graph: rename update to update_signals
[oscopy/ivan.git] / oscopy_app
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 """
3 Sample command line application
4 """
5 import gobject
6 import gtk
8 import re
9 import readline
10 import os.path
11 from optparse import OptionParser
12 import oscopy
13 from oscopy.readers.reader import ReadError
15 from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtkagg import FigureCanvasGTKAgg as FigureCanvas
16 from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtkagg import NavigationToolbar2GTKAgg as NavigationToolbar
18 class OscopyApp(object):
19 """ Analyse command arguments and call function from Cmd
20 See Cmd for more help
21 """
22 def __init__(self):
23 self.cmds = oscopy.Context()
24 # Prompt
25 p = "oscopy> "
26 # History file
27 self.hist_file = ".oscopy_hist"
29 # Readline configuration
30 if not os.path.exists(self.hist_file):
31 f = open(self.hist_file, "w")
32 f.write("figlist")
33 f.close()
34 readline.read_history_file(self.hist_file)
36 # Parse command line arguments
37 # Current options:
38 # -b : batch mode, read commands from file
39 # -i : interactive mode, do not quit at the end of batch file
40 # -q : do not display startup message
41 parser = OptionParser()
42 parser.add_option("-b", "--batch", dest="fn",\
43 help="Execute commands in FILE then exit",\
44 metavar="FILE")
45 parser.add_option("-i", "--interactive", action="store_true",\
46 dest="inter",\
47 help="Go to interactive mode after executing batch file")
48 parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true",\
49 dest="quiet",\
50 help="Do not display startup message")
51 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
52 if options.fn is None:
53 f = None
54 else:
55 try:
56 f = open(options.fn, 'r')
57 except IOError, e:
58 print "Unable to access batch file:", e
59 f = None
60 if options.inter == True:
61 batch = False
62 else:
63 batch = True
65 # Startup message
66 if options.quiet is None:
67 print "This is oscopy, a program to view electrical simulation results\n\
68 Copyright (C) 2009 Arnaud Gardelein.\n\
69 This is free software, you are invited to redistribute it \n\
70 under certain conditions.\n\
74 # Current graph and current figure
75 self._current_figure = None
76 self._current_graph = None
77 self._figcount = 0
79 # Start main loop
80 self.loop(p, f, batch)
82 def create(self, args):
83 if args == "help":
84 print "Usage : create [SIG [, SIG [, SIG]...]]"
85 print " Create a new figure, set_ it as current, add the signals"
86 return
87 self.cmds.create(self.get_signames(args))
88 self._current_figure = self.cmds.figures[len(self.cmds.figures) - 1]
89 if self._current_figure.graphs:
90 self._current_graph =\
91 self._current_figure.graphs[len(\
92 self._current_figure.graphs) - 1]
93 else:
94 self._current_graph = None
96 def destroy(self, args):
97 if args == "help":
98 print "Usage : destroy FIG#"
99 print " Destroy a figure"
100 return
101 self.cmds.destroy(eval(args))
102 # Go back to the first graph of the first figure or None
103 if len(self.cmds.figures):
104 self._current_figure = self.cmds.figures[0]
105 if self._current_figure.graphs:
106 self._current_graph = self._current_figure.graphs[0]
107 else:
108 self._current_graph = None
109 else:
110 self._current_figure = None
111 self._current_graph = None
113 def select(self, args):
114 if args == "help":
115 print "Usage: select FIG#-GRAPH#"
116 print " Select the current figure and the current graph"
117 return
118 s = args.split('-')
119 num = eval(s[0])
120 if len(s) > 1:
121 gn = eval(s[1])
122 else:
123 print "Usage: select FIG#-GRAPH#"
124 return
125 # self.cmds.current = num, gn
126 self._current_figure = self.cmds.figures[num - 1]
127 self._current_graph = self._current_figure.graphs[gn - 1]
129 def layout(self, args):
130 if args == "help":
131 print "Usage : layout horiz|vert|quad"
132 print " Define the layout of the current figure"
133 return
134 if self._current_figure is not None:
135 self._current_figure.layout = args
137 def figlist(self, args):
138 if args == "help":
139 print "Usage : figlist"
140 print " Print the list of figures"
141 return
143 SEPARATOR = " "
144 for fn, f in enumerate(self.cmds.figures):
145 print "%s Figure %d: %s" %\
146 ([" ", "*"][f == self._current_figure],\
147 fn + 1, f.layout)
148 for gn, g in enumerate(f.graphs):
149 print " %s Graph %d : (%s) %s" %\
150 ([" ","*"][g == self._current_graph],\
151 gn + 1, g.type,\
152 SEPARATOR.join(g.signals.keys()))
154 def plot(self, args):
155 if args == "help":
156 print "Usage : plot"
157 print " Draw and show the figures"
158 return
159 if self._figcount == len(self.cmds.figures):
161 else:
162 # Create a window for each figure, add navigation toolbar
163 self._figcount = 0
164 for i, f in enumerate(self.cmds.figures):
165 # fig = plt.figure(i + 1)
166 w = gtk.Window()
167 self._figcount += 1
168 w.set_title('Figure %d' % self._figcount)
169 vbox = gtk.VBox()
170 w.add(vbox)
171 canvas = FigureCanvas(f)
172 canvas.connect('destroy', self._window_destroy)
173 vbox.pack_start(canvas)
174 toolbar = NavigationToolbar(canvas, w)
175 vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False, False)
176 w.resize(640, 480)
177 w.show_all()
178 self._main_loop = gobject.MainLoop()
181 def _window_destroy(self, arg):
182 self._figcount = self._figcount - 1
183 if not self._figcount:
184 self._main_loop.quit()
185 return False
187 def read(self, args):
188 if args == "help":
189 print "Usage : load DATAFILE"
190 print " Load signal file"
191 return
192 fn = args
193 try:
195 except ReadError, e:
196 print "Failed to read %s:" % fn, e
197 return
198 except NotImplementedError:
199 print "File format not supported"
200 return
202 print fn, ":"
203 for signal in self.cmds.signals:
204 if signal["reader"] == fn:
205 print '%s / %s %s' % (signal['name'],\
206 signal['reference'],\
207 signal['unit'])
209 def write(self, args):
210 if args == "help":
211 print "Usage: write format [(OPTIONS)] FILE SIG [, SIG [, SIG]...]"
212 print " Write signals to file"
213 return
214 # Extract format, options and signal list
215 tmp ='(?P<fmt>\w+)\s*(?P<opts>\([^\)]*\))?\s+(?P<fn>[\w\./]+)\s+(?P<sigs>\w+(\s*,\s*\w+)*)', args)
217 if tmp is None:
218 print "What format ? Where ? Which signals ?"
219 return
220 fmt ='fmt')
221 fn ='fn')
222 opt ='opts')
223 sns = self.get_signames('sigs'))
224 opts = {}
225 if opt is not None:
226 for on in opt.strip('()').split(','):
227 tmp = on.split(':', 1)
228 if len(tmp) == 2:
229 opts[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
230 try:
231 self.cmds.write(fn, fmt, sns, opts)
232 except WriteError, e:
233 print "Write error:", e
234 return
235 except NotImplementedError:
236 print "File format not supported"
237 return
239 def update(self, args):
240 if args == "help":
241 print "Usage: update"
242 print " Reread data files"
243 return
244 self.cmds.update()
246 def add(self, args):
247 if args == "help":
248 print "Usage : add SIG [, SIG [, SIG]...]"
249 print " Add a graph to the current figure"
250 return
251 if self._current_figure is not None:
252 self._current_figure.add(self.cmds.names_to_signals(\
253 self.get_signames(args)))
254 self._current_graph =\
255 self._current_figure.graphs[len(\
256 self._current_figure.graphs) - 1]
257 else:
258 self.cmds.create(self.get_signames(args))
259 if self.cmds.figures:
260 self._current_figure = self.cmds.figures[0]
261 else:
262 print "Create failed"
264 def delete(self, args):
265 if args == "help":
266 print "Usage : delete GRAPH#"
267 print " Delete a graph from the current figure"
268 return
269 if self._current_figure is not None:
270 self._current_figure.delete(args)
271 if self._current_figure.graphs:
272 self._current_graph = self._current_figure.graphs[0]
273 else:
274 self._current_graph = None
276 def mode(self, args):
277 if args == "help":
278 print "Usage: mode MODE"
279 print " Set the type of the current graph of the current figure"
280 print "Available modes :\n\
281 lin Linear graph\n"
282 # fft Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of signals\n\
283 # ifft Inverse FFT of signals"
284 return
285 if self._current_graph is None:
286 return
287 idx = self._current_figure.graphs.index(self._current_graph)
288 self._current_figure.mode = self._current_graph, mode
289 self._current_graph = self._current_figure.graphs[idx]
291 def scale(self, args):
292 if args == "help":
293 print "Usage: scale [lin|logx|logy|loglog]"
294 print " Set the axis scale"
295 return
296 if self._current_graph is None:
297 return
298 self._current_graph.scale = args
300 def range(self, args):
301 if args == "help":
302 print "Usage: range [x|y min max]|[xmin xmax ymin ymax]|[reset]"
303 print " Set the axis range of the current graph of the current figure"
304 return
305 if self._current_graph is None:
306 return
308 range = args.split()
309 if len(range) == 1:
310 if range[0] == "reset":
311 self._current_graph.range = range[0]
312 elif len(range) == 3:
313 if range[0] == 'x' or range[0] == 'y':
314 self._current_graph.range = range[0],\
315 [float(range[1]), float(range[2])]
316 elif len(range) == 4:
317 self._current_graph.range = [float(range[0]), float(range[1]),\
318 float(range[2]), float(range[3])]
320 def unit(self, args):
321 if args == "help":
322 print "Usage: unit [XUNIT,] YUNIT"
323 print " Set the unit to be displayed on graph axis"
324 return
326 units = args.split(",", 1)
327 if len(units) < 1 or self._current_graph is None:
328 return
329 elif len(units) == 1:
330 self._current_graph.unit = units[0].strip(),
331 elif len(units) == 2:
332 self._current_graph.unit = units[0].strip(), units[1].strip()
333 else:
334 return
336 def insert(self, args):
337 if args == "help":
338 print "Usage: insert SIG [, SIG [, SIG]...]"
339 print " Insert a list of signals into the current graph"
340 return
341 if self._current_graph is None:
342 return
343 self._current_graph.insert(self.cmds.names_to_signals(\
344 self.get_signames(args)))
346 def remove(self, args):
347 if args == "help":
348 print "Usage: remove SIG [, SIG [, SIG]...]"
349 print " Delete a list of signals into from current graph"
350 return
351 if self._current_graph is None:
352 return
353 self._current_graph.remove(self.cmds.names_to_signals(\
354 self.get_signames(args)))
356 def freeze(self, args):
357 if args == "help":
358 print "Usage: freeze SIG [, SIG [, SIG]...]"
359 print " Do not consider signal for subsequent updates"
360 self.cmds.freeze(self.get_signames(args))
362 def unfreeze(self, args):
363 if args == "help":
364 print "Usage: unfreeze SIG [, SIG [, SIG]...]"
365 print " Consider signal for subsequent updates"
366 self.cmds.unfreeze(self.get_signames(args))
368 def siglist(self, args):
369 if args == "help":
370 print "Usage : siglist"
371 print " List loaded signals"
372 return
373 SEPARATOR = "\t"
374 HEADER=["Name", "Unit", "Ref", "Reader"]
375 print SEPARATOR.join(HEADER)
376 for reader_name, reader in self.cmds.readers.iteritems():
377 for signal_name, signal in reader.signals.iteritems():
378 print SEPARATOR.join((signal_name, \
379 signal.unit,\
381 reader_name))
383 def math(self, inp):
384 if inp == "help":
385 print "Usage: destsig=mathexpr"
386 print " Define a new signal destsig using mathematical expression"
387 return
388 try:
389 self.cmds.math(inp)
390 except ReadError, e:
391 print "Error creating signal from math expression", e
392 return
394 def get_signames(self, args):
395 """ Return the signal names list extracted from the commandline
396 The list must be a coma separated list of signal names.
397 If no signals are loaded of no signal are found, return []
399 sns = []
400 if args == "":
401 sns = []
402 else:
403 for sn in args.split(","):
404 sns.append(sn.strip())
405 return sns
407 def help(self, args):
408 """ Display help messages
410 if args == "":
411 print "\
412 Commands related to figures:\n\
413 create create a new figure\n\
414 destroy delete a figure\n\
415 select define the current figure and the current graph\n\
416 layout set_ the layout (either horiz, vert or quad)\n\
417 figlist list the existing figures\n\
418 plot draw and show the figures\n\
419 Commands related to graphs:\n\
420 add add a graph to the current figure\n\
421 delete delete a graph from the current figure\n\
422 mode set_ the mode of the current graph of the current figure\n\
423 unit set_ the units of the current graph of the current figure\n\
424 scale set_ the scale of the current graph of the current figure\n\
425 range set_ the axis range of the current graph of the current figure\n\
426 Commands related to signals:\n\
427 read read signals from file\n\
428 write write signals to file\n\
429 update reread signals from file(s)\n\
430 insert add a signal to the current graph of the current figure\n\
431 remove delete a signal from the current graph of the current figure\n\
432 (un)freeze toggle signal update\n\
433 siglist list the signals\n\
434 Misc commands:\n\
435 echo print a message\n\
436 pause wait for the user to press enter\n\
437 quit, exit exit the program\n\
438 help display this help message\n\
440 During plot:\n\
441 1, 2 Toggle first and second vertical cursors\n\
442 3, 4 Toggle first and second horizontal cursors\n\
443 Maths:\n\
444 SIG = EXPR Compute a signal from mathematical expression\n\
445 SIG = [i]fft(SIG)\n\
446 Compute Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) or inverse FFT from SIG\n\
448 Help for individual command can be obtained with 'help COMMAND'\
450 else:
451 if args in dir(cmds):
452 eval("self." + args + "(\"help\")")
453 else:
454 print "Unknown command", args
456 def echo(self, args):
457 if args == "help":
458 print "Usage: echo [TEXT]"
459 print " Print text"
460 return
461 print args
463 def pause(self, args):
464 if args == "help":
465 print "Usage: pause"
466 print " Wait for the user to press enter"
467 return
468 inp = raw_input("Press enter")
470 def loop(self, p, f = None, batch = False):
471 # Main loop
472 while True:
473 try:
474 if f is None:
475 inp = raw_input(p)
476 else:
477 try:
478 inp = f.readline().rstrip("\n")
479 if inp == "":
480 if batch == True:
481 # Batch mode, exit at the end of script
482 break
483 else:
484 # Interactive mode, continue with command line
485 f = None
486 continue
487 except IOError, e:
488 print "Script error:", e
489 f.close()
490 f = None
491 # Check if line is a comment
492 if inp.lstrip().startswith("#"):
493 continue
494 # Check if command is assignment
495 if inp.find("=") >= 0:
496 self.math(inp)
497 continue
499 # Separate command from args
500 if inp.find(" ") >= 0:
501 st = inp.lstrip().split(' ', 1)
502 cmd = st[0]
503 args = st[1]
504 # print "cmd:", cmd, "args:", args
505 else:
506 cmd = inp
507 args = ""
509 # End of program
510 if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit":
511 break
513 # Evaluate the command
514 if cmd in dir(self):
515 eval("self." + cmd + "(args)")
516 else:
517 print cmd, "not supported"
518 continue
520 except EOFError:
521 break
523 # except AttributeError, e:
524 # print "Unknown command:", e.message
525 # continue
527 # except NameError, e:
528 # print "Unknown command", e.message
529 # continue
531 except SyntaxError, e:
532 print "Syntax Error", e.message
533 continue
535 except ReadError, e:
536 print "Error in read :", e
538 readline.write_history_file(self.hist_file)
540 if __name__ == "__main__":
541 o = OscopyApp()