile
118 `(switch ,(second value)
119 ,@(loop for (cvalue . cbody) in (cddr value)
120 for remaining on (cddr value) collect
121 (let ((last-n
122 (cond ((or (eq 'default cvalue)
123 (not (cdr remaining)))
125 ((eq 'break
126 (car (last cbody)))
127 2))))
128 (if last-n
129 `(,cvalue
130 ,@(butlast cbody last-n)
131 (return
132 ,(car (last cbody last-n))
134 (cons cvalue cbody)))))))
135 (try
136 (ps-compile
137 `(try (return ,(second value) t)
138 ,@(let ((catch (cdr (assoc :catch (cdr value))))
139 (finally (assoc :finally (cdr value))))
140 (list (when catch
141 `(:catch ,(car catch)
142 ,@(butlast (cdr catch))
143 (return ,@(last (cdr catch)) t)))
144 finally)))))
146 (ps-compile `(if ,(second value)
147 (return ,(third value) ,force-conditional?)
148 ,@(acond ((fourth value)
149 `((return ,it
150 ,force-conditional?)))
151 (force-conditional?
152 '((return nil)))))))
153 (cond
154 (ps-compile `(cond
155 ,@(loop for clause in (cdr value) collect
156 `(,@(butlast clause)
157 (return ,@(last clause)
158 ,force-conditional?))))))
159 (otherwise
160 `(js:return ,(compile-expression value)))))
161 `(js:return ,(compile-expression value))))))
163 (define-ps-special-form incf (x &optional (delta 1))
164 (let ((delta (ps-macroexpand delta)))
165 (if (eql delta 1)
166 `(js:++ ,(compile-expression x))
167 `(js:+= ,(compile-expression x) ,(compile-expression delta)))))
169 (define-ps-special-form decf (x &optional (delta 1))
170 (let ((delta (ps-macroexpand delta)))
171 (if (eql delta 1)
172 `(js:-- ,(compile-expression x))
173 `(js:-= ,(compile-expression x) ,(compile-expression delta)))))
175 (let ((inverses (mapcan (lambda (x)
176 (list x (reverse x)))
177 '((js:=== js:!==)
178 (js:== js:!=)
179 (js:< js:>=)
180 (js:> js:<=)))))
181 (define-ps-special-form not (x)
182 (let ((form (compile-expression x)))
183 (acond ((and (listp form) (eq (car form) 'js:!))
184 (second form))
185 ((and (listp form) (cadr (assoc (car form) inverses)))
186 `(,it ,@(cdr form)))
187 (t `(js:! ,form))))))
189 (defun flatten-blocks (body)
190 (when body
191 (if (and (listp (car body))
192 (eq 'js:block (caar body)))
193 (append (cdr (car body)) (flatten-blocks (cdr body)))
194 (cons (car body) (flatten-blocks (cdr body))))))
196 (define-ps-special-form progn (&rest body)
197 (let ((body (mapcar #'ps-macroexpand body)))
198 (if (and compile-expression? (= 1 (length body)))
199 (compile-expression (car body))
200 `(,(if compile-expression? 'js:|,| 'js:block)
201 ,@(let* ((block (flatten-blocks
202 (remove nil (mapcar #'ps-compile body))))
203 (last (last block)))
204 (append (remove-if #'constantp (butlast block))
205 (if (and (eq *ps-compilation-level* :toplevel)
206 (not (car last)))
208 (last block))))))))
210 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
211 ;;; conditionals
213 (define-ps-special-form cond (&rest clauses)
214 (if compile-expression?
215 (make-cond-clauses-into-nested-ifs clauses)
216 `(js:if ,(compile-expression (caar clauses))
217 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@(cdar clauses)))
218 ,@(loop for (test . body) in (cdr clauses) appending
219 (if (eq t test)
220 `(:else ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))
221 `(:else-if ,(compile-expression test)
222 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))))))
224 (defun make-cond-clauses-into-nested-ifs (clauses)
225 (if clauses
226 (destructuring-bind (test &rest body)
227 (car clauses)
228 (if (eq t test)
229 (compile-expression `(progn ,@body))
230 `(js:? ,(compile-expression test)
231 ,(compile-expression `(progn ,@body))
232 ,(make-cond-clauses-into-nested-ifs (cdr clauses)))))
233 (compile-expression nil)))
235 (define-ps-special-form if (test then &optional else)
236 (if compile-expression?
237 `(js:? ,(compile-expression test)
238 ,(compile-expression then)
239 ,(compile-expression else))
240 `(js:if ,(compile-expression test)
241 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,then))
242 ,@(when else `(:else ,(compile-statement `(progn ,else)))))))
244 (define-ps-special-form switch (test-expr &rest clauses)
245 `(js:switch ,(compile-expression test-expr)
246 ,@(loop for (val . body) in clauses collect
247 (cons (if (eq val 'default)
248 'js:default
249 (compile-expression val))
250 (mapcan (lambda (x)
251 (let ((exp (compile-statement x)))
252 (if (and (listp exp) (eq 'js:block (car exp)))
253 (cdr exp)
254 (list exp))))
255 body)))))
257 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
258 ;;; function definition
260 (defun add-implicit-return (fbody)
261 (let ((last-thing (car (last fbody))))
262 (if (ps-statement? last-thing)
263 fbody
264 (append (butlast fbody)
265 `((return ,last-thing))))))
267 (defmacro with-declaration-effects (body-var &body body)
268 `(let* ((local-specials (when (and (listp (car ,body-var))
269 (eq (caar ,body-var) 'declare))
270 (cdr (find 'special (cdar ,body-var) :key #'car))))
271 (,body-var (if local-specials
272 (cdr ,body-var)
273 ,body-var))
274 (*ps-special-variables*
275 (append local-specials *ps-special-variables*)))
276 ,@body))
278 (defun compile-function-definition (args body)
279 (with-declaration-effects body
280 (list args
281 (let* ((*enclosing-lexical-block-declarations* ())
282 (*ps-enclosing-lexicals*
283 (append args *ps-enclosing-lexicals*))
284 (body
285 (compile-statement `(progn
286 ,@(add-implicit-return body))))
287 (var-decls
288 (compile-statement
289 `(progn
290 ,@(mapcar (lambda (var)
291 `(var ,var))
292 *enclosing-lexical-block-declarations*)))))
293 `(js:block ,@(cdr var-decls) ,@(cdr body))))))
295 (define-ps-special-form %js-lambda (args &rest body)
296 `(js:lambda ,@(compile-function-definition args body)))
298 (define-ps-special-form %js-defun (name args &rest body)
299 `(js:defun ,name ,@(compile-function-definition args body)))
301 (defun parse-function-body (body)
302 (let* ((docstring (when (stringp (first body))
303 (first body)))
304 (body-forms (if docstring (rest body) body)))
305 (values body-forms docstring)))
307 (defun parse-key-spec (key-spec)
308 "parses an &key parameter. Returns 5 values:
309 var, init-form, keyword-name, supplied-p-var, init-form-supplied-p.
311 Syntax of key spec:
312 [&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*
314 (let* ((var (cond ((symbolp key-spec) key-spec)
315 ((and (listp key-spec) (symbolp (first key-spec))) (first key-spec))
316 ((and (listp key-spec) (listp (first key-spec))) (second (first key-spec)))))
317 (keyword-name (if (and (listp key-spec) (listp (first key-spec)))
318 (first (first key-spec))
319 (intern (string var) :keyword)))
320 (init-form (if (listp key-spec) (second key-spec) nil))
321 (init-form-supplied-p (if (listp key-spec) t nil))
322 (supplied-p-var (if (listp key-spec) (third key-spec) nil)))
323 (values var init-form keyword-name supplied-p-var init-form-supplied-p)))
325 (defun parse-optional-spec (spec)
326 "Parses an &optional parameter. Returns 3 values: var, init-form, supplied-p-var.
327 [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*] "
328 (let* ((var (cond ((symbolp spec) spec)
329 ((and (listp spec) (first spec)))))
330 (init-form (if (listp spec) (second spec)))
331 (supplied-p-var (if (listp spec) (third spec))))
332 (values var init-form supplied-p-var)))
334 (defun parse-aux-spec (spec)
335 "Returns two values: variable and init-form"
336 ;; [&aux {var | (var [init-form])}*])
337 (values (if (symbolp spec) spec (first spec))
338 (when (listp spec) (second spec))))
340 (defpsmacro defaultf (name value suppl)
341 `(progn
342 ,@(when suppl `((var ,suppl t)))
343 (when (eql ,name undefined)
344 (setf ,name ,value ,@(when suppl (list suppl nil))))))
346 (defun parse-extended-function (lambda-list body)
347 "Returns two values: the effective arguments and body for a function with
348 the given lambda-list and body."
350 ;; The lambda list is transformed as follows, since a javascript
351 ;; lambda list is just a list of variable names, and you have access
352 ;; to the arguments variable inside the function:
354 ;; * standard variables are the mapped directly into the js-lambda
355 ;; list
357 ;; * optional variables' variable names are mapped directly into the
358 ;; lambda list, and for each optional variable with name v,
359 ;; default value d, and supplied-p parameter s, a form is produced
360 ;; (defaultf v d s)
362 ;; * keyword variables are not included in the js-lambda list, but
363 ;; instead are obtained from the magic js ARGUMENTS
364 ;; pseudo-array. Code assigning values to keyword vars is
365 ;; prepended to the body of the function. Defaults and supplied-p
366 ;; are handled using the same mechanism as with optional vars.
367 (multiple-value-bind (requireds optionals rest? rest keys? keys allow? aux?
368 aux more? more-context more-count key-object)
369 (parse-lambda-list lambda-list)
370 (declare (ignore allow? aux? aux more? more-context more-count key-object))
371 (let* ( ;; optionals are of form (var default-value)
372 (effective-args
373 (remove-if #'null
374 (append requireds
375 (mapcar #'parse-optional-spec optionals))))
376 (opt-forms
377 (mapcar (lambda (opt-spec)
378 (multiple-value-bind (var val suppl)
379 (parse-optional-spec opt-spec)
380 `(defaultf ,var ,val ,suppl)))
381 optionals))
382 (key-forms
383 (when keys?
384 (if (< *js-target-version* 1.6)
385 (with-ps-gensyms (n)
386 (let ((decls nil)
387 (assigns nil)
388 (defaults nil))
389 (mapc
390 (lambda (k)
391 (multiple-value-bind (var init-form
392 keyword-str suppl)
393 (parse-key-spec k)
394 (push `(var ,var)
395 decls)
396 (push `(,keyword-str (setf ,var (aref arguments (1+ ,n))))
397 assigns)
398 (push (list 'defaultf var init-form suppl)
399 defaults)))
400 (reverse keys))
401 `(,@decls
402 (loop for ,n from ,(length requireds)
403 below (length arguments) by 2 do
404 (case (aref arguments ,n) ,@assigns))
405 ,@defaults)))
406 (mapcar
407 (lambda (k)
408 (multiple-value-bind (var init-form keyword-str)
409 (parse-key-spec k)
410 (with-ps-gensyms (x)
411 `(let ((,x ((@ *Array prototype index-of call)
412 arguments ,keyword-str
413 ,(length requireds))))
414 (var ,var (if (= -1 ,x)
415 ,init-form
416 (aref arguments (1+ ,x))))))))
417 keys))))
418 (rest-form
419 (when rest?
420 (with-ps-gensyms (i)
421 `(progn (var ,rest (array))
422 (dotimes (,i (- (getprop arguments 'length)
423 ,(length effective-args)))
424 (setf (aref ,rest
426 (aref arguments
427 (+ ,i ,(length effective-args)))))))))
428 (body-paren-forms (parse-function-body body))
429 (effective-body (append opt-forms
430 key-forms
431 (awhen rest-form (list it))
432 body-paren-forms)))
433 (values effective-args effective-body))))
435 (defun maybe-rename-local-function (fun-name)
436 (aif (getf *ps-local-function-names* fun-name)
438 fun-name))
440 (defun collect-function-names (fn-defs)
441 (loop for (fn-name) in fn-defs
442 collect fn-name
443 collect (if (or (member fn-name *ps-enclosing-lexicals*)
444 (lookup-macro-def fn-name *ps-symbol-macro-env*))
445 (ps-gensym fn-name)
446 fn-name)))
448 (define-ps-special-form flet (fn-defs &rest body)
449 (let* ((fn-renames (collect-function-names fn-defs))
450 (fn-defs (loop for (fn-name . def) in fn-defs collect
451 (ps-compile `(var ,(getf fn-renames fn-name)
452 (lambda ,@def)))))
453 (*ps-enclosing-lexicals*
454 (append fn-renames *ps-enclosing-lexicals*))
455 (*ps-local-function-names*
456 (append fn-renames *ps-local-function-names*)))
457 `(,(if compile-expression? 'js:|,| 'js:block)
458 ,@fn-defs
459 ,@(flatten-blocks (mapcar #'ps-compile body)))))
461 (define-ps-special-form labels (fn-defs &rest body)
462 (let* ((fn-renames (collect-function-names fn-defs))
463 (*ps-local-function-names*
464 (append fn-renames *ps-local-function-names*))
465 (*ps-enclosing-lexicals*
466 (append fn-renames *ps-enclosing-lexicals*)))
467 (ps-compile
468 `(progn ,@(loop for (fn-name . def) in fn-defs collect
469 `(var ,(getf *ps-local-function-names* fn-name)
470 (lambda ,@def)))
471 ,@body))))
473 (define-ps-special-form function (fn-name)
474 (ps-compile (maybe-rename-local-function fn-name)))
476 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
477 ;;; macros
479 (define-ps-special-form macrolet (macros &body body)
480 (with-local-macro-environment (local-macro-dict *ps-macro-env*)
481 (dolist (macro macros)
482 (destructuring-bind (name arglist &body body)
483 macro
484 (setf (gethash name local-macro-dict)
485 (eval (make-ps-macro-function arglist body)))))
486 (ps-compile `(progn ,@body))))
488 (define-ps-special-form symbol-macrolet (symbol-macros &body body)
489 (with-local-macro-environment (local-macro-dict *ps-symbol-macro-env*)
490 (let (local-var-bindings)
491 (dolist (macro symbol-macros)
492 (destructuring-bind (name expansion)
493 macro
494 (setf (gethash name local-macro-dict) (lambda (x)
495 (declare (ignore x))
496 expansion))
497 (push name local-var-bindings)))
498 (let ((*ps-enclosing-lexicals*
499 (append local-var-bindings
500 *ps-enclosing-lexicals*)))
501 (ps-compile `(progn ,@body))))))
503 (define-ps-special-form defmacro (name args &body body)
504 (eval `(defpsmacro ,name ,args ,@body))
505 nil)
507 (define-ps-special-form define-symbol-macro (name expansion)
508 (eval `(define-ps-symbol-macro ,name ,expansion))
509 nil)
511 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
512 ;;; objects
514 (define-ps-symbol-macro {} (create))
516 (define-ps-special-form create (&rest arrows)
517 `(js:object
518 ,@(loop for (key val-expr) on arrows by #'cddr collecting
519 (progn
520 (assert (or (stringp key) (numberp key) (symbolp key))
522 "Slot key ~s is not one of symbol, string or number."
523 key)
524 (cons (aif (and (symbolp key) (ps-reserved-symbol? key)) it key)
525 (compile-expression val-expr))))))
527 (define-ps-special-form %js-getprop (obj slot)
528 (let ((expanded-slot (ps-macroexpand slot))
529 (obj (compile-expression obj)))
530 (if (and (listp expanded-slot)
531 (eq 'quote (car expanded-slot)))
532 (aif (or (ps-reserved-symbol? (second expanded-slot))
533 (and (keywordp (second expanded-slot)) (second expanded-slot)))
534 `(js:aref ,obj ,it)
535 `(js:getprop ,obj ,(second expanded-slot)))
536 `(js:aref ,obj ,(compile-expression slot)))))
538 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
539 ;;; assignment and binding
541 (defun assignment-op (op)
542 (getf '(js:+ js:+=
543 js:~ js:~=
544 js:& js:&=
545 js:\| js:\|=
546 js:- js:-=
547 js:* js:*=
548 js:% js:%=
549 js:>> js:>>=
550 js:^ js:^=
551 js:<< js:<<=
552 js:>>> js:>>>=
553 js:/ js:/=)
554 op))
556 (define-ps-special-form ps-assign (lhs rhs)
557 (let ((lhs (compile-expression lhs))
558 (rhs (compile-expression rhs)))
559 (aif (and (listp rhs)
560 (= 3 (length rhs))
561 (equal lhs (second rhs))
562 (assignment-op (first rhs)))
563 (list it lhs (if (fourth rhs)
564 (cons (first rhs) (cddr rhs))
565 (third rhs)))
566 (list 'js:= lhs rhs))))
568 (define-ps-special-form var (name &optional
569 (value (values) value-provided?)
570 documentation)
571 (declare (ignore documentation))
572 (let ((name (ps-macroexpand name)))
573 (if compile-expression?
574 (progn (push name *enclosing-lexical-block-declarations*)
575 (when value-provided?
576 (compile-expression `(setf ,name ,value))))
577 `(js:var ,name
578 ,@(when value-provided?
579 (list (compile-expression value)))))))
581 (define-ps-special-form let (bindings &body body)
582 (with-declaration-effects body
583 (let* ((lexical-bindings-introduced-here ())
584 (normalized-bindings
585 (mapcar (lambda (x)
586 (if (symbolp x)
587 (list x nil)
588 (list (car x) (ps-macroexpand (cadr x)))))
589 bindings))
590 (free-variables-in-binding-value-expressions
591 (mapcan (lambda (x)
592 (flatten (cadr x)))
593 normalized-bindings)))
594 (flet ((maybe-rename-lexical-var (x)
595 (if (or (member x *ps-enclosing-lexicals*)
596 (lookup-macro-def x *ps-symbol-macro-env*)
597 (member x free-variables-in-binding-value-expressions))
598 (ps-gensym x)
599 (progn (push x lexical-bindings-introduced-here) nil)))
600 (rename (x) (first x))
601 (var (x) (second x))
602 (val (x) (third x)))
603 (let* ((lexical-bindings
604 (loop for x in normalized-bindings
605 unless (ps-special-variable-p (car x))
606 collect (cons (maybe-rename-lexical-var (car x)) x)))
607 (dynamic-bindings
608 (loop for x in normalized-bindings
609 when (ps-special-variable-p (car x))
610 collect (cons (ps-gensym (format nil "~A_~A"
611 (car x) 'tmp-stack))
612 x)))
613 (renamed-body `(symbol-macrolet ,(loop for x in lexical-bindings
614 when (rename x) collect
615 `(,(var x) ,(rename x)))
616 ,@body))
617 (*ps-enclosing-lexicals*
618 (append lexical-bindings-introduced-here
619 *ps-enclosing-lexicals*)))
620 (ps-compile
621 `(progn
622 ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
623 `(var ,(or (rename x)
624 (var x))
625 ,(val x)))
626 lexical-bindings)
627 ,(if dynamic-bindings
628 `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
629 `(var ,(rename x)))
630 dynamic-bindings)
631 (try (progn
632 (setf ,@(loop for x in dynamic-bindings append
633 `(,(rename x) ,(var x)
634 ,(var x) ,(val x))))
635 ,renamed-body)
636 (:finally
637 (setf ,@(mapcan (lambda (x)
638 `(,(var x) ,(rename x)))
639 dynamic-bindings)))))
640 renamed-body))))))))
642 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
643 ;;; iteration
645 (defun make-for-vars/inits (init-forms)
646 (mapcar (lambda (x)
647 (cons (ps-macroexpand (if (atom x) x (first x)))
648 (compile-expression (if (atom x) nil (second x)))))
649 init-forms))
651 (define-ps-special-form for (init-forms cond-forms step-forms &body body)
652 `(js:for ,(make-for-vars/inits init-forms)
653 ,(mapcar #'compile-expression cond-forms)
654 ,(mapcar #'compile-expression step-forms)
655 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
657 (define-ps-special-form continue (&optional label)
658 `(js:continue ,label))
660 (define-ps-special-form for-in ((var object) &rest body)
661 `(js:for-in ,(compile-expression var)
662 ,(compile-expression object)
663 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
665 (define-ps-special-form while (test &rest body)
666 `(js:while ,(compile-expression test)
667 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
669 (define-ps-special-form label (label &rest body)
670 `(js:label ,label ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
672 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
673 ;;; misc
675 (define-ps-special-form with (expression &rest body)
676 `(js:with ,(compile-expression expression)
677 ,(compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
679 (define-ps-special-form try (form &rest clauses)
680 (let ((catch (cdr (assoc :catch clauses)))
681 (finally (cdr (assoc :finally clauses))))
682 (assert (not (cdar catch)) nil "Sorry, currently only simple catch forms are supported.")
683 (assert (or catch finally) ()
684 "Try form should have either a catch or a finally clause or both.")
685 `(js:try ,(compile-statement `(progn ,form))
686 :catch ,(when catch (list (caar catch)
687 (compile-statement `(progn ,@(cdr catch)))))
688 :finally ,(when finally (compile-statement `(progn ,@finally))))))
690 (define-ps-special-form regex (regex)
691 `(js:regex ,(string regex)))
693 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
694 ;;; evalutation
696 (define-ps-special-form lisp (lisp-form)
697 ;; (ps (foo (lisp bar))) is like (ps* `(foo ,bar))
698 ;; When called from inside of ps*, lisp-form has access to the
699 ;; dynamic environment only, analogoues to eval.
700 `(js:escape
701 (with-output-to-string (*psw-stream*)
702 (let ((compile-expression? ,compile-expression?))
703 (parenscript-print (ps-compile ,lisp-form) t)))))
705 (define-ps-special-form eval-when (situation-list &body body)
706 "The body is evaluated only during the given situations. The
707 accepted situations are :load-toplevel, :compile-toplevel,
708 and :execute. The code in BODY is assumed to be Common-Lisp code
709 in :compile-toplevel and :load-toplevel sitations, and Parenscript
710 code in :execute."
711 (when (and (member :compile-toplevel situation-list)
712 (member *ps-compilation-level* '(:toplevel :inside-toplevel-form)))
713 (eval `(progn ,@body)))
714 (if (member :execute situation-list)
715 (ps-compile `(progn ,@body))
716 (ps-compile `(progn))))