UCT thread_model: Set default to TM_TREEVL (much better and more scalable)
[pachi/json.git] / uct / walk.c
1 #include <assert.h>
2 #include <pthread.h>
3 #include <signal.h>
4 #include <stdio.h>
5 #include <stdlib.h>
6 #include <string.h>
8 #define DEBUG
10 #include "debug.h"
11 #include "board.h"
12 #include "move.h"
13 #include "playout.h"
14 #include "probdist.h"
15 #include "random.h"
16 #include "tactics.h"
17 #include "uct/internal.h"
18 #include "uct/tree.h"
19 #include "uct/uct.h"
20 #include "uct/walk.h"
23 float
24 uct_get_extra_komi(struct uct *u, struct board *b)
26 float extra_komi = board_effective_handicap(b) * (u->dynkomi - b->moves) / u->dynkomi;
27 return extra_komi;
30 void
31 uct_progress_status(struct uct *u, struct tree *t, enum stone color, int playouts)
33 if (!UDEBUGL(0))
34 return;
36 /* Best move */
37 struct tree_node *best = u->policy->choose(u->policy, t->root, t->board, color);
38 if (!best) {
39 fprintf(stderr, "... No moves left\n");
40 return;
42 fprintf(stderr, "[%d] ", playouts);
43 fprintf(stderr, "best %f ", tree_node_get_value(t, 1, best->u.value));
45 /* Max depth */
46 fprintf(stderr, "deepest % 2d ", t->max_depth - t->root->depth);
48 /* Best sequence */
49 fprintf(stderr, "| seq ");
50 for (int depth = 0; depth < 6; depth++) {
51 if (best && best->u.playouts >= 25) {
52 fprintf(stderr, "%3s ", coord2sstr(best->coord, t->board));
53 best = u->policy->choose(u->policy, best, t->board, color);
54 } else {
55 fprintf(stderr, " ");
59 /* Best candidates */
60 fprintf(stderr, "| can ");
61 int cans = 4;
62 struct tree_node *can[cans];
63 memset(can, 0, sizeof(can));
64 best = t->root->children;
65 while (best) {
66 int c = 0;
67 while ((!can[c] || best->u.playouts > can[c]->u.playouts) && ++c < cans);
68 for (int d = 0; d < c; d++) can[d] = can[d + 1];
69 if (c > 0) can[c - 1] = best;
70 best = best->sibling;
72 while (--cans >= 0) {
73 if (can[cans]) {
74 fprintf(stderr, "%3s(%.3f) ",
75 coord2sstr(can[cans]->coord, t->board),
76 tree_node_get_value(t, 1, can[cans]->u.value));
77 } else {
78 fprintf(stderr, " ");
82 fprintf(stderr, "\n");
86 static int
87 uct_leaf_node(struct uct *u, struct board *b, enum stone player_color,
88 struct playout_amafmap *amaf,
89 struct tree *t, struct tree_node *n, enum stone node_color,
90 char *spaces)
92 enum stone next_color = stone_other(node_color);
93 int parity = (next_color == player_color ? 1 : -1);
94 if (n->u.playouts >= u->expand_p) {
95 // fprintf(stderr, "expanding %s (%p ^-%p)\n", coord2sstr(n->coord, b), n, n->parent);
96 if (!u->parallel_tree) {
97 /* Single-threaded, life is easy. */
98 tree_expand_node(t, n, b, next_color, u, parity);
99 } else {
100 /* We need to make sure only one thread expands
101 * the node. If we are unlucky enough for two
102 * threads to meet in the same node, the latter
103 * one will simply do another simulation from
104 * the node itself, no big deal. */
105 pthread_mutex_lock(&t->expansion_mutex);
106 if (tree_leaf_node(n)) {
107 tree_expand_node(t, n, b, next_color, u, parity);
108 } else {
109 // fprintf(stderr, "cancelling expansion, thread collision\n");
111 pthread_mutex_unlock(&t->expansion_mutex);
114 if (UDEBUGL(7))
115 fprintf(stderr, "%s*-- UCT playout #%d start [%s] %f\n",
116 spaces, n->u.playouts, coord2sstr(n->coord, t->board),
117 tree_node_get_value(t, parity, n->u.value));
119 struct uct_board *ub = b->es; assert(ub);
120 struct playout_setup ps = { .gamelen = u->gamelen };
121 int result = play_random_game(&ps, b, next_color,
122 u->playout_amaf ? amaf : NULL,
123 &ub->ownermap, u->playout);
124 if (next_color == S_WHITE) {
125 /* We need the result from black's perspective. */
126 result = - result;
128 if (UDEBUGL(7))
129 fprintf(stderr, "%s -- [%d..%d] %s random playout result %d\n",
130 spaces, player_color, next_color, coord2sstr(n->coord, t->board), result);
132 return result;
135 static float
136 scale_value(struct uct *u, struct board *b, int result)
138 float rval = result > 0;
139 if (u->val_scale) {
140 int vp = u->val_points;
141 if (!vp) {
142 vp = board_size(b) - 1; vp *= vp; vp *= 2;
145 float sval = (float) abs(result) / vp;
146 sval = sval > 1 ? 1 : sval;
147 if (result < 0) sval = 1 - sval;
148 if (u->val_extra)
149 rval += u->val_scale * sval;
150 else
151 rval = (1 - u->val_scale) * rval + u->val_scale * sval;
152 // fprintf(stderr, "score %d => sval %f, rval %f\n", result, sval, rval);
154 return rval;
159 uct_playout(struct uct *u, struct board *b, enum stone player_color, struct tree *t)
161 struct board b2;
162 board_copy(&b2, b);
164 struct playout_amafmap *amaf = NULL;
165 if (u->policy->wants_amaf) {
166 amaf = calloc(1, sizeof(*amaf));
167 amaf->map = calloc(board_size2(&b2) + 1, sizeof(*amaf->map));
168 amaf->map++; // -1 is pass
171 /* Walk the tree until we find a leaf, then expand it and do
172 * a random playout. */
173 struct tree_node *n = t->root;
174 enum stone node_color = stone_other(player_color);
175 assert(node_color == t->root_color);
177 void *dstate = NULL, *dstater = NULL;
179 int result;
180 int pass_limit = (board_size(&b2) - 2) * (board_size(&b2) - 2) / 2;
181 int passes = is_pass(b->last_move.coord) && b->moves > 0;
183 /* debug */
184 int depth = 0;
185 static char spaces[] = "\0 ";
186 /* /debug */
187 if (UDEBUGL(8))
188 fprintf(stderr, "--- UCT walk with color %d\n", player_color);
190 while (!tree_leaf_node(n) && passes < 2) {
191 spaces[depth++] = ' '; spaces[depth] = 0;
193 /* Parity is chosen already according to the child color, since
194 * it is applied to children. */
195 node_color = stone_other(node_color);
196 int parity = (node_color == player_color ? 1 : -1);
197 n = (!u->random_policy_chance || fast_random(u->random_policy_chance))
198 ? u->policy->descend(u->policy, &dstate, t, n, parity, pass_limit)
199 : u->random_policy->descend(u->random_policy, &dstater, t, n, parity, pass_limit);
201 assert(n == t->root || n->parent);
202 if (UDEBUGL(7))
203 fprintf(stderr, "%s+-- UCT sent us to [%s:%d] %f\n",
204 spaces, coord2sstr(n->coord, t->board), n->coord,
205 tree_node_get_value(t, parity, n->u.value));
207 /* Add virtual loss if we need to; this is used to discourage
208 * other threads from visiting this node in case of multiple
209 * threads doing the tree search. */
210 if (u->virtual_loss)
211 stats_add_result(&n->u, tree_parity(t, parity) > 0 ? 0 : 1, 1);
213 assert(n->coord >= -1);
214 if (amaf && !is_pass(n->coord)) {
215 if (amaf->map[n->coord] == S_NONE || amaf->map[n->coord] == node_color) {
216 amaf->map[n->coord] = node_color;
217 } else { // XXX: Respect amaf->record_nakade
218 amaf_op(amaf->map[n->coord], +);
220 amaf->game[amaf->gamelen].coord = n->coord;
221 amaf->game[amaf->gamelen].color = node_color;
222 amaf->gamelen++;
223 assert(amaf->gamelen < sizeof(amaf->game) / sizeof(amaf->game[0]));
226 struct move m = { n->coord, node_color };
227 int res = board_play(&b2, &m);
229 if (res < 0 || (!is_pass(m.coord) && !group_at(&b2, m.coord)) /* suicide */
230 || b2.superko_violation) {
231 if (UDEBUGL(3)) {
232 for (struct tree_node *ni = n; ni; ni = ni->parent)
233 fprintf(stderr, "%s<%"PRIhash"> ", coord2sstr(ni->coord, t->board), ni->hash);
234 fprintf(stderr, "marking invalid %s node %d,%d res %d group %d spk %d\n",
235 stone2str(node_color), coord_x(n->coord,b), coord_y(n->coord,b),
236 res, group_at(&b2, m.coord), b2.superko_violation);
238 n->hints |= TREE_HINT_INVALID;
239 result = 0;
240 goto end;
243 if (is_pass(n->coord))
244 passes++;
245 else
246 passes = 0;
249 if (amaf) {
250 amaf->game_baselen = amaf->gamelen;
251 amaf->record_nakade = u->playout_amaf_nakade;
254 if (u->dynkomi > b2.moves && (player_color & u->dynkomi_mask))
255 b2.komi += uct_get_extra_komi(u, &b2);
257 if (passes >= 2) {
258 /* XXX: No dead groups support. */
259 float score = board_official_score(&b2, NULL);
260 /* Result from black's perspective (no matter who
261 * the player; black's perspective is always
262 * what the tree stores. */
263 result = - (score * 2);
265 if (UDEBUGL(5))
266 fprintf(stderr, "[%d..%d] %s p-p scoring playout result %d (W %f)\n",
267 player_color, node_color, coord2sstr(n->coord, t->board), result, score);
268 if (UDEBUGL(6))
269 board_print(&b2, stderr);
271 struct uct_board *ub = b->es; assert(ub);
272 board_ownermap_fill(&ub->ownermap, &b2);
274 } else { assert(u->parallel_tree || tree_leaf_node(n));
275 /* In case of parallel tree search, the assertion might
276 * not hold if two threads chew on the same node. */
277 result = uct_leaf_node(u, &b2, player_color, amaf, t, n, node_color, spaces);
280 if (amaf && u->playout_amaf_cutoff) {
281 int cutoff = amaf->game_baselen;
282 cutoff += (amaf->gamelen - amaf->game_baselen) * u->playout_amaf_cutoff / 100;
283 /* Now, reconstruct the amaf map. */
284 memset(amaf->map, 0, board_size2(&b2) * sizeof(*amaf->map));
285 for (int i = 0; i < cutoff; i++) {
286 coord_t coord = amaf->game[i].coord;
287 enum stone color = amaf->game[i].color;
288 if (amaf->map[coord] == S_NONE || amaf->map[coord] == color) {
289 amaf->map[coord] = color;
290 /* Nakade always recorded for in-tree part */
291 } else if (amaf->record_nakade || i <= amaf->game_baselen) {
292 amaf_op(amaf->map[n->coord], +);
297 assert(n == t->root || n->parent);
298 if (result != 0) {
299 float rval = scale_value(u, b, result);
301 u->policy->update(u->policy, t, n, node_color, player_color, amaf, rval);
303 if (u->root_heuristic && n->parent) {
304 if (!t->chvals) {
305 t->chvals = calloc(board_size2(b), sizeof(t->chvals[0]));
306 t->chchvals = calloc(board_size2(b), sizeof(t->chchvals[0]));
309 /* Possibly transform the rval appropriately. */
310 rval = stats_temper_value(rval, n->parent->u.value, u->root_heuristic);
312 struct tree_node *ni = n;
313 while (ni->parent->parent && ni->parent->parent->parent)
314 ni = ni->parent;
315 if (ni->parent->parent) {
316 if (likely(!is_pass(ni->coord)))
317 stats_add_result(&t->chchvals[ni->coord], rval, 1);
318 ni = ni->parent;
320 assert(ni->parent && !ni->parent->parent);
322 if (likely(!is_pass(ni->coord)))
323 stats_add_result(&t->chvals[ni->coord], rval, 1);
327 end:
328 /* We need to undo the virtual loss we added during descend. */
329 if (u->virtual_loss) {
330 int parity = (node_color == player_color ? 1 : -1);
331 for (; n->parent; n = n->parent) {
332 stats_rm_result(&n->u, tree_parity(t, parity) > 0 ? 0 : 1, 1);
333 parity = -parity;
337 if (dstater) free(dstater);
338 if (dstate) free(dstate);
339 if (amaf) {
340 free(amaf->map - 1);
341 free(amaf);
343 board_done_noalloc(&b2);
344 return result;
348 uct_playouts(struct uct *u, struct board *b, enum stone color, struct tree *t, int games)
350 /* Should we print progress info? In case all threads work on the same
351 * tree, only the first thread does. */
352 #define ok_to_talk (!u->parallel_tree || !thread_id)
354 int i;
355 for (i = 0; i < games; i++) {
356 int result = uct_playout(u, b, color, t);
357 if (result == 0) {
358 /* Tree descent has hit invalid move. */
359 continue;
362 if (unlikely(ok_to_talk && i > 0 && !(i % 10000))) {
363 uct_progress_status(u, t, color, i);
366 if (i > 0 && !(i % 500)) {
367 struct tree_node *best = u->policy->choose(u->policy, t->root, b, color);
368 if (best && ((best->u.playouts >= 2000 && tree_node_get_value(t, 1, best->u.value) >= u->loss_threshold)
369 || (best->u.playouts >= 500 && tree_node_get_value(t, 1, best->u.value) >= 0.95)))
370 break;
373 if (uct_halt) {
374 if (UDEBUGL(2))
375 fprintf(stderr, "<halting early, %d games skipped>\n", games - i);
376 break;
380 if (ok_to_talk) {
381 uct_progress_status(u, t, color, i);
382 if (UDEBUGL(3))
383 tree_dump(t, u->dumpthres);
385 return i;