Moved dir $(srcdir)/vfs into $(srcdir)/lib/vfs/mc-vfs
[pantumic.git] / lib / vfs / mc-vfs / extfs /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
5 # Midnight Commander compatible EXTFS for accessing Amazon Web Services S3.
6 # Written by Jakob Kemi <> 2009
8 # Copyright (c) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
9 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
24 # Notes:
25 # This EXTFS exposes buckets as directories and keys as files
26 # Due to EXTFS limitations all buckets & keys have to be read initially which might
27 # take quite some time.
28 # Tested on Debian with Python 2.4-2.6 and boto 1.4c and 1.6b
29 # (Python 2.6 might need -W ignore::DeprecationWarning due to boto using
30 # deprecated module Popen2)
33 # Installation:
34 # Make sure that boto <> (python-boto in Debian) is installed.
35 # Preferably pytz (package python-tz in Debian) should be installed as well.
37 # Save as executable file /share/mc/extfs/s3 (or wherever your mc expects to find extfs modules)
38 # Add the the following to your extfs.ini (might exists as /usr/share/mc/extfs/extfs.ini):
39 # ----- begin extfs.ini -----
40 # # Amazon S3
41 # s3:
42 # ----- end extfs.ini -----
45 # Settings: (should be set via environment)
46 # Required:
47 # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID : Amazon AWS acces key (required)
48 # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY : Amazon AWS secret access key (required)
49 # Optional:
50 # MCVFS_EXTFS_S3_LOCATION : where to create new buckets, "EU"(default) or "US"
51 # MCVFS_EXTFS_S3_DEBUGFILE : write debug info to this file (no info default)
54 # Usage:
55 # Open dialog "Quick cd" (<alt-c>) and type: #s3 <enter> (or simply type ''cd #s3'' in shell line)
58 # History:
59 # 2009-02-07 Jakob Kemi <>
60 # - Updated instructions.
61 # - Improved error reporting.
63 # 2009-02-06 Jakob Kemi <>
64 # - Threaded list command.
65 # - Handle rm of empty "subdirectories" (as seen in mc).
66 # - List most recent datetime and total size of keys as directory properties.
67 # - List modification time in local time.
69 # 2009-02-05 Jakob Kemi <>
70 # - Initial version.
73 import sys
74 import os
75 import time
76 import re
77 import datetime
80 import boto
81 from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
82 from boto.s3.key import Key
83 from boto.exception import BotoServerError
86 # Get settings from environment
87 USER=os.getenv('USER','0')
90 LOCATION = os.getenv('MCVFS_EXTFS_S3_LOCATION', 'EU').lower()
94 sys.stderr.write('Missing AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.\n')
95 sys.exit(1)
97 # Setup logging
99 import logging
100 logging.basicConfig(
101 filename=DEBUGFILE,
102 level=logging.DEBUG,
103 format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
104 logging.getLogger('boto').setLevel(logging.WARNING)
105 else:
106 class Void(object):
107 def __getattr__(self, attr):
108 return self
109 def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
110 return self
111 logging = Void()
113 logger=logging.getLogger('s3extfs')
116 def threadmap(fun, iterable, maxthreads=16):
118 Quick and dirty threaded version of builtin method map.
119 Propagates exception safely.
121 from threading import Thread
122 import Queue
124 items = list(iterable)
125 nitems = len(items)
126 if nitems < 2:
127 return map(fun, items)
129 # Create and fill input queue
130 input = Queue.Queue()
131 output = Queue.Queue()
133 for i,item in enumerate(items):
134 input.put( (i,item) )
136 class WorkThread(Thread):
138 Takes one item from input queue (thread terminates when input queue is empty),
139 performs fun, puts result in output queue
141 def run(self):
142 while True:
143 try:
144 (i,item) = input.get_nowait()
145 try:
146 result = fun(item)
147 output.put( (i,result) )
148 except:
149 output.put( (None,sys.exc_info()) )
150 except Queue.Empty:
151 return
153 # Start threads
154 for i in range( min(len(items), maxthreads) ):
155 t = WorkThread()
156 t.setDaemon(True)
157 t.start()
159 # Wait for all threads to finish & collate results
160 ret = []
161 for i in range(nitems):
162 try:
163 i,res = output.get()
164 if i == None:
165 raise res[0],res[1],res[2]
166 except Queue.Empty:
167 break
168 ret.append(res)
170 return ret
172 logger.debug('started')
174 # Global S3 connection
176 if LOCATION == 'eu':
177 logger.debug('Using location EU for new buckets')
178 S3LOCATION = boto.s3.connection.Location.EU
179 else:
180 logger.debug('Using location US for new buckets')
181 S3LOCATION = boto.s3.connection.Location.US
183 logger.debug('argv: ' + str(sys.argv))
185 try:
186 cmd = sys.argv[1]
187 args = sys.argv[2:]
188 except:
189 sys.stderr.write('This program should be called from within MC\n')
190 sys.exit(1)
192 def handleServerError(msg):
193 e = sys.exc_info()
194 msg += ', reason: ' + e[1].reason
195 logger.error(msg, exc_info=e)
196 sys.stderr.write(msg+'\n')
197 sys.exit(1)
200 # Lists all S3 contents
202 if cmd == 'list':
203 if len(args) > 0:
204 path = args[0]
205 else:
206 path = ''
210 rs = s3.get_all_buckets()
212 # Import python timezones (pytz)
213 try:
214 import pytz
215 except:
216 logger.warning('Missing pytz module, timestamps will be off')
217 # A fallback UTC tz stub
218 class pytzutc(datetime.tzinfo):
219 def __init__(self):
220 datetime.tzinfo.__init__(self)
221 self.utc = self
222 = 'UTC'
223 def utcoffset(self, dt):
224 return datetime.timedelta(0)
225 def tzname(self, dt):
226 return "UTC"
227 def dst(self, dt):
228 return datetime.timedelta(0)
229 pytz = pytzutc()
232 # Find timezone
233 # (yes, timeZONE as in _geographic zone_ not EST/CEST or whatever crap we get from time.tzname)
234 #
235 def getGuessedTimezone():
236 # 1. check TZ env. var
237 try:
238 tz = os.getenv('TZ', '')
239 return pytz.timezone(tz)
240 except:
241 pass
242 # 2. check if /etc/timezone exists (Debian at least)
243 try:
244 if os.path.isfile('/etc/timezone'):
245 tz = open('/etc/timezone', 'r').readline().strip()
246 return pytz.timezone(tz)
247 except:
248 pass
249 # 3. check if /etc/localtime is a _link_ to something useful
250 try:
251 if os.path.islink('/etc/localtime'):
252 link = os.readlink('/etc/localtime')
253 tz = '/'.join(p.split(os.path.sep)[-2:])
254 return pytz.timezone(tz)
255 except:
256 pass
257 # 4. use time.tzname which will probably be wrong by an hour 50% of the time.
258 try:
259 return pytz.timezone(time.tzname[0])
260 except:
261 pass
262 # 5. use plain UTC ...
263 return pytz.utc
265 tz=getGuessedTimezone()
266 logger.debug('Using timezone: ' +
268 # AWS time is on format: 2009-01-07T16:43:39.000Z
269 # we "want" MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm (in localtime)
270 expr = re.compile(r'^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.\d{3}Z$')
271 def convDate(awsdatetime):
272 m = expr.match(awsdatetime)
273 ye,mo,da,ho,mi,se = map(int,m.groups())
275 dt = datetime.datetime(ye,mo,da,ho,mi,se, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
276 return dt.astimezone(tz).strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M')
279 def bucketList(b):
280 totsz = 0
281 mostrecent = '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
282 ret = []
283 for k in b.list():
284 mostrecent = max(mostrecent, k.last_modified)
285 datetime = convDate(k.last_modified)
286 ret.append('%10s %3d %-8s %-8s %d %s %s\n' % (
287 '-rw-r--r--', 1, USER, USER, k.size, datetime,'/'
289 totsz += k.size
291 datetime=convDate(mostrecent)
292 sys.stdout.write('%10s %3d %-8s %-8s %d %s %s\n' % (
293 'drwxr-xr-x', 1, USER, USER, totsz, datetime,
295 for line in ret:
296 sys.stdout.write(line)
298 threadmap(bucketList, rs)
301 # Fetch file from S3
303 elif cmd == 'copyout':
304 archivename = args[0]
305 storedfilename = args[1]
306 extractto = args[2]
308 bucket,key = storedfilename.split('/', 1)
309'copyout bucket: %s, key: %s'%(bucket, key))
311 try:
312 b = s3.get_bucket(bucket)
313 k = b.get_key(key)
315 out = open(extractto, 'w')
318 for buf in k:
319 out.write(buf)
320 k.close()
321 out.close()
322 except BotoServerError:
323 handleServerError('Unable to fetch key "%s"'%(key))
326 # Upload file to S3
328 elif cmd == 'copyin':
329 archivename = args[0]
330 storedfilename = args[1]
331 sourcefile = args[2]
333 bucket,key = storedfilename.split('/', 1)
334'copyin bucket: %s, key: %s'%(bucket, key))
336 try:
337 b = s3.get_bucket(bucket)
338 k = b.new_key(key)
339 k.set_contents_from_file(fp=open(sourcefile,'r'))
340 except BotoServerError:
341 handleServerError('Unable to upload key "%s"' % (key))
344 # Remove file from S3
346 elif cmd == 'rm':
347 archivename = args[0]
348 storedfilename = args[1]
350 bucket,key = storedfilename.split('/', 1)
351'rm bucket: %s, key: %s'%(bucket, key))
353 try:
354 b = s3.get_bucket(bucket)
355 b.delete_key(key)
356 except BotoServerError:
357 handleServerError('Unable to remove key "%s"' % (key))
360 # Create directory
362 elif cmd == 'mkdir':
363 archivename = args[0]
364 dirname = args[1]
366'mkdir dir: %s' %(dirname))
367 if '/' in dirname:
368 logger.warning('skipping mkdir')
369 pass
370 else:
371 bucket = dirname
372 try:
373 s3.create_bucket(bucket, location=boto.s3.connection.Location.EU)
374 except BotoServerError:
375 handleServerError('Unable to create bucket "%s"' % (bucket))
378 # Remove directory
380 elif cmd == 'rmdir':
381 archivename = args[0]
382 dirname = args[1]
384'rmdir dir: %s' %(dirname))
385 if '/' in dirname:
386 logger.warning('skipping rmdir')
387 pass
388 else:
389 bucket = dirname
390 try:
391 b = s3.get_bucket(bucket)
392 s3.delete_bucket(b)
393 except BotoServerError:
394 handleServerError('Unable to delete bucket "%s"' % (bucket))
397 # Run from S3
399 elif cmd == 'run':
400 archivename = args[0]
401 storedfilename = args[1]
402 arguments = args[2:]
404 bucket,key = storedfilename.split('/', 1)
405'run bucket: %s, key: %s'%(bucket, key))
407 os.execv(storedfilename, arguments)
408 else:
409 logger.error('unhandled, bye')
410 sys.exit(1)
412 logger.debug('command handled')
413 sys.exit(0)