Ticket #1704: fixed quick search show.
[pantumic.git] / syntax / Syntax
1 # This file describes which highlighting scheme is applied to a particular
2 # file in mcedit.
4 # Each entry consists of two lines: a "file" specification and the
5 # corresponding highlighting definition ("include"). A file specification
6 # can have two or three fields, each separated by white-space characters.
8 # The first field is a regular expression that is matched against the file
9 # name. The second field is a description of the file type and is
10 # currently unused. The third (optional) field is a regular expression
11 # that is matched against the first line of the file. The first entry
12 # that matches wins, that is, all the entries below are ignored.
14 # Certain characters must be quoted in these fields. These are space (\s),
15 # tabs (\t), backslashes(\\), plus (\+) and asterisk (\*). Braces {} and
16 # brackets [] must not be quoted in this file. However, they have a special
17 # meaning when used in the actual syntax definitions.
19 # You can use the following colors in the syntax highlighting files:
20 # black, blue, brightblue, brightcyan, brightgreen, brightmagenta,
21 # brightred, brown, cyan, gray, green, lightgray, magenta, red, white,
22 # yellow
25 file [Ss]yntax$ Syntax\sHighlighting\sdefinitions ^#\ssyntax\srules\sversion\s
26 include syntax.syntax
28 file ..\*\\.(e)$ Eiffel\sSource\sFile
29 include eiffel.syntax
31 file ..\*\\.(diff|rej|patch)$ Diff\sOutput ^(diff|Index:)\s
32 include diff.syntax
34 file ..\*\\.lsm$ LSM\sFile
35 include lsm.syntax
37 file ..\*\\.sh$ Shell\sScript ^#!.\*([\s/]([abd-z]?|ba|pdk)sh|@SH@)
38 include sh.syntax
40 file ..\*\\.(pl|PL|pm|PM)$ Perl\sProgram ^#!.\*([\s/]perl|@PERL@)
41 include perl.syntax
43 file ..\*\\.(py|PY)$ Python\sProgram ^#!.\*([\s/]python|@PYTHON@)
44 include python.syntax
46 file ..\*\\.(rb|RB)$ Ruby\sProgram ^#!.\*([\s/]ruby|@RUBY@)
47 include ruby.syntax
49 file ..\*\\.(man|[0-9n]|[0-9](x|ncurses|ssl|p|pm|menu|form|vga|t|td))$ NROFF\sSource
50 include nroff.syntax
52 file ..\*\\.(htm|html|HTM|HTML)$ HTML\sFile
53 include html.syntax
55 file ..\*\\.(xml|XML|xsd|XSD|xslt?|XSLT?|dtd|DTD|qpg|qpg.in)$ XML\sdocument (\\?xml\sversion|!DOCTYPE\s)
56 include xml.syntax
58 file (.\*[Mm]akefile[\\\.A-Za-z0-9]\*|..\*\\.mk|Kbuild)$ Makefile
59 include makefile.syntax
61 file ..\*\\.(pp|PP|pas|PAS|dpr|DPR|inc|INC)$ Pascal\sProgram
62 include pascal.syntax
64 file ..\*\\.(ada|adb|ads|ADA|ADB|ADS)$ Ada\sProgram
65 include ada95.syntax
67 file ..\*\\.(tcl|itcl|TCL|ITCL)$ Tcl\sProgram
68 include tcl.syntax
70 file ..\*\\.(sl|SL)$ S-Lang\sProgram
71 include slang.syntax
73 file ..\*\\.tex$ LaTeX\s2.09\sDocument
74 include latex.syntax
76 file ..\*\.(texi|texinfo|TEXI|TEXINFO)$ Texinfo\sDocument
77 include texinfo.syntax
79 file ..\*\\.c$ C\sProgram
80 include c.syntax
82 file ..\*\\.([hC]|CC|cxx|cc|cpp|CPP|CXX|hxx|h\.in)$ C/C\+\+\sProgram
83 include cxx.syntax
85 file ..\*\\.d$ D\sProgram
86 include d.syntax
88 file ..\*\\.[fF]$ Fortran\sProgram
89 include fortran.syntax
91 file ..\*\\.[fF]9[05]$ Freeform\sFortran\sProgram
92 include f90.syntax
94 file ..\*\\.i$ SWIG\sSource
95 include swig.syntax
97 file ..\*\\.(php|PHP)[0-9]?$ PHP\sProgram
98 include php.syntax
100 file ..\*\\.ij[xs]$ J\sFile
101 include j.syntax
103 file ..\*\\.(java|JAVA|Java|jav|groovy|GROOVY|Groovy)$ Java\sProgram
104 include java.syntax
106 file ..\*\\.(cs|CS)$ C\#\sProgram
107 include cs.syntax
109 file ..\*\\.(js|JS)$ JavaScript\sProgram
110 include js.syntax
112 file ..\*\\.(asax|aspx|ascx|asmx|ashx)$ ASPX\sFile
113 include aspx.syntax
115 file ..\*\\.st$ SmallTalk\sProgram
116 include smalltalk.syntax
118 file ..\*\\.(lisp|lsp|el|cl)$ Lisp\sProgram
119 include lisp.syntax
121 file ..\*\\.(ml|mli|mly|mll|mlp)$ ML\sProgram
122 include ml.syntax
124 file ..\*\\.m$ Matlab\sor\sOctave\sFile
125 include octave.syntax
127 file ..\*\\.(sql|SQL)$ SQL\sProgram
128 include sql.syntax
130 file ..\*\\.(spec|spec\.in)$ RPM\sSpecfile
131 include spec.syntax
133 file ..\*\\.repo$ YUM\sRepo File
134 include yum.repo.syntax
136 file ..\*\\.(awk)$ AWK\sFile
137 include awk.syntax
139 file ..\*\\.(css|qss|CSS|QSS)$ CSS\sFile
140 include css.syntax
142 file .\*ChangeLog[\\\.A-Za-z0-9_]\*$ GNU\sChangeLog\sFile
143 include changelog.syntax
145 file (..\*\\.m4$|configure\\.in|configure\\.ac) M4\sMacroprocessor\sSource
146 include m4.syntax
148 file ..\*\\.(bat|cmd)$ DOS\sBatch
149 include dos.syntax
151 file ..\*\\.(po|pot|pox)$ PO\sFile
152 include po.syntax
154 file ..\*\\.([Aa][Ss][Mm]|s|S)$ ASM\sProgram
155 include assembler.syntax
157 file ..\*\\.([Pp][Oo][Vv])$ POV\sScript
158 include povray.syntax
160 file .\*\\.(ebuild|eclass)$ Gentoo\sEbuild
161 include ebuild.syntax
163 file ..\*\\.([lL][uU][aA])$ LUA\sProgram ^#!.*/lua
164 include lua.syntax
166 file ..\*\\.([iI][dD][lL])$ CORBA\sIDL
167 include idl.syntax
169 file Don_t_match_me Mail\sfolder ^(From|Return-(P|p)ath:|From:|Date:)\s
170 include mail.syntax
172 file \.procmailrc$ Procmail\sRC\sFile ^#/usr/bin/procmail
173 include procmail.syntax
175 file sources.list$ sources\slist
176 include debian-sources-list.syntax
178 file control$ Debian\scontrol\sfile
179 include debian-control.syntax
181 file (rules|rocks)$ Debian\srules
182 include makefile.syntax
184 file .\*changelog$ Debian\schangelog\sfile
185 include debian-changelog.syntax
187 file changelog.Debian$ Debian\schangelog\sfile
188 include debian-changelog.syntax
190 file .\*\\.dsc$ Debian\sdescriptiom\sfile
191 include debian-description.syntax
193 file ..\*\\.([hH][sS][cC]?)$ Haskell\sprogram
194 include haskell.syntax
196 file ..\*\\.(n|N)$ Nemerle\sProgram
197 include nemerle.syntax
199 file ..\*\\.(v|V)$ Verilog\sDevice\sDescription
200 include verilog.syntax
202 file ..\*\\.(hdl|vhd|vdhl|HDL|VHD|VHDL)$ VHDL\sDevice\sDescription
203 include vhdl.syntax
205 file ..\*\\.erl$ Erlang\sProgram ^(-module\\(|#!.*escript)
206 include erlang.syntax
208 file ..\*\\.hrl$ Erlang\sHeader ^-record\\(
209 include erlang.syntax
211 file .\*named.conf$ Bind9\sconfiguration
212 include named.syntax
214 file .\*\\.strace$ Strace\sdebug\soutput
215 include strace.syntax
217 file PKGBUILD$ Arch\\spackage\\sbuild\\sscript
218 include PKGBUILD.syntax
220 file \\.install$ Arch\\spackage\\sinstall\\sscript
221 include sh.syntax
223 file .\* unknown
224 include unknown.syntax