Initial hack at a DB operations struct
[pacman-ng.git] / contrib /
1 #!@BASH@
3 if [ -r "@sysconfdir@/makepkg.conf" ]; then
4 source @sysconfdir@/makepkg.conf
5 else
6 echo "wget-xdelta: Unable to find makepkg.conf"
7 exit 1
8 fi
10 if [ -r ~/.makepkg.conf ]; then
11 source ~/.makepkg.conf
14 out_file=$(basename $1)
15 file_url=$2
17 if ! [[ "$out_file" =~ "pkg.tar.gz" ]]; then
18 # If it's not a package file download as normal and exit.
19 #wget --passive-ftp -c -O "$out_file" "$file_url"
20 exit $?
24 # Get the package name and version
25 [[ "$out_file" =~ "$CARCH" ]] && arch="-$CARCH" || arch=""
26 pkg_data=$(echo $out_file | \
27 sed "s|^\(.*\)-\([[:alnum:]_\.]*-[[:alnum:]_\.]*\)${arch}${PKGEXT}.part|\1 \2|")
28 pkgname=$(echo $pkg_data | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
29 new_version=$(echo $pkg_data | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
30 base_url=${file_url%/*}
32 # Look for the last version
33 for file in $(ls -r @localstatedir@/cache/pacman/pkg/${pkgname}-*-*{,-$CARCH}$PKGEXT 2>/dev/null); do
34 [[ "$file" =~ "$CARCH" ]] && arch="-$CARCH" || arch=""
35 check_version=$(echo $file | \
36 sed "s|^.*/${pkgname}-\([[:alnum:]_\.]*-[[:alnum:]_\.]*\)${arch}$PKGEXT$|\1|" | \
37 grep -v "^@localstatedir@/cache/pacman/pkg")
39 [ "$check_version" = "" ] && continue
41 vercmp=$(vercmp "$check_version" "$old_version")
42 if [ "$check_version" != "$new_version" -a $vercmp -gt 0 ]; then
43 old_version=$check_version
44 old_file=$file
46 done
48 if [ "$old_version" != "" -a "$old_version" != "$new_version" ]; then
49 # Great, we have a cached file, now calculate a patch name from it
50 delta_name="$pkgname-${old_version}_to_${new_version}-${CARCH}.delta"
52 echo "wget-xdelta: Attempting to download delta $delta_name..." >&2
53 if wget --passive-ftp -c "$base_url/$delta_name"; then
54 echo "wget-xdelta: Applying delta..."
55 if xdelta patch "$delta_name" "$old_file" "$out_file"; then
56 echo "wget-xdelta: Delta applied successfully!"
57 rm "$delta_name"
58 exit 0
59 else
60 echo "wget-xdelta: Failed to apply delta!"
61 rm $delta_name
66 echo "wget-xdelta: Downloading new package..."
67 wget --passive-ftp -c -O "$out_file" "$file_url"
68 exit $?
70 # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 noet: